HE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursdal’. April 15. 1971 Owning your mm home gives you security. stability. 3 growing eoultv and a lasting sense of pride and accomplishment. Check the many homes fcr sale on today‘s Liberal Real Estate Page. The day you purchase your own home is a day you will never forget. S. J. REALTOR LTD. 28 Yonge St. S. 889-7381 773-4835 884-7751 PHOTO M.L.S. 85 Yonge St. S. Richmond Hill's Leading Realtor NEWMARKET - 520.900. Lovely 3 bedroom brick home. Panelled dining room, large living room with bookcase. Den in basement. Extra large fenced yard. Paved drive. nicely landscaped. 82,000 down to one NHA mortgage. Carries $148 plus taxes. Hurry call BARBARA HINTON THORNHILL RANCHER. One only â€" must be sold. 140 ft. frontage on quiet paved street, close to Yonge. Sparkling 6 rooms. open fireplace on main floor. family room. double paved drive and two car garage with breezeway. surrounded by mature fruit trees on completely fenced and land- scaped homesite. Excellent existing financing. Try $5,000. down. Call MR. CUFF 25 ACRES - KING TOWNSHIP. Immaculate -" bedroom bungalow with separate dining room, large family kitchen. Extras include broadloom. built-in stove and oven, finished rec. room plus summer kitchen. Only $42,900. Hurry call WALTER DYRDA $5990. DOWN. NEAR RICHMOND HILL. 4 room “bungalow. oil heated, carries less than rent. 311.900. full price. Call MR. CUFF 323.500 - NEW RANCHER. Try $1.500 down. Electrically heated 3 bedroom brick with huge modern kitchen and (lining area. Large treed homesite. Fast possession. Hurry call WALTER DYRDA KING CITY SPECIAL - $33,900. You must see this beautifully designed 3 bedroom side split, custom built home. plus rec. room and attached garage on quiet street. Bargain hunters . . . call VI McLAREN NORTH YONGE . REDUCED. Like new _ 4 WANTED IMMEDIATELY 3 bedroom brick bungalow in Richmond Hill for retired couple. Cash available. Mr. Crowther. 532.900. RICHMOND HILL 3 bedroom brick bungalow on large 75x225 ft. beauti- fully treed lot. close to Yonge. full basement. paved drive. Asking $7.000. down payment. Mr. McVey. NORTH YONGE SUBURB $5.000. Custom built 3 bedâ€" room brick bungalow on 1'3. acre landscaped lot suitable for V.L.A.. attractive living- dining room. family sized kitchen. 3 good sized bed- rooms. finished rec. room. Existing mortgage carries for $135. including taxes. Mrs. Sutherland. 11 ROOM HOME Modern brick home. ideal set-up for family with par- ents or large family. 5 bed- rooms. 2 baths. family room with fireplace. Mrs. Bridges. HURRY UP. SALE! Builder mUSt clear 5 model houses in Newmarket, low down payments. 3 and 4 bed- rooms. 2 baths and vanity. attached garage. panelled family room. fireplace, large lots, close to schools. > Mrs. Edwards. DREAM HOME Thornhill. $43,900. Charm- N. 5. SMITH ' REALTOR 889-1624 WEST SIDE EXECUTIVE BUNGALOW 539,900. Full Price All kinds of extras. Broadloom in living-(lining room. open fireplace, panelled rec. room with wet bar, sauna bath. WALLY MAGEE LARGE FAMILY EXECUTIVE West. Side. Richmond Hill 2 baths. open fireplace. sauna bath. Asking $39.- 900. EVA DOWSON THORNHILL EXECUTIVE Two storey. solid brick. 4 bedromns. family room with fireplace, double garage. all landscaped. $47,500. ALEX WEHRENS SOLID BRICK - ATTACHED GARAGE $27,950. full price. 