THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday, April 8. 1971 he 'I‘HE FRIENDLIEST VOICES IN TOWN WILL HELP YOU PLACE YOUR LIBERAL WANT AD TODAY -â€" PHONE THE RESULTS NUMBER 884-1105 - 6 CLASSIFIED AD VERTISING RATES CASH RATES, lst insertion 10 words $1.00 and .8e per word thereafter. Minimum charge $1.00. Second and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged, 10 words for .90c and .8c per word thereafter. COMING EVENT NOTICE 10¢ per word; min. charge $1.50 BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of 50c CARDS 0F THANKS. IN MEMORIAMS. DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, BIRTHS per in- sertion $1.50 Classified advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than 6 pm on Tuesdays. Send ads by mail and enclose payment or telephone us at 884-1105 or 884-1983 and yon will receive an invoice. ______________â€"â€" FOR SALE FOR SALE ALUMINUM WANTED Doors, windows, awnings, anvaianos aild used furniture. Call railings. Ron Woods. 884-1514. 884-1146. tfc24 _.__L_ _________ £059 oXKâ€"“nlï¬o‘r’s‘nxnrlv‘ YORK ALUMINUM New opening, second hand fur- Fl'ee estimates Aluminum Sidâ€",niture, some antique, 115 King ing windows, doors, awnings,}Sideroad, lg-lnile west of Yonge. also glass and screen rep airs.lBuy sell and trade. 773-5448. Phone 884-4558, factory 832-1319; c4w40 tfc28l "â€"1131 U W711" ’T i'Eâ€"s Maple. > TYPEWRI’I‘ERS Holland Park Garden Centre, ADDING MACHINES 51 Keele Street N., Maple. 832- Sales Service Rental: 2455. tfc40 Authorized Dealer All popular makes for sale including new and rebuilt standard portable and electric models. Special rental rates available to students. L. H. SIMS 88 Baker Ave. CRUSHED STONE. sand and gravel, and manure. 499-1160. c2w40 ’GAS water heater. good cond_i-, tion. Phone 884-2386 after 6:00 p.111. nclw41 Richmond Hill ilnod. L2: Rogers, standard 384.1745 model 1 CAE - $25 each. 889- tfc3,3806. c1w4l IVAâ€"SEER, dï¬lfén-d-jtate DOUBLE bed complete $25: 50 gallon aquarium, gravel, plants, $50; roll-away bed $15; playpen $10. 884-9423. c1w41 LUMBER 2x4 economy 5c per lin. ft. 1x6 economy 4c per lin. It. J7'2116 utility 3c per lin. It. plus tax Ratcliff Industrial Yard. 4 miles west of Stouffville carries util- ity and economy grades in all sizes rough or dressed. For real savings to you call 640- 2351 for prices on any size. c3w41 Royal Enfield. 884- *1w41 parts, gears, belts, wood bear- ings and wringer rollers etc. For all makes. Repairs to elec- tric lawnmowers and small ap- pliances. Math’s TV, 49 Indus- trial- Road, 884-7903. tfc9 WATER SOFTENERS Miracle w a t e r conditioners.L humidifiers, sales, service and rentals. also salt delivery ser- vice. Call Gerald Morlock 884- 4016 after 4.30 pm. tfc17; INCOME tax forms prepared, individuals and small businesses 7â€" pickup and delivery service if necessary. Reasonable. 884-2876. *10w35 DRIVEWAY GRAvEL Crushed stone, sand. concrete gravel, etc.. delivered in small quantities. Call C. L. Knappett. . 334.3039_ tfc37lmald’s dress. botll size 11. TRTDâ€"Eâ€"aï¬aâ€"S-ave or sell ,Weekdays call after 6 pm, 889- 350 cc. ,4911. for. . , cash. ‘ Brice‘s Furniture 33,31,997}; ._ .. _.._..__ .A .El,“_41 wants used furniture and apa-‘SEABRIEEZE portable 5191923 plunge; 473-4175. tfc37,lnonths old. 884-5124. .clw41 fimï¬'dnml HEARING AID Pure hard maple, $20 per com1.;Siem‘ens, worn behind ear. no Special - 11/.- cords 825. Cail'“‘ires» “59d 5 “mm- C0“ (3, Lgh’nappelt' 83443089. $360. One year battery supply tfc37 incl. Best offer. 832-2671. FREEZERS: General 8 cu. til . aw“ $144.95, 12 cu. ft., 8159.00; 15 2 “West 2 “ingeramrsl cu. ft. $169.00; 20 cu. flqlwooden pump, 70 theatre chairs, $189.00, 25 cu. ft., $215.00. Broadloom and Rugs MW“ at our cost plus 15% on $200.‘MOFFAT electi'ic_sotv_e,_Ke1vin- orders. Installation quotations‘ator fridge, power lawnmower, flee. . ‘excellent working condition, ‘ .Waslier Spindryers $50 lot or $20 each. 773-4610. Siglfélflty, Easy. Hitachi, Sanyo C1\\41 ,- ' ’tress, collapsible in - on Queensulle. 478-4175. tfc36 table with bats andpballgs,pan§ H TEAKWOOD apartment size electric stove. lemg, dining and bedrooms, 884-5751. c1w4.1 ldirect: gom importers ware- 22 calibre semi-automatic rifle, °“S°- Pen 1-9 Fm. 454-1388 scope and extra large clip $35. 