AM/FM solid state stereo with 2 separate speakers. $225. or will trade for car. Phone after 5 pm. 884-5001. c1w42 sh“ KENMORE wringer washer. ex- cellent condition $35. Single stainless steel sink with drain 35. 884-1747. ('1\\*42 'l‘EN'I‘~trailer, good v conâ€"diiion. 889-4263. ‘ c1\\‘42 EEYCLEEEBS'sTbainana sea-111 high handle bars. excellent con- dition. $30. 889-7807. clwfl CHILDRENS c u s t o m made drapes and flounce. scotch guar- ded, with quilted top for 39" bed, with lamps to match. 889- 1644. c1w42 DICTIONARY.‘ Websters. Lib- rary size, brand new, still in box. Cost new $45 uill sell 515. Adding machine. \‘ictor. slightly used $100. 964â€"2820. CHM! SEWING machines sales and service. Repairs to all makes, work guaranteed. Bei‘nina Sew- ing Centre. Richmond Heights Centre. 884â€"3775. 02w“ 12'cUfF'FK’émxiath-id’gé self detrosling. $75. 884-4341. Broadloom a'n'd Rugs at our cost plus 15% on $200. orders. Installation quotations free. Simplicity. Easy. Hitachi, Sanyo $124.95 to $179.95. Brice's Fur- niture Barn, Don Mills Road, Queensville. 478-4175. “(-36 TEAKWOOD â€" apartmtiï¬t 0; cottéigle. Like new. EXPERIENCED teller wanted. Living dim“ an I, ‘ I‘easona 6-. reg e ivew. Park-Excellent working conditions. direct from ghnpgmugdlrfli C1951 CONSU‘UCUOD- 226-1330. Salary commengurate with ex- house. Open 1-9 p1". 454-1333 __N_V A __ H 7#_V_C3“'4V2 pel’ience. For appointment, EINAR CLAUSEN LTD_ TRIP To xASSAU FOR Two phone 889-7528. Royal Bank of Hwy. 7, just east of Fifth Line, Won in recent draw, winner un-,Canada, KEBIE and HM’. 7, Con- (2 miles east of Dixie Road) able to go, includes flight and cord- - tfc41 ligamalea. tfclo accomodation in top hotel, 1 CARMER SEWâ€" year expiry date- Priced to 5911- “The Liberal" requires a re- service, Repairs 5: 5119313122: 266-3497 or 862-2553. clw'42 sponsible boy or girl for an es- }vork guaranteed. Bemina Sew: WATER CONDITIONERS tablished paper route in the lpg Centre. Richmond HeishtslSpl‘ing Special -â€" new fully au-[E}'est\f'99d 503d _al‘9‘a 0f ‘Soufh G-LENDRON c a r i' i a g e, pram style. $25. Harris crib. drop sides, spring mattress S30. White crib. one drop side and spring mattress - $15. Chrome high chair - $7. Dore] black padded leather car seat with head rest - $8. All items in ex- cellent condition. 832-8865. PINE blanket box $50. Four pine chairs $70. Child‘s rocker $20. Large oak rocker $30. 889-0407 or 889-4459. c1w42 WOMAN’S clothing ~ a good selection of better quality casual, day-time and evening wear. In excellent condition, sizes 10-12. 889-0407. c1w42 MODEï¬Nâ€"efeéfricâ€"ism; Tai pan-Gurney. all automatic. ex cellent condition. 889-7906. 4 KEYST’ONE‘Tnags. $100. 884- _9309. clw-lZ TRADE ‘and save or sell for cash. Brice‘s Furniture Barn wants used furniture and ap- pliances. 478-4175. tfc37 FIREWOOD Pure hard maple. $20 per cord. Special â€" 11.2 cords $25. Call C. L. Knappett, 884-3089. 2 BICYCLES.WISEYEEHesfi girl‘s and 1 boy’s. 884-4102. DRIVEWAY GRAVEL Crushed stone, sand. concrete gravel, etc.. delivered in small quantities. Call C. L. Knappett, 884-3089. tfc37 FREEZERS: General 8 cu. ft.. $144.95. 12 cu. ft., $159.00; 15 Cu. ft. $169.00; 20 cu. ft, $189.00. 25 cu. ft., $215.00. MILLINERS, Dressmakers Sup- Plies. Buttons covered. altera- ti‘ons. Also dry cleaning. 8A Yonge St. S. 884-5894. WASHER, dryer and stove parts. gears. belts, wood bear- ings and \rringer rollers etc. For all makes. Repairs to elec- tric lawnmowers and small ap- pliances. Math’s TV. 49 Indus- trial Road, 884-7903. tch INCOME tax forms prepared, individuals and small businesses ~ pickup and delivery service if necessary. â€"â€" Reasonable. 884-2876. *10w35 TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES Sales Service Rentals Authorized Dealer All popular makes, for sale including new and rebuilt standard portable and electric models, Special rental rates available to students. L. H. SIMS 88 Baker Ave. Richmond Hill YORK ALUMINUM Free estimates Aluminum sid- ing windows, doors. awnings. also glass and screen repairs. Phone 884-4558, factory 832-1313 Maple. 