6 room sparkler, beautiful modern kitchen. quiet crescent. New exclusive. KEITH HOOD MINI FARM â€" 8 ACRES Don Mills - Aurora Sideroad. 7 room. storey and a half. well kept. Large new barn. all fenced for horses. MYRTLE YEO SOLID BRICK TWIN BUNGALOW $3.000. Down. $23,900. full price. Modern kit- chen, 3 large bedrooms. BILL LAIN G FOR ACTION ON YOUR PROPERTY LIST WITH THE ACTION MEN _ o __ YORK COUNTY DISTRICT TORONTO REAL ESTATE BOARD mag 884-4425 IIl‘IIM! llfllfl SKIN“ O .i t family room, fireplace, 2 t t t l ing 6 room brick bungalow. fireplace in living room. 2 car garage with electric doors. 100x165 ft. landscaped Iot. patio trees. double paved drive. Mr. Sunter. bedroom brick detached home. attached garage, 'ec. room done in barnwood, with huge fireplace. lose to schools and large plaza. Quick possess- lon. Try $3,000 down. _ Bargain hunters call RON NORTHOVER READ THIS TWICE. 3 bedroom aluminum sid- ing bun alow west of Don Mills Road. 32,500 down. cgrries for $152 monthly including taxes. Newly secorated throughout. Inspect today. \. Call RICHARD GLOVER DROOMS, DON MILLS RD. Ideal o g couple. Nicely decorated living 9 and dining in, family kitchen with plenty of cupboards. larlge homesite, just 10 minutes from Members of the Toronto, York County and District Real Estate Boards Metro. Safe ‘oil heat and low taxes. Must be seen. , Call MRS. HAUGHTON WHY PAY RENT? $2,000 down â€"â€" only 520.900 AURORA for this 3 bedroom brick 2 storey home in New- $24500. Four bedroom brick twin bungalow featur- ing large living and dining combination. kitchen with breakfast nook. broadloom. market. Features finished rec. room. paved drive, close to schools and shopping. Fast possessmn. Owner has bought. Don‘t delay. call ROY MARINOFF panelled rec. room. bar, 510,900 RICHVALE. Solid built 4 room bunga- Hungry dll‘eomi .1111; 323:3: .- . . ' 1 , I pave ‘ive. low “1th garage on 306 ft. deep homesite. 8 ,. fr throughout_ la rge land_ mortgage. Call MRS. ROSEBLADE 1500 SQ. FT. - 529.900. New ranch bungalow, 2 car garage. open fireplace, family room, set on 1,33 acre country homesite on paved road, easy commuting to Metro. Your choice of colours, tiles, etc. Julie possession, your down payment considered. Call MR. WHITE $29,900. RICHMOND HILL. Beautiful hillside “Inler on 100x190 ft. lot. Brick rancher, large " lying room alid open fireplace, 3 bedrooms plus den. completely fenced and landscaped. “ FOR FAST ACTION " scaped site. close to shopâ€" ping and schools. excellent terms. Call Mark Gibson, Toronto, 889-8654, Aurora 727-4288. 11/2 ACRES - KING TOWNSHIP $28,500. Looking for a neat and charming bungalow with privacy, then see this 3 bed- room home, features large living room. family size kit- chen. ample cupboard space. Detached garage. full base- ment. oil furnace. Let us , show you this .home tpda’ii. 889-6241 ‘ -â€" 895-3321 Si:l‘...“’i2ff.i‘it $333554; Aurora 727-4288. TOWN AND COUNTRY COMFORT - AURORA $37,800. Located in prestige area surrounded by green- belt. this 3 bedroom side split offers the ultimate in convenience and comfort, master bath with twin ent- rances, floor to ceiling ward- L. B. HEISE GORMLEY “Older 2-storey home. 3 bed- rooms with small barn. Ab- undance of flowers and shrubs. $22,800. with good ’ ,(iillsono VVilluuglillv ' liilnitud l . REAL lasrxre Iiii‘ilrnn 884-2377 - 773-4391 Members of York County. Ontario & Canadian Association of Real Estate Boards ' 889-5651 â€" /(l mu Ilfrjl. ) RICHMOND HILL WEST Good size 3 bedroom bungalow on nice treed lot. Features fireplace in living room, 2 baths, broad- loom throughout. To view call Mrs. Jacobsen. FULL PRICE 924.900. 