Four directors presented a segment from a favorite play and preceded it with a brief description of when. why and how it was done and a resume of the play for those who mis- sed the original. Cicely Thompson presented two amusing scenes from “A Country Wife†with Dorothy Painter, Gerry Crack. Marion Postlethwaite, Brian Moore. Joe Rabinowitch and Gerry Diver demonstrating why the play was a great success in 1965. Tony Miller's choice as a dir- oclor was "The Loves of Cass McGuire" and Beth Jones. Den- nis Stainer, Iris Stringer and Helene Knight relived for mem- bers a most touching moment from this production. Gerry Crack recalled the per- fect teamwork amongst the cast of “The Odd Couple†and Nev- ille Cross and Dennis Stainer gave a hilarious example of this vital ingredient. Many hours of rehearsal went into producing excerpts from plays of the past and polishing them up to their original stan- dard. 11. was also a bonus for club patrons who were invited as guests to see the show on Tuesday and Wednesday. Ron Solloway directed “A Delicate Balance" and in his absence the play was introdu- ced by Gerry Crack. who. with Neville Cross and Kim Kolyer gave the audience a poignant scone from this successful prod- ucliom Each of those four directors are accomplished actors and as well as going to the trouble of polishing up plays they had dir- ected. learned the lines of shows they had acted in. Cicely Thompson was Mrs. Danvers in “Rebecca†â€"â€" the first play produced by the club in 1955 at the Lions Hall. Tony Miller took his original role in “Resounding Tinkle,†which gave the audience a good opportunity to have a hearty giggle at sheer nonsense, beau- tifully executed. Comments overheard during c o f-f e e A served to patrons Curtain Club directors cook- ed up a bonus for the May 17 meeting. much to the delight of members who were lucky en- ough to see "This Evening Has Fifteen Years.†"on the house" were “What a great idea!" and "L hope they do this again â€" I'd like to see some more of the old shows!†The evening was produced by Dagmar Matyas, program con- venor for the season. ship Suburban Fina] is produced in the studios of Richmond Hill Cable TV Limited. The winners of each of these matches will thén meet in two semiï¬nals to be played next week. At a recent mother and dam-l “Breath of Spring,†3 com- ghter banquet of the 4th Rich-ledy. being presented by St. mond Hill Guide Company andmlatthew‘s Players on June 4 9th Brownie Pack hold at St.iand 5 at St. Gabriel‘s Anglican Gabriel's Anglican Church. a Church is now well in rehear- total of 32 proficiency badges $31 and audiences can look for- and emblems were presented toward to a most entertaining ev- tlie following Guides â€" Cheryl ening. Baillie, Judy Dano, Laurel Man- Cast members are Beryl derville and Lisa and DebbieiLugsdin, Beryl Radke, Lucille Rogers. |Urquhart. Peggy Carruthers, and emblems were presented tolward to a most entertaining ev-lteresting guest on the following Guides â€" Cheryl'ening. ‘Glover Show last Baillie, Judy Dano, Laurel Man-I Cast members are BeryliMum-o Ashkanase derville and Lisa and DebbieiLugsdin, Beryl Radke, LucilleiLane who. in his Rogers. ,Urquhart. Peggy Carruthers,“canadian National Debbie Rogers was also pres-Jean Johnson, Clive Ryland and the Foster Parents ented with her All-Raund CordlDerek Hurst. ivory eloquently on by Central Division Commis-I Director Brian Buchan is be-‘lievements and futi sioner Mrs. D. Ellison. ling assisted by Elline Munroe. lung most worthy o TV 10 Suburban Final is pleased to announce that be- ginning May 31 it will present a TV Table Tennis Champion- Only TO SAVE $10 DURING BOND CLOTHES TAILORED~TOJIEASURE COOL. SUMMER lAS'I' CHANCE BOND CLOTHES Hurry! Sale Ends May 315:} SUIT SALE "1,519.50 23:; (Meyer Solomon) Clothier to Gentlemen In “The North Mall“ RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE Reg. $89.50 Extra Pants $13.95 Almost everyone has a special Pfesentffi dish which family or friends 'oat. & Pants W! Combine chocolate chips and e, cream in top of double boiler. ofiHeat, stirring almost constantly, until chips melt and blend with .5 cream. and mixture slightly istthickens. Stir gradually into *egg yolkes and add salt. Blend u_‘ ,._ 1 well. I The rally was chaired by Zone Commander Gloria San- ;ford and at the head table were Ontario Provincial Command Ladies’ Auxiliary Officers Ter- esa Achtenberg of Pembroke and Elsie Duffield of Aurora: Ladies’ Auxiliary President Jean Smith and Secretary Aud- rey Stephens of Aurora. The auxiliaries presented their work ireports for the year 1970. llllllllllllllllllllï¬lllllllllllllllllIn!