CHUBBY CHICKEN Try some today 800 YONGE ST. N. RICHMOND HILL Just North of Richmond Heights Centre Phone 88-1-8911 (9% $913 SPECIAL F A CHINESE I? 682W DRIVE-INS areAas good as Chief Cox was in command of (he Markham Town- ship force at Buttonville Station for 10 years, and was a Members of the York Regional Police Department .lolned officials of Markham Town and York Region on Wednesday night of last week at a gathering" held in honor of former Markham Town Police Chief Harvey Cox, 48. The police gathering was held at the North Thorn- hill Community Centre on Baythorn Drive. Those in attendance included all the members of the York Regional Police Commission. Markham Town Mayor Anthony Roman and several town councillors, along with York Chairman Garfield Wright, regional council mem- bers and staff. Shown during the gathering. from (left to right) are: York Regional Police Chief Bruce Crawford; Police Com- missioner and former Markham Township Reeve Stewart Rumble. Chief Cox. and Police Commission Chairman Judge William Lyon. FOR BIG BARGAINS CONSULT THE LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS JACKPOT $500 nw‘ms BF Only 1.25 FOOD with 3 items For Luncheon 106 Centre St. East STARTING TIME â€" 8 PM. Early Birds 7.40 p.m. :0 REGULAR GAMES â€" 3 SPECIAL GAMES lIONS I'IAI.I. $1.10 $1.35 $2.95 $3.95 $4.95 Poke-out Service RICHMOND HILL LIONS CLUB MONDAY, MAY 31 Regional Police Honor Chief Harvey C ox At 12:15 pm a 1962 black Lincoln car drove onto the par- king lot and stopped beside the red Oldsmobile. The driver of this car was White. police said. Two other police cruisers were stationed nearby, in radio contact with the observation car. David Patrick White. 23‘ of 16 Dunsinane Drive, Thornhill,‘ pleaded not guilty before Prov-{ incial Judge Robert Taylor and‘ elected trial by judge and jury. This man has previously ap- peared in court wearing a swea- ter bearing the name of a mot- orcycle club, Satan’s Choice. in an unmarked police car, parked behind a truck in a nearby service station lot. They kept the red Oldsmobile under observation. Detective Hay, along with other officers in plainclothes, It carried three passengers and people got out from time to time, apparently to go into the shop. Judge Taylor found there was sufficient evidence to commit White for trial, and set bail at $4,500 for White's release. Richmond Hill Detective Wil- liam Hay began the police tes- timony during the preliminary. Defense Attorney Lackner asked. and was permitted, to have all but the testifying wit- ness excluded from the court- room during the hearing. The shop where the car park- ed is at Yonge Street and Nip- igon Street in Willowdale. the court was told. The red Olds- mobile arrived about 10:30 pm and waited there. Detective Hay told how on April 1 he went to the Mr. Do- nut shop parking lot after fol- lowing a red Oldsmobile car from Richmond Hill. As a result of information re- ceived, police said they had reason to believe this car car- ried a known drug user. [York Regional Police Grab "Speed" In Willowdale The raid was made by Yorkgsenger door of the Lincol Regional Police detectives and dived across the woman constables in three unmarkedithe man to grab a paper cruisers, accompanied by offic- White was holding down ers from Metro Toronto Police the floor in front of the and the Royal Canadian Mount- he said. ed Police Toronto drug squad. Having got the bag, Ha) Federal Prosecutor Harvey Frankel elected to proceed in the case by indictment. Defense attorney was Ken- neth Lackner. Whoomf! A Drug Rendezvous Raid Police said they toBk 'a plastic bag containing 114.3 grams of methamphetamine from the hand of the accused. York Regional Police from Richmond Hill Sta- tion told the court of raiding an apparent meeting of people in two cars just after midnight April 2 in a North York parking lot. A Thornhill man in Richmond Hill Provincial Court on Thursday of last week was committed for trial in county court after preliminary hearing on a charge of having the drug known as speed for the purpose of" trafficking. The red Oldsmobile carried 54 NUMBERS A York Regional Police pat- rol at 11:04 pm Monday discov: ered a breakâ€"in at the Bayview Plaza Restaurant. Missing were a small quant- ity of cigarettes and some Police said the four juvenile take burglars were responsible forlat 1 break-ins with intent. or break- silo] in attempts at the following 10- Vau cations over the holiday \veekâ€" â€" end: General Concrete Limi- WH ted. 50 Newkirk Road: John sen Griffin Construction Limited, om) Enford Road: plus Helena Shoe, Am. Rand Specialties Limited. Rich- 3 p‘ mond Furniture and Antiques. 