I'll!“lll“ll\“\ll‘ll\l\\\\\lll\\l\\\“MWl“1Wmm\lll\\\lll\l\1l\l\\l\lll\l“ll\l\111l1\\\ll\1\ll\“ mmuuuummu\mlmmmu\“mulm\lm\nuulxu\uuu\\lul\ummmunmumuI\mmmlum\\\\uumuuummmumuuumuuumxx\\\nmulm1\munuuuu\u\uuuuumuuumuuu‘ London’s 700 Year Fight, Killer Fog Because of the hue and cry you hear at every turn about air pollution, you may be surprised to learn it has been a matter of major con- cern of some men for a long time â€"â€" 700 years to be exact. - Although the voices crying doom and ruin have been heard for many years. little attention has been paid to what they said. But now that the mass medium has brought the subject right into the living rooms of most homes in the western hemis- phere, it's being treated as something brand new. But even the noisiest of the alarmists expresses surprise when told that. men have been officially concerning themselves with air pollution problems since 1273. In 1273, the City of Lon- don, England banned the use of coal. begause it was "pre- judicial to‘ Health." But it did little good. So. 33 years York Central Hospital is to be con- gratulated on its initiative in setting up a mental health service, even though it will be two years, and prob- ably more, before it will be able to locate a psychiatric service in its own building. This whole social area of people growing older should be recognized by our community planners. People’s needs change as they grow older. Many don’t want or can’t handle a large house with furnace to tend, lawn to cut, and snow to shovel. Recently the psychiatrist who is director of postgraduate education at Toronto’s Clarke Institute, Dr. Vivian Rakoff, warned that today we are seeing the first large numbers of people over 55 coming out of the nuclear family. He says the lone- liness that ensues is a major problem that needs attention. Plans for the addition and renova- tion of the hospital include active treatment centres for adults, adoles- cents and children in an up-to-date psychiatric department which will have facilities for private counsel- ling, group counselling, recreation and quiet rooms for all ages. But they ’want to stay in the same neighborhood. Three years ago Richmond Hill obtained its first such senior citizen apartment house and already this year additional apartments are under construction to meet the demand. We'have developed a family struc- ture composed of father, mother and 2.7 children in our communities. This is said to have created intense emo- There are however, hundreds of people in the county who do not need to be hospitalized. They can be treated in daily or weekly counselling sessions while continuing to live at home and go to work or school. Where are these people living now? Are they in institutions at great public expense while actually able to look after themselves in the right sort of apartment? Are they in the basements and attics of room- ing houses? The public does not have to be sold. Dozens of volunteers are already working with the York County Men- tal Health Association visiting the mentally ill in protected homes and driving them to craft classes in N ew- market. More recently ten volun- teers from the Markham-Unionville Lions Club have been driving to the new mental health service at 122 Yonge Street North. Richmond Hill. In the meantime old people con- tinue to be the unwanted minority in the Vaughan and Markham areas of Thornhill. Badly needed extra tax revenues are being lost. The need for such senior citizen accommodation in Thornhill was dem- onstrated by a survey in 1967. .When _the hospital-sponsored ser- v1ce had Its recent open house, nearly It appears that years of planning and preparation have “gone down the drain†without the slightest progress being made. ' The whole question of the need for suitable housing for older people liv- ing alone or in couples was brought into sharp focus in recent days when Markham Township authorities turn- ed down a proposed geared-to-income apartment building for senior citizens in Thornhill. Subscription Rate $5.00 per year; to United States $6.00; 15c single copy Member Audit Bureau of Circulations Member Canadian Weekly Newspapers Association Published by Richmond Hill Liberal Publishing Co. Ltd. W. S. COOK, Publisher “Second class mail, registration number 0190†THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Jan. 7, 1971 Odsl'ers Out Of luck A Good Beginning An Independent Weekly: Established 1878 @112 liberal later a Royal Proclamation prohibited the use of a sea coal in industrial furnaces â€" an offense punishable by death. And indeed, one man was executed for such an offense. Since those days the Brit- ish Government and