“IlllIllmulllllllllWlHllllllull“ What’s Cooking? Divide among eight small cups or small sherbert glasses. Chill at least 8 hours. Top with cream â€"â€" and for great elegance with the candied violets. Makes 8 servings. This is rich and fudge-like, so servings are small. uuuumuumuuuml\\uumumuumuuumuuuuuuuuummmul lllllllmIlllul“!lll\ll|““lll\““\\\\\\||ll\l\“lllll\ll\l“\l\\l\\lll|\lll\lll\l| ' Either drop into the Y office' Entertaining at showers {01“at 25 Yonge Street North 01" Miss Sheila Ann O’Brien pl‘iOl‘ip‘hone 884-4811 â€" but hurry â€"‘ to her marriage to Ronaldithe big splash is on Wednesday! Nokes on May 8 at Our Lady * * * Queen of the World Church Mrs. Tom Broadhurst of Star-I “'el‘e Miss LeSlie NiChOHS Of‘light Crescent returned on Sun-: SUSSEX Avenue, MTS- Joan 330- day from a three-week vacation obsen, F e Phleig h CDT“ in England visiting her parentS, South. the groom‘s sister, Mrs.'l\‘[r. and Mrs. Arthur Smith at Dale Tomlin 0f Ba)'\'ie\\’ AVen-itheir home in Northfield, Birm- ue and Matron of Honor Mrssingham. ‘ Kathy Miller of Boisdale Aw; During her stay she spent at enue. ‘delightful week with her par- The girls. Captain Mrs. Peter Pfenning, Lieutenant Mrs. Wil- liam McConnell and two moth- ers, Mrs. J. Kremer and Mrs. Vince Gallant, had a wonder- full time enjoying the great outdoors. The general meeting for Richmond Hill Ladies’ Auxili- ary has been set for May 31. Kathy Miller of Boisdale Av-' During her stay she spent a enue. delightful week with her par- Many relatives and friendslents holidaying in Saunders- attended a trousseau tea held’foot, South Wales and also paid April 5 by the bride's brief visit to Lebds to see her Mrs. Edward O’Brien at herhusband’s mother, Mrs. Alice home on Fernleigh Circle Broadhurst, whom many peoâ€" South and the bride hosted aiple have had the pleasure of Party on Ma." 3 for her bridal meeting during her occasional attendants, Mrs. Kathy Millernvisits to Richmond Hill. Miss Debbie Muckle and Mrs.1 Spending two days with Mrs. Dorothy Martin (all former stun Broadhurst in Northfield was dents of Bayview Secondaryjlrene Thatcher. a former resi~ SchooD and presented them‘dent of the Hill, now living in with Wedgewood pendants. WVest Didsbury. Manchester. Following the rehearsal on Irene. who was associated with May 7, members of the wedding Ronalds Federated for several party returned to the bride’s‘years, was looking extremely home for refreshments and the well and is thorougth enjoying groom presented his Best Man life in England. On Monday morning the girls broke a record â€" it star- ted to rain and they took the five tents down, stored them, their luggage and bed rolls in 23 minutes! The L a die 5 ’ Auxiliary to Branch 375, Royal Canadian Le- gion. attended the 1971 rally for Zone E2 at Aurora. Attending also were auxili- aries from Lefroy Belle Ewart, Sutton West, Bradford, Newâ€" market, Stouffville, Wood- bridge. Bolton, North Gwillim- bury and Aurora. enjoy â€" why not share the Several of the pupils recipe with our readers, be it ing the Trinity College‘ main course, dessert or snack? London and Royal Consl Each week one will be publish- of Music Examinatk ed in this column -â€" how about theory, piano and voice yours? I * * * Twenty-five Guides from the lst Richmond Hill Guide Com- pany spent the Victoria Day weekend camping at Camp Ma- Keeâ€"Wa. 1 pkg. (6 on. equal to 1 cup) semi-sweet chocolate chips 11,4 cups light cream 3 egg yolks. well beaten Pinch of salt Whipped cream for topping Candied violets if available Following the rehearsal on May 7, members of the wedding party returned to the bride‘s home for refreshments and the groom presented his Best Man Ian Pearson. Ushels (the bride‘s brothers) Michael John. Peter James and Allan Douglas and the bride‘s younger brothers. Page Neil Francis and Ring Bearer Carl Adrian, with mono- grammed cufflinks. The groom‘s parents. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Nokes were hosts to many of the guests at their home on Lynett Crescent fol- lowing the wedding reception at the Ports of Call. On their return from a honeymoon in Ottawa the young couple plan to take up residence in Thomhill. $31 and audiences can look for ward to a most entertaining ev ening. PETITS POTS DE CREME Helen Gag‘ gan ' Buster and Monica Vermeu- len of The Manse. Centre Street 5East, left on Tuesday for Van- ‘couver. where Mr. Venneulen, attended the annual general} ‘meeting of the Canadian Insti-tute of Quality Surveyors. 1 He has been elected to the council receiving the most Ivotes in the country. Pupils of Miss Ruth Garson ADCM (Mrs. John Ci‘oucherl held their annual graduation exercises and concert on May 21 with prizes being awarded to pupils of the senior and junior age groups for “best achieve- ment†during a most fruitful season. What better way of spend- ing the balmy days of June than having fun and relaxation with your friends at the YWCA Splash being held Wednesdays and Fridays, June ‘2 to 25, from 10:30 to 11:30 am and 1:30 to 2:30 at Richmond Hill Centen- nial Pool? Why not register today and join the happy gang at the pool twice a week? Its fun and very inexpensive members 35 cents, non members 50 cents daily. Either drop into the Y office at 25 Yonge Street North or phone 884-4811 â€" but hurry â€"' the big splash is on Wednesday. )0! * it Mrs. Tom Broadhurst of Starâ€"‘ light Crescent returned on Sun- day from a three-week vacation 1 UI HILIGLII'C. White gladioli. white chry- santhemums and pink carna- 1tions formed the attractive set- ting in Our Lady Queen of the 'World Roman Catholic Church, Bayview Avenue, Richmond Hill, for the May 8 wedding of Sheila Ann O’Brien and Ronald Edwin Nokes. Father Francis Robinson performed the wed- ding ceremony and said the nuptial mass. Organist John Ingram played traditional wed- ding music. The bride is the daughter of ‘Mr. and Mrs. Edward John O’Brien of 396 Fernleigh Cir- cle South and the groom is the zson of Mr. and Mrs. 1Nokes, 430 Lynett Crescent. ' hu Chran 1n innl‘l‘inaa hnl‘ lVIGy Edwin ‘ u n cuumg erican Beauty crepe with beige orchids. Among the many guests were the brides grand- parents. Her grandmother. Mrs. W. Jefferis wore a rainbow print formal gown with gold stole and accessories and a pur- ple orchid. Other guests inclu- ded Mr. and Mrs. William Lay- cock of Hamilton, Mr. and Mrs. John Ashley of Freelton, Dr. and Mrs. Peter Ashley of King- ston, Mr. and Mrs. Kurt Soderâ€" berg of Bradford, Mr. and Mrs. David Heisey of Bolton, Mr. and Mrs. William Sutherland and Miss Diane Sutherland of >Newmarket, Mr. and Mrs. Ed- Iward Harding of Newmarket and Mr. and Mrs. George Beed- .ham of Woodbridge. The others were Dr. Rene Racine and Dr. J. B. Tatum. While there, Mr. and Mrs. Ver- meulen hope to see several old Toronto Island friends and, of course, Mary Monks. Several of the pupils are tak- ing the Trinity College of Music London and Royal Conservatory of Music Examinations, in theory, P151110 3:0 Voice- I fNiIl‘ls. Hill read a short history Membership in the ‘ I A o r e ciapter, telling of her OBLI is open to all hi mAmoprgntt-heexlï¬giggi aif;9",":1‘3i‘1’1‘tg_‘expel‘iences in organizing the teenagers who wish tog _ e cu S _ .h f 1 lEchapter. with the help of heriworthwhile programs. lugs IIIB :el‘lgi‘sp 5 01 0“ "husband Ralph and Mrs. Bir-1their time, money ani al'tlSt, “5 91' "me" 9“ onirell._ Refreshments brought a‘gies toward individuals Friday was a mu from Day- . . break, where gan Vermeulen V9131 happy evening to a close. lfortunate as themselves occasionally conducts an art class. anlnc _ “Inflat- The exhibition will be open daily between 8 and 10 pm un- til May 31 at his home. The Old Manse, 33 Centre Street East. YWCA Dr. Helen Hogg‘ of the Uni- versity of Toronto, was one of three University of Toronto professors elected to the exâ€" ecutive of the Professional As- sociation of Astronomers in Canada at their founding meet- ing held recently in Victoria, Six-year-old Stacey Morning. son of Mr. and Mrs. Fred