THE LIBERAL. Richmond. Hill. Ontario. 'l‘llursdai'. May Pi. 1971 7 LILAC LANE HAIRSTYLIST Wheresmy sane S238 YONGE ST. THORNHILL Sale Registers IMAY 220. THURSDAY â€"â€" Clear- PL'BLIC AUCTION of I WANT ADS PHONE 884-1105-6 General Consignments FRIDAY. MAY 7th, 6.00 P.M. ‘ ing Auction of piano lspccialr. TV. dining suite. 3 sets good dishes, fridge lsclf dCfI‘OSl'. NOW UNDER NEW GIVE MOTHER > Location: Bond Lake Barn, istore, clocks. grandfather clock . .1 l l 1.3 r t } Yonge St. (3 miles north of built 1700. pine pieces. fancy A G I - ,LflLI..__m . _â€"â€"â€"‘l ' Richmond Hilli ldlSl‘IES, lemon tree that proâ€" ALL HARDTOPS! l30kt}?S'reggffgongagngng]dig?i A value-packed sale of An- ducés lemflns- 010; 0‘0. all In 111‘s. Cheryl Williams of Lilac Lane Hairstylists MCKENZIE K LTD. Idlï¬afti’aveL CauA.HICreighton‘GRA1/â€" Brian andBrenda (nee liques. Furniture. Appliances n?“h iwqtllmg‘sr “,am“ .1" in Thornhill wishes to announce that she now CAMPING TRAILERS 1 _ , Fockler, are mulled to am Trucks, C315 and Goodness \ie a e 1 VIahneita th , , t . M. ‘V n _, ‘ _ ‘ , No. 7 Highway East at Bayvlew‘Travel Agency. 839-0643. tfc47 “ounce the arrival of Brian knows. Davis at 160 Rose AW,†in south e lieu proplle 01. 1 IS. 131115 “(is d immet Otto, Lionel, Woods hardtop! “Jasonâ€. 61bs>1312 025" April 1956 Im, Loadstal- 3 ton. 1800 Stouffville. Note: This is‘one emlflm 99: Of the 'Salqn and “evlcomes fmmer “ls: SELECT FROM BLOLSES. SIIACKS. SHORTS, tent trailers. Triple E Travel, 27' 1971' York Central HOS_ series do“, reserveh acetylene of the finest lots! of furniture tomsl‘s and new “1th the >21an lllgll (Illillll) TOPS. PANT SUITS AND SLEEP “'EAR T 1 $619 “043‘ nd a liances \ie ha\e \ 1 1 ~ Jilfivflp;d_w ABOATS ' pital. A brother for Jodi An- $011 NW siege: and hQSe-Igfferedppby auction Some cuff “31â€â€ 17 FT. Zephyr trailer. propane iiâ€"â€"â€""‘“â€"‘““-W -‘ u I S ecia] thanks to Dr, “com com ma 10“: Sewmg . .' . .' - a. furnace. stove. frig. toilet. anl- 8 sea Flea’ 10 hp mOtor' $1.204 RchCregtfr the nurses and maclllne~ “ï¬lling mael‘i"°5usual "ems' DOM mlss thls‘ For Appmntment Call 1 - 5 o o F F ing and screen for room 3' x 12', @3‘3830-___#__£1“4°l Staff. ' *1w45 grandmother clock. solid mahog- 5319- 51:999le S‘éldwllsale it 11 0 889_2724 c1w45 9.8 MERCURY motor. 1963 .1. i. is is any. new (low reserve), antique Pm. : mson an ‘1 son, sac 5 8 5 5 ...L.,..'_ .__. i r r ' ' , - ' - .M ‘ . and Auctioneers. 2 \‘4 APACHE Ramada hardtop tentiaméilzeé‘lglmmacmate conilltiggiMA‘CMILLAN â€"â€" Gordon and (Sign ofcagrliiihhlylctélrgssf‘22:: gls * ,, ,, ,, c \ a - ALSO v trailer, sleeps 8. £tu equippedtvi .v.,__~- Elizabeth ‘nee Barke“ are $18: boat rose pattern 01d.'candielhI.AY 20. THURSDAY EVEN- UP TO 50% OFF ON UNIFORMS used one season 294-3148. 1970 ALUMINUM Prince Craft lighted to announce the aim V , A I , 7 ° ' ,. v , . sticks, clocks, lamps. assortcd'mG â€" 7 W“ ,U‘Uon sale 0f1 7 AF c2w45 runabout “1th 20 hp mOt‘ir- ‘31 0‘ Andrea Jane 3131;“ Radish“ glaqs vase; fireplace‘antique articles including somel r â€" râ€"Ar ~~ .