Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 27 May 1971, p. 6

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5 " THE LIBERAL, Ric hmond Hill. Ontario, Thursday, May 27. 1971 niture Barn, Don Mills Road. C1 W4° c1w48 EMPLOYMENT ‘ 326 cu. in. motor, Hurst shift, tfc35“ ____________'â€"’ A good Palomino parade horsel July 1‘ THE FRIENOLIES'I‘ VOICES 1N ' TOWN \VILL HELP YOU PLACE YOUR LIBERAL \VANT AD TODAY â€"â€" PHONE THE RESULTS NUMBER ‘ Y . CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES 1 FggfifigLE ‘ HELPC WACIEITED l_ USED CARS [MISCELLAINEOUSlMISCELLANEOUS! TO RENT [ TO RENT CASH RATES, 1st insertion 10 words 51-00 and ~80 Per 7 7 7 _ 77.7 .7 77 7 . 7 E 0” ‘7"“9 _ 3 BRAND NEWMREEAULTSM'Booigkfiiiiixa 5nd ac’coudeENERAL Ti" " iii. I *u ' '. (Continued) word thereafter, Minimum charge $1.00. Second jAUl'O-“ATIC henmm'e Washer EXPERIENCED help for snack. FROM $1898. Ilng 591-\-icesforsm311businesses rooms kngfigfifimyfi“[53:13?FURNISHED 1.00"" °°°klng ” '~* "; **"""~ I "‘~ - and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged, 10 and dryer. $75 cash. Phone 884- bar. full time. Phone 297â€"1701. GREENWOOD GARAGE. 889-5683 llc331‘834-25'05 5 74R3fammes‘ 16 Lorne‘ 1“ muse DRY fumlsm’d basem'" al’am‘ 2629 after 4:30. CI\\‘48 Suitaij for “male c1II-437mcmloyn HILL'g VEWESTI»- 7 _ 777 77 _7. “7. .,7 ML, '3‘“ 7 cast of Berks Jewellers at ment. gentleman preferred. ab- . , words for .90c and .86 Per word thereafter- 7777â€"â€" 7 77 7 â€"-â€" 7777â€" 77777- 77 ' 7 _- I km} “IL ‘ ‘ 5 CLEANING WINDOWS ‘I RICHMOND HILL ROOFING lYonUe lfcallslliner 839-1063 clw43 COMING EVENT NOTICE 10c pel- word; min. charge 51.50 C d SPngA‘PSALE d SALES CLERK I ‘ ‘ eggssgfnm ‘ WALLS AND FLOORS ‘ Shingles - Flat Roots ‘ ' b": ." . l. ‘ “u” .7 4*- ' ' ‘ 4r ABOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of 50c .00 the. mmtme. an an- Required for our “We 1” RM". 7 I I DAY 0" NIGHT ER\'esll‘Oll“lling FURNISHED mom' .cooxmgi‘ZBE-DROOM “interned co-uage’ tIqucs IOI nome OI cottage. ‘6 , (N48 7 7. MI .7 . ° . d Timi- facilite p1~ IOLIISIde convenience. 773-5897. 'CARDS OF THANKS, IN MEMORIAMS, DEATHS. Round oak table .111 d mond Hel-hts plaza . I 7 7 , V 7. . 