THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thurs CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES CASH RATES, 1st insertion 10 words $1.00 and .80‘per word thereafter. Minimum charge $1.00. Second and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged, 10 words for .90c and .81: per word thereafter. COMING EVENT NOTICE 10¢ per word; min. charge $1.50 BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of 50c _ CARDS 0F THANKS. IN MEMORIAMS, DEATHS. ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, BIRTHS per in- sertion $1.50 Classified advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than 6 pm on Tuesdays. Send ads by mail and enclose payment or telephone us at 884-1105 or 884-1983 and you will receive an invoice. W ‘ 11 FOR SALE FOR SALE ALUMINUM WXNï¬D Dom-5‘ windows. awnings. andPianos and used furniture. Call railings. Ron Woods. 884-1514. 884-1146.“ _ __ v V tfc24 tfc35 RAILWAY TIES YORK ALUMINUM Free estimates Aluminum sid- ing windows, doors, awnings, also glass and screen repairs. Phone 884-4558, factory 832-1319 Holland Park Garden Centre, 51 Keele Street N., Maple. 832- 2455. tfc40 WATERâ€"CONDITIONERS_ Spring Special â€"- new fully au- MaPle- _#_ “023 tomatic from $210. Call your TYPEWRITERS Miracle Water Dealer after 4 ADDING MACHINES pm. 884-4016. tfc42 C KNAPPETT FOR LOAM Loam â€"- manure ‘ top soil â€"- Sales Service Rentals Authorized Dealer All POPUIaI‘ makes {01‘ 53.19 mushroom compost â€" peat lnclu ding new and rebuilt moss, etc. C. L. Knappett Land- standard portable and electric scaping and Supplies. 884-3089.‘ .. , models. Special rental rates tfc43l available to students. ~ " â€"- ‘ â€" *‘â€"*â€' LII-SIMS QUARTER inch plywood, 4x8 88 Baker Ave isnee‘ ‘ $329? 2X43 - 466 each,‘ ~ ' “9212" long. RI h ' l 08:14:)??45H1“ LOUGHLIN LUDIBER 1 YONGExAND SCOTT DRIVEl 889-1109 ‘ c2w46 DRESSERS and chest of draw-l ers $5 and up, odd tables 810 and up, ironer $40. kitchen sets $10 and 11p. wardrobe $25. Oak Ridges Used Furniture and An- tiques. Open nightly ’til 9 pm, Yonge Street, Oak Ridges. 773- 5544. clw47 MILLINERS, DRESSMAKERS SUPPLIES. Wooden beads, In- dian beads, macrame belts, hats $2 each, pinking shears and and stove parts, gears, belts, wood bear- ings and wringer rollers etc. For all makes. Repairs to elec- tric lawnmowers and Small ap- pliances. Math's TV, 49 Indus- trial Road, 884-7903. tfc9 DRIVEWAY GRAVEL Crushed stone, sand. concrete gravel, etc., delivered in small quantities. Call C. L. Knappett, 884-3089. tfc37 TRADE and save or sell~for _ tfc3 WASHER, dryer cash. Brice’s Furniture Barn scissors sharpened; buttons cov- wants used furniture and ap- ered» alterations. A150 dl‘y pliances. 478-4175. tfc37 cleaning. 8 Yonge St. S» 884- FIREWOOD E94: _ L L Czwfl Pure hard maple, $20 per cord. BABY carriage-stroller. Black Special - 112 cords 325, C31] Watch plaid. Contemporary C. L. Knappett, 884-3089, style crib. 884-5988. clw47 V _> lic37: FREEZERS: General 8â€"cu. if, IIOO'KEDâ€"RUG 11x15, freshly cleaned, beige and floral, snit- $144.95, 12 cu. 11., $159.00; 15iab1e for rec. room $40. 889- cu. ft. $169.00; 20 cu. ft.,‘3896- aw†$189.00. 29 cu. ft. $215.00. BEDROOM suite, s'piece. 832‘- Broadloom and Rugs 2640, clw47 at our cost plus 15% on $200. girders. Installation quotations ree. Washer Spindryers LAWN chairs wiIh or without swivel rockers. End round ta- bles made from barrels. Reas- Simplicity' Easy. Hitachi. San onably priced. Also _ barrel $124.95 to $17995 Brim†Fusigvplanters. 884-4866 evenings. niture Barn, Don Mills Road, ...__,v_ “1“â€? Queensville. 478-4175. tfcaleRINGER washer, automatic {EXKWb‘dnu washer, bathroom sink, taps in- ],i\.' - - , eluded. kitchen suite withl mg' dmmg and bedlooms“matching buffet. telephone, direct from importers ware- - - house- 0 _ - - table with seat. fire screen and- Pen 1 9 pm. 454 1388 accessones‘ 19» portable TV EINAR CLAUSEN LTD. .- Hwy' 7’ just east of Fifth Lineyiand stand, 8 mm B&H movie; 12 miles east of Dixie 3038):“3‘3‘91‘3' Hoover vacuum PAH Bl-an]alea_ i C1“ MANURE, carioad $1. Gayla gas range. hkecZIISX'I Stables, 884-1928. tfc43 OAK RIDGES BARN New opening, second hand fur- niture, some antique, 115 King] Sideroad, I've-mile west of Yonge. Buy, sell and trade. 