5233. .OIL burners. Aero. Silver Flame‘ EWEDDIN-G drCSs and brides-l 1 used, $15. 889-1023. EINAR CLAUSEN LTD. Hwy..7, just east of Fifth Linen (2 miles east of Dixie Roadll Bramalea. tfcIOl ORGANS â€"â€"- used, inventoryl sale. Save up to $600 now. or} see brand new organs at on1ylchl'ome kitchen table, child‘s' $319. including matching bench.‘ Lessons only $1. Open evenings. 'loronto Organ Centre, 5254, Yonge St.. Willowdale o o 't : Willow Theatre. ’ pp 51 9 884-6005. cl W41 FEEDfloâ€"ats, bZIeâ€"d straw, red clover seed. 889-2453 evenings. *1w41 bed. DOU BLE continental Junior bed and desk. mahog- ally step table and coffee table. 884-5634. clw4l _ IGIRL‘S English spring coat and 222-6017.lllat. size 5, orange, $6; large Branch Sherwal' Gardens Mall. doll house and furniture $6. 621-1871. Open Good Friday. __ e1w41 GUITAR, ideal for leaâ€"r33}, brand new condition. Winston.l Cost $22 sell for $15.00 with case. 889-5906 â€"- 6-9 pill. nc1w41 FREEZER (Wood) $60. chester- field and chair $45, dresser $20. 2‘1‘_ugs 9 x 12 $40. lazy boy chair $13, leather lazy boy chair $20, doll carriage $4. crib-play- pen $10. china cupboard $25, desk $15. record cabinet $20 .table and 2 cllairs $15. 884-9423: EACH gas or propane stove. 24 automatic, $60: apartment size fridge in very good condi- tion, $35. 221-3560. FORCRAF’I‘ traction barsifor 1950-57 Chevrolet, brand new. sacrifice. 884-6176. __r _ c1w41 T.V. Sets. Itwol. ElectrOthme :..Consolel with doors. and Philco with tmn speakers. Both excel- lent condition. 884-7924 after 6 Pm- c1w41 SEWING machines sales allâ€"d servxce. Repairs to all makes. work guaranteed. Bernina Sew- Ing Centre. Richmond Heights Centre. 884-3775. c2w41 ELECTRIC stove'idg;. Good condition. Best offer. 884- 4843 after 6. 12 CU. FT. Kelvinator ding? self defrosting. $75. 884-4341. AWN-“ c1w41 BABY clothing. new born Size. nveer used. maternity clothing size 14 to 16, also ladies clothing size 14 to 16, childrens clothing Size 4 to 6x, vacuum cleaner, room divider. telephone table. roll away bed. drapes apt. size. mixmaster. toaster. coffee pel'c.. number of household articles. Cheap to a couple starting out. 881-0925. N w 41 “W41 GRAVELv. with 30" rotary SIC- Reusonable. 884â€" chi-11 GOOD fine used furniture. an- furniture for home or cottage at budget brass beds 895.. round single pedestal din- Up- 8236 Yonge Open 10 - 6 884-8893.. clw41 WRECKING I962 Falcon wag- on, parts cheap. 8-84-3942. i c1w41 ,_.__â€"_____s iBOY’S bike $30: baby crib with- ,out mattress $10; small tricycle ,$7; baby clothes, 889-1100. ' _._____F c1w4l | ‘FRIDGE $75; stove, 37?: $60; :39" mattress. utility table, etc. Excellent condition. Moving. 889-6013. c1w41 ,ELECTRIC stove $25. 884-6433. I c1w41 c1w41l20 x 12 pl.e_fab garage. Steel‘9901. lovei‘head door. 8100. 884-5198. walnut. new. 884-2551. tfc41 ONE dresser with mirror $25. one crib mattress $10; one large copper coffee urn S45: wall mir- ror. 24x36 $12; one round wall lmirror, 889-8536. $10. Good condition. clw-tl jTWO matching turquoise chairs. re- ‘clinel‘. one swivel rocker. Must ,excellent condition. One sell. Blvd. moving. 376 Bluegrass c1w41 mower. 48" blade. blower. ‘kle bar. etc. 8393. tiques. unpainted prices - specials, ing table. 3 leaves 875. lands Furniture. St. Thornlllll. 889-5582. Mon. Tiles. Wed. Sat. pm. ’l‘llul's 8 I‘l'l 10 - 9 pm (lw-H ELP WANTED rContinuedl ' FOR SALE IContinuedl H ,CRIB $30, 2 seater stroller $25, _ _ v , ‘Playtex nurser $3_ carriage $15,!lmmediately. Bayview Variety. ,high chair 87. baby scales $5. Bayview Plaza. 884-3417. ,884-8846. cl\\'4l 7 7»____~ A 7 7 _c1}\'40 Oâ€"NEâ€"Fl‘igidgire range, Juliane GIRLS and boys 12-14. pront-i IGE fridge. commercial size. able mornnlg newspaper routes lBoth excellent condition. 887- 8"ailab16 In .VOUI‘ area. If m- ‘5632, c1u-41tel‘ested in steady profits and ~-â€"â€"*»-â€"â€" ---â€"â€".~ ~ ,- , <,,\ " -_ _ :STAINLESS steel Sink muggy? ‘3†“'5 “1“"19361‘3ffo Iswing faucets with arborite,._ 4. .. . TILL“, in: counter top. $10. FiguramaS E C R E 1 A R 3:18381- typing-l massage exercisor â€" sacrifice, Shorthand and dlClaPhOII 91‘ $30, 384-1945 after 4 pm_ Winemaker and Swern. 