884-2453 No-5 Experienced IIorkInanshlp. Free a“ W *P‘ 1 5g “50 7 _ p . sxg e 138 - Applicams Should have previous‘. CAR OP THE “ EEK!!! .777 PLL'MABOIRGWK' l ‘ ' _lcstimates All work rluarantecd ‘phone 884'1154 for appmmment‘ 77 7 7 01““ ENGAGEMENTS, MARRIAGES, BIRTHS 136311;; elstal. bra‘sos beds. wicker set. 1.0m” sales experience prefer; 68 Alpine Sports. only 29.000 R060]. flow“ 71.”;‘Ap1llt‘G .884 3719 ' ‘ ° C5“.43'I tfc15 OFFICE’spacéAyofiuéâ€"an . .erfion - Cllna ca lllels- tables and abl 7 at Ln 6 7t . ~l ‘. lllllOS. 1110101‘ overhauled andi ‘3 _,‘ l ' _ e C 10 e T“ -77-7_77 “777 7 7 _ " " -" "fl" " _ A I a L - . Classified advertisements should be in as early in the Cllall'SI fl bUdgCt Dl‘iceS-v Up- 531;]... co:,...:.::lli.$ee \\ei\1:l‘cx_1cllltl»li. Like new in every I-ezggll‘lb‘lo‘ 7 . _7 fl. “Ci” PLUMBING ‘ v Iflase' 3'000}; 6'990 sq' “1889 9880' 01““ week as possible but not later than 6 pm on Tuesdays. lands, Wmlmre- 8.296. ‘yonge pcl-ience. Applicants are ini'llchspefl- Ll“ 3545P- VOI‘k lm- burl-[C TANKS PUMP“) ‘ - & Flu-All“le IT usmal Spelt” eilkm‘ Rpad' . St.. I‘homlnll. 889-73582. OpcnI . poms 389.3830 - 34 1- - . . A. .1111.le 3.7 SON LrD. IIcalure-s dock leiel loading. I Send ads by mail and enclose payment or telephone 7 . ~~ ‘0 mn‘aCl~ \ ' ' ‘ 8 ’8 34‘ 5““9'3 Cleaned ' 2» 16'6" -l I ' d' t ' x4 . . , , I‘hursday and Friday 10 am â€" P .. l D .. ‘ (-luqa - ‘ 834'w01 . . ‘93" 1mme ‘39 posse.s' u, at 834-1105 or 384-1983 and you Wlll receive an Invoice. 9 pm chm; 912))“,‘119 blcl’d'liltlzjem- “96 7R7 l . , C7 51”“an I “as slon, 5110 net. Lored Conâ€"‘7 7 7 7777777177 7 7 7 I ~ . 3‘ 7. . , ,7 ,7 , 1. am yn . '7 ciiaut R-10. radio. cxccl-‘ P - 2 .' '2 7 ~ 7 I . " ‘ - ' ' Britannica. 24 84 Sheppard Avenue Ilent condition, ideal SCCOIKL repairs and installvlstlutllon V0 limes $150. 884-8513. Willowdale. Ont. {calz 884-88417 clung “f _ ‘ ‘ ‘7 ‘ _ patio stops. curbs. outside bar-I777 777 7_7 _7____7777I‘- __ _ - ,' _ . *1w43. 2233811 "‘T- 'r'mâ€"7777 7. - 77, 7 777 Bcbldcnllfll commerc‘lal Palm'ibccucs etc. Free estimates. 773-]LARGE lot and garage on‘ggcllgtlp can 889 9°40 01 8i,” ‘COIllanedl 77 77 . ._7 777â€"777*. 7I 1963 MGB. custom Interim. duallmq interior and extent”; pa 9131.- -)r- I - , 7 7 7 - C4\\47 ALUMINUM 7_,_, .. 7 . . 7 _ ._ cN43 _ A. _ ‘ _ . a 7 _ I) I014. lfc~lllÂ¥onge St.. suitable I01 rcpaiII~â€"â€" 77 â€"_777â€"â€"7â€"777â€"7777 [RAVERSE witain iods. one lamo spoakolg 3. 000 I 1 ,1 a _ I 77 7 I . . I - . . v I _ d w .n S and WANTED _ r ._ 7. 7 . . m cs. Ianbmg. 884 5697. tfc49l Ighop or 13“ Station can 884_ DEAD OI Clipplcd faim animals .7 D0015. W1" (“/57 a m g I P- d d f . -t . C n 00 X 90 and 0119 30 X 00- 334- MATURE person to take com-lS700 01‘ best offel~ or will trade ' ’ . f , ' *‘ . 