KITCHEN cabinets and vanities. Free estimates. Creative Decor, office and showroom, 9212 Yonge St., Richvale., 889-2462, 773-4696. ‘ tfc42 AEUMINUM Doors. windows, awnings, and railings. Ron Woods. 884-1514. ....A Free estimates Aluminum Sid?R ing windows. doors, awnings! also glass and screen repairs.},. Phone 884-4558, factory 832-4319 2 TYeEWRlTEns r“: , r ADDING MACHINES .WRINGER washer, good work- Sales Servic Rentals mg condition. suitable for cot. Authorizedeneale, tage. reasonable. 889-3730. All popular makes for salel ___»____ n_m_c#1w38 including new and rebuiltiADMIâ€"RAL TV, 19†color. 835. standard portable and electric 2365. c1w38 models. Special rental rates b’ï¬â€™ESTERFlï¬iï¬et end and available to students. ’ coffee tables. lambs and rocker. Maple WASHER, dryer and stoveparts, gears, belts, wood bear-i ings and \rringer rollers etc. For all makes. Repairs to elec-: tric lawnmowers and small ap- pliances. Math's TV. 49 Indus- trial Road, 884-7903. tfc9 SEASONED FIREWOOD Mixed Birch, Oak, Maple, Beech. Cut to 12 inch or 16 inch lengths. Phone 832-2455 Holland Park Garden Centre. 51 ch1e St. North. Maple. PINE harvest table, pine drop leaf, small pine table, pine blanket box, fancy cast iron heater, 4 burner electric stove. Other pieces. 884-3089. c1w38 WATER SOFTENERS Miracle w a t e r conditioners. humidifiers, sales, service and rentals, also salt delivery ser- vice. Call Gerald Morlock 884- 4016 after 4.30 pm. tfc17 SEWING machines sales and service. Repairs to all makes, work guaranteed. Bernina Sew- ing Centre, Richmond Heights Centre, 884-3775. c4w35 New opening, second hand fur- niture, some antique, 115 King Sideroad, 1xiv-mile west of Yonge. Buy sell and trade. 773-5448. INCOME tax forms prepared, individuals and small businesses â€"â€" pickup and delivery service if necessary. -â€" Reasonable. 884-2876. *10w35 STEREOS â€"â€" console clearance with tapg players - $275. $315. 60“ models $225. $299. Brice's. 478â€"4175 ‘ 02\\'37 ‘DRIVEWAY GRAVEL 5"†"â€â€™â€œâ€™"' “‘†"W" “““ Crushed, stone, sand. concrete‘ - v.†7 _. _. ., ‘ graveL etc" delivered in small.1\/IOFFAT electnc sloce: heavy Quantities. Call C. L. Knappett,ldut.\’. 24 : Pertect Condition $60. 884-3089, “C37 Cash or best offer. 889-2313. â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"-â€"- â€"â€" c1w38 ACORN fireplaces. wood stoves.‘ ____.. accessories, glass screens. metallkENi‘ beginner‘s electlï¬ic gui- chimneys, heatalatel-s at Fil-e_|tar, chord Included, and m good G10 Centre‘ 46 Steeles Avewshape, $20. 889-8704. c1w38 WESL 839-3133. 04W37§A full lineâ€"o-f fine furniture TRADE and save or sell for cash. Brice's Furniture Barn wants used furniture and apâ€" pliances. 478-4175. tfc37 Pure hard maple, $20 per cord. Special - 1‘2 cords $25. Call C. L. Knappett, 884-3089. FREEZERS: General 8 cu. ft.. $144.95, 12 cu. ft, $159.00; 15 (Al. ft. $169.00; 20 Cu. ft., $189.00, 25 cu. ft. $215.00. Broadloom and Rugs at our cost plus 15% on $200. orders. Installation quotations free. Washer Spindryers Simplicity, Easy. Hitachi. Sanyo $124.95 to $179.95. Brice's Fur- niture Barn, Don Mills Road. Queensville. 478-4175. tfc36 SHOTGUN, Remington pumpï¬ï¬‚nâ€5 l model 870 Wingmaster, tventil-idail‘e d1 lated rib, 30" barrel. excellentFUite. 2 condition, case, cleaning kit and 884‘8739 shells. Bargain at $75. 223-9473.}TcAâ€"Vi 02W37l‘and stm CLEARANCE SALE 1970 Holiday truck campers. 11 and 12 foot models. Used trailâ€" ers in excellent condition from $895. up. Ffee storage. King City Trailers. King Road. 2 miles west of Yonge Street. 