. 'l‘hursday. April 8. 1971 YOU an 5 A: (Interest per annum calculated on minimum monthh balance.) In case \ou hadn‘t noticed. this rate still meccds that paid b_\ Canadian chartered banksl Guaranty Trust (O\IPA.\\ OF CANADA Capital and Resei‘y 6 533.0001th Member of Canada Deposit Insurance (orpei anon 44 YONGE ST. S. 863-5074 jazz. lfl-note or electronic. and the composer must search for the style that suits him best. Despite all this Mr. Dawson feels there is a value and beauty in music written in Can- ada in the 20th century. and to demonstrate this. the program concluded with a presentation of contemporary Canadian mus- ic. Soprano Doreen lliltc sang two songs nrit:cn b_\ Oskar Mutaâ€" “et/. in 1953. The first was Blake‘s poem. “Piping Down The Valleys Wild." and the second "Land Of Dreams" which is not typically 20th cen- tury. Mr. tion. Dawson's "Sonata own composi- For Flute and Piano" 1969' featured Karl Rohoxtsky on the flute Mr Dawson accompanied in Eileen Rordcasa on the width then ing for sponsors to back them. if yoti would like further in- formation. after 6pm contact Norm Terry at 88-1â€"4084. Norm Derry at 889-3242. Don Willi- son at 884-2349 or lien Mitchell 884-4130. The route which is about 15 miles starts at Bay- view Secondary School con- tinues down to Carrville Road. across to Duffet'in. tip to the town line. east across Beechâ€" wood. and south on Young Street to TIll~ll at “Daybreak.†Your correspondent would like to wish all 3 \er) Happ)’ Easter. BOYS AND GIRLS Make regular pocket money on a Liberal paper route. Estab- lished routes may be available in you' area. Phone Carlie! Cirtulation, SIN-1103 Tim Henshaw Heads f Woodbridge 4H Club Woodbridge 4-1-1 (.‘luh held its first meeting for 1971 on March ' 3.) in \‘ellore Community llal- at 1:30 pm, Seteral protects lia\e been i selected b} members iv dair} and beef cattle, horses and grain protects being the tnOst popular although one member ‘â€" will be concentrating on phea- sants. The coming years executive ‘ ‘J ill be. President Tim Henshaw. Viceâ€"President Georze Robson. : Secretary Lots Atkiinon. Press 5 Secretary David Snidc' Club leaders are John MacCallum and Don F1“l(lllflllxfl_ PAINT Interior or Exterior (Can be tinted. extra 50c) I Prefab 0“ Assembled FACTORY CLEARANCES . . LUXURIOL'S Kitchen Ca Wall Cu in 5â€"6 colors 4 - 5 - 6 â€" 7 - 8 ft. lengths White Only pbourds POSTFORMED COUNTERTOPS Gal. TABLES bineI 6': AND COTTAGE MATERIALS Now is the time to put a nice cedar fence around your property 1/2 Price $ per ft. SEE US FOR ALL YOUR NEEDS IN HOME IMPROVEMENTS 15 THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. ()ntarm. J ap e, em urg oncor ge ey ews “The Liberal" is always willing to DubliSh items l‘f‘gardhlg‘ People and events contributed by its readers in Maple. Concord. [admin and Kleinburg. "V Maple. please phone Mrs. Louise Cooper, 832-2408; in Edgelcy and Concord. Mrs. Carol Cole, 889-437 ; in Kleinburg. Mrs. Lucille Shaw. 893-1432. “Na IN THE VILLA GE 0F MAPLE in a beautiful wedding "' the and beautiful scenery of the fare \\Ill be $4.25. For rcscr- Lions Club I 'Lnitcd Church. March 27. 