TRADE and save or sell for cash. Brice's Furniture Barn wants used furniture and ap- pliances. 478-4175. tfc37 FIREWOOD Pure hard maple. $20 per cord. Special - 11A; cords $25. Call C. L. Knappett. 884-3089. FREEZERS: General 8 cu. ft. $144.95, 12 cu. ft., $159.00; 15 cu. ft. $169.00; 20 cu. ft., $189.00, 25 cu. ft., $215.00. TEAKWOOD Living. dining and bedrooms, direct from importers ware- house. Open 1-9 pm. 454-1388 DRIVEWAY GRAVEL Crushed stone, sand. concrete gravel, etc., delivered in small quantities. Call C. L. Knappett, 884-3089. tfc37 EINAR CLAUSEN LTD. Hwy. 7, just east of Fifth Line, (2 miles east of Dixie Road) Bramalea. tfclO MANURE, ca’ElB'a’d $1. Stables, 884-1928. Broadloom and Rugs at our cost plus 15% on $200. orders. Installation quotations free. FRIDGE, stove - cottage; single bedspread, drapes. 222-1954 after? 7 pm WASHER. dryer and stove parts, gears, belts. wood bear- ings and wringer rollers etc. For all makes. Repairs to elec- tric Iawnmowers and small ap- pliances. Math's TV. 49 Indus- trial Road. 884-7903. tch Washer Spindryers Simplicity, Easy, Hitachi, Sanyo $124.95 to $179.95. Brice’s Fur- niture Barn, Don Mills Road, Queensville. 478-4175. tfc36 USED continental bed with headboard $25; rollaWéy 884-2292. Â¥ c1w45 McCLARY four burner electric stove. Good condition. $30. 889- 4743. c1w45 MAN’S desk chair, reclining back, green vinyl and fabric covering, chrome finish, casters, new condition. 884-1394. LADY‘S Giza 12 formal dress Also size 7 shoes. 884-1923. ADMIRAL ’hitomatic defrost fridge, double bed. in good con- ditlon. 884-6787. c4w45 LADY’S disses and some sportswear. Sizes 9-12. Very rea- sonable. 889-0960. c1w-15 Sales Service Rentals Authorized Dealer All popular makes for sale including new and rebuilt standard portable and electric models. Special rental rates available to students. 50 CC. Jawa mdtorcycle. 230 miles. excellent condition, $100. 884-5371. c1w45 54" bed, completefiliRotEE power mower. Good condition. Reasonable. 884-5109 after 6 Maple SOFA, EmpiFe, good condition, $185. 889-7297. c1w45 Free estimates Aluminum sid- ing windows, doors. awnings, also glass and screen repairs. Phone 884-4558, factory 832-4319 4 14"x6" Keystone mag wheels, asking $100. 884-6131. c1w45 COMPLETE set of gbia'l equip- ment. also Cassette tape re- corder. 832-1434. c1w45 ROWBOAT, pl’yTvood, $25. 884â€" 1360. clw45 ENGLISH saddle ' ’axidibridTe, like new. $125. 884-8014. AHUM'INUM Doors. windows, awnings, and railings. Ron Woods. 384-1514. New opening, second hand fur- niture some antique. 115 King Sideroad. ¥é-mile west of Yonge. Buy, sell and trade. 773-5448. *4w45 AM / FM solid state stereo with 2 separate speakers, in excellent condition. $200 or best offer. Must sell. Phone after 5 pm. 884-5001. c2w45 CONTINENTAL bed with head- board. Call 884-1818 after 6 pm. c1w45 BOY‘S 26†bicycle. $18. Girl's 28" bicycle - $18. Good condi- tion. 884-8408. c1w45 SKI-D00 sleigh, sacrifice. $50. 884-7389. tfc45 USED oil furnaces, burners and fans. Reasonable. 832-8967. CARDS OF THANKS, 1N MEMORIAMS, DEATHS. ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, BIRTHS per in- sertion $1.50 Classified advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than 6 pm on Tuesdays. Send ads by mall and enclose payment or telephone us at 884-1105 or 884-1983 and you will receive an invoice. CASH RATES, lst Insertion 10 words $1.00 and .8c per word thereafter. Minimum charge $1.00. Second and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged, 10 words for .90c and .80 per word thereafter. COMING EVENT NOTICE 10c per word; min. charge $1.50 BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of 50c TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES OAK RIDGES BARN §ï¬k75LUMINUM FOR SALE THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, May 6, 1971 _88 Baker Ave. Richmond Hill 884-1745 L. H. SIMS CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES c1w45 c1w45 Gayla tfc43 c1w45 *1 W45 clw45 tfc37 tfc28 tfc36 ‘s and HAPPINESS is a German Shep- I. herd puppy for Mother's Day, 5 c1w45 weeks. 