Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 31 Dec 1970, p. 4

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The newly established Water- front Advisory Board of the Metro Conservation Authority has recommended several major steps in the implementation of the 50 mile waterfront plan for the Metro area. At a meeting December 17 the board recommended two large lakefront landfill projects, and a million-dollar property acquisition program along the Pickering Ajax Shoreline for 1971. One of the landfill projects will create between 30 and 40 acres of land extending from the west bank of Mimico Creek into the lake on a water lot presently owned by Etobicoke. Landfill Projects, fi-_~-0~ .0-0- .( -u-n-0.()-l.< -( -mvw -( .«g CORRESPONDENT :’I--1-.0.0.~ If you enjoyvserving your community and working with people then phone our Editor (Sam Cook). This is a paid part time position. ING CITY, OAK RIDGES LAKE WILCOX “The Liberal" is always pleased to publish interest regarding people and events in the Oak Cake Wilcox and King City districts. Our new pondent in Oak Ridges - Lake Wilcox is Mrs. Orton. Yonge Street, 773-4635, in King City Mar; Dawns Jonas FISH &CHIPS It was Christmas for the pupils of Oak Ridges Public School December 16, but they were on the giving, not the receiving end. During the Christmas program, jointly sponsored by the pupils, teachers and the Oak Ridges Parent-Teacher Association the youngsters packed the toys they have been collecting and repairing for several weeks and presented them to two repre- sentatives of the Georgina Island Indians, to be distributed to the children there. “,1. hr In the picture above are: front row (left to right) Raymond Jackson, Christina Bahen and George Niemeyer with their arms full of beautiful dolls which will bring happiness to many little girls on Christmas morning. Back row are (same order) Mrs. Andrew Big Canoe, wife of the chief of the Georgina Island Indians, Mrs. Peggy Clarke of the PTA, Principal Ed Burlew and Mrs. Charles Big Canoe, also of Georgina Island. Included in the Christmas Gifts were other toys, skates, books and baby items. “The Liberal” requires a correspondent for THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Dec. 31, 1970 I89 YONGE STREET NORTH PHONE: 884-9291 THE KING CITY AREA “The Liberal ” 0a/( Ridges Children learn la y 0f Giving PHONE 884-1 105 William McLean, project dirâ€"l ector of the waterfront plan, re- ported that proceeding with this work will enable a waterfront development project to be com- pleted in a relatively short per- iod of time. It will provide boat launching facilities and a small park area in a section of the waterfront where these facilities are now lacking. The second landfill project is at the foot of Brimley Road in Scarboro and will form a nar- row headland extending south and west into the lake. This will provide erosion control for the “Needles” section of the Scar- boro Bluffs, as well as a scenic park walkway for pedestrians ’ fresh flavour! Property Sites On Fifty Mile Metro Waterfront into the lake for viewing the bluffs from lake level. Mr McLean told the board that landfill work on Ontario Place which is presently absorb- ing fill from any construction sites should be finished late in February or in early March. This fill will then become av- ailable for other sites. The board recommended spending $1 million of its pro- posed $4 million budget for 1971 to continue assembly of land along the Pickering-Ajax waterfront where more than 2,000 acres of land have already been purchased for future dev- elopment. Land will be pur- chased as it becomes available and when individuals are wil- ling to sell, Mr. McLean told the board. The conservation authority create new 9001‘ OpenlngS and now owns land in the lower order alterations to the admin- reaches of the Rouge Rivenand isu'ative area- Dufferin creek, as well as'the Superintendent of Planning Petticoat Creek conservation and Development Stephen Bacâ€" area and land in the French salmasi assured the trustees that man’s Bay area_ Acquisition of the work will be done as further property will be sched- qPiFI‘IY. as P°§5ible: “We are uled over a period of years. 