â€"â€" . v‘ hie1d steering, contro s, 1971 at BlanCiar rascr ' * ' . . ‘ - a - - 17’ GLENELLE trailer. toilet. “‘“ds ’ .- ~11 - 't 1 N vaiscreens- footstool. childs stuff-‘Ot‘tstanqwr Pm“? Pm" d‘y: awning, 2 gas tanks, water star-hm89 - “C45 and Heather. *1w45.shelves' .tenm. bamoand case'lzlable, ‘fINISQCCL pm: 1:liegt of ‘30 YOVCE STREET SOUTH t age tank. Sleeps 5 01‘ 6» $14400" ' it i: a: o buffet, bird cage. sanican, laun- ra‘WlS' 0‘ pm? 95 i 0113“ ' 1 ‘ _ 833-5374. c1w451 __ .- . dry hamper, floor lamp. baby 1303010311161 COVEIedslage coach. RICHMOND HILL â€" 384-3163 ,,._...__~___.._-â€"a 4-â€" PECK Fred and mm†ale walker and Stroller living mom trunk over 100 yrs. old several 1969 TRAVELMATE hard-ton pleased to-announce the ar-‘cllai1‘ mirror garden chairs ClOCkSv 1 93†0f Jakcs Bud Sleeps 7. 3 burner stove. toilet, rival of their daughter Sharon 1 i . ‘ Haves 31.101. Chair , . 911d furnace Illtel‘lm‘ aVacadO- Lorraine on April 18' 1971 atiutenSllS, steam iron. toys. hand .- P . 5. (91311013 9 x 10 awding Mam, extras. _____-__________.__ York Central HospitaL lawnmower, Sunbeam sabre saw boners: 99p?" l‘eule‘ 01°91‘5- Like new $1795 Aur’oré. 727_,8 YEAR old Chestnut gelding clw451mewl, baby crib. high chain fem bells, Jardinieres, china, glass- 6923 . ' c1w45 16 HH' snitable for beglqni'g stand, pole lamp, light fixtures 1:513:35 pliggft- $33158. 911‘ ~ â€"’â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"-â€"-â€"â€"'-' 'â€"‘ 384-7207. C W ~ (new). door chimes, horse blan- - 1‘1 05 m 18‘ TRAILER sink stove. oven. 7* --Wâ€"sâ€".â€"â€"~ - * - - . -. all including many antiques not . . ‘ '- - ZSHETLAND onies for sale or '15 g g t ket, first aid stietcher, chan, , _ . .. , . , . was. n a 9mm 5 militi- was ,‘lnglcl. .. - ~ , > 1’ . .c» Monday to Friday. c1w45 Mnmarlii Mrs. Harry thlurton.332232351553253. 521:: Tic]; will be sold by number_ Come ‘ -L...L__. .._ __#_eâ€" - e oannounce e en- , . ' ‘ ' ' ’ TENT trailer- Sleeps 6' $200' won 1 ftheir son Richard DICk OZOgFaPh duplicator. and early, for a Seal and mun-V lllcl . . ' 884 7069 c1w45 gagement 0 - r ' man more items of interest evenmg' commumty Hall' Vlc'i ' - 519... w - _'..,L'_ ' -_- ._ â€"fmbâ€"‘ to Joanne Ritchie. daughter- of Telzvms cash RefmShmems. toria Square. Alvin S. Farmer; To . _ I ALUMINUM “m†wm‘ add'a' MORTCAGES ARRANGED Mr- and Mrs- Stuart Rm“? 