Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 18 Mar 1971, p. 5

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THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday. March 18, 1971 Let us help you meet ’3» Parents Responsible Too Discuss Snow Policy For School Buses Launch Campaign For Residencel Studios For Handicapped Adultsl tional facilities. beginning with Your legion Reports The sod has not yet been Branch 375, Royal Canadian Legion y turned for Marina Lodge in studios for work in ceramics. By Chris Ratchford â€"- 884-5260 . . I I Willowdale. but already appli- leather, woodworking and fine The he”; Snow falls and Ice Storms of the past ‘m Rmhmnnd Hm‘ one in Bar' Cations on file exceed the plan- needlework, creating new and - - TWO months aVe prompted York COUNT Board Of rie‘ and Toronto Station CFRB' ned accommodation dignified work opportunities for, Girls Second, Boys Fourth In Bowlmg Education to take another look at procedures for [ TITSâ€"All 5“P“‘“?“‘"“°“‘ .wal' The lodge. to be built on 2.7 thgse unallzle: to enter the open we would We to extend Du, Saturday. March 13. sawl cancelling buses in severe weather. 1.2;, 0,: 22,: 3530.2;2,“,.,';°{;f,j§§; ' acres of land near the south- la 01‘ mar e~ ‘ congratulations to some \‘ery.Branch 375 hosting the district 011 a number of occasions some 01‘ all l)llS runs cast “as not malt ti] o- - a east comer 01' BayVlew and Many Of these people' Mls' special people. The junior bow-‘darts tournament What a (10' had to be cancelled b - q f s v -1 WT d ~ ids ‘ 1 - e uni “0 mm- Sleeles Avenues 0Ver100kin§ MCLCOd explains are capable.lcrs have done themselvesiThe way some of‘those plavel‘s' ' ' ecau‘ve 0 Lino“ ( ogce 10d 4 Utah an“ a'call had been'made the DOD valley conservation 0f supporting themselves proud. On March ’7 in Hamil-‘could flip those darts was an bUt at no. tlme dld thebgard ordgr.the schOOlS Closed‘ .to the Station" Arm 1-15 the Area. will provide living ac- through outside work. but need ton the junior giris came mime Open“ Thev could qualify; and despite the bad dl‘l\'lng conditions, mOst teachers {1‘25} northerly 31“ 1“ the (c commodation and WorkshOPS forflhe king 0f help the lodge plans second. Sorry you didn‘t makeihands down to become members‘ made It to 5011001 eVCl‘y day. lCE‘lSE‘board an. M U .l ~- DhySlfâ€"‘ally handicapped 135013191“) Prol’lde- . _ ltlle trip to Vancouver, but there‘of Cocllise‘s band. Don't know some teaCherS were. hOVVeVelW “Dhappy abOUlr ii 31g nd 0 T118~ id aimle- over 18. Marina Lodgewasmsplredby is always another time. Tell the winners. but can give criticism of those teachers who did not report for -p ti at d {pew OISdSI-oil’ )9 It is estimated that it will Marlna Creations. an exgensmn gather the supervisors are takgmu some that I saw. Richmond duty 11223,? in,qu [Egrelatiflsmni 1; cost $1,504,872. to build and‘of the services of the ocictynngthe girlsou, on them“... 2,” b not a an n 1 ea ‘ - . . C V ‘ i - - ' equip the residence for 50 peoâ€" For Crippled Civilians. providâ€"a As for the lads. they cameiMrs. Fe. Hallcr Tillme it: with 2 sald a Staff “3130.” t? the board' (A few teaChmis lam :0 that pamnfis “mud have Mmtgage rates are lower and our ple and the creative shy-“05 and \Vork for homebounq handlâ€"‘fourtlm only points sepal.a_‘145 for ladies Jack Bon_ feel their dedlCE‘l-Llon "â€"‘ perhaps e\'en thrflr time to C CCk radlo le. workshops for both restdent and capped people In quality arts ted first and fourth place. Good‘ton doubled out with 79. This llltegl‘lty â€"' was QUEStloned- Ei't G .A”- b .. . b ' . non-resident handicapped peo- and crafts. Original Founders Show kids. we're really proudlgives you a rough idea of _ I ‘ i ‘ _ l ‘35 “1 “ll Ul.