Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 7 Jan 1971, p. 3

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AUTHORIZED SALES k SERVICE FOR. ENGINES Boa-Ski Snowmobiles Taro New & Used Snowblowers Davis Mowers Chainsaws New & Used Bosch Ignition Briggs a; Stratton Clinton Rockwell JLO Tecumseh Lawn Boy Hirth & C.C.W. I SERVICE WHAT I SELL! COMPLETE STOCK OF PARTS 884-7716 9 am. - 9 pm. Daily Saturday 9 am. - 5 pm. JACK BART“ “Oh yes. sir. I tell lies." You may trust your most precious garment to our care and be assured that we’ll clean it safely and prepet'ly. Our spotters are experts who know their business and keep abreast of all recent fabric develop- ments in their trade. If you have a difficult stain though. it will help them if you let us Yonge and Levendale Richmond Heights Centre 884-4411 In visiting the various muniâ€" cipalities in the county, said Mr. REID LAWNMOWER “This has been a year that will; go down in history, a year of‘ WM- 1‘3 excitement and change. We have All Eyes approved extensions to our twoi hospitals that were badly need-- Each of ed. and finalized completion oficouncil pre‘ York Manor and had its official puty-reeves opening. We should be very 14 municip; proud of York Manor as a senior opportunity citizen‘s home." commenth Warden Cook observed that 17 of the 28 members of council. himself included. will not be re- turning as members of the re. gional council. “It has been a n10st enjoyable year," said Mr. Cook “It has been a real experience to be a warden of the County of York. 0n adjournment. the council dissolved into a mutual admira- tion society. with nostalgic re- meniscing and backpatting. There is some question, said Mr. Donnell. as to whether the retiring council is the 138th or the 120th. Although the County of York was not constituted as a unit of government until 1951, it was preceded by district councils with the same essential responsibilities. Mr. Donnell explained that the Municipal Act included a directive to retiring councils to sit until successors were fully organized and able to take over all phases of administration. He termed His resolution “a resolu- tion of immortality". Branch Store The business session conclu- warden transferred to him the dcd with endorsement of a mo~ warden‘s chain of office. [ion by North Gwillimbury De- Mr. Wright, a former reeve of puty-reeve Wallace Donnell,‘the Township of East Gwillimâ€" ‘seconded by Newmarket Reeve‘bury and a former warden, re- Clare Salisbury. that the coun- minded council that the chain cil “recess” and remain on call of office had been provided by at the discretion of retiring‘the Queen‘s York Rangers, and Warden Gordon Cook, Reeve of added that it was an honor to King Township. lreceive it. gan 120 years ago. The council, which normally sits for three successive days in each month, wound up its busi- ness in about two hours on December 29 as it prepared to turn over the reins of gov- ernment to the new York Reâ€" gional Gouncil which came into being on January 1. Cook, he had made many friends, and in council co- 'l‘he last official meeting of the last council of the County of York took place in the coun- operation has been excellent. It cil chambers in the York County had not been an easy year, he Administration Building in New. continued. preparing for regional market, ending an era that be- government. gan 120 years ago. He thanked his two commis- The council, which normally15ioners, Reeve Albert Laidlaw sits for three successive days in}of the Town of Markham and each month, wound up its busi-‘Reeve Stewart Burnett of ness in about two hours on the Township of Whitchurch, December 29 as it prepared totand senior staff of the county turn over the reins of gov-{administration for their assis- County Council Ends 120 Years Service, Hands Reins To Region FREE PICK-UP AND DELIVERY SALES & SERVICE 399 CROSBY AVE. JACK BARTH MANAGER Bay Thorn Drive at Yonge St. Thornhill ' CLEANING S CENTRE will know Deputy -reeve Donnell. a hum- iorous and eloquent orator, had been selected as spokesman for the council to make a presen- tation to the retiring warden. He spoke of the comradery of the council and of the symbo- lism that had led up to the selection of a restored litho- graph of a pastoral scene, a Sheppard leading a flock of graying sheep. as an appropriate gift for the farmer-warden. “Do you smoke?" the em- ployer asked the young man applying for a job. “No, sir.” “Drink?” “No. sir." "Then you must go out with girls.” “No. sir." “You mean you have no vices‘ Members of council, adminis- trative staff and guests were invited to remain to enjoy a lavish buffet and reception pro- vided by the Town of Newmar- ket. Mr. Hodgson took an on- timistic View of the future of York under regional gov- ernment with a heritage of more than 100 years of c o u n t y