7. SHAMPOOING l:â€"-. - l ' I icked u r m 0’ F0‘ d" t r 'lin s Ron Woods. 884-1514. lanos 3“ use “1‘” “19- a 2722 1 I . . . I _ . __ STIRLIM. MAIINTENANCE I SPRIVG SPEC”; Illbl- l83-62-297783-2762. I9 p 1’ 0 p 5- ‘ “9° V ai g . “C36 88+1146' “€24 >7“; __A__VVH_ )_W_":_\\Wfi plete change or small offlchIOL bcsl motor bike. 889â€"9849. Window Clem-ma “a” washm 1 7 d f1 7 11‘ ‘7 7 7 tre33‘line call Long Distance and ask " YORK ALUMINUM â€"_ RA-ILIITKYâ€"TIES PIANO' “prigm’ beautiful tone‘ 311.61; or 7f0urt d3.” 3 week _I 7 7 clw+8Ifioor sll-ipp‘ed 23844311 Elisa]: 31218432361110 (5' Ddf‘rcgg). 777777-7â€"77â€"777â€"77 7711‘01' Zenith 32300_ Can anytime. h . _ $120. 3345206. “W48 09 eeping. yping. pays. etc.!]968 Comm, 'ISObf‘"chfk“I ' ' 4.1 77777,:.,,_:“.,,‘ ,,.,L_.,.‘PLAN'I‘ and Office space loIEd Pcconi 8.: Son. Woodville, . Free estimates Aluminumfild- {lollgnd Park Garden Centl‘e.. 225-2461. clu~43I$1250 8895422 941130 am 01.1 7 . 7 7 7 7”?le STRONG'S I-cnt. 2.000 square It. Goodwill om. Licence No, 3le . 55, . jng windows,d doors. awnings, giggecle Street N., Maple.t§34261. I f‘vâ€"WE’NEEDWTE‘ " {881-0385 10:30 - 2 pm. c1w43ICARPENTER 7â€" repairs and DEMOLITION EXPERTS [Fabricating Company. 167 Ccn-l t[c44 ,. also glass an screen repairs. ._ _C__ r 1 ‘ 7 77 77777 7 7 'altcrations. home improvements.‘ FREE ESTIMATES tre Street East, Richmond Hill. â€" {1* â€"' . â€" ,' I II . Phone 884-4558, factory 332.3%: #wATâ€"ER CONmfiififi HELP W ANTED EXPERIENCw 36% fiaéll\hlill‘efda>snlg Cedar and “he fences Chet-teal CALL â€"â€" 727-3502 834-8931. tfc38 (1“?3 ggglgfifiis Maple. c s - ' I EXPERIEECEITT"# "'uI . g - ’ - ‘ a 1‘1 0 - 889-3679. tfc45I c10w47."‘ "‘ "y ‘.# . ‘ . ' pring Special â€" new fully au- Slltel‘s all ‘5325 834763307 1“-43 7 7777 7 77 .7 .7. 7 7 7 7 7 7 OFFICE Spdve- also SWING tui'e. appliances. etc. Fast 1c"- TYPEWRITERS tomatic from $210. Call your homemakers for busy Thomhmi OFFICE PERSONNEL FOR ,,,,,, MUgT_ .. ‘ 7, ".9777 77 RAILROAD ties for sale. Will‘Highly recommended even byspace. Goodwill Fabricatiiig up‘ 834-7254 01.773_5544_ {)fcz.‘ ADDING MACHINES Miracle Water Dealer after 4 agency. 08793047. _ tfc43 .68 I W _‘ 23E FOLD"- _ ‘l‘build retaining walls. planterfl‘icncls Company. 