Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 7 Jan 1971, p. 6

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KITCHEN cabinets and Vanities. Free estimates. Creative Decor, office and showroom. 9212 Yonge $1., Richvale. 889-2462, 773-4696. tfc42 YORK ALUMINUM Free estimates Aluminum sid- ing windows, doors, awnings, also glass and screen repairs. Phone 884-4558 factory 832-1319 Maple. lfc28 "ALUMINUM Doors. windows, awnings. and railings. Ron Woods. 884-1514. WTYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES Sales Service Rentals Authorized Dealer All popular makes for sale including new and rebuilt standard portable and electric models. Special rental rates available to students. WASHER, dryer and stove homes. ideal 101‘ llVlng. Iauuiy parts, gears, belts, wood bear- and recreation rooms. Like new. ings and \vringer rollers etc.ll'€350nab1e free delivery. Park- For all makes. Repairs to elechrcst Construction 226-1880. tric lawnmowers and small ap-i c2\\'28 pliances. Math‘s TV, 49 Indus-l D‘dNy'T’ fifiURNfs’H trial Road, 334-7903. tfc9 _ “FINISH SEASONED FIREWOOD Let us show you how easy re- Mixed Birch, Oak, Maple, finishing furniture can be after Beech. Cut to 12 inch or 16 we strip it for you. Bix Furni- inch lengths. Phone 832-2455 ture Stripping Service. 889-4422. Holland Park Garden Centre, clw28 51 Keele St. North. Maple. _ROOM with board close to DINING room furniture. bed- room suites and chest of draw- ers, pianos. dishes. antique‘ furniture. Chesterfield s u i t e 5.} new and used. coffee and end‘ tables, table lamps and floor lamps, and many other house-i hold articles. Reasonable. A-H Fu‘rniture Sales, 5208 Yonge St..‘ Willowdale. tfc241 APPLES, McIntosh, Spy, Deli- cious, Courtland, Tolman Sweet, Manning Orchards, RR 2 Duf~ ferin Street, Maple. 1 mile south of Maple Sideroad 3 miles north oi" No. 7 Highway. tfcls WANTED Pianos and used furniture. Call 8844146. 1fc'24 SKI-000 RUN 150 acres on Bayview, Richmond Hill, Any day $1. Storage facili- ties, sandwiches and coffee available. 884-1928. - tfc27 FIREWOOD DRY white birch and maple C. L. Knappett, 884-3089 ilethic snow blower, small 120 bass accordion, skis and boy’s Glider bicycle. 884-5537. AQUARIUMS â€"â€" various sizes (6). Would like to sell as com- plete unit. Includes heaters. filâ€" ters, gravel, pump and fish. One price takes all. Must sell. 884- 1045 after 5.30 pm. c1\\'28 2 SNOW TIRES and rims. 695 x 14. 884-4102. cl\\'28 DRESS SALE 1 Going out of business. everyâ€" thing must be sold, sizes 5 to 18. below wholesale prices. 889â€" 8852. c2w28 1 USED Stfill-r-cribfGendron carriage. 884.8073. c1w28 WETINGHOUSE stove $35. 884-3722. c1w28 BRASS bed $125. 889-5582 gUNBEA‘A’I electric snowblower excellent condition. $30. 884- “""' 6205. ‘ *1\\'28 16 YEAR old female studéxit. - _ . r - v ' loyment. 1970 SIxI-DOO Olymplque. De- Seeks Pa” “me “mp luxe. cover. Private must sell. can after 6 p1." 889'9139' 2 .97 884-5708 after 5 pm. c1w28 _ ___W__,P_.’ c “' 2 PAIRS of lady‘s white skatéérA‘CCOUNTS “WWW? “‘e‘i“ size 5’ $350 pt 8844074. "mth typmg. and expenenced 1n “Ha... “Ha .mnnminn of amounts. 19" PORTABLE Admiral. 21" RCA floor model. $60 each. 88-!- 4518. *l\\'28 WINTER sale now on. All paintj 25% off. Open Saturday until 4 pm. Loughlin Lumber, Yonge and Scott Drive. Richvale. 889- 1109. c1\\‘28 CHESTERFIELD. asking S30. 3 pairs Skis and boots. sizes 8‘2. 9. and 101.2. 889-6885, evenings. 884-2753. *1\\'28 CASH RATES, lst insertion 10 words $1.00 and .8c per word thereafter. Minimum charge $1.00. Second and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged, 10 words for .90c and .8c per word thereafter. COMING EVENT NOTICE 10¢ per word; min. charge $1.50 BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of 50c CARDS 0F THANKS. IN MEMORIAMS. DEATHS. ENGAGEMENTS. MARRIAGES, BIRTHS per in- sertion $1.50 Classified advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than 6 pm on Tuesdays. Send ads by mail and enclose payment or telephone us at 884-1105 or 884-1983 and you will receive an invoice. 