Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 7 Jan 1971, p. 10

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10 (Continued from Page 9) at each other’s throat most of the timt know that, you’ll agree. And that’s the best reason I’ve never belonged to any clubs or groups. Have preferred to go it alone. I know I could be criticized for it but that’s me. The more people you’re around the more bick- ering you get involved with. n,,,n_ __.....L 4-» kn I haven’t got time for it. Don’t want to be dragged into the bickering, too. ‘ Will things be different in 1971? Not really. We’ll all try to go on living, improving things, but we really won’t and it doesn’t matter. We’ll have to be happy with the trying which, in the long run, is a lot to be happy with. ' I’m just happy to be alive. Once again, Happy New Year. And so people continue to maim and kill them- selves in the name of fun as represented by the snowmobile craze. I suppose it amounts to just one more way people manage to do themselves in but you still have to be amazed at the ages of some of those who fall victims to their own carelessness. A\ number of teenagers are killing themselves but its amazing how many people in their 40’s and 50’s are doing it, who, as we say, should know better. I noticed in the dailies a few quotes from Rich- mond Hill stockcar driver Jack Cook, who also races snowmobiles, on the rising toll. I’ll repeat it here hoping people will take heed but I’m afraid it’s the old story of always “the next guy who gets it” and not me. nu. Uuun Vvuu “own”. 7. “Snowmobiles bring out the animal instinct in a lot of people. Snowmobiles are much more diffi- cult to drive than stock cars. I operated a snowmo- bile for one whole Winter before I considered myself qualified to_dri\_/e one.” 1 I , L1-_!.- __n.-umr\1n:‘nu qualleuu uv ul1vv v“ . He said drivers often take their snowmobiles where they don’t have the necessary skills to oper- ate them. It’s harder to steer a snowmobile on a packed road than in an open field â€"- and it’s on roads that most snowmobile deaths occur.” ... a 1-1 Alan “Aqu uuv n-..y~__- I can only concur and pass on a bit of philos- ophy of my own. Just living is flirting with death but, as I always say, they’re going to have to come after me. I’m not going to them. Drive carefully, use your head. You get used to living. It has its bad points but it’s more fun than being dead. Of course, that’s just my opinion. , , , Spar! Spots . . . This is turning out to be a rather gloom-nik effort this week but so it goes. Received a phone call from Mrs. Maureen Lee of 496 Lynett Crescent who was very upset over an incident that occurred on the Mill Pond skating rink Sunday in connection with her five-year-old son Michael. It seems that Mrs. Lee dropped Michael and his 10-year-old brother, Chris, off at the rink to do some skating. There were some 100 adults using the rink with their children. Tiny Michael skated with his older brother and on one sequence fell and hurt his leg. It turned out to be fractured. Michael’s brother helped him crawl to the side of the rink where he lay for 50 minutes in pain while the adults (sounds beautiful, doesn’t it) ignored Chris’ pleas for help. One adult paused long enough to advise Chris that he should “go call a doctor, kid,” and then con- tinued on with his Sunday skating. Chris asked another adult for help. He mumbled something about being “sorry, but I’m skating over here with my own children.” _,A . . ‘-- 1 Church News Mrs. Gloria Park of St. Mat- thew‘s United Church, Rich- mond Hill, was the guest organ- ist at the church service at Vict- oria Square United Church on Sunday morning. This went on for 50 minutes as Michael lay in a snowbank. There were no phones in the immediate area and Chris couldn’t get anyone to take time out to look after his brother while he went for help. Mrs. L'ée'réturned to find her injured chifd still being ignored and almost delirious -with the pain. She drove him to the hospital. The church will hold its an-l nual meeting on January 27. Secretaries and treasurers of all organizations are asked to pre- pare their annual reports as soon as possible so that they can be printed in time for the meet- ing. The auditors are Mrs. Den- Lon Brumwell and Harold Hill. Neighborhood Notes There were undoubtedly numerous adults on the ice who would have assisted the youngster and perhaps were unaware of his plight. Let’s hope so, anyway. But what about the ones that were asked and just didn’t have time, didn’t care, or more likely, didn’t want to become involved? You answer that one. I don’t know the answer to that one. Except it sounds like 1971 to me. The first eu1 be held in ths on Friday 8p provide lunch The January meeting of Women's Institute will be on Tuesday at 2 of Mrs. Harold Reid Brumwell meeting. There will be a guest spe from the T. Eaton Compaer Hostesses will be Mrs. Hill and Mrs. Brumwell and all lad- ies of the community are invited to attend. Please note the change in time of the meeting. Mrs. Blanche Tatton has re- turned after spending her Christmas vacation with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Tatton and family in Winnipeg. Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Mort- son Welcomed another grand- daughter last week and Mr. and Mrs. Treanor Canning welcom- ed two granddaughters last week. A second daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Neil Mort- son (Margaret Canning), a sis- ter for Robin; and a daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Don- ald Canning (Norma iKing). These births were both on the same day. and family Spent New Years and family entertained Mrs. with Mr. and Mrs. Fraser Gee Belle Perkins, and Miss Muriel Mortson. Mrs. Audrey Sturgeon, and Marie, of Toron- Mr. and Mrs. Donald Boynton to and Mrs Alice permDs_ and girls spent New Years with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Bolender Mr- and M13- Stan Bimh 311d have returned after spending son at Richmond Hill. their Christmas vacation in Herb Boynton of Toronto, Mr. Miami, Florida and Mrs. Don Boynton and girls! had Sunday dinner with Mrs.‘ Stanley Boynton and Grace. 1 Miss Wendy Hart spent thei Week-end with her uncle and TURN SPARE ROOM INTO SPARE CASH BY USING LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS Mr. Cook was quoted as §tating th‘a’gt THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, CORRESPONDENT: MRS. W. SANDLE RR. 2, Gormley â€" Phone 887-5421 Victoria Square News the community hall MP5. Chane 8pm. Ladies please at_Milliken euchre for 1971 will ENTER HUMAN NATURE SNOWMOBILE DEATHS Hanan.» r vvvvv l ‘ Terry and Tracy Allen of Tor- meeting of the onto spent the week-end with lte will be held their grandparents, Mr. and pm at the home Mrs. Henry Allen. Hill with Mrs, Sympathy is extended to Mm convening the‘land‘Mrs. Jack Williams and! _, n-l_, -ri a guest speaker GO IT ALONE Mr. and _Mrs. Henry Allen win spent New Years with Mr. and hall Mrs. Charles Church and family A speedy recovery is wished for Mrs. Lloyd Canning. who is ill in the Princess Margaret Hospital, Tomato. How about sending her a card? Her room is 521. Mrs. Stanley Boynton and Grace spent New Year’s Day with Mr. and ‘Mrs. Lawrence Boynton and family. Birthday greetings to John Hill. January 9; to Mrs. Des- mond Meed, January 12. Wedding anniversary greetings to Mr. and Mrs. George Tooley, married 28 years. January 8:? Sympathy is extended to Mr. and Mrs. Jack Williams and family in the sudden passing of Mrs. Wiliam's mother, Mrs. Rob- ert Trimble. family in theâ€"sudden passing of 7 Mrs. Wiliam’s mother, Mrs. Rob- ert Trimble. Mrs. Mabel Frisby, Mr. and Mrs. Richard Frisby and girls spent New Years with Mrs. Bert Taun and Glen at Souff- ville. Mrs. Alice Perkins, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Perkins, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Mortson, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Mortson