889- c1w4116900. cl W40 [MISCELLANEOUS MISCELLANEOUS BOOKICEEPING and account-GENERAL carpentry . recrea- VVALLS AND FLOORS DAY or NIGHT 884-2433 11023 PLUSIBING'EHEATINGM Roger Pl‘oulx ~- Telephone -- 884-1650. patio steps. curbs. outside bar- ‘bccllcs etc. Free estimates. 773- A tl‘c41 SHAMPOOING SPRING SPECIAL tfc24 Rugs and chcsterflelds. Day or ‘ night. 884-2433. tl'c20 CUSTOM HATCHING . Hell. Pheasant. Quail. Peacock. C. Stundcn - ,, . . t . Phone 8844245 and Guinea eggs. Gloves Hat- SEPTchTANKSAPUIIPED Sewers cleaned Bov's bicycle. Fireball \y'ith;1_)_Aï¬T§A\_‘IANv experienced. Fnil banana seat high bars, handltlme. permanent position. Usual- brakes. three Speed (needsjbenefits. Apply at the office. 1slight; repairl, in very good con-lCanadlan Tire Store. 70 Ylongg, C \\’ ,dition. $42.00 or best offer. St- N- Richmondjill 889-5906. nc1w41 CARRIER l ,RCA Victor Stereopllonic liigh,“Tlle.Libera1" requires a re- ifidelity combination radio- SPO‘ISIble bO-V 0" g1†f0" 3“ 95‘ ‘tablished paper route 111 the: Ci‘estwood Road area of South Thornhill. For further details please phone Mrs. Norma Moss: at 884-1105. nc3w401 NIGHT watch-man for green-i houses. Age no barrier but must be active and reliable. Steadyl work. Need own transportation. :phonograph in new condition $135: Viking Imperial 19" port-, .able television excellent picturel 1875. To view â€"- 20 Helen Ave, Thornhill. c1w41‘ CRIB and mattress $10. 889- 7247. c1w41 MATCHING'Mcciaiii-Easy cop- I’ert‘me fridge and SW97 2Concord Floral Co. 889-1265. [years old; 22 cu. ft. freezer “W41 Call Mr. Jory. 889â€"7373 days, - l 884-4723 evenings. c1w41 CLERK TYPIST l Fast and accurate for varied duties in small office. 889-8330l c1w4ll CANADIAN Imperial Bank of Commerce ~â€" Teller wanted. ex-‘ perience desired bllt not neces- sary. 889-7396. tfc41f MEN and women with car. part, time. evenings and Saturdays. Work in own neighborhood. regular guarantee, plus com- mission; .paid weekly. Three or four nights â€" 6:30 to 8:30, own choice. Information phone 884-2856. c1w41, CLERK TYPIST ,We have an interesting opening? ‘in our combined special order‘ lcustoms and traffic department. The position requires an in- dividual who is alert, a coni- petent typist, adept with fig- ures and likes variety. Good previous office experience es- sential. Snapâ€"On Tools of Can- ada Ltd.. Keele Street. 1 mile north of Highway 7. 889-7501. clw41, CONSOLE stereo, c511 after 5‘ pm. 884-3983. c1w41 TIRE SALE ,825x14 and 825x15. Name brand ltires, white walls, $17.50 each. Sobie's Supertest. Don Mills Rd. north of Hwy 7. 297-1701. *2w41 BEDROOM suite â€" single dres- ser, including mirror, 4 drawer chest, double bed with panel headboard. spring and mattress, $50. 884-8707. c2w41 SANYO washer spindryer. Less ‘than 1 year old. Excellent con- ,dition $80. 773-4560. clw4l QCLOSED Trans-Canada box ,trailer. 1 ton. Ideal for small ljobs or snowmobiles. 884-8842. c1w4] SWING set. good condition. reasonable. 884-5583. c1w41 SOME antiques. oak desk, com- plete cottage beds, rugs. etc. 727-5028 after 5 pm. c1w41 ORIENTAL wool rug. 9x12â€"ft. lGood condition 840. 884-3123.] 61311 muggy , :__‘.__+ . W h _ g, Clwfll For Kitchen Cabinet 1 SHINGLES ‘ Manufacturers ‘ $8.49 PER SQUARE , ‘7 colors. Louglllin Lulnbel',,lntel'esting variety of: duties inâ€" iYonge and Scott Dr. 889-1109.}cluding figure work. Own l____r__ V c2w41 transportation. Phone UPRIGHT piano in excellent Blake, 499â€"0941. John Streetl condition, Very reasonable. 834_ (off Don Mills Road). cllv41 8654. c1w41 TWO students wanted as soon EXERCISER' prmAm, hardly as possible to‘ build and c1w41 service home delivery snack . _ food routes. Must dress neatly, mlm‘ have sales ability and chaufâ€": BABY clothes, ' j umper, 2 electric floor polishers. 889- camera 35 mm m-V‘Slel‘y Shifte? feur’s licence; salary or commis- service. Call s-The Libel-31" 334- ItaCh' 1'4†drill and 53“, kitl 311' 51011. Call Mr. Olsen 222-, lhoms .â€" 37‘ electric car pump “12126. evenings. c4w41‘; l$5, private. Anytime. 653-1402,.r-fl- ' 7.!- __ -_ M‘â€" } cm.“ WORIx suitable for women; night shift, of light factory lâ€"_ work. For interview apply at l ,65 Duncan Road, Thornhill. c1w41‘ DOUBLE YOUR INCOME NIGHT caretalier required for, Estate, Business. Top training. Call 889-7506 for interview. ClimmISSIOI’I, and bonus offered, c1w41 p us congenial people to work with. 3 representatives needed EXPERIENCED to complete our 1971 expansion program. Talk to one of our ,salesmcn or call Mr. White orl . ___C---.