773- 4260. c2w37 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES CASH RATES, lst insertion 10 words $1.00 and .8c per word thereafter. Minimum charge $1.00. Second and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged, 10 words for .90c and .8c per word thereafter. COMING EVENT NOTICE 10c per word; min. charge $1.50 BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of 50c CARDS 0F THANKS. IN MEMORIAMS. DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, BIRTHS per in- sertion 51.50 Classified advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than 6 pm on Tuesdays. Send ads by mail and enclose payment or telephone us at 884-1105 or 884-1983 and you will receive an invoice. 611, CAL. luv, . L‘vin , d‘n‘ and bedrooms,! """"""""""""" ""’ 0 l g 1 mg "1770' Monday thru Fril direct from importers ware-i “M38 house_ even 1_9 pm. 4544383 GOOD used rug and pad. 9x12.‘_-w A EINAR CLAUSEN- LTD. ‘340- 334-2943 after 6 Pm J ’SECRETARY. 1e Hwy. 7, just east of Fifth Line. __ “1“‘58 s h o rt h a n d a (2 miles east of Dixie Roadiil HERSE curler. good cornAdition Winemaker and Bramalea. tfclOusable. $75. 884-6480. ‘1“:38 6900. ‘Y‘JEKTALUMINUM THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, FOR SALE OAK RIDGES BARN 88 Baker Ave. Richmond Hill L. H. SIMS 884-1745 FIREWOOD ’TEAKwoon ets and vanities.‘DINING room suite. Walnut. Creative Decor, Modem. Gold upholstery. New mwroom. 92121condition. 884-2551. . tfc34 ? R A c R E TI TI E B A E V R E S E D U 0 VI ml N O D tfc36 tfc28 c4w35 tfcl? tch 's‘,;{aâ€˜ï¬ MOFFAT electric stove, heavy ppett. duty, 24", perfect condition $60. tfc37 Cash or best offer. 889-2313. c1w38 éw37 i for Barn [ ap- th37| cord. Call; tfc37' 1. ft.. 0; 15 mi $200. ations‘l A full line‘of fine furniture and household effects for home or cottage. Apartment size pi- ano and various others, Chester- fields. kitchen sets. kitchen counter units. dining rooml suites and china and many other items. Also many antique piecesi including grandfather’s clock} organs, record player. \vasm bowl sets. dry sink. Jackes & Hay settee and chairs. some china (Limoges, Spode. Nippon)‘ and ornaments. A-l Furniture Sales. 378 Newkirk Road. Rich- mond Hill. Open Thurs. and Fri. 9-9. Saturday 9-6. 884- 9501. ' *lw38 1 ' PLYWOOD - $3.29 ;anyo“4x8 sheet. 1;; inch. Ideal for Fur_ gndel‘lay or for painting. Lough- Road‘llmA Lumber. Yonge and Scott tf¢361Dnve, 889-1109. c1w38 32 refrigerators, and electric 1stove. Call after 5:30 pm. 884- 8219. c2w38 WRINGE'R washer, good work- ing condition. suitable for cot- tage, reasonable. 889-3730. Pianos and used furniture. Call 884-1146. tfc24 HONDA 305 Hawk. good condi- tion. $175 61‘ best offer. No plates. 884-3269. c1w38 HI-FI and radio combination. 773-5828. c1w38 MINI BIKES Rupp. new and used. 884-8311 r~â€"vr~~ . CEESTERFIELD set, end and at 8844105. “cams coffee tables, lamps and rocker, ____- ._’ 889-9942. c2w38 CARRIER â€"f-â€"-râ€"â€"â€"â€"~â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- “The Liberal†requires a re- ANT. QUE movements Sponsjble boy or girl for an es_ 1.99311.“ a.nd restored- surf: tablished paper route in the dials’ genume caSt bronze‘ 10 vCrestwood Road area of South accurate, 887'5485- C2“'33 Thornhill. For further details BARBERSHOP Parade of Har- mony, ‘ St. Andrew's College, Aurora. Saturday, March 27, 8 pm. Adults $2.00, children $1.00. Call 884-3229 any time. c1wB8 SKIS, bindings, buckle boots 10‘,2, like new. 884-2152. iRESTAURANT tables and chairs - 20 pieces $95: fryer $95; display case 315; illumin- 1ated sign $20; cooler $125; cash register $50. 478-4175. c1w38 {rooms furniture, plus washer, dryer and Ski-doc. 884-9309. *1\\'38 CANADIXNA’sideboard wash- stands, small tables, chests. child’s crib. 889-7439. c3w38 CONSOLE n’u’mant 'l‘V, $35. 889-2141. clw38 DOUBLE bed, bed Chesterfield suitable for cottage, coffee table, electrical appliances, TV, table lamps, toboggan. 884- 9338. clw38 4iKeystone mag wheels with tires. C70 Firestone. 884-6684. *2w38 DESK $27.50; wringet $25; re- frigerator $25; youth bed $12; crib $9; cultivator $75; pool; table $145. 478-4175. c1w38 COMPLETE Spanish bedroom suite. Sonya portable washer, like new buffet with bar. 888- 1111. (‘l\\'38 TENT trailer. hard top‘ sleeps 6. used 3 weeks. loaded with extras. Was $1.800. Sacrifice at $1,150. 