1.1028 *ALUMINUM Doors. windows. awnings. and railings. Ron Woods. 884-15111; CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES CASH RATES, lst insertion 10 words $1.00 and .8c per word thereafter. Minimum charge $1.00. Second and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged, 10 words for .90c and .8c per word thereafter. COMING EVENT NOTICE 10¢ per word; min. charge $1.50 BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of 500 CARDS 0F THANKS. IN MEMORIAMS, DEATHS, ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, BIRTHS per in- sertion _ $1.50 Classified advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than 6 pm on Tuesdays. Send ads by mail and enclose payment or telephone us at 384-1105 or 884-1983 and you will receive an invoice. Washer Spindryers FOR SALE THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, 'April 15, 1971 884-1745 é1{\;41§ACCORDI0N 120 â€" r ‘case ~â€" used very 13?â€? 400, “111 sell for 109.8788. 330“ ~â€" _7 #A ,- {p and MICROSCOPE ~â€" c1w42 c1\‘\'42 c4w42 1w42 itionsl DISPLAY FURNITURE Construction firm will sell ches- lterfields. tables and lamps, ianyo used on display in subdivision Fur- model homes and apartments. Roadï¬Ideal for living, iamily and reâ€" tfc36‘creation rooms, in your home. apartment or cottage. Like new, mms reasonable. free_ delivery. Park- __H_’ Crest Construction. 226-1880. tfc37 Pall‘s- New opening, second hand fur- "1319 niture, some antique, 115 King 11028 Sideroad, 1/2-mile west of Yonge. Buy sell and trade. 773-5448. tfc36 t£c3 5‘" ""' "Www- upcntCANADIAN Imperial Bank of; 7 it] Sign†T1113? 1:11;; Slgt; 1!? -m6 Commerce -â€" Teller wanted, ex- :3'} . ' ' clad Derience desired but not neces- gâ€" BED l t Pf. M G d di sary. 889-7396. tfcu 01‘ clese 1e . 00 con _____________ “Vi: - clw42 as . . 3p 5 »â€"â€"~â€"~ - â€" ‘hlservme home dehvery snack :37‘HONDA. 1970 sport model. ssitood routes_ Must dress neatly, _‘cc: 4 speed. Driven only 500jhave sales ability and chauq 1.d.nnles. $225. 884â€"519. C1\\'42ifeu1.vs licence; salary 0F commisn hullâ€"CURTAINS. Brand neQTBrithsion. Call Mr. Olsen 222- ‘orange. 144 x 84 and 40 x 3412126“ evenings. “Wu 53313est offer. 889-5172. “mmâ€"bonnm Yoim scope and extra large clip $35. 884-6005. c1\v41 iFlï¬ED oa‘ts, baled straw, red clover seed. 889-2453 evenings. *1w41 VESPER Scooter, 150 c.c engine good, $50. Also plywood cartop boat. shape $50. 884-1420. GIRL’S bicycle 17â€. good shape $15. 884-3329 after 5 pm. GIRL’S junior bicycle with. pas-‘ï¬i’fi’égbjléfjé: W" awn kft, 24 \wlgeels, good condmtm, GENERAL help, preferably $20. 8324.50. c1\\42 . , T . ~-- lady, days and evenings, week- GARDEA mler’ Howard R0t°'fends inciuded. Please apply vator: 3 11.1). engme. excellentéscottvs Chicken Vina~ 191 “mug “der- 332‘1403’ 6‘9lYonge St. N., Richmond Hill in ‘3‘ Cl “'42§ person only. c1 W42 USED WATER HEATERS I'â€" Used water heaters $10 and uplExp‘ Suitable for cottage. Can be}man seen at Richmond Hill Hydro‘App; Service Centre, 104 Newkirk Tire Rd.. or phone 884-4466 for de-lRich tails. c3w42' _: CHESTERFIELD suite. Datsun white wall tires onial table and 2 chairs. onial rockers. 884-8739. CCM bicycle. girl‘s. 6-8 years size. good condition 820. 889- 3193. Clw42 VESPER Scooter, 150 cc, as is, engine good, $50. Also 11 ft. plywood cartop boat, good shape 550. 884.1420. c1w42 BATHROOM sinks with taps $3: TV tower complete S35: steel fire doors S5; other doors SI: pine cupboard $5 and other items. 884-7509. clw42 BABY carriage: forge-sizeâ€"tri- cycle, boy's electric car. 881â€" 0925. *1\\42 lens, almost new, $30. 889-1062. *1\\‘42 ELECTRIC stove. good tion $35. 