Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 Apr 1971, p. 12

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But the Steelers did manage to get a taste of the action playing an exhibition game against the “A"-rated Ottawa squad and battled them to a 0-0 tie which was pretty nice to take too. Half a loaf is better than none as they say. Coach Ham and Manager Sandy Dunlop (well known in minor hockey circles around here and form- erly head of the RHMHA) figure the kids got a real boost when the executive came up with a sponsor in the name of Bond Steel, got some new sweaters, and kept on winning. l I reason why the team has gone good. “We have three lines all of which could be interchangeable as our first line.” Those players include the likes of Al Graham, Dennis Acomb, Val Steffan, Greg Wol- oski, Kim Mabley, Bill Guianne, Terry Rice, Paul Bailey, Terry O’Brien. Defencemen are Hugh Cutâ€" ler, Pete Raneri, Mike Graydon, Tom Taylor. and Tod Price Midgets to Georgetown in the finals and the dreamâ€" hubble for the minor midgets had been pricked. No tournament after all. Fate had waved her fickle finger but briefly at the minor midgets and then had passed on her way. But it was a rosy dream while it lasted. This was the almost exciting story that didn’t happen which is also a part of life. Sometime it happens, more often. it simply almost happens; Lu". “‘lThe key is to treat the kids like men because that's what they are. They’re around the 15-year- old age bracket and you‘re not handling children any more.” 190 POUNDS YET The most imposing player on the squad has to he Hughie Cutler who at the age of 15 rattles the scales (and opponents on occasion) at 190 pounds. “Hughie improved tremendously this season and is a real good player. He isn't always rough but he can be as rough as you want to make him.” The Steelers can also lay claim to having some glamor in the lineup in the person of Tod Price who does some modelling for television. nuyu fun but also discipline and there is definitely no swearing allowed in the dressing room . “Naturally we call him ‘The Model’," states Ham. “But he’s been having his problem looking like one this season. Just recently he got bashed against the boards. Broke his nose. But he just keeps coming." Mustn’t forget to mention that the trainer on the club is young Steve Sexton who had the mis- fortune a few years ago to lose an eye while play- ing hockey. come ”’0 So there you have it. Don’t want to forget to mention that this does, definiter do, ends hockey for this season in this space. Play ball. ODDS AND ENDS And speaking of ball, the local teams (Dynes Jewellers. Kent Clothes Juniors) will be holding an indoor tryout session tonight (Thursday) at 7:30 pm at Bayview Secondary School. You are all wel- Note here that Dynes Jewellers Manager Rus- sell Cripps, Treasurer Angus Philip. and Sponsor Vern Dynes, took in the annual Ontario Amateur Softball Association 49th annual meeting over the weekend in Sarnia. New president is Leroy Pickard of St. Cath- arines who replaces Toronto‘s Max Scheff who has been the big boss for the past two years. Secretary is Cliff Beléh of Belleville , , , sport 9pm . . . KLEINBIIRG GOLF CLUB FULL MEMBERSHIPS FROM $150.00 OPEN APRIL 17 PAY-ASâ€"YOU-PLAY Pro-Manager Len Diplock TWIN HILLS ‘ILIam states there hasn't been pnyflgpefeal â€" ARE YOU -.- '68 VOLKSWAGEN De- luxe. radio. Lic. 278692. ’68 COUGAR hardtop. Green with black vinyl top, V8. automatic, pow- er steering. radio. Lic. R3173K‘ $2295. ’68 FORD long box pick- up. Lic. 659488. 445 YONGE STREET N. RICHMOND HILL PHONE 884-4441 - 889-7703 Working? 