and Joy. Mr. and Mrs. Norman Tyndall and family spent New Years with Mr. and Mrs. Fraser Gee. and Miss Muriel Mortson. Mr. and Mrs. Donald Boynton and girls spent New Years with‘ Mr. and Mrs. Stan Birch and son at Richmond Hill. Speedy recovery is wished for Gordon Sanderson, who under- went surgery recently in the Branson Hospital; and to Clar-' ence Stong who is inâ€" the West-k on General Hospital. Mr. and Mrs. Allan Chad-. wick, Mr. and Mrs. Doug Kemp‘ had dinner Wednesday evening of last week, with Miss Mabel} Sanderson. ‘ On Monday evening of last week, Mr. and Mrs. Jim Barker and family entertained Mrs. Belle Perkins, Mrs. Audrey Sturgeon, and Marie, of Toron- to and Mrs. Alice Perkins. Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Bolender have returned after spending their Christmas vacation in time. But you all Ontario, Thursday, Jan. 7, 1971 Ajax Tournament In the first game of the Ajax Novice T o(u rn a m e n t Dec- ember 26 CFGM boys did well against Detroit, coming out on top of the 2-1 score. Hitting the mark for CFGM were Lewis from Gropp and Madden and Dysart from Nigro and Capoto- StO. CFGM Novices NOVICES On Sunday. the boys came upl against a tougher team â€"â€" Wex- ford â€" as they advanced to- wards the championship. Scor- ers in the 4-3 win were Dysart unassisted. MacMillan from Dy- sart and Gropp, Nigro from Hal- liday and Dysart, then Nigro again from Lewis and Taylor. Reached Semi - Finals Ajax Tourney ubu... -.___, , Later that afternoon Rich- mond Hill played against Osh- awa to determine which would be in the championship game against Thornhill. Oshawa came out skating, hitting and passing to win the game 5-0 and then went on to win the tOurnament. CFGM 6, Camp Borden 1 In a display of fine passing and close checking the line of Madden, Lewis and Philip Wood accounted for five of the six goals in this game played Janu- goals my 3 an; .4. Opening the scoring for CFGM were Madden from Lewis and Halliday, then it was Lewis from Philip Wood and Madden. While killing off a penalty, Madden followed up on a shot from Lewis for his sec- ond goal of the game. Once again while killing off a penalty, Lewis struck from Madden. Then on a power play Dysart scored, assisted by Gropp and ‘Nigro. Closing out the scoring for CFGM was Lewis from Phil- ip Wood and Dysart. MINOR BANTAMS Tournaments Inc. 8, Uxbridge l Tournaments Inc. snapped a three game losing streak as they overwhelmed Uxbride 8-1 in a league game at Uxbridge Arena December 28. The spunky Uxbridge te-am,composed of players from a‘ town comprising 2,800 people, did not fold easily as they held the Tourney boys to one goal in the first period. Tournaments Inc. we’re not to be denied, however, as they led 5-1 after two periods. Early in the third, Danny McDonald alertly stole __-.__, the puck from a Tourney defen- der and charged in on goal, to break Gerry Tipold’s bid at a shutout. The Hillers again showed a diversified attack as every mem- ber of the team playing, with the exception of the goalkeeper, earned at least one scoring point. Richard Hopson showed the way with two goals, one of which was the winner, John Oakley and Jeff Miller each fired one goal and earned two assists, while Steve Ostep, Grant Ferguson and Steve Hod- gins scored once and had one assist. Dave Bersetlh, Dane Eld- ridge, Wayne Court and Brian Kellett each added one assist to their totals. Roy Cutler scored a picture goal as he made an end-to-end rush, split the defence, and tal- lied on a wicked shot. Roy’s skating has ‘improved greatly, thanks to the great deal of ice time he receives, and as he gains confidence, he has demon- strated he can carry the puck with authority. Tournaments Inc. 3 Markham 1 Being united as a complete unit for the first time in five games, Tournaments Inc. de- feated Markham 3-1 in a league game at the town arena January iThe Hillers applied