Five more firms have offered under construction on Daivis to provide the York Regional Drive in Newmarket. Police Commission with a head- Another firm is a major de- quarters,bui1ding- . , veloper owning land in north Orig firm-ha} a ouiidmg they Richmond HUL /IA\\ AWUHPEBRE One firm has 'a building they consider suitable. It is already EYEQTRID/U ( Police Commission Receives Five;“"“""E;;Â¥;;§';22i """ i; """"" iRats And Deep Fryer Accidents, Bed Smoking To Blame For Fires Without I971 Plates, Contest Offers For Region Headquarters: menichmona mu win- ter Carnival Photography I Accidents with deep fat fryers on the evening of February 24.jand went up through the floor. 10 R n mfield Circuit in York Drive 5 P and smoking in bed caused causing some momentary con-lcausing about $60 damage. ‘Thomhill. The car belonged 10‘ r 3Y some minor fires in Mark-,sternation for the residents. , The house was the first one‘Paul Knapton of 129 Bavthorn TRANSPORTATION O WALK-IN CLOSETS O NEAR GOLF COURSE O HYDRO O SAUNA O OUTSIDE POOL O SCHOOLS O CLOSE TO X the Mover lid. Thornhill Terrace Week Days 12 - 9 pm. Weekends 12 - 6 p.m. BETWEEN STEELES & NO. 7 EAST OF YONGE OFF BAYTHORN DRIVE 1, 2 & 3 Bedrooms MOVING ? Built by New Style Construction 889-2234 NEW HIGH RISE 127 BIRCH AVE. THORNHILL Modern Storage Warehouse I YOUR UNITED VAN LINES AGEN et us help you solve All your Moving problems a new electric range lets you cook a full course meal when you’re miles from home Imagine cooking a perfect meal while you’re at the hairdresser's. Or out shopping. Or picking the kids up from school. It's easy with a new electric range. Just set the timer and the temperature. Your oven will turn on, cook the meal, then shut itself off. Try it yourself. Put a new electric range in your kitchen â€"and a little more time in yOur day. 4 live better electrically efore you move! William Clisby of Tankoos Yarmon Limited, 8 King Street :East, Toronto, also made an offer on the police headquar- ters. This firm is a large Toron- ‘to developer owning a large lacreage north of Elgin Mills Road and east of Yonge Street ‘in Richmond Hill. Robert Armstrong of Robert Armstrong Limited, 425 Davis Drive Newmarket, a major New- market area realtor, offers to lease to the commission a new building, It is now under con- struction and has 17,000 square feet of floor space. on Davis Drive. Other‘offers came from Le- onard Osin. president of 05in Construction Limited. 25 Lock- port Road. Toronto: and Robert Servos of Joseph Kelton, Archi- tects, 1224 Lawrence Avenue West. Toronto The firm will construct a building to commission require- ments and lease it to the com- mission. Or it will construct a building and sell it to the com- mission. It also will build the required headquarters on land provided by the commission. 4 YONGE ST. SOUTH David Stephenson. president of Stephenson Construction Company Limited, 5803 Yonge Street, Willowdale, wrote the commission making three alter- native offers. ' The police commission Mon- day morning filed away the proposals without any actio_n_. Richmond Hill Hydro Electric Commission SAM COOK, CHAIRMAN AL. HORWOOD, SUPERINTENDENT 889-4911-2-3 Gentle as .3 Lamb Burglars recently active in Vaughan Town now are armed with a target pistol. The same night burglars en- tered the Richvale Beauty Salon, 9106 Yonge Street, Vaughan Town. and stole a cash reg- ister valued at $100. Burglars failed to get any- thing March 1 when they forced open a door to gain entry at Connie Steel Limited, Bowes Road, in Vaughan. umI\l\mmumm11l\mm\umuuuluu“um\nuI\uuummuumuuu Vaughan Town BurglaH ls Armed With‘ Pistol} Entry was gained by smash- ing a plate glass window in the front door. The pistol, transistor radio and some money were stolen February 28 from Sinclair Radio Limited, Rayebte Road. Burglars ransacked the fices. munnmunmulmnmnmummmnmmmummmmmunmmm There are three categor- ies for both color slides and black and white photos. The slides should be in see- through mounts, and the