884-9785 after 6 pm. ‘ c2w38 BOY'S bike, front load Frigiâ€"ports, daire dishwasher. chestex‘fielmpayron suite. 2 Datsun tires, baby cribï¬ 884-8739. c1w38| ( ECA Victor 12" portable TVl and stand. excellent condition $100. 884-2569. c1w38 LAIï¬'S coat, dress. hat. shoes, ensemble. Size 18. Other cloth- ing size 18. Vacuum cleaner. 884-8054 after 5 pm. c1\\'38 GRAVELY tractor and attach- .ments. 884-8393. clw38 ‘LIL INDIAN mini bike. $100, excellent condition. Blair, 888- :.1770. c1\\'38 FOR SALE New or‘Pre-Owned, the Area's Best Selection Listed Here Weekly! WANTED “034 NURSES Registered Nursing Assistants ,. Can and Practical Nurses required “C24 for days‘(8 - 4.30) and nights ._â€"_ _â€" (12 â€" 8). Full and part time condl' positions available. Also nurses N0 required for occasional relief. ‘31W38 Experience necessary. Trans- portation available, The Villa, H3317. Bathurst St. Thornhili. Mrs. c3w38‘Stewart, 889-7904. c4w35 c1w38 DOUBLE YOUR INCOME ‘ If yell are not afraid of work you can be a success in the Real Estate Business. Top training, lcommission, and bonus offered, ‘plus congenial people to work with. 3 representatives needed {to complete our 1971 expansion program. Talk to one of our salesmen or call Mr. White or Mr. Cuff â€" 889-6241. NORM BLACK REALTY LTD. 6SEDioil furnace with burner and all controls, $60. 832-8957. CIW38 WANTED imrï¬ediately. Home- makers for busy Thornhill agency. 889-8047. 7 tfc36 Clerk Typists and Stenographers Like varietyTReceptionist dutâ€" ies like greeting customers are combined with interesting genâ€" eral office work. Light dicta- tion for stenographers, work lamong congenial' career men ‘iand women in modern neighbor- hood office. Good starting sal- ary7 Many benefits, paid vaca- tions. I r CARRIER “The Liberal†requires a re- sponsible boy or girl for an es- tablished paper route in the King Sideroad area of Oak Ridges. For further details please phone Mrs. Norma Moss at 884-1105. nc3vw36 please phone Mrs. Norma Moss at 884-1105. nc3w36 5,; 22, 1971. â€" {Men or women over 18 years of )oriage with automobiles. Call 368- 8"3911, ext. 750, 9 am - 4 pm. 3alMonday thru Friday only. HELP WANTED FULL time experienced steno- phohé; 5‘ grapher-receptionist. 889-4923. keeping, “1“38 not essei GENERAL Insurance Company 884-9211 in Thornhill has opening for ex-‘gï¬â€™ï¬lâ€"C‘ perienced coding clerk. Contacturainee‘ Mr. Beadle, 889-6204 or 699vv‘incnned, 8809 evenings ihecause‘he enjoy; the work. y’I'NspECTonis'SVPACKERS ‘ If you fit this general deS-‘Required immediately for P135“ cription and are prepared to‘uc plant. Keele St. North of accept responsibility, we \VOUld‘Hwy. 7. Vacancies available on be happy to talk to you. It may the afternoon shift 3:30 pm to require several interviews and 11;30 pm or on the night shift certainly will require proof of 11:30 pm to 7:30 am. Teleâ€" your ability. However, if you are phone for appointment 9:30 - the right person we can pro-l11:30 am, Mrs. McMillan, 889â€" mise it will be well worth your17331. 01W33 “me and tmuble- ï¬wmmcï¬vm‘r Neat young man with 3-4 years bookkeeping for position with future. $7,000. WE NEED A REAL ESTATE SALES MANAGER Our past experience tells us the person we are looking for is married and with at least two years real estate sales experi- ence. In all likelihood well thought of by fellow agents and presently working long hours because he enjoys the work. Trans-Canada Pipe Lines, area office, 6th Concession North, Vaughan T o w n s h ip requires mature stenographer: typing 55 WPM, shorthand, dictaphone, and previous general office ex- Call 884-6944 A1 EMPLOYMENT AGENCY March 18, 1971 perience necessary. Hours 8:30 am to 4:30 pm. Monday to Fri- day. Successful candidate will require own transportation. For appointment call Mr. Wardrobe. 