'Old Country. vations. Mrs. Jean Sharplcs at The men of the Maple Lions‘ l "r ‘6 ’-‘ *r ‘ Since some time was 1011. the 832â€"â€372 must be contacted beâ€" are pleased that their Pan-l , D l Darlene Blakclock of Railway folks spent an hour playing fore April 23. Although ol)\i- cake Festival of last Sattirdab" Street “exit with her sister. El- cuclire and then enjoyed I‘c- ously the ladies of the UCW ‘IIII'nCd out as well as it did. in‘ 'canor. and brother-in-law Allan freshmean. served by the lad-.would have the first opportun- spite of the return of “inter. Bagg‘ and three of their four ies of St. Stephen's Anglican. ity to get tickets. there will most with a cold wet snow fallingi ichilden on a two week camping ’l‘he seniors are again send- likely be room on the bus Tonal] morning. ‘ trip to Florida recently. ing out an appeal for used others who will be most “cl-1 The success was credited to} I _ Mr. and Mrs. BREE: lhO\P(l card tables that are not in use. come to join them. all of the kind and generousl Last ’l‘lluradail the 51X '23 from Woodbridge 10 Eagle LflkC since the} are often playingTeston I'iiited help they rccched from lht‘il'l year members 01' “16 ladlhsinoith of Haliburton. where they games and tables are scarce. The regular Easter Service wives. from the girls of the1 bowling league enjoyed thllvhave a general store. and so Monday. April 19. a bus is will be observed on Sunday Maple Guide Company and annual evening out witha mostle well known to our area. being chartered to visit the morning with the Rev John their leader. Mrs. Gail Con- . delicious supper. During their trip. they visited spring bulb display at Allan‘Dickinson in charge. stable. from Langdon‘s Busl Mrs. Florine Rouse. Mrs. BOP-for a few days with JoAnne and Gardens in Toronto. Leaving. In the evening. members and lines who donated the buses [ha Ingram, Mrs. Jean MilleniRonald Maynard who moved to at 1:30 pm the folk should be‘friends are reminded that a for the day. with the Lions pay- Mrs. Hilda Allen, Mrs. Bettleradington, Florida, fromlback in time for refreshmentslnew organ has been selectcdl‘ing for the gas and from the Rumble and Mrs. Det Palmer‘Woodbridge, where they owned at the church. and anyone notiand will be demonstrated Sun-lbus drivers. Bruce Murray: celebrated the‘ occasion a! the the Fundale Park. JoAnnc is wishing to go along. can spendlday evening at 7:30 followed by Henry Thomas and Eric Ed" Normandy Room of the VVCSl'!tlic daughter of Mr. and Mi‘thlte afternoon there with games‘an Easter message in song. .manson who gave their da.\" bury Ilotel. lBill Johnson of Maple. ‘available. St. Andrew's Presbyterian ‘tor the Lions. * * "‘ â€' Little Kirby Bagg stayed Monday. May 3. the group is‘ The congregation of St. An-l Sincere thanks goes to all William Espe.\' has l'ellll'hed with his grandparents. Mr. and touring the Nelson Brewery in drew's will unite with that of these as well as to Graham to his home in Oak Ridges, atf- Mrs. Vincent Blakclock. ot'i’f‘oronto. a tour which has‘Maple United for a Good Fi'i- Lamont. Hugh Cook and Ian J ter a short convalescence lthailway Street. and had 8 been most interesting to othcr‘day Service as earlier noted West who worked at the suL’flI‘ Hope Nursing Home. Mr. ES-‘most eventful time. ending up Senior Citizens' groups and onend will conduct their Easterbush giving lectures on the