Morning. Newmal‘ket. was aw- arded first prize in the 8 years and under class for his accor- dion playing in the recent New- market Lions Music Festival. Heialso won the top award at the festival for the 12 years and under classâ€"an inscribed trophy. i'I-‘hér proud grandmother is Mrs. Verdella Dixon of Duffer- in Court. WHITBY: Participating muni- cipalities voted recently to wind up a study of regional govern- ment in the Oshawa area be- cause the Ontario Government has failed to proï¬de assuran- ces of incentives for the prop- osed region. These incentives were promised by former Pre- mier John Robarts last spring, but these were never specified. The study area included Ontar- io County, Oshawa. the Town- ships of Darlington and Cart- wright and Bowmanville in Durham County. Recent Visitors at Florida‘s, A ladies‘ meeting will be Silver Springs were Mr. and held June 1 at St. John‘s Bap- Mrs. John Pridham of 42 Edgar’tist Church, 75 Oxford Street. Avenue, Thornhill. ‘ A pot luck supper will be [cert on May There were 13 Past Matrons 1g awarded to and three Past Patrons of the or and junior chapter in attendance. Visitors best achieve- included Mrs. Mary Hale, most fruitful Worthy Matron of Mystic Star Chapter No. 40, St. Margarets upils are talf- Bay, Halifax County, N.S. The streetfPink, White Blooms Are Setting spgygr‘For Attractive. May 8 Wedding Given in marriage by her Ham father the bride was charming Aft in a simple gown fashioned‘gl‘oor with bell sleeves and with laceimany applique around the hemlinelhome land on the bodice. A heavy! F01 llace-edged veil was held inltawa ;place by a pillbox headress and;d1'955 ‘fell over the full lace-edgediacces ltrain. She carried a cascade oflCOl‘sa lwhite cal‘nations centred with a‘blue large purple orchid. kel‘ l Other Grand Chapter officers \attending were Jean Alexander of Toronto, District Deputy Grand Matron of District 19; Doris Smith, Toronto, member of the Grand Benevolent Com- mittee and Mary Smith of New- unarket, a member of the Grand [ESTRAL Committee. Worthy Matron Mavis Cates and Worthy Patron Norman Cates welcomed the large num- ber of members and friends who attended. Past Grand Mat- rons Pearl Kohl of Shanty Bay and Marion Kuhns of Toronto and Past Grand Patron Robert Cooper of Brampton were given a special welcome. 0n hand for the celebration were 18 charter members, in- cluding Life Members Mrs. Al- ma Hill, Mrs. Violet Birrell and Mrs. Jennie Topper. Other guests attended from Toronto, Willowdale, Markham and Schomberg. The twelfth birthday of Rich- mond Hill Chapter, Order of Eastern Star, was celebrated at its regular meeting held May 18 in Wrixon Hall. Bible study is held every Wednesday at 7:30 pm in mem- bers’ homes â€" further informa- tion may be obtained by calling 884-8038. Nokes - O'Brien Her attendants were Mrs. Kathy Miller as matron of hon- or and Debbie Muckle and Mrs. Dorothy Martin as brides- maids. The matron of honor wore a mauve bell-sleeved 3mm and carried pink carnaâ€" tions with pink ribbon stream- ers. The bridesmaids wore pink gowns and carried pink carnations with green rib- bons. Future events include a strawberry social on June 21 from 6:30 to 8:30 pm â€" open to all members and families of the congregation. A pot luck supper will be held at 7pm, followed by the program at 8pm. Attending the groom “'ere Ian Pearson as best man and the bride‘s brothers, Michael John, Peter James and Allan‘aï¬ Douglas as ushers. Youngerr_ brothers of the bride also were;â€" in the wedding party. Carl Ad- _ rian was the ringbearer and Neil Francis was the page. The guests were received at the Ports of Call in Toronto by Mrs. O’Brien, wearing a deep violet. sleeveless, crepe. formal length gown with matching velvet stole and green orchids. She was assisted by Mrs. Nokes wearing a formal gown of Am- We offer congratulations to Wendy Hirano. a very talented and lovely young teenager who continues year by year to increase her style and beauty in the interpretation of the dance. In a strikingr perform- ance that was a joy to watch, Wendy was awarded three gold medals and a scholar- ship at the recent Kiwanis Festival in Hamilton. With examinations imminent, OMNI OBLI activities