administration .Which, he said. owed its Success to the good judge- ment of the men and wo- men that had made it work. The eyes of Ontario will be on the Region of York said Mr. Hodgson. as it is the first region to be formed without benefit of a large city as a nucleus. He referred to the Ottmra-Carleton Region and the Hamilton-Nia- gara Region. Muskoka Region, he aflded, is "a different situa- tion altogether“. Three other former wardens were present and were recog- nized: Deputy-reeve A 1 b e r t Rutherford of Vaughan Town- ship, former Reeve Floyd Per- kins of Richmond Hill and Wil- liam Hodgson MLA. York North a resident of King Township. puty-reeves of York County’s 14 municipalities, was given an lopportunity to speak, and each commented that it had been a pleasure to serve, an educa- tional experience. Several who had been defeated in the Octo- ber municipal elections declared they had every intention of try- ing again for election to munig cipal or regional office. ‘ Each of the 24 members of council prefient, reeves and de- “I will go back to what I said at the Warden's banquet in 1968. York County has always had a council and a staff comparable to any in the world." Regional Chairman Garfield Wright was presented, and the warden transferred to him the warden's chain of office. tance in the past year WM. HODGSON MLA All Eyes 011 York Region help what HOUR DRY CLEANING 9 am. to 4 pm. Daily them i caused Highway 404 will be a con- tinuation of the Don Valley Parkway and intersect with of‘Highway 407 somewhere near .n_ Buttonville. "Until the boundary between York and Metro has finally been settled. however, Metro will continue to have a legitimate interest in the development of those lands between Steeles Av- enue and the proposed High- way 407 parkway corridor. "This is the corridor that the Minister of Municipal Affairs has suggested might become the new (Metro) boundary," says the Paterson Report on plan~ ning for the new Region of York. “Under the York Act, the Metro Planning Area will be reâ€" tracted to the boundaries of Metro proper, effective January 1, 1971. “In addition, the staff of the Metro Planning Board has over the past years provided a con- siderable amount of planning advice and consulting service to a number of the Southern Six municipalities. As with the York County Planning Office. no charge has been made for these services,” says the Paterson Re, port. ‘ “The conformity of develop- ment applications has been en- sured by the adoption of an inâ€" tegrated procedure for the pro- cessing of subdivisions. official plans. zoning bylaws, and am- endments thereto. “And since the latter is‘tm‘meer M and to Met“)- geared to either the availabilitv‘ The planning commute? re“ of Metro sewer and water ser-‘POI‘t POintS Ont that! l‘lstorlcally: vices, or to upstream plants andithe Pressures for central city ground water supplies appl‘oved‘gl‘m‘th 131308 great Stress on by the province. the local 0f-‘manâ€"made boundaries. The ficial Plans are related to pres-{Steeles AVenUe boundB-I‘Y. 85- ently committed sewer capac-itablished Ovel‘ 120 y681‘5 ago ities. \ I still provides reasonable separa- “The conformity of develop-hon of town and country, how- ment applications has been en-‘ever, as only one-third of the sured by the adoption of an inâ€"gnorth Steeles frontage is de- tegrated procedure for the pro-yeloped. Through advice to the Min- ister of Municipal Affairs, the Metro Board has also been able to assure that the loeal official plans in the Southern Six mun- icipalities are generally in con- formity with the Draft Metro Plan. "Consequently they are cov- ered by the Draft Official Plan of the Metropolitan Toronto Planning Area. However, this has never been formally ad- opted, but is used as a guide in the processing of develop- ment applications by the Metro Planning Board. “Indeed, insofar as the latter (Highway 407) route might be varied as a result of the forth- coming provincial-regional dis- cussions, the Metro interest would extend to the area of such possible variation.” says the Paterson Report. “...The Southern Six mun- icipalities of York (Markham are we lbsing this, land, but Township, Markham Town, Metro is gaining it. It is the only Vaughan Township. WOOd- area where they can be indus- bfldgfi RiChmOHd Hill and trial development. If this source Stouffville) have been included of potential wealth goes to in file Metl‘Oponfién I‘OI‘OQtoilMetro, we are left to provide Al‘ea SING Its 111' services for farms and residen- ception. tial properties.” un___~,». ,._n,, .u, ,, cnue (formerly Don Mills Road). Highway 404 will be a con- tinuation of the Don Valley Parkway and intersect with Highway 407 somewhere near Buttonville. >i< * arr * s< " . . .Until the (Metrol bound- ialy issue has been resolved, 1Metropolitan Toronto will have a legitimate