832-2221. c1\\'38 Small office in Richvale re- quires capable person for writ- ing full set of books to trial balance, typing invoices and re- pons, and preparing weekly Commence April 1. Call 889-8634 for appointment. c1w38 In your own neighborhood Toronto and all suburban areas. DELIVERY STARTS MARCH HIGH SCHOOL GRADS AND BEGINNERS SECRETARY. legal, t y p i n g s h o r t h a n d and dictaphone FOR SALE 15 Yonge Street N. 884-4431 EXTRA MONEY DELIVER TELEPHONE BOOKS Call Hi-Corps Personnel Richmond Hill 884-6970 (Continued) BOOKKEEPER AURORA HFC TY LTD. ' tfc28 Assistants required 1d nights )art time 50 nurses a1 relief. Trans- ?‘lie Villa, ill. Mrs. c4w35 y. Home- Thornhill. tfc36 Required by the Bank of Nova' Scotia, Hwy. 7 and Keele. Plionej 889-4128. c2w38 EXPERIENCE teller wanted. Excellent working conditions. Salary commensurate with experience. For appointment.‘ phone 889-7528. Royal Bank of} Canada, Keele and Hwy. 7, Con-‘ cord. 02w38 SCHOOL bus drivers wanted for morning and afternoon routes. 294-0622 Glen Hincks. c1w38 BOOKKEE‘PER-Secretary for 1 girl office for electrical contrac- tor location Hwy. 7 and Keele. 889-3923. clw38 Kern. 889- cl W33 c1w38 c1w38 c1w38 c2w38 c1w38 FARM SALESMAN Representative for farm and in- vestment properties. Our long established company offers an opportunity for a land specialist to earn a more substantial in- come than average Real Estate sales. For interview appt. call Mr. McLean 889-1176 or 889- 3419. David McLean Ltd. Real- tors, 74 Steeles Ave. W. PERSioN interested in earning a second income. 889-9607. 889'3923- , elww GERMAN short-haired pointers,’ SALES HELP ‘three months old. Three solidl Advertising sales people to selliliver brown, one white and liver space on town maps, free to ticked. Champion sired from travel, age 2501‘ over, excellent Germany‘s leading blood line. [income on commission basis. Excellent hunters and show Morgan Davis Printing. 889- stock. 640-2289 after 7:30 pm. | ,4850. c1w38 c1w38 MATURE man {51- greenhouse EERDEAN Shepherd dog, 8 work. Full time. Apply in per- months old. 859-3987. clw38~ son Bayview Florists, 16th Av- Grng and tht ' ’7' ' ' l ' . . e female kltten, enue’ RR 1‘ BMW“ “1;,†3 months. Free. 334â€"3342. Bâ€"Aï¬SITTER for week of March 22, age 16 or over. Cen- tre-Bayview area. 884-5767. Anna PACKER, shipper, driver re- quired, for meat packing plant, much have chauffeurs’ license. be well groomed. Apply 69 In- dustrial Road, Richmond Hill. cle8 HELP WANTED HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS (Continued) (Continued) aBOOKKEEPING and account- SHAMPOOING EXPERIENCED bookkeeper or accountant. Full or part timn to operate a complete set of books. 884-4952. c1w38 EXPERIENCED practical nurse, wanted part time for small nursing home in Richmond Hill. 884-7646. c1w38 ATTRACTIVE mature lady, for showroom office; typing, tele- phone, some knowledge of book- keeping, shorthand an asset but not essential. Call Mrs. Osborne, SERVICE station attendant or trainee. must be mechanically inclined, neat appearance, frien- dly, honest, references required. Apply Texaco. 7161 Yonge Street, Thornhill. 9-6pm daily. c1w38 ACCOUNTS receivable clerk for busy office. Typing and own transportation essential. Experience of One-Wright sys- tem helpful. Call Mrs. Cass, 884-8189. c2w38 Over 25 for light van. Must be reliable. Steady work. ACCOUNTS RECEIVABLE CLERK Required for progressive man- ufacturing company. Fully ex- perienced person to take charge of credit and collection duties and statistical reporting. Please contact Mr. R. Stone, 889-7356. c1w38 CAPABLE person, wéekdgys weekends, part time. Please apply Scott‘s Chicken Villa, in person only. 191 Yonge St. N.. Richmond Hill. c1w38 CLEANING_ woman wanted 3‘C days a week. Bayview-Steeles tc area. 889-6867. clw38 E ’sXLESPERs'BEI with experi-|;P mca. UUV'VUVI- SALESPERSON with experi-|;PICTURESQUE, Maple ence in children's weal: part‘southeast Parry Sound. time. Apply in person. Young‘lots. hydro; good roads People's Fashions, Richmond $2000 to $5000. Weekel Heights Centre, 884-2925. iview by :snowmobile. c1“~38;c110ice. 476-5551, evenin _‘ riAâ€"â€" â€" 44-4..