The police commission agreed to the regional council's re- newed request for firm figures, but commission members en- tered into a long discussion first. ' During the discussion Markham Councillor Harold Lawrie, a commission mem- ber, drew back just at the last moment before he ap- peared to be getting into the idiot calling exchange going on the last few weeks between Newmarket- pur- chase proponent Ray Twin- ney, councillor from New- market, and members of council who have so far opposed the Office Spec- iality purchase. Councillor Lawrie remarked thatthe Newmarket purchase had been shot down in council “In all my years, I never saw such a sight in my life. “They are using the police commission for a political foot- ball. “I want the complete police commission to make a presenta- tion to regional council before this show goes on again. “Until I'm assured of that, I won’t vote for putting anything more before the council,†said the veteran of many years of municipal politics in the former York County. "We're getting completely off on the wrong track." said Cook. xt- ik * fr Commissioner Stewart Rum- ble, another veteran of mun- icipal politics and also a forâ€" mer county warden, disagreed." Police Commission Decides To Co-operate The regional council engin- eel‘ing committee held up a recommendation on the Office Speciality purchase when firm final cost figures wern’t avail- able. "by three or fourf’ then hesi- “Each individual request will tated. and stopped speaking. be decided on its own merit, "You'd better Slop thel‘e. whether or not we a-ppear be- You'd better not use that word fore the council,†said Rumble. again," said Councillor Twin- Cook said there was consider- ney. able discussion of a $300,000 “It's a foursome. You might limit on a finished headquarters as well make it a fivesome," said in the Office Speciality Build- ’l‘winney. apparently referring ing, according to what he re- m the ChunCil “Change the membered of discussion during week before over Twinney's and after the last meeting of idiot remark. regional council. Agree To Submit Requested Figures “I guess I better stop there,“ said Lawrie Commissioner Gordon Cook last year's warden of York County. interrupted to predict the region council engineering committee “will fight this through right to the last ditch.†Chairman Lyon said an en- gineering committee blockage of the Newmarket purchase “is fine with me. Then we'll get a new million dollar building.†There was more discussion of the savings the policq commis- sion members felt will be achieved through buying the Office Specialty Building on Prospect Street in Newmarket. Ontario Police Commission Advisor Jack Taylor said dev- elopment of' the proposed headquarters at Newmarket would release 15 additional con- stables for field work. He said this would be ac- complished through closing the separate Whitchurch. Aurora. Newmarket and King Police Stations and releasing three of the four round~the-clock office staffs from office duty. Councillor 'I‘winney estima- .lCd this would mean an effec- tive economy of $150,000 a year. ‘ The York Regional Police Commission Monday morning was persuaded by Chairman Judge William Lyon to co-operate and try to give the York Reg- ional Council firm figures on renovations, furnishings and equipment necessary in the proposed purchase of the Newmarket Office Specialty Building. ' The commission wants the building to house the regional police head- qtlarters, but had its request turned down earlier this year by the regional Council. Assorted quality fabrics at one low price. A real favourite in a multitude of small prints. Completely washable cotton. A top ouality Spring fabric that looks like 100% wool, but is machine washable. Reg. 84.49 yd. 36â€""PTIINTED SEERSUCKER JACKPOT $500 A MILI. CLEAROUT! u LINENS o JERSEYS 45 CREPES o LACE o ETC. 106 Centre St. East STARTING TIME â€" 8 PM. Early Birds 7.40 pm. 20 REGULAR GAMES â€" 3 SPECIAL GAMES lIONS HALL RICHMOND HILL LIONS CLUB 56" MIX 'N MATCH POLYESTER and WOOL OPEN TO THE PUBLIC MONDAY, MARCH 22 WAREHOUSE HOURS: DAILY â€" 10 AM. TO 9 RM. SATURDAY â€" 9 A.M. T0 6 P.)I Ample Free Parking (Save 20c a yd.) Commissioner Cook started the discussion by saying there were a couple of things he wan- ted to get said, after watching the police headquarters debates in regional council. “I want the complete police commission to make a presenta- tion to regional council before this show goes on again. “Until I'm assured of that, I won‘t vote for putting anything more before the council,†said the veteran of many years of municipal politics in the former York County. "We're getting completely off on the wrong track," said “The only way the problem can be solved is for the police commission to meet (secretly behind closed doors) in com- mittee wibh council. “Otherwise there's no use going back. If the price isn’t right, it still won’t be approved in council," said Cook. gave assurance the Office Specialty Building was still available. idon’t think we'should be thinking about what went on in council.