Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 13 May 1971, p. 16

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16 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario, 'I‘Iiiirsday. May 13. 1071 Maple, Kleinburg Concord & EdgeIey News "The Liberal" is always willing to publish items regarding people and events contributed by its readers in Maple, Concord, Edgele) and Kleinburg. Maple. please phone Mrs. Louise Cooper, 832-2408; in Edgeley and Concord, Mrs. Carol Cole, 889-4379; in Kleinburg, Mrs. Lucille Shaw, 393.1433. ling slowly after a bout with pne- tour through the Molsou Brew- ! . I We were happy to talk to Freda1 Bourke of Gram Street. Maple; this week, and to hear that she is feeling fine after a week and a half in York Central Hospital. Freda had been stricken with a sudden attack of panercitis and rushed to hospital. ROIY Ken“ Spem laSt sun‘ Maple residents will remembcr‘bottles and that the average day helping to celebrate the 21st birthday of his: oldest grandchild, Ronnie Orr, son of Mary and, Allan Orr of Bradford. He tellsl us that this is the beginning of a series of let birthdays, one‘ each year for the next five‘ years. I Deepest sympathy from our; community to the family of Mrs. Roy McDonald of New- m-arket who passed away last weekend. Mrs. McDonald and the 1ate.Roy McDonald were members of St. Paul’s Vaughan Presbyterian Church and were widely known throughout Vaug- han. The funeral service was held In Newmai‘ket last Mondayl The Voice Of Concord Happy 10th Wedding Anniver-‘ sary to Bryon and Marilyn Camp, Lawrie Road, who are celebrat- ing today. Birthday greetings to John Cole. May 14. Bill Lacey. Mayi 17, and Debbie Lacey, who will‘dmw.S enjoyed a be 10 May 18. i A belated birthday hello to? C a p t a i n William Osborne" Dempster, MC, MSM, Croix del G - V - ' v . . 1* une hance‘ cm“ de Gulle'by Mrs. Andrew to the children hiSiand by Rev. B. F. Andrew with?in her honor April 30: When Belgium, who celebrated 82nd birthday May 7 by diningi out with his wife. Captain Dempster is a York County pi-i oneer. He was born in Seetin‘ Village, which is now the cornâ€"i er of Bathurst and Blooi‘, Streets. He served in World‘ War 1. His father was in the 116th Battalion, two of his: brothers were in the 1231‘d Bat-I talion and one brother was a cadet in the Royal Air Force.I His youngest broth er. who passed away ‘last week. 'servedi in World War II as a Reg. Sgt.‘ Major and received many lion~‘ ors including the D.S.M. and the M.S.M. I Congratulations to Sheila Yot-. eff, 11 years, who successfully: completed the 32.7 Miles For. Minions Walkathon held May 1.? She had sponsors for $2 per mile. After getting completely soaked at about the 25 mile mark Sheila was ready to givel up the ghost. btit liei" mother and; father brought dry clothes and offered encouragement to help her complete the walk. I . Good[ work Sheila! The same to all” others who finished the walk in such style. Lou Yoteff, his fatherâ€"inâ€"lan Robert Piper. and his son, Rob-I bte, spent a few relaxing days in Galston. Scotland. They. passed their time golfing and‘ Visiting relatives. i .A miscellaneous shower was given by Mrs. Norma‘n Clark: in honor of Miss Valerie Mc- Clyinont. daughter of Mr. ly of King High Drive. will be married May 21 John Allen. The ceremony will- take place in Barrie. I Town of rather dif- iferent service last Sunday. I Christian Family Sunday, I choir IN THE VILLA GE 0F MAPLE afternoon with interment St. Paul's cemetery. Mrs. Linda Hudson is recmer- umonia the past two weeks. She has been missed by the teachers and children of St. Andrew's Presbyterian Sunday where she is a teacher pianist. and ,2 :r. y 4. Many of the young people in the Maple area participated iir'l‘he tours were shown the labâ€" Music‘oratories where each the Ncwmarket Lions Festival last week. and most of them have come away with wonderful results. . 