THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday March 18 1971 9 rllarch 10 and mum ed the til"!1 liarv oi the let Lansstall SC ‘ , . ii. _ _ 5-. outs be a new lea'ure im new and Ti - - "To Reach a Child" presented and Cub: along \i-nh the Zill\ll - ‘ me ecumenical serum “m [Em- MH rem. ‘ ( g ‘ _ new I a > _ ‘ . in to school .\1 c “u s by Dave porter attendance hold 10 “9“ (10111111.â€" and house be held this Sunday in Christ '29 u h - ~ ‘7 . ‘ , .. v , llBi_\ of the sod and 4th Rich- aimles books. Qllll15.[he Kin; Lutheran Church \l'itl) The Open house held March CORRESPONDENT: MRS ANNE WHITE 24 ROOSEVELT DRIVE __ 889_3806 {ILOhLlenSillllgll‘ Yogi-c ' County, vale Guides and Brownies \\1ll belts. cards. etc. Anyone wishing Rm: A_ Bmdiar condume the 8 L C} . » a Neighborhood Notes time and instruction during thc at 8 pm Refreshments l l __ 0 amal? 1n Flint. hold their montlil)’ meL‘iln: at to donate articles is askcd to service and the s ~mo b ’3 ‘ 3 miles Howm M11001 was Last Monday evening the classes 7 Last \Iondéy “(jams m? 1?}:‘6' Ohn 11:9'10'15 at 389'3366. “mug?†andh 11181135 to the the home of Mrs. Ronald Bllt- call Mrs. Mary Jane Warner at ï¬cainaid‘ Hmmp'ne] th" lee‘{ a are“ Success- The ClaSSI‘Ooms . ,- _ , W , o . 7 _' are .i _ per couple for recreation mg L e at Rose- CliCll O‘l C~ its " -"" “ ' - v " '3 ‘ e S†J“ a some ‘0†inter t. d. .ewm class of MIS‘ Leona Thank , , I y . I he a y . V . ion icscent. .. then 809 ....8- Oi I\Iis. Ra) Dalles t h ’ ’ w - ’ esmg 15“ Whites held a fashion show in Lions Clam“??? Sggfsnmtn: Ellérlliorljlgldenligcgd 11(11):;t nrlggl. lgflugigie e\enln;. e\‘cr.\'thin; ling}- 1 t L H g :iiosi speaker they \\lll have 889-3369. This is a Qreat timae Egilllii‘f‘sclilerllrlilaa‘l $631.8?171' 5:: FIE‘F' “(Em space programs to [h . ' “ls ' n - r, . - , I , _ n r. V. I e s angsta scouts and Police Chief Robert Robbins. to rid yourself 0 ' L o i 3- i 0 OM‘ n mns' we a†work in the in; £1122: sli'letogll‘t mloadegl 5111:“lyilrdd 815ch 1-0 the r‘nla'm pea and 3 SOME] gel-'IOJthm mam Dawn‘s 1" the “"98 3" CUI’S annual lather-Sim banquet A spring rummage sale Will is N no lise to [\filiomblfllg all]: m a “WNW†permd and 1'6“ kmd‘s‘l‘gal'ten. was exceptional, p ma 9. ll passnie \ Sl Patricks dance \llll he lcndod the general meeting: or “ill be held in the Lions Hall. he held in Emmanuel Anglican be in someone else ni‘diousehnllt'llfresnmems. the cartoon caper (“sway was led their clothin style and he I o v ' ' ‘ ' ° ‘ i V E T l loncltcs “1†hold lhml held Maich 20 sponsmed h} lh. lhe Palcnl Teacher A.ssociation Spruce Avenue April 8 at 7 pm. Church on April 3 from l1 am articles. Eames children's toys willie“ Wilda“ {0" 0â€" Ch†excellent and the ‘eaChers were _ s, _ .~ ‘ most enthustastic about the pro: flair. The girls who hal'e monthly euchre on March "1 l inns For tickets leA' ' , . -4 , .. . se mm o! Rn- ~ ‘ ‘ v ‘ ' ' ' attended this year.s Class are: _ 7 7 P sclaun Puhllcï¬rhool heldflmgn Marchgfl the ladies RIle-rlo 3 pm. A speCiallti shop Will etc. dl‘pn begin on “mph on and gran“ m the d 7, _ 7 "4M, 7 7 <_Â¥_ __ 3 ~_ “Him . I‘ own gra es. 7 7% lithe new improved Kathy Bain. Harriet Gattinger.l Sari and Ellen Levy. Judy! Sykes, Deborah Smith. Ann Marie Amodeo. Cheri Reilly.l D’ e Pridehomme. Mervi and‘ ene Eronen, and Charlene! ‘ i e. Splashes of color adorned the hall and featured were dresses, skirts, pant and jump suits. pant dresses and. the highlight of the, evening, a two piece bathing. suit modelled and made byf Deborah Smith. Parents and: friends attended the show. . At the conclusion of the even-‘ in; 'Mrs. White was presented with'a beautiful cameo bracelet in appreciation for her help,‘ llIllillllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllilllllllIIllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllltlll { Richvale Lions Plan $1,000 Gift Only a few weeks ago Richvale Lions donated $547.43 to help emotionally disturbed children. The money was the proceeds from a dance. 