Any materials may be used and the entries may be of any design. useful for any purpose â€" including purely decorative. and of any size (although small enough to go through the door of the Library of coursell . Don‘t discard those Christmasz and will include Such acuâ€" Cards which you’ve just take-rilvities as a “mush†race. horse- down from the mantle. Both theback riding. snow sculpturing as, Ontario Crippled Children‘swell as tobogganlng and skating“ Centre and the Metro Associa-lActivites will begin at 2.30 pm.| tion for Retarded Children Badminton is now being} would welcome the cards. which played regulag‘ly at the church.: can be used in projects under-both on Fri ay evenings and taken by the children. The ad- Thursday afternoon. The Friday dresses to which cards should‘evening session. beginning at 7 be sent are: â€" Ontario Crippled pm is for mixed adults and for Children's Centre, 350 Rumseylfurther information contact Mrs. Road, Toronto 17 and the Margaret Tomlinson at 889-9403. Metro Association for Retarded The Thursday afternoon games Children, 186 Beverley Street,.begin at 2 pm and are for ladies; Toronto. lonly. Contact Mrs. Betty SaitOj Channel 9 Telethon at 889-8221 for more informa: On New Year’s Day. Percy tion. I Bone, Kirk Drive, well known‘. The New Year was brought‘ All handicrafts entered will be displayed in the library and names of the judge and prize winners will be announced later. The contest closes Feb- ruary 13. Christmas Cards Willowdale Library Music, Dancing, Budgetting Courses In New Year Willowdale Library. 5126 Yonge Street. is starting the year with a lively schedule of events. ranging from a music hour for small children to graphoanalysis and a consumer education course for adults. “Symphony Street†is a mus-‘ lcal introduction for children five to seven, and is scheduled for Saturday from 2 to 3:15 pm, bringing symphony musicians and their artistry to the chil- dren in an informal setting on two successive Saturday’s. Flutist Keith Gerrard will Flutist Keith Gerrard will talk to the youngsters and play for them, encouraging their par- ticipation in the free program which is sponsored by the re- cording trust fund of the Tor- onto Musicians‘ Association and organized by the junior women’s committee of the Toronto Sym- phony. Pre - SChOOlel'S and their mothers are both invited to take part in “Creating Together,†a ten-week program running from January 12 to March 16 at Wil- lowdale Library at 10 am, using basic art materials and common household items, playing to- gether and sharing music, games and stories. This program is also being of- fel'ed at Don Mills Library, 888 Lawrence Avenue East at 1:30 pm January 14 to March 18. and the $20 fee includes the cost of materials. Gi‘aplioanalysl Linda Pilney will explain how individual strokes of handwriting deter- mine the character of the Writer in talks to be given at 8:30 pm Now that the children are getting back at school from the Christmas Holidays things will be getting back to normal. Neighborhood Notes As of January 1. Richvale be- came part of Richmond Hill, although our address will con- tinue to be Thornhill for the time being. Many people of the area gathered together at the Lions Hall to bring in the New Year together. Hats, noisemakers. a delicious buffet luncheon. and good music all combined to make it a memorable evening. Many private parties were also held in the area. Congratulations to Jim Peteis of Fair-view Avenue, who was winner of the Royal Canadianl Legion Branch 375 New Year‘s draw for a shiny new Ski-Doc. Mr. Peters had purchased a ticâ€" ket for each member of his family (five) and one of his sons held the winning ticket. The Peters have winning ways â€"â€" a member of the family also won the color television at the lasi Legion draw. We are sorry to hear that Frank Sanderson of Weldrick Road is a patient in York Cen- tral Hospital. We wish him a speedy recovery. We are sorry to report that Mrs. Marg Quance broke five ribs in a recent fall and is now convalescing at home. The lst Langstaff Cub and Scout Mothers Auxiliary will hold a pot luck supper January 20 at the home of Mrs. Herb FHE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill Thornhill RICHVALE NEWS Correspondent: Mrs. Anne White. 