5'1"'“" 't "613' high priority." The board also recommended that meetings be held with of- ficials of Etobicoke and Scar- boro and the Toronto Harbor Commission to determine the best means of co-ordinating and constructing the landfill pro- jects. The landfill on the Etobicoke lakefront is the initial phase of a $2 million park that includes c a n a 1 s , lakes, ornamental fountains and pedestrian walk- ways. The Scarbom headland is part of a five-\phase program to pre- serve natural beauty of the bluffs while opening up that section of the lakefront for pub- lic use. The board also recommended a meeting With municipal and provincial officials and a group of several organizations active in the Ashbridge’s Bay area to discuss proposals for proceed- ing with the design for perman- ent improvements in that area. Mr. McLean said the Ash- bridge’s Bay Yacht Club, a cat- amaran club. the Toronto Hydroplane Club, Toronto Sea Scouts and a public launching ramp located at Ashbridge‘s Bay have difficulty in operating out of the existing facilities due to a continuing silting problem at the mouth of the harbor. He said this problem is accentua- ted by the storm sewer outfalls to the bay. A meeting was recommended by the board with officials of the Metro and Scarboro parks departments to determine a hasâ€" ic land use policy for East Point Park in Scarboro which can be presented to the councils of the two municipalities and the board for consideration. The waterfront plan calls for development of major recrea- tion facility at East Point Park, including a 580 acre slip marina. boat launching ramp, a sailing club, sports field and picnic areas. Metro is now carrying out de- sign work for a water filtration plant in the area and considera- tion is also being given to exten- sion of the Highland Creek sew- “The Liberal” is always pleased to publish items of interest regarding people and events in the Oak Ridges - flake Wilcox and King City districts. Our news corres- pondent in Oak Ridges - Lake Wilcox is Mrs. Elisabeth Orton, Yonge Street, 773-4635, in King City Mary Dawson, 884-1105. (Photo by Stuart’s Studio! age treatment plant at the east end of East Point Park. Mr. McLean said decisions on the ultimate use of the property must be made in the near fut- ure so that this can be co-ordin- ated with these two projects. Alterations Schomberg School Top Priority To meet these requirements, the board will have a fire alarm system installed, will construct new stairwell enclosures, convert staffroom and corridor to form a library resource centre, replace ceilings with non-combustible materials, order lighting im- provements, mechanical im- provements in the boiler room. create new door openings and order alterations to the admin- istrative area. The board also recommended that lakefront municipalities re- view land use proposals close to the shoreline of the lake to av- oid having private development conflict with the waterfront development program. Alterations to Schomberg Public School at an estimated cost of about $51,046. have been given “very high priority” by York County Board of Educa- tion. 'At a meeting December 14 the board received a report of the Ontario Fire Marshal item- izing 15 improvements neces- sary in the older part of the school. College Preparatory Courses offer mature students an opportunity to upgrade their academic qualifications so that they may qualify to apply for admission to a diploma or certificate program at a College of Applied Arts and Technology. Applicants must be 19 years of age or over on January 4, 1971 and have completed a satisfactory level of academic work. All applicants are considered on the basis of individual qualifications and will be required to take either a one or a two semester program. The following subjects are offered Mathematics English Physics Typing J 1 i WINTER SEMESTER: JANUARY 4 TO APRIL 23, 1971 THESE COURSES ARE AVAILABLE IN THE DAY PROGRAM ONLY AT THE SHEPPARD CAMPUS (AT YONGE STREET). For further information contact The Registrar, Occupational Training Division, telephone 223-9661. SENECA COLLEGE Each semester is for a length of is $48.00 with books and supplies W. T. Newnham President College Preparatory Program (WWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWWTWWW.mmwmwimWWmeWWWWwwm . gSpace Age Opportunity For Whltchurch-Stouffvllle Councillor David S c h i 1 1 e 1‘ failed December 21 in an at- tempt to have tenders called for the winter maintenance of roads in the portions of Whitchurch and King Townships which will be coming into Richmond Hill on January 1. At its December 14 meeting the organization committee (the 1971 council) had approved a contract with Gormley Sand & Gravel for this work. Mr. Schiller claimed he had since heard from another area contractor that he had told the town officials some time ago that he would like an oppor- tunity to bid on this contract. Maintaining that