884-5456. ‘1w45 tfca PENGUIN liquid plastic, one variety for linoleum or tile flooring and another for wood flooring. No waxing needed. Wipe up spills. $13.95 a gallon. 223-0589. c2w44 THIS WEEK’S SPECIAL Save up to 50%. New desks â€"â€" $45. New chrome sets -â€" $35. and up. New night tables â€"- $15. New china cabinets â€" $81. New kiddies kindergarten; sets â€" $15. Come where the bargains are. Oak Ridges Furniture and An- tiques. Yonge and Given Rd., Oak Ridges. 773-5544. c2w45 Lwau DOUBLE box spring and mat- _ tress, headboard $25. 3/4 box REFRIGERATOR. Very 500d spring and mattress, $20. Large condition- $75 384.333. crib with mattress $15. Gas ______clw45 stove $15. Carriage $10., 8 track MCCLARY Easy wringer WE,th car player $30.. Roll away bed'and 5 ac h t . 889-2724 $12. 884-9423. c1w45| p e eaer c1'w45 CHESTERFIELD‘S in various ‘styles and colours, also tables and lamps, used on display in construction firms subdivision model homes. Ideal for living room, family and recreation rooms in your home, apartment or cottage. Like new, reason- able. Free delivery. Call Park- cest Constuction, 226-1880. 3151 daytime moss, etc. C. L. Knappett Land- scaping and Supplies. 884-3089. Visit this unique shop for the best in Ladies’ Wear at low low prices â€" name make brands such as Gaytown, Wyn - ham slacks and pant suits at much leSS than you would pay down town. RECLINER, turquoise in good condition, moving, 884-6650 eve- nings. c1w45 ADJUSTABLE drafting table, $35. 884-5269 after 6 pm, 226- G.E. automatic washer 'kand Crosley refrigerator. Excellent condition. 884-7197. c1w45 Spring Special â€" new fully au- tomatic from $210. Call your Miracle Water Dealer after 4 pm. 884-4016. tfc42 c KNAPPETT FOR LOAM Loam â€" manure â€" top soil â€"â€" mushroom compost â€" peat MOVING SALE SATURDAY, MAY 8th Floor tile and vinyl yard goods. Remnants and odd tiles. Suit cottages and smaller rooms. No reasonable offer refused. Ev- erything must go. Gillett Fine Floors, 93 Yonge St. S. 884- 8831. c1w45 CULLIGAN, full automatic water i,softener, 1 year old; wringe‘;~ washer (Viking); boy’s bicycle, 24", girl’s bicycle, 18â€. 884-5157 after 6pm. Holland Park Garden Centre, 51 Keele Street N., Maple. 832- 2455. tfc40 DINING room suite. 9 pieces, walnut, new. 884-2551. tfc41 WATER CbNï¬iTIENï¬S_ MILLINERS DRESSMAKERS SUPPLIES. Mothers’ Day sale, May 6-15. 1/3 off any item. Hats $2 each; pinking shears and scissors sharpened; buttons covered, alterations. Also dry cleaning. 8A Yonge St. S. 884- 5894. ' c1w45 4 x 4 â€" 7ft. â€" $1.05 each 4 x 4 â€" 8ft. â€" $1.20 each 1 x 6 â€" 59W lin. ft. 2 x 6 ~â€"â€" 10¢ lin. ft. These prices are subject to Fed- eral and Provincial Taxes. WANTED Pianos and used furniture. Call 884-1146. tfc24 NEW and used furniture, pian- os. household effects of all de- scription, china and some an- tiques. Open Thursday and Friday 9-9 pm, Saturday 9-6 pm. A-l Furniture Sales, 3'78 New- kirk Road, Richmond Hill. FIREPLACE wood, hard maple and red oak. well seasoned. De- livered. 884-8948 . c2w45 LUMBER Good Spruce Utility Grade for fencing dressed 4 sides. 3 x 3 â€" 7ft. -â€" 63¢ each 3 x 3 â€" 8ft. â€"- 72¢ each RATCLIFF INDUSTRIAL LUMBER YARD 4 miles W. of Stouffville Utility 8:. Ecomomy grades, all sizes, rough 8: dressed. Timbers up to 12 x 12 â€"- 30 ft. long. For real saving to you, call 640- 2351 or 297-3104 for prices on any item. WYN-DOT THE LADIES SHOP BA-YVIEW PLAZA RICHMOND HILL, ONT. 884-2214 FOR SALE RAILWAY TIES l CUl CdLlUll apartment :1 runenn- fseat, tricycle, small pool. All in |good condition. 884-7524. c3w43 c1w45 c2w45 c1w45 {gr4lCONTENTS of large home ~â€" tfcm Traditional 2 piece custom revâ€" Chesterfield, also Spanish suite, ‘IM matching drum and coffee ulâ€"tables, lamps, odd chairs. 