889-6662 Equipped with ladder truck. All commercial. residential and in- dustrial wirlng. LEONARD R. ROSENBERG & ASSOCIATES Chartered Accountants 31 Yonge Street North Richmond Hill, Ont. 884-4474-5 91 Geneva Street St. Catherines, Ont. - 684-1177 Joscelyn, Laughlin, Harper, Tory & Associates CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 89 Glen Cameron Road Thornhfll 889-9191 Richmond Hill Tree Service & Forestry Co. Ltd. TREES ARE OUR BUSINESS CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT 14 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, March 18, 1971 PHILIP G. ‘ RAYSON Mister Transmission Ltd. 177 YONGE ST. N. RICHMOND HILL Outside Lighting Maintenance Life Time Guarantee Automatic Specialists Finlay Elecfric 884-393l INCOME TAX SERVICE Returns prepared by former senior employee. Tax Department Individuals - Business Corporations Brian H. Cowen Competent Tradesman ces on request 01' by hour up. (Bob) ROSS ‘6 St. w. â€" 834.1788 Auto Transmission SPECIAL MACHINERY GENERAL REPAIRS Chartered Accountants Telephone 884-7110 84 Yonge St. South Aurora, Ontario Lenok Machine Shop 73 CENTRE ST. EAST RICHMOND HILL 884-1993 Accountants H. Van Dyke - Arborist Electricians Chartered Accountants Engineering PROFESSIONAL & BUSINESS DIRECTORY NEED AN EXPERT? CALL ONE OF THESE . . . 306 Bayview Plaza Telephone 889-8275 FREE ESTIMATES CALL ANYTIME CUSTOM WORK Carpentry STEAMFITTING WELDING Forestry 297 -2175 884-6663 884-7 774 Insurance - Mortgages Fire, Auto and Liability Motor Vehicle Finance Service IOffice Supplies Barrow Insurance Servuces ltd. Ernie Brock & Son C. A. Office Furniture EXCEPTIONAL VALUES 11! OFFICE FURNITURE Toronto 363-3! 25 Grandview Ave. Thornhill 889-1379 Richmond Heights Centre (Next to Carlo's Barber Shop) TELEPHONE 7 27-9488-9 16 Yonge Street North RICHMOND HILL 884-4231 889-5729 Furniture, Office Supplies. Social Stationery, Typewriter and Adder Sales. ESTATES - FURNITURE APPLIANCES MACHINERY E.D.P. Consulting - Systems Design - Programming - Key Punching For information call 884-7389 Sold in our large showroom on commission H. B. FISHER Office Supplies Ltd J. R. KANE D.C. Data Processing EMERSON’S COMPUTER SERVICE COMPLETE INSURANCE SERVICE Bus. 832-2621 or 832-2445 Res. 832-1224 Corner Agency Limited Roy V. Bick Insurance Ltd. Fire, Auto and Liability 15 Yonge Street N. 884-1551 - 884-1219 Res. - 884-9708 Chiropractor Optometrists P.0. Box 277 31 Yonge St. 5.. Aurora Phone 773-4671 : Call Collect _u § Office Hours ' 9 am. to 9 pm. “ By Appointment REASONABLE RATES MORTGAGES ARRANGED Rear 47 Yonge St. S. Aurora, Ontario (BOND LAKE) Dunn Aucï¬on Service 884-9394 Mortgages Complete Insurance Service Financial Enterprises Licensed Auctioneer LTD Kirby Brock Maple, Ont. 17 Queen St. W. CHIROPRACTOR 5252:: Yonge Street Willowdale Insurance First & Second 225-7759 884-1031 363-3959 "liberal" l Piano Tuning A. W. Kirchen, CD. 17 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill RUMBLE TRANSPORT BENJAMIN MOORE PAINT Belgian ART STUDIOS Sporting Goods P.C.V. Class A. C. and H. DAILY SERVICE RICHMOND HILL TO TORONTO Local and Long Distance Hauling 25 Yonge Street South Richmond Hill, 884-1213 How in subscribe to “ 'I' I1 e A. l. HAMES Eric’s Cycle and Sports Shop C.C.M. & Raleigh Bicycles Repairs to All Makes A Complete Line of Sporting Goods ‘aint-Wallpaper 9114 Yonge St. Richvale Ontario Land Surveyors 4901A Yonge Street Willowdale Yates & Yates FREE DELIVERY Tuner - Technician 782-6750 INTERIORS LTD. 889-1059 Surveyors By Appointment Trucking 884-3962 884-1013 364-2625 221-3485 William Berczy was a talented artist, architect and engineer. who brought a large group of German artisans and peasants from Hamburg to settle in the tovmshtp, after a brief stay in the State of New York. The settlement did not thrive as ill- ness struck the settlers and set- John Lunau’s roots in Mark- ham Township go back to its earliest days. One of his an- cestors. Joachim Lunau came with William Berczy to the township in 1794. The Canadian House of Com- mons has been the object ‘of a unique experiment this sea- son. Ten students of Canadian politics have been chosen to participate in a program spon- sored jointly by the Canadian House of Commons and the Canadian Political