whenever a contract is let for spending of ‘public funds on public services, tenders should be called, Mr. Sch‘illel‘ stated, “There is at Schiller Raises Objections £-m1mmuummmummmmummnmuuununuummmmnmmmmnmun1nmmummuumn\\lum\\\mumnmmmuu\m\uumnmnnnmm“\muumnmml\\l\\m\unmuwmnmm\mmnuuununmnumnmmmmnuI“\mummnummnunumum“mmunnuImuuumunmumu King-Whitchurch Contract With Gormley Firm Stands ::~m\um“munmmunuml\uummuumuuuumuuunnuIuumumuunull“mum!numummmuuu\mnmun\muuuuuummuu\\1\\lImumumuumuununu\uul1l1muumumumumuunmmmumm1nnnummuuuummmmmmuuuunmum“mnmulmu\uuumuuuumuxllu\\\\uu\\\\uuumuu\\\lmulumum\u\\uu\u\mmu-F Brampton Reassessment Completed Market Value Parity ls Evident Reassessment on market value has just been completed in Brampton, the last municipality in the County of Peel to be done. In September, Minister of MuLicipal Affairs Darcy Mc-. Keough, meeting with Rich- mond Hill taxpayers in Don Head Secondary School an- nounced that when the reasses- sment was completed in Bramp- ton the Ontario Government would be able to come up with special legislation for York and Peel Counties to ease the tax- ation burden on some taxpayers caused by the provincial govern- ment guidelines. A complete review of market reassessment procedures has been carried out to reach a new total assessment of more than $400 million, the previous as- sessment was $77 million. The assessment review was baSed on 359 home sales in Brampton from October 1 to September 30, 1970 and the ratio of asses- sment to sale value was 96.76 percent. In Brampton a basic rate for a 50x110 foot residential lot was set‘ at from $10,000 to $14,- 000 market value. One percent per foot was added for wider frontages and for a 40-foot dif- ferential in depth eight percent was added. All buildings were reassessed Vision’s decision. _ at replacement cost minus de- It IS estimated the decrswn preciation so . the assessment could cause a loss in taxation nOtices will include the land revenue to the tOWIIShiP of Value plus the net building as- $184,775. sessment. Assessment notices Readjustment will probably are now in the mail and proper-result in a heavier burden being ty owners have until January 13 placed on non-farming com- to appeal them. 'munities such as Brampton. The last meeting of council Monday December 7 was ty- pical, although mercifully short. as the old disappearing administration gave all but its last gasps. The crying need for mod- ernization. streamlining and efficiency in the conduct of Whitchurch Township Coun- cil affairs remains as evident at the close of 1970 as it was at the beginning of the year. Comparison of Whitchurch Township Council’s proce- dures with those of the new ultra-modem municipal man- ager system adopted by the York Regional Council re- veals an almost unbelievable contrast. Hopefully the newly or- ganized Whitchurch-Stouffâ€" ville municipality and its new council will pull its roots out of the 19th Century and opt for the space age. ' It’s like comparing the horse and buggy with a space ship. OF APPLIED ARTS AND TECHNOLOGY 43 SHEPPARD AVENUE EAST WILLOWDALE, ONTARIO ANIMAL HOSPITAL OF OAK RIDGES 22 YONGE STREET NORTH (North of King Sideroad) PHONE 773-4313 J. Van Gorder DVM BY HAROLD BLAINE Natural Science Chemistry Drafting Orientation 16 weeks. The fee per semester extra. least one contractor and there may be four who can tender and be ready to start the work Jain- uary 1. A single bid contract is a past way of doing business for municipalities. Tendering is the only fair and just way.” Admitting that council could have been wrong in making a decision on one bid, Mayor William Lazenby went on to point out its reasons â€" the fact that time was running out, that the contractor was willing to do the job, to stockpile the sand and that the town had to have someone ready to start out as soon as January I began, if needed. “Speed is of the essence," stated Regional Councillor Gor- don Rowe. “We had secured agreéments with Vaughan and Markham Townships to carry on Basic rate for industrial land‘ in the east end was set at $14,- 000 an acre, prime areas were reassessed at $15,000 an acre. Another $1,000 was added to corner locations. Small indust- rial properties of less than an acre were assessed at a min- imum of $15,000. Total increase in assessment on all types of buildings and land was estimated at approxi- mately six times former values. Residential properties have in- creased 5.82 times, outlying commercial 6.01 times, core area commercial 3.5 times, in- dustrial 5.97 times and high- rise 5.3 times. Reduced