9 Peat piece dining room suite, kitchen Qand- suite, bedroom suites, stereo, 3089. 23†TV, 19" portable TV, ap- tfc43 pliances, etc. 221-9881. c5w44 2 CEMENT mixers, 2 portable 3" ‘11 compressors. 2 construction Apply in writing t0: 0 f elevators. 2 winches for bargesl Dental Director. '3 t" or ski lines, 1 steam jenny, 2i York Regional Area Health 1] portable diesel welders. 1 floor, Unit, 640' jack, 1 180 Mercedes diesel 22 Prospect Street, :65 on motor with transmission, 1 Newmarket, Ontario. dump box. hydraulic pumps. all h I Shep-,types, and power take-off, 1 Do not send original certifi- Day. 51R01IS Royce engine- Best Offer. cates, diplomas or references; ‘1w45 ‘889-7193. c2w44 c1w45| tfc45 automatic washer and 221-9881. DRESSERS and chests, $10. and up. Upholstered chairs, - $5. and up. Chesterfields - $60. Ironer - like new - $35. Glass door oak bookcase - $45. Piano $200. Oak Ridges Used Furni- ture and Antiques, Yonge and Given Rd., Oak Ridges. 773- 5544. c2w45 2 new Rayon Dunlop tires. 4 ply, whitewall, 5.60- 13 Dot 174 and 2 occasional rockers. 884- 8739. c1w45 REFRIGERATOR, 30" FURNITURE AND ANTIQUES Top cash paid for good furn- iture. appliances, etc‘ Fast pick- up. 884-7254 or 773-5544. SHRUBS, privet hedge and perennial plants. 884-5507. HOUSE contents â€" most only 1 year old. Must sell. Moving. 773-5453. c1w45 LEONARDï¬â€™rerl-igérator, good condition, 889-6833 after 4.30 pm. c1w45 GOLF clubs, 2 woods. 4 irons, putter and bag, right, asking $25. 889-1030. c1w45 VIKING electric dryer, A-l condition, $65. 884-4698. LOVE seat â€"â€" matching chair, upholstery in good condition. $80. Oak Ridges Used Furniture and Antiques, Yonge and Given Rd., Oak Ridges. 773-5544. NEW LAWN MOWERS Special while they last. 22" mower $65. Thompson Repair Service. 889-2973. c2w44 150 HONDA, very good condi- tion $150. Call after 6 pm. 833- 5117. c1w45 $8.98 and $7.98. to clear at $4.98 and $3.98. 2% HP lawnmower, crib, car 20’ wooden extension ladder, electric sewing machine and cabinet, 1 portable humidifier, 1 power humidifier, small fridge, upright freezer, small box trai- ler, car tape deck (4 tapes). 2 power mowers. 884-8077. REFRIGERATOR. Good condi- tion. Across-theâ€"top freezer. $35. 884-5472. . clw45 DUNCAN Phyfe dining room suite. Consists of table, 4 chairs, china cabinet, $150. Oak Ridges Used Furniture and An- tiques, Yonge and Given Rd., Oak Ridges. 773-5544. c2w45 ‘gARBECUES for OUtdoori‘The Liberal" requires a re- masonry: Cast and chrome cook- Sponsible boy or girl for an es. in: grilles: Cast Franklins and‘tabushed paper route in the wood heating stoves at Fire-G10 Almond Avenue and Grandview Centre, 46 Steeles Ave. West. Avenue area of scum Thom- 889-3133. C5W43 hill. For further details please Eâ€"Ixâ€"ceptional values in DRAPES Phone MTS- Norma M055 at TO ORDER and ready made. 884-1105. nc3w42 Also drapery repair service and EXPERIENCED sitters and re-lining. lhomemakers for busy Thornhill lst quality English Trevira. Reg New owner Betty Forsyth. Dog grooming â€" poodles a specialty. Jill Goddard. 889-3606. tfc18 MERLAND Kennels Registered. Dog training classes beginning May 8. For information, call 895-8281 anytime and 884-6215 after 4 pm. c2w44 PUPPIES. reasonable to a good home, small breed. Call after 7 pm. 832â€"2610. c1w45 LOVABLE Cocker Spaniel pup- py. free to good home. 884- 8480. c1w45 GERMAN Shepherd puppies, 5 weeks. Mother and father can be seen this week only. 884- 5456. *1w45 KITTENS. Litter trained: Freé to good homes. 