24 Roosevelt Drive 889-3806 Socially Speaking In Thom/pill horticulturalist was seen on Channel 9's mammoth Telethon program. the proceeds from which went to the mentally re- tarded. Mr. Bone was given the honor of presenting a cheque for $563, which was the proâ€" ceeds from a collection of silver and pennies thrown in a pool in the Horticulture Building of the Canadian National Exhibition. Mr. Bone is chairman of that building. The cheque was gratefully re-‘ ceived by members of the CFTO-l TV staff on behalf of the men: tally retarded. At last count al- most $295,000 had been donated as a result of the Telethon. Thornhill United Church Scottish C o u nt r y Dance classes will resume again at the church on January 9. Next Sunday, the first con- gregational winter frolic will be held at Cedar Glen, Bolton. This will be a fun day [or every- one and will include such acti- vities as a “mush†race. horse- back riding. snow sculpturing as well as tobogganing and skating. Activitcs wlll begin at 2.30 pm. January 12 at Willowdale Lib- rary, January 14 at Bayview Branch, Bayview and Sheppard Avenues in the Bayview Village Plaza. In these free sessions Miss‘ Pitney will describe graphoana- lysis as a useful tool for a55ess- ment of personality traits. Beginning January 14 there will be creative dance classes for teens and women at Willow- dale Library. and for children at‘the Don Mills Branch. ‘ Teen classes will be at the :Willowdale Library at 4 pm lt‘rom January 14 weekly to JMarcli 18 with Instructor Miss iJulia Williamson describing {creative dance as an expression gof personality or feelings, with ‘all kinds of music from percusâ€" sion to modern electronic â€"- dress casual and feet bare. A similar course for women *begins on January 20 with greaâ€" ter emphasis on exercises, and the fee for both courses is $10 for ten sessions. Classes for children are being held from 4:15 to 5 pm from January 19 to March 23 at Don Mills Branch. “Safe, Sane and Sensible Spending" is a course in basic consumer education which North York Library is sponsor- ing in co-operation with North York YMCA. Classes at Willowdale Library begin a1'8 pm January 14. and there \\'il be ten 90 minute sesâ€" sions for a fee of $10. The course is to be conducted by Miss Norma Anne Carrier with weekly classes to March 18. l\’lCUUIIlll, luau \ alt: m cchm. m ~--â€" 7 w _ _ 7 pm. All members are asked tol The January meenng 0f the attend, jDoncaster Ladies‘ Club will be Mrs. Herb hiccufï¬m Mrs. Ed held January 14 at 8 pm with Qui and Mrs_ Gol‘don McLeodfMls Doris Stow as the hostess have formed the Vale Ridgetat her home at 119 Henderson Crafts and Vale Ridge Weavers Avenue. _ _ to'weave useful and beautiful The evenmg “'1†feature ‘articles. We wish them Inllcll‘ga‘nlesd313tdk? coï¬trgufgnpflf ‘success in this new venture. la“ “n 91 ,3 mg 0 a“ 0 ' nu. ,thaf m a vnlunfppr worker McGuffin, Maryvale Crescent, at 7 pm. All members are asked to attend. Children of the area are mak- ing good use of the two rinks in Richvale. The one is situated in the Richvale Park and the other at the Lions Hall on Spruce Avenue. Both are being main- tained by Richmond Hill no“: It is also hoped that the’town will make funds available so that the park may be used in the summer months. There's a great deal of land. With community co-operation we may have a lsummer playground. At present ‘the onhv sport played there is lsoccer. The senior citizens will meet on the first and third Wednes- day of the month. All. senior citizens in the area will be most welcome. They meet at the Lions Hall, Spruce Avenue. at 1:30 pm. During the Christmas Holi- days children, teenagers and adults of Emmanuel Anglican Church visited the Villa Private Hospital to sing carols to the patients. Mr. Edgar final [mal ac a \\'e1c happy 1' and Mrs. Joseph Wilton of Avenue announce the adoption of Jo-Ann Mary. [come addition to their mil Ontario, Thursd iifét’ééééiws. ernoon games are for ladies i. was brought lancing, w Year illou'dale Lib- ! at Bayview and Sheppard ayview Village sessions Miss be graphoana- :001 for assess- itv traits. Betty Saitof more informaâ€"‘ l CHILDREN’S HANDICRAFT CONTEST If you’ve not yet started your entry for the library’s handicraft contest (announced December 20, and closing on February 13) or if you’re stuck for new ideas to finish one. you’re sure to find help and inspiration from the CALENDAR CAPERS By Fredric Glass and Lela Cross. This little book offers ideas upon which handicraft buffs can develop latent creative im- pulses, and build their own in- dividual projects. Simple and clear instructions are placed side by side with the method