pcy. father of Mrs. Harris in York Central Hospital nitlrMay 12 the Christie BiscuitSunday service as usual at 10 syrup process. Bruce Thurston. Mathewson, is well known in bronchitis. ;plant is on the schedule for a‘am. ‘and Charlie Wilmot and Harold. this area. and his friends \\'lSh' *‘ * "‘ * tour. ‘ The young people of the Sl.lSnider of King City who was him a speedy recovery. I The badminton club \vound‘ Anyone wishing to go along Andrew‘s Bible Classes arelthe blue eyed Indian. repre- - ’l‘ 'l‘ '5‘ * lup another very successfulon any or all of these threeihoping that their friends andlsenting tliecrigin of maple Miss Brenda Mathewson wasiyear on March 30 celebratingltours should contact Pcrcy'neighbors will be watchinglsymp. To each and every one honored at a community ShOW- with a round robin tournament.:Puterbaugh 832-1114 or 1\'Irs.ithei1' gas tanks next week to‘who helped . . . “Thank You“, er March 15 in Maple United. Prizewinners were Donald‘Louise Cooper 832-2408. Costlmake sure that they can be . Many out-of-town visitors Boyd with first. Kay Saunders of each tour $1.50 for bus only. filled up at the Maple BP Sta- BOWI'hg, joined those from hereto make.second. and Rick Soderberg Bailev School tion April 17 in their spring Ladlcs league“ ‘â€" 0†Mamh it a most enjoyable occasion. with third. Chinese food wasl Ah‘ of the grade 6 and 7 fund-raising Gasâ€"Oâ€"Rama. Thel29 the 1331 (‘VC‘nmg 0f the l‘cg' Brenda was given some lovely served at the end of the even- Classes in the senior school \.is_.young people plan to forward U1?“ SChedulc. Sltcrr.V took 5 4- and very useful gifts. including ing. rhea the Which...“ A... Gah_‘tiie funds to the Evangcl Haiihgomts ft'9m POI?- Bl‘andr 100k; a vacuum clcancr, an electric, Although the regular season 91... at Kiehlhurg last “reeh‘The Mission in Toronto to aid the 9 “Om V0dka~ C’m "Wk D “3â€â€ clock. a hand mixer. 'I‘V tableshis finished. games will be‘ba’skmha†{omihamem took underprivileged children of Rum 3an Rye tOOk 3“ 7pmm5l 31301913mp. Pllth’S. a lalllldl‘yplayed during the month oflpyace this week with the bow downtown Toronto during lhe‘from 590mb ‘ hamper, linens. cooking utensils:Apri1. each Tuesday evening atischcduled for April 7 and {he‘smnmer months. This leaves Sherry out on and cleaning equipment as well George Bailey School at 8 plll.;gil~1's April 6 and 7 at Wood- The ladies of St. AtldrmVSItop with 40 points. Brandy next. as a set of carving knives. Anyone interested is invited toï¬ahd Senior school. Results are planning a "Ni‘ill‘ly New" in line and winners of this Many lovely personal gifts come along and enjoy the fumincxt week 5319 1'01‘ the \l‘eek 01' May 10 10.series with 35. Port with 26. were received. including some Thanks go to President‘Gihson School 15 in which all members of the Gin with 23, Rye with 22. Vod- beautiful linens and china. John Yates and his committee some of the clauses are be_ community Will be inVitE’d t0 ka with 21. Rum with 15 and Brenda became the bride of for their hard work with at i in th -. t- ‘1 th a bring in items that the." wish to Scotch with 14. It was a re- '( James McDonald of Newmarkct special thanks to Coa ch if“ his]. euafllhgï¬gls] 0th e su‘l’é dispose 0f. but feel that they markable night for high scores "‘â€".