Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 18 Mar 1971, p. 18

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A new variety show is in pre- paration. Last year the Little ‘u’ became much interested in un- der privileged groups across Canada. They chose Indian. Eskimo. and Metis organizations, one from each province and ter- ritow. There was a good deal Last week I went over {0 the Thomhill Secondary to see what the students had up their' sleeves. and I found plenty. I wun they here [pros abou naid Ham The hats - and certainly there were hats â€"â€" were co- ordinated with the outfits and were supphed by the Georgena Spearn hdflhnery, a nextdoor neighbor to the Patricia White Shoppe. The shoes canae fronn the Susanne Shoe Salon. Al-mon." together it \vas a n1051 inâ€"j .°{n (eresting and successful fashion “9'9 show. Thornhiu Secondary The high .point of the Show was a wedding party: the mother of the bride, lwo brides- maids in matching dressses. contrasting colors. and the bride in a traditional white dress; and again all very elegant. There were only two junior outfits, the rest being for adults and quite a number for the 40 and over. There were clothes of every kind, evening dresses. sportsWear. pant suits of course with some hot pants and knickers and slit skirts with pants, and a few bikinis. Elegance and color are both ‘in' this year. And what color! Red. white and blue are a fav- orite combination. but all colors and unusual combinations of color were there to be seen and admired. Bright prints are much in vogue. Thornhlll Llonettes The Thornhili Lionettes' sellâ€" out fashion show took place at Atwoods Traditional Interiors on the evening of March 9. The clothes modelled were from the Patricia White Shoppe. North, Toronto. Martina Cargill presen~ ted the show and did the com- mentary. THORN HILL INTER~FAITH COMMUNITY Conducted by Thornhill Ministerial Assoc. March 21. '7 pm. at Christ The King Lutheran Church Prqaching: Rev. R. Howden (Anglican) Conducting: Rev. A Brndjar (Cdn. Bible Society) Subject: “CHRISTIAN SERVANTS" Music led by: Thornhill Ecumenical Choir Service followed bv Coffee 'and Fellowship EVERYONE INVITED LENTEN SERVICES 18 THE TOWN OF MARKHAM Notice Of, Public Hearing THURSDAY, MARCH 25 A Public Hearing will be held by the Planning Committee of the Town of Markham Council as notedabove to consider an application to amend Restricted Area By-law 2489 to permit a Gas Bar in Block C. Plan M-1345, at the southwest corner of Bayview Avenue and Romfield Circuit North as part of a Neighbourhood Shopping Centre. The location and boundaries of the site are shown on the sketch below. You are invited to attend the Hearing and to state your support of or objection to the application. Should you be unable to attend. written submis- sions will be received up to the time of the Hear~ ing. The application, the proposed amendment. the zoning by-law and existing land use maps may be examined at the Planning Office. Dated: March 11. 1971. J. P. Jongeneel Chairman. Planning Committee THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario, Thursday. March 18, 1971 I971 â€" 8:00 PM. COUNCIL CHAMBERS. MUNICIPAL BUILDING, BUTTONVILLE Thornhill and District News SociallySpeaking After all their letter writing the Thornhill students are an- xious to have personal contact with some of the groups. At first they thought of having some here as guests. but after the pros and cons had been tossed about. they decided that a visit naid to them would be better. l-Iapp)r Valley. a far northern community, was selected. Pil‘jO Roininen and Kathy Saxon who were especially hard-worked last year. were chosen to make the trip .To quote from their let- ter to Happy Valley: \ “We're really excited about this trip. since we've never been there before. but do let us know what you honestly think. ‘Bye for now, “Love Pirjo and Kathy." May is the probable date be- cause of weather conditions. It is going to be an exciting and adventure-filled trip to Happy Valley. This last Week the drama club presented "Of Mice and Men," by George Steinbeck. "So. we are presently writing to x'ou to let you know that Hanpy Valley was chosen to be the first place. Naturally, Kathy and I. both girls of 15, would be the ones to come. Our chaperone would be Mrs. Eija Seras. who used to live in Happy Valley. In other words we are inviting ourselves to stay at Vale Dor- mitory and live with your stu- dents for maybe a week or so. If you have any wild adversity] to this plan. do let us know.