of execution of such things as corn husk mats, Indian heads, pine cone minstrels. and Viking ships, arranged according to the seasons of the year. Approx- imate age level is indicated for each project. A good one for ages 5-12. following books: E. Z. Wirtenberg. Here are 50 recipes for making creative obâ€" jects from commonplace and inexpensive items to be found in and around the house (kit- chen, laundry, garage. attic and yard.) Some examples: tinfoil engraving, animated sculpture made from bent wire. pebble mosaics, etc. Each project is given step by step description and the photographed illustra- tions are excellent. FROM PETALS TO PINE- CONES By K. N. Cutler. For those who like to work with natural things, this book sug- L _.-:.. l a i meet at the "The Liberal" is contributed in with appropriate festivities at the Thornhill Country Club where close to 300 members ushered in 1971 with a cham- pagne toast at midnight. The evening began at 9.30 with dan- cing to the music of Trump Davidson and his orchestra and a delicious buffet supper was served after midnight. At the Heintzman House, a very successful party was given by the North Thornhill Recrea- tion ’Committee. Almost 200 ipeople gathered to celebrate the New Year with dancing to a ldisc jockey's music and to enjoy Ia delicious polynesian buffet lsupper. Noise makers and lstreamers added to the excite- ered in. Among those present were Markham Mayor Anthony Roman and Mrs. Roman. and ‘Councillor Roy Muldrew and Mrs. Muldrew. >k >l< * ill In Thornhill to spend the Christmas and New Year holi- ldays with her parents was Miss iMary E. Bone, Principal of Alma l ment as the New Year was ushu College, St. Thomas. ‘ ‘ Now that the busy Christmas1 Season is over there are some ladies who may find they have time on their hands. If you can; ‘spare a few hours a week there; ;are several organizations dcs-g perately in need of volunteers.‘ These include the Nursery for iRetarded Children in' Richmond 'Hill, which is unable to hold Friday morning classes (9.30 to 11.30) due to lack of volun- ;teer assistance. If you have a couple of hours to spare on Friday mornings to help with these children. call Mrs. Muriell Robinson, (889-1212). Help-Mate. a program opera- ted by Richmond Hill and Area . Social Planning Council also l needs volunteers for ï¬oster :home care. emergency ome- maker service, Big Brother, Big Sister, visitations to homes for ‘the aged. volunteer drivers. tu- toring, and emergency welfare iservice. To offer assistance con- tact Help-Mate, at St. John's Baptist Church, Richmond Hill. In Thornhill to spend the Christmas and New Year holiâ€" days with her parents was Miss Mary E. Bone. Principal of Alma ‘ USE YOUR SPARE TIME By Guy Williams. Providing am- usement and developing skills for all ages, this book concenâ€" trates on things which can be made with a minimum of equip- ment, or \vith inexpensive and easily obtained materials. Pro- jects range from traditional leisure time activities such as ‘rushâ€"weaving to contemporary ones such as the making of mobiles, and from activities re- }quii’ing considerable skill to those easy of execution. 1 This is described as a winter ipicnic and will feature sleighn ling, tobogganing, skiing, snow sculpturing and “mush†races. 3The festivities will begin at i2230 pm at Cedar Glen, near lBolton. This novel idea of a winter picâ€" nic promises to- be most enjoy- able and is certainly one way of solving the problem of picnic Lants. Please Call u. LuAAbwu u“.-v Anya, a..-_-° -- .. easons of the year. Approx mate age level is indicated for each project. A good one for iges 5-12. - USE YOUR SPARE TIME By Jruy Williams. Providing am- isement and developing skills For all ages, this book concenâ€" :rates on things which can be made with a minimum of equip- nent, or \vith inexpensive and easily obtained materials. Pro- iects range from traditional leisure time activities such as rush-weaving to contemporary ones such as the making of mobiles, and from activities re- quiring considerable skill to those easy of execution. ALL AROUND THE HOUSE ART AND CRAFT BOOK Byland find out. FROM PETALS TO PINE~‘ CONES By K. N. Cutler. Fon those who like to work with. natural things, this book sug-‘, gests year-round use of nature’s materials. Attractive illustraâ€". tions and clear instructions are given for the making of: cor- sages, garlands, seed mosaics and dish gardens. HOW TO MAKE FLIBBERS By Robert Lopshire. This is one of our most popular craft books for the youngest set. Simple instructions accompany pictures showing how to make such important things as Twirly Birds, Stickit Pictures. Walking} Things, and Ding-Dong Music! And what's a flibber‘.’ Come in‘ South Thornhill and Bayview Glen CORRESPONDENT: MRS. MAY BARBOUR PHONE 889-5205 and his wife, Jessie, 269 Holmestbeen Neighborhood Notes Thornhill United Church is Avenue, WiJlowdale. hosting a congregational winter frolic Sunday. January 10. This is described as a winter picnic and will feature sleigh- ing. tobogganing, skiing, snow sculpturing and "mush" The festivities will begin at n.-)n “m .u Pnflal‘ (Elan races. parents. nPHl‘ The ceremony was held in grade 5 class and also a smalll‘ CORRESPONDENT: ME 84 Garden Avenue Neighborhood Notes . December 22, was a high' point at Langstaff Public School. Not only was it the last day before the holidays, but there was a Christmas Con- cert and the presentation of the television set to York Central Hospital. Grades 1. 2 and 3 sang several traditional Christ- mas songs under the direction of Miss Dorothy Good. Miss Jaye Griggs played the piano and led the singing of her grade four class. James L i t t t l E t V I ( l l Milne directed hisi‘ group of carolers who had prac- ' tised during lunch hours in- tending to go out caroling in. the neighborhood to earn some extra money for the television set. When it was found that enough money had already donated, the carolers ,sang for the concert instead. The grade 6 class added var-‘l Trinity Presbyterian Church, Bayview Avenue. January 3, and was followed by a lunch- eon at the home of the proud ’l‘he Thornhill Girls‘ Hockey Clle met their Unionville coun« i iety to the morning by singing their first carol in French,) which they study every morn- ‘ing. Miss Vivian Berard led ‘them in singing. Susan Dowd- all on piano and Paul Denzel ‘on trumpet played a ChristmasI Neighborhood Notes Thornhill United Church is hosting a congregational winter frolic Sunday, January 10. The church is continuing to receive used postage stamps. These are turned over to the Toronto Leprosy Mission, which sells them and uses the pro- ceeds in (work with lepers throughout the world. The evening will featurel games and a contribution for an undertaking of David Por- terâ€"that is a volunteer worker for the neuly-formed “Help Mate“ group. Mr. Porter is attendanbe counsellor for York County Board of Education Donations are voluntary and for a worthwhile cause. Come out and enjoy an event- ful social evening with your neighbors. _-_owï¬ . , Birthday greetings are extend-l ed to the following young resi-l dents of the community: Wendy Browning. 37 Clarke Avenue,‘ who was 10 years old, January 4; Andrew Dean, 41 Morgan Avenue. who was 11 years old on the same day: Melody Phin- nemore. Elgin Street. who was eight years old January 6: John INaismith. 6, of 61 Clarke Avâ€" enue. who was 14 years old January 7 and his sister Jenâ€" énifer. who will be nine years old January 8: Ray Martin of N110 was 1U years Ulu, UGIIUGL] - V - r I I 4; Andrew Dean, 41 Morgan M“ 311d MFS. Williamson Avenue. who was 11 years old Clark and family of Pemberton on the same day: Melody phi“- Road celebrated Christ in as nemore, Elgin Street. who was “‘I‘Ollgh to December 29 With eight years old January 6: JohnithEil‘ daughter and family 311‘. Naismith (5' of 61 Clarke Av- and Mrs. Arnold Jensen in Sud- enue. who was 14 years old bUI'Y- HOWEVCI‘ they returned January 7 and his sister Jen_‘home too soon to see their new nifer. who will be nine yeaisTgranddaughter. Loretta Dawn old January 8: Ray Martin of'ibom January 2- Proctor Avenue, who was 19| Weldrick Road Baptist Church years old on New Year’s Day; held a Watch-Hour Midnight and Mark Wilson, 86 Meadow- Service New Year's Eve follow- view Avenue, who will be nine ed by a social which was en- years old January 11. joyed by all. The Sacrament of Infant Michael McNeice, who is now Baptism was administered to working in Timmins, returned Richard John Barbour. son ofihome for Christmas and Ne“ Richard Barbour. former res-iYear to visit friends and rela- ‘ident of Henderson A\'enue,ltives. an THORNHILL LIBRARY Markham Twp. Public Library System always pleased to publish items of interest by its readers in the Thornhill area. Mrs. Margaret Lawrence at 889-2804 Family Reading 1971 College, St. Thomas Now that the busy Christmas Season is over there are some ladies who may find they have The ceremony was held in‘ T]; Trinity Presbyterian Church, iety Bayview Avenue, January 3,‘theil and was followed by a lunch-Iwhic eon at the home of the proud‘ing' Pal'ems- ‘then The Thornhill Girls’ l-lockey‘au ‘ Club met their Unionville coun-lon t terparts in a game and returned‘duet to Thornhill with a 5-1 victory T1 last Sunday. This coming Sun- ‘ day Unionville gals will journey.