Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 18 Mar 1971, p. 19

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The final Henderson entry in the finals will be Mike Parkin- son and Bill Bascom, group "B". who, _wil‘l present a biological display of beavers. which was also awarded a second prize. The York County finals will be held Friday and Saturday, April 2 and 3 at Bayview Secon- dary School, in Richmond Hill. In; group “B” (grade 6 lo 8) Jane .Bridgman .and .Valarie Brig‘gs will show their second prize; project in physics. en- titled, "Our Solar System". Bijuce Kelly, in the same category, also collected a second place ribbon with his 'rock col- lection which will also be seen at the county show. Representing Henderson Ave- nue Public School at the York County Science Fair will be Glenys Roberts in group “A” (kindergarten to grade 5b who was awarded a first prize for her shell collection. Church News At Thonnhill United Church the men's club will hold 3 din- ner meeting March 22 at 6:30 pm. Special guest speaker will be Rev. M. Skibinski, who will talk of~his experiences living on “skid row" in a major Canadian city. Mr. Mukhel‘joe said that. the Thomhill water supply had or- iginally contained a foul smell so “we added chlorine to get rid of the smell which has worked out fine." worked out fine.“ Councillor Len Hendersonl It was The only problem now is that stated that "the regional gov- ham she the chlorine has been suspected ernment is now responsible for water use of creating the foul taste. So the the water. we're buying it fmm and whicl chlorine quantity has been less- them. why should we pay for‘the drain School News learn and many a kind of existence tem Which Should help im- fore it would become a reality. I It also proposed another resâ€" DTOVE the taste of the Water." Mr. Mukherjee said that eveniolution to inform the regional He Observed that "the day be- If the regional council approved council that it wouldn‘t pay for fm‘e yesterday WP received the filtration planl il would the water supplv until it "is of about 85 calls from residents take the application three to a more acceptable quality than and now it's down to about 45 50, four weeks to be pmcessed by at present.“ hOPEfUIlV. the water is im- the Municipal Board. Councillors had second PI‘OVing." “Thel'E‘s also the matter Oflthoughts on this resolution and Town Engineer Dipen Muk- herjee got into the act by ex- plaining that he was hopeful the situation was “improving be- cause we’ve cut down on the addition of chlorine to the sys- tem which should help im- prove the taste of the water." Wednesday, March 24. is the date of the final unit of the 1971 family life education series at Holy Trinity Anglican. Theme of the series is "The Qualities That Make A Home". He pointed out that council'hard had already recommended that Lea j a filtration plant be installed in Co the John.StreeL Pump House "one and that it has been sent on to in a; the York Regional Government [mm which is responsible for water under the new political sys- He 'lem- was Wednesday's meeting will be a dramatic presentation “A Family Affair.“ It will be fol- lowered by discussion by a doc- tor. lawyer. social worker and minister. with audience parti- cipation. Councillor Roy Adams she has broken out in blemishes} Councillor Muldrew went to touched a favorite chord .when and that her whole family haslthe extent of saying that “per- he noted that the Thornhill been made violently ill due tOihaps the residents should hire water situation “has been go- the water. This has been goingia bus and go right to the region ing 01‘! for some time. we Ed on since October." Ito emphasize the seriousness of various recommendations. Vari- Councillor Jongeneel agreed‘this situation. The problem ous explanations but we don‘t the “problem is getting more‘would be resolved a lot faster seem to be getting anywhere.” serious by the day. I find it that way." He pointed out that council hard to even drink a cup of, Councillor Adams defended The plaée is Holy Trinity An- glican Brooke Street. with a starting time of 8 pm. Admis- sion is $1 per family. This is the last‘of the series of four such meetings. COUHCiHOr R 03’ A d a m 5 she has broken out in blemishes touched a favorite chord .when and that her whole family has he nqted that the Thomhill been made violently ill due to water situation "has been go- the water. This has been going ing on for some time. we get on since October." The CGIT of Thornhill Uni- ted is starting a financial drive today (Thursday). Their first money making enterprise is the sale of chocolates at 50c a box. proceeds for the United