884-4848 after TABLE lamps, floor lamps and end tables. Captain chairs. Bar- gain. 889-3910. elw42 GIBSON EBO, $350. Excellent condition, with hard shell case. 884-9647. cl “'42 BOYS bicycle. 20" wheels. pm. 884-4016 monke Holland Park Garden Centre, 51 Keele Street N., Maple. 832- 2455. tfcéo 22 calibre semi-automatic rifle, GAS water heater, good condi-YLA- tion. Phone 884-2386 after 6:00‘ORGANS D-m- nc1\v41,sale._ S-aw COKE machine. good condition best offer, 884-4724 after 4 pm Pianos and used furniture. Call 884-1146. tfc24 1 DINING room suite, 1 guitar. Best offer. 884-8344. c1w42 OAK RIDGES BARN FOR SALE RAILWAY TIES WAXTED wheels. 5. banana used. 884- c1 “‘42 c1w42 condiâ€" 6 pm. c1w42 c4\\'40 “042 DOUBLE YOUR INCOME guitar. If you are not afraid of work 01W42 you can be a success in the Real aition,lEstate Business. Top training, 4 pm_lcommission, and bonus offered, c1w421plus congenial people to work with. 3 representatives needed ' to complete our 1971 expansion ‘Ches' program. Talk to one of our lamps’lsalesmen or call Mr. White or lVlSiOlljh/[n Cuff ._ 339-6241. :‘(f‘ï¬esg‘wonm BLACK REALTY LTD. hnmp,’ {{028 {E I new Col- Col- $15; white porcelain sink. $8. 884-4947. *1w42 Til'VeV‘Store, 70 Yonge St. N.. Richmond Hill. c1w42 EXPERIENCED hairdresser. male or female. Excellent wages and working conditions. 884â€" 6151. tfc42 BOOKKEEPER, experienced, used to hand posting of ledgers and balancing etc. required by insurance company in Thornhill. Contact Mr. Beadle 889-6204 or 699-8809 evenings. c1w-12 LEDYi to 7 clean broadIOomed offices on Saturday in Richmond Hill. 889â€"1902. c1w42 Experienced. Full time, per- manent position. Usual benefits. Apply at the office. Canadian Requires a DRAFTSMAN 3-5 years experience in product and manufacturing equipment design. Experience in die design would be an asset. For interview con- tact. ORGANS â€"â€" used. inventory sale. Save up to 3600 now or see brand new organs at only $319. including matching bench. Lessons only $1. Open evenings. Toronto Organ Centre, 5254 see brancl new-organs NIGHT Watcnman “ jammy $319. including matching bench. for go†CIUb Permanent fun Lessons only $1. Open evening5_ time. Attractiye to active senior. Toronto Organ Centre, 5254 Apply Sumnllt G0†and C0"“‘ Yonge St.. Willowdale, opposite try Club in Person only- clwd‘z Willow Th eatre. 222-6517. PENSIONERS. (two) required, Branch. SheI'Way Gardens M311. two 01' three evenings per week. 621-1871. €2w42 8pm. to 1am. Able to meet 'O’ï¬z'jRjgb movfm‘éluï¬ï¬ the. public and perform light num cap for him-Jon pickup Janitorial duties. Apply Box No. Reasonable 889-5362. awayfllï¬ï¬‚l- £1212 HOLE-IN-ONE donut maker, Beach triple milkshake machine. 230 engine â€"â€" 6 cyl., excellent condition. 283 motor Chevy II tires No. 65013. Call 881-0691. clw42 Experienced with A-l Shorthand / Dicta and typing skills. Call Mona Robertson 8846944 A-l EMPLOYMENT AGENCY cl\\'42 GE apartment size range. auto- matic oven, etc. Good for small home. cottage. 884-6906. clw42 URGENTLY needed! Red Cross Homemakers in Region of York. Transportation a must. 895-1341. c1w42 825x14 and 825x15 tires, white walls. Sobie's Supertest, Rd. north of mm]. GE refrigerator. Very good Eon- dition, $50. 884-3333. c1w42 LIVING room chair. brown 7 colors. Loughlin Lumber, Yonge and Scott Dr. 889-1109. 02w41 TEXAS INSTRUMENTS LEGAL SECRETARY SHINGLES $8.49 PER SQUARE Geoff Kingma 280 Centre Street E Richmond Hill FOR SALE PARTSMAN ( Continued‘ “rmâ€"E SALE 884-67 82 889~7373 Don Mills 7. 2974701. *2w41 Name brand $17.50 each. clw42 c1w42 J.“ '26 éROOM and board for genaeman. _ 773-5770. tic38 GENERAL handyman to assistiwalk. Trenching and Excavating. in cleaning maintenance andéLic. No. D0033. . to do minor repairs to building," 889-5228 tfc44 let.†Apply to D' H Reidv ponECAR‘PENTRY work, recreation “Little Ford Sales Ltd†Elï¬'h-‘rOOI-I-lsV additions, renovations, Imond H‘ll- 01“'42 tile floors. and ceilings. Free NEWMAN GREEN 0F lestimates. T. Price. 