LEONARD R. ROSENBERG & ASSOCIATES Chartered Accountants Telephone 884-7110 84 Yonge St. South Aurora, Ontario Joscelyn, Laughlin, Harper, Tory & Associates Chartered Accountgnts 31 Yongc Street North Richmond Hill. Ont. 884-4474-5 91 Geneva Street St. Catherines, Ont. - 684-1177 889-6662 Outside lighting maintenance, equipped with ladder truck. All commercial, residential and in- dustrial wiring. 14 CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 306 Bayview Plaza Telephone 88943275 CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 89 Glen Cameron Road Thornhill 889-9191 TREES ARE OUR BUSINESS H. Van Dyke - Arborist By Competent Tradesman Prices on request or by hour R. P. (Bob) BOSS 130 Centre St. W. - 884-1788 PHILIP G. RAYSON Mister Transmission Ltd. 177 YONGE ST. N. RICHMOND HILL Richmond Hill Tree Service & Forestry Co. Ltd. Brian H. Cowen Finlay E/ecfric 884-393 I Life Time Guarantee Automatic Specialists INCOME TAX SERVICE Returns prepared by former senior employee, Tax Department Individuals - Business Corporations SPECIAL MACHINERY GENERAL REPAIRS Auto Transmission Leno’s Machine Shop Electricians 78 CENTRE ST. EAST RICHMOND HILL 884-1993 Chartered Accountants Accountants PROFESSIONAL & BUSINESS DIRECTORY NEED AN EXPERT? CALL ONE OF THESE . . . Engineering FREE ESTIMATES CALL ANYTIME CUSTOM WORK Carpentry STEAMFITTING WELDING Forestry THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, March 11, 1971 297-2175 884-6663 884-7774 Insurance - Mortgages Fire, Auto and Liability Motor Vehicle Finance Service Barrow Insurance SerVIces ltd. C. A. Office Furniture EXCEPTIONAL VALUES ill OFFICE FURNITURE Richmond Heights Centre (Next to Carla's Barber Shop) Ernie Brock 8. Son 16 Yonge Street North RICHMOND HILL 884.4231 889-5729 Furniture, Office Supplies, Social Stationery, Typewriter and Adder Sales. Toronto 363-3! 25 Grandview Ave. Thomhiil 889-1379 TELEPHONE 727-9488-9 A. W. Kirchen, DD. 17 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill E.D.P. Consulting - Systems Design - Programming - Key Punching For information call 884-7389 J. R. KANE D.C. Data Processing Officé Supplies H. B. FISHER Office Supplies Ltd. EMERSON’S COMPUTER SERVICE COMPLETE INSURANCE SERVICE Bus. 832-2621 or 832-2445 Res. 832-1224 Chiropractor Corner Agency Limited Roy V. Bick Insurance Ltd. Fire, Auto and Liability 15 Yonge Street N. 884-1551 - 884-1219 Res. - 884-9708 Financial Enterprises P.0. Box 277 31 Yonge St. 8., Aurora Phone 773-4671 Call Collect. ' Office Hours 9 am. to 9 pm. REASONABLE RATES Optometrists MORTGAGES ARRANGED Mortgages Rear 47 Yonge St. S. Aurora, Ontario Complete Insurance Serv1ce LTD. Kirby Brock Maple, Ont. 17 Queen St. W. CHIROPRACTOR 5252a Yonge Street Willowdale Insurance By Appointment First & Second By Appointment 884-3962 225-7759 884-1031 363-3959 ’[Sporting Goods RUMBLE TRANSPORT WHAT PRICE CAR ARE YOU LOOKING FOR? Low, middle, high? You’ll find cars in every price range ad- vertised in "The Liberal†Used Cars Column. See for yourself, today. There’s plenty to choose from. BENJAMIN MOORE PAINT Local and Long Distance Hauling 25 Yonge Street South Richmond Hill, 884-1213 ART STUDIOS subscribe to “The liberal" RAMER FUELS 189 CENTRE ST. EAST 884-1313 How to P.C.V. Class A. C. and H. DAILY SERVICE RICHMOND HILL TO TORONTO Eric’s Cycle and Sports Shop C.C.M. 8: Raleigh Bicycles Repairs to All Makes A Complete Line of Sporting Goods It’s wise to be warmed in any weather. With our rea- sonably p ri c e d, efficient fuel oil, you’ll get steady beat all year. aim-Wallpaper Ontario Land Surveyors 9114 Yonge St. Richvale Yates & Yates FREE DELIVERY INTERIORS LTD. FOR OUR YEARLY FUEL OIL SERVICE. 4901A Yonge Street Willowdale 889-1059 Surveyors Trucking 884-1013 364-2625 221-3485 (Yesâ€"even though we choose to forget, there were slaves in Ontario in 1819). One does not usually asso- ciate ghosts with Canada, and certainly not with the Region of York, but Provincial Judge Clare Morrison is willing to con~ cede that there is a possibility that a ghost may be sharing a 150 year old Sutton farmhouse with the judge and his family. It had a reputation for being haunted, and the wife of a for- mer owner spent one night there and left, never to return, but this did not deter the Mor- rison family. They were satis- fied that, if the hOuse was in- deed haunted, the apparition was a friendly one. The solid fieldst‘one house in Georgina Township was built on crown land granted to William Johnston, a retired Royal Navy captain, in 1819, and was oc- cupied by the captain, his wife and two slaves. The Johnstons had two chil- dren, but both died in infancy, and are presumably buried in the small family plot near the orchard. William and ‘his wife, Roxanne, were also buried there and their graves are protected by an iron railing. Two other graves, marked only by blank headstones, are presumably those of the slaves. Since he comes