MrSIAntï¬ony Nigh has re- turned home after spending the winter in Florida. Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brillinger and Mrs. Beulah Jones had supper last Thursday with Mr. and Mrs. Gird Herscher of Richmond Hill. Mr. and Mrs. Mel Heise and granddaughters of Scarboro vis- ited Mr. and' Mrs. Roy Brillin- ger on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Russell Heise and Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Emp- ringham attended the funeral of Mrs. Helen McNiven at Port Colborne. ‘ Mrs. Beulah Jones and Mrs. Charles Milsted had dinner on Good Friday with Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Wilson, Miss Annie Yen and Miss Ruby Wilson of Ux- bridge. Miss Nancy Doner spent a week with friends in Montreal. Mr. and Mrs. Metro Sudeyko enjoyed Easter Sunday with their son-in-law and daughter. Mr. and Mrs. Merle Coneybeare of Listowel. Mrs. Blanche Read and W11- Ham Banfnrd spent Sunday with Mrs. Lena Lee at Oakville. Rev. and Mrs. George Sheffer of Stayner spent Thursday night with Mr. and Mrs. Peter Stickley. Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Brillinger and family spent the weekend with her brother-in-law and sis- ter Mr. and Mrs. Don Logan and famin of Hamilton. On Sunday they had dinner with Eldon‘s brother-in-law and sis- ter Mr. and Mrs. George Sider of Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. Abram Krieder of Mt. Joy. Pennsylvania. vis- ited friends here on the week- end and had Sunday dinner with her brother and sister-in- law Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Winger. Mr. and Mrs. Harold Tatton welcomed their first grand- daughter. born to their son-in- ]aw and daughter Mr. and Mrs. David Sykes of Willimantic, Connecticut. Rev. and Mrs. William Van- derBent of Richmond Hill. Miss Vera Brillinger of Richmond Hill and Mr. and Mrs. George Sider of Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Brillinger and children all were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Brillinger on Monday in honor of Walter's birthday. 7 Bob Anderson was admitted in Sunnybrook Hospital last Wednesday. Mr. and Mrs. Art Hoskin and children spent Easter with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Bruce Nesbitt of Minden. Miss Dorothy Doust of Kit- chener spent the Easter week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Fred Doust. Church News 'eighborhood Notes Congratulations t [rs. Samuel Doner married 63 years 0: heir present addre 'yables Nursing Ho Rev. Norman Wingert who has worked with the Mennonite Central Relief Committee for 20 years spoke on Sunday mor- ning at Heise Hill Church. He told of vely interesting exper- iences and also how he had per- sonally delivered leprosy bun- dles and relief bundles in var- ious countries of the. world. The ladies of Heise Hill Church pack several of these bundles each year so were very inter- ested in hearing about their de- livery. Rev. and Mrs. Alvin Winger and Misses Mary and Adeline Reaman attended the Bible Conference at Fordwich over the weekend and visited rela- tives there. Mrs. Roy Brillinger received a letter from her daughter Vel- ma who is a missionary at Chnma. Zambia. She tells about the surprise birthday sup- per for her in March. She ap- preciated very much the many cards and letters which she re- ceived from friends and Irela- lives here. Plan to attend the World Mis- sions Conference at Gormley Missionary Church April 14 to 18. Rev. John Blosser of India was the guest speaker on Wed- nesday night. Miss Margaret Brown RN, of Nigeria will speak. She also helped do re- lief work in Biafra after the Civil War. On Friday night Rev. Paul Erdel. Director of Overseas Missions will be the guest speaker. He has travelled ex- tensively in many countries. Mr. and Mrs. Desmond Meed of Ethiopia will be providing special music. After the serv- ice 8 light buffet representing foods from various overseas countries will be served in the Fellowship Hall. On Sunday morning Mrs. Harold Knights of Nigeria will address the combined depart- ments of the Sunday school. Harold Knights. BA, of Nigeria will speak at the 11 am service. Rev. John Zurciier of Haiti will be the final speaker at 7:30 pm Sunday. The Gormley Male Quai‘tette will sing at both Sunday services. Another feature will be the playing of a tape from our own missionaries Allan and Dorine Doner of Nigeria who are sup- ported by the Gormley church. All are cordially invited to attend these special services and also to see the various dis- plays in the church. SCHOMBERG: A barn fire near here April 3. destroyed 430 pigs on the farm rented‘ by Leonard Bishop. 1L2 miles! west of town‘ Total lms in the blaze was estimated at $30,000. Mrs. Cha: Telephone GORMLEY iorrespondent: . Chas. Milsted phone 887-5445 nns to roner wh¢ ars on 1 address : ,g Home he will be 'April 15. s is Green 1e. RR 2. 1ded to McNiven mother. of Port was held and $$§1¢JE§BB¥§ 0 2io§1299 ‘ 210113990 100% All Wool Cavalry m Twill Blazer SUITS It‘s 3 Suit! It's look of ’71! G! wider lapels. ] Flap pockets! IV signer inspired Slacks with ' Sharp shades Deep Green. Ch Officer's Tan. REG. SHORT ELKS FITS Y( [LIES suits you best ior less L‘s a Blazer! It‘s Great styling. High centre Meta] buttons! 'ed linings! I Western poc s of British 1* Chestnut Brown |. Sizes 36 to T 0R TALL YOU ALL! as! De- Flare pockets. 1 Navy. um and to 46. Choose from ‘ wide selecï¬i‘m pockets} wgh Short and T31 RICHMOND uncut; 93;an vâ€"â€"___ 7 OPEN THURSâ€"DAY & FRIDAY EVENINGS 'TIL 9 PM. MOST STYLES IN ALL ELKS STORES CHARGEX THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday. April 15, 1971 To Sale price this suit is a real shame! But we must sacrifice profit in order' to sell more volume. So Out They Go! We call this our "YEar Rounder" and for good reason. It's light enough to wear Spring into Summer, yet heavier than Tropical, so you can wear it Fall into Winter. Special Blend of Wool and For- trpl as well as All Wools. Sizes 36 to 48. £62.. Short