continu- ous pressure during the entire Mrs. Rolph Boynton on Wednes- day afternoon of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Cecil Nichols spent New Years with Mr. and Mrs. Desmond Meed and family. Mr. and Mrs. Tracy Wood- ward and family of Markham, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Empringâ€" ham and Margaret, spent Sat- urday evening with Mr. and Mrs. Jim Woodward at New- market. » Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Pennock and Michelle of Richmond Hill, - spent New Years with Mr. and William Sandle and Betty. Speedy recovery is wished for ' Gordon Sanderson, who under- went surgery recently in the Branson Hospital; and to Clar- ' ence Stong who is inâ€" the West- ..- nonnrn‘ annital Bowmanville 8 Weyerhaeusers 1 Tuesday. December 29, was a cool one indeed â€" the arena (pardon us. the ice box) in Or- ono was the item in question. Bowmanville hosted our boys to a home game and chilled them more, to the tune of an 8-1 defeat. The only point- getter for our side was David Forster's goal on a neat clear- ing play, which was unassisted.‘ Thornhill 4 Weyerhaeusers 0 Saturday. January 2, “layer- haeusers were invited to a re- turn bout with Thornhill at Doublerinks. Thornhill seems ‘to have the locals‘ number and ’once again came out on top 'by a 4-0 score. aunt. Mr. and Mrs. iMurray Philley and family at pelt}: _ Dr. and Mrs. David Tinker and family, Miss Mary Ann Pal- mer of Richmond Hill had din- ner on Tuesday evening of last week with Mrs. Faye Wills and Vincent. Mr. and Mrs. Nelson Boyn- ton of Stroud called on Mr. and Mrs. Rolph Boynton on Wednes- day afternoon of last week. Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Pennock and Michelle of Richmond Hill, spent New Years with Mr. and Mrs. William Sandle and Betty. TURN SPARE ROOM TYKES INTO SPARE CASH Anencourt Pharmacy 1 BY USING Unionville 1 LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS I Last Sunday the Pill Rollers Chad-i Nobleton 2 Kemp" Weyerhaeusers 1 yenjng Sunday. January 3, Weyerf Mabeflhaeusers hosted a Peewee “B”1 club from Nobleton and put bf last forth a wide open, free-wheel- Barker ing effort, which again left the Mrs_ Passing department in the back- mdrey ground. Nobleton took this Tnmm close one by a 2-1 score. game as they outshot their 013- met Unionville for the ponents 26-10. The_ first periodltime this season. This ,,,,,____I L- L- __....- n-.- was scoreless as the Markham; goalie turned aside 14 shots. In the second period, Brian Kellett made one of his customary end- to-end rushes, dumping the puck to Steve Ostep, who in turn passed to Grant Ferguson for a score. Tony Robinson, re- turning from a four game ab- sence, accepted a perfect pass from Ostep and made it 2-0 as he fired the winner. um acbvuu 11:1 Auu, made one of his customary end- to-end rushes, dumping the puck to Steve Ostep, who in turn passed to Grant Ferguson for a score. Tony Robinson, re- turning from a four game ab- sence, accepted a perfect pass. from Ostep and made it 2-0 as he fired the winner. Markham, however, came back to score with a Tourney‘ lad in the penalty box. The high scoring line of Van Der Weyde, Oakley, and Miller added an insurance goal with a picture play that is their trade mark: Oakley fed a pass to Van Der Weyde at centre. who skated in on goal, drawing the lone defen- der to him; Arnie then passed back to Miller on the left wing, and Jeff skated in unmolested and picked the corner. MINOR MIDGETS Bond Steel 8 Stouffville 0 Bond Steel Minor Midgets handed their counterparts from Stouffville an 8-0 shellacking Sunday evening in the local new arena. u. u... --.. _Scott Campbell. “V...” , Due to a streak of bad luck the Pill Rollers were behind until the last 25 seconds of the game when Joel Reeves came out of the penalty box and man-. aged to score on a pass from Showing a su- ‘perb performance in goal was Ricky Warren who was back with the team for the first