6 “ and Richmond Hill Tool and tele‘ Die, all at 300 Enford Road. in". The cars were taken from Allencourt Plaza, the GO Tran- sit Station. churches and the hospital. This youth was 15 years old. A fifth juvenile this Week was charged with five auto thefts from local parking lots earlier this year. Four Richmond Hill jU\'en-;chocolate bars. iles aged 12 and 13 years were! Shoplifters made off with 18 charged for causing a series of llong playing record albums seven break-in offences lastlfrom the Richmond Hill Music weekend. lCentre. Richmond Heights Cen- Caught by YOI‘k Regional tre, between 4:30 and 6pm May Police Constable Dick Witte- 20. man inside Sully Castings Lim- The records were valued at ited, 225 Centre Street East,;$100, police said. the four are believed respon- 1‘ * * * sible for a number of otherl Ice cream and some tins of local factory break-ins not re- soup were stolen Sunday from ported to police. the Woodbridge Board of Trade The passenger left coln and wasn’t seen police. two men and a woman. There were two men in the Lincoln, The passenger left the Lin- coln and wasn’t seen again by Four Hill Juveniles Aged 12 And 13 Charged With Weekend Break-Ins There appeared to be a mo- ment of conversation between the cars, then the male and fe- male left the Oldsmobile and got into the Lincoln. White had the driver’s door locked, but at the same mo- ment as the bag was yanked a- way. a police flashlight smash- ed the window. Detective Edward Green and Constable Arthur Haney haul- ed White out of the Lincoln, [risked him and put him under arrest. Having got the bag, Hay pro- ceeded to apprehend the two men in the car. Constable John Mom-head at this same moment placed the alleged drug user in the Olds- mobile under arrest, the court was told. Hay got there first on the run. He yanked open the pas- senger door of the Lincoln and Then Detective Hay and squad moved in. Judge Lyons said he wished Harvey Cox well in his new endeavors. Mayor Roman said he was very sorry to see Chief Cox go. “We are losing a man who has contributed a lot to Markham and the new Region of York," he said. Former Reeve Rumble said Chief Cox served Mark- ham Township and York County well. Another former Markham Township Reeve Charlie Hooper paid his respects. Markham Regional Councillor Harold Lawrie said no department head worked harder for the people of Markham than did Chief Cox. member of the Markham Township Police Department for 20 years. "I worked with you many years and never had to question your judgment," Sergeant Langman said as he made the presentation. A presentation was made to Chief Cox by Sergeant Bill Langman, former Aurora Chief of Police. and senior member of the new York Regional Police Force. the \x'oman and an“telescopes will be mounted on d- the rear of a three-ton truck and protected by a collapsible pat- roof. This is the plan of Larry ‘SCOV-“FOStel‘ of Uxbride and Bill Dob- ,W’iew son of RiChmond Hill. The first test will come with the launch- uant- ing of Apollo 15 to the moon some I August. 15. bag near seat, his ‘ White’s lam/er told the court ‘the defence didn‘t wish to put gthe accused or any further wit- nesses on the stand during the preliminary hearing. (Photo by Stuart's Studio) WHITCHURCH: A mobile ob- servatory, thought to be the only one of its kind in North America. will be established on a permanent site at Concession 6 Whitchurch. The unit of two l The other man arrested in the Lincoln was Larry Condore, 24, of RR 2, Sutton, police testified. He was questioned land released. Drawers and filing cabinets were disturbed. but nothing was found to be missing. Also police said nothing was taken Saturday in a break-in at the Uplands Golf Club pl‘O shop in Thornhill. according to Vaughan Station of YRP. There was urday at the fice. Ice cream and some tins of soup were stolen Sunday from the Woodbridge Board of Trade half-way house. The hungry thieves broke in. There was a break-in Sat- urday at the Maple Post Of- He said when he opened the Lincoln’s door and grabbed the bag. the girl began screaming and ran, The white powder that was later identified as speed by the Dominion Analyst, was in the brovm bag yanked from White‘s right hand. Hay testified. The bag of white powder was prod- uced in court as an exhibit. He was arrested and chargedj with possession of a weapon‘ dangerous to