Church Camp Big Canoe, located near Bracebridge. A similar sale last year resulted in a complete sell- out long before the deadline. The Thornhill foul-water caper occupied a goodly amount of Markham Town Council‘s time March 9 as Councillors Jongeneel and Roy Muldrew (Ward 2), both of the Thornhill area.., reported being beseiged by phone calls from upset resi- dents. The girls. who have just com-JEWOPean Trip pleted their mission study of» Their high school training the Americas. are staging a "Mayibehind them three young ladies time Tea" to raise funds to he1p|fr0m this area with a yen for support their "adopted" boy in adventure and an adequate Taiwan, 12-year-old Chow Fanglbankroll “split from Heresville Cheng. The girls provide Chow's to dig the European scene" education program and have for March 10. They are Maureen the past three years. A ticket WOOIHO‘Jgh. 100 WOOd‘Val‘d Ave- for the tea is 50¢ and this wiu‘nue. Pam Phelan. Dove Lane payrfor sandwiches. goodies andland Sue Harley, Yonge Street. a chance at a door prize and? Their itinerary will take them favors. first to New York then by way There; will be a bake sale‘ Of Iceland to Luxemburg. Paris, white elephant sale and craft‘Madl‘idv R0m9. Florence‘ LUC' sales. including fancy rings. 31.. eme. Salzburg and Frankfurt. tificial flowers and soaps. A1101! leaving this northern Ger? items sold will be produced by‘man City they Will take in LOU- the girls with the exception oftdon before heading home. The." the white elephants. Donations“ill be home some time in of these would be greatly appre-"September of this year. ciated. ! They will travel a la youth Eight proficiency badges were awarded to members of the 5th Thornhill Guide C o m p a n y March 9.‘ Guides & Venturers Wendy Essaw and Liz Ann Bertrand received swimmers‘ badges. By FRED SIMPSON I The phones have been ringing.‘ ringing off the wall. The water tastes so had even Coun- cillor James Jongeneel can't make himself a cup of tea. What's all the above about? It's still another chapter in whatlis becoming an old story of foul water in the taps of Thornhill householders who are rapidly running out of patience. Thornhill Residents Cry Foul Water, Make Mine A Tea He did The date of the tea is May 1 South Thornhill And Bayview Glen News this. voluntarily, to many aspects of this CORRESPONDENT: DAVE BARBOUR â€" PHONE 889-5205 - 366-1720 v ' i """"<1 weekend. _ Barb Jenkins with two and Mary They set out March 19 for this Berthelotte with one. early Spring outing for social Due to school examinations and practical outdoor exercises, this week and the Trianglettes A look-in at the 2nd Thonhill Hockey Tournament in Preston Ventures found them busy mak- coming up Mal'Ch 21‘ the second i118 kyaks for use this spring game in the playoff series was and summer. set for March 29 in Stroud at 9 pm. ‘vls_u,u ,,,u ‘ -. . The firstlmeeting of the club was held March 12, way back in 1947, according to the records. The April meeting is set for April 8 at the home of Mrs Muriel Malinski, 56 Proctor Avenue. As usual new members .will be most welcome. Friends and neighbors of two local ladies are happy to learn that they have lor should have) returned home from hospital via St. John‘s Convalescent Hospi- Lal. The girls were addressed by Alma HOWSOI‘I scored two Ml's. Frank Daly. a cosmetic goals, the first from Janet Mc- saleswoman, who spoke on good'Kay and Brenda C01t0n and the grooming. 'other from Deborah Orton. Pam The lst and 4th Thornhill Gml‘Huckvale got the other counter Guides will make the scene at from Orton- Bonita Glen Guide Camp. nearn On the other side of the led- ijl‘awkstone, during the coming‘ger the scorers for Oro were weekend. Barb Jenkins with two and Mary Neighborhood Notes He said that “if the water quality doesn't improve within the next few days we'll cut off the supply from the German Mills area and use water from Vaughan Township in an effort to see if this will cure the prob- lenl." .. -. 