concern for the kind of development taking place in the (Thornhill) strip between Steeles Avenue and the proposed route of Highway 407. “Referral procedures will have to be worked out to meet this concern. The 15-page report of the planning committee quoted from an address delivered by Muni- ‘cipal Affairs Minister Darcy McKeough in Richmond Hill on May 6 outlining details of the government’s plan for the new Region of York. SERIOUS LOSS It was in this speech that Mr. McKeough made first reference to a parkway corridor along the route of the proposed Highway 407 and probable transfer of the ‘lands to the south of the park- way corridor to Metro. h At a meeting of county coun- Paterson Report Calls For Proper Study Of Metro March North (Continued from Page 1) of-way for Highway 404 along the west side of Woodbine Av- enue (formerly Don Mills Road). munnumultnxnumluuumuumuummmmmmuummmmnm In Memoriam Verses A booklet containing In Memoriam vemes may be procured without charge at the Advertising Coun- ter of “The Liberal", 63 Yonge St. 5., Richmond Hill, or we will be pleased to mail one on reQuest. Telephone 88-1â€" 1105. m1umummumumm|nI\lnaummmnmmumummummuulm If you have such a car. contact shop Teachers Peter Rankin or Peter Davis at the school. 884-4453. They will be put to good use in instructing- the boys in auto repairs and mainten- 81168. More cars are still need- ed. however, and the school will accept cars of any make or model that have an engine that might be made to run. They will be re- sponsible for disposing of the remains and surrender- ing of licence plates. The holiday rush and cold and snowy weather slowed down the operation a hit -â€" the friendly service station man was kept. hopping at- tending to business â€" but the school's Technical Dir- ector Don Frise reports that all of the cars should be at the school within the week. By Christmas about 20 had been offered, and a local service station opera- tor was providing free tow- ing to get the cars to the school where they could be dismantled. Bayview Collects 20 Cars â€"â€" Need More Early in December, Bay- view Secondary School ap- pealed to the public for donation of old cars to be used in classes in the school’s auto mechanics shop. At a meeting of county coun- far as the lattericil in September, the planning mute might befcommittee was directed to pre- u1t of the forthâ€"{pare a detailed submission out- rial-regional disslining the result of any boun- Metro interest dary adjustment and its impact to the area of-on the York Region. variation.” says Aurora Reeve Evelyn Buck, “To Metro” lands. Of this, over 74 percent, or 17,320 acres is agricultural or undeveloped in the urban Sense. Of the 5,980 acres remaining, a further 1,740 acres is in public or private open space (mostly golf coursest Only 4,250 acres, or 19 percent of the area is urbanized, and 810 acres is developed for commer- cial or industrial purposes. "Based on the Metro plan, some 10,800 acres, or about 47 percent of the area is reserved for agricultural uses,” says the report. “Very significantly, about 3.350 acres or over 14 percent Of the area is reserved for industrial development and 6,030 acres or 26 percent for residential uses â€" nearly one acre of industrial for every two acres of residential.” some $277 million of taxable assessment, or 17 percent of York‘s total, is located in the area. Further, the residential- farm to commercial-industrial ratio 0f the $277 million assess- ment is 77:23 whereas the comâ€" parabler ratio of the continuing NEED INDUSTRY It states that 18,732 people are located in the “To Metro" lands or 12.5 percent of York’s population. This would leave a population of 131,248 in the continuing region. About 23.200 acres, or six per- cent of Yor_k’s area is in the "Moving the boundary north some two miles will not of itself improve the separation of town and country. particularly on a long term basis,” states the re- port. ‘ Warden Gordon Cook observ- that Markham Tovmship has spent a great deal of money in servicing land for industrial de- velopment, and this Would all go to Metro, adding, "Markham Township is taking a great beat- ing in the proposed boundary change. Mr. Roman observed that there have been a number of ratepayers meetings in the area to protest the proposed Metro takeover, and that more than 90 percent of the people seemed to be strongly opposed to the transfer of land to Metro. Aurora Reeve Evelyn BuckJ also a member ofi the planning; committee, observed, “Not only' are we losing this land, but Metro is gaining it. It is the only area where they can be indus-1 ego!) is 82:18 County council‘s Planniugland 17 percent of debt. Consultant Conroy Dowson ob-HNVESTMENT FOR FUTURE served that in forming the re- The Markham debt is sub- gion the objective had been to‘stantially an investment in the