773-5448. *4w45 POWER lawnmower 22â€, Ad- miral television 21â€, both per- fect condition. 884-2655. clw47 1 Mercury outboard motor tank, 1 Johnson outboard motor day. May 20, 1971 FOR SALE l (Continuedl BARBECUES for O u t d o or ,masonry: Cast and chrome cook- iing grilles: Cast Franklins and wood heating stoves at Fire-G10 Centre. 46 Steeles Ave. West. 889-3133. c5w43 CONTENTS of large home â€" 'Traditional 2 piece custom Chesterfield. also Spanish suite. matching drum and coffee tables, lamps, Odd chairs, 9 piece dining room suite. kitchen ‘suite. bedroom suites, stereo. 23" TV, 19" portable TV. ap- pliances, etc. 221-9881. c5w44 REFRIGERATOR, 30" stove, automatic washer and dryer.‘ 221-9881. c5w44 FURNITURE AND ANTIQUES Top cash paid for good furn- iture. appliances. etc. Fast pick- up. 884-7254 or 773-5544. tfc44‘ DUNCAN Phyfe dining room suite. Consists of table, 4 chairs. china cabinet. $150. Oak Ridges Used Furniture and An- tiques. Yonge and Given Rd.. Oak Ridges. 773-5544. c2w45 ASP-ARAGUS roots, raspberry ,canes. strawberry plants, rhu- barb roots. perennials, bedding plants and geraniums. 884- 1253. c2w46 CEDAR fences, made up in 8 and 10 ft. lengths. 3 ft. high, also 6 ft. high fences, can erect. tfc46 HAY for salef45e bale. Mai-y- lake Farm, King City. 833-5368. c2w46 GRETSCH drums â€" complete. Good condition. Reasonable. Traynor PA. system with Lans- ing speakers. 5 Sliure mikes. complete. 447-0559 between 7} andBpm. c2w46 ‘ new condition, after 5 pm. $50. ______ __ _l New owner Betty Forsyth. Dog‘ grooming -â€"- poodles a specialty. Jill Goddard. 889-3606. tfc18 SMALL miniature poodles. male and female, 8 weeks old; 884â€"2205. REGISTERED poodle pups. months old, reasonable. Call 1 after 6 pin. Newmarket. 895â€": c1w47l 2141. c1w47‘ AUSTRALIANâ€"tgie‘rfnmle, red, 3 years, papers. Oak Ridges. 773-5452. clw47 YEAR old male Labrador re- treiver from champion stock, free to' good home. 887-5627. c2w47 WANTED â€" a good home for a black, part Lab 3 years old spayed female dog. Excellent with children. 884-4270. c2w47 ONE seven week old male pup- py. One 11.2 year old female dog. Part Lab. Good watchdogs. 832-2628. clw47 CHINCIiiiZLAS «561 cages and equipment. Phone 225-6006. c4w47 KITTENS â€"- free. 1 black, 1 grey. House trained. 884-5831. clw47 SIAMESE kittens, champion stock, ready in 2 weeks. 884- louvre patio: 889-3679. ' CHESTERFIELD, cocon’hroiinx 884-1564, *1w47, firm I‘equiri’ies-expei‘i- HELP WANT*E_DV 1 HELP WANTED EXP’ERIENACED‘smEs , _ tcgntinqed‘ _ ; homemakers for busy Thornhill AUTOMOBILE spray painter,1 azency. 889-8047. tfc43 full or part iimc, 884-8187. ' "DOUBLE'YOUR'INCOME ‘ c4w44- If you are not afraid of work, you can be a success in the Real.I WEI-DER-FITTER Estate Business. Top trainingFm‘ light structural machine commission. and bonus offered.‘buildlnfl. plus congenial people to work3 GENERAL CONVEYOR with. 3 representatives needed CO. LTD. to complete our 1971 expansion’ 107 DONCASTER AVE. program. Talk to one of our} WILLOWDALE. ONT. , salesmen or call Mr. White or 889-7811 l Mr. Cuff â€" 889-6241. “ IIC'I‘il NORM BLACK REALTY LTD-lEXPERIENCEDï¬ hairdresser, » 4 UCZBJwanted, full or part time. 884- EXPERIENCED teller \vantedu’2?_’_21- _ . 93‘â€? Excellent working ('onditiOlis.lFAS'1‘.acouratefclcrkityipistfort Salary commensurate with ex- busy small ofï¬ce. experience' perience. For appointment. required. 889-8330. c1w46! .72. y - l . ~---~ ' W ' Eggggagï¬g‘egegangoï¬iiy_8:néogflREGISTERED nurse for nurs- com “ï¬lling home. live in or out. Write PERMANENT‘PI IC‘EMENTS'BOX 42' “The Liberal". Ci “16' A-l experienced office help inâ€"‘ RECLPTIOPISI TXPISVI cited to list with; Required Immediately to handlel A.1 EMPLOYMENT AGENCY ‘switchboard. maintain files, and C311 Mona Robertson clerical duties. Must have good 884-6944 typing speed and pleasant tele- phone manner. Salary commen- surate with ability and experi-. encc. For interview phone Mr. R. L. Brown. 851-2861. l _,, A v ,v ,A ,, clw47. LADX 1" ll‘ve “I; llght dutleslSALESMAN. part time. commis- and meals for :2 $1100] age sions. Every other Tuesday and children. 