884-5680. PETS FOR SALE WYN-DOT THE LADIES SHOP BAYVIEW PLAZA RICHMOND HILL, ONT. 884-2214 WYN-DOT THE LADIES SHOP BAYVIEW PLAZA RICHMOND HILL, ONT. 884-2214 FOR SALE Industrial Equipment (Continued) stove, dryer. c5w44 c2w45 (:1 W45 clw45 c3w43 c2w44 c2w45 c1w45 c1w45 tfc44 A Thornhill family requires a young girl to live in as a moth- er‘s helper. Must have pleasant personality and the ability to amuse and communicate with our 2 girls, ages 3 and 5. Room, board and small remuneration. Telephone 889-8119 after 8 pm. c1w45 with pleasant personality, know- ledge of typing and payroll (or good with figures) for construc- tion office, Maple area. 889- 7834. c1w44 HOMEMAKERS required by Red Cross Homemaker Services for Richmond Hill, Thornh‘ill area, good remuneration, uni- form provided. Transportation essential. Call 895-1341 for in- terview at 39 Markham Road, Richmond Hill or come between 2 and 4 pm. Friday May 7. SUPERINTENDENT for small apartment building. Adults. Re- ferences. 1 bedroom apartment at half rent. 488-0802. tfc45 LICENSED mechanic requir‘ed with European and Canadian car experience. Harman Mackie She‘ll, 150 Yonge St. N. 884- 9811. c1w45 YOUNG man to cylitngrass week- ly until October. Richvale area. 884-1330. *1w45 EXPERIENCED teller wanted. Excellent working conditions. Salary commensurate with ex- perience. For appointment. phone 889-7528. Royal Bank of Canada, Keele and Hwy. 7, Con- cord. tfc41 PART time commission sales- man to sell water softeners in Richmond Hill and area. Apply 757-7677, Dave Anstey. c1w45 CASHIERS With hardware or department store experience, one full time and one part time, Thursday, and Friday evenings and all day Saturday. Apply at the of- fice, Canadian Tire Store, 70 Yonge Street North, Richmond Hill. c1w45 If you are not afraid of work you can be a success in the Real Estate Business. Top training, commission, and bonus offered, plus congenial people to work with. 3 representatives needed to complete our 1971 expansion program. Talk to one of our salesmen or call Mr. White or Mr. Cuff â€" 889-6241. NORM BLACK REALTY LTD. tfc28 SOMEONE to do light laundry twice a week. No ironing. Will accept lowest offer. 884-597} EXPERIENCED fairway cutter wanted for golf and country club. Call 889-3291. clw45 1 FULL time cook, 1 part time saleslady. Please apply Scott’s Chicken Villa, Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill, in person only. c1w45 CLEANING woman, experienc- ed fast worker. for large house, Bayview and Steeles area. 889- 8562. c1w45 EXPERIENCED sitters and homemakers for busy Thornhill agency. 889-8047. tfc43 DOUBLE YOUR INCOME EXPERIENCED hairdresser wanted for Saturday. 773-5391. After 8pm 884-5470. c1w45 PREFERRED Certificate in dental assisting (RCDS) 'Previous related experience ‘References KITCHEN ' cabinet installer, 832-2271, 889-4973. cl'w45 WAITRESS wanted, for even- ings and weekends, Mature per- son. Mr. Donut, 881-0368. SMART young lady, for varied office routine. An ability with figures and some typing nec- essary. Call G. Cirne for ap- pointment. 884â€"8156. c2w45 Machine operator required for 4-1'2 shift. Stainless steel tube manufacturer. Modern plant, good wages, all benefits plus profit sharing. Steeles and Woodbine. Must have own car. ASSOCIATED TUBE INDUSTRIES LTD. 499-1433 Dental assistant reqilired for the dental division of the York Regional Health Unit. REQUIRED Some typing ability Grade 12 or equivalent Base off Richmond Hill. Con- siderable travel in the region involved, automobile not a pos~ ition requirement. Attractive salary range and generous fringe benefits. HELP WANTED pply in writing to: Dental Director. York Regional Area Health Unit, 22 Prospect Street, Newmarket, Ontario. GIRL FRIDAY CARRIER c1w45 c-1w45 c1w45 c1w45 WELDER-‘FITTER For light structural machine building. GENERAL CONVEYOR CO. LTD. 107 DONCASTER AVE. WILLOWDALE, ONT. 889-7811 EXPERIENCED Multilith op- erator, some letterpress exper- ience helpful. Shorter Printing, 210 Markham Road. 889-5689. to assume responsibility. Early advancement to assist in man- agement of furniture depart ment. Salary range $110 - $135 per week to start plus bonus on gross sales. Fringe benefits, 5 day Week. Opportunity for the right person to participate in ownership of the business after 3 years. Reply stating past years of em- ployment and other pertinent information to: Egan Bros. Ltd. 29 Queen St. N. Bolton, Phone (416) 857-2212. c2w44 REQUIRED A responsible and competent stenographer required to per- form a variety of clerical and secretarial duties in the Provin- cial Court (Criminal Division) 58 Yonge Street North, Rich- mond Hill. Apply to Mrs. R. Hulse. Provincial Court (Crimi- nal Division). 