“ We thought that we could pos- sibly come in late April, but since you know better how things are there. write to us with any suggestions. i This interest has continued. ‘and the students are keen to help again. So there is to be another "Health‘s A-Poppin‘” at the end of next month. The theme this year is the “Three Seas" and there are to be skits and physical education demonstrations in honor of each province and territory which touches the ocean. (That brings in Ontario. even if most of us ‘think of it as an island prov- lince!) The cast was: George, Fred Van Velsen, Mike Landry: Len- nie. Owen Burgess, Norm Sharp: Candy. Doug Sheldrake; The boys are working just as hard. Even at this early stage, the show promises to be great! I saw the backdrop which some of the art students had sketched for the consideration of the overall committee. I was in the gym where the girls' classes were concentrating on ideas and rouiines, and con- tributing imagination, initiative and enthusiasm. of correspondence. and as a re-' sult each group was sent some~ thing to assist them in their: programs. This interest has continued, and the students are keen to help again. So there is to be another “Health's A-Poppin‘” at the end of next month. The theme this year is the “Three Seas" and there are to be skits and physical education demonstrations in honor of each province and territory which touches the ocean. lThat brings in Ontario, even if most of us think of it as an island prov- ince!) I saw the backdrop which some of the art students had . u, l ,,_,£_IA__L:A_. The Boss. Brian Burnett: Curley. Murray Stranks; Curley‘s wife. Judi Chambers, Leslie Hunt; Slim, Kirk Rae; Carlson, Gerry Finley: Whit. Neil Barratt: Crooks, Mike Landry. Paul Meval; Producer, Mr. M. Top- ham; Lights and Sound, Dave Still: Make-up, Drama Club Make - up Committee, Leader Diane Jacobs; Prompter. Helen Batchelor: Sets and Props, stage crew, Leader, Nancy Sills: Stage Manager, Michelle Salt; Assist- ants to the Director. Janet Thornhill, Kim Foster. Terry Walton; Publicity, Drama Club Publicity Committee, Leader. Karen Kiddey: program Design Karen Kiddey; Director, Isaac Pfaff. to personal relationships. A par- ent has to be clued in as to his needs and the needs of the children: these needs are con- stantly changing. Values must be evaluated. Are certain values worth preser Wing? Pasitive methods should be used, rather than negative ones. The next meeting, March 17, was addressed by Roy Ross. The third and final one. March 24. will start with a drama present- ed by the Footlights Club to spark the discussion. The Anglican Church Women are preparing a fashion ;‘.‘.-‘;~;. “Showers Of Fashion" to be presented April 28 at 8. The styles are from Giliam‘s. Steelcs U-:~L¢~ 131...... mzfilv‘tn Q1 ‘3: K. Hidaka Planning Director “The Liberal" is always pleased to publish items of interest contributed by its readers in the Thornhifl area. Please call Miss Margaret Govan, 14 Deanbank Drive, 889-5372 [0,? Mr. Buckler gave many il~ ’iilustrations of his methods and Si experiences. The parents were ' most interested, and there was '9 a great deal of discussion round ‘5 the coffee table afterwards. Mrs. Principal Richard Calvin preâ€" sented the awards for the science fair. Maryanne Ball was first, not only for the school, but also in Area 3, county level. Barbara Francsik came second in the schooH There were more prizes, this time for public speaking. Marie- Lise Souche. Maryanne Ball and lLorraine McAvan. Marie-Lise ‘was second in Area 3. county level; she repeated the winning speech for the benefit of the audience; the subject was "Pearls". Diana Karamanis entertained with a ballet dance: grade 5 another play: Tom Sawyer and Jennifer McAvan danced a highland fling. a great success from start toyl finish. The