Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 18 Mar 1971, p. 13

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Mrs. Verdella Dixon then took over the program and introdu- ced her six-year-old grandson, Stacy Morning, who gave an ex- cellent performance on the ace cordion. Fred Rose sang a song he had written and recited modernized nursery rhymes. which were‘ "very amusing. The choir. though rather depleted. entertained with three songs and, Wilfred A n d re ws told me in b e rs of an incident while \v o r k i n g with dis~ placed persons showing how the different interpretation of a word could cause a lot of grief. Not wishing to end on a sad note, however, he also told of a few humorous stories. , Althouin Mrs. B. Cook was hospitalized the social committee retained its reputation for excel~ vuLLcuu. is an imp: gram from kept on e from the b The loce onished at tasks. the of personni in organizi Since 97 {pay for tl rsearch in yPl‘lnCGSS M ‘research g1 ing to see it was beir X-ray mac! cost $75,004 usable life! $70,000. Pr ‘pital has ei Though .most impm lent refreshments served at the that its st‘ close of the meeting. institution Won 3' 72 At Kresge 's Store Church. ' The pablum type cereals are Four charter members were balanced nutritionally and are Present and the president ex- convenient to use requiring Pressed.- appreciation to them only the addition of hot water an Mothers who had been in- and consist mainly of wheat and lumental in starting the club milk powder. which now has a membership of Mr. Dyson. who is with Grif- ayer 200‘ A. E. Plewman and fith Laboratories. Ltd., a food R- Tinkler, both over.90.’ cut ingredient firm, had earlier the lovely birthday cake which talked to children in the Sunday members later enjoyed. school and allowed them to “There ‘will be another Fun sample the bread. Mr. McPherson on behalf the club. expressed sympathy Mrs. L. Clement on the death her son. There will be another Fun Day on March 20 convened by Mrs. Gwen Grist. who hopes for a good turnout. Members wishing to see the “Song of Norway" are asked to give their names and money to a member of the executive as soon as possible. Subscriptions for Voice Magazine are now due. orders for which will be taken by Mrs. V. Pollard. All Mrs. Davis had to do to qualify for the draw was to cash her February family allowance cheque at KreSge’s and fill out an entry form which she deposited in the proper box. Her February cheque was for $24 and she received another $72 from Kresge’s to spend as she wished. If you could use some extra money at the end of March, just. follow Mrs. Davis’ example. You have nothing to lose and could win three times the amount on your March Family Allowance Cheque. Three times $24 is $72, and that is the amount that Mrs. Julia Davis of 136 Elgin Mills Road. Rich- mond Hill. received from Kresge’s Store in last. month’s lucky draw. Church President Stewart McPherson welcomed the large crowd of members and visitors who at- londed the celebration of the club’s 13th birthday on March 10 at Richmond Hill United R. H. SENIOR CITIZENS Club m e e L i n g s are held every Friday and second Mon- day at 8:15 pm at the Lions Hall in Oak Ridges Plaza. Newcomers most welcome. Further information may be obtained by calling Mrs. Marie Cole at 773-4280. Duplicate Bridge Club â€"{ winners of the mixed pairs tournament held last Friday were Mr. and Mrs. Peter Mole- vclt. with runners-up, Mr. and Mrs. Grant Real. The Richmond Hill Horticul- The regular meeting of the turists will meet Math 23 at Inner Wheel of the Rotary Club 8pm in the Lions Hall, Centre was held last week at the home Street, East. of Helen Pipher on Arnold A pleasant evening is antici-‘Street. pated with "Arm Chair Travel" The agenda included discus- SlldeS bemg Shown afld new sion of the annual Spring Bridge members welcomed and introd-‘to be held April 14 at Summit uced. View Gardens Restaurant. Refreshments will be served. Further information on thiSl * * * popular event may be obtained{ Duplicate Bridge Club â€" by calling Dorothy McIntyre atl winners of the mixed pairs 384-2241. I Mrs. Adams. 