8893653. Required [Immediately Thornhill Area MEN & WOMEN To work evenings and Saturdays [Hourly Guarantee Plus Commission Age no Barrier Students Welcome The job involves door to door canvassing with Toronto Tele- gram carriers to help them in- crease circulation on their routes experience with young children. 223-6089. tfc42 CABINET maker wanted, steady work. Call 889-4973, ev- evenings, 775-6198. c1w42 MOTHER’S helper for summer EXPERIENCED cook, part time, R.N., R.N.A., and Nursing Aides needed. 889-7090. INDUSTRIAL SEWING MACHINE OPERATORS Steelcase Canada Ltd.. the pro- fit sharing company, requires 2 fully experienced industrial sewing machine operators. Ex- perience on office furniture 01‘ related is essential. Company 01‘- fei‘s excellent rates, profit shar- ing bonuses and exceptional fringe benefits. Call or apply: NEWMAN GREEN OF CANADA LTD. Requires female machine at- tendant for light factory work, afternoon shift - 4-12 midnight. Please apply at 301 Markham Rd. or phone 889-6258. c1w42 COOK for private home, Tues- day through Saturday. Hours noon to 7 pm. Gormley area. Own transportation if possible. 888â€"1945. c1\\'42 Assistant Accountant ‘ Required By 1 Texas Instruments Inc. Richmond Hill 1 This aggressive individual will be totally involved in all phases} of our financial system, withl emphasis on cost accounting. The position will be preferably filled by an accounting student, with some previous related work experience. Please submit personal resume or phone 889- 7373. CARRIER . “The Liberal†requires a re- sponsible boy or girl for an es- tablished paper route in the Almond Avenue and Grandview Avenue area of South Thorn- hill. For further details please phone Mrs. Norma Moss at 8844105. nc3w42 MEN to apply rustproofing, also wash and clean up new and used cars. Apply to D. H. Reid, Don Little Ford Sales Ltd., Richmond Hill. ‘ c1w42 (2 miles S Avenue) MARRIED man wants part time work on farm or looking after preperty in exchange for lodgâ€" mg. Has reference. 833-6394. - tf039 TRUCKING service. Picking up garbage. Cleaning out base- ments. Hauling anything. 833- 5802. 832-1558. *3w4‘2 FUEL? experienced ciéiï¬nfg lady requires work every Tues- day. 884â€"5088 after 5 pm. We are now listing experienced: Sr. Clerk Typists Dicta Typists Shorthand Typists Legal Secretaries Inventory Control Clerks Kardex Clerks Bookkeepers (hand posting) Bookkeeping Machine Operators Keypunch Operators For Appointment Call: 88445944 MONA ROBERTSON TEMPORARY PLACEMENT SERVICE TWO class A licensed mechanâ€" ics and one with 4th year ap- prentice to D. H. Reid. Don Little Ford Sales Ltd., Rich- mond Hill. c1w42 TEMPORARY ASSIGMIENTS ATTRACTIVE moi] available, gentleman only, parking. 889- 3270. c1w38 ROOM or room and board for gentleman. 884-4947. #1w42 ROOM & BOARD STEELCASE CANADA LTD. 7200 Don Mills Road, MILLIKEN 499-1400 HELP WANTED EMPLOYMENT WANTED Call MR. L. PRICE 889-9199 B. S. Stadius Controller (Continued) Handyman to assisthalk, Trenchixig and Excavating of No. 7 at Stee1¢§ C‘ clw42 c1w42 cl “'42 c1 W42 LEONARDI BROTHERS , CONSTRUCTION ’tedes Concrete, Drain and General VCI‘VQJRepail‘s. Patio, Stonework. Side- c1\\'42 'GENERAL contracting, altera- tions and additions. homes, of- fices, factories. Custom carpen- ‘try of all descriptions. Les *Webb. 889-2546. tfc3 RICHMO N‘nâ€"HILL ROOFING ’ Shingles - Flat Roofs Eavestroughing estimates. All worx guaranteeu.JDo you have a drinking prob 88+8719' cewgg‘lem. If so AA can help. Write NOW is the time for renova- Box 37, King City, or call 833- ting, plastering, painting, paper- 6803. tfc39 11 a n g i n g, furniture repairs. Financing arranged. 