09d 1- B ‘A t- r 884; Auctioneer, phone 887-5311. ‘ i. l ‘ . . ’°°m- Sleeps 3- 5395‘ 831'01075' Reasonablle rates Existing 45 Woodward Avenue Marglage;83§1Ԡ'8 â€â€œ"’ “c “me W45 ems, o CONSOLIDATE YOUR BILLS - . . c1w4 I ' to take place August 2 at - . O l r r gï¬ï¬tiigï¬jrifgmhased for c"ls'h'‘Heridford United Church. Re- m * >Ir s IIIIIIIIIIIIIIlIIIIlIIIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII . v ' ‘ ' ' lw45 ' ‘ " Frank Green “em†“S‘ln‘fltylew' ° MAY 3 SATURDAY __ Clear- Speed Limit 0 COMBINE 131‘ AND 2ND MORTGAGES ~ ‘ . .. - Financial Enterprises - A 't- f om lete house_ V... ,_, , ,, ‘ - , _ . . -â€"~A-â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€" â€"â€"e . R. P 11 n, R 1, mg uC WI 0 C P ‘ , TREES and bushes pruned and PO. Box 27:, 31 Yonge st. 5, ï¬gbliienfimlzllsleased iooannounce hold furnishings, antiques‘ etc" n42.) ï¬les? Call Me Personally! , Garden Centre & Greenhouses Sprayed. lawns fertilized. gen- “mm ' t f t] or dam for Ben Talbot, located 1 mile ' are ,m. ‘ eral landscaoe- Retired gard- 773'4671 . g‘lie,enï¬i,§:2‘e;,y§ to ‘10,}, Bob north of Stouffville on the 9th a BRAM OGDEN ener. 884-7953. c4w43 9 331.10 9 P-m- by iiDPOllltment V. k’ f s b 1.0' son of Mr Con. Property sold. Owner .Markham Town is plan- KLL types of landgzaping Stone l “C39 Nils cGaerrrtlt Yink Plaster movmg 1" England 5319 at “mg on placmg a 254m“- 9 4 4 3 4 . a ' . r ‘ . . _ ' ‘ work. railroad ï¬e wan building' â€"â€"____.=_-__-__â€" Rock. New Brunswick. Marriage IsaIEmMglétkggsorAuzflgnelgrilson, ï¬zzdgogl; istgetijtzlinmdg 2111;? - rail fencing. sandy top soil and c to take place August 7. 1971 at - ~- . .; mushroom compost. By the yard summer Propertlesï¬pm â€" Teston United Church. I. * * ’ “W45 “offlg'lï¬h'g issmceoumï¬ï¬‚sgr STARKMAN & ASSOCIATES - _ â€" â€"- s '4â€" , '- it _ . . 0" load. Free esumales' 8894 LOWER FRYS MAPLE LAKE * * * * “V45 Jim Jongeneel who is not so 1262 Don Mllls Road, Don Mills, Ont. 5338- _ tfc.‘L‘Cleared and wooded lots. Lake MAY 3. SATURDAY. 1 pm. sure that a straight achSS- CUâ€"STOMâ€"plï¬ing'agd discing,f1‘0nt and CllalEl- $1.200 up-er- and Mrs' Rom†wagg are â€"â€" Auction Sale of new and the.board 25 miles should also we“ rotted manure do. 476-5551 or evenings 476-4529. happy to announce the engage- used lawn and garden equip- mm," in 8" areas of \' livered- 884-3948- C2W45 6°45???“ Oféh.‘ier3:lgԤht$g' ment. engines. snowmobiles. built-up sections. ____..~,~,._ V, . N â€"- r , , â€" * ma al , - .- . _ u - - n LANDSCAPE GARDENING EXCELLENT building lots. Lake William Craig wedding to take chain sailvs, vauous laanOW_ I think it should apply ’ Weekly maintenance tree re_ Slmcoe_ 834.2273. “C45 71 t Z. Kolher 7/2 hp. horizontal eng in some areas and not in moving 442 Eagle Street New- $3.0:dJSESrCLQ’SJagrborgugh “m ine electric start generatOIf‘ others.†he said. “I think - .. . . H . o ' ‘ m e -i ' harging unit a number 0 30 miles-per-hour is more ’ ' market. c1w45 c . ’. . - , . . _ chain saws, various lawn mow- appropriate In some places. ' Excellent Selection of C0l01‘ and Varlet 895 7809 clw“ , i E * _* . * d ers, set of 3 Toro gang mowers "In any case I would like - . * l v - y .___.__.