3 bedroom detached bungalow with full basement plus 2 car garage -â€" on large lot in Richmond Hill. Your down payment considered. To view call Beth Jones. FORCED SALE 3 bedroom brick split level home features family sized kitchen, large living room, Florida room and two car garage. Lovely landscaped lot. Try $4,000 or $5,000 down. Call Mrs. Crawford. $23,500. 3 bedroom brick bungalow featuring large bed- rooms, living and dining room. full basement, close to shopping and schools. Your down pay- ment considered. Call Garth Palmer. SPACIOUS LIVING Only 2.left. 6 rooms plus large recreation room with open fireplace. Desirably located in Rich- mond Hill on well treed homesite. Builder‘s sac- rifice. Call Mrs. June Locking. REASONABLY PRICED TO SELL Solid brick bungalow on one acre lot, overlooking golf course. Stereo system in all rooms. broad- loom throughout. also included in the selling price is the stove. fridge, dishwasher. two patios with walkout, stone fireplace in the family room, and O 0 O O 0 IF OUR SIGN IS ON YOUR LAWN -- HURRY HOME â€"- . YOU‘RE MOVING . 7721 Yonge St. A Thornhill 0 889-9330 - 727-3142 g '2 ACRE 3 bedroom ranch bunga- low, ideally located in Thornhill. 2 car attached garage. 2 fireplaces. 2 washrooms. broadloom, drapes. many extras. Mrs. Ladkin. 889-933 . TH ORN H ILL SPEC] AL 3 bedroom s id e split home, large kitchen with car at- Price Ladkin, washrooms, 2 tached garage. $39,900. 889-9330. DRIVE-IN ‘ RESTAURANT Excellent Yonge Street location. modern well built building, clean, well equipped. David Seston, 889-9330. YOUNG & BIGGIN LTD. REALTOR Mrs. fireplace, 2 baths. 444-4068. c4041 3 Bedroom Bungalow Attached Garage Solid Brick Rec. Room with Bar Family Room 2 Bathrooms 2 Fireplaces 4 TV Outlets Loads of Extras Call Mr. Jory, ,884-4723 evenings. clw41 6 ACRES down. WANTED Should have a, basement. All cash. Haleâ€"Fl“. A CAMPBEI . 3 two-storey semi detached homes 1 with 3 kitchens 1 with 2 kitchens 1 with 1 kitchen Call after 6 pm 884-6370 Real Estate Division 35 Vaughan Road Richmond Hill 881-0363 RICHMOND HILL New Listing - 3'4 Acre $33.900.00. 3 bedroom ranch .bungalow overlooking Thorn- :hill Valley. Fireplace in living car garage. 715% ‘early possession. mortgage. gm lNorth Thornhill. 3 bedroom well ‘ ing room with walkout sundeck.,‘ a ROOM backsï¬iiï¬â€˜wa moh- gage. Broadloom. family room, 889-7373 days. Valuable property only minutes lto Highway No. 11. Can be split linto two lots. Asking just $5,000 3-bedroom semi-detached home. partly finished In Richmond Hill ask for Mr. {Large brick home located on a Widdifield 222-6559, or res. 884-7823. J. M. EASTERBROOK Realtor clw41 .5 room beauty on 75‘ MURPHY LTD. REALTOR 884-5422 773-4302 Bl'ILDING LOT 77x195 ft. lot. close Yonge St. $7.500 price. CLOSE TO YONGE Easy mortgage. carries $135 with taxes Spark- ling 6 room brick bunga- low with garage and rec. room, broadloom. 66‘ landscaped h om e site. Owner transferred. Just 333.900. to full LOOK Sparkling 7 room level with rec. room. broadloom. sun room. 3 washrooms. Owner has bought. asking $35,900. Make your offer. CALL 884-5422 889-2951 split PRIVATE SALE kept ranch style frame house. i83' x 270' treed lot. Large liv- iDining room. attached garage. .large attic. Ino basementl. 