--..- _ -.. #7-», EMT. Cliff â€" 889-6241. IEXPERIENCED help wanted .NORM BLACK REALTY LTD for concrete block plant. 445- 11-095; 4420- c1w41 operator for Saturday and Sunâ€" day shift, midnight. 4 pm to l889-7611. c1w4l ; BOOKKEEPER.~oneV or two :gngUgai91l;:Ol§gg_lgg3 2155151 m ‘days a week, with typing. ' a ' , vflwv , A . . .-. lGal Friday, excellent typlst. _ KEELE. STREET .payroll, some bookkeeping andExpenence‘1 dlcta'typmt' clw4l Igeneral office duties â€" own" can 834'6944' , ‘ , transportation l A-l EMPLOYMENT AGENCY can I c1w41 III-CORPS PERSONNEL I DO YOU KNOW YOUR I18 Yonge St. N.. Richmond Hill? COUNTRY MUSIC? 884-3782 Radio Station CFGM requires Member Association of a part time music librarian. Reâ€" Professional Placement isponsibilities to include typ- Agencies ing, filing and assisting the clw41 Music Director in the various lSOMEONEï¬Fï¬hâ€"rknowledge;duties of running a music deâ€" partment. For apponltment call land interest in working with . ‘leather required for \veekenderS' hremer’ gel-1310' |work,_April 17 to November 28.l Apply Mrs. Molland. Blackl lCreek Pioneer Village, 633-l clw41 IFULL time or part time sales c1w41 AN INT. BOOKKEEPING MACHINE OPERATOR Required by a national nler- chandizer to operate a __ city-4111,8113 for Fabric Mill Outlet ‘l‘O‘JghS 3200 series sensimatic.‘ _ lGOOD cow manure. busllel,‘Highway 7 and Keele St. 889-,90511118 01‘d81‘5_ and gellel‘a] Cl“41,bucket or trailer load. deliv- 3701. Clw4lledger. Canadlan experience ered. Phone 889-2949. 9-5 days." . "" ' f‘; " preferred. Location Highway I l sgwin mm,“ lmome .Coum be and Keele Street: Mrs. Prest- .- _ __ L. _ _L,.A___ .‘OUI'S “1111 a Busmess Op- 809 889_9660 ext 2.15. DINING l‘oonl suite. 9 pieces. portunitr second to none. In- °' ' ' clw-ll terested persons phone for an- pointment. 889-9607. clw-II PRACTICAL nurse \lantedTOT‘ small Nursing Home in Rich- mond Hill. 884-7646. JUNIOR CLERK No typing necessary. accurate figures. some calculator ex- perience. Canadian experience preferred. Location Highway 7 _-Â¥__ __01““u‘and Keele Street: Mrs. Prest- ORDER DESK CLERK age. 889-9660. ext. 2-16. This position requires a clean c1w41 cut person with 3 years experi- ence. 8100 plus. CALL 884-6944 Al EMPLOYMENT AGENCY clw-ll Part time. w CEkClKlS. Stu- Sumlller elll- PERSONAL Do you lla\c a drinking prob- lem. If so AA can help. Write Box 8-1. Richmond Hill. or call EMS-8684 tfcIT Do you halo a drinking prob- lem. If so .\.\ can help. Writs Box 37. King Cit}. or call 833- 6803. U039 WOULD the two people who witnessed an accident on Sep- tember 19th 1970 on Highway No. 48. approximately 150 feet SERVICE Station. Evenings and dent preferred. ploymcnl “ill be available to the right man. Apply Texaco 7161 Yonge SL. Thornhill. clw-il EXPERIENCED teller wanted. Excellent working condition. Salalw commensurate with exâ€" perience. For appointment. south of the C..\'.R. subwa) phone 839-7528. Royal Bank of tracks and near Hilll't‘él) Hill . Canada. Keele and Hw} 7. Con- A\elluc 111 Oak Ridics contact ctilri. tchel \ll Bl'tnk 211 3114-11331. elm-ll If you are not afraid of work p1ant,‘must have good referen-IPAINTING - PAPERHANGING you can be a success in the Real ces and should be handyman. Interior - Exterior. Free esti- Bul- ._ - -W. , _g., .. tfcElcllel‘y. RR 2. Markham. 640-3418. A-C ELECTRIC COMPANY : c3w40 CommerCIaI and l‘eSIdentiaI \\lI‘-‘ REID LA’W'NSIbw'ER ing- Free e'timates. 8814-4â€"32. ‘ 3 005,,38‘ SALES AND SERVICE -- ~ A r, - â€"--- Complete lawnmower and snow- R & AUTOMOTIVE REPAIRSlmobile repairs and service. .g Repairs to all makes. Rcason- Open 8 am _ 9 pm. 88433716 able. Nightly call after 6: 30' “€18: pill. 889-6814. c4w38 “7-†~- - A- d d-- b M. . - .. r l' r on n . ‘ H NORTHERN PAINTING ï¬ling. cc " e" 9 9‘9" 3 Residential, commercial paint- PERRLSTYLE (custom) illg. interior and exterior. Paper-‘ Upholster-mg “ingll‘E' 881236193- --. -3949 22 Richmond St. 884-6885 RAILROAD ties for sale. Will tfc30 build retaining walls. planter 6" "'“' - ’ . . omplete home maintenance boxes and boat docks. Free esti- - . 