__ â€"â€"â€"r - MEN NEEDED TO TRAIN AS The engagement 15 announce (28 in. reel, like new). various to hear the opinions of Custom rototilhnS- Reasonable SEMI-DRIVERS ‘Of Wanda Wellsv daughter 0f rote-tillers, riding tractors and residents in the built-up ’ , Tatfl- W†“W45 Train now to drive semi tractor Mrs- E Belem†and Walter attachments, 1971 Tom 5 hp. areas before making up my n LANDSCAPING trailers, local and over the road. wells to wayne Mortoni 5°“ 0f dual stage snowblower (dem- mind." i l - ' ’9 Lawn Maintenance You can earn high wages aftel‘LMr' and M.“ T' Morton 0f onstrator), No. 361 Snow Cruis- _‘ Free Estimates short training. For appliCation'RlChmond Hlu- weddmg to take er snowmobile (36 h.p.). Many . 0/1 ’ Yearly Basis and interview. call 416-362-4002. place June _5i 1971 at spring other items including snowmo- S‘VIMMING P0 1 0 / pomona Landscaping or write Safety Dept. Transport Garden Balm“ Chumhi W‘uow‘ bile trailers. Stock Reduction ‘ OLS 1 0 773-4673 Training Systems of Canada. dale- * * * * 01W45 Sale. For Rowan Auto Electric. WELL??? CISTERNS l 0 ‘Ltd.. 207 ueens uay West. ‘ , Nobleton, on Bolton Road. 1,52 LLED , UC45 Toronto 11;,Q Ontaricl,Q Canada, Mr. and MrS. Clifford E. Wilson mi1e west of Highway 27. Gord Sharon Water Haulage Co. ‘ ' ' " =â€"__â€"â€"'â€"â€"â€"-â€"_- c2w44 at; Thomghelglewtmhf 36:12:32? Orr, Auctioneer, 833-6360. 4 4784796 Regularly Priced AS High AS $7.95 Ea. â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- e enga n 0 - clw 5 1 ter. Sharon Lyn, to Mr. Rawle is ii! ii i: l â€" ‘ d - Ramdeen, son of Mr. and Mrs. ' u 4 BABYSITTING Ill my home' Jose h Ramdeen of Richmond'MAY 8. SATURDAY â€" AUC- Cartler and BayVLew 884-5094. 9 i . . _ i ' clw“ SNIDER, Robert William. â€" Hill. clw45 tion Sale of farm stock, imple- ,, ,, _______.__.. _ Suddenly as the result of a â€"*â€"*â€"â€"‘â€"â€"’â€"‘ ments, household furniture, 3 Blue Haven - Skyfocket - .30 BABYSITTER reqwred Ln my motor accident on Thursday, ' Holstein cows, 2 steers, 5 brood holne for 2 Children- Monday ‘ April 29, 1971. Robert Snider, sows. several Young pigs, 1 - Q Friday. 884-1452. __chL5 beloved son of wagon: an: ' \lfdi. graokl gulldgzsesï¬ glodel TOWN OF RICHMOND HILL IN my home. Sussex and Wen- Edna Snider of ic mon . erla 0. . lVel‘ PLANNING DEPARTM N - lock‘ 38%,)â€. #2,,“ Hill. Dear brother of Doug- a tractor Suï¬/f: Flo-85% “fï¬%t£?c‘ E T E las, Ronald and Corinne. or Pace a er, . ln- . u u Rested at the Marshall Fun- MF- and Mrs. Gordon WateI‘SOn. der in good condition, set dou- . Audora ' Halli " - eral Home, 126 Yonge Street 0f Welland, announce the forth- ble disc, also full line of imple- . _ . , . k North' Richmond H111, Ser- coming marriage of their daugh- ments, quantity of loose straw, Egg??? sgï¬goggiz Saeéglcliia: l) BICYCLE, boy's 20" green with vice was held Saturday. In. ter, Jill Ann, to Mr. Robert Patâ€" baled hay, quantity of antique Ring Departments and answer . ON SALE THIS . “Iver fenders. 