will be slightly curtailed, with the min- imum of work being planned. Two swim parties are in the works for early June, the Wed- nesday night 'retarded activities program will be in full swing and plans to assist in the Re- tarded Olympics at the ONE are holding firm. Parents. relatives and friends sponsors can be found for them, minister, Kev. are invited for refreshments Mr. Whilsmith explained. to illness. and to meet the young peoplev Since 1938 North American This Sunday who are at present heart and families have been sponsoring lett’s last Sun mind of the Omnipotent Oblit- such children, sharing their Hill United a1 eration. blessings with youngsters is planned foil Since April. when the OMNI around the world, for only $12 to honor them types obtained their summer a month, the speaker pointed Members of In charge of the afternoon‘s program will be Barb Browne, Kathy Brooke, Jane Jackson and Joy Gwillam and all members will of course be on hand to answer questions and meet the visitors. Membership in the OMNI OBLI is open to all high school teenagers who wish to work in worthwhile programs. giving their time, money and ener- gies toward individuals not as Since April, when the OMNI types obtained their summer quarters they have been kept so busy with various local pro- grams and appearances that the freshening of the premises was not accomplished. Now, with a new coat of paint and garbage cleared away, the day has ar- rived for viewing. A reunion with Fred Israel, former chief librarian at Rich- mond Hill. presented an opporâ€"‘ tunity to offer congratulations upon his election as president of the Ontario Library Associa- The official Open House of OMNI OBLI summer quarters (behind 96 Yonge Street North), will be ‘held this Saturday, May 29 from 2 to 4 pm. After the reception the groom's parents entertained many of the guests at their home on Lynett Crescent. For a honeymoon trip to Ot- tawa the bride wore a pale blue dress and coat with white kid accessories and white orchid corsage. The groom also wore blue â€"â€" a light jacket with dar- ker blue slacks. On their re- turn the young couple have taâ€" ken up residence in Thornhill. Duplicate Bridge Winners on May 17 “ere 325 _ Florence Laundry and Omar Khamissa, E-W â€" Bob Omar Khamissa and Edna Dunn. Bayview Secondary School is planning a “firstâ€! A fine arts festival â€"â€" “Revelation ’71" â€" comprised of‘all achieve- merits in this field during the past year. The theme of the conference “The Library at the Centre of the Arts.†was complemented by guest speakers, Mavor Moore, well known Canadian play- wright, actor and producer, and Aba Bayefsky, a Canadian pain- ter whose work as an official war artist appears in the Nat- ional Gallely. Friday evening winners were N-s _ Stewart and Marie Cole, E-W â€" Bill and Marlene Har- arts festival~“Revelation ’71"| Guests at the opening rec. _ comprised of ‘ all achieve-Ieption‘in Lieutenant - Governor ments in this field during thelRoland Michener's suite in- past year. :cluded Mr. and Mrs. Jack SeY- Parents and friends are inâ€" mour of Centre Street East. \‘ited to the school on June 4 The fund was started in 1919 from 2 to 9pm to View film, in Britain by Eglantyne Jebb to drama and art demonstrations. aid and help educate needy crafts and pottery and gourmet children around the world. The cooking exhibits. Canadian operation began two All these and more are being years later and has grown unâ€" offered for your enjoyment for til today there are 26 branches 50 cents adults, 25 cents chll- across the country. dren. * * "‘ The Richmond Hill Public Library was represented at the 69th annual conference of the Ontario Library Association, held recently in London. by staff members. Mrs. Joe Flem- ing and Mrs. Maureen Stephen- son. wi’li-tgnic areas will be provided and gourmet fare available at a minimal cost. ’ Estelle Markham A.R.C.T. â€" R.M.T. PIANO and THEORY REGISTER NOW FOR. MID-SUMMER. TERM Beginning June 7th 884-3787 Coming to Richmond Hill as a young man he became a reg- istered mechanic and worked with the Sheardown Construc- tion Company and Herb San- derson as a carpenter. He joined the staff of the local Canadian Tire Store and ser- ved