the British people have concern- ed themselves continually about air pollution problems. Millions of words have been written, published, spoken and read into official reports â€"â€" but it wasn’t until about seven years ago that any of it had any real effect. However. although the government and the people were concerned with air pol~ lution from 1273 on, no one apparently kept any record of the number of deaths due to respiratory complaints prior to and during periods of smog, until quite late in the game. The Clean Air Year Book. published in England in the entire staff of Blue Hills Acad- emy for Emotionally Disturbed Children near Aurora turned out to meet the psychiatric team. Blue Hills is the first publicly financed resident treatment centre for child- ren in York County. Sponsored by the mental health association with the blessings of county hospitals and the public, it has been operating only about six months, but already has many success stories to its credit. But how can their planning be con- sidered complete if there is no pro- vision in the plans for suitable senior citizen apartment sites? Professional people came from Scarboro, North York and Oshawa as well as from all over York County to visit the rambling bungalow that houses the York Central Hospital Mental Health Service. Most of the visitors echoed the sentiments expressed by York County Welfare Administrator Bilton Mac- Donald: ‘There is no doubt as to the need. Even the layman on the street is aware of this. Many people will derive benefit from this type of fac- ility â€"- from the casual, relaxed informal setting.†If the senior citizen apartment site proposed by OHC on Clark Avenue was indeed really unsuitable to the community, which we very much doubt, then an adequate number of suitable alternative sites should be furnished forthwith. The citizens and municipal author- ities in Vaughan and Markham Town- ships surely must feel that they are aiming to do a good job of planning their communities. When finally found, the site pro- posed was rejected “out of hand†by Markham Township Council an d planning board. Surely the least the authorities could have done was to consult the local community as was proposed by Mayor-Elect Anthony Roman. It is unfortunate that Reeve Stewart Rumble an (1 Councillor James Jongeneel were absent from this council meeting, for they might have supported a more constructive approach. The hospital is also to be con- gratulated on bringing together a staff of the highest calibre, and we share Mr. MacDonald’s hope that the street side centre will remain open after the hospital has its desperately needed active bed care centre. Ontario Housing Corporation, the provincial housing agency, searched Thornhill for 21/; years before find- ing a suitable senior citizen apart- ment site. Perhaps the injection of senior citizen apartments should be regarded as a desirable improvement to a single family dwelling community, rather than a threat to property values. It is suggested that many young people leave home for communal liv- ing because they are seeking the extended family situation that is lacking in our society. 7 We no longer have communities, but just groups of people who live and hustle in the same place at the same time. People aren’t sharing a common bonding of the kind possible in an extended family of aunts, uncles, grandparents and cousins liv- ing together or near each other. tional pressure on isolated family members. 1969, shows that in 1873, 268 more persons died during the week of a smog in Lon- don. because of bronchitis, than the week before. In 1880. the increase in bronchial deaths during a smog period was 692 over the previous smog free week. In 1891. it was 572. All of this time. the city was achieving a world wide fame for its famous “London fogs.†Not because of the death the fog was dealing out to Londoners, but as a prop for fiction writers. who wanted to weave tales of evil lurking in the fog‘s swirling clouds. The real killer. and worst evil of all as it turned out, was the fog itself. In 1951, the City of COV- entry became the first smokeless zone on the Brit- ish Isles. Those concerned with pollution cheered. but their joy was short-lived. In 1952. 4,000 persons died 1E0 Nobody is in favour of pol- lution. \Everybody thinks it should be fought. Sadly, by “somebody†else. The govern- ment. The manufacturers. The retailers. Those "other" people, the careless ones. Democracy works slowly, and only if “peo- ple†make their preferences known. The particular area I write on is. non-returnable, no-deposit bottles and cans.