‘4529. Phone 884-1105-6 or 884-1983 . To Order Want Ads 0 To Receive Help in Writing Want Ads 0 For Information About Want Ads HOUSEKEEPER for elderly gentleman in modern country home. Write Box 24, “The Lib- eral". c1w38 MOTHER‘S helper for Asgmmer‘ 441 SECRETARIAL positions bpen at Thornhill Secondary and Langstaff Secondary Schools â€" full time, 12 months. Salary commensurate to qualifications and fringe benefits. Apply in writing to Mr. N. C. Jackman. Business Officer. 59 Yonge St. Richmond Hill. stating edu- cation and experience. c1w38 V'I‘ELLER-TYPIST 889â€"1265 afternoons DRIVER CUILCL’LIUII[ _ _.V, reporting: Describing lots, areas and prices. R. Stone, Best vacation propeLty in On- c1w38‘;tari0. Cally 773-4352. c1w38 c1w38 c1w38 c1w38 clw38 c1w38 lays & WHAT P'RICE CAR ARE Please LOOKING FOR? $18, In Low, middle, high? You‘ll find t. cars in eVefy price range ad- '31“38 vertised in “The Liberal" Used Ited 3‘Ca1’s Column. See for yourself, Steelesfloday. There's plenty to choose c1w38 from. ‘ _ (Continued‘ iBOOKKEEPING and account- PARTSMAN, experienced. Full ing services for small businesses. time, permanent position. Usual;889-5683. tfc33 benefits. Apply at the office. â€"â€"E* *wï¬â€"‘rf Canadian Tire Store. 70 Yonge‘BAs MENTS‘ garages‘ “1 S . . V 1cleaned up. Junk hauled away. (St. N.. Richmond H111. c1xx38 8842916 after 4 pm. ,k1w38 ï¬T‘IERAL carpenti‘y. recreation {rooms, kitchens and repairs. 13.45., van-"+11 hm: \ 884-2505- C4W36 ‘x‘r-." gi‘fBERNARD cross Newfound- landel's puppies. $35 each. 887- 5508. *1w38 New owner Betty Forsyth. Dog grooming â€"â€" poodles a specialty. Jill Goddard. 889-3606. tfc18 iSOODLE pub}: Silver and ap- ricot. Immunized. 884-6112. PUREBRED mini collie puppyJ male, 12 wks, Champion stock, full grown approx. 12â€. defect in one eye, will sell reasonable or swap for what have you. 832-l 1434. c1w38] Eï¬ï¬MAN Shepherd dog, a months old. 859-3987. c1w38 GRE? and thte femaie kitt'en 3 months. Free. 884-3342. THE FIN & WHISKER PET SHOP 57 TEMPERANCE ST. AURORA 727 -6762 GRAND OPENING March 18 to 21 9 am ~ 9 pm Special opening prices. free give-aways. clw38 c1w38 GERMAN Shepherd, male 4 months. Vpui‘ebi‘ed; 5150 small white female cat. 884-9719. DEAD 01‘ crippled farm animals nicked up promptly. For direct line call Long Distance and ask for Zenith 32800. Call anytime. HTEE Bï¬oï¬wkns _ Ed Peconi 8:7 Son. Woodville, )nl. Licence No. 324C - 66. tfc44 ANYTHING can be sold by auc- tion in' 0111“ large showroom. Furniture, car, boat, etc. Sold on commission or bought out- right for cash. DUNN AUCTION SERVICE RECEPTIEVIST / ' Experience in multi-doctor clinic â€" some 1 BEDROOM apartment, suit- able for young couple. 884-5226. clw38 3 OR 4 bedroom bungalow in Richmond Hill area. 884-2433. ' tfc38 3 BEDROOM house. ViEiBity of Richmond Hill‘ Reasonable. August 1. 884-5466. c1w38 HIPLOYMENT WANTED WANTED TRAVEL 884-9394 SQUE, Maple Lake, Parry Sound. cleared 0; good roads. Price $5000. Weekend preâ€" Zsnowmobile. First 6-5551, evenings 476- c2w3'7 clw38 14-5 R. CLARK 33‘Plain and Decorative Plastering, ’07} Repairs 3 Speciality { Free Estimates Phone 884-1245 tfc2 A-C ELECTRIC COMFKIEIY' Commercial and residential wir- ‘ing. Free estimates. 884-4532. CONCRETE repairs and install, patio steps. curbs, outside bar- lbecues etc. Free estimates. 773- ‘5127. c4w36 R & R AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRS Repairs to all makes. Reason- able. Nightly call after 6: 30 pm. 889-6814. c4w38 BAKER’S BACKHOE EXCAVATING Trenching. sewer & water lines. footings. 889-3604. tfc2 footings. 