884-2753. *1\\'28‘, NEW radio and television tubes} $1 each. 222-6332. *2w28 CHESTERFIELD and 2 chairs,‘ good condition, kitchen table and chairs, extra cupboard. vaâ€" cuum cleaner. 884-7320. c1w28 STAINLESS steel built-in web in good condition $45. 889-6410. c1w28 VSO-IjliDr mahogany dining room table and six chairs $30. 844- 4636. clw28 FLORESCENT FIXTURES Used $3.00 and up FRASER ELECTRICAL EQUIPMENT 7 Guardsman Rd. Thornhill Sales -â€" Rentals â€"- 889-3113 c3w28 FOR SALE THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Jan 88 Baker Ave Richmond Hill 884-1745 If L. H. SIMS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES iERAL, Richmond Hm, Untarlo, lnursclay. Jan. I. You're Desperate Wtuo Make a Sale, Try Our Cassifieds, They Never Faik‘. EINAil CLAUSEN LTD. and Hwy. 7. just east of Fifth Line. 14. ‘(2 miles east of Dixie Road) tfc36|Bramalea. tfc10 sidâ€" tings, pairs. -1319 tfc28 sale uilt ectric rates ' WKTER SOFTENERS Miracle w a t e r conditioners. humidifiers, sales, service and rentals, also salt delivery ser? vice. Call Gerald Morlock 884- 4016 after 4.30 pm. tici? ITALIAN drapes and matching bedspread. Sunbeam 18” twin blade electric l a w n m o w e r. sprinkler and hose. 8 mm camera equipment and Polaroid. 884-4727. c1w28 GREEN bathroom fixture sink, toilet. bath. Accessories and fittings included $55. 889- 9889. c1w28 tfcl? c1w28 tfc3 tfc15 c1\\'28 cl\\‘28 DISPLAY FURNITURE Construction firm will sell ches- 1terl‘ields, tables and lamps used on display in subdivision model homes. Ideal for living. family and recreation rooms. Like new. Ireasonable free deliven'. Park- !crcst Construction 226-1880. (Continued) TEAKWOOD Living, dining and bedrooms, direct from importers wareâ€" house. Open 1-9 pm. 454:1388 l1969 34TSWINEER. 884-8592“ after 6 pm. c1wZB 1968 PONTIAC Laurentian V8. automatic, power steering and brakes, rear window defogger. Excellent condition. Private. 884-5483. c2w28 fi1964'F0R‘DMCEIEfie'XII.’ high 'performance engine. Best offer. [834-3015 after 6 pm. c1w28 l{9'62 VOLKSWKGEN, mechani- cally good. Body needs repair. Ideal for dune buggy $125. 884: hct un auuu' .yuu uva Lany- ‘ finishing furniture can be after‘iCENTRELESS grinder. Quali- we strip it for you. Bix Furni-=fied person required to set-up ture Stripping Service. 889-4422.!and operate. Working to blueâ€" c1w28iprints, specifications and guages, ROOM with board cfos'e’ to;ab1e to set and adjust, grinding Yonge Street. 88443507. c1w281wheels. guides and holding de- vices for diversified, and repetiâ€" » tive work to standard tolerances and finish. Steady employment, _H_d_m__ ’ Snap-On Tools of Canada Ltd., 1963 CHEV. nupaIEâ€"sEHEn. 4}Keele SL- 1 mile N- of Highway . , no u... nnnnn 4:" mnn 52310-”.889-7501' CIW28 1963 Cfiix’flmpala Sedan. 4 door, VS, automatic, $300. 889- 1662, c1w28 $961 COMETâ€"$125? 884-7236f 6015. ( 1966 METEOR convertible power, buckets, consul, transmission. Best offer $500. 884-2632. FL-RNITURE slip covers cut‘ and fitted in your home. Work- manship guaranteed. Also cush- ions and arm caps, etc. Please phone anytime 773-5755. tfc42 YOUNG man looking for steady iemployment on farm, factory, [lumber yard. Graham, 832-1584. I c3w26 EXPERIENCED German lady wants day wgrk every second week Mondays and Wednesdays from 8-3 pm $12. and car fare. Call after 5 pm, 889-6911. ACCOUNTS receivable clerk with typing, and experienced in aging and collection of accounts, \n‘shes part time work. 884- 8317. clw28 CHAUFFER with car available 6 days a week, PO. Box 696, Bradford, Ontario. c2w28 WOMAN would do ironing in your home or my home. 884- 777? clw28 HANDICAP. 