889-8305 before 7 pm.;ThursdaY awnings and ever). other Saturday and Sunday. to1 Experienced l HAIRDRESSER. female. part time. Call Nory or Victor. 832-l 2590. tfc46 WWI: ’NEED I" begin immediately. Applicanl‘ , should enjoy camping and be a' EXPERIENCED ' little mechanically inclined. 889-1831 before 6 pm. clw47 PRINTER. preferably with| weekly newspaper experience,- required '5 days a week duringl season at Black Creek Pioneel'l Village. Would suit retired per- son. Apply Mr. R. Cooper for appointment. 633-9901. ‘. cl w47 OFFICE PERSONNEL FOR PERMANENT AND TEMPORARY POSITIONS . CALL iii-CORP PERSONNEL ~ 7. 7-- v "r- r~~ - 18 YONGE ST_ iN_ COUPLE to maintain small RICHMOND HILL, ,countl‘y estate. Basic knowledge 88445782 101 farming and rough carpentry; , \ 01w“; required. Winterized cottage and, _ 7â€"1., Qwages. Prefer no children. 881-, d 1 0606 or 881-0075. clw47 ence secretary, some enera _ _ clerical work Write Bgox 43.'EXPERIENCLD Cleamng “'0' “The Liberal; c2w46‘man every other week. Own _ .ME‘IKKE‘E._&LSI-TTERS_ transportation. 889-9942. clw47 “0 ‘ LIVES IN SALESMAN â€" commercial, FULL 0R PART TIME background music systems. 889- URGENTLY REQUIRED l0.2.‘£9?i5;_c_1_ 1-2127 iGRADE 13 student. part time' idental assistant. will train. Call latter 3.30 pm, 884-7151. clw47l STUDENT gardener sliso‘n‘e‘r: “L47 ilir. 884-1083. clw47 DRIVERâ€"Salesman with experi- FOR A BONDED AND LICENSED AGENCY CALL: WE SIT BETTER 889-3650 WARDï¬clerkfsiurgical Unit. Mature person. Hours: 83m wence wanted f . . . _ 01 pelmanent 4‘30 pm. M91131†to Erlday- position by an industrial supply Apply in writing, The Director company. 889_4576_ clw47 of Nursing, York Central Hos- pitaL clw47 SECRETARY required with typ- ing, shorthand, switchboard and CARRIER general office experience. Call “The I Liberal" requires a re- Mrs. Peck. 8894833. Clwï¬ SponSIble boy 01 girl for an eS- - --‘--___.L .__ . _ _-_ stablished paper route in the}T“{O P901319 for greenhouse. .Uplands Avenue area of Thorn- Steady “'Ol'k- apply 10 T0111: Nolan. 884-8175. clw47. hill. For further details please phone Mrs. Narnia Moss at-DRIVER Salesnlani-Vfor wholeâ€"j 884-1105. nctfc47,sale florist in Richmond Hill.- lIIOI'I‘IIiER’SI_hAeIpervar_SIlni--‘Must know TOI'UMO “'011- ADM.“ mer. $15 weekly. 889-0909. {30$ 3331119 LUJCI'aI". clw47'l _ V clw47 NURSING home I‘EOIRC?}M'aC-‘ COMPANI'dN _ housekeeper, tical nurses and nurses’ aids. mature reliable person for el_ Thornhill area. Transportation provided. 889-4931, Mrs. Scott. derly lady in central Thornhill. clw47 Live in. Box 49 “The Liberal.†6849. clw47 tank $15 each. 889-3730. clw47 ve, small fridge,, pnopii‘nE‘lleaiei-“nicotine50" electric sto $60, workbench $10_ pipe table. chairs. buffet. wringeri threader and (1195' $15. com_,\vasher. All excellent condi- pl‘eSSer S35. bench saw andltion' 8,894,591?" ,, f1??? stand 890, builder's 8'2" saiviBlCYCLE. man's 24" new CCM,‘ $60. Wonderbar radio aunt‘s-10. Value $69. 884-8384. ' power aerial 840, car tape' *1\\'47 lav‘ - " -- w) ~-~â€"-~ - gagiélfio’ m “1†Ship fol "PIANO. in excellent condition. -â€"----â€"-- s _. . “3Ҡjust tuned, 5225. Oak Ridges- 2 blink beds, complete $25. 889- Used Furniture and Antiques.‘ clw47 Open nightly ‘til 9 pm, Yonge DINING moiâ€"(gm; andâ€"3 Street, Oak Ridges. 773-5544.l chairs $45. High chair $7. 884-, _9£\:43 8549- clw47 NEW kitchen ets $35 and up,‘ new china cabinets $81 and up, new desks $35, new continentali beds $39.95, new coffee and end tables $10 and up. Bargains ga- lore. Oak Ridges Used Furni- ture and Antiques, Open night- ly 'til 9 pm, Yonge Street, Oak Ridges. 773-5544. clw47 sings 222-1873. SPECIAL‘SALE L. . ' . I 'â€" A - 333; “Egg gmmtmï¬ and an'lJALUMIleM windows. various R d _ ome 0} “Ottage- sizes. Suit cottage or porch-i oun oak table, Single ped- 834.2655. c1w47l estal, brass beds, wicker set, â€"- . *g‘ china cabinets, tables and 1 GRA\ ELY garden tracmrl chairs, at budget rices. _ with blade. $150 or best offer. lands Furnituï¬e, 8236 Yoiige'gsfgwlg ,,_,_ Cl\"47l St., Thornhill, 889-5582. open PROFESSIONAL hair’drTe'sse-r‘sl Thursday and Friday evenings‘equipment for sale. 889-7578. ' :tngpm. clw47 clw47: ROSE gown, size 12. sis. 884? c1\\‘47‘unused, 12N9-3B. Worth 318 LOVE se'a_t‘ 5 pigâ€"w, excellent‘best Offer. Steve, 889-8781. condition $300, wash stands $25,i, _ _ Ch“; hanging lamps. excellent condi-lDOUBLE bed with new matt- tslgsn $8: and i3).krocking chaiis'n‘ess. 884-2722. clw47, “ 3,“ up~ 3' Ridges usediGE \vrnger washer with um .l FIJI‘DIIZIIRE' and Antiques. openrgood condition, 525, 33£774Â¥11 nightly til 9 pm. ionge Street! 