~â€"â€"â€"â€"*â€" Freda Bourke who has done so “.eather'has kc g e . c-o idon‘t \vant to give away. The with Muriel Rose taking the __ ‘ pt “‘9 “mm†- i - ' - ‘ - - - -~ ’ ’ \much to help the club all‘back and Yeâ€. lime sap iSlClOI‘IOI oi contributor (if you hiin smglewith 353 and Norma: ‘lhl‘Ough 1116 year- .available as Ye‘t .willl. prices his own article. Plumb taking high triple of. * l i We hope‘all parents areland. receil'es 75 percent 0f melwei how the highs for the l Last Sunday evening. the aware mat the children havelselhng 131166, the 25 pel‘ccnl EO- year. and Del Palmer still OF lleiilonic Sdivih‘e service was both April 9 and April 12 as‘ingi‘l to the church group. ‘holding on to her high average .Photo by Stuart-S Studio, . . . ie in t. . ndrcw’s Church} . - . w ‘ V i iere is no limit to the typeof 216. ' nousnnow FURNITURE twin. Re... B. F_ Andre... givingilï¬hdals ‘0 Obsel‘e Eastel' iof items that can be received.’ Monday April 5 and April 12‘ 0 0 0 Including 2 Piece Chesterï¬eld the address “our Modem United Church land the church will be open atlare the playoff nights and theE l Suite, Chrome Kitchen Sget‘Temple _ nvs Dedication". Various groups. of Maple specific hours during the day to banquet will be held at the 9 ‘~ Viking Refrigerator (new). Thor The Old Testament lesson wilth “.9 (Eel). 1" Pl?“ for receive and t0 S€11~ MON lateT- community hall on April 23. . Washing Machine (good condi- Eras given byc Worshipful Mas- 331.211“ m 9 Immediate fu' : More than 500 people braved the chill Winds and snow of Saturday to eat their fill of Elaine: £21115Bassooltï¬sfgfleatandiggw fgtiilenï¬leeslsg \Sglsdréhg Good Friday m? gongmgation' _ griddle cakesvuth oodles of maple syrup served in Maple Community Hall by the Lions Club. 5 St t,’ St_ ' by Frederick Harrison DDGMIlof St. Andrew‘s JOII‘I with that; . T‘hese hardy 1nd1v1duals also travelled by bus to the sugar bush where Graham Lamont, Hugh a Ion meet. Maple 'Tmmto‘ District 7, i‘of. the United for the Good; . (300k and Ian West lectured on the syrup process, although the sap was not running. The blue- ‘lbt “01159 “Ol‘lh‘Of Richmond. The music was led by theithaY 56W“? at 10 am A 1 eyed Indian who told of the origin of this delicious spring sweetener was Harold Nider of King Street) Masonic choir with Brian Thur-l. {The a“) Cliou's‘ 18:19 It“) mm'. Citv. .. a . ‘IS ers v. r - ' v . . . . . . “‘9 Property of 5.40:“ 3:1];Efalfllegah-r. d of M he... 3.91:. gnsdwff 210$ 1:33 In the above picture the griddle artists were hard at it producing a plentiful supply of WARD HALL [ohship “‘5 men: 2.1.31. whesh: members will unite to present thick and luscious griddle cakes to serve with the maple syrup. Some of the flipped flapjacks g SATURDAY, APRIL 17 hnems served by me ladies Binge ‘:Se\'en Words From The‘ ’39pr bqu everyohe suiavdived. Left to right are Lions Walter Kunst, Ron Brown and Lorne ' 2-piece chesteriield; \'iking,bt' Andrews- l lgzsn' Knmble and Glen U inf Sf}? 0t_0n t 8 gm 19' m V g a,“ _ mefl _ éieztellgéllgéfgc fvgggindapal‘lllhent'Senior Citizens _ {Hutchinson have asked that ivel Lisa 0 ' l TURN SPARE ROOM “101‘ gOOd. Chm“; nilfictiine. The Seniorsdiadoan enjoyableimake itknown that plants of ' INTO SPARE CASH m ‘ “Y . u - , . - s. 