167 Centre Street USEDâ€"f":’li ' " d-7 Sales SerVice Rentals pm. 884-4016. tfc42 *DO-U’Bfl}; i011]; VINACEMEA ‘ PERMANENT AND ‘qhalfi mfwhatgoffV ingneLF’l‘nrsl-lboxcs and boat docks. Free esti-l PERRI-S’I‘YLE (custom) East. 8874-8981. ttc39 889 3101 “U” U” a“ mi??? Amm’md Dealer CEDTR'iéHc’éE..ilTlaclc_lipâ€"irl' 8 If you are not afraid of work @8792 \I0..k'10m;;{7ts' 88.353833 TEES-,3”??? , 93:37] . Uph°15t°rm3 IONE’bedfoom lo‘rentfaslllisssl - 7 77‘7- 7 77 7 7L fl DOPUIal‘ makes for sale and 10 ft lengthsV 3 ft. high! you can be a SuCCess in the Real TEl‘lPORARY POSITIONS 5884_81-34 ' C1w34 BAKER'S BACKHOE i22 Rwhlnond St' 884-6885 tfc42 EXFRA large dog {(Cfmel' In “Hill-Hung new and “hunt also 6 ft_ Ingll louvre patio Estate Business. Top'training,I 1 77 77 17â€" - 7 ‘ 77 77 EXCAVATING 1m». 7“ 7#__7_ A th30 'SfOPiA'G’E’Td (â€"1760: _f[ g°°d condmon‘ 884'1366‘ xiii? £3331“! rigigaldefatgg fences’ can erect 889'3679' - C(lmmissmn' and bonus Offered‘ CALL £3166 filzlgatgela” dl door’ 8"l‘renohing. sewer & water line“ LAwNMowER REij'lisâ€" buildi‘ng Prf‘l’at‘ee‘location “V26”; __ _ m _ r i Mclw48 . - tfc46‘p us congenial people to work 111-com: PERSONNEL _ 1C- _l’3 10~ SllOW5~ footings. 33943604. tfcgl SALES & SERVICE , , ' ' ' â€".1960 or 1961 Austin Cambridge - available to SWdentS- - I â€"â€"â€"â€"*â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"Eâ€"§lwith. 3 representatives needed 18 YOVGE ST N - 2W1“ ("el'tlf-V- 3650- 884-4675- â€" A"?! , i7" 77 77, 77-‘7 Thompson Repair Service Ireasflndbli-Bglflgâ€"QC77â€"Efgglneed not be certified. 88.0- h I L. H. SIMS IVIILL NERS. DRESSIVIAK R to complete our 1971 expansion ‘ I . . lane]. 5 pm_ c1w48 PLUD‘IBIIVG & HEATING I> 103 NO. 7 va. East. FURNISHED l‘OOlI’l. Private en-‘7237_ c1“.48 88 Baker Ave. SUPPLIES Wooflen beadSI 111' program. Talk to one of 0111.1. RICHMOND HILL, Ilg's’s P’eugeo’i’404 glider Good! Les Swan MCCllajllcal I 8892973 Itrance. Ample parking. Would‘ Richmond Hill (“an beads: mamame belts, hats salesmen 017 can M). White or 884-6782 1 , dI - ‘ '5 734 HOUI‘ SCI'VICB l - . suit mature gentleman. 889â€" 2 ach .nkin shears and! ‘ . ' c can L011 ltIon, $550. 884-5036... ., _.. ., _ ~ cow“ ,_ ‘ 334.1745 $ 9 . D1 g . . _ _ clu48I 7 72-1 4192 27-2 3106 7777 77 77 7 _ alas . Cl\\-1>7 _ “c3 scissors sharpened; buttons cov-IMI‘ Cu” 889 6241- 77 , 7777-77â€"77 7 7- “WI Ilcls‘ OUTBOARD SERVICING 7 7 7 â€" 7 77 7 777 PERSONAL T 777â€"â€" â€"â€" ei‘ed, alterations. Also dry‘NORM BLACK REALTY LTP- PERMANENT PLAEEMENTS .19'64VC1im-f"stéfidéiidwsi\uganIPAIN 7V ‘7- " 5&7.- 7‘1La.