start was a skit in the manner of “Laugh In” pre- pared and given by four grade 6 pupils which served as an introduction to the evening’s performance. This was followed by grades 1 and‘2 in “Three Little Figs," a/ musical. “Obstructed Path" was a short, with grade 5 actors and actres- ses. Another fifth grader, Jan McDonald, played a piano solo. Hans Christian Anderson was the theme of the musical for grades 3 and 4. Then Donna‘ Cole recited “I‘d rather- be a they". Grade 5 again took over the stage. this time in a Scot- humerous play,. .tish dance. United Church Camp in this presbytery. After that they are. preparing for a tea and bake sale, May 1. The proceeds are to go to the support of Chow- Fang-Cheng. a 12-year-old who lives in Taiwan. The leaders are ~â€" Superin- tendent. Mrs. Ruby Hutton, Mrs. Marian Marshall. Mrs. Linda Sloan and Mrs. Joy Tur-i net, assisted by Betty Ann Hawk, Joan Knowlton and E1- aine Hall. The Scouts ad Cubs are plan- ning a hobby show for May 8. Green Lea Nursery School Registrations for Green Lea' Nursery School, September 1971 are now being received. Con- tact Christ the King Lutheran Alan Simpson thanked Jspeaker for his talk‘ [Langstaff Public School The Thornhill Nursery School held its quarterly parents' night .on Friday. Jack Buckler was the speaker. and his subject: "Teaching The Pre-schooler To Swim.“ From his very wide experience of teaching children of this age he knows that any child three years old and up. can learn to swim and can enjoy doing so. The child who does not learn is never as safe as the child who does learn. There are plenty of opportunities for a young child to learn in this area. and winter is the best time With one lesson per week it usually takes about half a year to ‘drown-proof’ a three-year- old. Friday, March 22, Langstaff School presented a variety night for relatives and friends. It was When I asked the student to whom I was speaking. for a criticism, her reply was: “It was just great." Nursery School The evening closed with James Milne conducting a spelling bee. Ten from grade 5 competed with 10 parents. Of course it was grade 5 level words, and the parents are to be congratulated on holding up their end and winning the match! Everybody had a good time. Public Library Thornhill Public Library an-I nounces “A Demonstration Off Easter Egg Decoration". by Mrs‘] Linda Sendzikas, Lithuanian folk artist. I Mrs. Sendzikas. a specialist inl Easter Egg decorations, will' demonstrate her art on the. morning of March 25 in the' library from 11 am to 1 pm. Children and parents are cord- ially invited to attend. Come.‘ watch and try your own hand ati fhis fascinating art. ‘ Holy Trinity Anglican : The series on family life at‘ Holy Trinity Anglican is being continued this year, the theme being: “A Home is More Than A House". Parents want to become more skilled in relation- ships and the business of living with a familsx and this series is something that they look for- ward to and attend. Dr. James Ricks. the tirstflhul‘sday and finished up In speaker. is a special lecturer at§day at 5 Pm. York University and a clinical‘, The following 54310015 Particr psychologist for the Regionaliipated in this meet â€" . Centre for Children and Adolri Thornlea SS. Bayview SS.‘ escents at Thistletmm. He con-‘IRichmond Hill SS. Langstaff SS ducted a dialogue between him-tand Woodbridge SS. 3 self and his audience rather‘ Thornlea put out a fantastic; than making a speech. He wasidisplay of sportsmanship and; very relaxed and it was easylgood hard work and came out‘ to talk with him. ‘in third place. Good work boysl‘; He spoke on the ordinaqm] RADIO THORNLEA ; everyday problems of the nor-l Last month three studentsu mal family such as lack of mo-1that are involved m'th Radio‘ tivation. irritability and hypo-‘VThornlea. were the guests of‘ chondriacs. Then he moved onELotta Dempsey of the Toronto to two aspects of family lifeHDaily Star. Station Manager_ ‘the creation of an atmospherEPei-ry Goldberg. 