21" .swimming pool and back patio. ‘Asking $28,900, 889-5906. , 01042; PLEASANTVIILE l ‘Lal‘ge ranch bungalow, 3 bedâ€"‘ ‘i‘ooms. broadloomed living and dining room. fireplace. panelled' rec. room with extra bedroom. Private 884-1067. c2w42 PRIVATE SALE Richmond Hill, west side. Mill Pond area. overlooking parkl and golf course. 4 bedroomi backsplit completely broad-‘ loomed and air conditioned. 2‘ bathrooms. paved double drive land garage. 884-7373. r c2w42 ‘ RICHMOND HIL'ITBE’AUTY‘; lSpotless 3 bedroom detached lbungalow situated on a nice ‘quiet crescent. Featuring extra‘ large pie-shaped lot. garage. den, rec. room, second wash-. room and workshop. Asking i ,only $29,900 for this exculsive“ 1| listing. :RICHMOND HILL-WEST SIDE 70’ x 150‘ lot. Features attached heated garage. open fireplace. hot water radiant heating. 2 four piece bathrooms. southern'. exposure. quiet street. secluded patio. 2 family possibility. Ask- ing $32900. 223-8355 Res. 884-4881 H. W. Brulin. Realtor c1w42 ‘io’o'mi AVENUE lot. 2 baths. 2 kitchens, greenhouse. b r e e z e w a y with broadloom.i $5,000 down. To inspect. call‘ D. Sweeny, Realtor. 884-6038. ROYAL TRUSTi 1room. dining room separate. 2-.‘ c1w42 LIST WITH 1 , W V A" ' .4 i! Q ! BROKER : SSA-8601 - 773-41371 « - i Illllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllllulllltlllll“lllllllllltllllllllllllllltllllllllll l I l l 3 Yonge Street S. -â€" Richmond Hill 7 ROOMS VACANT $2.000. down Builder's Sacrifice. 4 bedroom de- tached brick 2 storey home. attached garage, full basement, decorated throughout. Call GEORGE JACKSON $5.000. DOWN. ONE MORTGAGE Cosy 2 bedroom detached bungalow. broadloom throughout, situated in the heart. of Richmond Hill. Call BRUCE RAINEY KESWICK. $13500. Detached 3 bedroom bungalow. price includes stove and fridge. carport, large landscaped home- site. Try $2.000. down. Call JOHN CRYER $2.500. DOWN DETACHED 6 room brick bungalow plus 3 room basement apt.. immediate possession. Call DELMA WOODCOCK GRACIOUS LIVING Ultra modern 2 storey brick home, attached gar- age. 2 fireplaces, prof. finished rec. room. 2 bathâ€" rooms. Call DOUG BENNETT KING CITY SIDESPLIT Attached garage. open fireplace, family room. 2 baths. therlno pane windows, 75x164 ft. land- scaped homesite. Only $5.000. down. Call MEL ATKINS RICHMOND HILL, WEST SIDE Over 1200 sq. feet of gracious living, paved drive, attached garage. prof. finished rec. room. many dollar saving extras, large landscaped homesite. Asking $34,900. Call BRUCE PRIDHAM 529.900. RICHMOND HILL 7 room detached 2 storey home. 4 family size bedrooms, broadloom in living and dining room. 2 complete bathrooms, excellent financing. Call JOYCE CLELAND RICHMOND HILL RANCHER $31900. 6 room detached brick rancher in A-l condition throughout, prof. finished rec. room and bar. safe oil heat. Call FINN SAMUELSEN 6 ROOMS PLUS 3 ROOM APT. 324.900. buys a 6 room brick detached bungalow, built-in bookcases, aluminum storms and screens, excellent financing, your down payment consid- ered. Call ADRIAN LEE $22,900. FULL PRICE Sparkling 4 bedroom. 