black and whlte photos no smaller than four or five in- ches and no larger than eight by ten inches un- mounted. There are classes for seniors (20 years and older as of March 5), juniors, (not old enough for seniors), and for the camera club mem- bers from elementary and secondary schools in Rich- mond Hill area. The committee has. there- fore, decided to accept en- tries to the extended dead- line of March 15. If not these, they claim. surely there are pictures of the Sunday activities when the weather was fairly nor- mal. Entries should be sent or delivered to Donald Flemâ€" ing. 51 Wright Street. Rich- mond Hill. Conditions for unusual photos were excellent. they point out. The committee envisioned pictures of a 40 mile an hour wind over a vacant Mill Pond, a merry- go-round stuck in driving snow. and several shots of a blown down tent with Shaun Bezgs peeking out from the flap. The judging committee has $60 and 18 ribbons to be awarded. The Richmond Hill Win- ter Carnival Photography Contest Committee is dis- appointed at the small num- ber of entries that have been received. 884-4466 1n impairment cases. police are still laying charges both un- der the new breath test law and the old impaired driving regu- lations, in order to assure a can- viction. So far the controversial breath test law has held up in spite of the number of adverse lower court decisions in var- ious parts of the country. If a conviction is obtained on one charge, then the other is dropped. Paul Stewart Irving, 29, of 17 Ruggles Avenue. Langstaff. was stopped at 1 am on Church Street near Markham Road. Robert Stanley Porter. 39, of 85 Cartier Crescent, Richmond Hill, was charged with impaired care and control of a motor vehicle at 11:25 pm on Rock- port Crescent. Besides a charge of impaired driving, Irving faces a charge for failing a breathalyzer test and a charge for driving while disqualified. A Richmond Hlil driver and a Langstaï¬ driver were arrested on impairment charges Satur- day, according to Richmond Hill Detachment of York Regional Police. Three out-of-town drivers were also charged. Accidents with deep fat fryers and smoking in bed caused some minor fires in Mark- ham and Vaughan last week. 2 local Drivers Face Impairment Charges Pranksters stuck a burning flare in the top of a chimney on Alsace Road in Richmond Hill Phone Is there a Wedding in Your Future? 88421105 Rats building a nest under a water heater were blamed for a small fire in a house on Leslie Street in Markham at 10:29 am February 28. Vaughan Fire De partment said. nummmumuuuuuuuuummmuuummuunummuluuummu Richmond Hill Firemen had a resuscitator call on February 26. They put out a fire in the back seat of a traveller‘s car in the Richmond Hill Inn park» ing lot February 27. Attempted Murder Trial April 15 Before the shooting Ben- nett’s Mercedes car was ordered towed off of High- way 7 after an accident. The car was stuck in snow dur- ing a raging blizzard. He was charged after a Sunday morning February 14 shooting incident in which cruiser cars from Ontario Provincial Police Oak Ridges Detachment and York Regional Police Vaug- han Towu Detachment were hit by gunfire on Crestwood Road in South Thornhill. Ronald Bennett. 50. of 229 Crestwood Road. South Thornhill, faces trial April 15 on two charges of attem- pting to murder police. Bennett appeared in Rich~ mond Hill Provincial Court Tuesday and the trial date was set. He is free on $15,- 000 bail, cash or property. with two sureties. The fire started in the nest Thermo-engraved (raised lettering) Wedding and engagement announcements, birth announcements. confirmation in- vitations, golden and silver anniversary announcements, etc. (Raised Lettering) Looks and feels like the finest hand engraving. The letters have an elegance and individuality only the finest hand engraving can match. Thermo-engravlng (raised lettering) Costs about half as much as hand engraving. because it eliminates the copper p‘.ate that makes hand engraving so expensive. AND IT’S READY WITHIN 10 DAYS 01' course you can order matching enclosure cards, reception, response, thank you and at home cards. etc. Select from our giant catalogue of flawlessly correct papers. 