'Ie an’o ties or 1e taster - 1 > t‘ï¬ï¬jutngp,or SfWLIIIE) ma: byOEarli. and Cora Magee oflSunday Service are orderein thgetown Edges Neighborhood Notes l Members of the Kleinburg ing towards your childs’ know-1 LIBERAL CLASS‘FIEDS ele tr. sal litngei,st..- ‘ulnel. their trip to England. Irelandiahead of time by individuals; Maple Juveniles 2_0 2_l Mr. and Mrs. Del Sweet and‘and District Lions wish toiledge of “drink†and “drugs?"l P. c.1c _ io_pa e.‘ 'epstand,;and’ Scotland when Mr. Mageeiand can be disposed oflto in-‘ ' . ’ family enjoyed two weeks in thank everyone who a»ttendeleust to say “don't touch" is not‘. icnic .Jugs. .Cai .v acuu m played in the Unity Flute Bandit/ands. shunns and those m 1105â€". The Maple JUVenlleS are Wifl‘om Eddle Hoogenboom and St. Petersburg Florida. On the meat roll they had recentlylenouah Alcoholism is on thel “lehhel'f ShaCk tables: Sever- ViSiting Ireland. ipital after the service. Unfor-lhOW W911 into the Western 011- CalVin Yake. their way they visited with Mr. in the basement. of the Villagelrise find anyone wishing to ob-l " I \ al Jardiniere stands; Small cup- Pictures of the highlights of.tunately. orders should have‘tario Finals against Ridgetown. Special mention goes to Dale and Mrs. Dick Swartwout. for- Inn Restaurant. tain leaflets of “Alcohol's a board: Lazy Susan. good: Sev- thelr trip including Edinburghjbeen received early this week‘ On home ice last Saturday.|Bone for an excellent effort inzmerlv of Kleinburg. Dick and, The Rotary Club of Klein-Poor Substitute." 3 cents each.‘ era! odd dishes and glasstt'ai‘e:‘Castle and the Changing of the.by Dan Krimble at 832-1402 or‘the boys lost their game to the‘goal. which was outstanding. lEunice and the children areiburg held a fun nite March 263write Miss F. M. Hubbert. 11‘ Shelf “‘11 bljaCketS; Pair school Guards in England. the Tower‘Glen Hutchinson at 832-1254. lvisitin‘g team 2 to 0 and travâ€". A third game was to be playedlgetting settled in their beauâ€"lat the Inn On the Tenth witli‘Prince Arthur Avenue. Toronto Realize the highest {alums I†to seatSf Quantity of books: Set of London and pictures of Bel; The ladies of the UCW are elled to Ridgetown the next‘again at Ridgetown on Tuesday tiful home in Penn Lairdda buffet supper and all star 5. Ontario. ' y°u' mm .by “woman; your plastic hose: 5 gal. crock; Wash‘fast. Ireland. stirred memoriesfleep in their plans and prepar-‘day to be edged out 2 to 1. of this week. with a fourth ifiVirginia at the foot of Manasoo-entertainment. All proceeds Church News own orgamzatlon' ttltbgl ll‘o‘nliiiig' board;. IAntiqugfor those who came from tlioselations for their rummage and“ For Maple Mark .Lemoineineeded at Doublerink on Friday tan Mountains. Dick is cn-iwill go for service work. Nobleton Junior Young [’80â€" n, COLLECT To :ngtglcesssiacRéufsgsi Sale‘lclllg Saild spsulhelaiessonfeiidofthlozesayg? 1:21:12]??? tsale (tie bte held Ilifillle;5(:01‘ed the lone goal with assists at 7 pm. toying his new job in Harrisâ€" Mrs. Robert Kincade, Klein-Iple are sponsoring a Good Fri- 5†. ' . . i e" , 5 "1513“ ‘3 ,uca 10“ “mg 0 19‘ Ul'g immensely. They are all bur Estates held a tu erwarelday breakfast continuous fron“ - ~ 9.131 919d?†lamps: 3-Plece bEd- as tourmts' Church AP?