11 years in wheel- chair, age 45, wants part time or steady position on small parts assembly line. Willing to work for $45. per week. 775-6697. Bradford, Ontario. c2w28 {WOMAN looking for housework \by the day. 773-4354. cleS ROOM WANTED PINE Grove and “'oodbridge area. Graham. 832-1584. STAFF employee recently trans- ferred to Richmond Hill re- quires 3 bedroom unfurnished home with garage. for occu- ‘pancy February lst, 1971. Con- itacl Mr. Brennan, Reynolds Ex- EMPLOYMENT WANTED tact Ml trusidn FOR SALE WANTED TO RENT 7ALL THE DIRECT CLASSIFIED NUMBERS 884-1105-6‘ AND A COURTEOUS AD TAKER WILL ASSIST YOU. clw28 ULlCl. _‘ W v . c1w28 PART time saleslady ‘ lApply 22 Levendale Rd. nhuni- Brie: EXPERIENCED ledger-keeper. 839- Apply at Bank of Nova Scotia, 1w28 Oak Ridges, 773-4311. c1w28 E“ CLERKâ€"TYPIST. experienced. :hes- Apply Kent Tools Ltd., 26 Laid- used law Blvd., Markham. 294-4400. M4": c1w28 “mir‘ & r epau‘.{ _,N _ up ? CHIMNEYS 334‘RSERVICE 513mm attendant ex‘phimneys and fireplaces built lw28:per1enced only. Must have re-;and repaired. Free estimates. .ferences. Ask {or Mr. KeithJExpert workmanship 20 years ’Fiiu _ . . newl834‘1303-_7 7___'__d‘_31“:2_§ experience. Phone 884-2882. over G.M. DEALER REQUIRES WALKER CONSTRUCTION tfc43 tf028 LICENCED MECHANIC 51.}; Excellent wgges and bonus plap. [IAIN-TING Apply Serv1ce Manager, Leshe INTERIOR; EXTERIOR 332.8 Chev-Olds, King City. 833-5301. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ c1w27 c1 \v2 I HELP WANTED WAITRESS â€" No experience required for snack bar from 5.30 pm. to 10 pm. Apply GEM Store, 7171 Yonge Street. Mrs. Purvis. c1w28 PART time help for flower shop. Able to answer phones and‘ meet the public. 889-9083. _ EXPERIENCED cook for Pop’s {VXI'fiEEss â€"- full and part time. Pop‘s Tavern. 884-2752‘ PRACTICAL nurse for nursing home. 884-7646. ‘ c1w28 FOURTH class engineer for greenhouse. 884-3933. c1w28 §AIJESLKDIES for fabric milllgg'd" 331;]; ,; outlet. An interesting position E1716 839_2889 for women who like fabrics. A -â€" » r r - ~ â€" 7 r 40 hr. week. Phone Mr. Liss. SEPTIC TA) 889-3701. tfc28§ Se‘CVeI‘SS‘ MATURE person for kitchen Pho'ne help. Nights 11.30 pm to 7.30- WV a.m. Apply Mrs. Ward â€"- Mr. SHAM‘ WINTER Donut. 884-8377. c1w28. wk 7 Rugs. and ches LABOURER for farm w01'k.'night.884_2433 . - 1 . . 89-1265. axound gleenlouses 8 Clwza FINLAY Tavern. 884 EXP’ERIENEED’B’OOKKEEPER General office, some typing re- quired. APPLICATIONS are being ac- cepted for packers-inspectors for for plastic plant, Keele St., north of Highway 7. 3 8-hour non-rotating shifts. Telephone for appointment between 9-11 am. and 1-3 pm. Mrs. J. Mc- Millan 889-7331. c1w28 HAPPY NEW YEAR ‘LPET" predicts more employ- ment in 1971. We are always looking for A-1 experienced personnel to list with us for work. ‘ A-l EMPLOYMENT AGENCY (Permanent Placements) and Mona Robertson Temporary Placement Service, 884-6944, 8 am. to 8 13.111. HAPPY NEW YEAR Ambitiofis people wanted to promote sales indirectly to the consumer. Above average earn- ings. 889-1649 ........, ...H7 _, l WELDER ifilter i‘equired formic. N0 D0033. ‘ sheet metal fabricator, mustl ‘ “$5228 “My have experience in light gauge A 7 v i. 4“ metal. 889-6533. c1w28iD. SNongginfilfi 1 . ‘ *'â€"" “7 ~ â€" ~~ 1 â€" riveways an 51 ewa s c ear-‘ DOUBLE YOUR INCOME led. 8842838. “C25” If you are not afraid of work‘ ____.__- you can be a success in the Realt ‘ ' DECORATING ‘ Estate Business. Top ti'aining,!Pamtlng, Paperhangmg.‘ Vlnb’ls. commission, and bonus offered, 24 )‘eal‘s- Free EStimateS- A‘ Iplus congenial people to Work 30111115011. 833-6671. “(:18 with. 3 representatives needed CARPENTRY work recreation to‘ complete our 1971 expansion rooms, additions, renovations, Program Talk t0 one of our tile floors, and ceilings. Free salesmen 01‘ call IVII‘. “711116 01‘ estimates T_ Price. 