‘10 THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday. April 15. 1971 MILK or . mMAGNESIA ,, Mint or Plain GRIPE WATER 5 oz. REXALL SUPER ORY ' Anti-Perspirant SPRAY W DEODOR T Sol. 1 [NEW 90‘ ADRIENNE HAIR SPRAY Mi 31 {SEWING s: HAIR SETTING LOTION Hard to Hold, Regular 8 02. 2/129 Allencourt Pharmacy Ltd. “We make a penny do more for you'.’ APRIL T5 - 24 PHARMACY ‘ Airway-Aidan. ‘ I ' MULTIPLE ' TAMINS wt- 0' MAGNESIA m..."- - . - W ‘ PRO SHAVE A A MIRACLE LATHER SACCHARIN GLASS CLEANER SHAVING CREAM TABLETS withTX100 & 2 Fragrances Eï¬zï¬gxï¬gfyl' 1:21:33?!) 4 oz. VITAMIN "C" (Ascorbic Acid) TABLETS U.S.P. - 100 mgm.. 100's 250‘s REXALL FLUORIDE TOOTHPASTE Two Flavours 5% oz. BACHELOR STICK DEOOORANT 2.4 oz. REXALL EGG BREME SOLUTION ANTISEPTIB Mouthwash & Gargle m-Eflflfl ADRIENNE BUBBLE BATH SALTS 11.1 lb. tin polv bag) SWISS PINE, ROSE GERANIUM AND LAVENDER REXAlI-M OLYCERIN & ROSEWATER LOTION 12 oz. 2/1:so BACHELOR Anti-PerSpirant SPRAY DEOOORANT 5 oz. Allencourt Shopping Centre - Richmond Hill Win. F. 881-4444 Lazenhy BSt‘Phni. Alec I}. (‘Iai'lxc Free Delivery Hugh. A, \I'igiit PhinB 8944481 Endean Nurseries Sign Is Too Big Says Pending Town Bylaw What, does an old established firm rlo when it uants to erect 'l'hev iinrler for stzns Toun (‘ouneil Xpiil tFl 'ieI‘e then informed that 51(IOI'Hllnll lI'I M‘llII’IE \l/t‘ lIIllIl It is almost a \ear smt'e l'ri' ion Villa in Lniomille opened its doors to senior eiti.'.ens oi the Rezion ot~ York. and al- ready TI elderl' men and a sign in the area of a mimiei~ the proposed sizn hylaxv in this The sign is read\ to be (new [ml-1'11?†mp “MMâ€: H [he'll palily \\Ill(‘h is ahout to he- toun asizn noiild he limited to ted and it seemed likelt that 7“ ‘H a quvnu‘ MW no come a part of another munielâ€" l3†square feet, either all on lindean Viit‘sei'ies \toiild so who“ whirl-(5.91“, (in qti_\p«H-_ paltty “hich has no St:n h_\'- one \lle or the total of a ttio- ahead \tith its (‘I'I‘CIIOH and 01d ‘3'le Hko u†on m“ “‘ml‘m tau. hiit ttIiir-Ii has been con- sided sizn. if they proceeded take theeliam-ethatifandnhen 1i“ nVQm‘l/P moâ€. ‘(m'n aâ€: sidering a proposed sign hylan ‘~\llh the erection of their siqn the toun‘s sign hylau is finally unit. (ti-3Tb ‘Ul'tlllp\ o )er-te a for the past the years†already eonslriietedi \\IllCll has passed their sin niIl conform umumm any?†":0 “HMâ€: This is the question fact-d b_\ an area of 92 square feet onto regulations NW “h‘m‘; “RUINâ€; mud. ‘hm Endean Nurseries located on each side ‘a total of 184 square The nurseries are located in their h-iii-pins~ tooth nude; and \'on:e Street North in an area feett lI nouId contrmene the an area no“ zoned residential mhm. I;N.mn'.,'l [10(.C:;li:(\§ my of Richmond Hill nhieh “as a bylaw as it stands “hen it is under the Tonnship 0f Vail:- mw theirmen purclia‘sinï¬. “ind part of Vaughan 'I‘ounship un- passed and \tould lime to be lian‘s Zoning Bytavv, \vhich \vi'Il kogpmq me 1mm“ “10'6le (:\.t til December 31, 1971! removed. control the area until RICIT‘ \ rolldpmg- haan mm. mï¬â€˜ More than a year ago. the Regional ("oiinrilloi' Donald iiiond Hill passes a mnin: hy- mittee shone pl.n\.p(‘ch\n mg: firm applied to the Department I‘Iaxton pomted out that some Ian to replace ll. Since it “as \\\\\\\\\\\\\\\‘ '(iemg Amtmï¬ it“? \' 11;, a“; of