ensure an equitable tax systenr‘future, that is, essentially a local by reâ€"organizing the structure ofcharge a g a i n s t undevelopedI municipal governments. !industrial lands which under “The continuing Region of'full development would accure York will be as well‘ off as thelto the benefit of the entire County of York, but there is noitownship. A substantial portion way the region can increase its of the debt is to service 700 potential for industrial develop- acres of industrial land. merit.” Also, in Markham $845,000 of Mr. Dowson observed that thefthe debt is directly assignable Potential for induStl‘y is in thelto industrial service, yet is a ‘southern Sections 0f Vaughan charge against the entire town- and Markham, bUt county Dlan- ship. This method was adopted ners had never considered the in anticipation of the future in- POSSibility Of this land being dustrial development markedly transferred to Metro. “This . “up: 1., “A4. .A... * pdbL. idid contributing to the township’sl a uuanuai 1058 IS anuCI- pated as well“, says the report. i It quotes from the board’s lbrief of September 14: “It is ‘the opinion of this board that the whole proposal is a politi- Ical compromise designed to help the Metro giant at the expense of York County. The great price to be paid by York County for the relatively small gain for Metro is a denial of justice.” York Central Hospital, too,‘ would be affected, says the planning committee report. “About 15 percent of the pat-‘ ients at York Central Hospital .come from the “To Metro” 'area. The length of stay of these patients represents about Mr. Dowson observed that the potential for industry is in the southern sections of Vaughan and Markham, but county plan- ners had never considered the possibility of this land being transferred to Metro. “This did not come up until the last minute.” "It is very difficult for any- one to put a figure on the pot- ential," said Mr. Roman. “but anyone who is aware of the in- dustrial potential of this area can envisage what it might ulti- mately become. It would defi- nitely be a drastic financial loss to the Region of York.” The Committee C h a i r m a n Anthony Roman, mayor-elect of Markham, told the meeting the committee had stayed away from projection of potential in evaluating the effect of the loss of the southern area. ‘ Defend Southern Boundary County Council Fights Annexation Speaking at the last meeting of York County Council in Newmarket on December 29. Mr. Williams said it is important to Vaughan that the area south of the proposed Highway 407- be retained, but it is even more important to the region. Mr. Williams was speakian to a York Region evaluation report dealing with the “to Metro" lands, prepared by the planning committee of council of which Mr. Williams is a member. The battle to prevent Metro from annexing lands in southern Markham and Vaughan is not just a fight to retain land and people, it is a fight for economic survival, says Vaughan Reeve Garnet Williams. ,‘Llltf “CV “Traditionally Steeles Avenueland to formed the boundary of school attendance areas,” the report! points out. “This, among other} factors led to a concentratioan of seven elementary schools‘ and five secondary schools iniwHAT areas immediately adjacent to 12 YE! the proposed Highway 407 in‘FINAN the Yonge Street corridor.” WITH SCHOOLS AFFECTED Moving the boundary will lo-jAnSlYel‘ cate most of these schools inical‘ner Metro unrelated to their service You P" areas. Further, the transfer a 103“? will create a serious loss in the economics of scale, disruptingl Ple‘ many specialized services now‘ Pm“ provided by the board. ‘ “Due to present day prices.’ â€" interest rates, grant structures This could be compared with the 54 percent of Markham‘s iassessment and 26 percent of (Vaughan's assessment. These expenditures are estimated on a township per capita basis ap- ‘glied to the population in the {"To Metro” lands. Of an esti- ‘mated $1,990,300 in grants to York Region under Bill 67, about 13 percent 01‘ $262200 would apply to the “To Metro” lands. The planning committee re- port includes the effect of land transfer on education. as pre- sented in a brief prepared by the York County Board of Edn- cation. About 27 percent of the total York capital improvement bud- get for improvement to existâ€" ing roads from 1971 to 1975 is required in the “To Metro" lands, six percent of the York area. Maintenance-costs in the same period would account for 2.6 percent of the total maint- enance costs for the region. Capital expenditures for roads in the 1971 to 1975 per- iod have been estimated at $4.4 million, 01' 33 percent of the total capital improvement pro- gram for York. Since 12.5 percent of York’s population are. in the “To Metro.” lands, possible transfer has little effect on grants. PLAN NEW ROADS The county's Road Needs Committee has indicated a need to double the mileage of York roads in the “To Metro” lands (an increase from five to 14 percent of the total York road inventory). [ Also, in Markham $845,000 of .the debt is directly assignable to industrial service, yet is a charge against the entire town- ship. This method was adopted in anticipation of the future in- dustrial development markedly contributing to the township’s finances, not only writing off the general charge. but improv- ing the residential-industrial balance. 