Science As- sociation called a “parliament- ary internship." It enables the participants to \spend a period of ten months working on a day to day basis with Members of Parliament so that they can ex- perience and examine the mechanisms of Canadian Parlia- mentary democracy from the most unique vantage point â€"â€" from inside the system. It is located in the old Mount Joy Schoolhouse and in it has been assembled the nucleus of an excellent and interesting collection that's intended to tell the story of Markham Town- ship from 1794 to the present day. The building. built in 1907, is a two«storey brick edifice and is presided over by John Lunau, a hockey trainer with the NHL, who is curator and founder of the museum located in the old school at the north end of the former Town of Markham‘s main street. On Friday school children will be released for a 10-day winter break and by the middle of the next week frantic mothers will be looking for something to do to amuse the children. Perhaps they might like to visit the new Markham Histori- cal Museum. Markham Historical Museum The program is financed for a trial period of three years by a foundation set up before his death by a wealthy and en- lightened American industrial- ist, William Donner, and is open to university graduates from across Canada between the ages of 21 and 35. For the ten month period the participants are paid $6,000 tax free and are provided with a free return transportation from their home to Ottawa. This year interns are drawn from British Columbia, Ontario, Quebec, and New Brunswick. Next year interns will include participants from the prairie provinces as well. The par- ticipants this year are Linda Geller (University of Toronto) Peter Johansen (Carleton and Stanford), Greg Fyffe (Queen's and UBC), Ron Kanter (York University), Richard Berger (Laval) Howard Aster (McGill. Yale and the London School of Economics), Jean Guy Finn (Bathurst and Universite (1’ Ottawa). Gary Curtis (Victor- ia and Claremont) and Don Murray (Bishops and Paris). Looking For Something To Do During The Winter Break?‘ The basic principle underâ€" lying the program is to allow students of Canadian politics to supplement their academic training with practical know- THIS COLUMN WAS WRITTEN BY HOWARD ASTER, A PARLIAMENTARY INTERN. MR. ASTER IS A GRADUATE OF McGILL AND YALE UNIVERSITIES AND THE LONDON SCHOOL OF ECONOMICS. Keep up on current affairs the easy way tlement duties, which included the clearing of a road from York to Markham, were not completed. The land grant was cancelled and the surviving set- tlers took up land in the vicinity for themselves. John Roberts MP YORK SIMCOE 'A few years later, following the “Trail of the Black Walnut†Mennonite Pennsylvania Ger- mans arrived in the area and Were attracted to Markham Township because of the already large number of German set- tlers. Berczy himself lived there only a short time. He built a number of the first houses in what was to become the Village of Markham and eventually moved to Montreal where he established a reputation as an artist. His paintings are now collectors‘ items. Thus the Township of Mark- ham acquired a unique char- acter in its early days. from these hard-working good farm- ers. who believed in using the land to the best advantage and in replacing the nutrients re- moved by the crops. Plain but substantial homes, farm build- ings, churches and schools were set in a verdant countryside. and the people co-operated in helping each other make a suc- cess of their farming life. This unique quality, which saw few names of English, Irish or Scottish derivation in the ledge of Parliamen‘t functions and to allow them to work on a regular basis with a Member of Parliament. After a period of six months, the program has proven to be remarkably successful. The in- terns are allocated to various political parties on a propor- tional representation basis, with the Liberal caucus assigned five interns, the Conservative Party three, the New Democratic Party one and the Ralliement Des Oreditistes one. The pro- gram allows for a single rotation after five months so that the in- terns are able to view Parlia- ment from the perspective of two different political parties. The actual activities of the in- terns