1 '4" Oak Ridges. 773â€"5544. c1w471â€"-- â€"* wâ€"C-“ i ,‘ ----- , d li\'E\Vms_c-d furniture. pian- v v ATTENTIOP BARGA“ los. household effects of all de- 3.l1.p. Rototiller 5'35. David Bradley engine. 889-8449. clw4 ‘ . 2 STUDENTS desks, unpainted,l double pedestal. 7 drawers, rea-‘ sonable price. 884-3260. clw47 MOVING out Of town. Some, antiques. many household fur-1 nishings, electric stove. Even-i MOTORCYCLE battery. new. . ,â€" I Garage Sflghggfsd. . \l V scripiion, china and some ali- 22 If) ’ m di‘ ‘ a) litiucs. Open Thursday and ‘ . ‘ “0°.†to 6pm- :‘lanyd’riday 9-9pm. Saturday. 9-6 househom Items' 373 helm" pm. .\â€"1 Furniture Sales. 378 brook Drive. ‘ ._ . 7 , _ Shâ€? New kirk Road, Richmond llill. 9ï¬plece dining room suite 8150‘ tic-17 7’3‘4619' c1“'47,CNDEnw’O’OD'sianEEl type- COLDâ€"SAPï¬-Tefiiigzigtm~ $570.;wrlter. 20" carriage. Good con- 24†television $50. 889-6013,|dition: S45. 889-1775. clw47 . _.._,_,_, 7 __f'1‘_“4j SIMMONS MODERN dining table. 3 chairs Hide-A-Bed with embroidered seats, newly 70“ wide. coffee coloured â€" refinished: refrigerator. 9 cu. custom upholstery with 2 extra f'.. good condition: large col. cushions and arm caps â€" very 0" 'l ""1‘1- bottles: Call eicnâ€" clot-n -- new condition ~ Sl90. mas 831-13073. vl 14'. 389-3396. clv l: R‘EGISTEREDHvliiteâ€"male sniall miniature poodle. Shots and tattoo. 884-7687. clw47 PUPPIES â€"â€" free to goOd home. 889-3470. clw47 TRAILERS KINGFCITY ’Tii-{ILERS " Holiday and Rocket travel trai- lers from $1595 up. Ultraline truck campers from $1195. up. Truck caps from $240. up. Free‘ storage. Rentals from 835. week- ly up. Visit our showroom for Flfuil line of parts and acceSâ€"lFor [sories King Road, 2 miles west of Yonge. 773-4260. c2w46 l1969 WOODS Trail Blazei‘ tenti trailer. 851-0251. clw47 IROQUOIS Camping Trailers. 4-5 or 6 sleepers. with or with- out add-a-room. For sale froln clw47 $5.63 a week or rent from S40.jTemDmary Placement Service a week. Acro Enterprises. 125 Yonge St. 5.. Aurora. clw47 APACHE tent trailer with at- tachable room, sleeps 6 or 8. 884-2383. clw47 USEDâ€"4 sleeper camper in good ' condition. Bargain at only $259. Acro Enterprises, 125 Yonge St. 81400. 884-1916. clw47 .TENT trailer. sleeps 4. spareMust be experienced in all plia- tire. heater, excellent condition. $250. 884-8577 after 6 pm. clw47 DTOP TENT‘TRKILERS‘ MCKENZIE CAMPING TRAILERS LTD. Highway 7 East at BaMiew. Thornhill. tic-i? # LOST COOPER baseball glme. Left ,handed. ‘black. New. Bayview Plaza. Reward. 884-3095. clw47 FERIALEVCai all black. white throat malking. Richmond St. aiea. Renard 884-4083, cluâ€"lT clw47 RICHMOND HILL .HOUSEKEEPER wanted, live Receptionist-Wrist. part time', in, all modern conveniences, evenings and Saturdays. C8111 one child. Flnchâ€"Bayview area. M13 Lamg- Manager. N. S. Smith [2234603 clw47 Real Estate Limite‘a. 884-4435. lBEAVER Lumber requiresu- 91““ LUMBER SIIIPPER Must be experienced. Steady PIIII710)iIlCni. lxcele and Hwy. 7 area. general office clerk (preferab- lv female'. Some knowledge of bookkeeping and typing a def- lfinite asset. Own transportation Inecessai'y. Call Mr. Ovcrion. i223-8500. clw47 lDlNING room waitresses, exâ€" perienced only. part alld full time. Snack bar Operator, afterâ€"l noons and evenings. Apply in person to Chef, Richmond Inn. clw47 Warden Lumber 889-4890 ’ r clw47 KEELE STREET 7 Permanent dicta-pool Experienced. Call Mona Robertson 88-1-6944L A-l EMPLOYMENT AGENCY A clw47 RETAIL SALES PERSONNEL For better grade family shoel store.- Prefer mature lady with experience in footwear. 