384-7549. terment Richmond Hill Cem- field, Niagara Falls. son of Mr. furniture (several pieces 100 telephone enquiriés for same WEEKEND ONLY c1w45 etery. c1w45 and Mrs. John Patfield of Was- yrs. old). at Lot 13, Con. 2, Ux- ' EACH “ aga Beach. The wedding will bridge Township, 1/2 mile south QUALIFICATIONS: 4 3’9?†l 5 take place on Saturday May 15 of 47 Highway. Property of hlgh 5011001 preferably With 0 WEDDING CAKES MADE TO ORDER LAND ’ ’ . h specialization in business and 0 Home Male Bread, Buns and Rolls n M VIN & sri are“ In are. - .GIANT COLORFUL 6 Pot BY v - 1’ ‘*1w45bAuctioneer' éhone 887:5311. ’ icipal work will be an asset o {rinchAand tgaiyfh fPristriesMothéat lfies, Beef Rolls 1 RAIL c1w45 Applications will be received wflr AIR ~ m r it it tr it up to and including Monday, 0 Overseas'Packingaa Crating. MAY 8, SATURDAY -â€" 1 pm. May 17â€]: 11:31:10? o A e t fo-: GLOBAL VAN LINES. Auction Sale of furniture, large - _ __ oLgcglsandlLong Distance Moving; 24 Hr. Service. STEPHENSON Gordon â€"‘ In appliances, paintings, antiques) Planning Dlrecmr Richmondzzflgeï¬gdg:nï¬g' _ 80:21:23: 88445691 ‘ O Canada Bonded Warehouse. 10V1ng memory 0f a dear huS- articles from celebrities. White 5‘? Yonge Street North * * * * g * ,k * ,,, S Pot s y can: 889_6269 band and father, who passed Elephant stall. Proceeds Rich- RIChmond Hlll- Ontario OPEN SIX DAYS A WEEK ' ° . . . . Aagvaytltgay 10,1964. f mond Hill and Thornhill Area WHILE SUPPLY LASTS World Wide Movmg & Shipping ‘ oi?†“my ° 5° 55â€??? 53$“: R‘ihmé’“ 2‘â€; , m e urc , on e n We cherish still with love sin-‘Centre Streets, Richmond Hill., 0 w N A H o M E BOX OF VIGORO FERTILIZER ~â€" â€" cere; ,~ ~ ‘ , ‘ . . ; .. ' A day that comes with sad re- Clalke Plenuce aucuoneilwâ€˜ï¬ ' ' With Every order over $2030 ) grets * * * * , .To one that we will never for- MAY 10, MONDAY EVEN- l l. * â€" WI I HOU I I HE CHORES ‘ â€" Sadly missed by wife Mabel, of 1953 Dodge tow truck with ' ’ 1 daughter Madeline and family. N0. 460 Holmes wrecker, gar- ‘ c1w45 age .tools and equipment in- ‘ ,WALKER. _ In loving mem- Cludms battery. charger, “re : EARLY FLOWERING SHRUBS cry of adear husband, Robert Changer: Supphes’ wad: ggr . - May assists.withstand...- s 99 19.68' maple dining room, suite, lea: l Reg' $250 EaCh . A 5‘19“ “mug†a 59"“ tea“ ther covered Chesterfield and ' Keep his memory ever dear. . . , ON SALE NOW EACH Time takes away the edge of’ï¬iiï¬hgfngyalï¬ogzgleapireiï¬g grief, ' ‘ . ' her and dryer, TV. Many -' . IV'h I! But memory turns back every “as . . . > v. ‘t ‘9 “WMâ€: 9.9 leaf other items. Note. The malor- Free-use‘Of Spreader Vigoro or So-Green Fey. n -_ Saal missed b wife Julia ity of items nearly new and in . 'fl|izer5_ y y *1 ’45 good condition. Short notice â€" â€" ‘4 “ sale. Owner returning to H01- 8’ to 10’ Excellent, Shade Tree :SHIER â€" In loving memory of a land. For Andre Texaco on. C D H I v dear husband and father, Ray, Highway 27, 11/5 miles south of1 j (15 davs) who passed away May 8, 1963. Schomberg. Gord Orr, Auction- LUXURY SPACIOUS APT , -' We who loved you, sadly miss eer. 833-6360. clw45. . 