889_3653_ Mr. Cuff â€" 889-6241. m3 NORM BLACK REALTY LTD. Fâ€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"*â€"â€"â€"’â€"â€" ALUD‘IINUM HOME f 23 t c r IMPROVEMENTS HOUSEKEEPER full time 9-6 A1 A - . ’ , ’ can â€"â€" Sldm . Eavestiou 115 pm. Monday to Friday. 884- Doors anfi Windows 3 5673‘ Clwzg For free estimates call your AUTOMOBILE UNDERWRITEW FIELD INSPECTOR ‘ Thornhill insurance office has openings for (1) Underwriter, t2) Field Inspector and I3! Auto Rating Clerk. Salary based on experience. 889-4933. c1w28 RECEPTIONIST-TYPIST Required full time for Real Estate Office. Hours 9-5 pm. Call Mr. Laing. N. S. Smith Real Estate Limited. 884-4425. c1\\'28 Intermediate Clerk. Opportun- ity to learn business machines RICHMOND HILL Mature .-\-1 bookkeeper. Salary open. :\-1 EMPLOYMENT AGENCY 884-6944 bRIVER’annthTfix-e’day week: King City area. Maple Egg Grading Station. 833-5282. “The Liberal” requires a re- sponsible boy or girl for an established paper route in the Morgan - Clarke - Henderson - Glencameron Avenues area of South Thornhill. For further information please call Mrs. ENDEAN NURSERIES 542 Yonge St. N.. Richmond Hill 884-5996 info Mos OPPORTUNITY Iation 9161 at 884-1105 'EEEIEETREET CARRIER WANTED 1971 c1w28 c1w28 PB}; CLEANING WINDOWS trc34 WALLS AND FLOORS ‘ DAY or Night art- 33 834-2433 tfc23 tfc49 PLUMBING (HEATING rsing' Roger Proulx â€"â€" Telephone â€" W28 884-1650. tfc24 clwzsl clw28 c2w2 c1\\'28 MISCELLANEOUS Alvu NfifiHERiâ€"PENTING free Nimat .ReSISIentlffl’ comma?“ palm" Contracting. 832-1275. tfcl'.‘ mg. mtemor and exterlor.P::1pm~-l r m m <_ , , 7, _ , hanging. 884-5697. tfc49l 8:331: Lfl‘y‘gvaslgggléE GENERAL c°.n_tracting‘ altera' Complete lawnmowel: and snow- tlons and addmons, homes, ofâ€" mobile- repairs and service fices, factories. Custom carpen- Open 8 am _ 9 pm. 38437716. gym "â€" . cs. Hansen Bros. try of all despriptions. Les tfclz Webb. 889-2546. tf_c-3I ~PZA1NTIN AMERICO CONTRACTING & PAPEEHANGING LTD- R. E. DUNN VINCE’S CARPENTRY SPECIALIZING in rec. rooms. bars, kitchen cabinets, arborite and home repairs. License F1716 ERR-2889‘ xfc20 n_iConcrete. Drain and General gglRepairs. Patio, Stonework, Side- 4-‘!\\‘a1k, Trenching and Excavating 01.1Lic. No. D0033. SHAMPOOING WINTER SPECIAL Rugs. and chesterfields. Day FINLEY'ELECTRIC Contractor. free estimates. Call anytime. 884-3931. tfc37 fi‘fikfifis’mc‘kfion '7 EXCAVATING Tl‘enching. sewer footings. 889-3604 RUBBER STAMPS ‘ Several type faces to choose from â€"â€" including Script. Block letters. Outline and signature â€" fast service. Call “The Lib- eral” 884-1105. HARRISONS CUSTOM ' CARPENTRY ‘Custom built homes, renova- tions, additions, and repairs. [Kitchens a speciality. Morris Harrison. 884-2838. tfc45‘ RbN MOORE ' â€"â€"â€"i -.-~_-._-_ PAINTING - PAPERHANGING til’onge St. 8% Interior - Exterior. Free estiâ€" â€" mâ€" 6 ROOM bungai mates. Call anytime. 889-8965. IN fny home $12 Per ‘Veék'tggfs; - tcha 4980. fl, 6. FURNISHED r ThornhilllDrAYr_§§1'e availabl‘e in Maplewhome. 8844038 HMO? Plastering Plastering ‘R. CLARK Plain and Decorative Plaskering‘ Repairs a Speciality E. W. PAYNE Drains, septic tanks. All types of concrete work. 889-5762 FREE ESTIMATES tfc31 RALPH ELMS DECORATING Painting, paperhanging, inter- ior and exterior. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. 887-5610. 716. 889-2889. tfc SEPTIC TANKSWU'MPED‘ Smxers cleaned ALUMINUM HOME IMPROVEMENTS Alcan â€"â€" siding. Eavestroughs Doors and Windows For free estimates call your Local Contractor HANS BUTT 889-4106 DECORATING Painting, paperhanging.‘ vinyls 24 years. Free estimates. AA GENERAL CARPENTRY 'gservatory, popular 0r rock. Licence 445-8152 Rec. Rooms. kitchens, floor tile, tfc27 counter tops, repair and re-iT’U‘TbR‘fo'ITg‘rjd; 1‘2‘Fl.eTChf N6 finishing of furniture. Free students please_ 389_5351_ estimates. c1w28 RECREATION rooms. altera- tions and repairs. unfinished fireplaces completed. Stone and brick entrances â€" kitchens and hallways. can be applied over existing walls. Walker Construction 884-2882 _â€"AT_TIC INSULATION? I TRAVEL Blmm polystyrene foam, mod- efn. efficient lowest cost systeijOURS. cruises, rail and bus Exclusive agents. free estimates. tickets. reservations and indivi- Phone ReXdale 247-9744. Even- dual travel. call A. H. Creighton ings. King Cit)‘, 833-5559. }Tra\'el Agency. 