16, Engineer where children can acquire}Ra_v Brounstein and Assistant skills in behan'ng in a socially‘Manager Lorne Shulman visited acceptable manner. He dis-two radio stations. “The pur- cussed rewards and incentives. nose of Radio Thomlea is for The other aspect is in regard the spirit, entertainment and r In Thom/till the "Showers Of Fashion" to be presented April 28 at 8. The styles are from Giliam's. Steelcs Heights Plaza. Tickets $1.25. The co-convenors are Mrs. Lois Jempson and Mrs. Julia Booker The models are all members of the organization and there will be styles for a variety of ages. The next meeting, March 17, was addressed by Roy R955. The third and final one. March 24. will start with a drama present- ed by the Footlights Club to spark the discussion. The Anglican Church Women are preparing a fashion ;' Plans for the cancer campaign are proceeding. Some captains are still required and anyone wishing to volunteer is asked to leave your name at the resi~ idence of George Meek at 689- 1644. Registrations for Green Lea Nursery School, September 1971 are now being received. Con- tact Christ the King Lutheran Church, Baythorn and Royal Orchard Blvd. 1889-0873I. The school is going to send out the forms April 15. Please register immediately since the numbers are limited. Cancer Campaign Thornhill United is making a concerted effort to raise the money for the support of their Nigerian student. April 2 at 7.30 pm the Christian Educa- tion committee are sponsoring an hour of family fellowship with Dr. Arthur Organ who will show his slides of life in Japan: “From Ground Level". For the same cause the sen~ ior and junior choirs of the church are presenting a fun night “Thornhilarity” There: will be skits and songs. Thisi is to take place April 23 at 8:15. The CGIT have just completr ed a junior course on first aid taught by Police Officer Bernie Wood. Thirty-two persons obâ€" tained certificates. The girls are now working on mission study in the Americas. Next they will be selling chocolates during the school break for‘ funds for Camp Big Canoe, the United Church Camp in this presbytery. After that they are, preparing for a tea and bake‘ sale, May 1. The proceeds are to go to the support of Chow- Fang-Cheng. a 12-year-old whoJ lives in Taiwan. There will be a short musical program during the intermission provided by the young people of the church. I Thornhill United Arch Andrews of the Addic- tion Research Foundation was well received at the IT Portable at 11:15 on March 11, when speaking to the students. Camera week was held last week at Thornlea. The pictures were to be submitted to the year book. The students could take pictures anywhere, any- time, and any place throughout the school. \however in class- rooms the teacher's permission must be obtained). INFORMATION THURNLEA I, myself. Mark Williams. have been in the IT Portable and they are doing very well- for,.starters. Furniture has been. obtained. but to make it even ‘more like a home I urge you to make your contribution. The CFRB. A tour was arranged to see the entire operation. They were given all the time needed to talk to experts like the President and General Manager Don Hartford, News Director Art Coles. Chief Engineer Clive Eastwood and Music Librarian Arthur Collins, among others. ‘ After lunch. the Thornlea students and best visited Alan Small. program director of Ry' erson Polytechnical Institute FM Station and met Producer Cam Finley Ieducational pro- gramming and Ted Barrie. 3 students of Information Thorn-graduating student in the TV glea will be grateful for Idonation. So pick up phone and call Jim l851-0233 Epicked up. 1 BOYS’ GYMNASTICS that Sourfiand radio arts course. :father Alex. now is a TV proâ€" Greenla\\’!ducer and writer in Hollywood. and he will have it! Back at CFRB. the students whose poked into everything. and disâ€" cussed fine points of equipment On March 11 and 12 at Thom- lea the boys’ gymnastics meet was held. W'fhéfmatch began at 3pm Thursday and finished up Fri day at 6 pm. Reporter Mark Williams. Grade 10 Home Phone - 889â€"4149 SOCIAL EVENTS ,education o£ studer Thom/ea T [mes At a meeting of York County‘ Board of Education on March 8, ‘trustees received a copy of a resolution passed at a meeting of Markham Town Council on February 23 stating. “the Town ‘of Markham agrees to