21 years old? Willing to make payments? New in the country? THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario. Thursday, April 8. 1971 - MERCURY FOR CREDIT APPROVAL Even if you 0 Were turned down elsewhere 0 Are new on your job 0 Are a new resident $1395. 889-7564 MANY MORE TO CHOOSE FROM $1495. (Continued from Page 11) Georgetown in the finals and the dream- the minor midgets had been pricked. No VOLKSWAGENS DIP YOUR TOE IN COUGARS TRUCKS (‘A LL NOW ‘68 COUGAR hardtop. Yellow with brown vinyl top. 4 speed. radio. Lic. N74985. $2095. '67 VOLKSWAGEN De- luxe, radio. Lic. N77875 ’69 FORD E-300 Econo- line. V8. Lic. 65947B. $1095. $2195. 851-0115 l After three days of curling the winner of the Scott McCann Trophy was a Richmond Hill rink, composed of Irwin and Jean Coney‘beare and Audrey and John Graydon. They played another Richmond Hill rink 1composed of Tom and June lBush and Bill and Shirley Hall. Aces 4, Nationals 1 Counting for the Aces were Matt Knights and Stephen Shannon with a goal and an as- sist each, Glen Apps and Rus- sel Thompson with a tally each, Michael Barnett and Dale More- land with a helper each. The pointgetter for Nationals was Paul Harrietha with Ben ,Howe helping. Richmond Hill Curling Club held its 12th Annual Shillelagh Bonspiel recently and it again proved to he a highly successful affair. with rinks from Hunts- ville. Bracebridge, Windsor and many other towns taking to the ice with stones and brooms. KINSMEN MAJOR MITES 2nd Game of 2 Game, Total Goals Semi-Final Series Kings 4, Rams 1 Craig Halliday slipped two goals past the Rams’ goalie and picked up two assist points to lead Kings to victory. Lionel Gendl‘eau and Kevin Kernohan Peter Atkinson earned an assist. each put the puck in the net and Peter Atkinson earned an as- sist. V For Rams Ian Ball was helped by John McLaughlin on the only counter. Correction â€"â€" In last week‘s game John Cabrelli scored the goal credited in error to Peter Atkinson. Kings won the two-game series 9-1. For Perry Hill R i c h a r d Hughes connected for a pair of counters and Mike Rice for one, with assist points going- to Gary Carvin, Hughes and Sean Wil- son NOVICES Playoff Semi-Finals Rumble Transport 4 Braddock Optical 1 Steve Bowers shot the puck home twice and Randy Johnston and Jim Rumbles once each for Rumbles with Richard Barker getting two helpers and John Burnett and Peter Long one each. Reiner Pleshberg was aided by Garry Leger and Chris Bed- ford on Braddock‘s counter. Rumbles won the semi-final round. Consumers Gas 4 Wilson-Niblett 4 Steve Young bagged two counters and Steve Smalley and Tom Peden one each for Con- sumers with Angus McGregor coming up with three assists and Peden with one. Wâ€"N‘s goals were shared by Neil RothWell, Ross Querenges- ser. Andrew Beckwith and Steve Harris with Harry Lewandow- ski. David Draper. Beckm‘th. Querengesser and Richard Simp- son getting assists. Exhibition Dan’s Esso 5 Allencourt Pharmacy 3 Jim Mark clicked for a hat trick. Ken Wood and Dean Ca- potosto connected for a single- ton each with Capotosto getting another three points for as- sists. Mike O‘Hara, Robert Bar- clay. and Clark Breuls two each. and Gary Gentry one. DaVidVCates potted for Allen Richmond Hill Curling Club Shillelagh Bonspiel By BOB JIIAVIIfi 110mm RES! 111 * The third event for the Wil- son-Niblett Trophy was won by another Richmond Hill Rink, composed of Elgin and Mary Barrow and Pat and Dick Mills over George Rumney of Union- ville. The second event tht> A. R. Davey Trophy was won by Don Bank from the Beach Grave Club in Windsor over Jerry Pollock from Sutton. Plans