time since November PEEWEES Lions 4, Dorset Park 2 On the morning of January 2. the Lion Peewees handed Dor- set Park a 4-2 defeat. Glen Tatum got the first counter with assists going to Mike Ham and Goalie Ben Bourget (the first in his net- minding career). Danny Jones accounted for goal number two with the help of Bruce Chaisson and Gord ‘Bedwell The third was potted by Bobby Dynes unassisted and Davic‘ Forbes was aided by Chaissor and Gord Forbes on the fourth. Young Nats 5, Lions 0 Two of the Lion regulars re opived iniuries in the morning Marksmen for Bond Steeli were Greg Woloski with a goal and two assists, Tom Tay- lor with two goals, Tod Price with a goal (and also a broken nose when he fell into the boards), Paul Bailey with a goal and an assist, Bill Guinane with a goal and two assists, Terry O’Brien with a goal and one assist, Pete Ranieri with a goal and an assist. Kim Mab- ley with two assists. Dennis Acomb with two assists, Terry Rice and A1 Graham each with one assist. MIDGETS Camp Borden 3, Legion 1 Last Sunday the Legion Mid- gets played a league game at Camp Borden and lost 3-1. Thiswas a well-played game with‘ both teams displaying good skating and passing. Steve Brown missed the game, having a twisted knee and Allan Paivio was sidelined with the ’flu. Jeff Wood filled in for Paivio on the wing. Coach Bill Points was pleased with the team effort, particu- larly the defense which is im- proving. Defe'nceman Scott Mabley and Centre Robbie Sackfield played all out. I fiave Dunkley scored the 10cals’ goal on a pass from Sackfield. The score was one-all at the start of the third period. How- ever, Borden added two more goals when the locals ran into a series of penalties. The 100211 midgets played Georgetown in an exhibition game Monday nigh‘g he_re. ' Sunday, Camp Borden invade the Hill to play at pm. The Legion Midgets are now tied with Barrie in North York League play. 1 JUVENILES ‘ Mr. Transmission 6 Aurora 1 Mr. Transmission Juveniles handed Aurora a 6-1 defeat in an exhibition game in the new arena January 3. Aurora op- iened the scoring. but from then on it was the locals’ game as they poured the puck into the net on six occasions. Scoring for the Hill were Wayne Pollard with three goals, Eric Yakichuck with two coun- ters, and Stacey Richard who got a singleton on a solo rush. Pollard was assisted on his first tally by Wes Berseth, on his second by Glen Sharp and‘ John Clement and on his third by Clement. Yakichuck receiv- ed help from Clement and P01- lard on his first and from Cliff 1Lynham on his second. Paul Sanders played a fine game in goal after the first few minutes, successfully barring the door to the Aurora marks- men. Mr. Transmission will be playing in Camp Borden on Fri- day evening and the boys from the armed forces base will be making a sortie on the ice of the new arena Sunday at 8:30 pm. ' ATOMS r The lone' local goal was by Mark‘ Girdler. insisted by Steve Price and Randy Martin. This‘ Wednesday Weyerhaeus- ers travel to Port Perry for a Lakeshore League game. TYKES 6:40 will met Unionville for the second time this season. This game proved to be more profitable as they ended up in a well de- served tie. Lions 4, Dorset Park 2 On the morning of January 2, the Lion Peewees handed Dor- set Park a 4-2 defeat. Glen Tatum got the first counter with assists going to‘ Mike Ham and Goalie Ben Bourget (the first in his net- minding career). Danny Jones‘ accounted for goal number two with the help of Bruce‘ Chaisson and Gord ‘Bedwelh The third was potted by Bobby Dynes unassisted and David Forbes was aided by Chaisson jand Gord Forbes on the fourth. Young Nats 5, Lions 0 Two of the Lion regulars re- ceived injuries in the morning game and were not in the lineup for the game against the Young Nationals in the evening. Whe- ther this had a psychological effect on the other young play- ers or not. they were completely outclassed by their guests and failed to