varies according to the Party or MP they work for. Some of the interns have been able to attend party caucus meetings, others have been able to attend the meetings of the House leaders where the busâ€" iness of] the House is discussed. and others act in the capacity of executive assistants. Many in- terns have become involved in researching various subjects of concern and‘ interest to their MPs, while others have become involved in preparing memor- anda and notes so that the members can play a more ac- tive and informed role in their various House and committee activities. The overall impression that the interns have acquired in their short period in the House is that most MPs are highly intelligent, concerned individu- als who are overworked and underpaid. They also seem to think that most MPs’ offices are understaffed in View of the de- mands that are made upon them by their constituents, and by their general House and com- mittee activities. There seems to be unanimous agreement that most of the MP’s significant work remains unrecognized by the general public. Most of the interns believe mat Partliament, as a viable and meaningful institution, is slightly out of tune with the times. They have the uneasy feeling that unless Parliament can reorganize itself so that it becomes a more effective veh- icle for the expression of real public feeling and sentiment, it will dissolve into irrelevance and disuse. One of the reforms that most interns would like to see is the realization of greater par- ticipation and independence of MPs in the deliberation of pol- icy and programs. They also would like to see a reorganiza- tion of the procedure of the House so that back- bench MPs can play a more vital role in the legisla- tive process. Two particular re- forms are envisaged: first the loosening of party discipline so that MP5 can play a more inde- pendent role in policy delibera- tions and voting, and secondly, a reorganization of the com- mittee system so that commit- tees might pIay a more vigorous role in amending governmen- tal legislation, Both as a small scale ex- periment in involving young Canadians in the parlimentary Process, and as a vehicle for allom‘ng students of Canadian politics a means of examining the parliamentary process from within, this program has been acclaimed a striking success. WANT EXTRA INCOME? A temporary job may be the answer. Read the Help Wanted Columns in “The Liberal" eVery week for job opportunities throughout York County. OTTAWA REPORT township, remained until the recent influx of another gen- eration of settlers, the com- muters. German names like Reesor. Lunau. Stouffer, Eek- ardt. Stiver. Wideman. Steckley and Heise were common, al- though the township was named Beware Of Pyramid TV Selling Techniques Every once in a while the “pyramid†selling plan rearsI its ugly head and flourishes until its victims learn from sad experience that the beautiful gold that glitters so attractively in the salesman‘s presentation is only dross. ‘ We have heard that salesmen are busy in this area with a “pyramid†selling plan for col< or TV's, which promises the purchaser a $50 commission on every sale made from 15 refer- rals. An added $50 is promised for every sale made from the referrals of the referrals mak- ing a very enticing total avail- able, according to the sales- man. l It would appear that the price of the TV set is exhorbitant in the first place, but the sales pitch indicates that the buyer could not only pay for the set in referrals, but end up with a substantial amount of cash also. The only contract signed is one with a finance company at a high rate of interest, bringing the total cost of the set to $1,500. In most pyramid promotions, the only .person to make any money is the promoter, those who purchase ending up with a big bill and none of the prophesied returns. We would wager that this would be the case in this deal. If you are contemplating such a purchase, ask for time for consideration. No legitimate dealer will refuse this. Check the quoted price with another dealer. Seek the advice of your bank manager or another fin- ancial adviser and above all do not make the purchase on the promise of financial returns, which in all probability will ‘never occur. " RIDING