2 bathroom, brick split level home. features beautiful landscaped lot with patio and paved drive. Close to schools. shopping and downtown bus. Call LARRY SANDERS YOUNG EXECUTIVE 6 room brick detached rancher, featuring Holly- wood kitchen with built-ins, prof. finished rooms in basement with walkout, open fireplace in large living room, walk-out to raised patio. Immediate possession. Call HORST ROSNER “Honesty and Service Is Our Motto†IR m'ulfnu 884-4446 889-8303 Fertilize Now! 10-10-10 only $3.25 per 50 lbs. 10-6-4 with weed killer $5.65 per 40 lbs. 10-6-4 with crab grass preventive $6.40 per 40 lbs. For Free Delivery (Minimum Order â€" 2 bags, spreading extra) l WILLOW H/ll la wn & Garden Supp/y many extras. For further information to view call Mrs. Mary Carmichael or Mrs. Nora Gibney. l l THORNHILL-UPLANDS [ New Listing ~ 100x165’ Lot ‘ $49,700.00. Large 3 bedroom bungalow close to Yonge St..‘ circular drive. room ensuite. Master bed-l finished base-l i i i 5 CALL: i I I i LOOK FOR THE SIGN OF THE SHAMROCK a- o ment. Swimming pool. l$15.000.00 down. Shown by 1 appointment. REAL ESTATE robe doors. bright living BROKER REALTOR room. walk-out to patio off 884 9.,“ dining room. tropical wood . ~ I trim throughout. planned terms. l kitchen with built-in stove ‘ 3‘ with hood, matching built-in GORMLEY AREA . , . y , v ‘ we need homes to sell in dishwashel, lovely’22 “al- 55 acres. 2 homes. good farm . , . . nut panelled famm. mom - - - ~ , Maple. Richmond Hill and i . . . - buildings, choice highway _. ~ . ‘ “.111, anuque bucked open . ‘ . . . n lung aleas. Prices from , . lmesnnem plopenl' 31°00 325.000. to $50000 Older fireplace and beamed ceil- per ame‘ homes and new. Have buyers l mg' Extra mom 0“: fam_‘ly QUEENSVILLE with cash or terms, mom {01 99“, Sldud‘lm onâ€? .. .33".3;g§.§:8d,;::f1m Please can Zim‘E‘iimï¬â€™E-‘i Eieiiiiiii'. "7 " ~ ‘ O ‘ 7 l T . - r, . . cedars and stream. Full price , HARRI PRIDHAM : To;on)loé 889 8604, Amota 21500, 889-3891 Res. 832-1064 L ‘2 4-8 - (-3“ --~ ~â€"~ -â€"â€" l GRACIOL‘S LIVING IN 88443271 GIBSON WILLOUGHBY GOLF GLEN - AURORA LIMITED 539.900. Designed for the ex- Reanor ecutive with a growing fam- ily. Back split. four gener- ous sized bedrooms. decor- ator designed bathroom and powder room. 22 foot wal- nut panelled family room. complete with beamed rough cast plaster coiling. Real an- tique brick fireplace. golden oak parquet floors. walk-out llllllllltlllttttllltllllltilll\\\l\tttlltllllllllllllllllllllllllllll\llllltllttlltlll REALTOR LTD. 6187 Yonge St.. “‘illowdale , . patio. large lulu: room RICHMOND Hu‘L _ i with separate dining room. $3.600. down payment. Vacant Ladies and SCHUEIUCH “'ltll oversized breakfast room Move right in: 829.900. asking- sales or business experience with adjacent planned kitch- Detached brick bungalow. 4 needed [0,. 0m. growing real en complete with tropical bedrooms. open fireplace. Fln- wood cupboards. Built-in GE estate division. Complete. con- ished rec. room. 2 car garage. . ~ _ V stove and dishwasher. double Fenced in patio. Close to all “mung "ammg and compemm garage. exterior finished in facilities. No mortgage qual- managerial assistance combine Spanish gold antique brick. Lfégaglï¬ilgb. ecallSBEOIIQGSICKEE‘aSé‘. to produce a good income for Prestige agea, aCll lslervices - - . rs. -t . . . . . . . - ndercroun 3 Ken you. Leain ho“ to build a car- u = ‘ Watts Ltd. Greenham. Toronto. 889- eer with Guaranty Trustf Interested in buying or selling? Fair market valuation with no obligation Give us a call and we'll talk about your real esta'e problems. Tom McKcaze. 