‘ TlUSlCP custom- Ullt-l‘or-you loan was never ,Je and to launch it successfully. were Mrs. Alicita Marshall. the of you. the high calibre of play. 1” dlscuss'm“ “we” “greed The 1’03"“ 5 gume‘mcs “‘0 W'lham B31“ commented that reater So don’t let that "Where-will-Ta f It has already received a am late Senator Wallace McCut-l : a c . Following the tourney was a thatrarents have some respon- procedures concerning buseslhe “'35 surpr‘sed ‘0 19”“ “‘3‘ g ' of $150_000 from the Garfield cheon of Gormley. former To- Glub! Glub! We hear via theidance with the Canadaires pro- Slbmty to. make sure that the States‘ “W.her.e' m the opmwn‘a-bskcnfe hadf Charged, 1.0 get'the'money?” pIOblem get you down- Weston Charitable Foundation,ronto Mayor Nathan PhllliPS-grapevinc that some members‘vidlng the dance music. They “how “'1” be we" and “f the WWW” and/0r °"°’.".Sli We 01 close mme Hand it I t cl ‘t d' 0 t‘ and anticipates goyernment James McCutcheon and Thomas have gone down for a two were great, another successful Icazherth p‘r‘esecrlijtldbefore fftheyéltor, roa‘Els tier weather EOIldl-i;\h;?r\;:Le00{;01.0: Sciortlojygeéaytso OVCI‘ 0 un 615 an int, CXpEl‘ 5 grants of $250,000, leaving Boyle. count in the front yard swim- do. Guests from Victoria Har- 59” C' ' re" 0 ° Ions ma e ‘ ‘mDOSS"le 0 cp' ‘ Who have behind them over Cl lit car $1,254,872 to be raised by pub- Frequent contact with the ming pool at Legion Court. bour. Collingwood. Alton. New- school It was Suggef‘ted that "ate safely 3 bus on either the A“ agreed that arrangem‘ims - a . - g y y s principals should find out morning. or afternoon runs. it should be made through nrme- of experience in tailoring mortgages to market and other numerous parts of Ontario. Come out some time and share in our enjoyment of the various dos. We would only be too glad to make you welcome. Sorry labout that boys, but I am always suggesting you wear wet suits. (Sure would liked to have seen the expressions on their faces. How's the fishing?) Got a new guess-who for you ipals for some adult to be pres- ent at every school on days when roads appear to be im- passible. Trustees approved a recom- mendation “that the board com- homebound workers of Marina Creations revealed that many of them were barely existing in an indifferent environment. “Our aims are to assist every handicapped person working in shall bethe obligation of the principal and/or operator to notify the area business officer in sufficient time for him to. make the necessary arrange- ments. where each teacher lives, and if there is a possibility that teachers, particularly at small rural schools. may not be able to reach the school, a parent near the school be enlisted to Uc subscription. The need for such a facility. says Mrs. John McLeod of To- ronto, is urgent. Young people receive excellent care through- out childhood and adolescence, suit individual needs. Solve your problem today at Victoria and Grey. she explains, but if they have the occupational centres. whe- lads! Who is it from the Fifth * " * * . . . - A no family or home. they leave a ther resident or not, to use to Gloucesters? Rank of corporal. Gosh people. it would be hard make sure “0 Chlldm‘ are "The “93 busmess Officer “‘6‘.” “5 .teaChmg Staff fm‘ to find a greater bunch of girls stranded. shall have the authority to ar- the“ deVOtIOU 10 dllty and COH- ccrn for students as indicated very shy. married his childhood the utmost his abilities. talents, Sweetheart, Dart is his middle training and energiesy Mrs. Mc_ range for the early departure of an afternoon run or cancella- The report states that can' The senior Trust Company ceiling buses has nothing to do hospital for crippled children or than the members of our ladies by their behg res m .n .t l p c 1 spl e other similar centre at the age n 9 '1' D ' th d rt of 18 and are forced to enter ed a is. a‘me' al'x' 1311‘“ "rmg e a 5 . . . . . . ~ d '0! ' ' " an old People‘s home because L'eTheScllrreni. proiect has the "‘ * * "‘ tournament they pitched in and With ClOSIHg SChOOlS- The Chlld' “011 Of a bus Tu“ and be re' 0? VQIy severe “Leathcl condl' Ilidpggiglijfgnlzxmng ‘ S.O.S.