THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thur 18 Thornhill and sday. May 13, 1971 District News “The Liberal" is always pleased to publish items of interest contributed by its readers in the Thornhill area. Please call Miss Margaret Govan, l4 Deanbank Drive. 889-5372 Socially Speaking /,, mom/"w Public Library ‘ class. Horticultural 'Society The May meeting of horticultural society will the formation of an art commit- tee which will meet at intervals during the year to select works of art for exhibit in the lib- rary. Artists interested in ex- hibiting are cordially invited to inquire at the library for ap- plication forms. Centre tHeintzman Housel. Mr The attendance cup was earn- Thornhill Library announces ed by room 6. Richard Colvln’s proyect is to publish the late thelready in the fall. in the process of taking held on May 18 at 8 o‘clock at‘advance the North Thornhill Community‘Bryson 832-3735 can furnish fur- 1R. Fleming of the Horticulturall lmet on April 27. Their first the ladies for giving him the opportunity of sitting in the pew and felt having so much talent in the church was a challenge to him. $34 IN CASH Guides and Brownies“ of the 5th Thornhill group were pic- nic-king at the old German Mills School last Tuesday when Mary Dr. Elmore Roaman‘s history of yVaughan. The book will be They are orders. Mrs. Jesse -‘ther information. The April program featured Langstaff Home and School Research 'Institute. Vineland the changing scone in the mun- Lou Mallett found $34 in cash The annual 1116611112 0f the S:lailon. “'1†59°“ 0") NUt icipa‘iity and a team of husbands‘behind the building. She turned Langstaff Home and School 'lrces As Ornamentals. Other and wives prepared and presom the money mm to Guide Cap- ' Association met on May 3. The elections were as follows: Pres- ident Gordon Riddy. Vice-Pres- premiums and draw prizes. Vis- ident Gene Denzel. Secretary itors are innst welcome. Mrs. Mary Lloyd. Treasurcr‘Moderator Visits Great Britain Mrs. Rosalind Robertson, Pub- Dr. Dillwyn Evans and Mrs. licity Mrs. Myrtle Lang. Room Evans of the Presbyterian Mother Mrs. Sheila Dowdall and Church flew to the United King- Social Convenors Mrs. Fred dom where they will attend the Krutzler. Mrs. Leone Blake. lGeneral Assembly of the Pres- The guest speaker for thejbyterian Church in Scotland. evening was Principal David‘Dr. Evans is the Moderator of Painter. Roselawn Senior Pub-‘the Presbyterian Church in Can- lic School and his subject was ada. He and Mrs. Evans will "Why Senior Schools?â€. He have a few days for'rest and spoke of the philosophy of the relaxation as well. Roselawn School. its advantages Vaughan Historical Society and disadvantages. l Vaughan Historical Society Phillips-McDonough Thornhill Presbyterian Church Was Scene 0f Pretty Wedding Bouquets of yellow and white flowered headpiece. She car- spring flowers decorated Thorn-ried a bouquet of pink and hill Presbyterian Church \April white roses. 10 for the 4:30 pm wedding off Attending the bride was Miss Dorothy McDonough to Brian.Susan McDonough. her sister- Phillips. Dr. Dillwyn Evans of-lrin-law. as matron of honor ficiated' at. the marriage cere- wearing a rose colored floorâ€" mony.‘ length, longâ€"sleeved, chiffon The bride is the daughter of gown. pleated at the waist, neck Mr. and Mrs. Evan McDonough. and wrists. Her bouquet of 175 John Street, Thornhill and pink and white carnations was the groom is the son of Mr. surrounded by a white doilie and Mrs. Bruce Phillips of 44 and had long white ribbon Woodward Avenue, South Wilqstreamers. 