from that part of the country, Judge Morrison knew all about the house when he moved in with his wife, Mar- garet, and four children a year and a half ago. ' The babies, William and the the slaves have rested quietly through the years, but legend has it that Roxanne continues to visit the house that was once her home. Shortly after moving into the house, Judge Morrison was awakened one night by the sound of footsteps coming into the room, but he could see no VON Nurse-in-charge Miss Janis Williams most aptly des- cribed the service of VON to the community to the 13th annual meeting, as: “Persons are able to return to their homes sooner after hospitalization, where it has been found that a patient progresses more favorably dur- ing convalescence. If a person is suffering from a chronic ill- ness, the Victorian Order Nurse will not make him better, but she will help him accept what has happened and make the best of what abilities and health ‘he does have." Miss Williams made the state- ment during her report on the past year’s work . VON Ended I970 With Deficit Carries $5,000 Over Into I971 The annual meeting of the branch, begun in Richmond Hill 13 years ago, which now serves the Region of York, was held in Richmond Hill Council Cham- bers February 3. bers February 3. The VON board consists of It was reported that York President Dr. Edward Pamenter, Region has approximately 155, Vice-President Grant Marsh-all, 000 population with approxi- Secretary Mrs. Robert Campbell, mately 600 hospital beds. That Recording Secretary Mrs. Jack there is a great need for VON Wallbank, Treasurer Herbert services is demonstrated by the Lud‘iow, Jack Knott, Mrs. John fact that they made nearly Knox and Mrs, Barbara Stubley. (Continued from Page 2) Seven in this community. (Several of the “group†lived on John Street in Thornhill at one time.) _ It is an energetic undertaking to say the least and those people engaged in the organization of this event have been working hard since early January to ensure its success. With the rapid encroachment of Metro on our immediate area, we are becoming increasingly more community minded. One of the ways we can promote our uniqueness is by support- ing and attending this exhibition of our own artists. If you know someone who is a talented artist or craftsman, do make sure they make every effort to exhibit at Heintzman House May 2. Diane Hemstock (889-9623) or Shirley Foster (889-2881) are the people to_ approach. Sunday, May 2 seems quite a way off just now, but I noticed a few indications of spring on our maple tree the other day. Mark May 2 on your cal- endar now and when you attend this exhibit, you may find yourself pleasantly surprised and even excited about the talent in our area. Besides, who knows, maybe the sales of jug milk may increase if our artists have a few extra pennies in their pockets. SUNNYHILL NURSERY SCHOOLS FOR IN FORMATIOI‘ Potato Salad, Coleslaw, European Variety of meats and cheeses, pickles, buns, bread & butter -â€" coffee, plates & cups. BAR SERVICE IF REQUIRED In The Spotlight 72 FINCH AVENUE WEST, WILLOWDALE BROOKE STREET, THORNHILL Now accepting enrolments for September ’71 Mornings only. For children 31/2 to 5 years. Sutton Ghost Busy For information 8 3 2 . I 2 I 2 Phone EUROPEAN DELICATESSEN Buffet Style. Catering to Clubs & Parties COMPLETE MEAL Operated by Toronto Waldorf School MAPLE PLAZA. MAPLE *N CALL 225-7177 one in the bright moonlight: The footsteps retreated, reached a landing, and died away. He thought it might be one of the children wandering about, but none of them had left their beds. ‘ On another accasion when the judge had stayed overnight in Toronto, Mrs. Morrison was awakened by footsteps ap- proaching the bed. She was startled by pressure on the edge of the bed, as though someone were getting in, but there was on one there. Furniture has been moved in the night â€" a pine cupboard in the kitchen, topped by an old a‘pothecary‘s bottle, was moved several inches from the wall, and other objects, such as hamâ€" mers left on a workbench, have been mysterio sly moved to an- other location The Morrison children have carefully tidied up the lover grown little cemetery, trying to assure Roxanne that they re- spect the memory of her loved ones, and they camly accept the strange noises that come in the night. Doors open and close mys- teriously, and no one knows how or by whom. The family has rejected the theory that the unexplained nocturnal activity may be that of a poltergeist, a mischievous apparition that seeks out houses occupied by teenage girls for its nocturnal meanderings, prefer- ring to believe that, if there is a ghost, it is the ghost of Rox- anne. “It was her house first, and she has a perfect right to be here,†,says Judge Morrison. The childreï¬ and their friends have 'laid wait in vain, hoping that their friendly ghost would materialize. The footsteps con- tinue, and things move about, but so far no one has seen Roxanne. This service costs money. In spite of regular sources of in- come and generous donations on the part of businesses, service clubs, individuals and groups of public-spirited people (particu- Larly Bayview Secondary School students), the board heard the unhappy news from Treasurer Herbert Ludlow that a deficit of nearly $5,000 must be carried forward into 1971. 