‘. Mayday! Help! No served sandwiches, hot roast Fen Who walk. or who are sponsible for DOtlfying 10C31t1°"5,a“d by the Ingemnus and p l ' creative ways in which they radio statios and principals." _ Staff was asked what radio‘made the day one Of 5986131 stations are used to broadcast value to the small number of cancellations of buses. Three StUdems Who attended in 58V- are normally used _ a station eral schools on those bad days.” Bus Runs For 17,000 Assessed By Board More than 17.000 of York support of Metro Social Planning Council and has been approved by the Borough of North York. The Lodge has a full slate of well 85 Single People. and the officers and directors prominent residents will form their own in business and professional committees tO Plan Communal. circles in the Metro area. and a living arrangements in a build- professional advisory commit- ing specially designed to meet tee of experts in treatment and the needs of the handicapped. rehabilitation of handicapped It will also include occupa- children and adults. brought by their parents must be met by their teachers unless it is completely impossible for a teacher to get to the school." It continues. “The board should indicate that it apprec- iates the flexibility of teachers who were able to make a day of very small classes one of ex-i ceptional value to those stud- ents who were present." Trustees agreed that they should go on record as ap- there is no other accommodation for them. Marina Lodge would provide quarters for married couples as beef dinners. tea and coffee all afternoon to members taking part. in the tourney. Many thanks to you girls from all of us for a super job. n :k wk )k See you all next week. Take care of youselves. We like to see you around. matter how you express it, help is definitely needed to billet a possible three dozen lads taking part in the 4th Annual Minor Midget Hockey Tournament. This goes from March 22 to 28 inclusive. If you can help by billeting a lad or two. won’t you please contact Mrs. Bob Oakley at 884-5510. Please accept sin- cere thanks for any assistance you can give. RM GREY TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 G. A. WAKELIN, MANAGER 121 YONGE ST. N. RICHMOND HILL WILLOWDALE Fourteen young people raised more than $450 for the Fred Victor Mission in a recent 48-hour starvathon at Lansing United Church. They played records, pingpong. read books. did art work and made 884-1107 WILLOWDALE: Students at ‘â€"'7 Seek Funds For Disturbed Pre-Schoolers North America's first centre devoted solely to treatment and training of emotionally dis- turbed pre-school children will open early next year in the Keele Street - Steeles Avenue area across from York Univers- lty. It is nearly six years since Mrs. Thelma Powell-Brown, who received her child-care training at Thistletown Hos- pital, opened her little school for children from 3 to 6 in Faith Lutheran Church on Hucknell Avenue in North York. In that time 104 pre-school children have been treated â€" many of them considered hope- less for normal schooling â€"- and only eight have had to be referred for residential care. The others have all adjusted to public school and life in a family setting. With the aid of a small staff and volunteer helpers, Mrs. Powell-Brown has developed her own method of working with her seriously disturbed young charges. To help prepare them for life In a less protected atmosphere, the school has an integration program, bringing in normal children to spend six weeks with the youngsters of the Pow- ell-Brown school. C G I T Doings By JANET HNATCHUK Richmond Hill United Church Thurday. March 4, we opened the meeting with the singing of the CGIT Hymn and song. The evening was spent doing crafts for our Daffodil Tea to take plaée closed with taps. Wednesday. March 11. we had an activity night. girls played volleyball while the leaders had an executive meeting. type day school has gained rec- ognition and support from the Ontario HOSpital Services Com- mission, which will be making a major contribution to the fin- ancing of Brown Therapeutic Junior Cen- tre. $450,000. with $150,000 of this! to be raised by public dona- tions. also be possible to expand the p a r e n t counselling which are so important in help- ing, the disturbed child. Medwecki special features to meet the psychological as physical needs of the children. giving special attention to tex~ tures, colors, built-ins and one- way mirror observation rooms. Over the years the nursery- the new Powell- is estimated at Total cost The centre will have room for about 30 children on a year- round basis and will provide an observation centre for college students taking pre-sehool and child care