1,,,,‘ the Municipal Board. Councillors had “There‘s also the matter nf‘thoughts on this resolution and financing it. Such a plant would later/amended it to read that run at about $150,000. There could be a number of delays and, meanwhile. the water sit- uation is still with us." Councillor Len Henderson stated that "the regional gov- ernment is now responsible for the municipality negotiate with the region regarding payments for water that is used to flush out the system. It was the feeling that Mark- ham shouldn‘t be liable for water used to clean the system the water. we're buying it from and which is just flushed down them. why should we pay for the drain. hill And' Bayview Glen News RT: DAVE BARBOUR -â€" PHONE 889-5205 - 366-1720 A water skier’s badge went to There were to start the four Kathy Hill. Kelly McKay got point series March 8 at Oro. her second class badge and whose home ice is in Stroud. Laura Ormesher and Kathy Hill However this game was scratch- received collector‘s badges. The hostess badge was award< travel ed to Laurel Bantin. The girls were addressed by Mrs. Frank Daly. ed as Thornhill was unable to because of inclement weather conditions. Alma Howson scored two a cosmetic goals. the first from Janet Mc- saleswoman, who spoke on good'Kay and Brenda C01t0n and the grooming. The lst and 4th Thornhill Girl Guides will make the scene at Bonita Glen Guide Camp. nearl other from Deborah Orton. Pam Huckvale got the other counter from Orton. second} out of three final series saw the St. Luke‘s Aces shutout the United Tykes by a score of 2 to 0. In this hard fought game. Brendan Macken from Neil Morley and Kevin Rossi opened the scoring well on in the first period. With only two minutes left to play in the second per- iod. Morley. assisted by Macken and Mark Jonak moved in to make it 2 to 0. John Dunn was in the Aces‘ nets. MINOR. ATOM United 4. Trinity Rapiers 1 Unbeatable in the playoffs. this United Team has now put the Trinity Rapiers out of the semi-finals. winning this week 4 to 1. following last week's tie. for a total point win of 7 to 4. In the first period the score was tied, with Doug Heron, from Stewart Breithaupt scor- ing for United and Willy Osler from Tom Fisher scoring for United. The second period was all United's. with Garry Valliant scoring unassisted. John Connor. assisted by Heron and Michael Parkinson. and ongthe Other 5196 of the IGd',Connor assisted by Breithaupt. A water skier’s badge went to Kathy Hill. Kelly McKay got her second class badge and Laura Ormesher and Kathy Hill received collector's badges. Mrs. John (May) Barbour. 136A Henderson Avenue and Mrs. Dorothy Stewart of Elgin Avenue. occupied the same room at St. John's. It was pointed out that even If the regional council approved a filtration plant there would be a considerable time lapse be- fore it would become a reality. Councillor Adams added that "one family is even bringing in all their water from Peter- boro." He said the water problem was on the agenda of the reg- lonal government for immediate discussion. Mrs. Barbour, who suffered a heart attack at Branson Hos- pital January 10. spent a month at Branson followed by another month at St, John’s. She ex- pected to be home on Tuesday. Mrs. Stewart underwent sur- gery at Women‘s College Hos- pital in Toronto and spent two weeks recuperating at St. John's before returning to her home last Friday. hard to even drink a tea in my own house." Eighteen members of the Doncaster Community Ladies Club marked the group's 24th birthday March 11 with an en- joyable pot luck supper at the home of Mrs. Anna Wienmann, 27 Johnson Avenue. The event was strictly social and a good time was had by all. Councillor Adams introduced a human interest element to the water-drama by noting that one resident had ‘complained to him that she “has an allergy problem and blames it on the bad water. She told me that she has broken out in blemishes and that her whole family has They will travel a la youth hostel and will sport little Maple Leaf flags on their Nor- wegian backpacks. Girls Hockey Birthday wishes are extended to Barbara Browning of Clarke Avenue. who will celebrate her ninth March 19. Thornhill Girls Hockey Team got a belated start on their playoff finals with the team from Oro last Sunday at Double- rink where they wrestled to a 3- 3 tie. Mr. Mukherjee speculated that carbon from an asphalt plant on Don Mills was also adding to the water-woes plagu- ing Thorhnill. ened There were to start the four point series March 8 at Oro, whose home ice is in Stroud. HOWever this game was scratch- ed as Thornhill was unable to travel because of inclement Both Thqrnhill and Oro are entered in the tournament at Preston with the locals teeing off against Leaside in the 9 am contest. Councillor Adams defended the regional council by observing that “it’s not fair to put all the blame on the region. They’ve inherited a problem we had trouble with before.” Council then passed a resolu- tion to the effect that the citi- zens of Thornhill had been sub- jected to foul water .problems [or the past two years and re- quested that the regional gov- ernment take immediate action to install a filtration plant at the John Street Pumphouse. WILLOWDALE: Ratepayers have won their battle to pre-‘ vent construction of a nursing home on a one acre site on