889-3604. tfc2;â€""0’N'TARIO Sm’OL 0F PMNTING 1 UPHOLSTERY 8‘ PAPERHANGING :Chesterfields and chairs re- R- E- DUNN Ecovered like new. 727-3303 iPAY FOR MATERIALS ONLY “Cls‘NO ADDITIONAL CHARGE GENERAL contracting, altera- FOR LABOR tions and additions, homes, Ofâ€" Al} work guaranï¬eed fices, factories. Custom carpen- PICk up and dellvery try of all descriptions. LeSIFREE ESTIMATES 763-1194 Webb. 889â€"2546. tfc3] “€28 zeflRECREATION rooms, altera-‘mm ggitions, and repairs, unfinishedflreI T‘ fireplaces completed. Stone and 248 m‘brick entrances â€"â€" kitchens and :2 33' hallways. can be applied over’ : 8 existing walls. *__7 of Walker Construction 1 S 19, 884-2882 01' 1 RUBBER STAMPS Several type faces to choose from â€"â€"including Script. Block letters. Outline and signature â€"â€" fast service. Call “The Liberal" 884- 1105. HARRISONS CUSTOM CARPENTRY Custom built homes, renova- tions, additions, and repairs. Kitchens a speciality. Morris Harrison. 884â€"2838. tfc45 E; w. PAYNE Drains, septic tanks. All types of concrete work. 889-5762 FREE ESTIMATES tfc31 RALPH ELMS DECORATING Painting, paperhanging. inter- ior and exterior. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. 887-5610. CHIMNEYS Chimneys and fireplaces built and repaired. Free estimates. Expert workmanship. 20 years experience. Phone 884-2882. WALKER CONSTRUCTION ALUMINUM HOME IMPROVEMENTS Alcan â€"â€" siding, Eavestroughs Doors and Windows For free estimates call your Local Contractor HANS BUTT 889-4106 ATTIC INSULATION Blmm polystyrene foam. mod- ern, efficient lowest cost system. Exclusive agents. free estimates. Phone Rexdale 247â€"9744. Even- ings, King City. 833-5559. .nn _ FIK‘Lâ€"A‘YELECTRIC ‘ Outside lighting maintenance, equipped with ladder truck. Alli commercial residential and in-', 7 dusti‘ial wiring. Freenestimates. fEARLING PAINTING & PAPERHANGING R. E. DUNN 727-3303 'ï¬ï¬dzï¬ï¬ï¬tâ€"BROTHERS CONSTRUCTION rrun Innu INTERIOR: EXTERIOR 1971 5K1-Doo 44o -â€" â€" â€" â€"â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" 'or best offer. Call PAINTING \ 4657. PAINTING 884-2433 c5w38 5â€". REID LAWNMOWER ; SALES AND SERVICE {Complete lawnmower and snow- tfczg'mobile repairs and service. ,râ€"lOpen 8 am - 9 pm. 884-7716. :‘t-c46i1969 SKIROUIjEiZZ hp. good condition. $350. 884-2226. mates- YEARLING grey filly. Sire Lafite, Dam Lucky Miss (full _tf93§;sister to Argyll). Conformation alteraflhunter type. Also jumper and ni:hpd dressage. 884-2878 days. 221- tm3lf970'sx1-noo 12.3 tfc21 tfc23 tfc3 tfc SHAMPOOING SPRING SPECIAL Rugs and' chesterfields. Day or night. 884â€"2433. tfc20 DO you have fruit trees that need pruning. or tree cutting to be done. Call E. C. Doak, 859- 4428. *2w38 and 2481 evenings NORTHERN PAINTING Residential, commercial paint- ing, interior and exterior. Paper- hanging. 884-5697. tfc49 ,____ c3w3§LTH0RNHILL Sublet bachelor. ï¬YéHiJâ€"fgcommended Even byf$135. Pool, gym, sauna. Under- friends Eground parking. 889-9752. 22 Richmond St. Thornhill â€"â€" Specialists m plaster. stucco, ceramic tile floor tile, carpentry, drywall concrete. Small or large jobs 889-3031 or 889-5530 Lowest rates, all properties, any area. TAILORINE, dressmaki’ng, al- terations for all the family. 773- 5671. tfc23 DRE§SMAKING and altera- tions. 889-8054. tfc32 DRESSMAKING and altera-i tions, reasonable, pickup andi delivery. 384-8485. c4w361 EXPERIENCED dressmaking and alterations of all kind, in-_ eluding children's clothes. Reaâ€"3 sonable. 884-4171. c4w37b 2 ’I‘NT‘s ss’s’Sxi-doos, 45 hp. $500 each or package deal After 3.30 pm, 884-7426. 884-3875 Mrs. H. i“. Alina. 343 Boisdale Avenue, Richmond Hill. Please call Mayfair Textiles. 884-6428. c1w38 you: -V...---_ A...†-...- _ , , c1w38 # ROOM & BOARD GENTLEMAN to share room in lovely country home. G o o d meals, packed lunches. 884- 8855. c1w38 ROOM and board for gentleman. 