7, Three ambitions Lions hope to make their con- tributions total 51.000 and so are another dance in Richmond Hill Lions Hall. April 3. In- vitations have. been Issued to all Lions Clubs in Zone. 18W which includes those located from Yonge Street to Highway 27 and from Thornhiil to Newmarket. .To make this event as productive as possible. Lions Clubs in the. area are. donatingr $20 each to the cost. of food and the Lion- sttes are donating their services in its preparation. The clubs are donating door prises and leoal business- men are giving spot prizes. If other businessmen would like to make a contribution they are asked to call 889- 5815. Among the projects sull- portcd are Blue Hills Acad- emy. Aurora: Struthers Pre- School. Etobicoke; West End Creche. Toronto: Boys‘ Village, Toronto: Clark In- stitute. Toronto: Powall- BroWn. ~ Toronto: Sacred Hearts. Thistletown and a new Scarboro branch. These services may he re- quired by any of us for our children. IIllllllIllillllllllllllllllllll‘l“Illlllllllllilllllllllllllllllllllll‘llllllllllllll W ___,_-r._â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"vâ€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"~â€" NOTICE TO CREDITORS. AND OTHERS IN This ESTATE or Alma Pearl Puterbaugh. late of 42 Keele Street North. Maple, Ontario. All ‘persons having claims against the estate of the above. named deceased, who died on or about the 25th day of Jan- uary, 1971. are hereby notified to send the particulars of the same to the undersigned on or before the 30th day of April. 1971. after which date the El- ecutors will distribute the as- AT HALF THE PRICE YOU’D EXPECT TO PAY ‘ The great tire you’ve seen advertised as providing up to twice the mileage! Ride the new Glass Beltsâ€"and you won't recognize the old buggy. Such incredible stability, .‘ on-track steering and ease ofhandling‘. You roll so smoothly that 70 miles an hour feels like 50. But watch it! Even with, this superb 197i tire, when speed 15 increased from 70 to 80, mileage is cut almost in half. TURNPIKE WIDE TRACK Glass-Belted Polyester Standard ‘Flex' Bolt SAFETY 99 POLYESTER ‘BELT O‘ GLASS‘ (Heavy ‘Flex‘ Belt) REPLACES (Where Clearance permits) a*VMANU FACTURER’S LIST PRICE Each manufacturer publishes a list of prices. Generally speaking, for similar grades, these sets of the estate, having regard prices are very much the same. Newspaper ad- :ï¬gllghgf Elglfnzftigeh-Wh they vertised special sale prices out these by 10-25 5’6. . DATED at Toronto. this 15th canadlan Tue often cutsuP to 507†‘ . 645/ 14 day of March. 1971. 695/14 FLOSSIE MAY PUTER- BAUGH and MORLEY J. 5-YEAR ROAD-HAZARD INSURED 695/14 their HeavyeHeX’Beltâ€"42‘M0nth Pro-Rated. 4 “gram;- & LOWNDES’ 372 42% Wear-Out Discount Allowance 735/ l 4 maggot. Toronto 1. Standard “Flex’ Belt~40-Month Pro- ‘ Rated. 40% Wear-Out Discount Al- 8255/I 4 I‘m“““ Iowance. ' 825/14 To all prices on this page, add freight to store 855/14 from factory. Toronto and Hamilton area 10¢; 855/14 most other locations 15¢ to 60¢; distant points 77;] 5 up to $1.10 (Eg. Gander, Nfld.) 775/15 5% Discount for Cashâ€"in lieu ofcoupo‘ns. 825/15 installation $1.00; New Volvo and 825/ l 5 Static WhoolBolonco $I.OO 855/l5 if your local Associate Dealer is sold out of your choice, 855/15 ILLUSTRATED: Sam), 99 leave order with deposit and delivery is guaranteed. 0: 885/ l 5 Bell 0' Glass (Heavy 'Elex‘ Boll) Write Canadian Tire, 837 Yongc St. Toronto 91 5/ I 5 LAWN MOWER TURNPIKE DELUXE and Turnpike Nylon Standard and Deluxe Tires are simi- “bale†BIGCkwau ‘ lat in construction to ori_ sAddeSljg for Whitewoll Not covered by Road Hozord hOW LOCATED AT ginalequipmenttireswhen ' (“hereâ€) M. 0° and insurance Indisizcoifmï¬iï¬â€ new cars came With these Faflory price am, ~ : V Sizes-except those tires Door 5% Discount ' RICHMOA D HILL . were rayon while these are Price for cash (Town and Country I Dupont Nylonâ€"stronger 600/13 Frozen Food Building) than steel: double Pit, 650/ l 3 ~ ‘ . Toro, John Deere. 3 double Strength' 700/13 ’1 Only the tread dlfi‘eren- 735/14 tiates Deluxe and Stan- dard. Standard is lower Chainsaws. Minibikes. Etc.‘ 2,000 Sq. Ft. of Service and 1 ,....p.[llllllD|fln-TIR as o '2 " a Parts Area ic ecause uve V: " Modern Test Equipment Esrsuliicsbhisowngtiizgntcci 855/;géï¬sww BUDGET TERMS . ~ "1135; v / 2‘ 8844716 ' 884'9001i éoo/lélubelype available at ' I i ' j Yonge Street North Richmond Hill 9 am. - Tl .m. Daily 7 - Sat 9 6 l CANADIAN TIRE STORES A!!!!!!!! Phone 384-ll96