7 ‘ mates. 88943338. th37‘and all home implovemcnts and W- ..._ alterations. BAKER'S BACKHOE l JOHN E. QUINN EXCAVATING Contractor 884-5176 Trencliing. sewer & water lines. tfc31 footings. 889-3604. tt‘c2‘ VINCE‘S CARPENTRY f l l ALBERICO‘S GENERAL REPAIRS SPECIALIZING in rec. l‘OOIIlS.j']‘110|‘nhjll Specialists in bars. kitchen cabinets, ai‘borite plaster. stucco, ceramic tile. and home repairs. License floor me, carpentry. drywall. E1716. 889.2889. 7" TREEâ€"CUTTING? And Pruning Fruit Trees E. C. Doak. 859-4428 “C40 concrete. Small or large jobs. ' 889-3031 or 889-5580 tfc32 , THE MINI-MOVER*# _ l. Have you anything you want __-__ *2‘V40‘ moved or taken away? PAINTINGi'ind decorating. 13-10 Need any sand or gravel? l 0 Small jobs mean small prices. terior and exterior. Carpentry _ ’ ,work. rec. rooms and a1tera-,Cail SIPVe SablSlon after 3 pm. tions. No job too big or sinalln839-2625- 02W40 834â€"5009. 1fC40l__â€"__' ' #PATNTINE_ 8; PAPERHANGING l . .U.S___ LLLTL . R. E. DUNN 1970 CUDA 440 6-pack automa- tic. 410 Posi â€" Super track-oak. “C18 13.000 miles. 857â€"2314. clw41 727-3303 £31382 OLDS $75. 884-3522. of-l1966 CHEVELLE 4 dl‘. sedan. GENERAL contracting, alte . 166" TO RENT l FURNISHED room. FURNISHEDT-obntvc’ï¬ll {ii}; and parking facilities. Plcase; phone 884-1194 for appointment. tfc15 FOR lease. 3.000 - 6000 sq. ft. industrial space, Newkll'k Road. Features dock level loading, clear, immediate posses- sion, $110 net. Lored Con- struction Ltd. 630-9500. tfc50 and garage on LARGE _101 ‘Yonge St. suitable for repair Pm- sllop or taxi station. Call 884â€"1 2762, 783-6229, 783-2762. 1 A A N tfc33 2 BEDROOM‘APA‘RT‘SI’EI'T $165. month, includes hydro. soft water. fridge. stove, etc. hcar Richmond Heights Shopping Centre. Adults. Children ovcrl 16. Call 884-2475. tfc37 ROOMSiofATaTIOUSTsizgsâ€"SUit: able for meetings of groups up, to 150 people, available for rent! in Richmond Hill’on a weekly ,or montllly basis. Rates avail- lable on request. Phone 884-4045.‘ ‘ c4w38 ,PLANT and office space to rent. 2,000 square ft. Goodwill ,Fabricating Company. 167 Cen- tre Street East, Richmond Hill.‘ 884-8981. ttc38‘ FRAï¬I. oil‘heated \vorklep‘. ‘40 x 100 with industrial power and about ‘3 acre storage area. ill-Maple. 884-7020. tfc39. IOFFICE space: .2180 Storage‘ space. Goodwill lCompany, 167 Centre Street East. 884-8981. tfc39. ,SUBLET 1,000 sq. ft. factory ;space plus 700 sq. ft. office space. Will rent separately or, lconlbined. 884-9711. tfc39 [ONE bedroom apartment. avail- able May 1. 884-7701. 11040 ‘BARON-f0l“l101‘89s>in_StOUffvill e. c1w41,also 1000 sq. ft. workshop. Ml'JEI-IROPEAN Gibbon. 884-8981. c2w40 ,SINGLE girl or woman with ‘child. Share the house. Even- ‘ings. 889-5404. c2w41 tions and additions. homes, _ _ v . fices, factories, Custom carpenJExcellent condition. Certified. try of all descriptions. Les 339-6577. clw41 Webb. 889-2546. th3 l RICHMOND HILL ROOFING runs good. 884-1403. *111-41 Shingles - Flat; Roofs lioea PLYMOUTH wagon _ AI Ea‘yeStroughmg ,condition. V8 automatic. radio. Experienced workmanship. FI‘Ceiu-ailer hitch. 24,-â€, tailgate. ex- lestiinates. All work guaranteedJu-a1 rims with snot“, $2100 or ‘884-3719. .. , 7 796‘5'39best offer. Original owner. Pri- NOW is the time for renovaâ€" \:a_tï¬e;3§f1-gf_599; if (Inï¬ll ting. plastering. painting. paper-uses TRIUMPH Spitilt-e'j’motor Ml‘s' hangi“ 8: furniture rSloan‘s-‘partly rebuilt. good body: ask-,ferences. 884-1853. Financing arranged. 884-5303.‘ing $175, Call Glen after 5 pm. Richmond Hill Decor. l837-5503. *111'41. l “€39 1967 GMC 92-1011 PiCk-UP. only storage or shop. Call Paul. 889- J RUBBER STAMPS 39,000 miles. Chrome front and Several type faces to choose from rear bumpers, custom cab, â€"including Script. Block letters. radio, auxiliary rear Springs; Olltline and Signature â€" f7-‘1Stlideal for camper use. Licence !No. 65469B. Full price $1.640. _.l 1965 CHEV. Handyman. Ton 1knotch condition. Licence No. 1105. HARRISONS_CUSTONI CARPENTRY 654703 Full price $995. See Custom built homes. renova- 01- ,phone John G055. Kit-meal- tions- additions ‘and l'el’a‘I‘S-‘Pontiac Buick Limited. 9612 KitChens 3 50993311153 MmTlSlYonge Street Richmond Hill. Harrison. 834-2838. 