10Wdaie.BOih.V0ung 13901316 are; Attending the groom were graduates of Thorn-hill Second-1the bride‘s brother. Barry Mc- ary School. Given in marriage by hei'llowdale. as best man and Don father. the bride wore a white Hawkins as usher. satin A-line gown with train. It- The fifty guests were receiv- was fashioned with a beadedied at the home of the bride‘s lace top with a matching fin-lparents on John Street. where gertip veil held in place by aia buffet dinner was served. features will be a flower and vegetable show. distribution of *Donough. Bogert Avenue. Wil-. .nard Castelletti. ted pictures and a talk on diff- tain Kitty Maxwell who located crcnt styles in fences. Alvin the owner. Richard Sand. an Wood had written a poem about Cnlpiol'ee 0f Markham Parks it. which he read to the gath- Department. Mr. Sand was very ering. The next gathering is happy 10 EN his money batik. scheduled for June 2. and the girls were pleased to Baptists Mark Mother's Day have done a good turn for the Mothers Day was very spec- day. ial at the Baptist Church. On‘Craft Exhibition entry each lady was presented Janice Phelan. 44 Dove Lane. with a carnation and ladies took is one of the 91 Ontario crafts- l the place of deacons at the door..inen who will participate in a' Four teenage girls look up the month long exhibition of crafts offering. a ladies chorus sank at the Ontario Science Centre "Whoever Wears a Mother in November of this year. This Heart“ and Mrs. Hugh Martin is the most comprehensive event rendered a lovely solo “Count of its nature ever mounted in Your Blessings“. Mrs. Mabel this province. it is claimed. Webber led the service. Mrs.‘l\Iiss Phelan‘s field is ceramics. Carol Dow spoke to the childrenl The entries were judged by and Mrs. Lynn Law read the well known Canadian Architect scripture. lRaymond Moriyama, assisted by A poem read by Mrs Ernie a panel of technical experts. Johns was composed by Mrslwho chOse a total of 119 pieces Lila Ross. It gave advice to.of pottery. jewellery, tapestry. parents and children on how to wood and glass. - gef‘ 310"? togethen " The exhibition is sponsored T0 LlVe In LOVE “'35 the jointly by the Canadian Guild theme of messages given by of Crafts tOntario) and the Mrs. Dorothy McGowan and science Centre and 15 award qu5. Norah Taylor and these prizes of $100 each for exch-‘ were very thought provoking to lence have been provided by parents and children alike. the Royal Trust. These awards The Rev. Ernie Johns thanked.\vill be presented in November. Thom/ea Times Reporter Mark Williams, Grade 10 Home Phone - 889-4149 STUDENT INTERVIEW lScuba Diving Clubiwent on its Leonard Castelletti â€"- grade 11 first open water dive. They left. Leonard likes the choice of the school around 4 pm and subjects as he is not restricted‘returned about 10.30 pm. The to taking subjects he does not purpose of this dive was to train like. He is also pleased. because‘the candidates for the NAUL he does not need to sign no for scuba diving award. The club one particular area: like ST and went north of Keswick on Lake T. A and S, and B and C. as in Simcoe. The instructor of the the regular high school. Leonard group was Reg Winstall. is not as that SUl‘e Of What his Leonard Castelletti. a member 10b iS g0ing t0 136‘ but Might of the scuba club said that the consider science 01’ math fields. “rater “'as too calm and under. He does like Radio Thornlea neath visibility was poor. Leon- and thinks that the announcerslard also said that Reg hopes the are getting better because they.water will be rough on their are more experienced. inext trip. Twenty-two members Award for highest mark in attended this trip but only 19 NORTH RICHVALE ‘ NEWS CORRESPONDENT Mrs. Rhona l’l'ehrens 130 May Avenue Phone 884-4333 (Evenings) . Wedding I Petronski-Omlerka St. Paul‘s Lutheran Church. Richmond Hill was the scene of: {a pretty spring wedding May 1‘ jof Sylvia Ondcrka. daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Edward Ondcrka. May Avenue. to Frank Pctron< ski. son of Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Petronskl. Zelda Crescent. Richmond Hill. The ceremony ‘was performed by Rev. James yDauphinee. Given in marriage by her if!