Bayview just north of Shep- pard. Planning board has voted for a refusal. The proposal was for a two-storey buildingv ac- commodating 75 beds. The ob- jection from 109 single family homeowners was that a nurs- ing home would change the character of the area. Another councillor pointed out that it was the municipali- ty’s duty to see its residents re- ceived water but agreed it would “be a form of holding a club over the regional government's head until we get good water." Indoor tennis courts illegally constructed and in operation at 32 Doncaster Avenue in Thorn- hill, are having no trouble re- ceiving retroactive approval. Bernard Kamin, solicitor for Mayfair Tennis Courts Limited, admitted to the planning board the tennis facilities had been built and are functioning. built and are functioning. I But when the 99-year lease But he said the firm was is-Iwas submitted to the adiust- sued a building permit in early;ment committee's secretary- 1970 and had proceeded in goodztreasurer for endorsation, it was faith. believing everything waslnoted that a non-industrial use legal. was involved. The indoor courts were 10. The adustment committee cated in an industrial area and‘then directed that the lease apparently it was subsequently‘ShOUId not be endorsed and discovered tennis wasn't a legal‘I‘EfeFFEd the matter to council. use in this zone. i “good bit of which we just flush down the gutter to help improve the water already in the system. It. amounts to flushing foul water with foul water." He suggested council should stop “paying for this water we flush down the drains until we get decent water." Changes in town planning regulations to legalize the ten- nis courts went through two steps in the last two weeks without any opposition. The council March 9, continu- ed to take the necessary legal action to allow the tennis courts. All of‘which led Councillor Bud Bonner to remark that the tennis court operators had taken what could have been an ex- pensive gamble. They were lucky everybody seemed to favor tennis. he said. Mr. Kamin said the develop- ment now has four indoor courts. plus sauna bath, lock- ers and other accessory facili- ties. Use of the courts has been heavy and the firm hopes to add three more courts at the rear. There is room for five or v.0...a-.. regulations to legalize the ten- On November 6 Mayfair Ten- nis courts went through two nis Courts Limited applied for steps in the last two weeks amendments to the Official Plan without any opposition. and zoning bylaw 2053. to legal- The Markham Town Council ize the operation. The firm paid held a public hearing March 4 the necessary fee of $200. and not a single citizen opposed The planning board then the tennis operation. agreed to consider legalizing The council March 9, continu-ithe tennis courts and the neces- ed to take the necessary legalisary procedures began. Councillor Muldrew was also Irked by the fact that the mun- 1cipality is paying for water a Legalizing Of Thornhill Indoor Tennis Favored stale water United now meets the finde- feated St. Edward’s team for the best two out of three. PEEWEE “B” United Warriors 2 Presbyterians 0 In the first of a best two out of three finals, the United War- riors shut out the Presbyterians 2 to 0, with two goals in the second period in less than a minute. Graham Macdonald was assisted by Mark Danton for the first. and Doug Jones, assisted by Jeff Lloyd and Pet- er Spira, went in for the sec- ond. St. Luke‘s 1 St. Edward’s No. 1 - 0 Brian Ehrenworth, assisted by Daye Gourlay, potted the lone goal of the game for St. Luke’s. winning the semi-finals, to meet the United Warriors in the finals. MIDGET BAN TAM six more courts, Mr, Kamin said. The tennis court legality question was brought before last year's Markham Township Planning Board in the fall. At the end of the exciting game, the Red Wings were presented with the Tyke “B” Trophy by the President Jim Vyse of the Thornhill Church Hockey League. PEEWE‘E “A” .to United, Trinity played hem Last summer the Markham Township Committee of Adjust- ment. approved conveyance of two parcels of property to create the building site. They were proceeding on the basis that it was for an industrial building. The application came from Meadowview Heights Limited. owners of the .property. which lies next to the GEM Store on Yonge Street. Low, middle, high? You‘ll find cars in every price range ad- vertised in “The Liberal" Used Cars Column. See for yourself, today. There‘s plenty to choose from. Alex Kolojiez, assisted by Van Clief and Manzie, made it three. There has never been a single goal scored against Pete Callaghan since he took over the Red Wings’ nets. The Red Wings, coached by Brian Gill. won the Tyke “B” Championship by defeating St. Edward's 3 to 0, both this week and last. It was a hard fought game. with Mike Cairoli in the St. Edward’s nets seeing plenty of action. Frank Gregoire went in alone for the first goal. Paul Riddell, assisted by Allan Van Clief and Steve Manzie, put the game on ice. Trinity 3. United 1 After losing 3 to 0 last week WHAT PRICE CAR ARE YOU LOOKING FOR? BY MARGARET HOUGHTON Red Wings Tyke “B” Champions HEME\1 h VIE/7132155? 