'also Cathy Ella, whom many from the George Bailey Schooll production of HMS Pinafore as.1 the lovely soprano. came home with two seconds and a third in the three classes that she had entered. For her first year in competition her marks of two 84‘s and one 83 are something, that she, her grandmother, Mrs.‘ Florence Ella. her parents. ML! and Mrs. Aubrey Ella and her‘ teacher Mrs. Irene St.Joihn of| Aurora intist be very proud. David Thompson of Maple,‘ who had been entered by, John Lockwood, music instruc-I tor at Langstaff Secondary School. took a $50 scholarship with his mark of 88 for his ar- tistic performance on the‘ flute. David also participated in‘ the Festival of Stars on May 7. ’ Rosemary Brice of Keele Street South, will be recupera- ting a’t home by now from her emergency appendectomy. Her many friends have missed her, and will be looking for her back at school soon. St. Andrew's Presbyterian The congregation of St. An- with the members of the two: Bible classes taking most of thel service with excellent addresses; the sermon for the families. The children of the Sunday school replaced the senior members in the choir loft, and gave' two songs. “Fair- est Lord Jesus" and “I'll be a Sunbeam." All the ladies were greeted at, the door by members of theI Bible classes who Pinned roses on each as they arrived. I Members of St. Andrew'si WA-WIVIS will meet at home of Mrs. ‘ Keele Street South, May 19 at 8pm. St. Stephen’s Anglican The young people of St. Stephen’s invite their friends and all interested in the Canta- dian Bible Society. which should include all key church people in Maple. to their spring dramatic production in: the auditorium of the Gibsoni school‘Guides Dave Taylor and Dan “May 4. ‘both as single performers and‘Bahen. 893-1923, Jim May Sr., ting. bad colds that has been hitting bottle is ust 23 times. Maple kept one 0" “‘0 hum“ The most fascinating part of mom or “‘9 membch 100k the the tour was the sterilizing and pasteurizing room where the bottles are washed with a caustic solution. then sterilized, filled and then pasteurized. They then pass before electronic scanners. manned in half hour shifts by men who watch for' flaws or defective bottles. After the tour of 20 min- utes to half an hour, the group was able to relax in a lovely lounge where they were served their choice of beverage. iii- eluding tea and coffee with cookies and biscuits and cheese. Klein burg Kla Neighborhood Notes cries May .5. The group of nearly 50 was divided into two tours with Stevens. and saw the whole brewing process from the boil- ing of the grain to the final bottling, labeling and packing. batch is checked for quality and held for aging tests etc. They were told that the Canadian market uses only returnable , Rotary Club Sympathy is extended to Mr. The Rotary Club of Klein- and Mrs. Paul Budd. Wood- burg is holding its annual bridge. on the death of their 13,auction on June 19 at 12:30i month old daughter last week.)pm at the rear of the Gulf sta- Congratulations to Cathy‘tion so collect your old furni- Castator who won first prize‘ture, books, radios, toys, tools. with a vocal solo and to Braden‘etc. - Pletzer who won second prizej For pick up call Del Sweet. with an accordion performance 893-1511. Dave Thomas. 893- in the Bolton Amateur Show Our area had 7 entrieSIChuek Ellis. 