†said Rumble. Police Chief Bruce Crawford said he understood purchase of the Office Specialty Building would be approved by regional council if the cost stayed under $300,000 and didn't go one dol- lar over. T‘Vinne-V said the $300,000 should leave out the cost limit hadn't been ï¬xed by of communications equipment. council, it was only the opinion Since this equipment would be of several members of counc11. portable to any permanent head_ He totalled up his own cost quarters if built. estimates, adding them to the Police Chief Crawford com $210,000 building p U 1'0 h a 5.9 firmed that he hoped the com- price, and indicated it was his municaï¬ons equipment could be opinion the $300,000 limit could built so it could be moved_ al_ be observed if the cost of com- though normally such equim munications and equ‘pment ment was designed and built Wasn’t included- , right into a building. Tm mid the fumace 15 31' Adviser Taylor pointed out ready in- I woumnyt 1"“ money there was no provision in the Ann nnn Only Only 01va Yd 52 NUMBERS $2.98 “I understand some members of council have seen a letter from Bowman offering a new building for $16.50 per square foot. That would mean only $230,000 for a new building. “The council isn't going to Vote for anything until we make up our mind on something and show we‘re ready to go all the way to an appeal to the Ontario Police Commission. This is rid- iculous," said Cook. Provincial Advisor Taylor said the required 25,000 square foot floor space building. if it were of the same construction and type as recently built in Oakville, would cost roughly a million dollars. not including land and furnishings. There would also be an extra $25,000 cost for com- munications of the type recent- ly installed in Oakville and Oshawa. on any part of this at this mom- ent.†said Cook. « “What isn't mentioned in the letters the councillors have is the security area, cells, etc.,†said Taylor, estimating a new building would cost roughly $32 to $35 per square foot. Taylor said he had his square footage cost estimate from a man whose specialty is de- signing police buildings. “then' they talk of $16 per square foot, it’s out of propor- tion altogether,†said Taylor. “I would like to see that proved to council, even though it would cost a few thousand dollars to do it," said Cook, “There were a couple of people who voted for that resolution (the Office Spec- ialty purchase) just to get it off the regional council floor and get home. That was a couple of mayors. and they’re not going to vote for Office Specialty when a final purchase resolution comes up,†said Cook. Judge Lyon said, “It's our duty to go ahead and see how we can assist the commissioner (of engineering)." Twinney said the commission should leave out the cost of communications equipment. since this equipment would be portable to any permanent head- quarters if built. commission’s budget for $28,000 worth of communications equip- ment, and that such cost would have to be included in the pur- chase price of the building,‘ Taylor also pointed out there were some items in the Office Specialty renovations for which it would be difficult to fix a firm price. He listed as ex- amples the cost of installing sanitary drainage and electrical services for the cell area, under the cement floor. The cells would be units mov- ed in, having a steel top and sides. In a new building cells would normally be of cement block construction, so the cells installed 'at the Office Specialty building wouldn’t be movable to a new building. Cook said again he felt dia- logue was necessary betWeen the commission and council, and that letters back and forth were useless. The commission ended up with a motion asking the chief of police to provide the neces- sary information on furnish- ings. renovations and equipment to Engineering Commissioner Denne Bosworth. They also agreed to seek a meeting with regional council when it next meets March 25. as recommend- ed by Commissioner Cook. The police commission Mon- day also discussed life insurâ€" ance and prescription drug in- surance for members of the police force. Representatives of the Mut- ual Life Assurance Company of Canada appeared at the meeting, explaining the compâ€" any now has policies for region- al employees and some of the former smaller police depart- ments. The plan “’35 for life insur‘] “If the headquarters is built‘able from 884-2128. CZW57 “‘39 0‘ abOUt 11/5! times annual on Yonge Street at York Manor, * .