â€" thcl‘ the bride wore a long white crepe A-line gown with long sleeves. Her train was car- ried by her young brother Alois and AllanCile Pacale. The bride carried a bouquet of white carnations and red roses. The bride's sister Ursula was bridesmaid and wore a long‘ sleeveless A-line champagne; ‘pink crepe gown and carried a nosegay of pink and purple ‘mixed flowers. The groomsman was Billy Nelson. the groom's brother-in-law. Following the ceremony the guests enjoyed a buffet supper and dance at Vellore Hall. Mr. and Mrs. Petronski plan to live in Thornhill. Neighborhood Notes Get well wishes go to Robert Smith who is presently in York Central Hospital. i i l l Vaughan Sells 2 Lots $38,254 Two lots on Riverside Boulevard. Thornhill were sold Monday by the Town of Vaughan at a total price of $38,254. Purchaser was Gavro Construction Limiâ€" ted. 24 Denrock Drive. Wil- lowdale. The only other tender was at $17,750 per tales of excitement a lot. Appraised value of each lot was 320.000. . . Both lots are located on CORRESPONDENT PHONE 889-5 the west side of Riverside Boulevard. one approxi- mately 435 feet north of Uplands Avenue and the other approximately 515 feet north. Each has a fron- tage of 72 feet and a depth of approximately 140 feet and contains 10,000 square feet, more or less. They Scouts and Cubs The 2nd Thornhill Cubs con- cluded a month of program- ing designed to make them more safety conscious. Some items they undertook were trips to a fire hall and an OPP detachment, special safety instructions with bicycles and are zoned R1 for single fire etc family residences and will A‘ number of badges were a I b ‘ require a Sept": tank and awarded in conjunction with tile system. Town water is available. The road is pav- ed and curbed with storm sewers. Bids are requested from two real estate companies, two development compan- ies and three individuals. No commission is payable on the transaction. Illllllllllllllllill11111111lllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll111111111111 LANGSTAFF this campaign. Five lads slated to advance to the Scout troop next fall will attend a Spearhead Camp weekend. This is designed to prepare the new recruits for scouting as they will be under the charge of an established pa- trol leader from the Scout troop. This will be held this weekend at the Greenwood Con- servation Area camp site east of Markham. The Cubs are Graham Cush- pro-driver's course went to Leo-ilrled for the award. a Thornleal JOKE OF THE WEEK StUdeni. \l'enl up in the CFRBi A man went to an insurance twin-comanche with Henry office to apply for life insur. Shannon on May 4. He was once, awarded this ride by getting the The insurance agent. inquired. highest mark in his pro-driver‘s “Do you drive a car?" class. They were both up in the “No.†replied the applicant. helicopter for about two hours“‘Do you fly?" as Henry Shannon was on his “Noâ€, watch of the city traffic. SCUBA CLUB On May 7, t “Sorry.’ said the agent curtly, “but we no longer insure pedes- the Thornlea trians.†ling. Jeff McKnight. Doug Her- NEWS CORRESPONDENT Mrs. Geoffrey Cook 84 Garden Ave. Phone: 889-4553 Neighborhood Notes Ed Banks of the parks and recreation committee called last week about the summer recreation program that will be held at Charles Howitt and Roselawn schools. There will On Sunday afternoon Ma 9 the children who attend k- rainian school at St. Vladimir‘s Ukranian Cathedral on Bath~ urst Street. Toronto. presented llllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll ll llllllll l ‘ l l \umuu mun ;on. Michael Parkinson and Ian‘ 3 EAST RICHVALE SOCIALS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. SOPHIE LOGUSH Telephone 889-4405 talked to the pupils about art then had them " produce paintings of their own. ,1 "I “‘Lâ€â€œ"â€"vwn‘iumwiwvvnï¬umw Stars At The. Toronto Maple Leafs’ Star Defenceman