. FIREWOOD. Dry white birch and maple C. L. Knappett. 884-3089. OAK RIDGES BARN New opening, second hand fur- niture, some antique, 115 King Sideroad, 1é-mile west of Yonge. Buy sell and trade. 773-5448. 8 fish tanks and shelves. fish, ï¬lters and pump, $50. 773-4686. c1w36 BROWN muskrat jacket, cock- tail sleeves. Good condition. Best offer. Also girl‘s figure skates. 1 year old. size 4. in geod condition. Reply Box 20. “The Liberalâ€. clw36 Pianos and used furniture. Call 884-1146. ' “024 4 piece Scandinavian black vinyl ensemble with coffee table and two step tables; one black and white vinyl chester- field chair, cowhide design. 884-6135. c1w36 MATCHED drapes, living, din- ing room, kitchen, bedroom (matched spreads); wall table _. and mirror; girl's bicycle; re-lU-HAUL. local and one-way frigerator; 'tr‘ain trahsformerJBob Donald‘s Esso, 9700 Yonge 225-1804. C1W365t. 884-8011. tfc48 WASHER, dryer and stove parts, gears, belts, wood bear- ings and wringer rollers etc. For all makes. Repairs to elec- tric lawnmowers and small apâ€" pliances. Math’s TV, 49 Indus- trial Road. 884-7903. tfc9 SEASONED FIREWOOD Mixed Birch, Oak, Maple, Beech. Cut to 12 inch or 16 inch lengths. Phone 832-2455 Holland Park Garden Centre, 51 Keele St. North, Maple. SEWING machines sales and service. Repairs to all makes. work guaranteed. Bernina Sew- Ing Centre, Richmond Heights Centre. 884-3775. c4w35 INCOME tax forms prepared, individuals and small businesses -â€" pickup and delivery service if necessary. -â€" Reasonable. 884-2876. *10w35 ANTIQUES Piano, concert grand. 80“x40". Bed. rocker, couch (frame only). 832-1434. clw36 AUTOMATIC washer and dryer, used truck. misc. items, moving, must sell. 889-9285. c1w36 WATER SOFTENERS Miracle w a t e r conditioners. humidifiers, sales, service and rentals, also salt delivery ser- vice. Call Gerald Morlock 884- 4016 after 4.30 pm. tfc17 2 x 8'5. 10 feet long, $1.00 each. 773-4404. c2w35 LINED drapes. earlong. full width. 1 Samsonite suitcase. 884-5756. clw36 WOODGRAINED hardboard, $4.95 per sheet. Loughlin Lum- ber. Yonge and Scott Drive. 889-1109. Open Saturday to 4 pm. c1w36 PAIR 6' Tyrol skis. pair Tyrol ski boots with snaps, size 9, pair Arlberg ski poles. Everything used once. Worth $110.. best offer. Single shot bolt action .22, with case and 4 power scope. $30. Ask for Kim, 884- 3128. c1w36 mUTY salon equipment. Phone after 5 pm, 884-6195. dr.. radio, rear speaker, new paint job, safety check. $990. 884-6984. c1w36 1970 Dodge Monaco, two door hardtop, many extras including power steering, brakes and win- dows. Showroom condition. $2950. 884-8572. c1w36 1967 CHEV. SUPER SPORT Automatic, power steering, pow- er brakes, vinyl roof, radio, buc~ ket seats, shift consol. Low mileage. $1595. full price. Greenwood Garage, 884-8841. c1w36 ADJUSTABLE aluminum air spoiler. brand new â€" in pack age. Complete hardware, $15. 884-8312. c1w36 Sales Service Rentals Authorized Dealer All popular makes for sale including new and rebuilt standard portable and electric models. Special rental rates available to students. Free estimates Aluminum sid- ing windows, doors. awnings, also glass and screen repairs. Phone 884-4558. factory 832-4319 Maple. “028 Doors, windows, awnings, and railings. 'Ron Woods. 884-1514. KITCHEN cabinets and vanities. Free estimates. Creative Decor, office and showroom, 9212 Yonge St., Richvale. 889-2462, 773â€"4696. tfc42 6 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, March 4, 1971 CARDS 0F THANKS, IN MEMORIAMS, DEATHS. ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES. BIRTHS per in- sertion $1.50 Classified advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than 6 pm on Tuesdays. Send ads by mail and enclose payment or telephone us at 884-1105 or 884-1983 and you will receive an invoice. CASH RATES, lst insertion 10 words $1.00 and .80 per word thereafter. Minimum charge $1.00. Second and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged, 10 words for .900 and .8c per word thereafter. COMING EVENT NOTICE 10c per word; min. charge $1.50 BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of 500 TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES YORK ALUMINUM FOR. SALE USED LUMBER. 88 Baker Ave. Richmond Hill 884-1745 ALUMINUM L. H. SIMS WANTED CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES c4w35 c1w36 image. 1966 Buick iwmcat. auto clwas power steering and brakes. 6i§§736|1966 Bronco. 4 whee} drive, full FREEZERS: Gen’éï¬l 8 cu. ft., tfc15 $144.95, 12 cu. ft., $159.00; 15 tfcl7 tfc36 “C3 3'6 1967 Plymouth GTX. 440 mag- â€"- num motor. Never raced or ,, altered from stock. Many extras. Call 884-8787. c1w36 dr.. radio, reï¬t speaker, hew paint job, safety check. $990. 884-6984. ch36 PING-PONG table $25. 884- 3838. c1w36 leaving country. Must 884-9338 after 5 pm. 1962 Chevy 'iI convertible, 4 new tires. not rust'ed had, good top. $100. 889-6579. c1w36 cy1.. 4 dr., radio. good condition. safety check. $620. 884-6984 COMPLETE, almost new set of encyclopedia, including book- case and dictionary. 884-8348 after 5 pm. *1w36 REFRIGERATOR and autoâ€"- matic washer. 884-7197 after 6 pm. c1w36 APARTMENT contehts. Owner cu. ft. $169.00: 20 cu. ft., $189.00. 25 cu. ft, $215.00. 1970 Dodge Monaco, two door hardtop, many extras including power steering, brakes and win- dows. Showroom condition. $2950. 884-8572. c1w36 1970 “Dustefâ€, 6 automatiE $2,300 full price. 225‘9631. BARS, bar stools, tables, chairs, etc., made from oak barrels. Bars from $65. up. Call 884- 4866. c1w36 One of the seven registered 1970 Cooper S’s in Canada. 19,000 miles, oversize Pirelli tires. AM- FM radio, Wood-trim sterring wheel. Best offer. 884-8378 days, 884-2528 evenings. nc2w35 1965 BELAIR 2 door, in good operating condition. Private sale, 1 driver. $900 or will con- sider a reasonable offer in that area. 889-4998. *lw36 1965 Vauxhall Viva. fem miles. $300.00. 225-1804. c1\v36 1969 Austin Mini 1,000, excel- lent condition. $850. 884-7474. cab. excellent condition. with plow. $1,195. full. price. 884- 8766. c1w36 TRADE and save at Brice's. We need used stoves, freezers, re- frigerators, washers. We allow at least $70. off list on Simplic- ity washer spindryers and $50 off list on 30†automatic Mof- fat stoves. We also buy for cash. Brice's Furniture, Queens- ville. 478-4175. tfc36‘ BABY carriage. Good condi- tion. 884-8979. c1w36 Broadloom and Rugs at our cost plus 15% on $200. orders. Installation quotations free. Washer Spindryer Simplicity, Easy, Hitachi. Sanyo $124.95 to $179.95. Brice’s Fur- niture Barn, Don Mills Road, Queensville. 478-4175. tfc36 1966 Rambler Clï¬assic. auto., slfrom customers mission. Good condition 9338 after 5 pm. 1970 Kawasaki motorcycle, '100 cc Trail Boss, perfect condition. Just broken in. 887-5527 be- tween 7 - 9 pm. c1w36 1964 Chevrolet. standard DINING room suite. Walnut. Modern. Gold upholstery. New condition. 884-2551. tfc34 DON’T REFURNEH REFINISH You‘ll enjoy refinishing and save money if you let us do the stripping for you. Bix Furniture Stripping. 