5 THORNHILL SPORTS SCENE 3° St. Edward's 5, St. Luke's 2 Keeping in practice to play the United team next week. St. Edward’s defeated St. Luke‘s 5 to 2‘ Mark Hubbard, assisted by John Fisher potted the first goal for St. Edward’s and Tim Coughlin from Number 3 tied it up. Gordon MacMillan, from Bob Riddell and John Smee put St. Ed’s ahead again. Des Flan- agan from David Carruthers made it three. Number 3 for St. Luke’s, assisted by Pierre Kirwin scored for St. Luke‘s. Smee. frbm MacMillan and Bid- del], then Paul Scicluna from Hubbard rounded out the scor- ing. PEEWEE “A” St. Luke’s Kings 2 Trinity Rovers 1 Steve Simm opened the scor- ing for St. Luke‘s. and in this hard fought game. this was the only scoring for the first per- iod. Ricky Seeley then scored for the Kings, followed by Brian Gerard's single from Jim Houghton. St. Edward’s 3 United Invaders 2 With no times shown on the score sheets, all that can be said is that Pat Gallagher was assisted by Dave Mokry and Ron MacFarlane, Robert Roy scored unassisted and Pat Fox was assisted by Martin Daly, for St. Edward's. On the United side of the score sheet was Tin Killham from Number 10, and Robert Liversage from Paul Myers and Scott Cowie. PEEWEE “B” St. Luke’s 2, Trinity 1 Joe Fobert opened the scor- ing, assisted by Dave Skinner and Pat Fobert. John Bennett netted the second marker. Dave Barr then scored for Holy Trinity, with assists credited to Bruce Hemstock and Ralph Sickenger. BANTAM United 4, Presbyterians 1 Waiting for the finals, United kept in good condition, defeat- ing the Presbyterians 4 to 1. Scott Meddick, from Gord Nich- ols potted the first marker. fol- lowed by Steve Hornsby. from Nichols. Nichols was then as- sisted by Hornsby and Med- dick, and Meddick from Horns- by and Glen Valliant totalled up the score. Number 17, as- sisted by Mike Cheffero scored for the Presbyterians. St. Edward’s No. 2 - 2 Trinity 1 Brian Webb, assisted by Mark Boswell scored the first marker for Trinity. A pair of goals by Mike Murphy, the first assist- ed by Wayne Scicluna and Um- berto Lozzi, the second unass- isted. made it St. Ed's game. MIDGET Presbyterians 5. St. Luke‘s 2 No players shown on this ‘score sheet. MINOR ATOM Trinity Raiders 6, Presbyterians 1 A hat trick by John Bell put the Raiders way out in front. defeating the Presbyterians by 6 to 1. Jeff Bradley. assisted to United, Trinity played better hockey and tied up the finals. with next week‘s game deciding the outcome. Pet Webster was assisted by Al Jackson, Jackson went in alone, and Brian Neely from Bob Adams and Jackson made it three for Trinity. Pete Cowie was the only goal getter for United. Thornhill 4, Richmond Hill 2 (March 13) Thornhill Novice Richvale Ready-Mix Cement gained a lot of revenge by thumping Rich- mond Hill “AA” Novices 4 to 2. This was truly a team ef- fort. as the Mixers thoroughly out-hustled the Hill all after- noon. Goal getters for Thorn- hill were Scott Burkhart from Eric Coyne, Wayne Grant. unas- sisted. Greg Warga from Scott Howson. Grant and Howson from Robert Greiner and David Johns. Johns played an out- standing game on defense thwarting many Richmond Hill rushes. Thornhlll 7. Markham 2 (March 14) The Mixers were really flying against Markham in what was to be a most his- toric game. Scott Howson achieved a plateau un- known to all but a few sup- erstars by scoring his 100111 SCOTT HOWSON POTS 100T“ GOAL put am. by .ted the by irst ‘The stars of this game, in spite of the four goals, had to be Ken Milton and Brian Mur- ley in the nets. They contin- uously turned aside shots in a spectacular fashion. The loan marker for 'Thornhill was reg- istered by Dan Fogarty on a hard shot from the point. Alan Berryman played a strong checking game. and carried the Ute.puck with authority. arr. . > 0. for Irk- ias- :ott the NORTH THORNHILL LADIES’ BOWLING Liz Goble made a clean sweep of all categories this week. Her high single was 283, high single with handi- cap. 311, high triple, 585, high triple with handicap 669. goal of the. season. when he. scored his second goal of the game. Coyne assisted on his first, while Grant and Johns