the public peace,‘; Moorhead said. Dickinson faces‘ trial on this charge this week in Richmond Hill Court. ‘ Detective Hay told how,} when the police pounced,‘ cruisers blocked the way out of the parking lot at Yonge Street and blocked the Olds- mobile and Lincoln from mov- ing backward. There was a number of other cars in the lot. The woman in the car got away, but a woman was arrest- ed later on Yonge Street, the court was told. Her name wasn’t revealed. Constables Moorhead testi- fied the known drug user was Frederick William Dickinson, 22, of Maple Avenue, Oak Rid- ges. All these officers are from; York Regional Police in Rich- mond Hill. The Metro and RCMP officers present didn’t‘ take any active part in the ar- rests and didn‘t testify. l JUNE 4, 5. 6â€" Fl'iday. Satur- day, Sunday. Aurora Parks and Recreation 9th annual art show and sale. Aurora Community Centre. Wine and cheese party Friday 7:30 - 10 pm. Show on Saturday 9:30 am â€" 10 pm., Sun- day 1230 pm - 10 pm. c1\\'48 Police and fire authorities in Markham Town at press time were investigating a $6,000 fire that broke out at 4:54 pm Monâ€" day at the James Robinson Public School on Robinson Street. MAY 29, SATURDAY â€" 8 pm. Dance at St. Mary Immaculate Church hall, Yonge and Duf- ferin Streets, buffet. bar facili- ties. Tickets $2.50. Proceeds in aid of Grade 3 educational trip to Quebec. 834â€"2613, 834-2510. 832-1033. c2w47 MAY 29. SATURDAY â€" Rum- mage Sale -â€" All Saints Angli- can Church, King City. 10 am - 3 pm. Babysitting available. MAY 29 AND 30, SATURDAY AND SUNDAY â€" Spring exhi- bition of oil paintings by Roy Robson and Mollie Huggins at Joseph A. Gibson Public School, Naylon Street. Maple, 1.30 pm - 5 pm. All paintings on display may be purchased. c2w47 Canine control officers were ‘called to the farm, but an ex- tensive search for two large dogs reported seen at the loca- tion failed. The dogs had dis- appeared. MAY 28. FRIDAY â€" Wine and Cheese Party 7-10 pm. to pre- view oil paintings and ceramics. Show and sale of oil paintings and ceramics‘ Saturday May 29, 10 am to 4 pm. Kingcraft House, 88 Keele Street, King City. MAY, 27 AND 28, THURSDAY AND FRIDAY â€" York Manor resident Spring Concert, 7.30 pm at York Manor, Newmarket. Silver collection. c2w47 Jane St. Drag Racing Ends With One Arrest . [ Captain Lay is a native ofi Ends one Anest‘London, England, but lived in‘ Richmond Hill for 10 years be-v A drag race on Jane Streetyfore moving to King Township. in Vaughan Town ended abrup-iHe attended Bayview Secondary tly at 12:47 am Monday when School, graduating from grade York Regional Police arrived 13 in 1964. He started asa cadet on the scene. _ at Royal Military College in, One Toronto driver “as ar- Kingston, graduating with a‘ rested and charged, police saidï¬bachelor of engineering degree ' in 1969. then was stationed for a year at Dana, Saskatoon, Saskat- chewan. Firemen from Unionville joined in fighting the blaze. Children with firecrackers are believed to have caused the fire. Two classrooms were gutted and there was smoke damage throughout the school. Canine contl‘ol officers were called once again. and By-law Enforcement Officer William Sharon of the Town of Markham was called to the scene. He shot the dogs. On Tuesday morning a flock of sheep on Mr. Deacon's farm were attacked by two large Great Danes. A ram in the flock attempted to hold them at bay, but two or three sheep were injured, and one so badly maul- ed that it had to be destroyed. Neither dog was wearing a licence, reports Mr. Sharon, but one did have a metal tag on its collar bearing a name and ad- dress. Loca’l by-laws requires that all dogs be licenced. Cost is $3 for a male, $5 for a female. $6,000 Markham Fire Due To Firecrackers The carnage began Sunday night when six of Mr. Deacon‘s sheep, grazing in a field near his home farm. were killed and six others so badly injured that they had to be destroyed. Two Great Dane dogs. allowedi It is also against the 1m to run free through the country- let dogs run at large, eve] side over the weekend. are deadulhe country. They must at A dozen sheep are also dead. times be under control of a and several others maimed and sponsible person when they injured _ 7 Eway from the property of The sheep belonged to Ken-' neth Deacon of Unionviile, brother of Donald Deacon MLA, York Centre. The owner (or owners) of the dogs have yet to. be positively identified at time of writing 1 Great Danes Shot After Killing, Maiming Sheep'On Deacon Farm 2nd and 3rd Mortgages Arranged in the Convenience Of Your Home LOW cost. You can sell to 10 pm. today for helpful courteous service. Prompt Investment Corp. Ltd., 330 Bay Street. Toronto. Call collect. 