5 day 40 hour week. Shields Foot- wcar, Richmond Hill. 884-5341. typist. l PART TIME HELP Shift work. On CALL‘ BASIS only. Apply in person at ,Plastlcap Ltd. 177 Crosby Ave- ‘nue. Richmond Hill. clw 47 OFFICE HELP Experienced. For temporary employment. ‘ Call 884â€"6944 Mona Robertson SUPERINTENDENT couple for 56 suite apartment building in Richmond Hill. 2 bedroom ap- artment free. plus wages. el‘ences. Start immediately] Call 633-1712 after 5 pm and weekends. clw47 CASHIER with food supermar- ket experience. part time. Ap- Dl)‘ in poison. IGA. Bayvicw and Markham Rd, Richmond . c1w47‘ 'HOAVIE forihandicapped childrcnl ‘requires pan time evening and night help. Must have car. Call, 'Mrs. Jackson Mon. to Fri. 889- 13063. 889-1406. clw47 1â€"â€"‘_FCRGENTT #' 7’" Crossing guard required im- 57: AilffiH-A_ 7 __ _ Cl“"Elmcdlatcly. Good pay and bene- Hill. clw47 ‘1969 14‘ Rambler trailer. com-,fits. Apply York Regional Assn-Tan. ' H V ‘ fl _ plete with side awning. fridgeiPolice, Safety Bureau. 884- days an'd‘ alfifaafegi": MEI: front canopy and equalizer hitch. 4433. clw47 ‘ - - ‘ ‘ perienced payable. ure. son. in payroll. accounts and banking proced- TOp wages for right per- Mrs. Couch. 889-3701. clw47 CARPENTERS HELPER ' ' GOLF COURSE FOREMAN ;ses of golf course maintenance. ,Reply with details to Box 44 N'The Liberal" clw47 ' GIRL FRIDAY " i Carpenter‘ . . .. - . . . . s helpel OI geneial 'Otio. Lionel. Woods. Bag and Experienced. for Richmond Hill handyman required to assist Canvas. priced from $619, manufacturing flrni. Past nc‘ school carpenter in mainten- Triple E Travel Trailers .cul'ate typlst, varied duties. ante of school building on a 'shorihand helpful. Good salary year round baqc and company benefits. Call 889- “ 3333 M“ Pam‘- c1“4".-'ipply iii writing or by tclc- SECRETARY. part time. Shortâ€" Phone to. hand. typing. Trillium lndusi- Bursar‘s Office r105, 95 Neuklrk Road. St. Andrew's College 1 clw46 Aurora. Ontario SPRING â€" the time to get a 72742†_ clw4. new lease on life. get out of the house. meet people. earn mon- ey. win prizes. have fun as a e\enings experience preferred. K0scot beauty advisor. Turn ex- Option of buying1 business. tra hours into extra cash. Want equipment and contracts. Send to know more“ Write .\>ll'0 Dist- brief i‘Opljf to Box 46 "The ribullng. Box 163. Oak Ridges. Liberal". and onclo-c ph on r‘ c2046 number. clw47 889-5683. ,Trenching. sewer 8.- water lines. MISCELLANEOUS!MISCELLANEOUSI ,BOOKREEPING and account- PAINTING. interior or exterior,‘ ing servicesforsmall businesses. porch repairs and carpentry. _ rm, tfc33.221-7990. c4w44 CLEANING WINDOWS iGENERA L CRTLJCâ€"Hll‘y, recreation, WALLS AND FLOORS Lrooms. kitchens and rcpnirs.‘ DAY or NIGHT 684-250;. c2w~461 i) r\ ~- - â€"- *â€" - A 38“":“3, , “CE NORTHERN CONTRACTING , PLUMBING 8; HEATING :Excniating. trenching. footings.‘ Roger Proulx â€" Telephone k concrete work, forming work. 884-1650. tfc24‘834-7008. c4w'4-l SEPTIC"TANKS‘PUSIPED‘ CONCRETE'iepans‘and‘instsll. Sewers cleaned patio steps. curbs. outside bar- C_ Sumden becucs etc. Free estimates. 773-, Phone 884-1245 tfc2,5127‘ -7 A†“€41, NORTHERNTAINTING i ' Spskliégpggéfu i Residential, commercial paint- R d d :1 ‘t f m D r ‘l ing. interior and exterior. Paper-1 3;“ 91 ‘0 S- a) 01 hanging. 884-5697. tfc49 "‘6 LLA' , ‘ STRONG‘S ’STIRLING’MAINTENANCEFi DEMOLITmN EXPERTS ‘ FREE ESTIMATES ; Window cleaning. wall washing} floor stlippcd. 884-1311. l CALL _ 727.3502 ‘ tic-l3 CARPENTER â€". repairs 311d1Highlyâ€recommâ€"cndcheven by alterations. home llI‘lpl‘0\’emCIliS.“friends Cedar and wire fences erected. pERRLSTYLE (custom) 889-3679. tfc45 Upholstering RAILROAD lies’ioi-‘sAIYWIIizz Richmond St. build retaining walls. planter; boxes and boat docks. Free esti-‘l “‘LA“7N,\'['0_“TERҤEPAIRS mates. 339-6338. 3037'‘ SALES & SERVICE BAKER‘S BACKIIOE 1 Thompson Repair Seiyice EXCAVATING l 103 No. 7 Hwy. East. 889-2973 " ' "’# l l l c5w44 OUTBOARDâ€"SERVICING footings. 889â€"3604. tfc2 ITAINTING and decorating. in- 884-6885 Space. “C30 Company, TOWN WI â€" PHONE T0 RENT THE FRIENDLIEST VOICES IN LL HELP YOU PLACE YOUR LIBERAL WANT AD TODAY THE RESULTS NUMBER 884-1105 - 6 USED CARS lContinuedl (Continued) FURNISHED room, cooking 1968 Plymouth wagon, excel- facilities, 16 Lorne, lst house lent condition, V8. auto.. radio, east of Bork‘s Jewellers at’2-way tail gate. trailer hitch. Yongc. tfc51 other extras. $1995 or best of- ï¬'ï¬ï¬ï¬lsï¬fmfcï¬ï¬nâ€"g‘ffl. Original owner. 