884-5303.,W Richmond Hill Decor. Experienced Workmanship. Free‘EMG-8684 estimates. All work guaranteed.iDâ€"‘â€"â€"0 you } 884-8719. cGw39Hnm n c, RUBBER STAMPS Several type faces to choose from â€"including Script. Block letters, Outline and signature â€"â€" fast service. Call “The Liberal" 884- 1105. PAINTING and decorating. i11-| NORTHMOUNT GARDEN terior and exterior. Carpentry CENTRE work, rec. rooms and altel‘aâ€" O/B MEL’S HAULAGE tions. No job too big or smallnss STEELES AVENUE WEST HARRISONS CUSTOM CARPENTRY Custom built homes, renova- tions, additions, and repairs. Kitchens a speciality. Morris Harrison. 884-2838. tfc45 NORTHERN PAINTING Residential. commercial paint- ing, interior and exterior. Paper- hanging. 884-5697. tfc49 RAILROAD ties for sale. Will build retaining walls. planter boxes and boat docks. Free esti- mates. 889-6338. tfc37 BAKER’S BACKHOE EXCAVATING Trenching. sewer 8: water lines. footings. 889-3604. tch VINCE'S CARPENTRY SPECIALIZING in rec. rooms, bars, kitchen cabinets, arborite and home repairs. License E1716. 889-2889. tfc40 884-5009 RON MOORE PAINTING - PAPERHANGING Interior â€" Exterior. Free esti- mates. Call anytime. 889,8965. Drains, septic tahks. All types of concrete work. FINLAY ELECTRIC Outside lighting maintenance equipped with ladder truck. All commercial residential and in- dustrial wiring. Free, estimates. Call any time. 884-3931. BOOKKEEPING and account-:GENERAL carpentry. recreaâ€" ing services forsmallbusinesses.jtion rooms. kitchens and re- 889â€"5683. tfc33tpairs. 884-2505. c2\\'41 CLEANING WINDOWS CONCRETE repairs and install, WALLS AND FLOORS patio steps. curbs. outside bar- DAY or NIGHT becues etc. Free estimates. 773- 884-2433 _ tfc23‘5127. tfc41 _PLUMBING sp'ï¬EA'rI’NG SIIAMPOOINC Roger Proulx ~â€" Telephone ~â€"‘ SPRING SPECIAL 884-1650. tfc24 Rugs and chesterfields. Day or SEPTIC TANKS pUMPED.‘nigm'334‘9433- 7 .7 7, 5529 ~ CUSTOM HATCHING sewers deanea ‘Hen, Pheasant, Quail, Peacock, C. Stunden ‘ - 1 and Guinea eggs. Groves Hat- Phone 334-1245 tfcz’r-hamr RR 9 Markham mnsum Plastering R. CLARK Plain and Decorative Plastering, Repairs a Speciality Free Estimates Painting, paperhanging. inter- ior and exterior. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. 887â€"5610. ALUMINUM HOME IMPROVEMENTS Alcan â€" siding, Eavestroughs Doors and Windows For free estimates call your Local Contractor HANS BUTT 889-4106 Brick, block and stone work. 884-6417. c1w42 formerly of 42 Bond Avenue to a more convenient location at '72 Yonge Street. Oak Ridges. at the rear of G. N. Lundy. Real Estate. For all your electric motors. pumps and electric tool repairing, give us a call at 773- 5571. c1\\'42 CONCRETE and drain. Patios and repairs. Russo Brothers. 225-1871. c4w42 Commercial and residential “ir- ing. Free estimates. 884-4532. 889-5762 FREE ESTIMATES tfc31 RALPH ELM'sâ€"DEEORATING WE HAVE MOVED In order to serve you better MOTOR 8; ELECTRIC Complete home maintenance and all home improvements and alterations. MISCELLANEOUS[MISCELLANEOUSj TQ Phone 884-1245 “'02 A-C ELECTRIC COMPANY‘- 488-7521 PAINTING INTERIOR: EXTERIOR PAINTING & PAPERHANGING R. E. DUNN 727-3303 CHIMNEY REPAIRS Contractor 884-5176 JOHN E. QUINN E. W. PAYNE PAINTING 884-2433 889-3185 tfc35 V'l‘hornhill c5“ 38 tfc40 Potted plants, lawn and garden seed, fertilizer and peat mess. Sidewalks and patio slabs. Loam compost manure. Rockery stone, dimestone, sand and gravel. tfcls‘Local delivery tchO tfc36 tfcsgtNew owner Betty Forsyth. Dog 1fc46 tfc'Zl Lfc31 tfc3 BEAUTIFUL large Muskoka'TOL'Rs, cruises, rail and bus River lot and new 3 bedroom tickets, reservations and indivi- coztage. Save 10% 91115 realty dual travel. Can A. H. Creighton costs during April. 384-3953- ‘Travel Agency. 889-5643. tfc47 Thornhill â€"- Specialists in plaster, stucco. ceramic tile, floor tile, carpentry, drywall, concrete. Small or large jobs. 889-3031 or 889-5530 grooming â€"â€" poodles a specialty. Jill Goddard. 889-3606. tfc18 3 SEALPOINT Siamese kit-tens, 9 weeks old. $25. 