889â€"5643. end"! LEONA'RDFBROTHERS CONSTRUCTION Free Estimates 488-7521 889-: SNOW REMOVAL 24 HR. SERVICE C. Stunden Phone \884-12 EXPERIENCED MAN WITH CHAIN SAW TREE CUTTING AND PRCNING FRUIT TREES E. C. DOAK 859-4428 889-5228 SNOWBIQOWING 884‘ PAINTING R. TOBIEN 889-1922 884-2433 - 2433 8; water lines, th2 1245 889-3185 and GeneraHfifiGE attractive room in ne\\'01’k.Side-‘family situation. should have ,d Excavating.‘mvn transportation. 884-2520. ‘ *1\\‘28 ay or tfc20 tfc25 tfc2 tfc20 tfc46 tfc tfc21 c4w27 tic-20 tfc21 tfc2 MISCELLANEOUS iwow'lda‘difiéihd parking lots. 4 wheel drive 1081161“ Local. 16th Avenue. 222â€"4651. *12\\'28 SNOWPLOWING " gentléman or lady, 1 minute to G0 Bus, Bayview and Markham Rd. areaA 884-5286, c1w28 Room énd bo’ard. 884-61135. 5?. 889-1891. CZ\\‘Z'{ éEfiERAL carpentry. recreation rooms. kitchens and repairs. 884-2505. c4w27 SNOW PLOWING by Hour or Contract Call Willow-Hill, 889â€"7024. 294- 0791. c2w27 SEPTIC TANKS Get your sepuc tank cleaned and inspected before freeze~up. Special prices on subdivi’sion houses (2 or more}. Call for free estimates. Hansen Bros. BEADLE CONSTRUCTION GENERAL CONTRACTORS Additions. alterations, Residen- tial and commercial. Custom carpentry of all kinds, 226-0875, 773-4190. c2w28 Chesterfields and chalrs l‘e-rai covered like new. PAY FOR MATERIALS ONLY _ N0 ADDITIONAL CHARGE L FOR LABOR E All work guaranteed Pick up and delivery F FREE ESTIMATES 763-1194 s} tfc28 : IRELIABLE day care available lin my home. 884-7103. c1w28 AVAILABLE in Beyerley Acres. company for my 1 yr. old daugh- ter. 884-4604. clw28 LOVING day care availafilé for girl 21".) to 5 years. hot lunches, fenced yard, 884-5937. ots and driveways reasonable 832-1506 DAY care avéilg‘tvxlg, Markham and Bayview. 884-6660. c2w27 EXPERIENCED mother will care for small baby in my home. Markham Rd. and Bayview area. References. 884-5286. c1w28 DAY care availabie in my home 8.30 am to 5 pm. 884-1613. STIRLING MAINTENANCE CLEANING WINDOWS WALLS HARDWOOD FLOORS 884-1311 ROOM and board in exchance for day care. 884-9309. c1w28 ROOM and board available for RESPECTABLE older working man, TV. Pal-king, $25. 889-4328. c1w28 TEACHER. pieTnd and theory, establishing Ric h m o n d Hill. 884-3925. tfc50 ELEMENTARY Spanish folk guitar. individual lessons. Rea- ‘sonable rates. 884â€"5714. ROOM & BOARD HAPPY PIANO LESSONS Do you want your child or teen to may the piano but wish you could avoid the headache of pushing him or her to practice? We provide the motivation and a l’ove and knowledge of music that will last a lifetime. Con- servatory, popular my rock. 445-8152 8842838. 1971 T.N.'I‘. 22 f 5310 01' 832-102 "ONTXR’fofisEiiOOL 0F UPHOLSTERY fibfi’lilovgliléirepair, 2 and 4 cycle engines, 170 May Avenue. 224.9838 tfc21 1970 Snow Cruiser. and tilt swivel trailer, 25 hp. wide track, electric start, reverse. full In- surance 51100. 884-4727. PAINTING 8.5 PAPEEHANGING R. E. DUNN 727-3303 SNOWMOBILES SNOWPLOWING 884-6521 BOA-SKI 399 CROSBY AVE 884-7716 TUITION PXCKAGE DEAL and chairs I‘E- hp. Ski-D00 tchS tfc18l tfc18 c1w28 tfcls c1\\~28 tf023( c1w28 folk'â€"â€"v~~â€"â€"â€"~ Rea_lU-HAUL, local and Bob Donald’s Esso, 9‘ “C24 St. 884-8011. c1w28 c1w28 tfc21 FURNISHED room. cooking]? facilities, 16 Lorne. lst house‘ east of Bork's Jewellers at. Yonge. tic51 FURNISHED room. 0 o o kin g and parking facilities. Please phone 884-1194 for appointment. tfc15 tit-4 FOR lease, 3,000 - 6,000 sq. ft industrial space, Newkirk Road Features dock level loading 16‘6" clear. immediate posses sion, $110 net. Lored Con- struction Ltd. 630-9500. I17bRNISHVEDâ€"Vhoom. gentleman ‘ lpreferred. 