460 Botsford Street, Newmarket. 895-2395. BEAVER requires person to in- stal factory made kitchen cup- boards. Experience is a must. Please contact Joyce Howard at Beaver Lumber, 223-8500. RETAIL FURNITURE SALES Long established store 20 miles from Toronto requires the em- ployment of a mature. ambitious courteous person with retail furniture experience and ability SECRETARY-twist for flexible part time work both home and at office. Must have own trans- portation and preferably in Thomhill area. Apply Box 41, “The Liberal“. ' olw45 MECHANIC REQUIRED For truck fleet and heavy equip- ment. Good wages, company benefits. Gormley Sand and Gravel Ltd. 888-1232. c1w45 AUTOMOBILE spray painter, {an full or part time. 884-8187. 889 EXPERIENCED hairdresser wanted, full or part time. 884- 2321. tfc45 FULL time cashier. Apply man- ager -â€" S. S. Kresge C0,, Rich- mond Heights Centre. c1wi5 SHORT ORDER. COOK required immediately. Also wo- men for kitchen and waitress work for golf club in Gormley area. 888-1101. c1w45 CLERK-typist for Parks and Recreation Department, located presently at 207 Main St. N., Markham. Duties include typ- ing and general office work. Salary commensurate with qualification-s. Excellent fringe benefits. Direct replies before May 17 to: -â€" Town of Mark- ham, RR 2, Gormley, Mr. H. L. FURNISHED housekeeping room, or bedsitting with kit- chenette required by business couple. 881-0606. c1w45 FURNISHED apartment or rooms. Self contained, for cou- ple. Phone Toronto 783-3950 Graham WILL pay $350 for family coun- try home in King-Aurora area. Business executive with refer- ences. 826-2570. *3w43 RESPONSIBLE couple, small bungalow or 2 bedroom apart‘ ment in private home. Rich- mond Hill to Newmarket area. Ca‘il Ron, 773-4311 - 9-5 pm. c1w45 after 6:30 pm COTTAGE or small house. Phone Mr. Simmons. 297-1422. c1w45 WIDOW who travels a lot needs small apartment. Must be rea‘ sonable. Write Box J11 Keswick, Ont. *1w45 LADY in wheelchair desires transportation from Sugar Maple Lane to Yonge and Eglin- ton. Arriving 7.30 - 8.30 am, departing 5 pm. 884-3515 after _-râ€"_.__.° - In" , 6:30 pm. c3w44 TRANSPORTATION w a n t e d from Bayview and Markham Rds. to Esna Park Rd. (Park- way Drive-In Road). Leaving at 8.15 a.m., returning at 5 pm. Please call 884-4500 after 5.30 way UerE-ln noaur. ucnvAua a. i, 8.15 a.m., returning at 5 pm.‘ NATALY PAVING C0- Please call 884-4500 after 5.304Driveways. parking lots. tennis pm c1w45 courts. Full guarantee. Free es- - . - timates. 24 hour service. RIDE from Richmond H111 to‘ 9224322 Eglinton and Yonge daiIY- Anne; C5W43 920-3304. c1w4°lm0F_â€" TAILORING, dressmaking. 31' terations for all the familY- 773' 5671. tf023 DRESSMAKING, altemand children's clothes. reasonable’ pickup and deliver. 884-843? H HELP WANTED MISCELLANEOUS (Continued) nnnwwn‘wnnw: “a “muâ€, DRESSMAKIN G Transportation WANTED TO RENT Experienced 02w44 c4w44 c1w44 c1w45 c1w45 tfc44 tfc44 c4w44 Roger Proulx â€"- Telephone â€" 884-1650. tfc24 -SEPTIC 'i‘XNKs PUMPED‘ Sewers cleaned C. Stunden Phone 884-1245 tfc2 NORTHERN PAINTING Residential, commercial paint- ing. interior and exterior. Paper- hanging. 884-5697. t£c49 ‘s‘i‘mLING MIAâ€"{NTENfléE- Window cleaning, wall washing. floor stripped. 884-1311. CARPENTER 1- repairs and‘ alterations, home improvements. Cedar and wire fences erected. 889-3679. tfc45 RAILROAD ties for sale. Will build retaining walls, planter boxes and boat docks. Free esti- mates. 889-6338. tfc37 ing services for small businesses. 