“ * * eal‘nings- 01" 515.000 Per man, the only time they (the 100,000 APRIL 3, SATURDAY 11.3. 7 being two-thirds paid for by people in the south) “1'11 see it‘Rummage sale and small spec1- the regim- is when they drive north for the‘ alty ShOP (new .â€" almos‘ new â€"‘ Commissioner Rumble said a weekend. good used articles) Emmanuel call for insurance proposals Newmarkefs Twinney replied Church. MacKay Dr. c1\\'38 ShOUld be made' that he was speaking for the‘ Judge Lyon said he undgr' police commission when he said Stood the wage agreement “1tthewmarket was the best site. the police association called'He said Newmarket is in the; for the same insurance as the geographic centre, and thatl regional employees had. . b local: Chief Crawford said the com-‘there “cum have to e a ‘ SPECIAL ~ ~ headquarters near the major? W CHINESE missmn would have to soon get; . - - 1 4 into the matter of the dmg centei of population in tie FOOD “In- ,,,,, .m- “and a“. south. .. :u. 9 Name Judge Lyon said he under- stood the wage agreement mm the police association called for the same insurance as the regional employees had. Chief Crmflord said the com- mission would have to soon get into the matter of the drug plan. since it was prorided for in the wage agreement and wasn‘t yet in force. The insurance representatives said retroactive coverage for drugs could be pron‘ded. but not retroactive life insurance coverage. Commission Secretary Brian Ward was asked to provide the‘ necessary information on life. insurance for consideration at the next commission meeting March 22. with the chief to check wit-h the association about! the acceptability of the Metro‘ politan Life proposal. "I want to see competitive prices before I approve of any- thing. Establishing a site at this time spoils the advantage of being able to get competitive bids for a combination of site and building," said Rowe, (Continued from Page 1| $100,000 more than the pro- posed temporary Office Speci- a'ity building that is 22 years old. posed temporary Office Speci-3 Markham‘s Jongeneel said he a’ity building that is 22 years feels like Rowe that in picking old. .a particular land site the coun- "I want to see competitive cil would be prejudicing the prices before I approve of any-'opportunity of getting a beauti- thing. Establishing a site at this ful site and an economical build- time spoils the advantage ofiing in a package deal. being able to get competitive! “But we’re only approving it bids for a combination of site (the four-acre manor farm sitel and building," said Rowe, .in principle. We have to start He added that he didn't \\'ant,somewhere. the region to lose the oppor-1 “I want to show my co-opera- tunity of developing the Yorkition and give the police com- Manor farm property without‘mission an opportunity to do cutting it up. its job," said Jongeneel, indica- * * * * ting he would vote for the Newmarket's Twinney rose to‘lmanor farm site. Headquarters Deadlock Continuesâ€"Region Dodges Confrontation Newmarket's Twinney rose to manor farm site. counter Rowe‘s argument, say-l Georgina's Burrows said he ing he had the opinion of an‘has become convinced the best architect experienced in thelthing was to have an interim design of police buildings, aild‘buiiding for the police for two that a new building for the or three years, maybe even four PegiOn “'85 30mg to cost a mil-years. He said he would vote lion (1011813. gagiainst the manor farm site. That‘s where the bulk of the population, assessment and inâ€" dustry is, and where the bulk of the expansion is going to be, he said. Richmond Hill‘s Plaxton said he opposed the York Manor site, because it was just the same as the Office Specialty property, being too far removed from the majority of police work. He reiterated that he was op- posed to at Newmarket location and was convinced the head- quarters should be further south. That‘s where the bulk of the population, assessment and inâ€" dustrv is. and where the bulk "‘v Georgina's Pollock demanded to know if the police commis- ision had received any building propositions from private enter- prise. Twinney admitted there had been some proposals. but said the police commission was too busy working on its budget to ‘look at any building proposals. Rowe said he knew of at least one from Stephenson Construc- tion Company Limited for a site at 177 Yonge Street North in Richmond Hill. He reiterated that he was op- posed to a Newmarket location and was convinced the head- quarters should be further south. He stressed his argument that the region should establish its government centre in the south to stop the northern expansion of Metro. “Don't underestimate the poli- tical power of Metro. The num- ber of their Legislature mem- bers alone is almost enough to push through any annexation. “And I suppose we could lo- cate the police building in Moosonee, and all we would need is telephones.