7 tfc45‘i 884_4481 _ 389_9651 __ 721-; RON‘ MOORE 18721. _ clw41 1956 PLYIVIOUTH Fury III, convertible, new paint, good tires and operating condition. mates. Ca‘ll anytime. 889-8965. Free estimates. A leimon 8336671, black interior. Radio. Certified. “Wu, 34.000 miles. 895-3319 aftfl‘ 4(15 RdOM‘fd'Ifan mamfbe'na-ï¬; . . . ------------ c w . - . . ' " ' ' 86-1-9114. (lw-ll Plastering lhornhlll “- _ , ,__ _ M H 7, v R. CLARK 197° 55 39" Chf‘mlev Amba'l‘fl' BASEMENT apartment. self Plain alld Decorative Plastering, “‘1 Shape" 884-‘011' mm.“ contained, fridge and stove. Repairs 21 Speciality 1965 VOLKSWAGEN", as is. separate entrance. 884â€"9893. Free Estimates best offer. 832-2671. c1w41 after 6 p111. "In-11 . 4355:7531 8394135, .90‘1969‘v0LKSWAGEN’ Deluxe? 1 V , “L†‘new tires, radio. gas heater. 1 E. W. PAYNE back window defroster, $1250. ,Drains, septic tanks. All types 895-3475. *1w41 lof concrete “'m‘k- 1964 CORVAIR. in running cori- ‘889'5762 FREE ESTIMAVfl‘E: dition. New starter. 1971 licence. l,__._-. .. - A, "I C .1860. 888-1923. c1w41 1mm?“ ELMS DECORATI‘qullBS-t PONTIAC, 2 dr. ht. $575. ‘Pamtlng. paperhangmg. 1n eI-ecash. 884_6036. cm.†ior and exterior. Free estimates.‘_,_ 7. Y 7,. .3.-- ‘ v .. . t (1. 837_5510_ .1968 JAVELIN. good condition, 1“ 01k tfc46 still under warranty. 884-2722. PTTINTING a: v A}... - -. 1- _ ,_ INTERIOR; EXTERIOR 1966 CHEV ROLE'I 4 dr. ‘ . ._ _ _ ._ __ _ _ _ _ _ 6 cyl.. automatic. power steering and brakes. excellent condition. . IN ING __ _ _ _ _ â€" â€" _ private owner. $950. or best of- 384.2433 :fel'. 889-5591 after 6:30 pill. '- n ’ ' ’_ -1 '41 LEONARDI BROTHERS 1 C “ CONSTRUCTION l PETS FOR SALE Concrete. Drain and Generalj Repairs. Patio. Stonework. Side-' walk. Trenclling alld Excavating. Lic. No. D0033. ‘ 889-5228 tfc-t-i CARPENTRY work. recreation rooms. additions. renovations. tile floors. alld ceilings. Free estimates. '1‘. Price. 889-3653. tfc3 New owner Betty Forsyth. Dog grooming -â€" poodles a specialty. Jill Goddard. 889-3606. tfc18 ST. BERNARD cross New found- landcl's puppies. $35 each. 837- 5508. ’ 1\\41 BEAL‘TIFL‘DEastelfgift. Heal- tlly seal point siamese kittens. 833-5854. c1w41 FEIIALE dog good home. all shots, excellent with ATL'SII NI'M;H 0111: IMPROVEMENTS free 'to Alcan â€" siding. Eavc-stl'oughs Doors and Windows children. good watchdog. 773- For free estimates call your 4616. cm“ Local Comma†PARTN PE‘I'Slall VkittchSiï¬fl‘ee t0 HANS BL’TT 889-4105 a good homes, Also 4 bob) rab- 7_7 “3:1 bits for sale. 889-2987. Clay-11 FINLAY ELECTRIC SPAYED Siamese. 1 year. also Outside lighting maintenance equipped with ladder truck. All commercial residential and Ill- dustrial wiring. Free estimates. Call any time. 884-3901. kitten. 3 months. free. 884-3342. ’ lw-Il RATBBITS. 2. snow white pure- bred. male. 5'3 each \\lIl1 or without cage. 884â€"4947. “11141 REGISTERE’DRx-liite‘lnéle poo- dle. 3 months old, needles and tfc36 R a- R HOME IMPROVEMENTS All kinds of carpentry work latI°°-._884'_ԤBj-V ï¬lly“ Specialty . Rec. Rooms. ALASKAN Malamute lHuskyl. “'ork guaranteed male. black and white. Reg‘d. Free estimates Championslll‘ lood lines. has 689-7598 been shown. ;' .- 3081'\ old 884- cll‘nl'ï¬ "2933. clw-tl '62 1961 FALCON S/W. Fair shapelFURNISHED room. No cooliing.l Iparking. 312. weekly. Yonge and Elgin Mills. 884-9423. c1w41 BEâ€"DV-SITTï¬G room for rent, suitable for a woman. 884-2551. c1w41 MODERNâ€"{roomwapa lunchtiâ€" _.. with basement and garage, Arn- old Avenue. $160 monthly. Re- c1w41 lBASEMENT b e n e a t h store. ,Separate entrance. Suitable for 2042 evenings. c2w41 A bright 4 rooms over store. Sheppard and Yonge, $140. Adults. 486-8578. c1w41 l __ __._ 2 BEDROOM apartment. Avail- able May 1 and June 1. One -baby only. Apply superintendent 441 Elnlwood. . RETAIL ON BUSY YONGE ST. Lalge store and basement for rent ill busy Richmond Hill. On lYonge St. at Centre St. Parking. lImportant million dollar project gomg up in area' For appomt'lmore bedroom house or apart- ment, call A. J. Siggner, HU5- 1 clw41 LARGE l'OOlll, suitable for I or 2 people, no cooking facili- ‘ties. Close to Richmond Heights. 884-7564. *1w41 ‘UPPER duplex, ,King City; heat. light. and re- frigerator. Adults only. 833- 5294. c1w41 :IND'OFITâ€"fu rnished, cooking fac- 11111105. near Yonge. Suitable for 2 girls or a couple. 