\7nmo“el.s. outboard motors, ln&,'2_ BEDROOM apartments.“ _W _ ‘1“ WA_ ‘V _ < .‘ WASHER» dryer and Stove cleaning_ 8 Yonge St. S, 884- ‘ _Vrn_wmii __ A_-1 experienced Olllce help lll-ISZSO. 773-4619. clw48it‘; _TI‘§’ antd ‘.ef:0!étlfl°' 1(Plane! most type of small engine §?4'0_47O§'77 ITVTTDO you haVe a drinking pl‘Ob‘ 2' Parts’ gears’cbelts’ “mad bear- 5894' “2“‘47 HOMEMAKERS & SITTERS V‘th 1° 'hst 3m“: I1064‘Pdritiic_excellentâ€"c8121;xiii-i): in e: 91:01. dalpletntlallsel'V'lCingI 3150 Class "A" auto- 2 BEDROOM apal'lmentsI Alall’ 19"" If 5° AA "a" 11.6!“ Wm“ . “185 and Wlmge!‘ 1:0“91'5 etc- WEE-Ti.â€" ésilf‘hD’j-klfj LIVE IN A-l EMPLOIMENT AGENCY“on \,-u f fl , t7 495 ' . ’ 9C; 00” S ,3" a 9‘ lmotive repairs. verv reasonable. able June 1 and July 1_ Adults_.Box 84. Richmond fill], or call .- For all makes. Repau-s to elm- - g a 26. l e 6W C u R I I ‘l 1 DUI 119“ IFGS. $ - tions. No Job too big or small. . .~ . . . 7 I _ 1 3344923 02...“, FULL 0R PART TIME a Mona obertson ,Cau 334_4555 after 6 pm 8846009 “C40 Open 6 am till 12 midnight. 7 Apply Superintendent. 441 Elm- EMS 8684. tfc17 tr? lawnmowers and Small l“’- 7â€"7â€"â€"â€"-_ 7'77 URGENTLY REQUIRED 884-6944 1 ‘. . ' .7 77 77 days. Tom's Gas Bar. 9190 Yonge wood Avenue. c2w47 D" 7 litâ€"'d "Tb; phances Math’s TV 49 Indus- NEW and used furniture pian- l - ’I (“48 PAINTING. - ' * mi '"fi' â€"“ T â€"- 0 Wu “V8 a “n mg p10 trial Ro'ad 334-7903’ ms 05 household effects of 311 de- Fg'gEtggggggng I7 -7 777777 777 7 “7“473‘196’9 p’dmigc 58 51,:ch stge. & PAP‘EéHA‘NGIw ISlreetI Rlchvale- 889-9977~ 4 46 SUBLET - Thornliill 7 4 bed-16m. ii so AA can help. Wl‘ite + y - y ' ' - ' I I l ' ' â€" ' i ' H l ' l '- ..' WGRK‘Vâ€"EL scription. china and some an-i CALL; WE SIT BETTER l THOR::5L%65%§§ CITY ing. power brakes. excellent; R F DU‘N i ‘77 7 77:77-- 7 7 c “77 [gem to“nhouse’ 3290‘ AVall' 2:53 37' hmg Clt'y’ or “1133539 ll Crushed stone sand . t tiques. Open Thursday and‘ 889_3650 I . condition, reasonable. 339.3321; - '- N GENERAL CARPENTRY .3 19 {1113’ 1- 3 month 16859-_ Wfl-fiw _ __ 7d _WCV gravel etc délivered $113131? Friday 9_9 pm, Saturday, 9_6 “C47 Boys and girls wanted for Globe c1w48: 727-3303 .I Licence $879-$152.â€" r W N ‘ W__‘tfc-_lz EVERYONE needs a good ; quantifies. ‘Cau c. L_ Knappett’ pm._ 35-} Furniture Sales. 3.78 Chan“ gggnfi‘fil{Egfigztiflegéfggéfh' I’ggjrc’glgéfa..(0};.