834-8237. IRISH Setter pups, 8 weeks old, C.K.C. Reg‘d. Very healthy and affectionate. Both parents may be seen. Queensville. 478- 4244. c1w42 TOY miniature poodle 1 year, spayed female, apricot markâ€" ings. Reasonable to good home. 884-2194. c1w42 PUPPIES. Free to good homes. 889-3470. c1w42 FREE to good home, 10 week old puppy, part Terrier and Beagle. 884-5835 after 6 pm. c1w42 FREE To good home â€" male Border Collie. 8 months, trained, af- fectionate. Owner moving to city apartment. 884-9445. YOUNG executive and small family desire 3-4 bedroom house with fireplace, Richmond Hill, King City, Aurora area. [Top references. 773-5347. clw42 UNIVERSITY couple with 2 young children require ac- commodation from midJlay un- til September. 884-4977. JUNE 1. Self-contained 1 bed- room apartment (not basement) for 2 quiet adults, close to Yonge St. in Richmond Hill. Write Box 33 “The Liberalâ€. 22 Richmond St. Doiyou have a drinking prob-[able May 1. 884-7701. lem. If so AA can help. Write tfc40 139384.431chmond Hill. 01'__cal_llSI*RrbTE girl or wmï¬ï¬ GREAT Dane. male, fawn, to good home. 889-9434. c1w42 FOR early June, modest 3 or more bedroom house or apart- ment,‘ gardening (especially roses) a hobby. Write Box 30 “The Liberalâ€. tfnc41 URGENTLY needed! Couple with four children would like farm home. Anything consider- ed; Maple through Gormley area. Call anytime. 889â€"4577. MAPLE AA'D MU'I‘TOAY LAKES Southeast of Panzv Sound. Cleared lots. Hydro. Good roads. Priced 52.000. to 35.000. 476- 5551. Evenings 476â€"4529 REID LAWNMOWER SALES AND SERVICE Complete lawnmmver and snow" mobile repairs and service Open 8 am - 9 pm. 884â€"7716. Highly recommended even friends 2 or 3 bedroom bungalow, Rich- mond Hill or vicinity, adults May 31. 884-9347. c3w41 URGENTLY needing a 3 bed- room home in Richmond Hill area by May 1. 884-3056. RXDE wanted from Elgin Mills and Bluegrass to Aurora, arriv- ing 7:45 am â€"â€" returning 4:30 an 884-9557. clw42 SHAMPOOING SPRING SPECIAL Rugs and chesterfields. Day or night. 884-2433. tchO SPRING: SPECIAL. :FOR lease. 3900 ~ Rugs and CheSterf‘elds' Day‘ M industrial space. Newkirk Road. night- 334-2433- > W EEZEFeatures dock .level loading, CESTbMVHK'i‘meG 16‘6" clear, immediate posses- Hen, Pheasant, Quail, Peacock, sion, _$110 net. Lored Con- and Guinea eggs. Grave‘s Hat- structlon Ltd. 630â€"9500. Chery, RR 2, Markham. 640-3418. _____ tfc50 C3\Y40 ‘ LARdF‘. Inf and dul‘aan An Summer Properties 3 OR 4 bedroom bungalow in Richmond Hill area. 884-2433. Transportation PERRI-STYLE (custom) Upholstering ALBERICO'S GENERAL REPAIRS PHONE 225-2781 88 PERSONAL WANTED TO RENT 889-2102 884-6885 tfc30 c1 “'42 c1 W42 c1w42 c2w42 clw42 c1w42 c2w41 c1w42 mark-iBASEMENT bedroom, sitting home. room, bathroom, cooking priviâ€" c1w42‘1eges. parking, separate en- »,n‘tgflrance, suitable for 2. Quiet cfw‘lzgentlemen preferred. 884-76823“. tfc33 tfc40 16. 1 2 BEDROOM APARTMEIV’TW th1§‘$165. month, includes hydro, softj {I'bywvaten fridge. stove, etc.. nearl {Richmond Heights Shopping' 0 Centre. Adults. Children over 116. Call 884-2475. tfc37! tfc17 tfc32 18. tfc50 E‘LARGE lot and garage on iYonge St., suitable for repair {shop 01‘ taxi station. Call 884- w_ ‘ 2762, 783-6229. 783-2762. - 3 BEDROOM cottage neaJ ) Midland. 884-3768 after 4.30 pm FURNISHED room. privacy, cooking. Suit quiet gentleman. 884â€"5269. c1w42 SMALL basement apartment. kitchen, bathroom. bedroom. Private entrance. Suitable for 1 person. Also 4 bedroom home. Workshop â€" 1360 sq. ft. with zarage entrance. 773-4118 after 6 pm. c1w42 ï¬bUSEKlEEPING room, bdsil ness gentleman or business lady. Garage. 884-7022. c1w42 ROOM for rentâ€"anview and Elgin Mills area. 884-7996. FURNISHED room for rent Would suit mature gentleman Ample parking. 889-5786. 7 room bungalow, $220 monthly; also 2 bedroom apartment $130 monthly. Apply 58 Pemberton Cres. clw42 2 bedroom apartment, $158. 