15 distinctive styles of lettering. THE LIBERAL Smoke from an incinerator at 7713 Young Street in Thorn- hill at 7:38 pm February 25 re- sulted in a call to firemen. The smoke was curling around heav- ily, close to a building, thus a1- arming a passing citizen. An electric welder shorted against a steel wall. setting in- sulation in the wall on fire. Hot grease caught fire in the kitchen at the home of Gerald Greenberg, 4 Alcaine Court. Thornhill, at 5:09 pm February 24. The flames continued up into the stove vent. but there was little damage, firemen said. There was about $100 damage at 3:35pm Saturday in a small fire at the Mapac Division of Polypump Limited. 8100 Keele Street in Vaughan. A stolen car was stripped and burned on Elder's Sideroad at 10:20 pm February 24. The 1970 model Mustang carried 1971 plates. A short in the wiring of a car was blamed for a $35 fire at 4:20 pm February 26 in front of There was an estimated $75 damage at 9pm February 24 in a mattress fire blamed on care- less smoking by the occupant of a house in Vaughan. Gary Woodcock of Lot 3. Is- lington Avenue North. escaped injury. according to Vaughan Fire Chief Jim Davidson. The house was the first one north of Steeles Avenue and is owned by All Provincial Ser- vices Limited. 890 Yonge Street. The occupant is Mrs. Barbara Sparling. Wedding Invitations ’l‘HERMO-ENGRAVING 10 Romfield Circuit in Thornhill. The car belonged to Paul Knapton of 129 Baythorn Drive. Thornhill. A telephone line short cir- cuit set off a fire alarm at 2:25am at Shouldice Surgery, 7750 Bayview Avenue, Thorn- hill. |“lllll|Hllll\l\l\\\l\l\lllll\lllIll|“\“lllllllllI\\|\\\lllllllll\lll\\lllINN“ Named sub-foremen are Richard Yule, George Petâ€" ers and Frank Shadwell. Mr. Yule’s classification re- mains unchanged and Mes- srs. Peters and Shadwell have been working as lab- orer operators in the de- partment. Herb Rose becomes as- sistant superintendent and Edward Clague and David Ground will be foremen. Mr. Rose has been a fore- man. Mr. Clague a sub- foreman, and Mr. Ground is a new appointment. Increase in the staff of Richmond Hill Works De~ partment and division of the new town into two sepâ€" arate areas for maintenance work has led to several ap- pointments and promotions within the department. These were ratified by town council March 1. Fred Bovaird will remain as a superintendent in charge of one area and John Stong will become super- intendent of the other area. He has been serving as as- sistant superintendent. New A ppointees Town Works THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday, March 11, 1971 63 Yonge Street South, Richmond Hill Most Southern York Region drivers had purchased their 1971 license plates by the Saturday night deadline. Or else they stayed at home on Sunday. On Sunday and Monday York Regional Police and Ontario Provincial Police at Oak Ridges reported only 18 drivers tagged for having old 1970 plates still on their cars. 1n Metro 527 drivers were re- ported caught without new lic- ense plates. and paying $20 fines. Six drivers were tagged by YRP Richmond Hill Detach- ment. two by YRP King De- tachment, and 10 by OPP in York. There were no tickets report- ed issued to unlicensed cars by V a u g h a n YRP Detachmeni. Vandorf YRP Detachment 01' Buttonville YRP Detachment. World Wide Moving 8. Shipping MOVING & BY SHIPPING Overseas Packing & Crating. Agents for: GLOBAL VAN LINES. Local and Long Distance Moving: 24 Hr. Service Canada Bonded Warehouse. Call: 889-6269 SAVE 10% HOME INSULATION 0 Reduce your heating costs up to 50% 0 Summer cool your home up in 12 degrees o Insulation C.S.A. approved Phone Now for Roofing 0 Siding 0 Insulation Discount Ends Marrh $313!, 1971 Free Estimate and literature 291-4885 collect SKI-($821 after 5 pm M. A. HARRISON ON YOUR AIR RAH. LAND & SEA