Bob Baun made a sur Holy Trinity Hockey Club Father and Son Banquet to the Tyke Red Wings, Peewee Rockets and Mr. Baun is seen above w ith the mass of nd opportunities offered by Holy Trinity Hockey Club had a registration of 1 SOD-member Thornhill Church Hockey League. South Thornhill and Bayview Glen ; DAVE BARBOUR 205 - 366-1720 Lusk. The first Scouts of 2nd‘ Thornhill troop to be awarded the bronze challenge badge un- der the new system in Scout lawards are iKim Killham. The badge is awarded for seven challenges and achieve- inents. Neighborhood Notes This weekend will see the 12nd Thornhill Company Rang-l ers returning a visit in Welland. Jwith the Sea Ranger Crew of. .that city. The Welland girls dropped anchor here April 2-4. Ross Johnson and Angela Hadziorski were married at ,‘Thornhill United Church last . Saturday. ‘ The men of Thornhill Unitedi Church are going to Keswick Men's Conference in Muskoka .June 18 to 20. Registration} lforms are available from Harold: lFarrant. John Gilmore. Alan.1 Maston and Tom Sarto. for a while. While the young artists were at work. Miss Bailey showed us . (ggggggggllgnn‘! (Photo by Stuart's Studio) T horn/rill Banquet I prise appearance at the April 30 and awarded championship trophies Midget Rebels. trophies as he capitavated his audience with professional hockev. 57 boys this year and formed part of the I y! " LANGSTAFF ROAD AREA of Thornhill. Jim Stewart and' phon CARRIER BOY or GIRL: Here's your opportunity to earn some pocket ' money of your own. For further details please ' e Norma Moss at I LIBERAL CIRCULATION â€" 884-1105 I ‘1 “The Liberal†requires a responsible. reliable boy or girl for an established paper route in the V Ring Funeral Home BYRON E. RING 7783 YONGE ST. THORNHILL 889-7783 .be arts and crafts and games .for five to seven year olds in 1the mornings from 9:30 - 11:30. 1A similar session will be held in lthe afternoon from 1:30 - 3:30 their annual Mother's Day con- cert. Victor Pawlenko. grade 5 teacher was Master of Cere- monies. Children from kinder- garten to grade 6 performed. how a child's art progressed from one year to the next as he grows thus expressing himself . through his paintings. Then we. “ had the privilege of viewing the. RICHVALE NEWS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. ANNE WHITE 24 Roosevelt Drive Phone 889-3806 (Photo by Stuart‘s Studio) Spring Fashions In Thornhill . Local women were the models when Holy Trin- ity Anglican Church Women presented their “Showâ€" ers of Fashion" in the parish hall in Thornhill on April 28. _ ‘Apparel from casual to formal came from Gilliam‘s. with emphasis on uncrushable. easy care fabrics as demonstrated in the picture above in which Mrs. Doris Dunnett demonstrates the glamor of an ensemble of hot pants and floral sleeveless beach coat. Footwear for summer came from liinney's. and Mrs. Lois Jempson was the commentator. Spring flowers flanked the runway while Gay Hunter pro- vided piano accompaniment for the swinging sub- urban models. The Norm Sharpe quartet entertained during intermission. and guests had an opportunity to take a second look at the new fashions during refreshment time. 4th birthday on May 9 by hav- A very successful May Tea ing a party for some of her and Bake Sale was held last friends. Saturday by the ACW of Em- The Leo Club of Richvaleumanuel Anglican Church. Wind Richmond Hill. Oak Ridges and ning ticket was sold by Mrs. Thornhill along with their par-Jessie Elvin. l ents and Lions held their chart-y On May 18 at Emmanuel the er night on May 8 in the hall‘guest speaker at the meeting of. on Spruce Avenue. The even- Church Union will be Canon} ing began with a hot roast beef Ralph Latimer. He has been; dinner followed by a dance. involved in the Church Union Special guest for the evening discussions for many years andl was Major William Lazenby of will tell of the Plan of Unionl Richmond Hill. 