62 2 bedroom apartment, $158. 62 Hunt. Adults, no pets, refer- ences. Soft water. modern low-rise, ,quiet. 488-0802, libedmom apartment. adults only, available May 1. 884-4893 FURNISHED room, cooking facilities, 16 Lorne. lat house east of Bork’s Jewellers at Yonge. ' tfc51 FURNISHED room. c o o kin g and parking facilities. Please phone 884-1194 for appointment. tfc15 HOUSE for rent. Richmnnd 2 BEDROOM. lower duplex. Fridge, stove, broadloom. Close to Yonge. Richmond Hill. 889- 2666. c1w42 ROOMâ€"761: rent, gentleman only. No cooking, no parking. 884â€"9427. v *4w42 PUBLIC garégefiToolsâ€"(for sale.) 'l‘hornhill, 889-6342. Rd.. Richmond Hill. 884-6370 01' 884-3098. c1w42 SUBLET 2 bedroom apartment. May 1. Pool, sauna, gym and parking. 889-8974. c1w42 FURNISHED room. Private home.‘ 8344038. c1w42 child. Share the house. Even- ings. 889-5404. c2w41 BASEMENT beneath stiï¬'e. Separate entrance. Suitable for storage or shop. Call Paul. 889- 2042 evenings. c2w41 2 BEDROOM apartment, fridge and stove, 47 Elmdale Court. Richmond Hill, For appointment call 787-3003. c1w42 ONE bedroom to rent. 834-1633’8‘. tfc42 Hill. 3 bedroom bungalow. 884- 5619. c1w42 FURNISHED one bedroom base- ment apartment, includes water and hydro. Adults only. 884- 5963. c1w42 LARGE furnished bedsitting room with light housekeeping, private bath and entrance. 884- 8549. c1w42 1 bedroom basement apartment. adult building, 8 plex. 884- 8076. c1w47 ROOMS of various sizes suit- able for meetings of groups up to 150 people, available for rent in Richmond Hill on a weekly or monthly basis. Rates avail- able on request. Phone 884-4045, c4w38 PLANT and office space toiCOnsignn rent. 2,000 square ft. Goodwill 339-3830 Fabricating Company, 167 Cen- _ tre Street East, Richmond Hill. 1970 c 884-8981. tfc38l pnnm FRAME. oil heated workshop. 40 x 100 with industrial power and about “3 acre storage area. in Maple. 884-7020. tfc39 SUBLET 1,000 sq. ft. factory space plus 700 sq. ft. office space. Will rent separately or combined. 884-9711. tfc39 ONE bedroom apal‘trh-ernt, avail: able May 1. 884-7701. BACHELOR apt.. 102 Markham OFFICE space: also storage space. Goodwill Fabricating Company, 167 Centre Street East. 884-8981. tfc39 BEDROOM cott COTTAGES TO RENT TRAVEL RENT c1w42 c1 W42 (-1\\'42 c1w42 c1w42 tic-42 tfc33 1968 FORD ‘é ton pickup truck, in excellent condition, 'low mileage, driver owned, 832- 2600. c1w42 1961 CADILLAC. Excellent con- dition. Automatic. $400. or near- est offer. 889-1694. c1w42 1967 50 SERIES CHEde‘ï¬UcK‘. 18’ BODY WITH RACKS. 888- 1036. c1w42 1963 INTERNXTIONAL 3/; ton dumn box, $5.50. or best offer. 884-9327. c1w42 1967-‘AU'STI'SI {160. Good coh- ditjon. 34,000 miles. Radio. 3 spare wheels. 884â€"8762. automatic. power steering. radio. Sunerb condition. $1,450. 889- 2558. clw42 1966 Meteor convertible, full‘DEAD or crippled farm animals Po‘Vel'v A-l “19911311108113'. Needs picked up promptly. For direct body work. Full price $350. line call Long Distance and ask _ fl __ A (:3\\'42|'for Zenith 32800. Call anytime. 1969 Austin Mini 106(Lâ€"Beâ€"st‘Ed Peconi & Son, Woodville, offer or trade. 884-7474. )Ont. Licence No. 324C “66. 1965 DODGE-Rebuilt engine Body just done. 884-9309. c1w42 1967 MUSTANG. Certified. 6. 1967 GTX 440 magnï¬h. ManyiANYTHING can be sold by auc- gxtras. 884-8787. c1\v42:tion in our large showroom. lgsfgi‘ammimrmture,‘ gar, boat. etc. Sold new tires, in good condition.|on commission or bought out†Ron! nfl‘nr anojnrn: iii-ulï¬irigllt for C3511- 1965 PONTIAC Parisicnne. BeS‘ new Best 195 $100 trailer hitch, 2-way tailgate, ex- tra rims with snows, $1,990 full price. Original owner Private. 884-9609. c1w42 1966 Chevrolet 4 door sedan. 6 cylinder, automatic, p 0 w e 1‘ Steering and brakes, excellent condition. Private owner. Reasonable. 