884-7315. c1w28 FURNIsfiED room with kitchen priviiedges. 884-2274. c1w28 3 BEDROOM house, close to church, school, shopping. Call Mike at 889-2485 after 5 pm. c1w28 FURNISHED bachelor apt. suit one mature business person. 889-4373 after 5 pm. or on weekends. ' r c2w28l 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT $165. month includes hydro, soft water. fridge. stove, etc, near Richmond Heights Shopping Centre. Adults. Children over 16. Call 884-4346. tfc23 SUBLET 2 bedroom apartment, newly decorated. Th 0 r n h ill. Swimming pool, gym and sauna. Underground p a 1' k i n g. $185. monthly. After 5 pm. 889-9975. BAYVIEW PLAZA Richmond Hill 3000 sq. ft. of excellent stor- age space. 884-5669 and 364- 1964. \ thc13 LARdEâ€"furnislgdiroom, central location, close to Yonge St. 884- 8312. c1w28 839-4373 after 5 P”‘- 01‘ 0“ GRAVES â€" Michael and Else weekends‘ ‘ Gavâ€"28 are pleased to announce the 3-R00m apartment, completely birth of a daughter January furnished. except linens and 3rd, 1971. at the North York dishes. Private 4 piece bath; General Hospital. clw28 suitable for two 01‘ three em- * * * * ‘ployed adults; parking. Now av- JOHN â€"- Ted and Lynn (nee ‘ailable. After 6pm. 8844905.‘ Wareham) are pleased to an- i chi/28! nounce the arrival of Jodi FURNISHED room, off Yonge, share kitchen. Suit 1 or 2 girls. 884-3709. c1w28 BASEMENT bachelor apt., éfEse to Yonge St. 884-5552. c1w28 é‘fTOOM bfingalow, 488-4386 EJRNISHED room in private OFFICE SPACE Yonge and Steeles area, approx 500 sq. ft. 3 rooms: cgnveniences 7"_FAILORING. dressmaking :1terations for all the family. seéond floor. Self contained. 889-5477. c3w28 3 BEDROOM Home in New- market. Call after 6.30 pm. 895-3786. c1w28 COUNTRY house near Aurora, 6 large rooms, oil heated, fridge and' stove. Accessible. Reason- able rent to dependable tenants. To apply telephone. 773-4223. 2 BEDROOM apartment, $128 monthly. 636-6837. clw28 LARGE double room, private bathroom, broadloom, parking. 384-7254. c1w28 ROOM for rent. coqking facili: ties in Thornhill. Women pre- ferred. 889-5404 after 4 pm. LANDSCAPING AND. E MAINTENANCE GARDENERS Rent four heated greenhouses, 3 bedroom bungalow and five workable acres. short or long‘ term, available February lst Hwy 7 and Bayyiew. Eric Kra-' mer 889-6564, Otto Haller 2251 5303. cl\\'28 FURNISHEâ€"fogehtlem’an pre- ferred. Bayview and Markham district} 884-3540. c1w23 ROOM for rent. 8871:8323jjfigr '7 nun Cl\\'28 BAYVIEW and Markham Road area. Private entrance. Young gentleman. 884-8270. clw28 ROOM for business lady. $15. 884-7154. - c1w28 '7 pm / bâ€"NE Pinto mare 4 years old. Horses boarded, box stalls. 887- “n” clw28 5500 5671 ______.____" DEAD 01' crippled farm animals picked up promptly. For direct line call Long Distance and ask for Zenith 32800. Call anytime. Ed Peconi & Sonc Woodville, Ont. Licence No. 324C - 66. EXPERIENCED sitters homemakers for agency 56 ing Thornhill, Willowdale Don Mills. 889â€"8047. SEMI DRIVERS NEEDED Experience helpful but not necessary. for local and over the road hauling. You can earn up to $10,000 to $15,000 per year after short training. For appli- cation and interview, call 416- 362-4002. or write Safety Dept.. Transport Training System of Canada. Ltd.. 207 Queens Quay West. Toronto 117, Ontario. DRESSMAKING T0_REN"1‘ 1 PETS, FOR SALE ‘ Qtiffn 35665 1- ojork i n g New 0\\ner Batu" FOI‘SYUL Dog ESTRUCTION EIVESTOCK FOR SALE TRAILERS WANTED fkin g. $180- pm. 889-9975. tfc28 d one-way. 9700 Yange tfc48 )SSeS-iNON-union bass player and Con- rhythm guitarist with own equipment needed. 889-3543. tfc50 889â€"2786, 226-4717. c1w28 c1w28 c1w28 c1\\728 c1w28 - 55- NAYLOR. Bruce w. â€" At the itfc‘Mj Memorial Hospital Hollywood rs and \Florida, on Saturday January servic-E 2. 