889-4422. clw35 EINAR CLAUSEN LTD. Hwy. 7, just east of Fifth Line, (2 miles east of Dixie Road) Bramalea. tfc10 Living, dining and bedrooms, direct from importers ware- house. Opcn 1-9 pm. 454-1388 DON’T YOU DESERVE A BETTER CAR? USED CARS FOR SALE 1970 COOPER S TEAKWOOD New or Pre-Owned, the Area's Best Selection Listed Here Weekly! I0, excel-i‘The Liberal" requires ‘a re- 88417474. sponsible boy or girl for an es- *1w36itablished paper route in the sell. c1w36 c1w36 €1W35 Secretary to answer inquires c1w36 884- c1w36 trans- PART time. Evenings only. Re- ceptionist for Real Estate of- fice. Must be able to type. 884- 2377. c1w36 WAITRESS wanted full time, 5 days. B 8: M Restaurant, Wood- bine and Highway 7. 499-0666. c1w36 “The Liberal" requires a re- sponsible boy or girl for an es- tablished paper route in the Crestwood Road area of South Thornhill. For further details please phone Mrs. Norma Moss at 884-1105. nc3w36 ACCOUNTS payable clerk. Im- mediate opening for action- oriented person to fill this key position. Head office location. Hwy. 7 and Keele. Phone Mr. R. Stone. 889-7356. c1w36 BETTER grade shoe store re- quires mature saleman or sales- women - over 30 - with retail experience - permanent position. 5 day week. 884-5341. c1w36 WANTED immedi’ét’élyâ€"Home- makers for busy Thornhill agency. 889-8047. tfc36 WE NEED Bilingual secretary with short- hand, able to read and type French. Salary open. Secretary. attractive with short- hand and dictaphone. Secretary to comptroller, dicta- phone and some knowledge of accounting. King Sideroad area of Oak Ridges. For further details please phone Mrs. Norma Moss at 884-1105. nc3w36 SERVICEMAN NEEDED Typewriter and adding machine servicemen required immediate- ly. Experienced only need ap- ply. Phone Newmarket 895- 9813. c1w36 TRUCK driver over 25 for ugh} van. Must be reliable. 889-1265. c1w36 FEMALES wanted for evening work assisting carrier boys, average $3 - $4 per hour. 'Car preferred Phone J. Kennedy 8844408. c1w36 Beaver Lumber Company Limi- ted. 8500 Keele Street North, require salesmen. Call manager. 223-8500. c2w36 884-6782 HOMEMAKERS AND BABY- SITTERS REQUIRED FOR IN- TERNATIONAL A G E N C Y. CAR AN ASSET. female. for inquires please call 889-7506. c2w36 ‘ DOUBLE YOUR INCOME If you are not afraid of work you can be a success in the Real Estate Business. Top training, commission, and bonus offered, plus congenial people to work with. 3 representatives needed ‘ to complete our 1971 expansion lprogram. Talk to one of our: salesmen or call Mr. White or Mr. Cuff â€" 889-6241. NORM BLACK REALTY LTD. tfc28 CLERK typist required by local golf club, must have initiative and able to organize own work in very busy office, must have own transportation. Call Mrs. Barrett 884-1101. olw36 833-5301 NIGHT factory work suited’fï¬- REPRESENTATIVE Dominion Automobile Associa- tion, Canada's largest motor club, has an opening for a Re- presentative in this district. This rewarding career is open to a high caliber. mature person who wishes a higher than aver- age income. Telephone or write Mr. W. D. Stapley, (416) 924- 8429, 57 Bloor Street West, Toronto 189, Canada. All re- plies will be held in strict con-‘ fidence. c3w35 EXPERIENCED service station attendant. Must be able to handle a tow truck. Also needed, a mature individual to handle the midnight shift. Bob Don- ald’s Esso, 9700 Yonge Street. 884-8011. tfc35 HELP WANTED_| HELP WANTED ‘ nnnntn- ‘7nn'p “Frâ€"mun I (Continued) Call III-CORPS PERSONNEL 18 Yonge St. North, Richmond Hill Required By CHEV-OLDS DEALER Leslie Chev-0165 King City BODY MAN CARRIER, CARRIER NURSES 889-3650 884-6970 c1w36 889-1668 clw36 c1w36 tfc36 URGENTLY required l1971 SKI-D00, new 1 ton trai- her and new tarp $725. 88910280 before 5.30 pm, 884-8015 after 5.30 pm. c2w35 1968, 16 hp. Super Olympique, $400; sleigh $50; 2,000 lb. capa- city boat trailer $125. All A-l icondition. 884-7606. c1w36 COUPLE with one 'child re- quire 2 bedroom apartment or house. April 1. 