5,000 visits during 1970. Even with these financial pro- blems, the nurses and the board felt 1970 was a most rewarding year. Fufll time nurses are Miss Janis Williams and Miss Wendy Field, with assistance of part time nurses Mrs. Doris Mabson, Mrs. Sonia Wright, Mrs. Diane Clark, Mrs. Nancy Sever, Mrs. Barbara Chandler and Mrs. Carol Thompson. $1.45 â€"per Plate Woodbridge Man, 60, Is Charged With Rape Of Girl Under Age 14 A 60-yearâ€"old Woodbridge man in Richmond Hill Provin- cial Court March 4 was charged with having sexual intercourse with a girl under the age of 14 years. Robert Julian Morris, 60, of 1 Park Drive, Woodrbridge, made no election or plea. He was re- manded in custody until March 11. Provincial Judge R u s s e 11 Pearse set bail at $500 cash or property 7 The offense is alleged to have taken place February 27. Alfred Campbell, 31, of 37 Eldon Street, admitted driving while impaired December 11 in Vaughan. He made the plea in Richmond Hill Provincial Court March 4. A second conviction for im- paired driving last week put a Toronto driver in jail for 14 days. Judge Pearse gave Campbe'll the minimum sentence possible. Campbell’s driver’s license is also suspended six months. “I must impose a jail sentence of at least 14 days. and not more than three months,†said Judge Pearse. Campbell said he had a broken leg when he was stopped at 5:45 pm on Highway 7, about 1/2- mile west of Dufferin Street. Crown Attorney Frank Hoff- man told the court Campbell’s car was followed by a Vaughan Policeman as it wove from side to side and left the road four times. Two other cars had to leave the roadway to avoid a collision. Campbell's previous convic- tion for impaired driving was on February 19 of last year, the Crown Attorney said. The ac- cused was given a breathalyzer test, which yielded readings of 2.30 and 2.40, he added. Edmond Garceau, 49, of Lot 9, Vaughan Concession 7, was fined $150 or 30 days in jail. Because of the accident. the usual three-month driver’s lic- ense suspension automatically increases to six months. A Pine Grove man in court March 4 admitted impaired care and control of a vehicle that was in an accident February 13 in Vaughan Town. The Crown Attorney said Garceau had a breathalyzer test reading of 2.20. A Woodbridge driver in Rich- mond Hill Court March 4 ad- mitted failing a breathalyzer test February 13. Daniel Ferguson, 24, of 3333 Islington Avenue, RR 2, Wood~ bridge, was convicted by Judge Pearse and fined $150 or 30 days, with time to pay. His driver‘s license was au- tomatically suspended for three months by the Department of 4 Yonge Street South N URSE-INâ€"CHARGE MISS J ANIS WILLIAMS WMMWWWMW (“\“lNl“mullNlNl“WWW!\\\l\lll\l\\\l\ll\\\l\\ll\\\\\lt\m VICTORIAN ORDER OF NURSES RICHMOND HILL BRANCH SERVING YORK COUNTY 884-4101 Transport Crown Attorney Hoffman toldl the court Ferguson was arrested at 1:45 am on Islington Avenuel in Pine Grove by police who] followed him for about three: miles. . l Ferguson's car was speeding and meandering along a slip- pery and snowy road. His breathalyzer reading was 1.50 both times it was taken, said the Crown Attorney. A Toronto man was caught illegally in possession of a case of beer February 7 on Maple Avenue in Maple. Crown At- torney Hoffman told Richmond Hill Court last week. Ronald Stiff, 29, of 660 Eglin- ton Avenue West, Apartment 105, admitted having liquor in a place not the residence of the purchaser. He was fined $20 plus costs, or five days in jail, by Judge Pearse. Established 1871 ECONOMICAL MUTUAL INSURANCE COMPANY HOME BUSINESS AUTO NEWS 1 Economical’s all-embracing Homeowner’s Policy is a model of modern insurance packaging. It combines the vital forms of pro- tection into a single policy, tailored exactly to your needs, and at a substantial saving. Your nearby independent insurance agent is well qualiï¬ed to handle your requirements and take the worry out of home insurance. Call him. Learn how to save money with Ec0nomical Insurance and to cover yourself adequately for any loss that may occur. You’ll be assured of courteous service and prompt attention to claims payments. Willowdale â€" Neil G. McDonald Limited. 221-1611 Richmond Hill â€" Barrow Insurance Services Ltd. 884-1551 Head Office: Kitchener, Ontario LEVESQUE come in and see our great selection of used cars. All ma/(es-all models. And the prices are right. HIGHWAY N0. 7 AT DUFFERIN PHONE 889-8788 CHRYSLER O PLYMOUTH O SATELLITE VALIANT O FARGO TRUCKS 721p Quality ’Igzszzngée'l/enbe