†he said, lampooning objections that Newmarket is the region’s geographic centre. a. Plaxton pointed out the 95- acre manor farm property has potential as a college campus. although even that should be further south. “It isn’t for parochial reasons that I think it (the headquarters) should be further south, but be- cause the south is the proper natural location. “The Oak Ridges-Lake Wilâ€" cox area would be aided in any redevelopment plan by having the police headquarters there". "It appears obvious to me that the majority of this coun- cil feels that all the regional government facilities should be in Newmarket. “I was under the impression this was a new form of gov- ernment with different respon- sibilities. “It appears the southern re- presentatives have been divided, and it’s going to be for that reason if the headquarters goes where the police commission wants it. ‘ _“It makes a great deal OfLSpâ€"eakers: Mr. and Mrs. T. difference_ to the 9901318 Who Boardman,-Subject: “A Cana- alfe PI‘OVIding the money, to dian Family's Two Years In see the headquarters located in East Africa", Everyone welcome_ the area of best advantage,†c1w38 said Richmond Hill Councillor 1: * )a * Plaxton. MARCH 19, FRIDAAY _â€"â€" Bridge Conservation Authority, to take an interest in redeveloping areas like Lake Wilcox, if the municipal authorities don’t show some interest. He said it is difficult to get other authorities like the Metro “I would take a vote in favor (of a Newmarket police head- quarters) to be an expression of an-unwillingness to do any- thing about redeveloping such an area (Lake Wilcox’. COUNCILLOR PLAXTON “lnsulted By Experts Before†“Newmarket is, and will conâ€" tinue to be, a location remote from 100,000 people who live in this region. Aurora‘s Illingworth remark- ed that the manor farm property with 95 acres should be large enough for a 25-acre regional government centre in the front on Yonge Street, a college cam- pus behind that, and still have enough land left over for a park at the back. Richmond Hill‘s Lazenby pointed out the council asked the commission for alternatives on the police building and only got one alternative to conjsider. “Now we’re getting the'same thing. One piece of land is be- ing shoved at us." he said 1 “It‘s the wrong location. will continue to be wrong. and will become more evidently wrong as time goes by.†said Plaxton. “It‘s a new .ball game. We ,should pick a new location for the regional government centre and plan it. I want to see it properly planned, though I won’t favor a Newmarket site. Vaughan‘s Mayor Williams said he isn't entirely satisfied the Manor farm would be the right place for the police headâ€" quarters. He said he would like to see a plan worked out for the whole manor farm property before it is chopped up in pieces. “But if we’re going to make the wrong move, let’s do it cheaply and go back to Office Specialty. I won’t be working out of it. and hopefully I won’t be in it,’ he said. It was here that Plaxton, seconded by Lazenby, tried to get a separate vote on whether or not Newmarket was the right location. East Gwillimbury's Mayom Rolling here interjected, “If we put as much effort into build- ing the building as we have into talking, we would have had it up already.†' k Then Plaxton tried to get a broadening of the manor site motion to include all possible sites in Newmarket, “so the council would be tied to what might prove to be a very ex- pensive proposition†and could go back_even to the Office Specialty property if it remain- ed available. But Chairman Wright inter- vened, ruling the motion was out of order. Turning down the Manor farm site were Burrows, Laushway, Lazenby, P 1 a x to n, Pollock, Rowe, Williams and Rutherford in a ‘vote of eight to six. In favor were Illingworth, Jongeneel, Lawrie, Mactaggart. Rollings and Twinney. Absent were Forhan and Roman. liorticulturists p r e s e n t Arm Chair Travel Slides, Lions Hall, iRichmond Hill. New members ‘ welcomed. c1w38 With the manor farm site turned down, Burrows made a motion to purchase the Office Specialty building as an interim measure, with a study of per- MARCH 19, FRIDAY, 8 pm. -â€" Richmond Hill Naturalists meet- ing, Public Library Aucliprimg. MARCH 23. TUESDAY, 8 pm. â€"â€" MARCH 19, FRIDAY â€" Bridge and Euchre. Our Lady Queen of the World. Bayview and Crosby. Admission $1.50. 