887-5603. c1w36 URGENTLY required. Small, self-contained furnished apart- ment for mother and year old child. 884-7121. c1w36 BASENJIS the barkless dogs. Clean little pets. Red and white. $100. 284-0734. LABRADOR Retriever pups, yellow, field and show cham- pionship. Reg‘d, dewormed, vaccinated. $100. up. King Side Road. 773-5887. c1w36 2 BEDROOMVhVoiuse for family of three. 633-7736. c1w36 RESPONSIBLE family desire house in Richmond Hill by June. 889-3136. c1w36 APARTMENT or home to rent. Call Mr. Bailey. Residence 884- 9743. Business 884-8143. YOUNG professional couple with one baby desire small house in King Township, pre- ferably on couple of acres. Area code 519-621-3109. Galt. 1971 SKI~DOO 440 TNT 35‘hp‘. excellent condition. $900. 884- 6584. clw36 FREE BROCHURES Describing lots, areas and prices. Best vacation property in On- tario. Call 773-4352. c2w36 BEACH BUNGALOW Lake Huron. Cost $23,000. Ask- ing $20,000. Fully equipped. Furnishings included. Bar. au- tomatic heating, two washrooms. Landscaped (Private beach). To discuss call 884-7672. c1w36 BASENJIS registered, 9 months old. Lovely, affectionate pet. Barkless, odorless, very clean. Loves children. $75. Newmarket. 895-2548. c1w36 old, litter trained. Free. 884- 3342. c1w36 IRISH setter male pup-s, 6 wks‘ Champion bred, registered. 889- 0831. c1w36 SINGLE man wants smallrwolarerr house with garage, immediate possession. 889-9848. c2w35 RESPONSIBLE adult couple desire house or bungalow in Richmond Hill. Required by April 15 if possible. 884-5548. "1.11.1 luuu nLcn. Uul'huuu WHAT PRICE CAR ARE | YOU LOOKING r *2 ' ‘_____â€"â€"â€" Low, middle, high? 1'03}; find. TRAVEL ' PERSONAL cars. in every price range ad< TOURS, cruises, rail and bus‘ vertised in “The Liberal" Used tickets, reserVations and indivi-iDo you have a drinking prob- Cars Column. See for yourself,‘dual travel, call A. H. Creighton lem. If so AA can help. Write today. There's plenty to chooseiTravel Agency. 8896643. ‘Box 84, Richmond Hill, or call from. tfc47 EMG-8684. tfcl7 .c3w35 PUREBRED miniature collies. Sable. Five Males, Eight weeks. Registered. 832-1434. c1w35 PUPPY, small Collie type, 10 weeks old, $10. 889-6313. FEMALE kitten, two months GERMAN Shepherd pups. 10 and 11 months old. Males and females. Registered. Vaccinated. Sire Canadian champion, Vonita’s El-Sabre C.D. Best of breed out of 130 dogs. 1970 German Shepherd special. Show and guard prospects. Satisfac- tion or your money back guar- antee. Taylah Kennels. 889-4256. c1w35 Summer Properties grooming -- poodles a specialty. Jill Goddard. 889-3606. tfc18 Announce the arrival of these lovely Shetland Sheep dog (mini collies) puppies. Orders now being taken. Have a day out at Merland, RR 3, Newmar- ket, 895-8281. *3w34 New owner Betty Forsyth. Dog VEQnâ€"tiillllerd‘)’ V pAINTING and carpentry work. SNEW loading and parking lots.!FURNISHED room, c o o kin g MAN WANTED Also repairs. 221-7990. c4w33 4 wheel drive loader. Local. 16th;facilities, 16 Lorne, lst house for bulk cement terminal. yardlgdeKEfpï¬G_aFd‘jégaï¬iï¬ Avenue. 222-4651. *12w28ieast of Bork’s Jewellers at work and dispamh in Thomhiming services for small businesses. _iii0iï¬iiï¬â‚¬iv'ï¬fnrmcâ€"|Y0nge. [5951 aria'w‘can 3389:7353"â€" â€" ~~ “W36 839‘5633- tfc33 Residential, commercial paint- FUï¬ï¬fs’ï¬EEmâ€"c‘o'gk‘iâ€˜ï¬ TEMPORARY EMPLOYMENT CLEKï¬NC WINEGWS ing. interior andexterior. Paper-land parking facilities. Please 531†Clerk “’anted f" ladies' WALLS AND FLOORS hanging. 884-5697. tfc49,phone 884-1194 for appointment, clothing store. 