courses, source centre for the general public in mental health. and a re- In the new quarters it will services Toronto architect J o s e p h has incorporated well as the Permanent and visiting staff will include a psychiatrist. psy- chologist. speech pathologist and psycho-social worker. The building will have a therapeutic kitchen. hobby room, art room, accomplishment room and tantrum room. Since the school was founded, Mrs. Powell-Brown has had the support of a visiting child psychiatrist and the psychol- ogical services and special edu- cation personnel of the North York Board of Education. The drive for funds for the centre has the support of in May. The meeting professional and business.peo- ple of the area, and supporters are asked to send donations to where the the Royal Bank of Canada at _ ‘ ‘ and Sheppard For information call new Keele Street Avenue. 633-1422. ***F Another Friday evening social has come and gone. This past one was a success. Freddie Bird and Ray Grant provided the dance music. Our chorus line gets bigger and better each time out. We had a surprise enter- tainer in our midstâ€"Bruce Lewis. He was simply great. By the way lad, congratulations on the safe arrival of that beautiful Newtonbrook Secondary School have started a recycling depot to collect old paper for a com. pany that will make new. us- able paper out of it. They have already collected over a ton and will continue the pro- gram, collecting papers at the school parking lot every Sunday and delivering them to the plant each Monday. The comp- any pays about $7 a ton for the new daughter. old paper. preclating those teachers who made the extra effort to be at school under very difficult conditions of sev- eral days this winter, and to make clear that this in- cludes almost all teachers. At several schools. all teach- ers were present. but due to cancellation of buses, very few pupils were able to get to their classes. Elgin Mills - Jefferson News Neighborhood Notes Education Week was observed at Jefferson Public School by an “open house" held Thurs- day of last week. which was well attended by parents. Students of the “team” room under Mrs. Betty Vent produced, acted and wrote a sketch which was enâ€" joyed by all present. The meet- ing then broke up and parents went to various rooms for dis- cussion with the teachers. The father and son banquet was sheduled to be held in St. John's Parish Hall on the evening of March 17. Among the ribbons won at the recent Yorkâ€"Summit Scout and Cub Hobby and Craft Show were first prize ribbons by Jefferson Cubs Mike O'Donnell, Geordie Watson. Brian Scriver and Nigel Walker. Geordie Wat- son also won second and third prize ribbons. The Scouts’ en- Church News At St. John's Anglican Church, March 21. there will be a celebration of Holy Com- munion at 8am followed by a parish breakfast catered for by men of the parish. The congregation is then in- vited to attend the regular 10:30 am service at St. Paul's United Church, Lake Wilcox. There will be no 10:30 am service at St. John’s. Sunday, March 28, the United Church congregation will join St. John’s congregation for a celebration of Holy Communion at 10:30 am at St. John's The men of the parish enâ€" joyed a turkey supper, March 15. arranged as an organizational meeting for an effective men‘s club. It is hoped regular meet- ings will be held on a monthly basis. The Women’s World Day of try of a Klondike sled gained a second ribbon. Correspondent Leonard Lomas â€" Phone 884-3000 attended by representatives of Our Lady of the Annuncia- tion Roman Catholic Church, St. Paul’s United and Tem- peranceville United as well as St. John’s women. The annual service was followed by refresh- ments and fellowship. Mrs. _Margaret Britton of Sbouffville was the speaker, first leader was Mrs. Bette Stiver and second leader Karen Craw- ford. Othersf participating" were Mrs. Joan Anderson, Mrs. Cath- erine Zimmerman, Maureen Bales, Mrs. Everett Phillips, Mrs. Marion Passmore. Brenda. Ash sang a solo accompanied by Mrs. Joy Harnden at. the organ. The offertory was accepted by Heather Gerber, Cindy Wilton, Susie Locke and Caroline Lo- mas. Mrs. Angela Eliot and Mrs. Jean Lomas were ushers and Mrs. Irene Rickward and Mrs. Prayer was observed in the area at St. John’s Anglican, March 5, Marg Browne were refreshment convenors. County Board of Education’s string belts while they fasted. 