Farm Land to $260 Last year Ching'uacousy Town- ship farmer Cyril Clark received his assessment notice, which be- cause of reassessment rated his land at $413 per acre. In 1967 and in 1968 his land had been assessed at $10,000. In 1969 this jumped to $76,600 and his taxes climbed from $610 to $1,400. In January of this year he appeared before the court of revision and his land assessment was reduced from $413 to $260. Peel County appealed this deci- sion and it was heard as a test case last week before the OMB, which upheld the court of re- vision’s decision. It is estimated the decision could cause a loss in taxation revenue to the township of $184,775. The new 1971 council has been holding a series of un- official meetings and laying the groundwork for the com- ing year. Its members could do well to get a handbook on modern municipal administration. They could also very profit- ably attend a couple of meet- ings of regional council to learn how the affairs of a municipality can be efficient- ly conducted. The new Whitchurch Stouffville Council has set its regular meeting dates for next year. The council will meet on the first Tuesday of each month at 7:30 pm and on the third Tuesday of each month at 1 pm. The meetings will be held in the former Stouffville Council Cham- bers. There are a number of items in the old Whitchurch Twp. Council’s procedures that the sitting and re-elected councillors could well shake off like dust from their feet. R. N. Garriock Chairman of the Board . Leonard DVM with road maintenance until spring at our expense. King Township had expressed a will- ingness to go along with this plan, but Whitchurch Township would have no part of it. To get a better price we added the King Township roads to the Whitchurch ones and King Township generously accepted this arrangement.” “The proposal was made in good faith,” continued Mayor Lazenby, as he pointed out that once the rates contained in the contract became public know- ledge, it would be unfair to re- open the matter. - Councillor Stewart Bell, who represents the area concerned on the area municipality council, contributed,” Even with Whit- church looking after the roads, I have had trouble getting out. On some occasions school had to be cancelled because of im- passable roads. We had to have someone ready to do the work in sufficient time for him to plan his snowplowing program so that it will be effective.” The company will be paid a standby fee of $21 a day with $15 per hour for operational time for graders equipped with plows, wings, etc., $20 per day standby and $10 per hour opera- tional time‘ for sanders; $13.35 per day standby for loader. It will be interesting to see whether Councillors Mrs. Betty van Nostrand. Merlyn Baker and Gordon Ratcliff do act like elected represen- tatives stepping into the space age in 1971. It would be hard to fashion a council procedure more likely to engender public apathy, exasperate interested citizens and interfere with the public right to know â€"â€" than the one followed in Whitchurch this year. Nor could there be a muni- cipal system more likely to allow elected representatives to interfere in the executive and staff functions of the municipality. All year Whitchurch Town- ship Council meetings have droned on for hours as the clerk read the letters he or she wrote during the past two or three weeks. Then the clerk would read the long list of letters received by the municipality during the same time period. THE I970 FARM The 1970 Farm Tax Reduction Program is the most recent phase in the Government of Ontario's long-term plan to reform the system of local taxation in this province. This program will help farm property owners to pay their municipal and education taxes. Farm'property owners will receive $20,000,000 in speciai assistance from the Government of Ontario. This amounts to 25 percent of the net municipal taxes on eligible farm property. To be eligible, the property owner must live in Ontario. Also, if the farm property is less than 11 acres, it must have yielded $2,000 or more in gross income during the year. Cheques and information leaflets are being mailed out by the Department of Municipal Affairs to every eligible farm owner. The Municipal Subsidies Branch Department of Municipal Affairs 801 Bay Street, Toronto 5, Ontario DEPARTMENT OF MUNICIPAL AFFAIRS W. DARCY McKEOUGH MINISTER PROGRAM Additional information may be obtained from: lluuou. Alvvr ....... The. York County-Toronto assured the danger is ‘area, m a recent survey conduc- The Department of ted by the