884-3163 before: DAY or NIGHT ï¬iIâ€"Dâ€"IKWNMâ€"(ï¬â€"VER tfclï¬ 6 Dm- CIW36i 884-2433 m~23 game AND QI‘RVIFR 'i‘h‘n in“ onnn cnâ€"â€"â€"nn _- :1. PART time typist, centrally located in Hill. Write Box 21 â€" TIRE INSTALLER Canadian Tire Store, Richmond Hill, Service Dept. requires tire installer. Usual company bene- fits. Incentive program. Apply Mr. Datema, Service Manager. 884-1196. c1w36 MERLAND KENNELS REG’D SN OWMOBILES PETS FOR SALE Phone 884-1105-6 or 884-1983 0 To Order . To Receive Help in Writing Want Ads 0 For Information AbOut Want Ads BOA-SKI 399 CROSBY AVE. 884-7716 WANTEï¬ TO RENT 1-5 daily, Richmond “Liberalâ€. c2w36 c1w36 cï¬w36 c1w36 c1w35 tfc21 tfc36 LEONARD! BROTHERS CONSTRUCTION Concrete, Drain and General Repairs. Patio, Stonework, Side- walk, Trenching and Excavating. Lic. No. D0033. CARPENTRY work, recreation rooms, additions, renovations, tile floors, and ceilings. Free estimates. T. Price. 889-3653. ALUMINUM HOME IMPROVEMENTS Alcan â€"â€" siding, Eavestroughs Doors and Windows For free estimates call your Local Contractor CHIMNEYS Chimneys and fireplaces built and repaired. Free estimates. Expert workmanship. 20 years experience. Phone 884-2882. GENERAL CARPENTRY Licence Rec. Rooms, kitchens, floor tile, counter tops, repair and re- finishing of furniture. Free estimates. ETW. PAYNE Drains, septic tanks. All types of concrete ‘work. 889-5762 FREE ESTIMATES tfc31 RALPH ELMS DECORATING Painting, paperhanging, inter- ior and exterior. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. 887-5610. RUBBER STAMPS Several type faces to choose from â€" including Script, Block letters, Outline and signature -â€" fast service. Call “The Lib- eral" 884-1105. HARRISONS CUSTOM CARPENTRY Custom built homes, renova- tions, additions, and repairs. Kitchens a speciality. Morris Harrison. 884-2838. tfc45 RON MOORE PAINTING - PAPERHANGING Interior - Exterior. Free esti- mates. Call anytime. 889-8965. tfc35 Plastering Plain and Decorative Plastéring, Repairs a Speciality ATTIC INSULATION Blown polystyrene foam, mod- ern, efficient lowest cost system. Exclusive agents, free estimates. Phone Rexdale 247-9744. Even- ings, King City, 833-5559. GENERAL contracting. altera- tions and additions, homes, of- fices, factories. Custom carpen- try of all descriptions. Les Webb. 889-2546. tfc3 C. Stunden Phone 884-1245 tch SHAMPOOING WINTER. SPECIAL Bugs, and chesterfields. Day or night. 884-2433. tfc20 Trenching, s_ewer & water lines, footings. 889-3604. tfc2 CLEANING WINDOWS WALLS AND FLOORS DAY or NIGHT 884-2433 tfc23 PLUMBING a: unimaâ€" Roger Proulx â€"- Telephone - 884-1650. tfc24 flgCELLANEOUS|MISCELLANEOUS TO RENT SALE REGISTERS ,A#â€"_l, WALKER CONSTRUCTION tfc43 SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Sewers cleaned PAINTING INTERIOR: EXTERIOR HANS BUTT 889-4106 Free Estimates 488-1521 889-: BAKER’S BACKHOE EXCAVATING PAINTING 6: PAPERHANGING R. E. DUNN 727-3303 §Now REMOVAL 24 HR. SERVICE 884- 2433 R. CLARK PAINTING 889-5228 884-2433 889-3185 iï¬bmhin tfc44 tfc21 tfc21 tfc23‘Y0UNG black Labrador pup _‘Mill Pond area. 884-2820. tfc20 tfc46 tfc25 tfclS tfc3 To Order Want Ads tfcz'Highly recommended even by â€"â€" friends MOTHERLY care'to children in my home. Main meal at noon. 884-8240. c1w36 INFANT or pre-schooler in pri- vate home. 884-6236. tfc36 OUR LICENSED AND BOND- ED INTERNATIONAL FAMILY CARE AGENCY OFFERS A 24 HOUR SERVICE FOR IN- FANTS, CHILDREN, ELDER- LY AND CONVALESCENTS. 889-3650 YOUNG mother, lots of pati. ence will take care of child, any age, and drive home. 884â€" 7079. c1w36 TElicHER, piano and theory; establishing Ric h m o n d Hill. 884-3925. tfc50 FINLAY ELECTRIC Outside lighting maintenance equipped with ladder truck. All commercial residential and in- dustrial wiring. Free estimates. Call any time. 884-3931. DEAD or crippled farm animals picked up promptly. For direct line call Long Distance and ask for Zenith 32800. Call anytime. Ed Peconi & Son. Woodville, Ont. Licence No. 3240 - 66. COAL oil heater or small oil space heater. Must be in good working condition. 