‘ The present score on progress is almost in- NON-RETURNABLE BOTTLES AND CANS Dear Mr. Editor: My reason for doing so which I put before council was that I was aware of the salary when nominated and therefore I felt a committment to the taxpayers of Richmond Hill to work for the amount that was paid in the past year. 4 It was then suggested that my pbsition was inconsistent with that of the salary increases for regional council, however, I would emphatically reject that suggestion as it is obvious to anyone following the meetings at the regional council, that the volume of work expected from a 17 man York Regional Council will be as large or larger than the volume expected from the regional council of either Niagara or Ottawa both of which have some 28 members. I also would suggest there is no real basis of comparing regional council salaries with the county council, since the responsibilites and time required are completely_ different. am certain that your reporter whose coverage of our council meetings has been excellent was con- fused by the lateness of the hour and I am not implying any_ criticism in that direction. I can only attribute this error to the lateness of the hour, the meeting ending about 11:30 pm. In fact I opposed the salary increases absolutely and I believe Councillor David Schiller was also opposed to the increases. I (16 noflhowever, want it inferred that I have supported any salary increase in the Town of Rich- mond Hill because that is simply not the case. I viiâ€"The‘értrircle noted that the only member of council to object was Councillor Andy Chateauyeyt. ‘ “I thust "that the publication of this letter will serve to keep the record straight. Dear Mr. Editor: In the December 22 issue of “The Liberal†it was noted that the 1971 Council of Richmond Hill considered salary increases and approved of an increase in town council salary from $3,000 to $5,000 and an increase in the mayor’s salary to $10,000 per annum. In 1953 a special commit- tee on air pollution was set up by the British Govern- ment. In 1954 it submitted its report. in London‘s worst smog dis- aster. In "1955 the whole of the City of London was declared a smokeless zone. In 1956. 1,000 persons died as a result of a London smog. In 1956 the British Gov- ernment’s Clean Air Act was finally passed. In‘ 1958, a National Smoke Abatement Society was in- corporated in England, and in 1959. the International Clean Air Conference was held in London. celebrating its Diamond Jubilee. In 1962, 750 people died in a London smog. Since then, happily, deaths attributed to industrial smoke and fog have dropped sharply in London, because of smoke abatement.laws. All it took was 700 year Although Seneca College at Willowdale is one of Ontario’s twenty community colleges, a number of students from other countries are taking courses there through the asmstance of the Canadian International Development Agency. Seneca President William Newnham was host at a recent luncheon for Six C_IDA students attendingiseneca College this year. Leftfltiohrriflgiht are: John Omeli, James Masanja, Zebede Mpogolo, Ben Kudenya, President Newnharï¬, Hasshn Lema and Isaac Chao. All these students are taking accounting and flnance except John Omeli who is registered in genera1.insurance administration. PLAXTON, SCHILLER, ALSO OPPOSED INCREASE IN COUNCIL SALARIES Canadian Agency Aids Foreign Students Further Education Councillor, Town of Richmond Hill. DONALD PLAXTON, With other beverages, a great deal remains to be done. The retailer is understandably ag- ainst returnable bottles. The widely different varieties, re- turned for cash, aggravated his overtime activities. Some re- tailers are on record saying they would refuse to stock bev- erages if the returnable bottle was forced on them. Nobody but you. the customer. can change this attitude â€" by in- sisting on uniform, returnable glass bottles â€"â€" by refusing to buy the non-returnables and gcans. Make a ripple in our little harbor. Enough of us, joining in, can make a large wave. It was done in British Columbia (now non-returnables and cans are prohibited.) It has been done in widely scattered towns on this continent. Why, not help with your personal push â€"- send this letter to your town council. and tell retailer. by your personal purchase of bev- erages in returnable bottles only. A little inconvenience now, for a great benefit, later. R. C. BASSETT, 3 Dodie Street, Aurora. visible, i.e. the Canadian beer manufacturers have agreed not to bring out any new bottle shapes, which would add to the expense of sorting and hand- ling. Also, they do not intend to put product in cans. The beer industry has been men- tioned by Pollution