893-1906, Willard in groups. and they all deservel893-1712. a hearty thanks for their conâ€"I Last year the Rotary donat~ ed all the proceeds from the tributions to a successful even- auction. amounting to $1,800 to Birthday greetings to Mrs. the Kleinburg-Nashville Recrea- Ronald Ingham. Phi‘lip Whet-ltion Committee~ stone, Lynda Flear and Timmy Women‘s Institute Longworth who was nine on Kleinburg-Nashville Branch May 8. .held their April 20 meeting at Mr. and Mrs. Walter Murray. the home of Mrs. Herb Ward- Islington Avenue. Kleinburg law. Bolton. A pot Itick lunch- attended the wedding of Mr. eon was enjoyed by all mem- Murray‘s nephew, John Murray bers at 12:30 pm. Mrs. Nora to Pixie Bradshaw in St. Jolin’SiStephenson. Kleinburg Estates, Anglican Church. York Mills was chairman for the election May 7. Rev. James O’Neill of-iof officers. ficiated. The reception was Honorary President Mrs. A]. held at the Toronto Hunt Clubdbert Devins, Past President Mrs. Elmer MacTaggart, IS-‘Mrs. Harry Burnfield, President lington Avenue. Kleinburg. was Miss Merle Hainbly. lst Vice- surprised with a birthday party‘President Mrs. Dirk Vermeer, 2nd Vice-President Mrs. Jack Shaw, Secretary-Treasurer Mrs. Arthur Train, District Director Mrs. Dirk Vermeer, Flower Committee Mrs. Jack Thomson and Mrs. Ed Miller. Special get well wishes are members of the family, Mr. and Mrs. Kelcy Breedon. Schom- berg. Mr. and Mrs. John Davis, Kleinburg gathered at the home of r. and Mrs. Bill Maw. Bolton. to enjoy a delicious dinner. While MrS. MacTag- extended to Mrs. Harry Burn- gal‘t cut the cake her gl‘and- field who has been in\ York Children. Cindy and Sue Da\‘iS..Finch Hospital the past month. Kelly and Tl‘aCB' Maw 58mg" A short article was read by “Happy "Bll‘thdal'". 1Mrs. Gary MacDonald on the Mrs. MacTaggart‘s son Lenjmotio "the secret of happiness thewas unable to attend the_party}is not doing what you like t017.30 pm to present a cheque. Eileen Brice.,3S he 15 now working 1“ Laldo but liking~ what you have tolpi‘oceeds from the Starve-In, to, Tuque. Quebec, flying helicopâ€"ldo.” ters for Dominion Helicopters. The roll call was answered Get well wishes to Cindy‘by ‘What I would like to see Davis who is now in Peel Mem- done in Kleinburg and Nash- Orial Hospital, Brampton with ville’ and some comments were: pneumonia. dusty roads oiled down, ‘liidden Older residents of this area _ are informed of the death ofiIlillllllllllIllllllllllllllllllllIlllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllllllIllllllllllllllll Mrs. Mort Wardlaw', formerly] Fxchange Land J of Nashville. She was li\ingi with her daughter. Mrs. Andy} Ra‘ad School Tonight at 8:30. The play‘ pictures Old Ontario one hun- dred years ago “1871 â€" The Year of Promise." ‘ 1871 is vivid in the minds of all alert Canadians with the. IQueen visiting British Columbia‘tnee Brenda Hawmanl formerly ‘celebrating their Centennial. In of Woodbridge and Weston. 1871 British Columbia came . into Confederation making our Henry Hawman and Ellen. Mrs. icountry one Dominion from sea Audrey Stroud, Mrs. Everard to sea. Last year the young peopleers. Murray Hawman. Mrs. Boh "Highland Heather Wisniewski. Mrs. Robert Shaw. presented lnn.“: which was largely at- tended and greatly enjoyed. They extend a cordial invitation to all their friends. l\'o tickets M R . ‘ V and for admission. but a silver col-“Airs, Earl rs: 055 MCCI) 1110111. lgl‘mel‘ Ieetion at the dohr for the Can- Shaw and Karen. Mrs. John ‘3191‘19 adianBible Society. Mrs. Frank Shaw and Judy and Wendy. 