Department of Lands . .. Forests also sugges and Forests, has shown Signifi- areas where hunting cant increase over 1969 in the Stficted property ow] incidence of rabies. particularly encourage hunters to ‘amongst skunks. Skunk rabies on their property e (has nearly tripled since 1967. ‘ . ’ l . . . there is known to be- This W111 be even greater this 0 ulation Adequate year because of a high skunk a): 0 ula'tion lowex reproductive rate during the dew: pof contact 2 past summer, we are warned. quently the rabies Here are a few tips to keep inISignificantly reduced Winter Months Bring Increase In Wildlife Rabies Incidence The arrival of snow and cold mind concerning rabies in wild- weather again brings the warnâ€" life: ing that the incidence of rabies Beware of skunks seen during increases drastically in the win- the day or wandering into your ter months. The disease reaches yard. Rabid skunks or foxes may its peak then, p a rtic ula rly appear either friendly or ex- amongst foxes and skunks, the tremer aggressive (strange be- two major carriers. lhavior). As well, unfortunately, hu- mans also become involved â€" humane adults attempt to help a wild animal which appears to be in “distress, young children try to pat and fondle the new “dog- gie” or “kitty” that appears in the backyard â€"- and many of them are bitten, have to under go the tortures of the Pasteur serum treatment. to save their lives (since untreated rabies 'in humans has always been fatal) and months of worry because even it is not always effective and the incubation period can be lengthy. I One would almost think members of council couldn't read for themselves. Much of what is read during council could be screened by a re- sponsible municipal manager and sent directly to the ap- propriate committee or han- dled without taking up the time of council at all. 'Then the time of council could be taken up with mean- ingful discussion of the im- portant business. Citizens at- tending council meetings might have at least a hope of maintaining an interest. instead of being bombarded into unconsciousness by an endless stream of trivia. Whitchurch Council up to now seems to have been blissfully unawaxe of modern methods of report and letter duplication. Apparently pub- lic access to business before c0uncil is thought to be best made as difficult as possible. Copies of the business before council, such as by- laws and reports. have usualâ€" ly been unavailable to the DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE & FOOD WILLIAM A. STEWART MINISTER The County or District Offices of the Ontario Department of Agriculture and Food on their property, especially if there is known to be a large fox population. Adequate harvest of fox population lowers the inci- dence of contact and conse- quently the rabies problem is Beware of skunks seen during the day or wanderng into your yard. Rabid skunks or foxes may appear either friendly or ex- tremely aggressive (strange be- havior). If you have reason to believe an animal is infected, call Canine Control Kennels at 889- 1081 or your local police im- mediately after getting your children and pets inside the house. Keep them there until assured the danger is over. Young children especially should be warned not to touch any animals, wild or tame, ex- cept their own household pets, which should be confined in their own yard to lessen the chance of them becoming in- volved with wildlife. Remember a rabid animal’s bite can cause death or many weeks of suffer- mg. The Department of Lands and Forests also suggests that} in areas where hunting is not re- stricted property owners should encourage hunters to hunt foxes public during Whitchurch Council meetings. There is usually only one copy of important letters and communications. and this is in the clerk's hands for the records and staff use. Public access to information on such documents is elusive at best, and impossible for all practi- cal purposes. It is almost as if the Whit- church Township administra- tion has never heard of pub- bic relations and the ordin- ary methods of providing communication between the municipal corporation and the taxpayers. Next' year Whitchuijch- Stouffville will have a new council and a new municipa- lity in a new York Region system of municipal govern- ment. The pattern for the com- ing years will largely be set in the first few months. and the electors will soon know whether or not the munici- pality has entered a new age of enlightenment. nuummmuumnunnmn‘Aumuumna

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