'and answer questions. This‘ On May 11 parents and stu- meeting is sponsored by Ein- dents attending Roselawn Sen- manuel and Carrville Road Un- ior Public School had a most ited. enjoyable evening with their Coffee “111 be served at children and had their choice 7:30 and the meeting will be« of many activities. euchre. gin at 8 pm. For those of you bridge. learning Scottish dancâ€" who can not attend promptly ing or joining the students in at either of these times you the gym activities. Last week are welcome to drop in at any many parents attended a most time. Persons attending other ’successful arts and science night denominations outside of our llield at Reselawn. area are most welcome. l On May 15 in Emmanuel On May 16 there will be a .Anglican Church the marriage family service at 11 am conâ€" 1of Susan Fitchett. daughter of lmax1mum for a family for the about the program. but if you arc= interested and don‘t get one. ask the school prinCipal. The cost is $1 per child or $3 who resides at Oak Avenue, Richvale. chose Mrs. Katerunai Slicherban and Mrs. Lida Ol- echny as Mothers of the year. Miss Christina Plishka and Miss Elisoveta Trofymowich presen- ted the ladies with bouquets of flowers. These fine ladies have devoted much of their time and energy for the good of our chil- dren and we thank you. Your correspondent's three children attend this school and took part in the concert. En-. Joying this performance with us was young Edward Fitchett of Duncan Road. The spring bazaar which was held at the Emmanuel Anglican Church on MacKay Drive. on whole summer. Specific infor- mation may he had from Mr. Banks at 884-6240. Helping with this program might be at good summer job for older teens. The sympathy of the com- munity is extended to the Suter family and friends on the death of Henry Philip (Harry) Suter recently. Church News At the ACW meeting May 4. the ladies made final plans for the May Tea which was held on May 8. Rev, George Young Saturdm M _ - . .’ a 8 was a success. showed a film strip on Churchlespeci:illv mi the gemor Citi_ lnion. A ‘ ‘ 1zens' ladies who sold all their .knitted articles. On Monday May 3 the Home (1 School Association of 16th Avenue Public School held its meeting. There was a fair turn out but a lot more could have The ladies wish to thank all who contributed to the success of the May Tea by donating orb:m attending. The winner of the' ' 'door prize was Mrs. Dorothy Lester. On May 18 at 8 pin. there will‘ ‘children of this ar 3 will ,lie School and Charles How- l"? the Eight t0 13'3'e3r'01d The concert consisted of sing-‘masterpieces. Very well done Neighborhood Notes has returned to work. and we gliupl- H n b t 1 ing. recitations and dancing. lehildren. To put a happy end- Birthday wishes go out to Di- thank you for your concern. . A ‘3 9“ “'1 4 9 59“ dome During the program Mrs. M. ing to the meeting everyone ' anna Wilton who celebrated her Church News from “11001 With the Chlldrenlifotl'. principal of the school, I Y GERANIUMS‘ ETC" ETC" at . ' . ies. juice and coffee. t On Monday May 3. the grade 5 and 6 students of 16th Aven= tie Public School. along with Mr. Bone and Mr. Burlington Outdoor Centre. commonly known BORC. There the students had the opportunity to explore nat- llll‘e as it is. Oh. did those feet and muscles ever hurt the next day. i A summer program for the. be held at Roselawn enior Pub- itt Public School. Since we of East Riclivale belong to Richmond Hill we have the no- portunity of sending our chil- dren to these schools for sum- mer fun. The cost is very reasonable and the program very interest ing. More information and forms for registration will be distributed from the school near the end of June. So mothers let us help our chil- enjoyed some homemade cook-. McKelvey, _‘ who is the principal. visited the .' Resource -- as; I ‘Mr. and