§t;r.7gjfig; 7 777.7 7777.77777u‘313‘Rec. Rooms. kitchens. floor tileJG ROOM bungalow immediate"‘YAC"‘- .Ca“ Ilichmolld Hi“ .7 88430891 “C37 Newlxirlx Road, Richmond ..The Liberal” requires a re] cm.“ good condition. certified. 3495 fiffiEm‘fa ;§;Z§g::t1%%m::te$'igounéer tonS. fl‘cpaitr andFre-ggggsgigifn Youth Aid Cent1e7 884-0911;”5 _ 7 y ‘ . _ ‘ 1‘ . 77__~_W7 7 7_7__ _‘f .- > _ _ . 7 _ . I - inis ing 0 mm ure. rec ' I a .- 7. .v._LL_' 7 TRfinEB 33nd, 5238‘ 9‘ Fe“ for CONTENTS of large home _ SSO‘ETIdeOY 01 3111 £01 .3“ 95' MACHINIST for fabricating. m! 7p7117c7e7-787gi47ffie 7777:1333 flees. factories Custom caI‘Pen- estimates, lRealtOlV Cl“’47lTRY Pennyrich for comfort, tit . “as ' mes 91mm” Bar“ T7 ~- - .. m 58 me paper route 1“ thelpianl in Richmond Hill. Must V.QL1‘SWAGET\~,61I good Con' try of all descriptions Les' R. TOBIEN 1 ‘ ’7â€""-' “ ‘in bra. Fr nâ€"â€"8 9-5 4 -12 . iaditlonal 2 piece a sto . . ROOM kitchenette bedroom a a 8 6 9 9 . wants used fuimture and ap- . . . Uplands A\Ienue aiea of Thorn-I . . . dltlon. not certified $150. 884- w bb 889_2-45 tf g ' . ' I . ’. pnances. 4784175 tt-c3.7,chesterfield. also Spanish suite. hm- Fm. further details pleaselhave 0“nt°°15‘Stan Thompson-38341 ’ “W48 9 ' 3 ' _,__7 0' 339-1922 completely private. Between‘and 81161‘4 Pm. €2\\'47 ‘ 7â€"â€"7an matching drum and _coffee phone Mm Nbrma MOSS 31389'629â€"‘dhrw _ vuiidw‘m! 77; 77_777._ _7-‘.777-_â€" RUBBER STAMPS “C44 12-4 pm. 237 Crosby. 884-5603. VWILZL'lh‘eâ€"Rown’e1701'7'317‘1970,v .Pure fiérd maple $20 per cord t§b195I_1?1nP5I Odd. Chall‘sv 9‘884-11057 nctfc47. RURROUGHS E4000 éggzozggevÂ¥ ggg‘égfom' Several type faces to choose fi'om7__._â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"l 7 77 w 7 M U‘ *Z‘V‘” License No. L68306. please ~ I special _ 11,5 co’ms 325- Can" mice dmmg "mm SPlteI “Chen GIRL FRIDAY Experienced operators for con- ' 01.- ‘ I C ‘V‘ 7-including Script.Block1etters.7 ‘Il BEDROOM apartment, elec- pick up Cal‘ or it will be sold 0 L Knappe“ 8343089; 511% bedIQf’m su‘tesl StereoI Experienced for Richmond Hm genial firm on Keele Street. 1964 Chev. VB wagon, automatic Outline and signature â€" fast ltrically heated, close to transâ€" for Charges 0\\‘ing7 884-8841. D l ’ ' tfc37 2% TV' 19 pgéia‘éifg TV’ ap' manufacturihg firm Fast ac- - and “dim $35“ ca” 884'5338’ Service- C311 “The Liberal” 384- FOR SALE portation. Suitable for business c3w48 ‘ EREEZERS Gene” 8 ft, plancesL7__e_tc77 - 1- c5w44I-mmate Mist vari'ed mm” PURCHASE ORDERCLERK I c1w48 1105. # V 7 a v Iiady. 