In a recent report to tho board. the school was described as having poor heating facilities. and walls in "fair" condition. Contract for the addition and rennovalions to the present seven room structure went to the low bidder. Schomherg Con- York County Board of Edu- cation. approved two buildmg projects at its meeting March 8 â€"â€"a new elementary- school in Newmarket. and an addition to the Schomberg School. r The $736,170 Rogers School in Newmarket will serve a new development in that compwnify. The $42,890 contract for the Schomberg addition includes rennnvations to the present building. including the original school built in 1927 and addition built in 1966. Reporting to a meeting: of the board on March 15. the commitâ€" tee's secretary, Russell MacDon- ald. superintendent of the area. summarized a presentatiOn by Kelvin Tanner. head of physical education at Bayview Secondaxy School in Richmond Hill and reported that the committee exâ€" ecutive will invite chairmen and secretaries of other area com- mittees to a meeting to further discuss some of the ideas pres- ented. Ml cern their Trustees Approve School Building Projects 20 THE LIBERAL, Ri( Teacher Asks For Guidelines For Family Life Course Ontario’s fastest growing Datsun dealer. Neill Datsun Ltd.. located on Yonge Street North in Richmond Hill. has come up with a unique offer. Owner Ian Neill is making automotive history by introducing a full 30-day money-back guarantee on new cars. He guarantees satisfaction or will refund the purchase price in full. In the picture hbbve, Miss Jane Young of Newmarket takes delivery of the first Datsun to be sold under this new policy from Assistant Sales Manager Maynard Whitley. 'uv porting, to a meeting: of theilfe pointed out that teachers 1 on March 15. the commitâ€"l secretary, Russell MacDon- superintendent of the area. narized a presentatiOn by in Tanner. head of physical itiOl‘l at Bayview Secondary 01 in Richmond Hill and, ‘ted that the committee ex-: ve will invite chairmen and, taries of other area com- find it difficult to decide how far they should go in dealing with topics related to sex at different levels. He referred specifically to a film on child birth which is being shown to senior students at his school. Some members of the com- mittee felt that many parents serious about their re- ‘es to a meeting to furthersponsibilities and are concerned 55 some of the ideas pres- l. PARENTS FAILING Tonner expressed eon -‘ ‘that the School is attempting to iperform functions that right- ]fully belong to them. It. was suggested that. rather that parents are abdicatinglthan attempting to present for- responsibilities for instruc-‘mal instruction on sex. the Neill Da tsun Ma/(es Unique Offer education in the’ting then- x‘as the chief concern personal ork County Board of etc. a_nd ['5 Area 4 advisory feel that l al committee on Febâ€" sponsibilit; fail to do ng in a meeting of the“ He poin WILLOWDALE: School Board out. Schools need guidelines to Chairman Dr. Lynn Trainor isibe established which will regu- off for a 21â€"day tour of cities late the level of involvement in in Eastern Europe and Russia the problems. and the cirricu- {or university administrators.‘lum committees on health and professors and education lead-‘physical education have a role ers. The North York board is to Play. paying the fare as well as that CONFLICTING GOALS of Assistant Director of Edn-l At an earlier Ineetjng of the cation Ken Mawson who Will‘commjttee. My. Tanner out- E0 On a 10K†for PUbliC SChOOlilined some of the factors limit- administrators in Navembeliling more effectiveness in teach- Total cost. of the two tours is ing health in the schools $2,590. I These included conflict of -“The low bidder is knmm to staff. having built at least two projects in the county. and is acceptable to the architect," said a staff report. struction Limited. There were {our other bidders. hmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday. Mal the children in moi-alstchool could teach the concept relationships, healthJof love and mutual respect: stated that teachersithat the disintegration of the Lhey must assume reâ€";famil_v as a unit is the source y when the parents of many problems and that so. dealing with emotional probâ€" lcd out. that. teachers lems is important. There are wide variations in the standards of behaviour which are accepted in our soc- iety. and the teacher can only exert an influence according to the standards which he person- ally holds, Mr. Tonner pointed out. Schools need guidelines to be established which will regu- late the level of involvement in the problems. and the cirricu- lum committees on health and physical education have a role to play. Mr. Tonner summarized points of prime concern. The problems of sex are real and cannot be ignored. he said. There are great, differences in home conditions and the res- ponsibiltics which parents are able or willing to assume. It was also suggested that there is a need for an inter- disciplinary approach to the problems of young people. and that the sclmols need the sup- port of the cnmmunity in deal- ing with these problems. DEFINE ROLES The committee urged that ihe role of the school in society be defined and decisions made in regard to responsibilities which schools can be expected to as- sume. ' (Photo by Stuart’s Studio) “To what extent." the comâ€" mittee asked. “is the school to be involved in the ‘related pro- These include sex. social dis-f eases, early pregnancies, drug! use. and abuse. violence. alco-j holisvm. These he cited as eviJ dence of a sick or unhealthy life which seems to be relatively unaffected by the health educa~l lion program in the classroom. 1 goals. attitudes and cultures of individual students; peer group pressures; faith in quick and magic cure-alls; soft living; in- difference and disbelief: con- flicts in interest. between partici- pation in physical activities and study of health topics. ' Often, he said. prescribed programs are not adapted or readily adaptable to the quest~ ions that concern the students. Clear guidelines are lacking on treatment of touchy topics. There is a lack of co-ordination from school to school and through the grades. l\li-..Tonner spoke of issues which might be called “Family Life" or “Behavioral Studies“ which are part. of the program of health education. HOW FAR CAN WE GO? RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE You’re milésAahead at; STORES blems' of health education? "Are teachers to be pre- pared for dealing with these problem areas? If so. how far may they go in being frank and honest?“ r What protection is there for the conscientious teacher who meets conscientious parental objection. asked Mr. Tanner. YORK CENTRAL HOSPITAL c 'n York Central Hospital. Richmond Hill) Memorial Fund RICHMOND HILL He showed the committee the range of printed material. films. texts and programs available for teachers‘ use as well as resource periodicals for stu- dents. In accepting the reports, H'ustees agreed that the ques- tions posed by the committee should he studied further. Stores Open Thurs. 8; Fri. Evenings ’til 9 pm, 884-440] mars/tall Junem/ flame LIMITED 126 YONGE ST. N, RICHMOND HILL Open a Firestone Budget Account {:3 ï¬t mes}: L\CCOIJI'I‘I or use your. . . 884-1062