assisted on number one hundred. Not to be nvershadowed, Grant potted four goals. the first assisted by Howson and Coyne. the second assisted by Greiner, the third by Ricky Buchan and Warga the fourth by Buchan and Howson. Buch- an got one goal, assisted by Howson. The final score was Thornhill 7. Markham 2. Grant potted four goals. first assisted by Howson and Coyne. the second assisted by Greiner, the third by Ricky Buchan and Warga the fourth by Buchan and Howson. Buch- an got one goal, assisted by Howson. The final score was Thornhill 7. Markham 2. OMHA BANTAM "B" Thornhlll 1 Goulding Park A - 4 (March 14) The 1053 of 4 to 1 for Thorn- hill in this game is not indic- ative of the play. It was a 1 to 1 tie. with two minutes to go. when the Goulding Park A‘s rapped in three quick goals ag- ainst Thornhill. one into an empty net. Both teams had many chances to score. with play going from end to end, only to be outguessed by the goalies. the At Queen‘s Park. a guide led ‘them to the Legislative Cham- bers. showed the intricate carv- ings and the seating arrange- ments and then gave a short explanation of what happens there. She mentioned that children from grade 7 up may visit the Legislature. when it is in session. without a ticket and at no charge. The most interesting time would be the question period from 2 to 3pm Monday through Thursday of the days it is in session. A tour of the halls followed and then in lieu of a visit with Donald Deacon MLA. York Centre. the children were served pop and cookies provided by him. They all enjoyed the trip. Students and teachers of Langstaff School gave a prod- uction for parents and friends on Friday evening last. Miss The ladies who bowled over 200 this week. were Olga Cole, 226. Daphne Hynes 200, Elean- or Greenlaw 208. Eunice Chin- nery 222. Wendy Collard 223, Betty Burgess 207, and Marilyn McVicar 210. The team standings are now Beavers 33, Pussy Cats 30, Pon- ies 29, Poodles 28, Chipmunks 27 and Teddy Bears 21. The North Thornhill Softâ€" ball. playing at Baythorn and Royal Orchard schools will continue largely as in the past three years. South Thornhill Softball will‘be played as close as possible to the players’ homes. The extent of a South Thornhill Softball program is contingent u p o n adequate player and administrative re- sponse. The baseball (hard ball) pro- gram will register from 7:00 to 9:00 pm April 6, and 10:00 am to 12:00 noon April 10, at Hen- derson Avenue Public School. Games will be held at Thorn- hill Park. An expanded pro- gram over last year‘s is antic- ipated. OMHA BANTAM "B" Thornhlll l Goulding Park A - 4 (March 14) Before you begin to wonder what the boys are going to do now that hockey is coming to an end, take note of the follow- mg. The North Thornhill Soft- ball League and Thornhill Baseball League have joined forces and expanded to form the Thornhill Ball League. Registration for both softball programs will be Saturday, March 27 from 10:00 am to 12:00 noon and Wednesday. March 31, 7:00 to 8:00 pm at the Community Centre (Heintz- man House) Baythorn and Royal Orchard. Following the March 31 registration, a gen- eral meeting of the North Sec- tion will be held, at which teams will be made up and of- ficers elected. THORNHILL BALL LEAGUE There are two of us! Both our service departmems are uvadable to each other's customers. We vie wvfh one another to see who freon Che customer best, If yOu bought your car from Dodge Onmno and you are downtown Ontono Automobile l5 or your serviceâ€"the some goes far Ontario customers. Ontario W W Dodge Automobie Ontario Borh 0‘ us believe whole heafledlv in "Consume-mm Between us we sell more Chrysler Products by far than any other Chrysler dealer in Canada. Students and teachers of Langstaff School gave a prod- uction for .parents and friends on Friday evening last. Miss Gaye Griggs opened the pro- gram with “O Canada”. Four young ladies from grade 6 dancâ€" ed the Can-Can as an_introduc- tion to the rest of the evening. Grades 1 and 2 acted out a musical version of the "Three Little Pigs". Mrs. Ingrid Law- son and Miss Dorothy Good. their teachers. encouraged their joyous participation in the well loved fairy tale. James Milne‘s grade five did a play "The Obstructive Hat". about an audience group watch- ing “Tom Sawyer" but unable to see around a monstrous hat in the front row. Later in the evening the same class present- ed the fence painting scene from “Tom Sawyer‘. Jan Mc- Donald played a beautiful piano solo “A Spring Landscape”. the Thornhill Library asked me to write a few lines on a book recently read and enjoyed, I was reminded of Somerset Maugham who always carried a “Book