†17 at? P“? Tony Dawson Andrew’s happy with new found friends partgy for friends Thuli‘gday of Community Hall. Worship sen. Vfurlfeilsï¬leio 100m suite: Several pots of Holly feet were felt by some Keep this date in mind as ' and Dick is already on the last week. Mrs. Mary Jenninas vice will be held afterwards by are on e 0' . flowers; several Sets of water who are tired of Winter here a good time to stock up on that group committee for Scouts and Islington Avenue is holdingoa the youne people. Galileton P lace’ Omar ‘0 fhagsizzlgoffes Itable; ieveral and saw the lovely gardensidelicicius home balzing tand ptilck . Cubs in the area, tupperware party'with proceeds Rev. William Reid is prog- Obt . ks and win. an amps: -piece, Vtup a reasure or \vo 'rom ie‘c d c T Robbie to an artici ' a' ' r a i 'an o eration .a'†sac ' oak bookcase. antique. extra l‘hmmage tables at the samel scure.tlle Georsgiash gay i‘ziiigdeigiisfliiiioggnég.-§i?ety'Efï¬gdegefgfl Hosplital‘ 231 wrthoutchargefrom ‘ 12:11:21.(01211363353:{other {ark KINGSDALE ANIMAL tinifhe ladies of m UCW . f o . . iGymnastic Competitions AprilB.‘i Dom. fol-get school is out young people held a Starve-in ‘ ’l‘erins- Cash Sale a‘t) 1nen [only ‘ 'l l ' '0' e' "\l ‘am‘F T P T t S M “I? 0n15.enui§m from WOOd'llhls Friday and Monday for last weekend for 48 hours ll“: “7. (I. ' ' ~ Phl- HOSPITAI. d 50 P anhlhs 3“ Ollllh‘s’, _- 33‘ 19 o u c e bridge High School. He is to Easter. der the chaperones 0f the Hi-C ‘ ALVIN s. FARMER. DR CARI HFDFR Longltioo‘heei'; Centge .IIT Tor; be congratulated on winning Mr. and ‘Mrs. Jack Shaw are leaders and realised about $500 Shearer Auctioneer. ' ‘ ‘ " ‘ J. Eff“ 9 pm “("0" 0 Twentieth Century Canadian played the very complex “.\n- §e_cond_ p13“? 1" the SCthI' dl\'- celebrating their 15lh “Cddlhg in Pledges The" had a ï¬mln‘ R R \‘0 ‘) MAPIE Phone 837-5311 SIM-540T ""16 bdlel‘i . _ ~ > composers are more concerned dante†from the "Sonata For lflon' “ldl‘lldm‘l CllathlOHShiDS. ï¬hniV'Ol'Sal'N 0“ A‘Pl'll 6- The mlhg Pall-V at D" Pele" (“iam' I ' A . m 4 ‘ J â€" I “trilds him? Lllrlle';d~ about pleasing themselves thanliolin and Piano" written in I‘i'om here he hopes to enter year they were married tlieyï¬gers‘ home and \isited \ork ‘ I -'â€"~â€"â€"â€"~v-~ â€"â€"e~râ€" M. .. -s- f". if .9 Sp'm “("1509 “if they are about pleasing their 1960 by Samuel Donn. lh“ All Onlal‘lo Meet. got a foot of snow on Eastei“Llniversity 0n Saturdal- or by wrltlng to audiences. With the violin again in ac- we 5"†"b0" "033$?" 10 Mr. Sllhda)‘. 50 watch Olll lIOlks ll The Palm‘ sunday Chm-Ch CANADIAN CO-OPERATIVE i This. says Tom Dawson. companimcnt. the audience was a'1d_ Mm- Jo‘hh Tllï¬â€˜edlé‘ and mum happen 3331†“Nice "35 1†Charge of [he WOOL GROWERS LIMITED P music director at 5L Andrewsxtreated to “Dam-e" [mm “suitelamlh: \\l10 are moving from‘ Youth Temperance Educa- Hi-C members and members of 40 St Clair AvenuerEast College! Aurora is the maimNo. 2" written in 1952 by Papithe village and to Mrs. Vet-attion Week will soon be here.‘the Sunday SChOOI sang. Thel Tellonto7 Ontario [reason “.hy box office sales fall‘ricia Blomï¬eld_ thnton and children, Nash-lApril 18 to 24. As parents orichurch choir will have speCIal . . .03 when a concept features a Péobably the mob-t famous oflgglllg, who are moving to scat--l‘grandparents what are you do-‘selections on Easter Sunday. 