Mrs. Edward Fitchett. lto Kenneth Herbert took place. Rev. George Young offic- iated. Congratulations to J oh n ‘Greenfield. son of Mr. and Mrs. lJoe Greenfield. who \\ as chosen .most valuable player in the Bantam Champions. John plays for the Civitan Club. A job well done award goes to Harry Nelson who was the convenor for the Midget Champ- ions. Harry is a resident of Roosevelt Drive. A long awaited arrival for Mr. and Mrs. Ken Cosgrove inee Marg Ladlyi of Roosevelt Drive who announce the birth of Jacqueline Anne at Branson Hospital on April 30. mother and daughter are home and .feeling fine. 1 For all those who called in- lquiring about my husband's .health after his stay in Sunny- lbrook Hospital. he is fine and ducted by the young people from St. Stephens Community House. Awards for Sunday- sehool attendance and a chance for parents to say thank you personally to Mr. and Mrs. David Rhind and son Dave for their good work with the Sunday school Mr. and Mrs. Rhind and family will be mov- ing to Kingston this summer. and “'1†be greatly missed by the community. JACKSON'S POINT: A 1966 car. Owned by Norman Mac- Donald of Kcswick. which was stolen November 14. was pulled out of Lake Simcoe near the government clock recently. 1 X X # NEWMARRET' Speculation ripe in this area that the new International Jetport will be lo- cated in the south Lake Simcoe 1': area on land in Georgina Township south of Pefferlaw stI‘EIc‘hin; into northern On- tario Count}. 0 be a meeting on Church L'nion sponsored by Emmanuel Angli- can and Carrville L'nited Churches in Emmanuel‘s Parish Hall. Beginning with a coffee hour at 7:30. the meeting will I hear of the Plan of Union from Canon Ralph Latimer Who will then answer any questions. All members of Anglican or United churches who live in this area. whether they attend these two churches or not are invited to this meeting. Mr. Latimer is a native of Nova Scotia. After graduation from Toronto and Wycliffe he served in Huron and Montreal Dioâ€" ceses and as general secretary of the General Synod. and is now Church L'nlon Commis- sioner for the Anglican Church. The family service on Mal' 1T will be conducted by the young people from St. Stephen's Com- mllnit." House. The Sunday School awards “ill. be presen- ted. I been accommodated. Miss Pat. _ Bailey. Master Art Teacher at dren to forget this statement. Toronto '1' eac h e rs College‘s'l have nothing 10 (10 WE RENT . CONTRACTORS' EQUIPMENT Scaffolding Extension Ladders * Heaters Pumps Trenchers (24" depth) ' Boom Truck - 16’ â€" Stake - 18 boom Lift Capacity - 2 ton le Scaffold Rentals ' 9114 YONGE ST. ‘ THORNHILL 889-1059 -“““‘u!’t““‘€ ‘) i‘ E Richva 0 LANDSCAPING OGREENHOUSES BAYVIEW AVE. - JUST BELOW 16th AVE. OR 1 MILE NORTH OF NO. 7 HIGHWAY WON'T YOU? Borough of North York NOTICE TO OWNERS AND OCCUPANTS OF LAND Under the provisions of the Weed Control Act. Province of Ontario. Public Notice is hereby given to all owners and occupants of subdivided lands within the Borough of North York that, unless the noxious weeds or weed seeds on any such subdivided lands of the Municipality are destroyed by Tuesday, June 151. 1971, the Council of the Borough of North York has directed D. R. MANNING, Weed Inspector for the said Borough. to cause said noxious weeds or weed seeds to be destroyed in such manner as he may deem proper, and that the expenses incurred by the said Weed Inspector in the dis- charge of his duties shall he placed on the Col- lector's Roll of the Municipality against the respective parcels concerned and that such amounts shall be collected in the same manner as taxes under the Assessment Act. WEEDS ON VACANT LOTS ARE NOT ONLY L'NSIGHTIX. BLT ARE A PUBLIC NL'ISANFE. DO YOL'R PART TO ERADICATE THIS NL’ISANC'E. Dated at \I'ILLOWDALE this 27th DAY OF APRIL. 1.071. BASIL ll. HALL. D. R. MANNING. Mayor Weed Inspector. Borough of North York