884-1559. c2w47 _ __ ' $14495 12' ft a 159cliii- I" REFRIGERATOR 3° 5‘0"“ shorthand helpful. Good salary clean cut pers‘m, “.‘th 330“ 1964 Olds. convertible, new HARRISONS CUSTOM BAY gelding.16hands-75’eal‘S-IEURNISHEDI70 m n I‘Y0n09‘ . . , CU. -) $ - , 5 autoxnatlc washer and dryer. . telephone presentation. GO- - f 0 ' 4 . ‘ .' 7 l _l L V 7. 0 ' 6.8 7 b‘ 7 I land com an. benefits can 339_ 7 I100. 58, 00 miles, $ 50. 884 CARPENTRY ILIghtweIght hunter. Wel man , - , I E _ cu. ft, $169700, 20 cu_ ft” 2213881. 05w“ ‘ p 5 . getter, career mmded_ Own“7474 *1 '48 _ ‘ V I 2 {W746 Cooking faculties. Suitable [0i A $189.00, 25 cu_ it” $215.00_ 7 77 7,-7- 77 7-â€"-- â€" Y --77_- {53:8} Mr- Park-F £1W46mansportation. I ,7; 7W; .,, .v #7 “ Custom 1’91.“ h°mesI ‘e‘lol’i'7l‘7eLef7l; @413}. '7 7.._ 7 7C7. .7 2 girls or couple. 884-37097 â€"77â€"7 "7* . q‘ 7, Broadloom and Rugs .FURMTURE.AND ANTIQUES EXPERIENCED haiillrcsseu c311 M r. R b 1.0 1960 Chev. 3150. Good condi- “9115- addltl‘msI .an repa‘IP- 18 MONTH old colt. quiet dis- _ “Mg HARDTOP IEl‘T TRAILER- . c:- ITop cash paid for good furn- . 7 7 . . 77 I r 0” 0 el 5 n 7 - _ Iâ€" . . ‘KItchens a speciality. Morris. . . I 7 â€"-- 7 7 7 777 7 Otto. Lionel. Woods. Bag and at cm cost plus 15.0 on $200.I. . . wanted lull 01 it'tii 884-- Itlon- 384 41377 (N43 . _ position, umks well on haltei . . 7 _ 7 orders Install t- t - lture7 appliances, etc. Fast pick- ’ pa “9‘ 7 7 334.459“ -77 â€" 7-â€"7- 7 77 777-71HaI-rlson. 38472838. ltc45‘ . 7d 1 I. . m, 3 BEDROOM house. LloaILICam-as, pnced from $6151.. flee - 31°“ 9‘10 atlonslup. 88437254 01. 7736544. ?§%l:_A__ii “7‘7 _fl’ll_ciDIA-l EMPLOYMENT AGENCYI1967 Chev. Belair 4 sedan. â€"â€"â€"fibV-M60â€"R7Eâ€"~â€"â€"â€"j§“d ll'gg‘gfilifi‘e’ 1 “1 o’Jfiflfilose to bus and schools. Nico Triple E Travel Trailers ’ washe s . d l tfc44‘APPLICATIONS for directorsi c1\\'48;ClcaII car._54.000 miles. L10.‘PAIVTI\YG PAPERHAVGIVGIEllibL§_-'io; 7 fl 7 “duck yard. 3215‘ including a” MCKENZIE CAMPING 7 Sim 1i .t EI- pullitryflls I-{SPâ€"AfiG-fiSâ€"777 b d__ and counsellors for park ..Y7. N75577. Private. 884-6293. II A _. E t.“ . F}. 6.5” FOR SALE AT NIPIGON “mums. 884-7627 after 3 pm- TRMLERS LTD. : $124p95c‘tfi'$1§§y§5 gficgfgffelans and 61.8.1133: 1.813% day camp now being taken. 884- _.7_,_--.,,_._ ,Q‘fiffiémcguafiyfifié‘ 3393,65 ' STOCK FARM . 