1 7 imodern composer. The general 311 ahadlan composers, Healeyl ‘ ' - E . I . . ‘ ‘ 4 l ublic still refers the works of Willan. was also incuded. Dor-. D13 Peter Gl‘aingel‘ held a ' _ ' 2 ‘1 1 g ,. ,1 _, g a . . Egomposers (if the 18th and 19th;;’9hT]1‘mt‘iI san§ his QTO An 1516 msOlhggtey tit-Yonng at Its in your interest to come to Guaranty because: =Ce.".‘.,‘â€;§:;..on _ R.“ “11,3 {5... 13:. Rates"; €333.20 huh.- and adult ileaei-‘§°Sl~ c , . ° . . i a ‘me'etina‘hof thesyzliia 605])“. The evening finished with Scouts. Cubs and Venturers and PHONE 832-227] KEELE ST, MAPLE '1 here are longer hours at most of our ofï¬ces where \ou can Universit: women-S Club a‘t three songs from the 'F‘ang hgelnlié‘rislof the group commiti North of Maple Sideroad on Keele St. get cash and,makc deposits at greater convenience to you. tjlée college in Aurora on March?§§;°%éd§$ï¬$n m 1949 by “Shin alga??? 8556;311:3ng gaff; ' Hours: 8:30 am. to 5:30 pm. - Friday 8:30 am. to 9 pm. - Sat 8:30 am. to 5 pm ‘ r ._ , . I i on “Preparations for the 1971 Hou can use our companion chequing account('4‘b on minimum “051 peop‘e complain tha‘l ‘ lbw“ Jamboree in Japan" i [Ia/f'1.ea,.h, balance) and savinoatoum to 1.1.; ‘ fb (h the modern composer has no Nobleton Minor Hockey As- . , . - â€"- â€" .‘d f a. t . 1 1.. a “mo 0 thielody inns works and thusl ‘sociation held the annual ex- .~ NATURAL KNOTTY BIRCH, 4x8 . . . . . . . . . . . . strip.) _ Reg. $10.9? . ‘ ‘1 .1 "v " ' . ’7’ ...'â€" rr. _. can . or Concordiilft » Eritri‘iftalmamhas ' - ' - ' - - ‘ ' ~ : -:: 25:32 ‘5 8-4†You "in de ‘itbr‘ 'l‘ d ‘ 'l/ » l x - blamev he deCIal’ed' “'35 “ml? ‘President is Fred McCrearv ‘ K ‘ ; 1 1y j y, r99 l . .' $8 9’ M POM )nml an “8 pa-l I†“an,†ilhe composers who today havel Christopher McNeillv cele- Nobleton. 1971-72 President HICKORYwWHâ€"HLâ€" . ‘ â€" no particular desire to pleaSE‘ brated his ixth bimidav A ril 001 Sweet. Kleinburg. / - " i- 5†.~~ . -u v v 't ‘ ‘ l' - " ' “C can help V0uwilh 3“ VOLâ€. monm. management problems. lthe audience as did Bach or 3 with 10S 111119 friends :nd President is Jim Goweilblyhlljs- . 12 312 \ [AYL ASBETTOS‘FIE-(3051113355; ‘ ' ' ' ' ' ' i ' ' ' ' ' ' 11'“ Each _' V ' _" _7_7 ' :_ _ Beethoven. They would rather neighbors. ton. Secretary - Trealsu re,- . . ... 9 .. a 1 “‘89 9- .,4~~‘.i(--v g6 65 “3 fl. . 4 ‘ I ‘ ‘ ~ _ “The for their own satisfaction. Saturday Am.“ 34. a walka. is Jack Maw. Nashville Rcf- (Ork Billboard. 18 .\'...â€"l . . . . . . . . . . .o. O .. .a) . . . . . . . . . . . . . c 0 e! )0†“ Lomplele range 0‘ [rust WmP'd“) SCHKCS' . The." TGEI. l00. thallthe." 111L151 thou is being held to aid the Cl‘Ge in chief is Wayne illness. ~i SK“. POTVER TOOLS CENTRE . be original. an 33110110" that building fund to construct a Equipment manager is Bob (llid “Ollmflllence Composers 0f residence for the mentally re- B'X’Fh» ’ I SPRING SPECIAL ALL CEDAR ! 119 I335- tarded. ‘ A 8115' of the Kleinburg There is also a greater \ar- Mam- wmmunm- member; and Nashville boys play in in} R H iety of style in music ~ 909- teachers and adults. are look- NObleton Minor League. S u95 S ‘ 22.95