44,000 students travel to and from school by bus each day. At their meeting March 8, trustees received an analytical report of student transportation showing that 17,741 students are bused to school daily, and that 3,718 of these live under two miles from school. The latter group is made up mainly of kindergarten and grade 1 students, although stud- ents in higher grades are sometimes given temporary bus privilege cards where there is room for them on the buses. The largest group of stud- ents, 6,429 of them, are trans- ported between two and four miles, and 3,178 are carried betWeen four and six miles. Another 1,955 travel between six and nine miles, and 1.372 between nine and twelve miles. Just 772 are on the bus for more than 12 miles but. less than 18. In addition, 314 students have to be bused from 18 to 25 miles, and two between 25 and 35 miles. It was pointed out that some of these whose have the furth- est to travel are going to Blue Hills Academy which cares for about 12 emotionally disturbed children. Several of these children live at Blue Hills but attend school in their home area. Staff is now working on an analysis of the group which is bused less than two miles to’ see how many of these are bused for reasons of safety. ' JUST ARRIVED? We've no red carpet to roll out; no brass band to sere- nade you. But we can help you with names and loca- tions of schools. lists ofcom- munity facilities, shopping information and allthe other things you'll want to know about your new home town. A Welcome Wagon hostess willvisitatyourconvenienco ‘ to provide all this and gift. as well. it’s all yoursâ€"freeâ€"for a telephone call to Welcome Wagon at Mrs. Owen Trunk Richmond Hill - 884-4690 <31“th ON SALE: MARCH I7 - l8 0 I9 0 20 TWO-WAY STRETCH! PANTY HOSE KRESGE SPECIAL PRICE 6Prsl.99 WED. THURS. FRI. SAT. 100% Nylon! Seamless stockings with nude heels featured! Assorted colors and POLYESTER 8: COTTON BLOUSE KRESGE SPECIAL PRICE 2.99 A v F R E E Z:;.”;3".t.".i 325.22.53.25 ferent sate?! nglllleeré Pimek sasswatchtower Cbarmg/o w """"" ..{/././././././.././{(./({{{44{I.{4/!! """ G A S I A POLYESTER & RAYON s MAT BARBEQUE MODEL No. AMK For a limited time Carter Brothers will give you a Charmglow Perfect Host natural gas barbeque. This outstanding offer is available when you install a NATURAL GAS FURNACE NATURAL GAS POOL HEATER Don‘t miss this great opportunity to enjoy nature’s wonderfuel lnstde and outside your home this year. Call today for a free heating survey (LIMITED Carte TIME ONLY) r Bros. 29 CEDAR AVE. TELEPHONE: 889-6431 THORNHILL .JR‘ ,* on Yonge St. ROYAL ORCHARD PLAZA EVERY DAY AT VIC TANNY'S o SUNâ€"lust a minute or two once or Room, lets you enjoy a rich men tan all twice a week in winter long! 0 SL'RFâ€"Relu in the beneficial swirling waters of the whirlpool bathâ€"- 0 SAN 0â€"“ e don't have sand . . Slut you can copy your program of exercise in a luxurious hroadloonled salon with mirrored walls. 3 o Sauna Baths o Contouring, Weight Reduction HILI. in the SUN & FITNESS PROGRAMS FOR MEN & WOMEN ARE BEGINNING NOW! V 0 Mineral Whirlpool Bath _ - Tropical Swimming Pools ;‘ Luxurious Broadloomed Fitness Rooms - Sun Rooms 0 Turkish Steam Room - Eucalyptus lnhalator Rooms 0 Professional Massage our exclusive California Sun * at most locations FOR. INFORMATION CALL 486-4750 . ' . "isnofi717Fl,’ PROGRAMsro WOMENBEGIN. THIS” WEEK; 11 OTHER CLUBS IN THE METRO AREA OUR REGULAR PRICE 7.97 5.99 WED. THURS. EN. SAT. Great for small areas! Each backed With heavy duragon and tinished With fancy fringed 1 ends. Azalea. Aaua. Violet. . , Pumpkin.Yellow,Ltme,0llvo, Gold colors. 1 Oz. 100% came ssr NYLON YARN4 for 1.00 Reg. 2.29 roooun’s 2-4 STRETCH NYLON JUMPSUIT ...T.44 Reg. 91¢ KLO'I'HKINS ANIMALS...............66‘ RECTANGULAR Pusrlc STEP-ON CAN... . . . .. .... . 3.97 Open Daily 'til 6 pm. Richmond HEIQHTS (CUTIE Thurs.&Fri.'ti19p.m. ,Fslafnsracnon‘ gUARAN " 4w: WILL’NbT kN'owi'

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