Bag" with him. so that however unpromising the situ- ation in which he found him- self, he need never be bored. He also added that failing the arrival of the book bag. he would read anything within two covers, rather than noth- ing at all. We. with all the facilities and friendliness (and accessi- bility! of our libraries need not be driven along this unpromis- ing road. Not only can we read what we choose (more or less, depending upon the budget al- location) but we can also sug- gest what we feel to be “desir- able” titles to be added to the shelves. Sometimes the happy mating of the desired and the desirabilitv is consumated Neighborhood Notes Mrs. Vivian Berard and James Milne took the grades 5 and 6 of Langstaff Public School to the Planetarium and Queen‘s Park March 3. Several mothers accompanied the children and enjoyed the trip as well. The Planetarium show was a des- cription of several stars and their patterns in the night sky along with a partial history of the study of the stars. Marie-Lise Souche gave her speech “Pearls” which won first prize for the school and second prize in the Area 3 pub-i lic speaking competition. Mary- anne Ball was second in the school competition and Lor- raine McAvan won third place. In the recent Area 3 science fair, Maryanne Ball of grade 5 won first place and Barbara Fancsik of grade 3 won second‘ place. Dianne Karamanis danced to “Love Is Blue". A choir from grade 6 sang four songs, one of which was taught them by their French teacher, Mrs. Yo- landa Marchall and the rest taught by Mrs. Berard. Jennifer McAvan from grade 3 danced the highland fling. After that than: “me 2 cnnllina V . . e . . _ _ v u be...» vubhyuthu uuuvv. The book is “The Towers 0 Trebizond” by Rose Macauley. surely unaccountany called a “woman‘s book." It is a witty. urbane account of travel in the Middle East. well characterized and with a theme of a difficult ‘love running through it. Miss Macauley couldn’t have bored anyone if she had tried. and the true-to-life accounts of life in Turkey (not forgetting that terrible camel) brings to life very vividly my own experi- ences in a similar locale on a similar beast. But never in all the world could I describe simplicity of life with such sophisticated aplomb. If you can find it. read it. I don't think you will feel you have wasted your time.~â€"MERLIN 1v Hal. cl wuuucuul escape from the mass produced "artsie craftsie" junk of todaylâ€"ELSA NEIL. BOYS AND GIRLS iMake regular pocket money on' a Liberal paper route. Estabg lished routes may be available in your area. Phone Carrier Circulation, 884-1105? Forf‘All Occasions Jennifer McAvan from grade 3 danced the highland fling. After that there was a spelling bee organized by Mr. Milne with pupils from his class op- posing parents of his students. The parents won, but not by much. It was a great evening’s entertainment and showed the effort put into it by the teach- ers and students. Church News The ACW of Emmanuel Church is organizing a rum- mage sale for April 3 in the parish hall. Mrs. Stanley Ham- ilton, who is supervising, has planned a specialty shop which Mrs. Peacock's grade 3 com- Sometimes not, owing in part bined with Miss Grigg's grade to the wild caprices of the four did a musical version of reader and the intransigence of “Hans Christian Anderson". the librarian. By means of a Dagnija Taurens from grade 6 little low cunning, however, vis- appeal‘6d BS 3 beaUtifUI "Little its to other branches and re- Mermaid" in the story of the quests to the inter-library sys- great story teller. tem, we may accomplish our ob- “The‘ Tomboy” ‘ wa‘s_Athe_ de- jective. “The Tomboy” was the de- lightful recitation by Miss Don- na Cole. Five girls and a boy from grade 5 danced “Galloway House Reel" in their white shirts and bright kilts. Next on the program was the presentation of awards. Langstaff District News CORRESPONDENT: MRS. GEOFFREY COOK -- PHONE 889-4553 LIBE AL, Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday, March 18, 1971 will include new and almost new items. There will be a book table along with the usual rummage items. If you have anything to do- nate. please call Mrs. A. J. Dav- ies at 889-3369 or Mrs. Roy Warner at 889-2282. Thomhill women joined withEChapel. Mrs. Mary Winterfield women all over the world, inland Mrs. Eileen Hamilton were prayer during the World Dayithe ushers. of Prayer service on March 5.