773-5770. tfc38 ROOM and board. Female only. 384-5351. c1w38 ‘OTTRA'CTIVE room available, ‘gentleman only, parking, 889- 3270. c1w38 l LIVESTOCK .MARCH 27. SATURDAY â€"â€" 1 1pm. Auction Sale of farm mach- Iinery including. Oliver 770 _T1'actor, International Self pro- pelled Combine Model No. 93. ‘10 ft. width, Case baler with 'motor. 3 pt.. hitch, 2 furrow Dearborne plow, one way disc l10 plate 3 pt. hitch, Cyclone seeder, chain saw 23 in., Mulkey lhay and grain elevator. Many iother items including misc. ;items for Gordon and Lois Av- ‘ery, Lot 11. Con. 6, Town- ‘ship of Vaughan 13 mile west of Highway 400 then north from Highway 7, 1‘4 miles. Terms cash. Cord Orr. Auctioneer. clw38 ROOM and board. Female only. 884-5351. c1w38 ATTRACTIVE room available, gentleman only, parking, 889- 3270. clw38 ED LOWE REALTOR LTD DRESSMAKING PERRI-STYLE (custom) Upholstering 1*SIET of keys on ring. in front of Pop's Tavern. 773-5498, SNOWMOBILES MORTGAGES MORTGXGIEMONEY AVAILABLE AEBERICO'S GENERAL REPAIRS PERSONAL ESALE REGISTERS 226-0337 evenings LIVESTOCK FOR SALE FOUND 481-6876 Specialists __in __ “Wm? SELF contoined 2 bedroom )5, 45 hp.,fapartmenl, south of Richmond {age deal._Hill. 1 or 2 children welcome. 426. ‘833-5868. c1w38 cEwflilpLANT and office space to best offenlrent. 2000 square f_t. Goodwill c1w38:Fabricating Company, 167 Cen- E‘NT’ $500ltre Street East, Richmond Hill. I Tom,‘ 889_‘884-8981. tfc38 384-6885 tfc30 FURNISHED room, cookingl Efacilities, 16 Lorne. lst house 15'01‘1east of Bork's Jewellers at thZP‘Yonge. tfc51 ithatlf‘TfIï¬ï¬SHED room, c o o k i n g “g to and parking facilities. Please 859'lphone 884-1194 for appointment. 2w33l tfc15 . EFOR lease, 3,000 - 6,000 sq. ft. "‘mt' industrial space, Newkirk Road. aDer-‘F‘eatures dock level loading, “C49 16'6" clear, immediate posses- sion, $110 net. Lored Con- , struclion Ltd. 630-9500. {$165. month, includes hydro, soft tfc31|watel‘, fridge, stove, etc.. near [Richmond Heights Shopping c1w36 tfc32 .RGE _1194,ferred. Call 884-8323. tfc2812 BEDROOM apartment and 1 I | TD ‘man. Call Mr. vinent. ‘7 any$330 or 884-9512. ‘THORNHILL, to share, lovely “0..., .u. mnw'ï¬iiéiï¬ Yviapie. 832-1113. c1w38 ROOM for rent, gentleman pre- c1w38 bedroom apartment on a paved road, 30 minutes from Toronto;_« lake frontage 1 bedroom apart. offers heat, light and water, $150 month: 2 bedroom apartment, $170 monthly. 773-i c1w38 2’bedroom, furniture an asset, 1 child accepted. 226-2032. 6- 8pm. c1w38 ATTRACTIVE modern bedsit- v.w. stationwagon. 1964. excel- lent condition. Many extras in- cluding Blaupunkt radio (Am- Fm). $795. 884-7689. A c1w38 1964 CHEV. 6 cly. automatic. Certified. 889-2742. c1w38 1964 OLDS 4 dr. $595; 1963 Chev. convertible V8, $350; 1963 Buick 4 dr. $595: 1964 ,Ford Fairlane Wagon $495; 1963 Ford Galaxie h.t. $350; 1963 Chevy II $150. Pinecrest Motors Ltd, Hwy. 7 and Cdsta Road (next to Speedway). 889-4666. c1w38 1966 CHEVROLET Biscayne 4 dr. sedan, auto., low mileage, $700. 884-7880. chi/36 ting, room. 889-5326. _c1w38 1967 HD.3/4 ton Ford tï¬i‘ck, c1\\'38 c1w38 prob-'MARCH 19, FRIDAY at 1 pm.“‘."’." "‘“W†i" Writel1â€" Auction sale of household dmon' Take ovel payments r c3111furnitu1‘e including many anti- trade for truCk' tfc17fques. for Ifhe Benjamin Cobe4r 1965 Dodge. rebuilt engine, ï¬f-‘festate at at 34. Concession ,‘bod ‘ob_ 334,9309_ r‘lce’ Markham Township, on Don yJ *1 "3 '38 Mills Road. 12 mile south of’________â€"-â€"â€" “ “ _Gormley. Terms cash. no re- _ Transportatwn isdale sewe. Frank Bennett auctioneer. 3192991 c2w37 *, ,# 7-, s__.__ '7 1) clw38 LARGE lot and garage on Yonge St., suitable for repair ishop or taxi station. Call 884- l2762, 783-6229, 783-2762. - PROFESSIONALLY finished, self-contained 2 bedroom apart- ment, fireplace in living room. fridge ï¬nd stove. Markham Road and Bayview area. Adults only. 884-7710. c1w37 2 BEDROOM APARTMENT Centre. Adults. Children over 16. Call 884-2475. tfc37_ 6ï¬E bedroom iti'ent. 884-1638. c1w37 ROOM for rent, many benefits. 