889-5591 after 6.30 pm. clw42 1969 Pontiac wagon deluxe fully equipped. Reasonable 889-8821. c1w42 1964 CHEVY‘IIT‘New body job‘ Nice second car. 884-9309 cbndition. V8, automatic, radio E95143. V 'eral landscape. Retired gard- ’ss Datsun Sedan.' Lie. N79053. “5?; 384-7953- “W9 York Imports, 889-8830 â€" 884-{LAWN fertilizing and rototil: $7134. c1w4211ing. 889-1891. c2w41 ’67 Chrysler Newport 4 door hardtop. superb condition, low mileage. Lic. N74058. York Imports, 889-8830, 884-8134. Having problems selling youri car? We can help. Cash 01“ â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"~â€".â€";- _ consignment. York Imports. TAILORING' dressmakme†‘ 1964 Chevicaï¬vertible V8, not certified, $295. 889-5072. 291 1969 Pontiac 1968 PLYMOUTH wag‘ CARS FOR THE WIFE? ’68_‘Vau.\:hal[ Epic, automat uD vuuulflll LplC, automatxc. ~-â€"7â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" . Lic. P58153. {TREES and bushes pruned and ‘quToyota Isuzu Ballet. Lic.}Spr§y?d,.lawns fern-lime? gar}. KINNEAR PONTIAC BUICK LTD. 9612 Yonge St. Richmond Hill 1967 Pontiac 2 door coach. 6' cyl., automatic. power steering and radio Lic. N68859. Full price $1245. 1969 Ford LTD 4 door hardtop, V8, automatic. power steering, radio, white wall tires, wheel discs. vinyl roof. power brakes Lic. 476564. Full price $2635. 1970 Company Car Pontiac Laurentian 2 door hardtop, V8, automatic. power steering & hrak radio, white wall tires and wheel covers. Lic. N74610. Full price $3095. 1970 Ford Fairlane 2 door hardtop, V8. automatic. pOWer steering, radio power disc brakes. white wall tires and wheel discs. , 12.000 original miles. Lic. N73677i ‘ Full price $2895. RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE In The "North Mall“ â€" 8 884-4481 889-9651 Aurora 727-8721 USED CARS MGA. not running now or best offer. 884-3383. Meteor 4 doarvhardtop, tires, in good condition. offer. 889-5076. *lw42 Discount Cleaners and Repairs Phone or see Don Cameron 61‘ John Goss for these specials - 884â€"8134 THE FRIENDLIEST VOICES IN TOWN WILL HELP YOU PLACE YOUR LIBERAL WANT AD TODAY -â€" PHONE THE RESULTS NUMBER 884-1105 - 6 Res Cl\v42 clw42 c 1 W42 c1w42 c1w42! terations for all-the famfly. 773- ‘*" i567}. tf023 DRESSMAKING and Emera- ftions, reasonable. pickup and j delivery. 884-8485. c4w40 clw42 c 1 W42 1\\-'42 A1 WILL pay cash for Canadian or British gold coins. 884-7714. c1w42 DEALER requires used furni- ture. pianos. antiques, etc. Top cash,, fast pickup. 88417254. TEACHER, piano and theory. establishing Ric h m o n d Hill. 834-3925. tfc50 TUTOR available specializing in English and remedial read- ing up to Grade 8 in your home or mine. Please call Mrs. Stevens. 884-6823. tfc39 Frank Green Financial Enterprises PO. Box 277; 31 Yonge St. S. Aurora 773-4671 9 am. to 9 pm. by appointment tfc39 SMALL woodworking business q for sale. 884-6526. c1w42 A KING CITY TRAILERS HOLIDAY ROCKET TRIPLE E 1971 Models in stock reduced prices during April. 1970 Truck Campers and used trailers on sale. Free storage. Trucks Caps from $240. up. Rentals from $35. weekly and up. Parts and accessories from wheels to roof. Hundreds of items on display. King Road, West of Yonge Street. 773-4260. c2w41 14’ BOAT, 45 Mere. motor and trailer. Ready for the water. 884-3382. c2w42 FREE room and board plus fee in exchange for day care. 881- 0548. c1w42 FIRST AND ' T‘OND MORTGAGES ARRANGED Reasonable rates. Existing mortgages purchased [or cash. Call or write: BOATS - MOTORS DUNN AUCTION SERVICE 884-9394 ‘ BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY Thornhill Terrace EAST OF YONGE OFF BAI’THORN DRIVE Week Days 12 - 9 pm. Weekends 12 - 8 pm. GARDENING NEW HIGH RISE 1, 2 8: 3 Bedrooms QUALITY CLEANING AT DISCOUNT PRICES Built by New Style Construction MORTQA GES 889-2234 HYDRO SAUNA OUTSIDE POOL SCHOOLS CLOSE TO TRANSPORTATION WALK-IN CLOSETS NEAR GOLF COURSE BETWEEN STEELLS DAY CARE TRAILERS WANTED TUITION 88-1-6171 c2w42 tfc44 t£c37 ai-