for the next year‘s big event are already underway and iitr ‘should be eOen bigger and better than any to date. ROSS J R. court with Phil McLaughlin ad- ding the other. Assists were earned by Robert Parnis. Kerry Martin, Bradley O‘Hara, and Gates with one each and Jim Dwyer with two. ATOMS Rice's Flowers 5 Sheppard & Gill 4 Four big goals were netted by Richard Girai'd for Rice‘s with the fifth being contributed by Edward Rayner. Active in the assist department were Jeff Reynolds. Stephen Hoult and Diego Minchel'la. For S & G the big guns were Glen Doyle with two, Steve White and Danny McVeigh with one each. Doyle, Kevin Bryan. Wayne McCartney and McVeigh and Brian Smith collected as- sists. For Seymour‘s it was Scott Kerr with one and Terry Sur- tees with two with Joe Coleman assisting on Kerr‘s counter. Saturday, April 17th -â€" IO AM. to 3 PM. CONVENERS - COACHES - UMPIRES RICHMOND HILL ARENA OAK RIDGES lIONS HALI. N0 REGISTRATION ACCEPTED AFTER THIS DATE GIRLS, AGES 7-11, 12-17 BOYS, AGES 7-16 SPECIAL MEETING RICHMOND HILL MINOR BALL ASSOCIATION FEES: $4 per Player â€" $10 per Family THIS INCLUDES SEPTEMBER TOURNAMENT Registration forms must be signed by parent or guardian Proof of age required from all new applicants AND ALL INTERESTED PARTIES SUNDAY, APRIL 25th â€"- 1:30 P.M. LEGION HALL FINAL BALL REGISTRATION i FINALS: The victory was Bayview’s first ever in this tournament, and the trophy is now on display in the girls’ gym. Congratulations to the team members, Joyce Collier, Gemma Rucci, Joâ€"Anne Rumble. and Debbie Stoness, for their well deserved victory. Scorers from Bayview for this tournament were lnta Liepens and Daniele Pilotte. ARCHERY On March ‘20, the Bayvigw Secondary Archery Team participated in and won the Sportsmen Col- legiate Archery Tournament held at the Sports- man’s Show in Toronto. The tournament included 17 schools, which were all exclusively from the Toronto area. Bay- view’s score was 1171 points for eight ends, with each girl shooting six arrows per end. The second place team was Richview Collegiate from Etobicoke. Richview had won the tournament six of the last seven years. As you probably have noticed, my column is not exactly bulging with high school sports, so this gives me an oportunity to voice my opinion on the upcoming NHL Stanley Cup Playoffs. v----.‘~-- Boston over Montreal in 5 â€" The Canadiens have some big men, and they can play a great of- fensive and defensive game, so they should definitely win at least one from the mighty Bruins. New York over Toronto in 6 â€"- I would prefer the decision to be the other 'way, but facts are facts. New York has a better defense, and a more consistent offense (even though not better), which will be too much for the Leafs. If the series should go seven, New York will have the last home game. and this year they have been almost unbeatable on home ice. QUARTER FINALS: Chicago over Philadelphia in 4 â€"- The games between these two teams over the year have been very close, with Chicago winning five of the six games. But, Chicago have more playoff experience under their belt, and should not receive much resist- ance from Philadelphia. Minnesota over St. Louis in 6 â€" The North Stars record over the Blues during the season was 3-1-2, and this I would tend to give Minnesota a def- inite advantage. From past years St. Louis have shown themselves to be tough in the playoffs, so they should winat least two games. SEMI-FINALS: Boston over Minnesota in 4 -â€" The North Stars have not even come close to the Bruins in five of the six games this season. Boston could win this series by using mostly