884-3709. ‘ c1w41 {BEDROOTIâ€"anaT-Rébâ€"t; . Adults. no pets; soft water. References. modern. quiet. Owner 488-0802. tfc4l 477-7 west side. 884- 4219 after 4 pm. c1w41 IONE bedroom to rent. 884-1638. | c1w41 upper and two 2 bedroom lowers. triplex. Rich- mond Hill. ‘2 block to Yonge. 889-2666. c1w41 # TRAILERS ROOM to rent. 1969 RAMBLER 14 ft. New ga electric trig, excellent condition $1395. with hitch. 773-5150. c1w41 KING CITY TRAILERS HOLIDAY ROCKET TRIPLE E 197l Models in stock reduced prices during April. 1970 Truck Campers and ust trailers on sale. Free storage. ’l‘l'ucks Caps from $240. ill). 20111815 from 835. weekly and up. Parts and accessories from '1 heels to roof. Hundreds of items on display. King Road. West of Yonge Street. 773-4260. c2w41 TRAVEL TOURS. cruises. rail and bus IICk€l>. reservations and llldi1iâ€" (111.11 trawl Call A. H Cl‘CIEllll’lll I‘m-ml Agency 889-5641 11147 7' front. FabricatingflOUNGAlnan. high school gra- c1w4l' Summer Properties} WANTED ? - z - r - . . . . co k‘ MAPLV 'x' in ’x’ ' - - ' lSALEbLADL mghts. mature. Sglél'glCeSfOl'SlIlall1311511165565. tion rooms. kitchens and l'e- facilities, 16 Lorne 1510 I101ng Southel'lsi‘ Dot “PETE: Lsiglfds‘gfï¬eg (:fpcgfopgfpilï¬rggfnélpggl: _ ‘ I - 4 - , _.7- â€" _ _ ~ ‘ ‘ . - . “a -. . , _ v ‘V g , “BETTE: 77-90;; V 7 7 u 021:4} east of Bork s Jewellers at Cleared lots. Hydro. Good roads.,1ine can Long Distance and ask I CLEANING WINDOWS CONCRETE repairs and install, 3011.96- tfc51 Priced 82.000. to $5.000. 476-,for zenith 32300. call anytime. 5551' Elenmgs 476'4529- IEd Peconi 8: Son. Woodville, ,-.. _ .._ _, tfc‘AOIOnt. Licence No. 3240 - 66. FREE BROCHURES l tfc44 Describing lots, areas and prices. ANYTHING Lewdâ€"l} auc; 8951 vacation W999“y in 0‘" tion in our large showroom. “mo- C‘m 773'4333; V» JVEZJ‘EQ Furniture. car. boat. etc. Sold I-lOLlSEKEEPING cottages. on commission or bought out- Lalld of Lake area. inside con- Fight for ('aSll. venieliccs. sandy sate beach! DUNN AUCTION SERVICE b_0at included. 884-3753. c2w40l 884-9394 3-BEDROOM cottage. neai‘- _7 thc37 4:30 USEDâ€"“TUE? softener, private. - c2\~'41iE?L§Lm§-____°1W41 BUILDERS‘ CLEARANCE lEVENlNG dress, size 14-16. 889- TWO MUSKOKA COTTAGES 8625- Cl\\'41 Beautiful lakefront, lovely river-JA BILLIAR_D table, reasonâ€"Aime: Save 10% plus I‘EaltyV834_5765. chinu cost‘ during A -'1. Info ‘ma 1 . - -â€".-â€"â€"-â€"- â€"â€"" b p†1 ton'CNE used tricycle. 2 doll car- no obligation. 884-8963. . . 1 l‘lages or strollers in good con- Midland. 884â€"3768, after c1“ dition. 889-7635. clw41 ‘ 8:9vHP'03%8thMOtOTf88-t- , EMPLOYMENT l5652. *Iw-II ’l‘ABLEusawA inAgOOdâ€"cOiâ€"RlitIOn; -â€" 1889-8625. c1w41 MKRRIEI) man wants part timcl work on farm or looking after property in exchange for lodg- ing. Has reference. 833-6394. tfc391 _. _. TRUCKING service. Picking up} Nugggggï¬gï¬pl‘ garb a . l ' -‘ ‘ a°e C eanmg (mt base Grccn Lea Nursery School, ments. Hauling anything. B83â€" , . . . . 5802. 332_1558 ,;._3“.40 ’lhornhlll. is accepting applica- .-_.‘ 4 r. _ W73 . tions for September 1971. 889- 17 XEAR old girl desn‘es after- 0873' ‘ cm.“ school work. 889-9139. c2w40, MATURECg'n-l onlld’iiltâ€"eâ€"ailob'BOATS _ MOTORS as a mother's helper. 773-4396. ..__.-A_. . . c1w41 712 HP motor and 12’ aluminum 1boat $200; 20 HP motor and 14’ aluminum boat, windshield and ‘controls $500. Call 884-4688 lafter 5 pm. clw41 NURSERY ,duate. two years university, pre-‘ viously employed as purchasing agent. Anything considered. Re- l] 16’ BOAT. 50 1le motor and lferenccs available. Call Jim. 1334.3795. c1w411ti'ailer. $1200. 884-9828 after 6 .dioramanr'mcnnaneinll 01‘ can 11° 599" at 6 Beavem’“ Road, Richmond Hill. c1\v4l work 3 ft e I‘ weekends. ‘ teenager seeks ‘school and on the Industrial ‘Pllone Carol McMillin at 884-; .7853. nccw41‘ 1 - AT LN M ï¬ydmanfldeswevs .- hqlupment Kleinburg 6 Tox'tilt top tFSi‘ler. withâ€"elec: tl‘ic brakes, best offer. 884-8842. c1w41 GARDENING :TREES and bushes prunedï¬a’nd lspraycd, lawns fertilized, gen- eral landscape. Retired gard- ,house cleaning. Maple or King City area only. ,Experienced. References. 859-, ‘4584. c1w4ll WANTED TO RENT 3“on’4"1;.