884-7964. AVAIIIABLE, Markham Rd. and Maple Avenue area, 884-6660. DAY care available, any age, Beverley Acres area. 884-9073. c1w36 DAY care given in my any age. 773-4595. BRICKWORK Brick, block, and stone‘ work. Specializing in fireplace. 884- 6417. c1w36 S AND S PAINTING Painters, decorators, and wall- paper hangers. No job too small. 223-3256. c2w36 GENERAL carpentry, recreation rooms, kitchens and repairs. 884-2505. ' c4w36 CONCRETE repairs and install, patio steps, curbs, outside bar- becues etc. Free estimates. 773- 5127. c4w36 ONTARIO SCHOOL OF UPHOLSTERY Chesterfields and chairs re covered like new. PAY FOR MATERIALS ONLY NO ADDITIONAL CHARGE FOR LABOR. All work guaranteed Pick up and delivery FREE ESTIMATES 763-1194 tchB NORTHERN PAINTING Residential, commercial paint- ing, interior and exterior. Paper- hanging. 884-5697. tfc49 22 Richmond St. Complete home maintenance and all home improvements and alterations. REID LAWNMOWER SALES AND SERVICE Complete lawnmower and snowâ€" mobile repairs and service. Open 8 am - 9 pm. 884-7716. Commercial and residential wir- ing. 884-4532. c5w32 DRESSMAKING tfc18 A-C ELECTRIC COMPANYâ€" PERRI-STYLE (custom) Upholstering DAY CARE JOHN E. QUINN Contractor 884-5176 WANTED TUITION FOUND itom) STORE for rent, medium size, Arnold and Yonge St. area. 384.6335 Suitable for ofï¬ce space. $80 “1:30 monthly. Call 884-2762, 783- 3:: 6229. 783-2762. tfc33 clw36 home, c1w36 c2w35 c3w34 egï¬tj EMPLOYMENT WANTED tic-14 tfc36 tfc31 FURNITURE slip covers cut and fitted in your home. Work- manship guaranteed. Also cush- ions and arm caps, etc. Please phone anytime 773-5755. tfc42 WOMAN available for house- work on local bus route 884- 8094. clw36 EXPERIENCED, cleaning lady would like housework. 9 to 3. 884â€"2634. c1w36 FOR lease, 3,000 - 6,000 sq. ft. industrial space, Newkirk Road. Features dock level loading. 1'6’6†clear, immediate posses- sion, $110 net. Lored Con- struction Ltd. 630â€"9500. THORNHILL â€" peaceful coun- try setting. 2 bedroom apart- ment. Adults. $155. month. 223- 7033. c2w36 2 BEDROOM apt. small build- ing. Centre and Bayview area. Adults only. 884-8395. c2w36 2 BEDROOM basement aparE- ment, with carport. 889-1785. HOUSE for rent, 4 bedrooms, 11/: bathrooms. 3% acres of land, stable and Swimming pool. $200 per month. Available April 1. 834-8910 after 4 pm. *1w36 1 block west of Yonge. Quiet, adult building. Extra large one bedroom apartment. Rent in- cludes hydro, cable T.V., drapes and self water. Large appli- ances, double sinks, under- ground parking. PLANT and Office Space to truck, maple syrup equipments, rent- 2000 Square feet- GOOdWill farm tools, miscellaneous arti- Fabl‘icating Company, 167 Cen- cles. household furniture etc. â€" tre Street East, Richmond Hill. At Lot 13, concession 3, Vaug- 884-8981. 02VW36 han Township on Dufferln 2 BEDROOM ant, small huild- Street: 11/2 miles north Of No- 7 HOUSE for rent. 773-5818 FURNISHED bachelor apart- ment. Stove and fridge included. Private entrance, parking space for one car. Large garden area. $90. monthly. 832-1492. 'IIHREE bedroom house in Maple. $167. 884-4414. c1w36 YONGE St. north, Aurora, 2 AC. ft bedroom apartment in converted PTO 0 house. Large yard, children table. 2 welcome. 884-7254. c1w36|t0r5, 1 1 BEDROOM apartment. Cen- tral, reasonable, suit 1 or 2. 884- 4811 day, 884-3427 evenings. *1w36 NICE 3 bedroom house, garage, in Richmond Hill. 223-2757. -....., .. .