884-9609. and parking facilities. Please H 7 _, 7, _‘,~___,‘, ___C2W46 phone 884-1194 for appointment, 1965 EPIC, good coliditlon, new tfclS‘tires. exhaust, low mileage. ‘“"'â€""‘.â€" “ 884-7172. clw47 FOR lease, 3,000 - 6.000 sq. ft. industrial space. Newkirk Road. Features dock level loading, 16‘6" clear, immediate posses- sion, $110 net. Lored Con- struction Ltd. 630-9500. tfc50 and garage on L ARGEâ€"lot ifczo‘i'onge St., suitable for repairi shop or taxi station. Call 884- 2762, 783-6229, 783-2762. tfc33 to PLANT and Office space clownnent. 2,000 square ft. Goodwill, Fabricating Company. 167 Cen- tre Street East, Richmond Hill. 884-8981. tfc38 OFFICE space: a-ISo storage Goodwill Fabricating 167 Centre Street East. 884â€"8981. tfc39 FOUR roOm modern apartment. all utilities, $150. 727-9488. tfc44' 1962 RAMBLER. 6 cylinder au- tomatic, sedan. 851-0251. clw47 i965 CHECK-vs. Automatic. Not certified. 884-2653. clw47 l_____,_â€"_____ ... 1968 GMC 12 ton pick-up. Ex- .cc'ilent condition. Certified low .mileage. $1450. 884-6861. clw47 1964 CHEV. stationwagon in good condition, best offer. 773- 14619. clw47 1965 CHEV. Impala. 283 an- tomatic. Bucket seats. 2 dr. hard top. 889-8129, after 5 pm. clw47 I962‘PONTIACIPFrï¬enne hayrid- top in ver good condition. Cash 3200. 889-9314. clw47 1965 VW Deluxe. Good condi- .tion. Radio and gas heater. Cer- 'tified. $595. Call after 6.30 pm. 895-3319. clw47 bedroom; rent.‘884_-1638. tfc42 ,ONE 'i'ROOM bungalow. $220 month-‘ ,1959 PONTIAC. motOr in very ‘good condition. body fair, stand- ard, 6 cyl. $75. 884-2870. terior and exterior. Carpentry Lawnmowers. outboard 1110101'5,‘[y,636-6837 after 5, c1w45 1 47 work, rec. rooms and altera- and most type of small engine aEO'O’SQ‘UA‘RE’FEET "â€" ; ._.._-..... c .‘l-.. tions. No job too big or small. servicing, also Class “A†auto. “beagditioned office ace PRIVATE 884-5009. tfc40 motive repairs. very reasonable. ‘5. Y '1 St], et Vain Sgich' 1967 Meteor sedan. standard pMNTING IOpen 6 am till 12 midnight. 7 "fondflsï¬ 8843415 ‘ 'c3w45' shift, radio. $475. 889-1991. 8 & PAPERHANGING days. 'J-‘om's Gas Bali 9190 Yonge â€"â€"‘â€"â€"'â€"# "7w .a.‘.L§_l_’l‘?:l/i°_“'_‘j‘:"_Fl“’47 R. E. DUNN Street. Richvale. 889-9977- 1 bedmom apartment 0" Centre 1969 FORD Galaxie XL conver- IKitchens I -7. Ref} tfc36 JANITORIAL worlT part tiï¬e 727-3303 c4w46 Several type faces to choose from} -â€"including Script, Block letters.l Outline and Signature â€"â€"- fast service. Call "The Liberal†884- 1105. l HARRISONS CUSTOM CARPENTRY Custom built homes, renova-l tions, additions. and repairs. a speciality. Morris tfc45 tic-44‘ EMPLOYMENT WANTED # MARRIED man wants part time work on farm or looking after property in exchange for lodg- ing. Has reference. 833-6394., tfc39‘ {FURNITURE Slipcovers, cut and fitted in your home, workman- Intel‘iOI‘ Extel'iml Free 8511- ship guaranteed, also cushions mates. Call anytime. 889-8965. ‘and arm caps etc, 773-5755, tfc35; Thï¬nhiu ‘ Harrison. 884-2838. RONWMOORE PAINTING - PAPERHANGING ODD jobs with pickup truck,‘“ very reasonable. Will consider anything. 773-5559. c2w46 AMBITIOUS young student with own "lawnmower requires work, factory or residential. Call Gary at 884-7038. c1w46 Plastering R. CLARK Plain and Decorative Plastering, Repairs a Speciality Free Estimates 488-7521 889-3185 tic-20 E. W. PAYNE, Drains. septic tanks. All typesl of concrete work. 889-5762 FREE ESTIMATES‘. tfc31j , ' (1,11 ,, _,, . RALPHFELMsâ€"DECORATING‘PAINTING 3†. 980119â€? “7" Painting. paperhanging, inter-item.“ and “lentâ€? ‘20 leaf)? ex" ior and exterior. Free estimates. peneme' Free gitgifges' wne‘ Work guaranteed. 887-5610. lTed Lellmdn- 3 '3 - tfc46 UNIVERSITY student gardening, painting or other odd' SEPTIC tanks removed and re-, built. Verandahs, patios and‘ chimneys rebuilt. 889-0879. T c1w47,’ wants, N ING . INTERPI‘OIRFEXTERIOR iobs- 384‘1420- *1W47 â€" â€" â€" â€" â€"â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" â€" CCI grad; diversified career and PAINTING credit management, seeks chal- â€" â€" â€" â€" â€"â€" â€" â€" â€" - - lenging position locally. Write 884-2433 .802; 45 “The Liberal“. LEONARDI BROTHERS V _ _ FINE“- CONSTRUCTION MATURE teenage girl requires Concrete. Drain and General “on; as mother‘s helper OI" Repairs-- Patio. 