10 Steele is the dramatic directoryaiackenzie Senior School Senior Citizens Although the rash of flti and Vaughan NOTICE TO OWNERS AND OCCUPANTS OF LAND Under the provisio us of the Weed Control Act, Province of Ontario. Public Notice is hereby given to all Owners and Occupants of lands within the Town of Vaughan that. unless the noxious weedsorwveed seeds on any such lands of the MuiiiCipahty are destroyed by TUESDAY. J the council of the Town UNE Isl. 1971 of Vaughan has directed J. MADILL, Weed Inspector for the said Town, to cause said noxious weeds or weed seeds to be destroyed in such manner as they may deem proper. and that the expenses incurred by the said Weed Inspector in the discharge of his duties shall be placed on the Collector's Roll of the Municipality against the respective parcels concerned and that such amounts shall be col- lected in the same ma Assessment Act. IT IS THE PROPER nner as taxes under the TY OWNER‘S RESPONSIBILITY TO KEEP THEIR LANDS FREE OF NONIOL'S WEEDS. IS LESS ENPENSIY IT E FOR YOU TO TAKE CARE OF YOLR OWN PROPERTY THAN HAVING THE TOWN DO IT. Dated at MAPLE 1971. G. A. WILLIAMS Mayor this MAY. lilth day of .l. MADILL. Weed Inspector. ' ' 2-2281. 880-9le Town of Vaughan Stewart, Alisa Craig. Ontario. She was buried from Bolton cn‘ The Town of Vaughan Tuesday. will lose .206 acres of [and Mrs. Ross Ilawman. Weston. this year, but will gain .24] held a miscellaneous sltow'er‘ acres in an exchange with May 7 for Mrs. Rob Thompsoni the Regional Municipality of York. Town council has agreed to deed to the region a 17 foot wide strip of land on the north of the prop- erty surrounding the muni- cipal building for the wid- ening of Major Mackenzie Drive (the Maple Side- road). In exchange the re- gion will deed to the town .241 acres adjoining the municipal property to the west. This triangular par- cel was created when the. intersection of the Maple Sideroad and Keele Street was realigned a few years ago. Guests attending were: Mrs. Kellam. Mrs. Arthur Train, er5. Bill Coward and Debbiel Mrs. Hank Van Bemmel and Diane. Mrs. John McLean. Mrs. Ormy llaw'man, Mrs. Carl Shaw. Shaw. Mrs. ‘harles § The mixed choir with :42 students sang "Mischa" in two. parts, unaccompanied. May 6 mi 1344. Bob Gallagher, 893-1946,‘ While they were relaxing they were shown a fascinating movie "The Yukon Old-Yukon New.“ On the bus, returning home. the Hi members of the King City 39'ers who had joined otii members for this outing were welcomed and were invited to join the Maple group May 1‘: when they planned a tour of :lllé‘ Christie Biscuit plant. Plans are also underway for the two- day trip to Kingston and Ganâ€"I aiioque June 21-22, hinging on the confirmation of reserva- tions for motel. Anyone inter- ested must contact Percy Put-I erbaugh 832-1114 or Mrs. L0u-‘ 'ise. Cooper 832-2408. 0 street? sign on No 49 Highway, west of lslington and cast of No. 27, new bulbs in the lights at the estates‘ entrance (which ‘vandals ruinch garbage on the ,roadside collected and a drag {strip for the speeds-ters that use' jour roads for racing. , The May 18 meeting” will be held at the home of Mrs. Gary MacDonald. White Schoolhouse :Sideroad, Vaughan. Ladies wel- come. ! Those interested in buying the book “History of Vaughan" ,may obtain an order form from the Kleinburg Post Office. ‘Kleinburg‘ United Church , Rev. Wm. Reid was back in ;the pulpit on Mother’s Day. af- ,ter a few weeks absence. with. ,the sermon “Making Your Mar-i riage Secure". He read the humorous poem "How‘s her day, anyway" and the Sunday school pupils of Rob Grants'i class sang “When Mothers Ofi Salem.” In the choir anthem a duet was sung by Mrs. Walter. Murray and Clark Balmer, ac- companied by the organist, Mrs} Lorne Whetstone. Hymns “For: The Beauty". “Stand Up For Jesus", were sung by a fulll house. On May 16 a special youth service will take place. Let's have a full house on May 14 at 7.30 pm at the“ church for the Pin and Scarf demonstration. Dessert coffee, 50 cents each. , The ladies of the church will lbe collecting good used clothing soon. so collect these when you are spring housccleaning. ‘ The Kleinburg Hi-C \'.'lll hold, ‘a special meeting on May 19 at John Myers of the March of .Dimes. Come and hear him tell about the work our money will do. Kleinburg and Central mem- bership class will meet on Tuesday, May 18 and 25 from 7 - 9 pm in Kleinburg. All membership classes will meet ithe Elders in Nobleton. June 2 land have supper together. I r Rev. Wm. Reid officiated at‘ ithe infant baptism of Aprili ‘Leanne Schwartz. daughter of‘, ’Mr. and Mrs. M. Schwartz ini Central United Church on‘ Mother's Day. Will Engage Students For House Numbering Vaughan Council decided at. its May 3 meeting to hire a‘ student with drafting ability! ffor the summer to work on: house numbering throughout the new town. This action was prompted by a request for numbering on Islington Avenue. 11 was noted that a great‘ [deal of work goes into num- :bering â€" detailed maps have IIO be prepared for one thing. " sitiiiiiin‘ NIIIIIII‘ "‘ ‘ mimu k lll-I ;. g iiuil .‘ {Photo by Stuart's Studio» May Sale In Map/e Saturday Pictured above (left to right) Mary Lamont. Florence Evans, Pearl Forrest, Louise Cooper and Gail Cooper of Maple seem pleased with the quality of merchandise that is being donated for the “Good As New” Sale that will take place at St. Andrew’s Presbyterian Church, Maple from 10 am to noon Saturday. There is also to be a preview sale from 7:30 to 9 pm Friday, admission 25c, and offerings will include antiques, small electrical appliances, good clothing and household items of every description. and ‘lIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIllIlIIIlIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIlllllllllllllllllllllllllIIlIIIIIIIIIlIlllII i Single 150 Fare Keele Buses Two readings were given a bylaw to provide bus transportation on K e e l e Street between Steeles Ave- nue and the north limit of the CNR property on Keele Street, by Vaughan Town Council May 3. The TTC will be operating the ser- vice for the town. A single fare of 15¢ (adults and scholars 15¢. children we or one ticket valued at 6 for 50¢) will be charged and the service will be used by CNR employees. it was reported. Expected deficit will be $714,000 resulting in an area assessment of .398 mills. It was pointed out that the advantage of this would be that no change or further application to the OMB will be necessary with future development on Keele Street north of the Langstaff Road. .This pro- posal would result in the overall area charge increas- ing from .124 to .235 mills and the annual cost on an assessment of $20,000 from 52.48 to $4.70. The bylaw providing for this expected deficit will now go to the OMB for its approval before it is given third and final reading. llllllllllllIlhllllllllllllllllllllllllllllIRIIIIIIIIIIIIIRIIlllllllllllllllllhlllll " the Newmarket Lions Music} < Festival. winning first prize: over five other choirs. In the grade 8 and under, class. the 39 girl choir \vith‘ Gaby Runge. a grade 7 stud-i ent accompanying on the pi-, ano. sang two selections “Wheni Wind Is Playful" and “In Thel Evening Shadows" placing sec- ond in the competition, May 4.I We congratulate the pupils and: Eric Jacobs. their music teacher on these accomplishments. ‘ Parents are invited to Mac? kenzie Senior School gym night,j May 12. 7:30 pm. 50 cents each.‘ TI‘RN SPARE ROOM . INTO SPARE (‘ASH 1 BY ['SING LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS i PINDER BROS. LTD.‘ STEEL LINTELS I BEAMS Kept in Stock Portable Crane Service STEEL FABRICATING To Custom Specifications a_|I makes! 