Probe as the best one, as far as elimin- ation of throw-away containers is concerned. So far, so good. The cash return on return- able bottles, two cents on small, has not changed in over twenty-five years. When first introduced, children (and ad- ults) kept down the problem of mess and hazard by turning them in. This would be re- sumed if the cash return was increased to say, five cents. with six-pack cases to facilitate handling at the store. Where family size (30 oz.) bottles. make these. ten cents. and use the six-pack carton here, too. shapes (similar to beer) this can’t be changed overnight. But can be phased in gradually. The life of a bottle, I’m told, is about nine reâ€"uses, before the glass is eroded and has to be sent back to the glass works by the beer company. for melting down and new molding. 50, re- Now. as to uniform bottle turnable bottles can be replaced by new, on a regular age basis. The more we use, the sooner a uniform size and shape in 10 and 30 02. bottles can be agreed on by soft-drink companies. Why? Because the cost of handling, in factory and in store makes no other plan ac- ceptable. Now, as to using no-deposit bottle glass in a road pavement mix (glassphalt) this must be labelled nonsense. Again, the key is. cost-of-handling. Mov- ing, and storing these at as- phalt plants, is far more costly and hazardous than moving sand, the main ingredient in road-building. Sure, a quarter- mile strip was laid recently in Scarboro â€"â€" at an exorbitant cost. Don’t let the bottle-mak- ers tell you otherwise. So how do we move forward? Assuming, as we do, this front on pollution is well worth our thinking efforts, I'm not sure we should resort to tired cliches like “write your MPâ€. Just make a start closer to home. Clip this out of "The Liberal" and send to your mayor or council member, with a note asking him to initiate and support a bylaw to prohibit the sale of beverages, locally, in non-returnable bottles and cans. And back this up with your own resolve to buy only in returnable bottles. The latter can be effective at once. The town council will act if you care enough and indicate your concern. In sufficient num- bers. If you differ, and you think your MP is the right man to send message to, include him, too. It is coming up for debate in February, and you can bet the retailers and bottleqnakers will be lobbying their private interests. Against clean lands and shores. Could someone please tell meg: why the roads are salted and}: sanded after even the slightest'g falls of snow (Le) Sunday, Dec-H ember 27. Richmond Street was]: treated shortly after 10 am. The? 4 road surface was lightly dustedij with powder snow, the barome-p ter stood high and it was ob-i‘ viously going to remain a ï¬ne ( V 4 sunny day. a ,f Cans, either tin-plated or al- uminum, are an unthinkable answer. As one time use only. cost higher. As rubbish, the vast quantity of ugly discards. and the extra work sorting at the dump by sanitation workers, are additional no-no reasons. “One Small Step" on the right path. By next spring, and with warm weather thirsts. a lot of these steps could bring us a country of lands and lakes free from these eyesores and hazards. Make a ripple in our little Dear Mr. Editor an.ou ou . Also, has anyone noticed; much of an improvement ons< Yonge Street after the recent-j alterations and destruction ofd trees in the vicinity. We reallyzf are being taken all round. aren’t' we? , I WHY SALT AND SAND? JAMES WHITTINGHAM 249 Richmond Street, Richmond Hill. g“ l Hffï¬isméiiiivs'ï¬b'FOR WAS 'N WEAR STRETCH LVVx. N. MWN Myww‘ SHAGGY LOOK 3 Reg. $35.00 ( Z 51 Yonge Street North - Richmond Hill Phone 884-3354 Legion Court WWWVVWWWWW M“ 0" WW) Mr.‘ Peckitt first called me in November and asked if I was aware of graphoanalysis and its meaning. Since'I’m “your average suburban house- wife†I replied in naitivity, “Isn’t that graphology ?†Now saying that is akin to blasphemy to the mem- bers of the Ontario Chapter of the International Graphoanalysis Society (OCIGS for brevity) of which John Peckitt is president. He explained a graphologist is one who analyses handwriting but has no recognized credentials or training. 0n the other hand, a graphoanalyst is one who has com- pleted eighteen months of intensive study, has passed examinations and only then is recognized by the IGS. A certified graphoanalyst’s testimony is readin accepted by police and court officials in cases of questioned documents.