51009“ MR. Side- babysitter for summer. Good Doors and Windows @0723; g“ # For free estimates call your WIDOW w ants work. part tilnel Local Contractor lâ€" factory. or will mind a child, HANS BUTT 889-4106 land do light housework for 5 tfc21 day week. 727-3058. clw47 FINLAY ELECTRIC BUSINESS. production. office Outside lighting maintenance l manager - all administrative acti- Cl\\'47 equipped with ladder truck. Alllvitles. Prefer fields of furniturefszm montth includes all uti1i_ commercia dustrial wiring. Free estimates. Call any time. 88-1-3931. l residential and inâ€"‘manufacturing / retail, printing. larch/enng florist or a service! business. Adept at detail and procedures and anxious to ac- quire additional k n o wie d g e through permanent well paying position offering responsibility} 'tom built patios. walls,‘ flower boxes‘garageswtc. Guar. and challenge. Call 889-0823 or, ‘881-9335 days or evenings, l ‘anteed workmanship. For free. (52“47; estimate call )1. H. Construction‘H_ _†, V W _ ‘ EXPERT typing done at home. 884-3484. tfc44 Complete home maintenance Reasonable mics‘ P119119 832' 1249 for more information. and all home improvements and _ clw41 alterations. TO RENT ‘BRICK’ANITSTONE wOR’K’ Fireplaces â€"â€" chimneys â€" cus-. JOHN E. QUINN Contractor 884-5176 . 884-6458. Close to yonge‘ Available June tible V8. Power steering, power tfc45- i â€"_ tfc181’A'WGENEEï¬KLlcjï¬p/Eï¬'fgy 1‘A884‘4224‘ ,,___ , brakes. bucket seats, console. GENERTALicdï¬ï¬tihgfauér$ Licence STORAGE space, 1700 sq. ft. New tires. 884-7772. clw47 tions and additions, homes, of-lRec. Rooms, kitchens. floor tile.‘bUIldlng- Pl’l‘if‘te locatlon' V9â€: 1961 FORD Fairlane, 32,000 ficcs, factories. Custom carpen-‘counter tops, repair and re-lreafon8111:809-lggww‘tfc‘ig miles, one mmel; 332.1057_ try of all descriptions. Lesjfinishlng of furniture. FI‘CC‘ROONI for gentleman, no cook-‘ 41““ ‘Webb- 8.893246 _ m3 estimates], Tom“ lags-P9427. *2_w46 i’o’s‘i‘cnnvnonniigozï¬aadi- RUBBER STAMPS '889 1922“ ONE bedroom apartment. All,tion, best offer. 884-5872. ' clw47 conveniences included, piusl parking. $145. See Superinten-’i 3’26 pï¬ï¬ï¬fï¬n’gï¬mnfl dent, 170 BayVieW AVenlle- S-‘Viny1 top, stick shift, bucket “046 seats, metallic blue, perfect in AYVIEW south _ . Basement apartment. Very spac- only $08- monthly with $100. de- ious. Lots of cupboards. Com- POSiL License 97569L. pletely private. In new home, York Imports Unfurnished. Suit 1. $100. at 889-8830 884-8134 month. Possibly furnished. 884-, ’ 7738. c1w471 clw47 FURNISHED room. Private en-1966 FORD 4 dl‘. standard 6 trance. Ample parking. would cy‘l. Economical, original trans- suit mature gentleman, 339- portation. Best offer. 832-1416. 5186 . , clw47 clw47 'til 10 pm. c1u47 fully powered. Reasonable. 889â€" ‘ 0025. clw47 1967 CHEV. Belair 4 dr. sc_da'n. Clean car, 54,000 miles. Lie. N73577. 884-6293. clw47 momiï¬nl 889-1368 evenings. clw47 Edsâ€"RAM’EITER-CiaE-ic. auto: 6, very clean and certified. S350. 884-6330. clw47 1968 FIREBIRD. 6 cyl. OHC, console automatic, custom in- terior, etc., excellent condition. $1990. Oak Ridges. 773-5452. clw47 1964 FAIRLANE, in excellent condition, no plates. Bargain at $225. 889-4292. clw47 WANTED cooking. 884-6364. ROOM with cooking fa'cilities, garage, gentleman preferred†128 Pembeiton Rd. 1*1w46, 1 8; 2 BEDROOM apartments? ,c2w47 2â€"BEDROOMï¬basement apart-, ment, separate entrance and, heating. 884-8842. clw47l 2 BEDROOM apartments. Avail-‘ able June 1 and Jilly 1. Adulth Apply Superintendent, 441 Elin- w'ood Avenue. c2w47: SUBLET - Thornhill - 4 bed-3 room townhouse, $250. Avail- able July 1. 8 month lease. 889-9752. tfc47 1 BEDROOM apartment. Self contained. Fridge and stove. Separate entrance. 82 Yonge Street South. 884-3364. *1w47 POWER lawnmower. good con- 6VR7OAOAM bungalow. immédiatejdltl'on.‘ 98.4":o4ag.“ ,, a fly.“ possession until August 29, 1971.’AR1‘1CLE5 for lhOrnhlll Lions 839-3131, Harold Keffef Ltd" Auction Sale on June 12th. For cl\\'47 pick-up call 889-9540 or 889- Realtor. walk. ’l‘renchlng and Excavating. with children 884-1378. after . _ . . 6016. “N47 Lic. No. D0033. 4-30 pm, chin}? ROOM. kitchenette, bcdi'oom‘ _. ‘ .. . , _ 889-5228 tic-44 ' . '. ’ completely private. Between EXERCISER blCJ'Cle- 334-4019 37 r . “’1Ԡ124 pm 237 Crosby. 