1971 Bruce W. Naylor in ale and. his 64th year, beloved hus- tfc27 band of Audrey M. Wood- _â€"_=i house. dear father of John )N i Bradford. Mary ers. William _. Argent) Schomberg and Peter, DED Aurora, loving son of Mrs. ut not‘ Luella Cole. Lindsay. dear )ver the brother of Jack. Port Credit earn up and Anna er5. William Rous) ter year Toronto. Also survived by five r appli- grandchildren, friends may all 416- call at the Thompson Funeral y Dept..| Home. 29 Victoria Street Au- stem of rora. Service in the chapel on us Quay Wednesday January 6th at 2 ario. pm. Interment Aurora Cemeâ€" c2u'28 tery. cl\\'28 tfc23 New ownerfiBetty Forsyth. Dog‘- grooming - poodles a specialty.1 Jill Goddard. 889-3606. tfc18; SIBERIAN husky puppies, CKC Registered, excellent breeding, one male, one female. 10 weeks lold. After 5 pm. 884-4575. 150- you have a (13;);ng prob- lem. If so AA can help. Write Box 84. Richmond Hill, or call EMS-8684 BROWNâ€"Ken and Bonnie (nee Mackay). are happy to anâ€" nounce the arrival of Michael Kenneth, Charles, 6 lbs. 15 0145.. December ‘27. 1970 at York Central Hospital. Manyl thanks to Dr. Golab and hos- pital staff. c1w28 COOMBS â€" Dave and Diane happily announce the arrival of Bradley Michael Robert, 7 lbs. 111/2 02., on December 29, 1970 at York Central Hosâ€" pital. A brother for Warren, Scott. Brian and Cathy. JOHN â€"- Ted and Lynn (nee Wareham) are pleased to an- nounce the arrival of Jodi Lynn at York Central Hospi- tal, January 2nd, 1971. Special thanks to Dr. Krystolovich. ‘ c1w28 PAYNE â€" Ivan and Linda are happy to announce the birth of their first child, a daughter Kathleen Elizabeth, at York Central Hospital. December 30. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Edward Bennett: of Richmond Hill and Mr. and; Mrs. Arthur Payne of Hunts-1 ville. c1w28‘ MORTSO‘N â€" Neil and Mary garet Rose (nee Canning) are‘ happy to announce the birth of their second daughter Roseann Margaret, December 30th, 1970, 7 1b, 61/; ozs. at York Central Hospital. A little sister for Robin Treanor, proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. Treanor Canning and Mr. and Mrs. Arnold Mortson. A special thanks to Doctor L. W. Krystolovich and Mrs Wright. clw28 @rathn ' HENDERSON, Margaret â€"- At Town and Country Nursing Home, 'l‘hornhill, on Sunday, January 3, 1971, Margaret Dias, beloved wife of the late Alexander Henderson. Dear mother of Alex, May (Mrs. J. M. Secord), and the late John Grandmother of John Robert, Michael. Susan, Mark, Anne. Mary. and Cathy. Mrs. Henderson rested at the B. E. Ring Funeral Home, 7783 Yonge St., (at Hwy. 7B) Thornhill. Service was held in the chapel Wednesday. In- terment Thornhill Cemetery. Donations may be made to the charity of your choice. l\n HODGlNS, Hazel â€"â€" Suddenly at York Central Hospital. on Saturday morning, January 2, 1971, Hazel Hodgins, of Rich- mond Hill, dear mother of Eileen (Mrs. William Jackson), Richmond Hill, grandmother of Michael and Lori-Ann. Rested at the Marshall Fun- eral Home, 126 Yon-ge St. N., Richmond Hill. Service was held on Tuesday. Interment Richmond Hill Cemetery. nn McENTEE â€"- Irene Gwendolyn -â€" On December 25, 1970, Irene. beloved daughter of thei late Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Mc-i Entee, passed away peaceful- ly, dear sister of Shirley (Mrs. Doug Jones) of ySarnia, Elea- vnor ers. Harris) of Toronto, Audrey (Mrs. Gordon Jones); Thelma (Mrs. M. Maxwell) both of Richmond Hill. Doug- las of Burlington and the late Herbert. Family service was held on Sunday at the Mar- shall Funeral Home, Inter- ment Bethel Cemetery, Mark- PERSONAL ham Tfiirtha MUSIC aspitaL ManinARD 0F THANKS 3121b and hos- Dear friends, relatives and clwzg neighbours, I would like to exâ€" * preSS my heartfelt thanks for e and Dianelcards, flowers gifts and tele- :e the arrivallphone enquiries while I was a mag} Robertylpatient in the hospital. Thanks on Decemberiagain. â€" Hazley_ Ella. / clw28 CULLEN â€" In loving memory‘ of Martha Cullen. who passed1 away January 9, 1966. l Though in our hearts there‘s grief today clwza:‘Therejs hope and faith that once1 ! again i We will meet where death no more will part us iWheI‘e God and joy forever 31ml reign. 