2 very active octogenarian, en- joys good health. does all her own housework and is an accomplished seamstress. She will be moving short- ly to the Hill. taking up residence. at 217 Lucas Street. Family and friends drop- ped in during the evening to wish her “many happy returns" and present her with gifts and cards in honor of this very auspic- ious occasion. Congratulations and best wishes to well known local resident. Mrs. Harriett Adams of Yongchursl Road who celebrated her 80th birthday last Friday. m fi Thynlgs. of personnel anrdfitrfier efficiency Though a hospital first and most- importantly, it is obvious that its stature as a research institution is outstanding. in organizing both. Since 97% of cancer funds pay for the operatid'n of re- search institutions like the Princess Margaret Hospital and research grants. it was interest- ing to see at first hand where it was being spent. One cobalt X-ray machine made in Canada cost $75,000â€"the cobalt with a usable lifetime of 4 to 5 years, $70,000. Princess Margaret Hos- pital has eight such machines. prepared pre-cooked cereals such as are sent to hungry nations throughout the world. The high protein bread was made from corn. soya and wheat and a second type. from rice‘ peanuts and wheat, some of the ingredients being grown in the countries involved and ad- ded to surplus Canadian wheat. The guided tour included ex- planations of the remarkable equipment including a brand new color Xâ€"ray that detects by heat emission the “potential” pres- ence of cancer. Currently being carried ou-t 1 cup heavy cream ‘ is an impressive research pro- 2025. sweet chocolate, coarse- gram from the copious records 1y grated, or chocolate chips kept on every patient treated Mix crumbs, sugar, cocoa from the. beginning. and coffee powder. Lightly whip The local visitors were ast- cream together. Spread 1/3 of onished at the complexity of cream in bottom of shallow 13.2 Mrs. Jessica Phillips and Miss Gladys' McLatchy from Rich- mond Hill accompanied by Mrs. Gwen Dugan of Thornhill at- tended the annual Open House held Sunday at Princess Mar- garet Hospital. When feeding people in these countries the food must conform to their dietary laws and cust- oms or they will refuse to eat it. A loaf of bread, however, is a areas The Come and Go Luncheon l and Bake Sale, held annually at Richmond Hill United Church. is always a popular event and ‘ affords an excellent opportunity of inviting friends and co-wor- kers to lunch, with a guarantee of good food and fast service. This year it is being held March 31 with three sittings- 11:30 am, 12:15 pm and 1 pm. ‘ Tickets at $l.25 must be pur-‘ chased prior to the luncheon and may be obtained by calling‘ Mrs. Madeline Johnston at 884- 2128. The congl‘cg‘d‘ionfl Of St- interesting programs televised ed Mary's Anglican Church had a on Suburban Final for the week at r . unique opportunity following beginning March 17. Entertaining last Saturday the Sunday morning service to Wednesday, Keith Kennedywevening were Mn and Mrs, partake of a “hunger luncheon-" chairman of Union Villa. who John Gibson of Kleinburg who David Dyson, a member of comments on the growth .of held a dinner party in honor of the “Help” committee, had Union Villa, since its Opemng her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Ralph baked 11 loaves of bread and last October. Cochran, who celebrated their prepared pre-cooked cereals Thursday, Bob Thompson and Golden. Wedding Anniversary such as are sent to hungry Bob Slater of Richmond Hill. on Mal-ch 11, > nations throughout the world. who discuss a floor hockey “’11-. and Mm Cocm-an, ’I-esi- The high protein bread waslleague for Richmond Hill. dents of Levendale Road. were i The regular meeting of the[ “Generation” isacomedy that status symbol in many extensive training If Next week a Fireside Talk will be held after dinner. with Chairman Bruce Lloyd. The plan operates in 10 countries in Asia and South America and operates a very strictly disciplined organizaâ€" tion. Their income is derived from contributions from service organizations. companies and private individuals, and approxi- mately 80% of the contributions are received directly