884-5608.iaflel' 5.30 pm clw47 CARPENTRY work. rccreatton Free pickup on scrap metal. ' ' 4:2“447vDE’AD"O,.'c,Tipfled fann anin‘I-llg rooms. additions. renovations, Roagunable rates on garbage. - - --1 . _ '1 , tile floors. and ceilings. Free 334-9434, clung; l 8.- 2 bedroom apartments. Pmked “P Plommly- For (“Wâ€- h estimates ’1‘. Price. 889-3653. sass ~ . ~ self contained. 1 block west of 1108 03“. L008 131513009 anG_aSk ‘ tfcth‘“ UP‘E “oman' Dally “Oli‘gYonge St. central RichmondJOl' 20mm 32300. Call anytime. â€"--- ---~~ -- ~ I884-7415- CW“ ‘ - o . '47‘Ed Peconi 8â€" Son, Woodville, ALUVIIVUDI HOME l ,g -7 . L _. ..L W. 7....lIL1111- 834 3â€"08- (-1“ ‘ I 2 IMPROVEMENTS RESPONSIBLE hfg“ $9001 $8? 1 BEDROOM apartment, elcc-lont- Llcence N°' 3 4c ' fa“ Alcan -â€"- siding, Eavcstrouglis "mun-e“ summe‘ “011" 8, ' tricaily heated. close to transâ€"l’_,,,,,,__,, ___ _ , , . 91,“,‘51 'ITURE AND ANTIQUES portation. Suitable for businesleUR. c2w47 Top cash paid for good furni- ture, appliances, etc. Fast pick- up. 884-7254 or 773-5544. tfc44 USED furniture and pianos. tfc45 lady. 884-1559. THORNHILL â€"- sublet 2 bed-, room. pool, sauna. gym. indool‘l parking, Julie 1. 889-9126. 1 clw47l889-5101. NEW 3 beCdI'oom detachedChouseï¬ l LIVESTOCK FOR SALE gelding. 16 l ties. Owner retains baseinentj apartment. 727-3779. clw47l BARN and 50 acres good farm’B‘AY ii]a;a;7 years; 'land. available immediately. 888- Lightweight hunter. we“ man- 1122 01‘ 883-1037. c1w47,nered. 884.6442} L’â€" c3w46 TWO bedroom apartment. 884-}ï¬jy’AER “Eggâ€"gelding“ ha†2576- __7 “01Wâ€!thoroughbred. 16 hands, West- YONGE and Sheppard. a bright‘ei‘n mare 15 hands. p0ny mare upper 3 bedroom duplex, $160.l13 hands. good jumper. New- 486-8578. c1w-47lmarket 895-1125. clw47 NICE detached house with rec. 2 YEAR old gelding. 1’4 Arabian, room, pool table, near Baywiewï¬with papers. 5th Concession. “‘1†share with 1 or 2 men.iniitcliu1‘cli. 3rd house north of 884-3298, evenings or weekendltown line. C. Cotter. clw47 clw47 quiet dis- , ï¬ 'Tf‘f. 61 U. . . - FURNISHED, dry basement pasltion. works well on halter ixATALYVPAVIXC CO, :Sllnie 3â€] o'f ‘l‘oman and apartment. Abstainer. gentle- and lunge line, ideal for pony .D1‘1\'e\\ay'b. pal'kjng 1015‘ tennis ‘ale les" 0 louse'zsgfé man preferred. Parking. C1“ '17 courts. Full guarantee. Free es- .. _ '\ ED _ v 7° “ y 1063. Cl\\'4l ____â€"â€"-â€"â€"I timates. 24 hour service. FUR-'ISH room for rent. 922-1822 gentleman. 884-1864. c1w‘46 W A, C5â€œâ€˜ï¬ FURNISHED room. central lo- summer . TO RENT 031.:VI;I}:)OISgr}lI-(Z)RO‘L 0F cation. close to ‘longe. 884311-56. AACCOmmOdatlon WANTED m rem 2.000 rim†7 ,VAridiTvrififi'Vâ€- 7777 i. ‘ .. 1‘ . ' - i . . Cliestertields and chairs re- BASEMENT apartment to run Lai-‘gtlrfn:Osolitggnfosfgnlr-Aby 11h$12211"?![flï¬uitlï¬mfgï¬m- unwed “ke n9“- 5110‘ "wmhh' 384'3150- ac Write Box 47 “The Liberal". PAY FOR MATERIALS ONLY NO ADDITIONAL CHARGE FOR LABOR All work guaranteed Pick up and delivery FREE ESTDIATES 763-1194 tic-15 Clw46 2 SINGLE rooms iOI' single men. 394 Markham Rd. 3259. *1w4T RITCHEN and living room combined. heavy wiring. 2 bed- 884-1 month. 2 and 1 bedroom units. 705-375-2190. clw47 W sir-47 dissection‘coiiagesio‘nlni:RESPONSIBLE sludems wharf. conveniences, watcr- house In country by September. {an Lake of Ba) 5_ 339.1775, ‘Richmond Hill Maple area. Call ' ’Christine. 832-8726 after 5 pm. (:1 w47 â€"â€" C1 “.47 ID ‘ WNMO R rooms. all upstairs. Cliild'en I v 3 ADULTS and 2 children are ngES 1:3“) SEIXECE welcome. 560 PCI‘ mOI‘IIh. 834: ‘ looking for a 4 bedroom wcll Complete lawnmower and snow- 4349', I W‘VAA _, fluff“ TOâ€"L'Rs, cruises. rail and bus kept house in good area. close mobile repairs and service. l BEDROOM l)cl:Elll€‘lll apari- tickets. reservations and lndivi- to shopping. schools and trail-- Open 3 am - 9 pm, 884-TTl6. mom. lilgm Mills area. 884- dual travel. Call A. H. Creighton portailon. July 1 or Augllsl 1 11118 9836. clw47 ‘l‘rzncl Agency 889-3643. tic-l7 possessmn. sol-3602. *lw-l'l \i ‘ v .4 of Markham. every respect. bank payments I ETERQBM to rel, abst’aiher, n011'969‘WIIIDCAT.4dooi hardtop, A , p ’ A A .t