““““m to Doublerinks for the return E ,game of the home and home‘ series. Game time is 5:15 pm. Thornhill goalgetters were Debbie Orton with a hat trick and Lorraine Sherman and Pam Huckvale with singles. Mary Williams, Wendy Dob- son and Lorraine Sherman col- lected assists. We, your correspondents, May and David Barbour, wish a most joyous and prosperous New Year to all the residents of South Thornhill and our readers. Get well wishes to Frank San- derson. Weldrick Road. who is presently in York Central Hosâ€" pital. Birthday greeting to Joey Speer, May Avenue, {gnuan' 17. Michael McNeice, who is now working in Timmins, returned home for Christmas and New Year to visit friends and rela~ tives. NORTH RICHVALE NEWS CORRESPONDENT Mrs. Rhona Wehrens 130 May Avenue Phone 884-4333 tEveningsl A honeymoon in Spain and Portugal followed the October 22 wedding of Lucinda Barbara Perry and Douglas McGregor Moore in Thornhill, ‘ The bride is the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Jeffrey Perry, 102 Arnold Avenue. and the groom is the son of Mr. and Mrs. James Roy Clancy of Terrace Bay. ï¬Arrangerï¬ents of Chrysanthe- mums in autumn shades adorn- ed the home of the bride’s par- CORRESPONDENT: MRS. GEOFFREY COOK 84 Garden Avenue, Phone 889-4553 Neighborhood Notes ,to Hospital Administrator James December 22, was a high'Hepburn in 'a speech by Vic- point at Langstaff P u blic toria Cole from the children in School. Not only was it the grades 4, 5 and 6 who gave up last day before the holidays, their gift exchange to do some- but there was a Christmas Conâ€" thing for others. Mrs. Joyce cert and the presentation of the Morrill accepted it and explain- television set to York Central ed that it would be used in Hospital. Grades 1. 2 and 3 the isolation ward for children sang several traditional Christâ€" who otherwise might be very mas songs under the direction lonely. Several dollars were of Miss Dorothy Good. Miss donated from the lower grades 1."... {Eviana “lawn-(l Hm niannlbv children who brought in iety to the their first which they ing. Miss mmuumuu\\uuuunuuumuuuuuumu“mmmumuu\mumm Evans To Report Trip Nigeria The television was presented 'l‘hornhiil Presbyterian Church is inviting the pub- lic to attend a special ser- vice at 7 pm Sunday when the Minister Dr. Dillwyn Evans will talk about his recent trip to Nigeria. Moderator of the Presby- terian Church in Canada, Dr. Evans spent three weeks in Nigeria last fall. visiting war torn areas in igeria and Biafra. ‘ He saw as much as it was possible to see in three weeks and was impressed with the progressive phil- osophy of the present gov- ernment in its "Three R†program of reconciliation. reconstruction and rehabil- itation. VflThe church is located at 271 Centre Street in Thorn- hill DRIVING LESSONS Honeymoon In Spain And Portugal $6.00 PER HOUR 10 Lessons 550 Special Student Rates Stansbury’s Driver Training Phone ‘ b.\' LICENSED INSTRUCTOR 884-8396 BARBARA PERRY LANGSTAFF NEWS ents where the double ring cer-lfrock in a soft shade of blue ' emony took place. Officiatinglwith matching accessories and‘ clergyman was Rev. Alfred Mc-,wore a corsage of yellow sweetq Alister of Thornhill United heart roses. Church. ‘ ‘Best man was the bride‘s um“ -.. .. . Given in marriage by her father. the bride wore a pant suit of white It'alian cotton lace with silver accessories and a mauve hybrid orchid corsage. The bride’s aunt, Mrs. Wall- ace Pethick of Burlington was matron of honor. She was dressed in a broca‘ded silkl On Friday. Decer grades 5 and 5 at Public School went tc tario Science Centr1 heard a demonstration ther station and an ‘light and toured seve of the building. lonely. Sev donated from by children pennies to '11 Friends c will be sorr is in York pennies to 'help. Friends of Lionel Boswel. will be sorry to hear that he is in York Central Hospital We wish him a speedy recovery light and toured several 1 of the building. I had never been there fore, but as a tour pare was introduced to several ‘ puter games, radiated ants a large