construct a swimming pool in conjunction with the building of the Thorn- lea High School." l The on-again off-again swim- lming pool planned as part of Ian addition to Thornlea Sec- ondary School in Thomhill is On ‘again. and this time it ap~ {pears that it will become a l reality. A committee of three trus-l tees had been appointed earlier‘ to meet with Markham Council in an attempt to expedite plans, as the board will need the addi- tion no later than September 1972. There are already some portable classrooms on the site of-the school. which opened in 1968, and it is expected that by September 12 portables will be needed to accommodate the overflow. Green Light For First School Pool Markham Trustee John Mac- Kay, a member of the board’s pool committee, reported that lawyers are now drawing up an agreement for the sharing of construction and operating costs for the pool. education of students". The group had some troublq ach- ieving goals because of finan- cial difficulties. The station needed professional advice, so it was arranged to take them to CFRB. A tour was arranged to see the entire operation. They were given all the time needed to talk to experts like the programming ions systems. They were especially interâ€" ested in how the music library is organized and how records are chosen for programs. They found out where CFRB gets weather and traffic conâ€" dition information. how it as- sesses audience reaction and ratingsâ€"the lifeblood of a sta- tion for advertising purposes. Students learned of the sta- tions‘ opportunity plan for young people during the sum- mer holiday season. Art Cole choc>ses a group to come in and do Special news gathering and broadcasting. The students made so many‘ contacts and learned so much.‘ the day was indeed a big leap‘ forward. as well as a look into the future. Principal Arthur Murch was good enough to let the boys from Thomlea off. for the day of adventure. Pantsuits for every occasion were a popular feature of the show, and Sylvia Alley is pictured above modelling a smartly tailored ensemble with colorful aCCent and accessories â€"- a must in the young suburbanite's wardrobe for spring. and communicat- aaâ€" and% The site includes 3.10 acres‘ Eta- east of Henderson Avenue. es. lowner of the property is Fundy Sta. Bay Builders Limited. 5740 forlYonge Street, Willowdale. um_: Application for site approval jole‘ior the project was submitted and by architect Bruno Apollonio and of 100 Dupont Street. Toronto. Since the town can get pro-,Aimone, also a member of the vincial grants through its rec- pool cammittee. urged trustees reation committee to aid into “work to make it work." pool construction and\the board! “This will be our first pool, cannot. the land on which it islour first co-aperative venture. to be built will be sold by the We should not be building in board to the town for $1, said hedges." Mrs. Ainione declared. Mr. MacKay. “We will be working with other “They have to own the landlmunicipalities on joint ventures in order to get the grants," he‘m the future, and we have an exp1ained_ lopportunity in this project to 1m. “um... i.” am,“ man see how it works." “They have to own the land in order to get the grants," he explained. No estimate has been made of cost yet, but council has committed itself to a pool '15 feet by 44 feet. described as “small Olympic size’fi While the town will build thei pool, it will be done in con-l junction with the addition.l which will include a number ofl teaching areas and a gymnas- ium. Board and town will share maintenance costs on an “hours of use“ basis, and some of the pool facilities. such as heating plant, will serve the school as well as the pool. Such has worked well an arrangement in North York I w h e r e the municipality has, built and shares a number of pools with the board of educa- tion, said Mr. MacKay. ? “There is very serious con-l ‘cern on both sides to make this‘ ‘project really work for the civ‘ izens and for the students}? declared Mr. MacKay. He pointed out that the board has been attempting to work out gan agreement for about a year. \“It was the board that stressed Lto the town the need to go .ahead at once." ‘ Markham Trustee Louise Some trustees were concern- ed about the lack of informa- tion regarding financial ar- rangements and cost. protesting that they could not give a go- ahead on a verbal report. The board's consulting archi- tect. Ross King, was present at the meeting and agreed that more specific information could be available for the next meet- ing of the board Meanwhile he urged that they he allowed to go ahead with some of paper work pertaining to board's agreement with municipality. Aurora Trustee Keith Nisbet. a member of the pool com- mittee pointed out, "We will have quite a bit to do with fu- ture maintenance costs. We should be involved." 52 - Unit Development Plan For Clark Avenue In S. Thornhill Area A 52-unit townhouse developâ€" ment for the south side of Clark Avenue in South Thorn- hill is being considered by the Markham Town Planning Com- mittee. It is proposed that each dwelling unit have three to five bedrooms and a single car garage. ' Seventeen parking spaces would be provided f0: visitors. The firrfi has paid the town‘s $1.560 application processing fee. the the the Trustee Merna Colborne. also} of Markham. seconded a motion. by Mr. MacKay that the boarddirect staff to develop “the: essence of a contract" and a preliminary agreement to bring in to the next meeting of the board. The motion was ap- proved unanimously by the lmeeting. the ‘sgmething you. 889-0260 United Church Invitations have been re- ceived to be billeted in homes in Quebec City from the students of Garnier College (Le College de Jesuits) and for two nights in St.-Jean-Port-Joli from Ithe folk of the parish church. 40 Thornhill Youths To Visit In Quebec A unique opportunity is be- ing offered for Christian fellow- ship and learning to 40 young people of Thornhill United Church during the School win- ter break. It is a trip to the Province of Quebec and is be- ing planned by the church's Christian education committee. The aim is to increase goodwill and understanding between Can- adians. The Committee believes that our Christian faith is some- thing we have in common and the church is capable of giving effective leadership in promot- ing the spirit of the brotherhood of man. ‘sound and light presentation 0! battles of the Plains of Abra- ham. In early afternoon they will leave for St.~Jean-Port-Joli on the south shore and spent the night there in billets. Thursday‘s program at this centre of Quebec‘s wood-carving industry will be arranged later and Friday the group will travel to Montmorency Falls and St. Anne de Beaupre. They will lride the gondola to the top of Mont Ste. Anne and lunch at: the chalet there before depart- ing for Montreal and another night there at the YMCA. Saturday will bring them back The group of young people. with six chaperones, Rev. and Mrs. Albert McAlister, Mr. and Mrs. Tom Salto and two others, will leave the church March 21 at. 1:30 pm on a bus driven by the minister. l Tuesday they will travel to ‘Quebec City along the north shore of the St. Lawrence with lunch scheduled at Trois Rivie- res. In Quebec City they will ‘have supper in their billets and ‘Wm ' WW Ring Funeral Home BYRON E. RING 7783 YONGE ST. THORNHILL 889-7783 _--_AA-AAAAMA YMCA Wednesday morning will bring a walking tour of Old Quebec and a visit to the Musee de Fort. where they will see a enjoy a social evening THUKIVHILL owlâ€"Iva: I““““““‘-‘ Scaffolding WE RENT CONTRACTORS' EQUIPMENT. . Richvale Scaffdld Rentals THORNHILL ’olding * Extension Ladders * H Pumps Trenchers (24” depth) Boom Truck - 16’ â€"- Stake - 18’ boom Lift Capacity - 2 ton 9114 YONGE ST. L1 sound and light presentation of battles of the Plains of Abra- ham. In early afternoon they will leave for St.â€"Jean-Port-Joli on the south shore and spent the night there in billets. Saturday will bring them back to Thornhil] United Church at approximately 4:30 pm._ The cost of this trip has been kept to a minimum of $43 for the full week. during which the group will cover 1.100 miles. It is hoped that youth from Quebec will be welcomed in this area at a later date in a true "exchange" of warm hos-v pitality. 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