score. Lions 3, Camp Borden 2 In a seesaw battle Sunday, the Lions edged Camp Borden 3-2. In‘ fact during the ’last two minutes of the game, with a Lion in the penalty box, Camp Borden had the locals on the ropes but failed to push the puck past the stalwart goalten- - der. Scoring for the Hill were David Brook assisted by Dynes, Ham unassisted and David For- bes who sank a pass from Mark Brillinger and Kerry Miner. Coming up: Friday the Lions will play a league contest in Newmarket. Saturday they will play a home game and a visiting game with teams as yet un- named and Sunday will be in Peterboro. February 12, they leave for the Winter Carnival in Quebec City and will play their first game Saturday night (the last one on the program) against Beaconsfield just outside of Montreal. When you are talkingg/fl/W/ :////// / /////// about who’s who in highW/ . v . /// I, school sports at Bay VleW / //7// the name of John Cook will ’ /‘ definitely be mentioned John is 17 and lives at 230 North Taylor Mills in Rich- mond Hill. John is in grade 11 this year at Bayview. To say he was a good crossâ€"country runner would ’ be an understatement. He' was Bayview’s best inter , mediate runner this pas year. He has been in the All-Ontario for the past two years, and did very well in the one run last fall. I asked John if he eve thought about trying fo the Olympics? He modestI y replied “No, because ‘ don’t think 1 could make JOHN C00“ it.” John is also a top wrestler, as he has not lost a fight yet in league competition. Just last week he travelled to Etobicoke to take part in the Ontario Winter Games. â€"â€" 1 1. vv AAIUVL uu LLLLLL I asked him how he did, and be summed up his whole performance in one word “Crummy”. John feels this past year has been his most successful in cross-country. So, I asked him when and why he got so serious about running? 1 3,. ____.l. n 5vu u \ILAvmv “Vv..- “I started to take running seriously in grade 9. My main reason was all the time I got off school.” For the first time, Bayview had a girls’ cross- country team this past year. I asked John if he felt it was successful. “Yes’ it was okay, better than last year’s.” So I promptly said that we didn’t have one last year. John said, “Yes, I know, that is why it is better.” john had a negative opinion on a girls’ wrest- ling team, feeling that, “it would not succeed be- cause there is no competition _aropnd.’: vuuuv vuyLu ‘v ..v ---V_ John also feels that this has been his best wrestling season, even though he was in the top three in the Georgian Bay finals and went to the All-Ontario last year. . u n ALIA v -n, . Wfien asiédfiE'fié sets any personal goals before the start of a wrestling or cross-country season he said, “Just to get to the All-Ontario.” His feelings on this year’s wrestling team’s chances of success are, “Well, we are not winning them all, but we will still do good in the Georgian Bay. Maybe second.” John’s favorite sport out of two he participates in, is wrestling. I asked him if he was interested in becoming a professional wrestler. His reply was: “No, it’s all just a big fake.” _ Even though John excels in both sports, he finds the competition in this area tougher in cross-country than in wrestling. John’s other sports interests are gymnastics, track and field and football. But his all round favorite is still wrestling, be- cause, as he puts it, “It’s more exciting." My final comments are: “Continued success in both wrestling and cross-country.” Bayview’s John Cook Stars At Two Sports H0 our ESLsz High School SPORTS MAJOR MITES Kings 2, Rams 0 Scoring for the Kings were Kevin Kernohan and Peter At- kinson who each counted on a solo try. Nationals 4, Aces 3 Neil McGregor‘s unassisted hat trick and Russell Thorn- hill’s single counter gave Nat- ionals a win. rCounting for the Aces were Dale Morland. Glen Apps and Doug McKenzie. ATOMS Hans Gulf 3 J. A. Rice Construction 2 Two counters by Ron Aber- nethy and a singleton