0f approximately $2,049,000 in expenditure in the “To Metro" area, two-thirds is from Markham, one-third from Vau- ghan. These expenditures repre- sent 60 percent of Markham’s total expenditures and 20 perâ€" cent of the Vaughan total. This could be compared with the 54 neroent nt‘ Markhnm’c York Central Hospital, too, would be affected, says the planning committee report. “About 15 percent of the pat- ients at York Central Hospital .come from the “To Metro” 'area. The length of stay of [these patients represents about 20 percent of the total day care provided by the hospital. York {County has an outstanding debt ‘for the two York County hos- pitals of about $2 million.” A further $4.1 million has been approved for capital imâ€" provements to York Central HOSpital, thus about 20 percent of the $4.1 million, plus an un- determined portion of the $2 million is a charge against the “To Metro” lands â€"â€" more than $820,000. “In considering possible com- mittee arrangements, it is imâ€" mediately apparent that for ef- fective liason. both political leaders and senior staff mem- bers of the effected govern- ments will have to be invol- ved. The question arises as to whether they should sit to- gether on a single liason com- mittee, or sit separately on two liason committees, one at the political level and one at the staff level. “Because the respective con- cerns of the two groups, while strongly related, will seldom be identical, it is concluded that much time of both would be wasted if they were asked to regularly meet together. “Accordingly it is recom- Comparing these figures with taxable assessment, Markham loses 54 percent of assessment and 89 percent of debt. Vaughan loses 26.5 percent of asseSanent and 17 percent of debt. INVESTMENT FOR FUTURE Outstanding debt in the “To Metro" area of about $5.1 mil- lion represents 89 pex‘cent of Markham Township‘s total debt and 17 percent of Vaughan Township's total debt. The assessment per capita in the area is $12,144. and the comparable figure-for the con- tinuing region is $8,308 (about two-thirds of the area figural. Outstanding debt in the “To THE ‘HlTCH-HIKERS THE MIGHTY POPE Back By Popular Demand The Round Table Room Full and in i( I Issues of applying costs to a ‘development plan are speculat- ive because present develop- ment plans will depend on the required regional plan, and there is no compulsion as yet in evidence that services must be installed in a given time period (for example in service installations or road construc- tion). Answer: Your local Liberal Carrier on Collection Day. Are you preparing to ask him for a loan? The County Council gave unanimous approval and enâ€" dorsement of the report, and directed that copies be sub- mitted to Premier John Roâ€" barts. Mr: McKeough and to Provincial Treasurer Charles MacNaughton, also that copies of the report go to members of the new York Regional Council and to Metro Council. gated the impact of the pro- ‘posed boundary changes on the Roman Catholic School Board, lDepartment of Sooial and Fam- {in Serviées, York County :Health Unit and York Manor Home For The Aged and dis- ‘covered that only relatively minor adjustments would be re- quired on the part of these or- ganizations. [ The committee also investi- I l WHAT IS A 12 YEAR OLD FINANCE C0. WITH 2 LEGS? The committee recommended 2 Dm- Library Club Of Riellmond that every effort be expended Hill High School presents film in opposing any transfer oil“The Dragon of Pendragon lanfls from the Region of York. Castle" also serial part 4. Ad- APPEAL T0 PROVINCE In summary, the report con- cludes that the Region of York appears as the loser in two important respects: total wealth is reduced, and potential future ur'ealth based an anticipated in-/ dustrialization is curtailed d1‘as-| tically. l and government aid programs, which are largely different from what they were in the past. a financial loss is anticiâ€" pated as well", says the report. ensed Please pay your Carrier Promptly When He Calls To Collect. GARNET WILLIAMS Fight For Survival Richmond Hill {JANUARY 7. 