889-5683. tfc33 BOOKKEEPING and G’cébunt- BAKER’S BACKHOE EXCAVATING Trenching, sewer & water lines. footings. 889-3604. tfc2 SPECIALIZING in rec. rooms, bars, kitchen cabinets, arborite and h ome repairs. License E1716. 889-2889. tfc40 Brick, block and ' stonework CHIMNEY REPAIRS 884-6417 PAINTING and decorating, in- terior and exterior. Carpentry work, rec. rooms and altera- tions. No job too big or small. 884-5009. tfc40 RUBBER STAMPS Several type faces to choose from â€"including Script, Block letters. Outline and signature â€"- fast service. Call “The Liberal" 884- 1105. HARRISONS CUSTOM CARPENTRY Custom built homes, renova- tions, additions, and repairs. Kitchens a speciality. Morris Harrison. 884-2838. tfc45 GENERAL contracting, altera- tions and additions, homes, of- fices, factories. Custom carpen- try of all descriptions. Les Webb. 889-2546. tfc3 RON MOORE PAINTING - PAPERHANGING Interior - Exterior. Free esti- mates. Call anytime. 889-8965. ECONCRETE and drain. Patios and repairs. Russo Brothers. 225-1871. c4w42 Plastering R. CLARK Plain and Decorative Plastering, Repairs :1 Speciality Free Estimates E. W. PAYNE Drains, Septic tanks. All types of concrete" work. 889-5762 FREE ESTIMATES tfc31 RALPH ELMS DECORATING Painting, paperhanging, inter- ior and exterior. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. 887-5610. LEONARDI BROTHERS CONSTRUCTION Concrete. Drain and General Repairs. Patio, Stonework, Side- walk, Trenching and Excavating. Lic. No. D0033. CARPENTRY work, recreation rooms, additions, renovations, tile floors, and ceilings. Free estimates. T. Price. 889-3653. FINLAY ELECTRIC Outside lighting maintenance equipped with ladder truck. All commercial residential and in- dustrial wiring. Free estimates. Call any time. 884-3931. ALUMINUM HOME IMPROVEMENTS. Alcan â€"â€" siding, Eavestroughs Doors and Windows For free estimates call your Local Contractor HANS BUTT 889-4106 Complete home maintenance and all home improvements and alterations. LUL ayyunuuuyuu. ONTARIO SCHOOL OF WW’ UPHOLSTERY AMBITIOUS young acco Chesterfields and chairs re- â€" sales type wanted for covered iike new. able business venture. PAY FOR MATERIALS ONLY;884â€"6580. N0 ADDITIONAL CHARGE‘ FOR LABOR All work guaranteed Pick up and delivery FULL board. packed 11 FREE ESTIMATES 763-1194‘3'oung man. $25. 889-8704 tfc45 CLEANING WINDOWS WALLS AND FLOORS DAY or NIGHT 884-2433 if! 884-2433 trcza PLUMBING &_HEATING 488-7521 VINCE’S CARPENTRY PAINTING INTERIOR: EXTERIOR PAINTING 8; PAPERHANGING R. E. DUNN 727-3303 JOHN E. QUINN Fontractor 884-5176 BRICKWORK PAINTING 889-5228 884-2433 889-3185 ’Efc35 Thornhill clw45 tfc43 tfc18 tfc20 tfc46 tfc44 tfc36 tfc21 tfcal tfc3 Excavating. trenching, footings, concrete work. forming work. 884-7008. c4w44 CONCRETE repairs and install, patio steps, curbs. outside bar- becues etc. Free estimates. 773- 5127. tfc41 porch repairs and carpentry. 221-7990. c4w44 GENERAL carpentry, recreation rooms. kitchens and repairs. 884-2505. c2w44 SHAMPOOING SPRING SPECIAL Rugs and chesterfields. Day or night. 884-2433. tfc20 PAINTING, interior or exterior MISCELLANEOUS! T0 Complete lawnmower and snow- mobile repairs and service. Open 8 am - 9 pm. 884-7716. 7 Highlyirecommended even by friends 22 Richmond St. E. C. General Contractor for any kind of brick, block and stone. garage, carpentry. and cement work. and fireplaces. General repairs and alterations. 