--. y...» FURNISHED basement apart-.Féfi'e', ’16, Heavy duty cum ment, vicinity BayVieW and‘ivator, Me. 16 run power drill, Crosby. Suit 1 or 2 girlS- Call N.H. No. 717 forage harvester 384-3421 after 6 pm- €1W36 with pick-up and corn head, THORNHILL, 2 bedroom, clean, quiet building. Pool, sauna, gym. Available April 1. $170. month. 889-8790. clw36 LARGE lot and garage on Yonge St., suitable for repair shop or taxi station. Call 884- 2762, 783-6229, 783-2762. 1 BEDROOM basement apart- ment, adult, building. 884-8076. c1w32 BLYTHEWOOD '67 884-3341 c1w36 c2W36|Answen Your local Liberal L JCarrier on Collection Day. Are c1w36‘you preparing to ask him for la loan? Clwiï¬ti ce to odwil] ' Cen- 1 Hill. 02‘w36 build- area. c2w36 apart- ‘85. c1w36 7001115, imachines. hammer mill, pick-up truck, maple syrup equipments. lfarm tools, miscellaneous arti- cles. household furniture etc. â€" At Lot 13, Concession 3. Vaug- han Township on Dufferln Street, 1% miles north of No. 7 Hwy. Being the properties of John Baker, and Wm. MacBeth. Sale at 1.00 pm. â€" Terms. cash day of sale. No reserve. farm !sold. See posters for full list- ings. Clarke Prentice. Auc- ltioneer, Markham. 640-3686. I would like to thank everyone who sent me cards and flowers and came to see me during my stay at York Central Hospital. Also to those who enquired about me and to the wonderful nurses in the emergency and on the 3rd floor. Special thanks to Rev. Father J. Weber and to Dr. J. Bate. To all a big thank you with much appreciation. Mrs. Elizabeth Chittenden c1w36 *2w36 c1w36 c1w36 tchO tfc33 MARCH 10, WEDNESDAY â€"- Clearing farm auction of 3 trac- tors, (Int. No. 656, B414, Farm‘ all Mc. power spreader. Inter. power mower, Int. 3 pt. Inter. power mower, Int. 3 pt. plow with 14" bottom, N.H. side rake, Me. 10’ heavy duty cult- ‘ivator, Mc. 16 run power drill, WHAT IS A 12 YEAR OLD FINANCE C0. WITH 2 LEGS? AAC. forage blower cpt., Int. PTO combine with hydraulic table, 2 grain augers with mo- tors, 10’ chain harrows cpt.. PTO sprayer on 3 pt. hitch, new 3 pt. row crop and field culti- vator, tractor disc, lever har- rows, new Arps 7’ 3 pt. scraper blade, oxygen-acetylene out- fit on rubber tired cart (all at- tachments), Lincoln 180 amp. arc welder with all attachments, portable automatic air com- pressor, dual wheel trailer with hydraulic platform. new 32' aluminum ladder, 40’ extension ladder, drill press, Vises, new lumber, new Page and barb wire fencing, electric stove, re- frigerator, 21 cu. ft. deep freezer, furniture, etc. Many itemsinot listed. The property of Harold Rutherford. Stouff- ville RR, being (3 miles east of Markham off Hwy. No. 7) or (20 miles NE. of Toronto†Farm sold. Terms cash. Sale‘ at 1 pm. NOTE: These are an extra good lot of tractors and: implements and have been well cared for. Don’t miss this ex- tra good farm sale. Atkinson and Wilson, Sale Mgrs. and Auc- tioneers. clw36 MARCH 6, SATURDAY -- Un-l reservcd Liquidation Auction of: 30-40 used ski-doo's and snow- mobiles. 1967 to 1970. Helmets. mitts, suits. boots. cutter. trai- lers. sporting goods. skis, ski- boo'ts, toboggans, 1961 'ComeL 1969 GMC ‘2 ton pick-up. long hox. (reserve bid) property of Midtown Ski-Doo Sales. Lind- say. Sale to be held at Ware- house 25 Cambridge Street North. Lindsay. Free draw for double trailer. Sale at 12 noon. Terms $50.00 on purchase, bal- ance cash. cheque, or finance contracts on location. Absolutely no reserve. For information dial 324-2791 Lindsay, nights. 324- 7283. IFor complete list see bills). AMOS â€"â€" David and Mary Ann (nee Catanla) announce the birth of their son, Jason Michael, 6 lbs. 13% 025. on Monday March 1. 