music exhibit. don't need to be told \mother went downstairs eight students and came with five (the other three joined another group'. More Thornhill News On Page I6 This year Ski-Doc says “new†with 27 models in 7 exciting series to give you the greatest choice ever. Make a beeline for your Ski-Doo dealer’s nowwhile selection, prices and trade-in allowances are at their best. Now's the time to get exactly the model and deal you want. I," DON'T WAIT TOO LATE flu; nineteen-seventy-ong" The sign of the finest snowmo biles. sportswear, accessories parts and service. Ski-D00 1'11. Bombardier Ltd. SALES 8.: SERVICE (1968) LTD. No. 7 Hwy. East Between Yonge & Bayview ski-duo; ‘L? BAKER'S IS BRIDE OF DOUGLAS MOORE 889 - 9472 December 5 at Lang: went to the nt to entre tion of a V another several ; Mrs and 1 be 1 for ( :0 do some-1 Mrs. Joyce md explain- 3e used in ‘or children ht be very allars were; )wer grades; brought in; there 1 parent Boswell that he Hospital. hgstafi" com- ‘s and You which with back e had r on parts The mother of the bride was. dressed in a chiffon pant suit [in varied shades of pink comp-ll limented with pale green and‘ gold accessories and she carried‘ Best man was the bride‘s un- cle. Wallace Pethick. a purse corsage of miniature pink rosebuds anti blue seafoam statics. The mother of the groom chose a lavender dress and coat ensemble with matching accessories and wore a cybid- iUm orchid corsage. A wedding dinner and re- ception at Thornhill Golf and Country Club followed the cer- emony. The young couple are now living in Toronto. What’s new at Seneca College . . . NEW COURSES STARTING Check these career development courses starting in and consider what further education can do to gain Full-Time Day Programs - 6 Semesters Business Administration Building Environment Technology Electronu Chemical Technology Fire Protc Civil Technology Mechanic: Full-Time Day Programs - 4 Semesters Biological Laboratory Electra ic Techniques v“ .,,A -_ n-4,. nunnncai- Computer Techniques Educational Resource Techniques Call Admissions Office, Finch Campus, 491-5050, Ex bulletin and application form on day programs. Cou Continuing Education Programs under these categories; Business Family and Society Canadian Studies Fashion and Design Communications Insurance Creative Patterns for Women Language Derelopmen‘ Cultural Studies Law Enforcement Data Processing Library Techniques Early Childhood Technology Literature Enginering Technology Management Skills Call Continuing Education. Sheppard Campus, 223-9t detailing over 170 subject offerings. Classes start Jal Occupational Training Courses of various lengths: Bookkeeping 8; Business Commercial Clerical Machines Commercial Refresher Occupational Training Courses of various lengms: Bookkeeping & Business Commercial Clerical Machines Commercial Refresher Blueprint Reading Commercial Stenographic Clerk-Typist Dining Room Service College Preparatory Electronics (‘all Occupational Training. Sheppard Campus, 223-9661 these exciting course opportunities. Some start Januar thereafter (Photo by Robinson an? OF SENECA COLLEGE 1750 HNCH AVENUE EAST WILLOWDALE 428 43 SHEPPARD AVENUE EAST WILLOWDALE 441 Telephone now we RENT CONTRACTORS' EQUIPMENT.“ l-“ Richval _ Lift Capacity - 2 ton e Scaffold Rentals THORNHILL APPLIED ARTS AND TECHNOLOGY Electronic Techniques Electronic Data Processing General Business Scaffolding Thornhill Presbyterian Churc Campus, 491-5050, Ex :11 day programs. Cou1 under these categories; Family and Society Fashion and Design Insurance Language Development. Law Enforcement Hwy. TB, "2 Mile West of Yonge St. Sunday, January 10, 7 pm. folding' * Extension Ladders * Hea Pumps ’l‘renchers (24†depth) Boom Truck - 16’ â€" Stal‘iel- 18’ boom for Computer Programming and Analy Electronic Technology Fire Protection Technology Mechanical Technology further information got to gain! rus. 223-9661, Ext start January 4; IS, 223-9661 or 2 start January 11 9114 YONGE ST. ‘ Ext. 397. for detailed admissions Courses start January 11. January at Seneca C011ege_. . . better job opportunities for you aw Enforcement ollution Control Techniques Ext. 28, for full details on 4; others at various dates ‘I‘II-J; 428 ONTARIO 491-5050 E441 ONTARIO 223-9661 223-8000 for free folder Media Mechanic Natural Science Office Skills Social Services Social Sciences Speech Technology English as a Second Language Lathe 0139mmr Machine Shop 889-1059 Look what you've Healers sis