8, 9, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday evenings at 8,15 pm. and Saturday mati- nee at 2 pm. Aurora Drama lVVOI‘kShOp presents the ‘Child- ren‘s pantomime “Aladdin”, at St. Andrew‘s College, Aurora. Admission: adults $2, students $1.25, children 12 and under 75¢, $1 each for groups of 20 and over. All seats reserved. Phone 727-6511 between 1 and‘ 9 p.m. or 727-9276. c1w28| JANUARY 9, SATURDAY -â€" 2 pm. Library Club of Richmond mission season tickets or 30 cents. c1w28 “If this is to happen, however. .it seems clear that some kind of organization for it will be re- quired. This would seem to be what the Minister of Municipal Affairs had in mind on May 6, 1970. when be indicated that a joint planning committee of the York Region, Metropolitan Tor- onto‘ and the province will be established to create permanent machinery for co-ordinating the planning policies of neighbor- ing municipalities and the prov- ince. MILLWOOD Recreation -Ltd. Open swimming at Slater’s In- door Pool. Don Mills Rd. at Van- dorf. Saturday and Sunday afternoons from 1:30 pm. to 4:30 pm. tfclfi On the question of co-opera- ‘tion and communication bet- ‘ween the provinCc and region on planning matters, the Pater- son Report goes on as follows: “In discussing provincial plan- ning responsibilities . . . it was recommended that the province consult the affected regional ‘governnients and discu35 frankly with them the outstanding mat- ters which have both regional land provincial implications, .even though ultimate respon- sibility for these matters must clearly rest with the province. “If such consultation is to be effective. it is felt that it can- not be left to the odd, infrequent meeting called only when a mat- ter of acute concern has arisen. It should take place in a more continuous manner, permitting the issues to be readin brought forward foodiscussion as nec- cessary. "Accordingly it is recom- mended that the Minister of Municipal Affairs consider est- ablishing two committees to “Because the respective con- cerns of the two groups, while strongly related, will seldom be identical, it is concluded that much time of both would be wasted if they were asked to regularly meet together. {Advisers wm Fix Fate Of Thornhill (Continued from Page 1) ldeal with matters requiring pro- “The role of the committees'vincial-regional liason. is seen as purely advisory, and it} “It is further recommended is considered unnecessary and that initially at least, the gov- undesirable that either comâ€"lemments involved in addition‘ mittee should hire any staff of to the provincial govemment,‘ its own,” said the Paterson Re-‘shouid be limited to those of} port. Metropolitan Toronto and ad-‘ On the question of co-opera- jacent governmean regions. JANUARY CLEARANCE é KRAEMAR FASHIONS FEATURING: STORE-WIDE “350 DRESSES FOR BIG BARGAINS CONSULT THE LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS ammo -vsm'l “I; o ., Ii; :â€" _ Xv, ,1” 7,, _-,__ -__ _____ _.__--_- 884-64 02 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Jan RRAE'MAR‘FASHIONS North-East Corner of New Wing for ‘ 0 WINTER COATS 0 CAR COATS o BLOUSES o SKI JACKETS 0 HOUSE COATS o SWEATERS o PANT DRESSES 0 DRESSES k (LATEST STYLES AND FABRICS) Th is who year North-East Corner of New Wing RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE sale is our way of expressing sincere thanks to all 9! you, have, through your continued patronage made this past a successful one for us. Thank You! “Turning now to the quest- ion of specific membership, we come to the most difficult issue to be resolved. Considering the [senior committee first, it is es- }sential to keep it ‘small enough ‘to function effectively, even if lfour regions should become in- volved. And the question which arises is, where to stop if one {begins adding members beyond those who must obviously be in-i ‘cluded. ‘ “To co-ordinate the activities of the adjacent regional govern- ments and those Of all prov- incial departments concerned will prove one of the more de- manding tasks facing planning in this area over the next few years,” says. the Paterson Re- port on York Region planing An assortment of overstocked woollens must be cleared to make room for new year deliv- eries. Values to $4.00 yard Regular value $1.09 yard 45" Polyester & Cotton BROADCLOTH In 15 beautiful colours No. 7 Highway & Woodbine Warehouse Location Only Open Sunday â€" 10 am. to 5 pm. 0 Hundreds of Odds and Ends Reg. Values to $5.00 Yd. JACKPOT $500 PLUS SLoo WAREHOUSE HOURS: DAILY â€" 10 A..\‘[. TO 9 RM. SATURDAY â€"â€" 9 A.M. T0 6 PA]. â€"â€" Ample Free Parking â€" 106 Centre St. East STARTING TIME â€"-â€" 8 PM. Early Birds 7.40 pm. 20 REGULAR GAMES â€" 3 SPECIAL GAMES OPEN TO THE PUBLIC RICHMOND HILL LIONS CLUB MONDAY, JANUARY ll 54" WOOLLENS TO CLEAR Vaughan Councillor and Thornhill Lawyer David Fraser was named a Queen‘s Counsel in the New Year's Honors List this year. Mr. Fraser is a resident of Concord. New Queen's Counsel Only Yd Only Yd DAVID FRASER Qc 57 NUMBERS

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