1971, at York Central Hospital. Thanks to Dr. M. Kirby and Staff. *1w36 a: as: a * BENNETT â€" Ray and Rose (nee March). are pleased to an- nounce the arrival of a son, a brother for Ricky, Randy. and Robin. The family re- sides in Montreal. c1w36 ~ n: we a * BLANCHARD â€"â€" Bob and Trudy (nee Palmer) are very proud to announce the arrival nf Sherri-Ann nn Fain-Iian MARCH 10, WEDNESDAY -â€"1 * Clearing farm auction of 3‘GALLAGHER tractors (good) combine, modern' Dianne (“8 Forage and Tillage machinery,‘ tiCkle‘i 919k 2 welders, tools, stove, freezer.: «3 Fiaby gll‘l refrigerator. etc., the propertyl Walghing 7 of Harold Rutherford (10‘ l‘ual'y 28. 15 Con. of Markham) 3 miles eastl “‘31 HOSPit of Markham. Watch for com-l MiChelle- Pl plete details later. Farm sold. are M11 and Sale at 1 pm. Atkinson and Wil- nelly and son, Sale Mgrs. and Auctioneers. sPeCial than 02W34 Please pay your Carrier Promptly When He Calls To Collect. (RUSTY ROLLS 22 Levendale Rd. Richmond Heights Centre 0 Home Made Bread, Buns, Rolls 0 Coffee Cakes, Doughnuts, Sweet Goods 0 French Pastries and Danish Pastries 0 Meat Pies, Beef Rolls 0 A Large Assortment of Home Made Cookies 0 Hot Cross Buns . . . 6 for 490 * " â€" THIS WEEK’S SPECIAL â€" ‘ ‘ LEVENDALE PASTRY SHOP ****OPENSIXDAYSAWEEK*** c3w35iCARD 0F THANKS In the midst of our sorrow, we wish to express our heartfelt thanks and appreciation to our many relatives, friends and neighbors for their kindness expressed by floral offerings, . charitable donations, and cards; flberalin the loss of a beloved huso - Areiband and father, Wilfred Ker- m for'fer. A special thanks is extend- ed to Reverend Boogers and in. the UCW of Maple United ans Church. Mrs. Agnes Keffer and family. c1w36 HAGERMAN. Percival Ash- bridge â€" At Hotel Dieu, St. Catharines, on Wednesday. February 24, 1971, Percival Hagerman, beloved husband of the 'late Mildred Smith, dear brother of Mabel (Mrs. W. A. Anderson) of Port Hope, Bessie and Harold. both deceased. Loving uncle of Mildred Corbett, Geraldine Coleman and Audrey Turn- bull of Jordan Station, and Mary Johnson of Toronto. Rested at the Hagerman Resi- dence, Victoria Square. Ser- vice was held Saturday. In- terment in the family plot, Victoria Square Cemetery. BENNETT â€" Ray and Rose (nee Marclfl. are pleased to an- nounce the arrival of a son, a brother [01' Ricky, Randy, and Robin. The family re- sides in Montreal. c1w36 DEWAR, Annie L. â€"- At North York General Hospital on Thursday February 25, 1971. Annie Todd, beloved wife of the late James Dewar of Rich- mond Hill, in her 85th year. Survived by a brother 'and a. sister in Scotland. Rested at the Marshall Funeral Home, 126 Yonge Street North, Rich- mond Hill. Service was held Saturday. Cremation. c1w36 PALMER â€" Clarence and Judy are happy to announce the arrival of their son Mark Andrew, February 28, 1971 at York County Hospital, New- market. First grandchild for Mrs. June Wells and Mr. and Mrs. L. Palmer, all of Maple. HOUGHTON -â€"â€" Bob and Mar- ion are happy to announce the birth of there daughter Hea‘ ther Ann on February 22, 1971, at Branson Hospital. LANCHARD â€" Bob and Trudy (nee Palmer) are very proud to announce the arrival of Sherri-Ann on February 27. 1971. First great-grand. child of Mrs. Myrtle Booth. c1w36 Dianne (nee Donnelly) are tickled pink at the arrival of a baby girl. Renee Patricia. weighing 7 lbs. 1 oz. on Feb- ruary 28. 1971 at York Cen- tral Hospital. A sister for Michelle. Proud grandparents are Mr. and Mrs. 0. J. Don~ nelly and Mrs. F. Gallagher. Special thanks to Dr. Soco'l. c1w36 South Block Telephone 884-6691 Emma mirtha DOZ Mike and c1w36 c1w36 c1w36 ciw36