8:15 pm. I c2w37 MARCH 31, 1971 WEDNESDAÂ¥ â€" Come and Go Luncheon and Bake Sale at Richmond Hill United Church. Luncheon sit- tings at 11:30 am, 12:15 pm and 1 pm. Tickets at $1.25 are avail- able from 884-2128. c2w37 ammo .vmu ‘ MAI-33% SPECIAL CHINESE FOOD r W? onIyI.25E6" with 3 items For Luncheon Illingworth declared he was still against the Office Specialty purchase because it was a bad location and would be a waste of money. manent sites for the future to be undertaken. “Where are we going to get a quarter of a million dollars back for oneâ€"and-a-third acres of land? The building is old now. It‘s going to be at least five years older when we sell it. The land is only valued at “The price is too high. We don‘t even know what the re- novations will cost, “If we buy the Office Speci- alty property we may end up paying $350,000. We should have a firm price, including renovations." he said. $180,000 “We’ll never get our money back out of that land or build- ing.†said the Aurora mayor. At this point Markham’s Jon- geneel “got all shook up". “This is ridiculous. I‘m al- most getting the feeling some- one's in love with that old crap heap there. “It‘s a white elephant. The company can’t give it away. “I certainly question \the sincerity of members of coun- cil who bring that building back to the floor," said Jongeneel. "Newmarket is going to buy it if the regional government doesn‘t.“ said Twinney. Whitchurch-S t o u f f vi] 1 e ’s Laushway said it was apparent the police commission seemed very firm they wouldn’t bring in any other sites. “I don’t know why. They should say, if they won't con- sider any others. Rowe said he wanted to know why the council can‘t get com- parative prices. Jongeneel added to his re- marks. pointing out the Office Specialty Building had been for sale for over a year. Jongeneel moved an amend- ment to the Burrows motion, calling for a firm price on reno- vations. He had the support of Illingworth, who agreed the council must have a firm price for the whole thing. Burrows agree to have his motion reworded to allow the engineering committee to re- quire the firm price on renova- tions that Jongeneel wanted. Illingworth agreed, saying he would “vote in favpr only to get this circus to come to an end." The vote on the Burrows mo- tion to ask the engineering com- mittee to negotiate purchase of the Office Specialty Building was eleven to three in favor. Against were Lazenby. Plax- ton and Rowe. In favor were Burrows, Illingworth, Jongeneel, Laushway, Lawrie, Mactaggart, Pollock, Rolling, Rutherford, ton and Rowe. In favor were Burrows, Illingworth, Jongeneel, Laushway, Lawrie, Mactaggart, Pollock, Rolling, Rutherford, Twinney and Williams. Newmarket’s Forhan and Markham’s Roman were absent. So now the police building issue is in the hands of the engineering committee, which includes council members Ro- man, Twinney, Rutherford, Rowe, Illingworth and chair- man Wright, 29 YONGE ST. SOUTH -1 Ile‘- 'I' wvv..- Store Hours: 9 a.m. to 9 pm. Monday to Saturday I“““““““““““-““““‘ SIRLOIN STEAK. . . . Lucas 8: Arthurs Sliced BOLOGNA Aylmer Choice EEAN MINCED BEEF . . Ke||ogg's CORN FLAKES. . . . Kraft Parkay Carnation Christie's Premium We reserve the right to limit quantities ‘-““““““I““-I‘I“--“““ A . -‘ A- Kleenex Boutique Bathroom Poly House Giantr 26x36, 1.5 m. Package of 10 49¢ Farm Fresh Whole Mushrooms 69¢ lb; | P.E.l. POTATOES [dllll IIC)" "Ilulc l'lu.)|||vvlll.p v,, -â€"~- I . ._.,V _ ' ____ v #v I‘I““““‘I‘II“““--‘I““-“ We Take Phone Qrders » Free Delivery ion EVAPORATED MILK . 216 ice Whole TOMG'I’OGS 3 28 oz. tins $1.00 ium Salted or Unsalted Link SAUSAGE We have carry-out service Father And Son Share Taste In Cars Rick Tribbling‘, well-known to hundreds of children and their parents in Markham Township and Richmond Hill, where he operated a school bus line for several years, is now a member of the sales staff of Wilson-Niblett Motors, Richmond Hill. A proud moment for him was caught by the camera in the above picture as he presented the keys of a new 1971 Chevrolet Impala to his father, Fred Tribbling of Downsview at the rights .Laulcn, L'Lbu LLIUUAAAAG v. uv.........v.. "s u.“ -_o.__. Rick is looking forward to seeing his friends and acquaintances at Wilson-Niblett Motors and showing them the full line of Chevrolet cars and trucks and Oldsmobiles now in stock. DEEP DISCOUNT pmcas on SELF-SERVICE DRYCLEANING ' RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE â€" 884-4411 Richmond Hill‘s only counsellor attended self-service drycleaning store â€" NOW OPEN SUNDAYS â€" Self-Service Drycleaning, 11 am. to 6 pm. - Coin Laundry 8 am. to 11 pm. ONLY $1 for 2 LBS. PLUS 40c PER EXTRA POUND 0R $3 for 8 LBS. YOU’LL BE AMAZED AT THE RESULTS THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday. March 18 RICHMOND HEIGHTS Ci (Formerly Marley's Foodland) â€" RICHMOND HILL Would you believe . . Tissue 3 twin rolls 99¢ \ % \\\\\\ \\ x hufï¬ng/WM AND .2. ’ YWI' Km: CLEANING CENTRE 4 24 oz. loaves 99¢ 12 oz. package PHONE 884-2611 \ 16 oz. 10 lb. bag 49¢ 43¢ 99¢ 99¢ 49¢ Lb. 29¢ Lb. 35¢ 39¢ pkg. 19 % A