by David Oakley with Robert Frater and Scott Logan contributing hel- pers gave Hans this win. ,, ,u-d Counting for the Construction lads were David Lovett un- assisted and Gary Longfield as- sisted by Mark Wilson. York Simcoe Sports 3 VCA 1 Two of York Simcoe's goals were netted by Doug Lewis and the other by Erwin Stein. Dave Matchett earned two assist points and Tom Batstone one. rvfigljry Featherstone, with the help of Allan Barnett hit the target fmj V‘CP: Rice’s Flowers 2 Sheppard 8; Gill 2 Greg Henderson accounted for both markers for Rice’s with John Vandervalk getting an as- 5151;. S & G’s goals were potted by Steve White and Danny Mc- Veigh aided by James Ver- meulen. NOVICES Brfiddock Optical 0 Wilson Niblett 0 No one found the range in this scoreless tie.. Rumble Transport 2 Consumers Gas 0 James Peterkid and Steve Bowers were the marksmen for Rumbles with Doug Anderson and Richard Barber being a- warded assists. Dan’s E1550 3 Allencourt Pharmacy 3 Jim Wood banged in *two goals for Dan’s with James Mock getting the third one and Glen Pickett and Mark Goss- man assisting. By BOB CARTON David Gates put on a one-man By BOB ROSS JR. show for Allencourt, getting a Ihat trick. TYRES Gormley Sand & Gravel 4 Bob's Boys 2 A hat trick by David Vennard and a goal and an assist by Bill Neilson accounted for the win- ners‘ goals. John Pennyfather and Norm- an Murphy both tallied without help for Bob‘s. Kinnear Pontiac 2 Charlton Hardware 2 Sid Karalis and Dan Smith each shot the puck home for Kinnear with Jim Majury lend- ‘ing a helping hand on the \latter‘s. Troy Edwards and Matthew Zurich each contributed a counter for Charlton with as- sist points going to Glen Dun- ford, Derek Moulton and Tony Lapointe. ' Perry Hill 3 Barrow’s Insurance 1 The winners’ goals were potted by Richard Hughes and Martin Green, both solo efâ€" forts, and Gary Corvin aided by Richard Hughes. Brian Russell got his counter‘ for Barrow’s without assistance. EXHIBITION GAMES ' Kinnear Pontiac 5 Bob’s Boys 2 Sid Karalis came up with a hat trick to lead Kinnears to victory. Bill Madden contrib- uted four assists, Dan Smith a goal and two assists and Jack‘ Cross an unnassisted counter. Blake Moss and Danny O'Sulâ€" livan were the counters for Bob’s with Bill Drury, Matthew Geislar and Norm Murphy helping. Perry Hill 3 Charlton Hardware 3 Darrel Gleason was credited with two goals, Sean Wilson with a goal and Craig Peterkin and John Vorich with assists for Perry Hill. Gerry Lawlor turned on the red light twice and Matthew Zurich once for Charltons with Scott Suter earning two as- sists, Richard Vermeulen and Derek Moulson getting one each. Barrow’s Insurance 3 Gormley Sand & Gravel 0 The line of Craig Ham, Glenn Fehily and Mike Mulvihill ac- counted for all Barrow's scor- ing â€"â€" each one getting a goal and two assists. MIDGETS Village Pizza 6 Bork’s Jewellers 1 Village goals were potted by Jeff Watson, Val Stephen and Chuck Lunau with two each. Assists on these went to Val Stephen with two and Kerry Kettridge, Roger Bacci and Ken Shedlowich with one each. Ken Shedlowich with one each.‘ Bork's goal came from A1 McFee with an assist from Wayne Kirchen. ‘ Bowden Lumber 3 Little Fords 3 Larry Lalonde, Bob Bonnell and Koop Heilbron each ,ac- counted for one goal for Bow- dens, with helpers from Larry Lalonde, Don Bone, Jeff Wool- nough and Koop Heilbron. Wayne Harrison, A1 Lemoine and Heinz Weber each scored once for Littles with Steve Shewchuk getting an assist. 