the public as a licensed mechanic there for many years. Surviving to mourn his pas- sing are his wife, the former Jean Phinney; two sons William James and Lorne Meredith; a daughter Gail Ann: three broth- ers, Colin of Bolton, Hugh of Schomberg and Douglas of A1â€" ton; and two Sisters Helen (Mrs. Nelson Lund) of Maple and Florence (Mrs. Garfield Hartin) of Richmond Hill. He was pre- deceased by a brother Walter. Rev. Fred Jackson of St: Mary’s Anglican Church offici- ated at the funeral service held at the Marshall Funeral Home, A valued resident of Rich- mond Hill for the past 55 years whose fine workmanship is evi- dent in many of the town’s buildings. William Lorne Shear- down, 106 Roseview Avenue, died in York Central Hospital May 13. He had been a patient in the hospital for five weeks preceding his death.- 1 Born in King Township Sept- ember 17, 1898, he was the son of the late Mr. and Mrs. James Sheardown of Bolton and at- tended the public school and graduated from the continua- tion school in that village. More than 200 delegates from across Canada attended the three-day national annual meet- ing of the Canadian Save the Children Fund at the University of Toronto‘s New College last week. in month, the speaker pointed Members of the congregation; out. are invited to attend Mr. Hal-‘ A film on a Korean orphan lett's induction service at was shown with David Mirrlees Brown’s Corners United Church'. as the projectionist. at 8 pm on June 1. William Lorne Sheardown Passes After 55 Years Residence Here Among those in attendance was Mrs. Marilyn Schiller, Richmond Hill representative and a member of the Toronto committee. Obituary Holidaying? Entertaining guests from out-of-town? A special speaker or gala ev- ent planned for your club's or groups’ closing" meeting of the season? Celebrating a birthday or anniversary? We would appreciate hearing of your activities for inclusion in “Life in the Hill" columns â€"â€" the service is free â€" either call the Social Editor Mar- got Crack at 884-1105/6 or drop a line to 63 Yonge Street South. News items. however. must be in the office by 10am Tuesday morning for inclusion in the current issue. Rev.‘ Allen llallett of Rich- Th gene-1‘31 meeting of St. mond Hill United Church. con- Matth w’s UCW will be held ducted the services at Trinity June 1 at 8:15 pm at the United Church, Uxbridge, on church. This Sunday, will be the Hal- lett’s last Sunday at Richmond Hill United and a coffee hour is planned follmving the servicel Scholarship Winner At The Keyboard For Feminine Fashion 35 YONGE ST. SOUTH AURORA 727-3711 Formerly of Kraemar Fash- ions, Richmond Hill. Marg will be pleased to welcome her friends and customers atthe... MARG CROWDER Lavender Lounge A pupil of Estelle Markham of Richmond Hill, David is also active in the music program at his school, and on May 30 will be playing with other students of Mrs. Markham in their annual recital, which will take place this year at Eglinton United Church in Toronto. He was also a contestant in the annual scholarship recital of the Ontario Registered Music Teachers’ Association May 15 at York Woods Library on Finch Avenue West. A grade 9 student at Richmond Hill High School, David McCartney, :1, son of Mr. and Mrs. Desmond McCartney, 191 Driscoll Road, won two first prizes and a $50 scholarship at the recent Newmarket Lions Music Festival. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursd Circulation - 884-1105 or 884-1983 G UARANTEED HOME DELIVER Y SE1? VICE Prompt, courteous delivery of a clean copy of The Liberal is guaranteed. In most; areas deliveries are made Wednesday evening. Your copy will be delivered to any location you specify such as a rear entranceor your third floor apartment. Your Liberal “Little Merchant†is anxious to serve you well. If by any chance you should not receive your copy or if you wish to pass instructions along to him please call “The Liberal†E§â€"'i5I'ANo RECITAL Open Mon. to Wed. 9 am - 6 pm - Thurs. 3; Fri. 9 am - 9 pm Saturday 9 a.m. - 4 pm. PRESCRIPTION OPTICIANS Qiâ€" ' GLASSES :' W ' CONTACT LENSES “FITTED TO YOUR EYE DOCTOR'S PRESCRIPTION" 34 YONGE ST. s. ; RICHMOND HILL“ 884-1955 '. @aad (Photo by Stuart’s Studio) May 1971