-dt-oofoï¬nazno’la‘ 6931;- , 3831953., I cit“;39 Richmond Hill area. 884-2433. LAWN fertilizing and mum}- tfc§_3 ling. 889-1891. c2w4l FARMIhouseCoriprivatelyiitua-‘ ted house. 3 or 4 bedroomsl 762-8793. Toronto. c1\v41‘__-_ _L..___.______‘ . LEAN working couple desires TAILORING’ dressmaking 31‘ C . - ... 2 bcdmom apartment 0,. duplex’lterations for all the family. 743- ‘ one 1. 223-5345 mornings. 638- 5671' “€23 112238 evenings. c1w41 DRESSMAKING and alteraâ€" ' i" â€" â€"" â€"‘ tions reasonable, pickup and l .. _ l l. » SINGLE car gaiage. 884 294 ‘dehvery; 884-8485. c4w40 ‘ *1w41 ‘2 BEDROOM apartment ui'gent-, 1y required. west side preferred. Vicinity of Richmond St. 884-' TUITION TEACHER, piano and theory, " ' - - 1 . . @833 - . 3134. establishing Richmond Hill. QUIEI‘ apartment or house for 334_3925_ [fem . ll . - -. - ' ----â€"-* .-r -â€" ~.~~.-.~ coume IFS Falqkmal 9 am J TUTOR available speCIalizmg clw41' pnl. 635-2444. - â€" -, in English and remedial read- BEDROOM Imus“ RIChmond ing up to Grade 8 in your home Hill or immediate vicinity. 884- m- mine‘ please can Mrs, 8357- mm Stevens. 884-6323. tfc39 lï¬SRâ€"eaTâ€"JU y INSTRUCTION ‘7 ne, modest 3 01" Write Box 30|MEN NEEDED TO TRAIN AS 2 bedrooms, . . . tfc35‘Cali 889-1849 evenings. c1w41 7619 awmmegl; 83%;?ng (e s p e cia l 1y: " I . . ' _.. lros ". I switchboard EXTERIfi’IE‘IgEDNéNTERIOR 1960b§0R81§;,¢;297()6% condit10I1c.11\“e:1â€" 2 BEDROOM apartment, fridgei‘The Liberal"? ï¬ne-£1 50113 e. - . ' . -__.7, 7 _.__.L Lâ€" . - , 7M ,, _#_ ,g,_.l.i..,_,and stove. 47 Elmdale court-URGENTLY needed! Couple Pape‘hangmg‘ 11967 VW Deluxe. $895. Red \vitthor appointment call 787-3003. with four children would like farm home. Anything consider- ed: Maple through Gormley : --v- area. Call anytime. 889-4011. c2w41 SINGLE girl requires room and board or small furnished apart- ment in Richmond Hâ€! or Auro- ra. close to Yonge. 833-5049 after 5 pm. clw41 SMALL cottage! or†1 Thedroom apartment, furnished. required: immediately. Richmond Hill area. 884-1396. *1w41 2 or 3 bedroom bungalow, Rich- mond Hill or vicinity, adults May 31. 884-9347. c3w41 WOMAN desires housekeeping room or furnished bedroom with kitchen privileges. within walk- ing distance of bus stop on New- kirk. 884-8898. c1w41 â€"# l IROOM & BOARD ‘ROOM and boardIfor gentleman. 773-5770. tfc38 ATTRACTIVE room avdilable, gentleman only, parking, 889- ‘3270. c1w38 ROOM-0171001117 andï¬boa rd avail- able for young man. 884-4947. c1w41 â€" ROOM and board for gentle- man. Separate entrance. 884- 6360. c1w41 # LIVESTOCK FOR SALE YOL'NG spring lambs. 478â€"4978. Quecnsville. c1w40 SHE'LAND pony with brand new western saddle. best offer. pair of geese. 889-4066. ch-lIl l-‘llzâ€"ljillallvdi Palaillino. Good nilllll‘Cd. perfect condition. S450. 884-7391 between 8-10 pill. “Ivy-’11 “â€" Transportation RIDE wanted from Markham and Bayview to Hwy 7 and Keele arriving. 8:30 am. 884- 8266 or 88â€"1-9500. clw-ll RIDE vanlcd to Montreal. .\})l'll 8. Thursday 'f-H-lHIIT. (‘lu ~1l SEMI DRIVERS Train now to drive semi tractor trailers, local and over the road. You can earn high wages after short training. For application and interview, call 416-362-4002, or write Safety Dept. Transport 'l‘laining Systems of Canada. Ltd. 207 Queens Quay \l'cst, Toronto 117, Ontario, Canada. c2w40 MORTGAGES ‘ FIRST AND SECOND MORTGAGES ARRANGED Reasonable I‘ ate 5. Existing mortgages purchased for casll. Call or write: I Frank Green 1 Financial Enterprises PO. Box 277, 31 Yonge St. S. l Aurora 773-4671 9 am. to 9 pm. by appointment tfc39 IBORROW WITH CONFIDENCE ‘Sound advice without obligation. First or second. lowest rate. all properties. T. Rider, Ed. Lowe Realtor Ltd. 481-6876 or 226- ‘0337 evenings. c1w4l ALE REGISTERS 3 APRIL 17, SATURDAY 1 pm Auction sale of llousellold furniture, 2-piece chestelfield suite. chrome kitchen set. 1 Viking refrigerator (new), 'l'llor washing machine (good condi- .tionl, full bedroom suite and ‘other beds. odd dishes. at 5 lStation Street, Maple (first house north of Richmond Street). Property of Ward Hall. Terms cash. Alvin S. Farmer, auctioneer, phone 887-5311. .. c2w41 NEE INCOME TAX RETURNS COMPLETED? Contact HI-CORPS OFFICE ASSISTANCE 18 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill 984-6782 _._â€"â€"-Iâ€"â€" ‘J p-