2 Teenagers Injured In Snowmobile Crash Two teenagers were injured in-a snowmobile crash in a field south of Richmond Hill at 2:30 pm December 28, ac- cording to Markham Township Police. The front of a machine driv- en by Lloyd Parker, 18, of 341 Wenlock Avenue, was in c011 lision with the rear of another snowmobile driven by Karen Cook, 17, of 180 Hillsview Drive. Four machines were being op- ierated behind the Cook resiâ€" dence north of Hillsview Drive between Yonge Street and Bay- view Avenue. Karen Cook had a bruised and sore back and $320 dam- age to her machine: iLloyd Parker had chest injur- ies and an estimated $150 dam- age, police said. The other drivers in the field were Debra Woloski of 24 Sus- sex Avenue and Robert Hill of 233 Norfolk Avenue. The property is owned by John and James McKay of 4750 Dufferin Street, Toronto. FLOWERS 33%; 889-9593 Local & Metro Wide Delivery Wedding Consultants lAURELEA FLOWERS 32B Yonge St. South RICHMOND HILL 884-52” Office Hours: 10.00 One year from now will you I worrying again about those Christmas shopping bills? Join our members who save regularly at the COMMUNITY CREDIT UNION “With a' little help from our friends . . ." Here we are with a brand new year, and it is customary to review the past year. 1970 was a most difficult year for all automobile dealers. I don’t want to make a big thing of it but we did fairly well. We sold cars when other people couldn’t sell cars because we sell Datsuns. During 1970 (9 month period) we sold over 250 new cars and expect to sell 500 this year. We are proud to say that people bought Datsuns because they believe Datsuns were simply more car for the money. That’s why Datsun‘s 66 Yonge St. S., Richmond Hill were Simply mun: Lal Lu. t ......... slogan is “DATSUN THE MORE FOR YOUR MONEY CAR”. These people have been telling their friends about their Datsun â€" and influencing them to buy Datsuns. Word of mouth advertising is the best there is. So! I want to thank all of you who have dealt with us. we look forward to serving you during 1971. owned and operated by the members Life-insured savings with share dividends Time Deposit Accounts still earn a big 7V;% Low-cost loans with repayment terms your budget can stand. To start saving the Credit Union way just call or drop in at our office today Datsun 24o-z is Sports Car of the year". ROAD 'l‘ua'r Magazine 533’s . . . “The winning sports car of the year evolves from par- ameters rather different than those from which the import car of the year was judged last month in ROAD TEST Magazine. For one, the home-bred Corvette is always a contender here. Then. though not always, a sports car is most usually a two-seater and as such, its performance and handling rank higher in importance than do comfort and versatility. Finally, its success in serious competition weighs heavily because that obviously distinguishes the real thing from a boulevardier. . "Our own road tests of the candidates are evaluated and We must consider price, comfort and vertsatility within limits as well as performance, proved or otherwise. Among the newcomers to the market two cars emerged as final- ists, one being the PorSche 914/4 and the other, of course, the 240-2. “What at first appeared to us to be a difficult choice gradually evolved into a technical knock-out once every factor involved was evaluated. And once again, we find that demand exceeding supply supports our case for both of the finalists. We apologize for embarrassing Nissan but the 240-Z was our only possible choice." Read all about the Datsun 240-Z and all the other sports cars in ROAD TEST Magazine, January 1971 issue now out. NB. The 240â€"2 is now available with automatic trans- mission. A'luuuv . ...-___ In Bristol, England, Maude Pullin. 60. passed her driving test on the 33rd try â€" but it cost her $960 for the lessons. In fact, she had to sell her car in order to pay for them. “I’m not discouraged.” she said. “Old as I am. I’ve found a job that will earn me enough to buy an automobile for myself for next Christmas.“ Maude Pullin’s Christmas Gift YONGE ST.,IM|LE NORTH OF RICHMOND HILL Watch for next Import Auto Talk on January let IMPORT Auto TAlK NEILL RICHMOND HILL WE SPECIALIZE IN SERVICING ALL MAKES OF IMPORTS 10.00 a.m. - 5.00 pm. Mon. to Fri. 7.30 pm. - 9.00 pm. Mon. and Fri. the yeal‘. ROAD TEST 889-0972 LTD. 773-4661 be

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