lligliiiays and recencd perâ€" time “ill elapse before the hy- already in existence “hen the I - l ' "m mission to erect a too-sided iI- law is liiminated sign on its property. then a A condition of this pcrmisston needed uas that too eXistin: signs he conform. passed hy council and hylavi was passed it moratorium \viII he non ~ conforming to allow husincsses to use. It that locality IRA for more lezal commercial mdwnnwdda Centenadan resident representatites sit on the hoard committees and on tthe residents' council, ensurin: 1that residents are soon a say in the planning of activities and MRS. MARY JANE LIN!) removed The neu Sl"n “as Councillor Lots Ilaneev noted tears. . .- . ,~ ~ ' commissioned to he done by that the proposed sign~ hilavv " “WNW†"""mOH‘YJ'mn-Q 3"" {\W'Illiipv: damn!“ “(mung [mm] Charles Sign: of Toronto. was prepared and has been. NO LONGER NEEDED (“‘0â€le m Mrs†“a†"me l-‘iiiui "‘II as 4 ' fr I Then “pmlmhnn “as made WViSNI “uh H", “M Hm" and Someone else \inI be happy Lind a patient at The Villa IIos- r)m,1f1‘nulbp :1;_:'\Mn(lP m Vaughan Tmmkhlp rm, pm,‘ its pmhmm in mmd “Forums in hit} any of those still good pital \ilio Monday (-eIehi-aled Rude FH'mhIngnlfzn We . ilttl'd mission to erect the sign and \\e should consider establishin: appllam‘f‘s “th11 .‘0U no IOUEGT IH‘I' mm" ll'l‘lh‘IF‘N {(H-n‘ n? q ‘ i m ,‘I‘ ,- w the firm “as advised that it a category for liigliiiay eom- m‘f‘dv MI“. Illntl. mother of \i"5 1 arm} nrsn‘t‘i'dnh torln‘ililli‘ii‘rlg '~hoiild nait until after the ad- mci‘cial.†she suggested. RPM'IT lIth fast and easy \. Le ppe r. 255 Richmond [‘nmn \'iIII:ML-t.nl to: iwit )A‘ll vent of rezioiial gmcrnment Regional Councillor Gordon “till a low “ISL Llhm‘al Wan" SIWN- R'Ch'nnnd Hm' “Bi-Am" “HRHRI‘I'ITOY'r‘d “ENE-v and apply to Richmond Hill. Rowe agreed. contending that Ad- .hm'" â€â€˜ mem" Omarm- "\W†by \timqim- nr‘ SON-la] r ‘rTHI-gi) Frank Endean of the nurseryproperty frontage and speed Phil"? 12» 1871 and mm for man-V‘ilv smite: 'I‘hlini‘lai \Y'rr‘ills “- company told Richmond Hillilimit. should be taken into conâ€"i 884-1105 15'931‘5 '“ Toronm- '“Aiiimuéh mp; pét-mmrhmm. pletes the department s erOlPP‘ ment as far as huitdina e.\-~ llé‘nscs are Concerned. \\e niII continue to support the Villa in the amount of 30 percent of certain of its operating costs under the Charitable IIT>LllU- lions Act." said Mr. Wells. The Villa has a capacity of 1th residents. and all are enâ€" couraged to do their ovvn Illlni by an interested and concerned administrator and well trained staff. \s one resident commented, "Since I have been living at. L'iiion Villa, I've had an opâ€" portunity to do things I would- n‘t time even tried “hen l “as forty years younger. \‘ou. if you \\lll excuse me. it. is Saturday and I am going snonmohiling again." .\'E\\'.\l.\Rl\'ET: Terrence. Shaeklady. 1‘0. of Mansfield tnea!‘ Allistont recently was convicted of l\\n accounts of assaultin: local police officers and sentenced to two concur- reiit 30-day terms in Don Jail. The “names came from a mid fracas in the local arena durâ€" HIE the \tindiip of a high school hockey tmtrnament Dec- ember 30. Three other youths were involved In the incident. You’re miteshahead at: Stores 884-440] OPEN THL,'RS. 8; FRI. EVENINGS 'TlL 9 PM. pen a Firestone Budget Account or use your. . .