25 Ruggles Ave. Thornhill BA_ WOODBINE A TRUCK PARTS for * RIGHT PRICES . ,. WOODBINE TRUCK CENTRE AT THE t Authorized Dealer for VENUE PHONE 449-1415 International Trucks t‘tinimins and Detroit Diesel l MILE SOLTH OF HWY. T Vaughan Council Takes Care Woodbridge People see of mu al fro by Cl‘S bri cat wh all cip all year. annual rental of $25 ments. paid the cost to the muni< Residents of the former Village of Woodbridge will some of the advantages belonging to a larger nicipality under region- government this year in measures approved the Town of Vaughan Council at its May 3 meet- ing. Capital expenditure of $10,000 was approved for the former village library, thus benet'itting the read- ing public. The village tennis playâ€" will also benefit. For a number of years the Wood- dge courts have been 10- ed on lands owned by the CPR. Until 1966 the land was leased directly to the tennis club but in that year the lease be with the mun- icipality. A five year lease. the railroad insisted ieli expired April 30 this was executed at an plus realty taxes and assess- ’l‘he tennis chib ality and looked after maintenance and hydro CDILLAC Hours: 8:30 a.m. to 5:30 pm. â€" Friday 8:30 a.m. to 9 p.m. - Sat 8:30 am. to 5 pm WALL PANELLING NATURAL KNOTTY BIRCH, 4’x8’ . . . . . . BURNISHED BIRCH. 4’x8’ . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . $6.50 -â€" Reg. 8.45 SUMMER KNOTTY CEDAR. 4‘x8’ (while they last) $5.95 12"12" VINYL ASBESTOS FLOOR TILE . . . . . . . . . . . Itlzc Each SOLII) VINYL FLOOR Reg. 97c SPRING SPECIAL PITTSBURGH $ .95 PAINT Interior or Exterior (Can be tinted. extra 50c) FACTORY CLEARANCES . . Kitchen Cabinet & Wall Cupboards POSTFORMED COUNTERTOPS in 5-6 colors 4- 5 - 6 - 7-8 ft. lengths SEE US FOR ALL YOUR NEEDS IN HOME IMPROVEMENTS AND COTTAGE MATERIALS Now is the time to ptit a nice cedar fence around your property I ,__r . . -4 I KINGSDALE ANIMA 1 HOSPITAL DR. CARL HEDER 833-5401 IIllIIIIIIIIIIlIIIlIIIIIlllIllIlllIIllIlllIIIIIlllIIlllIIIlIllIIIllIlllIlIIIIIIIllIIIII I NOTICE TO CREDITORS I AND OTHERS I , In the Estate of :GEORGE WILFRED KEFFER charges. The new lease will carry an annual rental of $10!) and will be on an an- nual basis with a 60-day termination clause. ,Considering the fact that the tennis courts in Maple and Thornhill are located or. municipally owned lands with no charge to the clubs usmg them. with the muniâ€" ‘ All persons having claims against the Estate of GEORGE WILFRED KEFFER. late of Cigamy paying for the Maple, Ontario, who (lied on or water and hydro" and the Iabout the 17th day of Febru- c I u b5 for maimenance’ Mary. [971. are required to send “Dunc” believed the same a statement of their claims to Dom-y Shoum apply to the undersigned before the 2nd woodbl‘idge' day of June. 1971, after which Lighting [0" “‘9 bas?‘ date the estate will be distrib- ball diamonds located m luted, having regard only to the Woodbridge and Thornhill parks will also be consid- ered. It is estimated by the applicants that adequate lighting at Woodbridge will cost 812.000 and at Thorn- hill $6.500. Vaughan ‘claims of which the undersign- ed shall then have notice. I DATED at Toronto this 51h iday of May, 1971. HAROLD FRANKLIN Hydro will be KEEPER and asked 10 Prepare a “‘90” I .ionN HARRY WALKER. and recommendation on Emulth the availability of a power ‘ r I i by their solicitors. supply. type and wattage of lights, proper placement of poles and an estimate of cost in each case. WALSH AND WALSH. 85 Richmond Sli'ect West, Toronto 1, Ontario. minutiiiiiiwiuiiitiiiiiiiiumtuttiiiiiiiitiiumtiuiiuimiimuimm' BUILDING PRODUCTS co. PHONE 832-227] KEELE ST., MAPLE North of Maple Sideroad on Keele St. SALE $6.65 â€" Reg. $10.93 ‘5 Different Colors: 12‘" x 12” I'll! While They Last 4 9 ¢ Each ALL CEDAR 2.95 d Gal. White Only PICNIC $ TABLES 2 ‘ Prefab 0r Assemble 1/2 Price $2.98 per It. LEXURIOUS Q

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