by the foster children with the re- mainder going to administration and general expenses. Mrs. Powell showed a film consisting of three examples of the work being carried out by her organ- ization. ' Mrs. Powell, who was intro- duced by Tom Porter. had wor- ked with the Heart Fund as an insurance consultant before joining the Foster Parent Plan, which started in 1937 during the Spanish Civil War to aid children in Spain. The plan is non-sectarian and non-political and has now been extended to not only directly assisting chil- dren but assisting families to help their own children. quart glass dish. Spread half of crumb miXture over cream and press down firmly. Repeat lay- ‘ers, ending with last 1/3 of cream. Keep spatula touching each layer as you spread, to avoid mixing the crumbs into the cream. Sprinkle chocolate over top; chill well (at least 4 hours) before serving. Rotary News * * "‘ Flip Powell from the Foster There was a very sparse at- Parent Plan of Canada was the tendance for the March meet- guest speaker at the March :8 ing of the Independent Order meeting of the Rotary Club of Foresters, Court Simcoe 1314, held at the Summit Golf and held March 9 at the Lions Hall. Country Club. Members were glad to see Mrs. Powell, who was intro- Chief Ranger Les Crouch chair- duced by Tom Porter. had wor- ing the meeting after his stay ked with the Heart Fund as an in York Central Hospital and insurance consultant befOi'ejhope he will continue to enjoy joining the Foster Parent Plan. good health from now on. A dessert from Lady Hamil- ton, the sensational companion of the eighteenth century Eng- lish 'Naval Hero Lord Nelson. It was taken from More Food for Kings. the second of two small cookbooks published as moneyq‘aisers by the Voluntary Research Trust of Kings Col- lege Hospital and Medical School in London. (muml\\\\\1m\\“umuumumnummmu\uu‘“uunumnumuuw i 12 cup fresh whole-wheat bread crumbs l 1,2 cup Demerai‘a (or light browm. sugar 12' cup cocoa 2 tblsps. instant coffee 1/5 cup light cream 1 cup heavy cream ‘ 2 025. sweet chocolate, coarse- ly grated, or chocolate chips Mix crumbs, sugar, cocoa and coffee powder. Lightly whip cream together. Spread 1/3 of AlmOSt everyone has a special dish which family or friends enjoy â€"â€" why not share the recipe with our readers, be it main course, dessert or snack? Each week one will be publish- ed in this column â€"â€" how about yours? ‘ Tuesday, Robert Nixon. MPP and leader of the opposition at Queen’s Park. discusses the future of the Liberal Party in Ontario and its chance in the next election. ~ Suburban Final is produced by Richmond Hill Cable TV of 244 Newkirk Road. mmmuu\muuunumuumumnm“mumun\u\muumnmuum Monday, Dr. Elizabeth Pol- lmer. talks on astrology and the fraudulent use of this science in today's society. Friday, Nous Five. an infor- mation program designed (to‘ acquaint the viewers with what's happening in the area high schools. Plan to watch the following interesting programs televised on Suburban Final for the week beginning March 17. St. Matthew‘s Couples’ Club >1: 9! ,y is holding an evening of Court A Morning Out (AMO) meets ‘Whist on March 20 at the home again on March 31 from 9:30 to of Jack and Donna Smith. 433 11:30 am at Richmond Hill Un- Osiris. ited Church. Anyone uishing to attend Mrs. Fran Wachna will dis- may obtain further information play handicrafts and give in- by calling Arlene Scott at 884- stru ctio n on needlework ~â€" 3444. “Crewel and Needlepoint." Channel 10 Highlights , Mothers and wives most wel-i Opening night is April 16 and tickets may be obtained by cai- ling Yvette Steel at 884-7065, The play, directed by Paisley Maxwell, is now in rehearsal with the following cast â€" Paul Wood. Curt Jacobs. Bonnie Sheppard, Paul Sutton. Tony Whitney and Brian Moore. The problem of the generation gap is brought home with warm- th and humor and should send the audience home smiling. enjoyed a very successful run on Broadway several years ago and is the choice of the Curtain Club for the final production of the season. What’s Cooking? CHOCOLATE DREAM For the benefit of those who, “ill be attending the dance on}. April 10 at the Lions Hall. Fred 0 Bird and His Orchestra will be]. playing, not the Hi Hats as ad- . vertised. This dance is in aid of. the York Central Hospital, pro-1 ceeds from which will furnishi a room in the new wing. Any-‘ one \n‘shing to donate to this. fund may send cheques payable to Court Simcoe Hospital Fund. attention Recording Secretary Mrs. Joyce Clarke. 