their backup men. Chicago over New York in 6 â€" With the two best defensive teams in the league meeting, the team with the best offence will win out, namely Chicago. Boston over Chicago in 6 or 7 â€" As a true Bruin hater, printing this prediction really hurts. Chic- ago did outplay the Bruins in the season series, but when it comes down to the games that really count, Boston will rise to the occasion. ' Bayview Wins Archery Tournament Unionville Skating Club “ICE FANTASIA '71" Featuring plus Canadian Memories, Hillbilly Comedy, Indian Spectacular, Savage Seventies and many others. Family Entertainment Show ALLADIN AND HIS WONDROUS LAMP For tickets and information call 449-9257, 889-5880, 887-5571, 297-2464 APRIL 16â€"17'18 Crosby Memorial Arena for presents Kennedy Rd., Unionville Sports Comment BY BOB C ARTON b““““““““‘! I LOCATED JUST SOUTH OF RICHMOND HILL - 889-9651 ' '-‘“““““““““““‘fl For Fast Efficient S I Call Now! # FREE COFFEE SERVED IN OUR SERVICE WAITING RC Tn MAKW vnn MORE COMFORTABLE. \A (Member of the Ontario Minor Soccer Association) 1971 SEASON Registration Date â€"â€" SATURDAY, APRIL 17th 1‘0 11 YRS. â€" MOSQUITOES 1‘0 13 YRS. â€" PEEWEE T0 15 YRS. â€" BANTAM - T0 18 YRS. â€" JUNIOR “B” To be accepted at an age level applicant, must not have reached p age before Jan. lst, 1971. ' Uniforms will be provided through the courtesy of the sponsors of teams Adidas Soccer Boots are available at MINOR SOCCER ASSOCIATION 15 POINT * E TUNEâ€"UP SPECIAL INCLUDING: r n 4‘ Engine (UPON PRESENTATION OF THIS ADVERTISEMENT) S" 99".”? (7} k1 Replace spark plugs Test compression Test engine vacuum Replace ignition points Replace ignition condenser Inspect & lubricate distributor . Reset ignition timing and dwell 8. Clean or replace all fuel filters 9 10 ll. 12. 13. 14. 15 . Replace P.C. vent valve . Adjust and balance carburetor and choke Free up and lubricate heat riser valve Inspect and test all spark plug wiring Clean battery & cables Adjust charging system belts . Scope test and balance engine to specifications gig“. Most passenger cars x7 light dutv trucks Richmond Hill Hockey Association 1970â€"71 FINAL PRESENTATION OF AWARDS WILL BE MADE AT R.H.H.A. FATHER AND SON BANQUET MAY 1 ADMISSION 35c SEASON TICKETS WILL NOT BE VALID FOR THIS FINAII DAY SERVED IN O-UR SERXâ€"IfCE WAITING ROOM TO MAKE YOU MORE COMFORTABLE. 12.45 pm 10.15 a.m 11.30 a.m 9.00 am 2.00 p.m 4.30 pm 5.45 pm 7.00 pm 9.30 p.m PONTIAC- BUICK â€" 9612 YONGE ST. - 884-4481 TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL Time Places Fee YORK- SIMCOE SPORTS Discount Rates available to all Registered Players 10.00 am. .â€" 4 MINOR MITE TEAMS 11.15 am. â€" TYKE FINALS 12.30 p.m. _â€" NOVICE FINALS 1.45 p.m. â€" 4 MINOR MITE TEAMS 3.00 p.m. _ ATOM FINALS 4.15 p.m. â€" PEEWEE FINALS 5.30 p.m. â€" MITE EXHIBITION ‘ 0.45 p.m. â€" MINOR BANTAM FINALS 8.00 p.m. â€" BANTAM FINALS 0.1.5 p.m. _ MITE EXHIBITION 10.30 m â€" MIDGET FINAL 10.30 pm THE MALL Richmond Heights Centre RICHMOND HILL Replace P.C. vent valve Adjust and balance carburetor and choke Clean battery 8: cables Adjust charging system belts Scope test and balance engine to specifications 10 A.M. - 3 RM. (1) OLD ARENA, $2.00 PER PERSON (2) JACK BLYTH REAL > ESTATE, Yonge St., Oak Ridges Age Limits - 6 & 7 YRS. â€" SQUIRTS s & 9 YRS. â€" ATOMS 1‘0 11 YRS. â€" MOSQUITOES 1‘0 13 YRS. â€" PEEWEE T0 15 YRS. â€" BANTAM - T0 13 YRS. _ JUNIOR “B” Â¥SET OF POINTS Richmond Hill AND Service not have reached present 4 CYL 9.95 6 CYL ".95 . 3 915.13” Most passenger cars & light duty trucks (Plus Parts)

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