0“'11.â€" Ever remembered by husband 9â€"3543.1and family. clw28 '{f'cis fCKc eding. weeks‘ c1w28 tfc17 cl\\'28 c1w28 c1w28 RICHARDS â€" In loving mean my of a dear mother and grandmother, Margaret Rich- ards, who passed away Jan- uary 10, 1970. A few more steps along life’s road, Perhaps a few more years, \Then by God's grace we‘ll meet again, Beyond the veil of tears. â€"â€" Lovineg remembered by daughter Laura. grandchildren Chuckie, Helen, Jim and family. clw28 neighbours. Ir'u‘ould like to exâ€" press my heartfelt thanks for cards, flowers gifts and tele- . . . i phone enquiries while I was a patient in the hospital. Thanks again. â€" Hazey Ella. ( c1w28 "t >4: 9.1 CARD 0F THANKS I wish to express my sincere appreciation to all my friends, Mrs. G. Arlt of Lake Wilcox Cancer Society and the United Brotherhood of Carpenters and Joiners, Local 3233, Richmond Hill, for their kindness and asâ€" sistance during my recent ill- ness. William Rajala. c1w28 l i< 9: >i< s»- :CARD 0F THANKS lTo all the kind people who sent us so many gifts this Christmas. Our sincerest thanks. The Tidswells. r: clw28 CARD 0F THANKS ‘1 want to say thanks to all my relatives and friends for lovely flowers and cards received dur- ing my eight weeks stay in York Central Hosptal. Also nurses and doctors on 2nd floor {or their kind care. C. H. Sanderson. yr an * wk CARD 0F THANKS ‘Our deepest appreciation to our fn'ends and neighbors for their great kindness in the passing ‘of our dear mother and sister, ‘Mrs. Jean Murray. A particu- larly sincere thank you‘is ex- pressed to the staff of Marshall .Funeral Home for their effi- Zcient and sympathetic services. lBruce and Leonard Murray and families. Bertha Blanchard, Mar- .garet Ireland. c1w28 *leB CARD OF THANKS To all the kind people who sent us so many gifts this Christmas. Our sincerest thanks. The Tidswells. clw28 LRRLRKRV‘x‘ KK‘NKRRK‘T W ‘MVEUHPS OFFICE ASSISTANCE 9 z 9 g 1 ) ) ) ) J I f MOVING & BY SHIPPING World Wide Moving 8. Shipping Volunteer Firemen for RICHMOND HILL - RICHVALE - OAK RIDGES AND LAKE WILCOX AREAS Apply to: Chief Alfred Stong at the Firehall, Wright & Yonge Sts., Richmond Hill. Overseas Packing 8.: Crating. Agents for: GLOBAL VAN LINES. Local and Long Distance Moving; 24 Hr. Service Canada Bonded Warehouse. 12" BIRCH AVE, THORNHILL Modern Storage Warehouse YOIVR l NITI‘II) \AN LINES AGENT Let us help you solve All your Moving problems RICHMOND HILL FIRE DEPARTMENT the Mover Lid. efore you move! Call: 889-6269 884-6182 requn-es Mr. and Mrs. J. Colvin, Rich-1 mond Hill wish to announce file engagement of their daughter Pauline Janet to Mr. Terry 13’: Hart. son of Mr. and Mrs. Les- lie Hart RR 2. Gormley. c1w28 Mr. and Mrs. Harry Hannah of Richmond Hill are pleased to announce the engagement of their daughter Marlene to Mr. Douglas Carter. son of Brian and Carolyn Carter of Rich~ mond Hill. c1w28 Mrs. Lucy LoRusso of Richmond Hill wishes to announce the em gagement of her daughter Fran- ces Carole to Mr. Raymond Vic- tor MacGregor son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph MacGregor of Perthshire, Scotland. The wudâ€" ding will take place in the spring. c2w27 Mr. and Mrs. Robert Sutherland. Keele Street North, Maple, are happy to announce the engage- ment of their daughter: Lynda. to Mr. Hendrik Jansen, son of Mr. and Mrs Willem Jansen of Maple. *1w28 NE,“.WW Richmond Hill 889-4911-2-3 * Clerk ’l‘ypists * Gal Friday * Calculators Gentle as 3 Lamb AIR RAIL LAND & SEA

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