832-1070. Free estimates. BRICK AND STONE WORK Fireplaces â€" chimneys â€" cus- tom built â€" patios, walls, flower boxes, garages, etc. Guar- anteed workmanship. For free estimate call M. H. Construction 884-3484. tfc44 GENERAL CARPENï¬Y- Do you have a drinking prob- lem. If so AA can help. Write Box 37, King City, or call 833â€" 6803. tfc39 Licence Rec. Rooms. kitchens, floor tile, counter tops, repair and re- finishing of furniture. Free estimates. Do you have a drinking probâ€" lem. If so AA can help. Write Box 84, Richmond Hill, or call EMSâ€"8684. tfc17 WOM and BOARD 7â€â€â€" ‘FULL board. packed lunches, ELITE Bureau for suitable in- troductions to sincere friends. Phone 364-8683 11 am - 6 pm. NORTHERN CONTRACTING HOME loving attractive divor- cee, 23, seeks gentleman. View friendship, marriage. Phone 364- 8688 11 am - 6 pm. Elite Bureau. a c1w45 PROFESSIONAL gentleman, 33, seeks lady. View friendship. marriage. Phone 364-8683, 11 am - 6 pm. Elite Bureau. BUSINESS executive, 45, tall, refined, seeks lady. View friend- ship, marriage. Phone 364â€"8683, 11 am - 6 pm. Elite Bureau. c1w45 NEAT attractive widow, 43, seeks gentleman. View friend- ship, marriage. Phone 364-8683, 11 am â€" 6 pm. Elite Bureau. ATTRACTIVE single lady, 37, seeks gentleman. View friend- ship, marriage. Phone 364-8683, 11 am - 6 pm. Elite Bureau. FURNITURE AND ANTIQUES Top cash paid for good furni- ture, appliances, etc. East pick- USED POWER mower. 884â€" 6861. c2w44 BAMBOO chairs, good rec. room chairs, bunk beds. 884-7524. CAR leaving fof Moncton, New Brunswick May 11. wouldAlilfg passengers. 834-7118 EVERYONE needs a good “YACâ€! Call Richmond Hill Youth Aid Centre. 884-5974. DEAD or crippled farm animals picked up promptly. For direct line call Long Distance and ask for Zenith 32800. Call anytime. Ed Peconi 8: Son, Woodville, Ont. Licence No. 324C - 66. USED furniture and pianos. 889-5101. tfc45 PART time business opportunity. Men and women. Training pro- vided. Could develop into own business. Phone Mrs. Skipp, 773- 5586, for appointment. c1w45 AMBITIOUS young accounting â€"- sags type {vantéd for profit- able business venture. Phone 884â€"6580. c1w45 LAWNMOWER REPAIRS SALES & SERVICE Thompson Repair Service 103 No. 7 Hwy. East. 889-2973 REID LAWNMOWER SALES AND SERVICE BUSINESS OPPORTUNITY PERRI-STYLB (custom) Upholstering 2381:1254 or'773-5544. tfc44 TREE CUTTING And Pruning E. C. Doak. 859-4428 PERSONAL WANTED R. TOBIEN 889-1922 884-6885 tfc30 c2w45 c5w44 tfc18 c1w45 c1w45 c1w45 c4w45 c1w45 c1w45 c1w44 clw45 tfc44 tfc44 FURNISHED facilities. 16 east of B01 Yonge. FURNISHED room, cooking facilities, 16 Lorne, lst house east of Bork's Jewellers at Yonge. tfc51 FURNISHED room. cooking and parking facilities. Please phone 884-1194 for appointment. tfc15 FOR lease. 3.000 - 6,000 sq. ft. industrial space, Newkirk Road. Features dock level loading, 16'6" clear. immediate posses- sion. $110 net. Lored Con- struction Ltd. 630-9500. LARGE lot and garage on Yonge St.. suitable for (repair shop or tax! station. Call 884- 2762, 783-6229, 783-2762. FRAME. oil heatiedï¬workshop. 40 x 100 with industrial power and about 1/2 acre storage area. in Maple. 884-7020. tfc39 apartment with fridge and stove. Responsible people. 884-2430. ' c1w45 ONE bedroom to rent. 884-1638. ‘ tfc42 UNFURNiSHED b a s2 m‘e‘n t LARGE 2 bedroom basement apartment. Separate entrance and furnace. 884-8842. c1w45 ROOM to let. abstainer, no cooking. 884-6364. c1w45 2 BEDROOM apartments. Avail- able June 1 and July 1. Adults. Apply Superintendent, 441 Elm- lwood Avenue. c2w45 ROOM and garage for rent Gentleman. 884-1864. APARTMENT, bedroom, kitchenand bathroom in Oak Ridges. Suitable for 1 person. 773-4118.} c1w45l 12 bedroom apartment, $150. STUDENT iwishes babysitting. June 1. 884-8083. 449-6009. Evenings, weekends, and sum. 02w45 mer months â€" full time. 884â€" M 1 BEDROOM apartment to sub- 9423- °1_W45 let June 1, lst floor, Thomhill LAWN cutting and odd jobs. $155. month including under- Student workers. 884-7843. ground parking. 889-0843. *4w45 1.- THORNHILL â€" sublet 1 bed- room apartment. 884-2571. STORAGE space, 1700 sq. ft. building. Private location. Very reasonable. 889-1899. tfc45 FURNISHED bedsitting room, quiet business gentleman, 884- 1215. c1w45 APARTMENT available, 2’b‘e’dl room. 7471 Yonge, Thomhill, 889-9126. _ c1w45 THORNHILL â€" sublet 2'béd1 room apartment. Pool. sauna, children. June 1. $175. 