366-9586. Evgs. 231-8146 In Memoriam Verses A booklet containing In Memoriam verses may be procured without charge at the Advertising Coun- ter of “The Liberalâ€, 63 Yonge St. 5., Richmond Hill, or we will be pleased to mail one on request. Telephone 884- 1105. OMIND -VEHTI 24 Hour Approvals c2\\'4 c2\\‘47 Captain David Lay of the Canadian Forces Base North Bay was recently promoted to that rank. He is the son of Mr.l and Mrs. James Lay, Puccini‘ Drive. RR 3 King, (Oak Ridges) and has spent the last year at North Bay, which is the headâ€" quarters for the 22nd Region‘ of the North American Defence Command 1NORAD) and Cana- dian Forces Air Defence Com- m-and. At North Bay, he Is assigned as an instructor at the Air Wea- pons Control and counter-mea- sures school. An unhappy participant in the event, Canine Control Officer James Ryan, observed, “This should be a warning to all owners of dogs in the coun- try who believe that dogs should be allowed to run. If they could see the distress and sorrow caused to owners of both the sheep and the dogs they would take a more serious view of the consequences of a free romp in the country." The sheep were killed because of the carelessness of the own- ers of the dogs, declares 1w: Ryan, and owners of dogs run- ning in farm areas off their own property can expect to be pro- secuted. owner CAPTAIN DAVID LAY Receives Promotion AYLMER CHOICE WHOLE TOMATOES 28 oz. Tins 3 Tins $1.00 JAVEX BLEACH 128 oz. MORLEY'S First Grade II'I'TER MAXWELL HOUSE ALL PURPOSE COFFEE SHAKE 'N BAKE RED ROSE 'I'EA We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities For Your Cottage . . lucas&Arthurs MACARONI 8: 3 6 Pk CHEESE, MINCED HAM or CHICKEN LOAF °Z' 95' ¢ Fresh MUSHROOMS SIRLOIN STEAK WING STEAK . . T-BONE STEAK 29 YONGE ST. SOUTH “M £52: = MARKETERIA FREE DELIVERY ON ALL ORDERS $5.00 AND OVER WE TAKE TELEPHONE ORDERS AND HAVE CARRY-OUT SERViCE gainst the law to at large, even in They must at all er control of a re- are the Store Hours: 9 am. to 9 pm. Monda -rr-n-nv-u-n-u---u-.-»- »- -«n. -- -U-‘--uy--AM-‘-I)-r>-<).<-I-.fl.0-m In support of the amendmentlredevelopr Councillor Chateauvert felt the’we can cl redevelopment of the area in it's a goot the long run will be a benefit Mrs. H; to the whole municipality. “As‘out that for services. if the situation;tects the requires it. we can then forcerdential a the province to take action t03Ruggles, provide them or to show someiStreets an indication of the direction they “They will are going to take. The serv- to enjoy tl ices we have are sufficient to change of handle the initial stages of re- concept is development." of our ner very ition 3 Councillors Oppose Centre Town Changes Councillor Wainwright w Continued from Page 1) I few comments in oppos‘ Your hometown newspaper is friend, counsellor-and guide to every member of the family. All look forward to its weekly appearance. None would think of missing the news it brings of what’s going on hereabouts . . . who’s doing what and why. There is just no sub- stitute for its thorough coverage of local people and local events, past, present and prospective . . . and kind of news that comes closest to its readers’ interest. visitor gets a warm reception in every family circle (Formerly Morley's Foodland) THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, May 60 Bags All Flavours RICHMOND HILL ant tolchange of zoning. The whole of re- concept is for the protection of our people and a more ord- \\'as$erly development of our town." ON SALE EVERY THURSDAY «Min out that the amendment pro- tects the existing single resi- ydential areas on Roseview, Ruggles, Baker and Centre }Streets and Crosby Avenue. U‘They will be able to continue Ito enjoy their homes under the j Mrs. Hancey then pointed of the opinion that with the proper zoning bylaw council would be able to control the redevelopment. “It's one way we can clean up the area â€" it's a good start." 19¢ 'I'HE LIBERAL All Prices Effective May 27th “Home Paper of the District Since 1878" to Saturday 15¢ 2 Reg. Pkgs. 49¢ PHONE 884-261] RIVIERA SLACKS 0"“ 59.95 W23: 99¢ lb. Pkg. In “The North Mall" (Meyer Solomon) RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE BONANZ A DAYS SPECIAL! $1.09 $1.09 $1.09 â€" LESS 15% BOND CLOTHES Sizes 28 to 42 OTHERS TO $23.95 to May 29th 1971