0 a e Jet air fare, transfers plus hotel accommodation Assvi’tuaav th , I * * * * . 1 (double occupancy) , "‘5 “0 er yeal: . lMAY 12, WEDNESDAY, 1‘ 1 A 9 d & 16th,,“ 3111 out lonely hours of thinking, pm __ Auction Sale of house_ I _, . 1 ug. -n s c EThoughts of you are ever near, hold furniture dishes crystal ‘ Reg. $14.9.) Each This Weekend On y . ( .) lâ€" Sadly missed by wife F10.Iinc1udimy dining roo'm suite‘ . l (Subject to gov't approval) land 5°“ Ray! Larer “Edi a““llwith table 6 chins china cabv DOWN PAYMENT ‘ E 2 l 4 ~â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"- ;daughter'i“flay_‘lfirjet- CI‘V45linet and low buffet, bedroom! . a' or . « ' CARD 0F THANKS suite with bed, dresser. chest 0ft N H A A E Sarasota, Florida (8 days-7 nights) 1w. “to. to extend our heartfelt Egaggrsogngwfjggsfddrggggifé‘ ' ‘ (Adult 0 I (5' G ADD A TOUCH OF SPRING . . . . _ , - - . . . ‘ s n s Jet air fare, hotel accommodation (double occu- uthanks 3‘39 apprec‘am“ “’1 thechair, cedar chest. quantity of: y GIANT MIXED COLORS pancy) and breakfast included lads 0f I‘mdness and messages‘c'ood crystal English china' Oct 10/71 J 2 ' .of sympathy received from 0Ԡaishes cutlery wool blanketsl ' i an- * :many friends and neighbors, ‘ a ' ,‘ _ Feb. 6 & Mar 5/72 ‘ . 6 ‘ ' ,and quilts. etc. Many, man), . ' o - . during our recent beieai ement. ~ . i - , I 0 is . 1th k D‘ . d other items. Dining room suite, as: ‘° *- a“ 1 BEDROOM 2 BEDROOM 3 boxes $1 00 or 39¢ Box ' the estate of the late Robert OVERSIZE HOME 19 TO CHOOSE FROM 9 Mrs. Harry Suter and Family. clw45 BERMUDA CRUISE Includes: Jet air fare Toronto - New York Return, ‘Smith, Schomberg, on Main St., 1.1 mile south of Highway 9. Gord Orr. Auctioneer, 833-6360] (8 daYS) THIS WEEKEND ONLY O Fridge 0 Electric Store 0 Enclosed Parking 0 Furnished Lobby 0 Laundry room in each apartment 0 Electrically heated 0 Individual CARD 0F THANKS v transfers, accommodation (double occupancy) We would like to extend our Clw45 . - ,' and meals heartfelt thanks and apprecia- thermostat in each room 0 Balcony with every apartment. ' , Nov. 6/71 2 tion to all our friends and WHAT Is A i ' ' ' ' neighbors for floral tributes and 12 YEAR OLD T ' S (U'S') cards received, personal visits FINANCE CO, I FQR FLRTHER 8 8 4 - 9 6 , ‘ ' ‘and telephone calls during our WITH 2 LEGs? INFORMATION . ’ . ' ‘ I ‘ ’ v recent bereavement. SpeCial Answer: Your local Liberal thanks to the Marshall Funeral . MAPLE Home, Rev. David McGuire of St. Mary‘s Anglican Church and the O.P.P. Tile Snider Family Carrier on Collection Day. Are you preparing to ask him for a loan? Please pay your Carrier Promptli’ When He Calls To Collect. ‘ 75-1. KE‘ELE ST.-‘5N0RTHV . i. * ,.-..PHONE 832-2455. H ’Openfl Day‘s a. week 9 am. to 9"pJn'V. HUMBERV WOOD PRODUCTS LTD. 35 YONGE STREET NORTH RICHMOND HILL Sunday 9 an, to 5:30 pan. 884-6970 clw-15