‘ The speaker was Miss Marg- This year the service was heldiaret May Johnson who is a in Emmanuel Church for the youth leader at St. Stephen’s first time. A combined choir Community House in Toronto. of ladies from all the Thorn- She has been a Brownie leader. hill Churches led the congre- a youth delegate at the Anglic- gation in the hymns. The read- an Synod and worked in south- ers were Mrs. Ruth Keffer from ern Saskatchewan in the Sun- Christ The King Lutheran, Mrs. day school by Post and as 3 Heather Shanahan from St. legal secretary before taking up Luke‘s Roman Catholic. Mrs. her duties at St. Stephen’s Mary Read from Carrville Un- House. A fun book which I have read recently is “Mrs. Wallop" by Peter DeVries (Little. Brown and Company). In writing this down I inadvertently called the book “Mrs. Malaprop," because that is what she is â€" in an up- dated, off-beat sort of way. The book. a character narration of Emma Wallop â€" widow. prac- tical nurse. mother of Osgood Wallop, and landlady of Randy Rivers. is full of her pungent ANDREW‘ When Mrs. Joan Fairfield of the Thornhill Library asked me to write a few lines on a book recently read and enjoyed, I was reminded of Somerset Maugham who always carried a “Book Bag" with him. so that however unpromising the situ- ation in which he found him- self, he need never be bored. He also added that failing the arrival of the book bag. he would read anything within two covers, rather than noth- ing at all. however unpromising the situ- ation in which he found him- self, he need never be bored. He also added that failing the arrival of the book bag. he would read anything within two covers, rather than noth- ing at all. We. with all the facilities and. friendliness (and accessi- bility! of our libraries need not be driven along this unpromis- ing road. Not only can we read what we choose (more or less, depending upon the budget a1- location) but we can also sug- gest what we feel to be "desir- able" titles to be added to the shelves. Sometimes the happy mating of the desired and the desirability is consumated. Sometimes not, owing in part to the wild caprices of the reader and the intransigence of the librarian. By means of a She says: "I tell myself I have to get into shape to enter Ithe rest home where apparently I will have to spend my penni. lless old age I must get. toughened up for them golden years. for possible enrolment; in one of the convalescent. ‘homes where I know from brief 'professional stints the life in- ,side can be such that you are .well advised to get into shape to enter one. let alone stay out; of them". And so Emma Wal- lop. self-styled matron of the arts. runs on. physically and verbally. giving great enjoy- ment to we readers (as she would say) while doing so. -â€"- KAY PERCIVAL. It a: It! 1. “Folk Arts And Crafts 0! New England" by Priscilla Saw- yer Lord (Chilton). > This beautifullv illustrated. A book I enjoyed as far back tigiic cz'éiténianslirip of our forc- as 1956 and which I have since fathers, reread with even greater enjoy- What a satisfying and re. ment than the first time around. warding way to use, creatively. is in the Thprnhillnlfibrary anq the extra time afforded by nut. may be obtained without any of omati‘ the stratagems suggested above. Wh: The book is “The Towers Of from Trebizond” by Rose Macauley. crafts surely unaccountany called a NEIL‘ ...-_‘_“v, L__Ln 11 r We want to do our best to tree? our customers a; we ourselves wouId like to be Ireaied. We believe it is important not to mislead the customer and never unlenlionolly do so. Our salesmen are knowledgeable and rehable. When you do business With either of us you can be sure you! mleresls come first. \ ‘ THORNHILL LIBRARY Markham Twp. Public Library System Family Reading Reader’s Choice ited. Mrs. Muriel Shaw from Holy Trinity Anglican, Mrs. Palm Brown from Thornhill United. Mrs. Laura McDonald from Thornhill Presbyterian. Mrs. E. L. Johns from Thorn- hill Baptist. and Mrs. Eleanor Strain from the Doncaster Bible Chapel. Mrs. Mary Winterfield and Mrs. Eileen Hamilton were the ushers. The speaker was Miss Marg- aret May Johnson who is a youth leader at St. Stephen‘s Community House in Toronto. She has been a Brownie leader. a youth delegate at the Anglic- an Synod and worked in south- ern Saskatchewan in the Sun- comments on American life and literature. At the end of the book we find Mrs. Wallop es- tablished as a thoroughly nice, albeit manipulative p e r s o n jogging around the local golf club. ' This beautifully illustrated. well researched book is full of information and inspiration for the collectors or those who fol- low the “do it yourself" trend and wish to keep alive the ar- tistic craftsmanship of our fore- fathers. omation or retirement What a wonderful escape from the mass produced "artsic craftsie" junk of today!â€"-ELSA

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