13 Bailey Crescent. Aurora. 1 p.009?” , . Refreshments were served and a chorus of “happy birthday" lustin sung while Chief Ran: ger Crouch cut the birthday cake, this being Court Simcoe‘s third birthday. 00.... After a short business meet- ing, everyone enjoyed a game of bingo. several people win- ning lovely prizes. Court \vhist had been planned. but due to the small turnout, was post- poned. There was a very sparse at-I tendance for the March meet- ing of the Independent Order] of Foresters, Court Simcoe 1314,1 The April meeting will be held on the 5th and Division Commissioner Mrs. A. Hartwick of Stouffville, will be the guest speaker. Mrs. Hartwick will en- tertain Guidel's with slides and an account of her visit to Mexi~ co. At the conclusion of the bus- iness meeting, the guest speak- er, Mrs. G. Mitchell of 248 Blue- grass Boulevard. was introduced ‘to Guidel‘s. She had been in- vited to instruct them in the art of making felt ,hand puppets and brought with her a charmâ€" ing assortment of samples. In a short time the Guidei‘s were making enchanting little fellows} and in turn hope to pass. on‘ their newly acquired skill to their various Guides and Brown- ies. A vote of thanks, on behalf of the council, was extended to Mrs. Mitchell for graciously consenting to give of her time and experience. After normal business pro- cedure, Mrs. Rita Smith, cookie convenm‘ for Richmond Hill East District advised Guiders that Brownies and Guides of the district will be taking ad- vance orders on March 13 for Girl Guide Cookies. They will be selling for 50¢ a box with delivery approximately the first week of May. Congratulations are extended to Mr. and Mrs. Cochran, along “ith every good wish for many years of future happiness. The monthly meeting of Rich- mond Hill East District Guid- ers was held March 8 at Bev- erley Acres School. Over forty friends and rela- tives attended the dinner inâ€" cluding guests of honor. Mr. Cochran's brother. ,Thomas Cochran of Richmond Hill, Mrs. ‘Cochran's brother-in-law and sister. Mr. and Mrs. Charles Lindsay, Scarboro, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Creelman, and Mr. and Mrs. Gabriel Brown Sr. all from Michigan and Mr. and Mrs. Richard Mog‘ford of Hamilton. Also joining in the celebration were Mr. and Mrs. Cochran’s grandchildren James and Janet Gibson of Kleinburg. Mr. and Mrs. Cochran, 3'esi- dents of Levendale Road. were married in Glasgow. Scotland, emigrating to Canada in 1923. Initially settling in Cloverbar, Edmonton, they later moved to Toronto, coming to this area 28 years ago. 7 Mothers and wives most wel- come; nursery services provid- ed __‘_,V. .0... Recently returned from holi- Bible study, daying in the sun are Mr. and 1: >1: 1 . Mrs. Donald Glenn of Ruggles The Ladies' Auxiliary 10 Avenue who spent a wondenful Branch 375, Royal Canadian three-Week vacation in Acapul- Legion, held a very successful co, Mexico. and fattening dessert and cof- The weather was perfect :â€" 35‘fee party at the home of Lucy degrees â€"- and they enJoyed Rickard on May Avenue. many sightseeing .murS. bull As the fourth week in March fights and the magnjficent has been designated as “Hockey beaches on the Pacific” coast. Week" the auxiliary genera} * * * meeting will be held March 29. Mr. Foss is the well known CFGM News and Sports director and program director for Rich- mond Hill Cable TV. Ken F055 is convalescing at at his home on Driscoll Road following surgeyy at York Cen- tral Hospital. .60. renruary's lucxy wmner was Mrs. Juua uavls. mo ugm Mills Rd.. Richmond Hill. )lrs. Davis tripled her 524.00 Q cheque to a whopping $72.00. . W M. 