884- 7969. 8654. Aurora 727-4288. W. R. CASE REALTY LTD. REALTORS 96 Yonge St. 5.. Aurora Toronto Aurora 889-8654 727-4288 C A L L ROBERT E. BIGGIN a t 8 0‘ 3 -5 16 9 niilumluuwi0002nilmm\tllliiiiiiimiuulmlillluillumulmlllll‘ m SAVE YOU MONEY? REAL ESTATE By HARRY SADLER Emerald Isle Real Estate Ltd. CAN A REALTOR Harry Sadler. F.R.I. There are many ways experienced Realtors guide their clients to make substantial savings and avoid costly mistakes. One vital point is the appraisal of the property. Un- less the valuation is close to the true market value. the sale may become extensively dragged out and could event- ually mean the seller will have to take a lower-than- markct price to effect a sale if the property acquires an image of being undesirable to buyers. A buyer without a current knowledge of property values in a locality must rely on the knowledge and in- tegrity of a reputable Realtor for guidance to avoid pay- ing too much. .But frequently. the mest valuable part of a Realtor's service'to his clients is his knowledge of development trends in his community. Is a particular area now zoned for single family dwellings on the brink of being rezoned for high rise apartments? The knowledge could have a drastic effect on the eventual value of the prOpei-ty. Is a particular section being by-passed as the community develops? 01' going downhill? An experienced Realtor's expertise is protection against a costly misjudgement. See you next week. his client‘s I959900.00. Custom 2 level bun- .galow, 4 bedrooms. 2 baths, 3 .fireplaces. 71270 mortgage. 2- lcar garage. l THORNHILL - CAPE COD $23,900.00 to 1 Mortgage .36350000. Spacious 9 room lot. Centre hall plan. separate ;dining and living rooms. cus- tom kitchen. 3 baths master {ensuite electric air filter sys- tem. 4 bedrooms. immediate ‘possession. good lst mortgage. For the above properties Call Mrs. Barbara Wright 881-0363 Aboutl 0328.900. brand new listing. lTHORNHILL - OPEN HOUSE 1 ' r) . ' - .2-4 p.m. Sat. - 19 Erica Rd. L" bungalo“‘ " m“! bed family residence. rolling lawnsi .and mature trees. 100x250 ftl l l; 294-0791 889-7024 . . h V V) ‘4'---I-O.4I.0.’T-_“--t|. RETIRING? T Choice - 6 Rooms - Walkout be the first to see this love- roomsll 223 foot panelled rec. room plus 13 foot pan- elled play room. Mrs. Ber- ryman, 863-5169, 24 hrs. llllllllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllltlllllllltlllllltllllllllllllllllllltly REAL ESTATE WANTED PRIVATE House wanted. Richmond Hill. large. 3-4 bedrooms. VLA lot ‘’2 acre,†or low mortage in- terest rate. 449-1271. tfc41 'WANTED Building lot. Vicinin Richmond Hill. 884-4843 after 6 pm clu42 Natural Foods Natural Vitamins Natural Cosmetics Friday 10 am. NOW OPEN ' AURORA & DISTRICT‘S FIRST AND ONLY HEALTH FOOD STORE YOUR SUPPLY CENTRE FOR: Aurora Health Centre 90 YONGE STREET 8.. AURORA Open Daily 10 a.m. to 6 pm. to 9 pm. Swiss Herbal Remedies Health Books Supplements. Etc. Phone 727-9111 â€"â€" Mondays Closed POODLE GROOMING REGULAR PRICE: $10.00 WITH THIS AD ...0NLY$7 50 Offer good until April 30, 1971 o o )ALLGLAs'sq c ( AQUARIUMS 15 GAL. ONLY$4.99 5O GAL. ONLY $29.95 11 Per Customer â€" No Dealers Please) 1w PET FAIR in RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE 884-3094 OPEN SEVEN DAYS A WEEK Alon. Tues. Wed. Sat. 10 em. - 6 p.m. Thurs. Fri; 10 a.m. - 9 p.m. â€" Sunday 12 noon - 6 pm.