†(Is it all clear to you now?) In any case, Mr. Peckitt scrutinized two pages of my handwriting for approximately eight hours and came to some definite conclusions about my character and adjustments to life. He maintained he could tell “the range and depth of my emotions, the strength of my motivation, scope of my imagina- (Continued on Page 12) But do be careful . . . Not for the usual reasons, time payments and all that, but be careful because you are putting the “real you†on that line. John Peckitt of Stouffville is a certified graphoanalyst and he believes, “You are what you write and no two people have exactly the same handwriting. Handwriting is spontaneous motor expression of the writer’s feelings, thoughts and emotional attitudes]: In The Sp oflighft HUMAN HAIR REGULAR WIGS Hair Stylists Clusters of mindless creatures, Scarce a move. Walking not; talking not. Never to be touched by a thought. Body, breath, soul, 1’ Soul lit not by eternal flame. Shall live forever. Seeking not; speaking not. Empty: Empty. Nothing: nothing. Reach out; help. Lives without meaning, Living death. Nothing but existence. Life? Life? Lord, pray it not so. By BONNIE SHEPPARD Just Sign On The Dotted Line Reg. $30.00 Reg. $45.00 We Shall Pra y CHOICE’ OF ANY COLOR MAW m «VmeVmeVme‘dm‘m'h BARBARA STREPNEK, Age 13, 87 Cartier Crescent, Richmond Hill. Sale Price Sale Price Sale Price (Ottawa Journal) The Municipal Board is best known for its work as arbiter in such as zoning disputes be- tween municipality and public. 1But the OMB's 64th annual re~ 'port shows its 15 members â€" eight lawyers. three account- ants, two businessmen, an eng- \ineer and a planner â€" have many other tasks. The board approves annexa- tions (19 ordered in 1969 in- volved more than 77,000 acres 'of Ontario land). and sets rates municipalities must pay for On- tario Water Resources Commis- sion water and seWer works. Since 1966 it has had to ap- |prove capital expenditures of all school boards. Its arbitra. tion of assessment appeals has lbecome a major task under a luniform provincial assessment plan. with 633 appeals to the board in 1969 compared with only 243 in 1968. uu\nuu\mnmmmumuumumummmnmmmnmmummuum The Municipal Board As Watchdog A major task of the board is keeping municipal capital works costs at a reasonable level. This is achieved first by having municipalities file five-year capital works forecasts for board approval, and by estab- lishing yearly quotas that mun- icipalities must follow. In the past few years the OMB has increased pressure on local gov- ernments to limit capital de- mands to only the most urgent projects. Much of its success in this area cannot be measured sta- tistically, for the board works as much in the area of “friendly persuasion" as in outright re- jection of municipal demands. But its persuasive power; worked to the extent that In 1969 there were less than 2,500 requests for capital works“pro- jects, the lowest number in five ville board feels its duty, Is to "protect the rights of individ- uals and minorities." Those in- clude the taxpayer‘s right to have a useful check against local council‘s over-spending, years Etobicoke Resident Conservation Director The appointment of H. R. Ledingham of 17 Kingsfold Court, Etobicoke, as administra- tive director of the' Metro Con- servation Foundation. is an- nounced by Elgin Card of Wilâ€" lowdale, chairman of the found- ation. BOYS AND GIRLS Make regular pocket money on a Liberal paper route. Estab- lished routes may be available in your area. Phone Carrier Circulation, 884-1105. The foundation was establi- shed in 1962 to provide finan- cial assistance through fund- raising in the field'of conser- vation education. Mr. Ledingham succeeds Charles Sauriol of Toronto, who resigned from the position to become administrative director of the Nature Conservancy of Canada. Since that time, it has play- ed a major role in the establish- ment of the three conservation field centres in Metro and re- gion, in the continuing dev- elopment of the Black Creek Pioneer Village, as well as other Metro Conservation Authority projects. Mr. Ledingham, a commerce graduate from the University of Toronto. has been active in bus- iness and industry in Montreal and Toronto and also as a sportsman and keen conserva- tionist. During World War II. he served with the Royal Can- adian Air Force, as a .pilot with the rank of squadron leader and was awarded the Distinguished a Flying Cross. He is an execu†tive member of the Board 6 Trade Club and a member and director of the Goodwood Club.‘ Service Centre HANS GULF SOMERVILLE CAR & TRUCK RENTAL BY THE HOUR - DAY - WEEK - MONTH . . . OR AS LONG AS YOU LIKE 140 YONGE STREET N. RICHMOND HILL 884-0085 WEEKEND SPECIAL FRIDAY NOON UNTIL MONDAY 9 AM. Plus Be a Mile THURSDAY NOON UNTIL MONDAY 9 A.M. $24.95 Plus Be a Mile