'I VILLAGE PIZZA BAR 89 Yonge Street South South of Show. Richmon gnu: 'I'O... papuun : DEMAND! Mr. and Mrs; Duncan Brown of Crosby Avenue were enter- ' tained at an evening of dinner and dancing by their family on the occasion of their 25th wedd- ing anniversary. Mr. Brown, vice‘pl‘esident of Peak Freanâ€"Langley Harris Limited. his wife and family moved to Richmond Hill from‘ Halifax five years ago. They; have five children. Guy, Barbn Iara 1Mrsl Terry Hefflerl, David,i ICarol and Mark. Later in the evening the cele- bration continued at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Hefner on Bay- view Avenue, and the family presented their parents with a stereo cartridge player. An invitation is extended to all those interested in children and innovations in learning pro- cesses. Also included in the course was a safety program given by Constable Doug Young of York Region Police. ‘ Grade 3 pupils at Beverley Acres School will be displaying their skills in handicrafts, bak- ing, carpentry. chess playing. first aid and theatre ans at a Craft Afternoon on Thursday (March 18? at 2:15 pm in the school gym. The boys and girls, who have been taking a course for the past six weeks. assisted by teachers and parents. have proven apt pupils, as this ex- hibit of their work will attest. The next evening is plan- ned for March 30 at the home of Dorothy Price, 447 North Fernleigh Circle. Winners of the bridge draw were Thelma Long", Lil Fraser, Anne Murray and Chris Hopper. Alice O'Neil, Gerry Rimmer, Edna Tlmmason, Helen Clement, Merle George, Terry Boreham and Dorothy Price. Wel‘e win- ners of the euchre draw. The Richmond Hill Women‘s Progressive Conservative As- sociation held the first of a ser- ies of “Round Robin" card parâ€" ties last Tuesday at the home of Mrs. Orpha Stone on Baker Street. Drivers (with chauffeur’s license) are also needed for the Villa â€"â€" can you help? If so, please call Kay Cunningham at 884-1467. Your help would be very much appreciated: donations may be left in the church office. The congregation of Rich-1 mond Hill United Church isi saving Dominion Store sales? slips for the Villa Hospital, hop-f ing to purchase a motorized wheel chair for a 14 year old patient, Bruce Plunkett. There will be a “Day of Re- newal" for the women of St. Paul's Lutheran Church at the church March 20. starting at 9:30 am. Retreat leaders will be Mrs. Hester Lotz and Mrs. Hulda Jansen. This promi: teresting day Bible study. His many friends extend con- gratulations and best wishes for a very happy day. Well known local resident. John Sp'anner of Mill Street celebrates his 80th birthday this Saturday. March 20. A harbinger of spring? Three robins were seen in the area of Dufferin and No. 7 Highway by Jack Holtz of Markham Road. an employee of the Town of ‘Vaughan Works Department. KRESGE'S in Richmond Heights Centre contin- ues the Baby Bonus Draw for the month of March. You can TRIPLE your Baby Bonus Cheque! All you have to do is cash it in our store and fill in a coupon for the Lucky Draw. February's lucky winner was Mrs. Julia Davis. 136 Elgin Mills Rd.. Richmond Hill. Mrs. Davis tripled her 5.24.00 cheque to a whopping 572.00. Why not try your luck? The bingo is held every Tuesday evening. starting at 8pm. A recent winner of the $500 jackpot at the weekly bingo held at St. Mary‘s Parish Hall was Violet Burke of 5 Davis Road, Aurora. DANCE promises to be an in of prayer and a “Day of Re- women of St. Church at the 20, starting at Feel like a night out this Fri- day? Enjoy dancing? If so, why not attend the dance being held lat St. Gabriel’s A n g l i c a n ‘Church, which features spot and door prizes and an excellent bufâ€" fet. all for $3 a couple! to attend A pot luck supper is being prepared by the Y members and many of the classes in the fall and winter program will be represented by displays and demonstrations. Members of the public are most welcome â€" please call the Y at 884-4811 if you plan The annual meeting of the YWCA is being held March 25 at 6:30pm in Richmond Hill Presbyterian Church. All proceeds from the dance. being held from 8 to 1 pm, will go towards future activities of the 3rd Richmond Hill Scouts“ YWCA No need to worry what to wear. dress is casual -â€" so how about those new hot pants? The auxiliary is looking for two small Scout uniforms