SYSTEM SERVICE ' SPEC/Al ./ \__ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ a \ a ' - , - _ ;./'- j“ V‘ i ‘ I I E V .3 ’ Don’t be a patsy! RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE Get a professional job by Firestone Riding System experts. We adjust camber, caster, and toe-in using the latest precision equipment. Phone now for an appointment. ‘ _ MdW You’re mIIeSAahead at But let's get back to the new museum, which is open daily. except Sunday. from 1:30 to 4:30 pm. Mr. Lunau, who can be reached at 294-4463, is still busy gathering and arranging mat- erial and a great deal of mat- erial he will be happy to show ’you is from his personal co_l< lection. He‘s always greatful for pictures, documents and arti- facts of historic interest, partic- Iularly to Markham residents. Markham in 1793 in honor of the Anglican Archbishop of York. England, by Lieut.-Gov- ernor John Graves Simcoe. In the large hallway is an 1853 circus poster. advertising the coming of a circus to the village. It shows a performer prying open the jaws of a huge lion with frightening oversized teeth. The poster notes. “The performance can- not adequately be described within the limitations of this bill." There are scores of interest- ing photographs, documents, household and farm implements, school desks and books â€" some of them in German. There's one deed for a farm; dated 1830, which bears in its bottom cor- ner the notation: W. L. Macken- zie. Printer. This was the firey little rebel of Upper Canada. William Lyon Mackenzie. publisher of the‘ Colonial Advocate, who was one: of the leaders of the Rebellion of 1837 and who fled to the Un- ited States after a skirmish at Montgomery's Tavern. After several years of exile. when an amnesty was granted, Mackenzie returned to Toronto and was elected to the Legislative As- sembly. Also in the museum is an 1860 map of York County, on which is marked near Newmar- ket, “The TorontmGeorgian Bay Ship Canal." Drive up to Holland Landing and you can still see the stone walls and in- stallations for this ambitious project which was never com- pleted. Another historically interest- ing spot to visit within easy driving distance is the Sharon Temple, the big white birthday cake of a building located a couple of miles east of New- market. RICHMOND HILL I In The Spotlight (Continued from Page 2) we found that they werevtwo friends who hadn’t seen each other since childhood. One has been married twenty-five years â€" “You poor blighter†says the other and they reminisce for a moment. The audience of children just lapped it up and clapped the duo on their backs as they stepped off, the stage. One thing about children, you’ll always get an honest reaction to another’s attempt at humor. I was im- pressed. _ The last exercise of the evening involved all the children on stage in a circle. Art passed an imagin- ary tray of food around and each child took what he wanted most. Then Art asked each, one at a time. to eat his portion and let the other ones guess what it was. There were \vatermelons, pizzas, bananas, oranges and coconuts. It was almost too easy. But one chap had everyone stumped. He picked his food up between forefinger and thumb, crunched down on it and snapped his head back. Blank faces all the way around. “We give up, we give up. What is it ?†“Bullets, I want my hair to grow in bangsâ€. Groan . . . (the kids know an old one when they .hear it.) The overall feeling or impression I’m left with, is one of enjoyment. The young “Burtons and Tay- lors†(don’t any little girls have short hair these days?) thoroughly enjoyed themselves. They’d learned something about thinking things through before bumbling on in and they’d loved every minute of it. They clustered around Art as he tried to put on his jacket. “All right you clowns, pick up all your gum wrappers and head out of here. I’ve gotta get home sometime before morning.†a This all happens every Monday night from 7 pm until approximately 8.45 pm at the Curtain Club, rear of 25 Yonge Street North. If you can stand the noise and have a few moments to spare, drop in . . . the kids love an audience. Only We'll remove your Open Thurs. 8: Fri. Evenings NO MONEY DOWN JUST SAY Charge I'I'. til 9 pm. 884-4401 Torsion bar adjustment enra