884-9714. c2w37 2 BEDROOM apartment avail‘ able May 1, 1 child only. Apply superintendent, 441 Elmwood. c2w38 FURNISHED bedsitting room, light housekeeping for gentle- man. Call Mr. Elliott, Maple. 832-1113. c1w38 2 WINTERIZED 2 bedroom cottages, on North Road, Oak Ridges. 773â€"4486. c1w38 tfl‘érwm- 889'5326- .CI‘V33 1967 £113.54 ton Ford truck, 2 WINTERIZED 2 bedroom 29,000 miles. certified excellent. cottagesy 011 North Road. Oak many extras. Asking $1,595. 889- Ridges. 773â€"4486. c1w38‘1593, c2w38 2 BEDROGM algaï¬meï¬t \Vithtfl Pontiac Laurentian sta- fireplace, south of Richmond tionwagon. v-3 and power. Lie, Hill- 389'5344- - clw38 36430. $2295. 2 to choose from. BRIGHT 1 bedroom abutment. furnished. 889-1234. tfc38 1970 CAMERO, V-8 andbptlnver. “ 11 000 miles one owner a ance ACCOMMODATION to share ’ '. u with single girl or woman and‘0f 50’000 ""19 ‘V‘rranty' MUSt ‘ ' be seen to be appreciated. Only ‘Chlld. Evenings, 889-5404. MOM “M nampmn- Kinnear ROOMS of various sizes suit- able for meetings of groups up to 150 people. available for rent in Richmond Hill on a weekly 01‘ monthly basis. Rates avail- able on request. Phone 884-4045. c4w38 Râ€"CYOM in Richmond Hill. no cooking or parking. 884â€"9427. _ MARCH 31. WEDNESDAY â€"- At 1 p.m.. Auction Sale of farm machinery, including 3 tractors. combine S.P., 12 foot, stocker cattle, hogs, tools, furniture, many antiques, and many other articles. The property of Leslie Hart, at Lot 27, Concession 4, Markham Township on Don Mills Road. 5 miles north of Highway 7. No reserve, terms cash. Frank Bennett auctioneer. TO RENT c1w37 clw38 l\\'38 tfc38 Call Bev Barry, 653-3001 m 884-4481. clw38 _ I; ,,__.,___ "â€" 1964 MERCURY. Completely powered. Excellent condition. ' â€"11968 Meteor, showroom condi- éh11ddition. Take over payments or M. ; trade for truck. 13,000 miles. Alter 6 pm. 884- 3692.. c1w38 1964 CHRYSLER Windsor,_ 1 Owner. 52,000 miles. After 6 pm. 884-3692. c1w38 1965 MUSTANG, 6 cylinder. 3 speed standard, certified. 58.000 miles. Full price $650. Call after 6 pm. 773-4537. c2w37 1964 CORVAIR. good running condition» $175 as is. 884-2264. clw37 1964 METEOR, best offer. 889- 5076. c1w38 1969 DODGE 1 1969 RAMBLER American. 6 cyl. standard. Good condition. 884-6126 after 6. c1r\\'38 NEW engine plus other parts from 1960 Falcon stationwagon. 8,000 miles. 884-8557. c1w38 1968 FIREBIRD Sprint 6,'grcen. white vinyl roof, 22,900 miles, $1500. To close estate. Power steering and disc brakes. auto., Ziebart protected. 773-4695 af- ter 4.30 pm. L-lw38 \1964 RAMBLER American, 6 cylinder, standard. 1971 plates: asking $275. 773-5405. clw38 1970 MAVERICK. st 3 n d a rd transmission, radio, white walls and wheel discs. $1795. 773- 5415. c1w38 1969 lent 6566 136i 1964 PONTIAC convertible. Certified with plates. $500. Ap- ply R. LaFleur, Woodland Park, South Road. Lake Wilcox. 1967 FORD F100 Ranger, V8 engine, 3 speed overdrive trans- mission, tono cover, step bum« per. Must be seen to be ap- preciated. Best offer. 773-5763. c1w38 1970 CAMERO, V-8 and power, 11,000 miles, one owner balance of 50,000 mile warranty. Must be seen to be appreciated. Only $3395. Don Cameron, Kinnear Pontiac-Buick Ltd. 884-4481. EACHER, piano and theory, establishing Ric h m o n d Hill. mum-7; “C50 WOULD like a ridï¬Em Rich- mond Hill to 400 Hwy. about 6 am. Rick. 884-4837. .uou 884-3925 DAY Near bAY‘c’azTe for infant. $10. pel week. Beverley Acres. 884-6235 WESTERN 2 ton roller com- plete with sprinkler system. Shertzer 2 ton roller, electric starting. 3 ton tilt-top tag-along trailer. 1 (Mon and 1 3-ton. 1 caterpiller 955 loader. Aâ€"l con- dition. Mr. Smith. 884-8842. USED CARS VAUXHALL Viva, excel- condition. best offer. 884- c1w38 DAY CARE care for 1 or 2 children Crosby school. 884-5356.; Inudustrial Equipment TUITION 6 cly. automatic. .2742. c1w38 far. $59?1963 tan 1 owne ‘1‘; 400 CU. e, chrome :rain side retail ap‘ green, miles, Power auto., 95 af- {-1w38 c1w38 c1w38 51 or clw33 *1-w38 c1w38 new