â€" please call Arlene Chatfield at 884-8739. The 5th Richmond Hill Scout and Cub Mothers Auxiliary is holding its monthly meeting at 8:15 pm on March 30 at Rich- mond Hill United Church. The guest speaker will be Gary Chatfield, chairman of the group committee The lst Richmond Hill Cubs and Scouts are in need of lead- ers. If you enjoy working with young people and have some spare time in the evenings. a phone call to Don Glenn at 884- 3948 will be much appreciated. ’These Cubs and Scouts meet weekly in the Scout Hall lo- cated in the basement of the Richmond Hill Hydro Building at 4 Yonge Street South. How pleasant to hear of' these tangible signs of spring. It‘s difficult to believe that snowdrops are in bloom â€"- but they are, in Mrs. A. Cooper’s garden on Lucas Street. And she also reports seeing a robin in her garden on Tuesday. Why not keep us up to date on your social and group activities for in- clusion in “Life in the Hill” columns? The service is free â€"â€" phone the Social Editor Margot Crack at 884-1105/6 or drop a line to 63 Yonge Street South. Returning from the sunny south? Planning a birthday or anniversary celebration? There were capacity audiences for all four performances of “For the Hill of it" presented last week by students and staff of Bayview Secondary School. The focal point of the show was the Mill Pond and the star. a monster, by the name of Al G, which inhabited its waters. Although the pond was covered by scum in the early days, local bylaws prohibited scumming and above Mike Culham (left) a professional scummer, is airing his beefs to Ian Henderson, a representative of the parks department. Shortly after this scene Mike threw his board into the Mill Pond and heard a loud scream, completely unaware that he had hit the monster on the head, This original and wild musical revue was written, acted, produced and directed by students and staff, exemplifying the true.“school spirit” that exists at Bayview. Sign 10% on All PURCHASES ‘ I f“ Free Delivery Ph. 884-9101 I I I I l I I I '............. ‘A‘ I ‘ ‘ i i ‘7‘“ 7" iii‘i i‘I’ "AI"_"i"_i'i OFFERS A H SPECIAL/,1,“ I w x9, 7% ,1 ‘ z-j'§ 4’ '- x /' Attending were her daughter Louise, fiance Tony Whitney, and many friends, all of whom were delighted to see Mary looking so well and obviously enjoying life on the west coast. Recently returned from holi-l‘ (laying in the sun are Mr. and} Mrs. Craig Bowden, Mr. and‘ Mrs. Warren Davey and Mr. and: Mrs. Doug Smith, who spenti two glorious weeks at thei Grenada Beach Inn in Grenada, o { British West Indies. Hey You Guys, Scum '5 Up! Spending just over a week in Toronto and the Hill, Mary left for home on Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Amie Haworth of Lawnwood Coun were hosts on Saturday at a party for Mary Monks, formerly of the Hill, now living in Vancouver. The Pleasantville Branch of the YCHA met March 10 at the home of Mrs. Lucille Richard- son in Thornhill. Members spent the afternoon working on a quilt and making articles for the hospital gift shop. PUBLICITYE Togetherâ€"POLYMIL and HARDLITE hard resin lenses pvovide cosmetic beauty, safety and comfon BRADDOCK W‘a, OPTICAL '*: Richmond Heights 5,," «é! Centre mm Richmond Hill 884-6881 The “Beauty Spots‘ FREE PEPSI gar.“ 7! International Midge“! HOCKEY TOURNAMENT Mar. 22nd to Mar. ZBIII DURING THE Emmmmmmmwwmr ,a ’9 notice that the (g) ANNUAL MEETING 53 MW QR“ at the hour of 8:00 pm. to: (a) Receive and consider the Annual Report (h) Elect Directors (c) Transact such other business as may prop- erly come before the meeting or any adjourn- ment thereof; and to ((1) Review the expansion plans‘ Dated at Richmond Hill this 15th day of March, 1971, by order of the Board of Trustees. DR. J. F. HEARD,‘Secretary. PLUS PRESCRIPTION OPTICIANS %‘ ' GLASSES ° CONTACT LENSES "FITTED TO YOUR EYE DOCTOR'S PRESCRIPTION" Quinn 3. of Members of the York Central Hospital Association will be held in the York Central Hospital Tuesday, the 6th Day of April, I971 34 YONGE ST. S. RICHMOND HILL 884-1955 WITH EVERY ORDER OVER $1.00 CHASES " :‘k ““““““““‘ 13 WW g ‘ ) 1 géggx/g/J/V/L;

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