889- 0658. c1w45 2 BEDROOM winterizedicot- tage, outside convenience. 773- 5897. c2w45 SUBLET -â€" 2 bedroom apart- ment plus separate dining and living room. swimming pool and garage. July 1 possession (or possibly earlier). Call 884-4026 after 5.30 pm. c1w45 CAT, large orange and white male, South Thornhill. 889-1268. c1w45 age entrance in Oak Ridges. 773-4118. c1w45 BEDROOM, living foom, bath- room, private entrance. Call after 5 pm, 884-1012. c1w45 GREY and white male cat, Blue- grass area. 884-8046. c1w45 NEW 4 bedroom home in Oak Ridges, $200 monthly. 773-4118. c1w45 SHOP â€"- 1,360 sq. ft. with gar- 7 ROOM bungalow. $220 month- ly. 636-6837 after 5. c1w45 5 ROOM winterized cottage. South Road Lake Wilcox, $165. monthly, two year lease, 2 months in advance. 633-8880, 8-9:30 pm. clw45 Air-conditioned office space. 55 Yonge Street North, Rich- mond Hill. 884-4413. c3w45 1 bedroom apartment on Centre close to Yonge. Available June 1. 884-4224. tfc45 APARTMENT, 1 bedroom at half rent in return for care- taker service. References. Ad- ults, 62 Hunt. 488-0802. tfc45 2,600 SQUARE FEET FOUND RENT THE FRIENDLIEST VOICES IN TOWN WILL HELP YOU PLACE YOUR LIBERAL WANT AD TODAY â€" PHONE THE RESULTS NUMBER 884-1105 - 6 c1w45 c1w45 c1rw45 1968 Good condition, certified. 884- 4030. c1w45 1967 CHEV. Biscayne â€"â€" 6. Au- tomatic, radio. low mileage. Good rubber. $975. 889-5728. with 1965 1966 GMC J/é ton pickup, V8. 283. custom cab, chrome bump‘ ers back and front, standard transmission. radio. excellent condition, $1295. One driver. 888-1166. c1w45 1960 Ford Fairlane 500, V8. clean. good tires and body. new snows, 1971 plates, radio, mech‘ anical fitness certificate. priv- Certified, excellent, $325. 884- 2569. c1w45 1965 Impala hardtop. power steering, power brakes. excel- lent shape. New brakes and springs. Recent motor work. Certified. $650. 884-8077. 1964 Chevrolet 4 door, 6 cyl- inder, automatic. with radio. Body good, mechanically certi- fied, $500. 884-3586. c1w45 ate sale, $150. 889-4409 1970 Mustang convertible 351, 4 speed, Hurst shift, power brakes. Best offer. 833-5175 anytime. c1w45 ’ ONLY 29,000 MILES '68 Sunbeam Alpine Sports, 4 speed, original redlpaintwork. perfect throughout. priced for quick sale. Lie. 35454P. York ‘Imports. 889-8830, 884-8134. TEENAGER wants sunimer job. Babysitting or part time clerical work. 884-5278. ch45 Thornhill Willowdale area. Preâ€" sently employed as office man- ager handling full set of books with other duties. Expert at c o 1 l e c tin g receivables. Own transportation. Phone after 6 pm and weekends. 889-0268 DAILY housework. 884-6693 UNIVERSITY student requires employment immediately. No selling. Ask for Brian. 884-3383. . tfc45 WILL prepare drawings for building and permits. Altera- tions, additions or new indus- trial and residential. 889-5262. EXPERT typing â€"- reports, correspondence, dicta, stencils etc., in my home. 884-2163. 7 ODD jobs With pick-up truck. Very reasonable. 773-5559 or 773-5105. c2w44 MATURE’ lady would like to babysit evenings. 884-2685. A (EEANING woman wants day work. Tuesdays 9-4. $12. Has own car. 773-4165. c1w45 i964 PONTIAC V8, automatic. $180. Phone 884-6666 after 7 0m. c1w45 MARRIED man wants pafftlme work on farm or looking after property in exchange for lodg- ing. Has reference. 833-6394. tfc39 1969 DODGE Polara 4 dr. 8.. automatic, power steering, radio. Owner now has company car. $1900. or best offer. 884-8354. c1w45 1963 PONTIAC Parisienne con- vertible. 13,000 miles on new engine. Must sell or trade fox‘ smaller car. 884-8842. c1w45 1961 MOREEI'S Oxford, motor overhauled. Gone 10,000. $75. 832â€"8872. c2w44 CONVERTIBLE 1967 MERC 390 P5. P3 884-3387 evenings. EMPLOYMENT WANTED DODGE Polara 440 Deluxe. USED CARS VOLKSWAGEN deluxe. radio. A-1 condition. 884- c1w44 GIRL FRIDAY clw45 clw45 clw45 c1w45 clw45 c1w45 c1w45 clw45 c1w45 $1475. c1w45