7__7 Cll‘;*$71'llsll\\ay 7 East at Bal’IleWI ' ‘ I ' P g I ' 4311. After 5 pm. 834-2667. ’57 FIREBIRD SPRINTIII - ' ' 5 yr. old thoroughbred .3â€"B'EDR05Mâ€"lgge Elva-11.15191 Thornhill. one child preferredfl. _ ttc47 1 ueensville. 47 -41 . wâ€"‘fflf _ . ’- I . \ . _7‘ ,77_,_,_ _77 _,_7, _ Q “Aniog; tfcss furEIEEE Leupbmldzlwa 1P.” RECEPTIONIST for legal Of- WANTED rebmlt motor- new shocks7 “35‘5"” R CLARK Th°mhm Shem“ W ‘5” “1 pleasulel884-2546 after 6 pm. tfc48I1968 PYRAMID 17' house trai- . . 5’ 00'5' some 5‘ vet: c‘ma - -- - __â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€". brakes. Vinyl to . bucket seats. 7 - _ . 01‘58 7 .7 7: . 7- - - . . . lemg, dining and bedrooms, and glass. 884-7509. c1w48 glgf’l‘l‘llth typmg and Shorthlanfé MARRIED man wants part time Lie. No. 97569Lleork Imports Plam and Decorative Plastering,‘ Junior games horse 3. BEDROOM semi bungaIO\\.Ilsell_15(;‘ 1:31:34â€"11‘él4c1h and “11331458 ‘ direct from importers ware- H’EAVY duty Reese {Miler ' 3' ,7 7 c W work on farm or looking after 88978830_ 88443134. C1w48' Repairs a Speciality Reg‘tL Appaloosa gelding N109 Clear! house Stumble f01'1.__7' 7777_.'777 7777 .7 77‘ house. Open 1-9 pm. 454-1388 hitch Also comb alum storm DUMP TRUCK DRIVERS property in exchange for lodg- - - _7 Free Estimates jg yr. old racing quarter horse young family. 884-6496; c1w478‘CAMPlNG trailer, large. sleeps Em.“ CLAUSEN LTD. d001.‘889_8189 ‘ ' cl“.48‘Expei‘ienced only. Over ‘25.Iing. H‘as reference. 333-6394. WHATd 3”” _1 offel‘efldlor 3‘ 433-7521 339-3135 gelding I Bâ€"flASEMENT apartment, , suit 4. mom for more. mndous. ( Hwy_ 7, just east of Fifth [Anewâ€"7'7 ' Apply in person. Crawford On-l tfc39 “re‘ke 1966 VOIRS“abe“I as t1020‘Junior English show pony legume 01- single person 3115. screens and curtains. 832-1316. is? Good motor. 1 adult owner... Can be used as dune buggy. Adolf Sandusky. 9751 Bayvimy Ave., Richmond Hill, just bc-I LLOYD carriage. lgige. gdtJâ€"d I condition. $35. 884-5036. I _ _ c1w48‘. Iincludes neat. hydro, water and cm.“ lpal‘klng- 773'4613- (ll-“'48: #â€" -CIIVT§IYONGEVSL. Aurora-ORR bed- ETWTPOAYTV‘E 'INew and used tack ‘Drains. septic tanks. All types 884-3093 of concrete work. 'M a?“ Sand _and Grave‘l CO-TFURNITUVRE Slipcov‘ei‘is. cut and; l aplet,0ntal:1,°7' 7,7 ,77 Cl“748Ifittcd in your home, workman-1 BOOKKEEPER for new dealerâ€" Ship guaranteed. also cushions (2 miles east of Dixie Road)§ Bramalea. tfcl 0' . New opening. second hand fur- MANURE, carload $1. Gayla Stables, 884-1928. tfc43 OAK RIDGES E'ARN MAN’S bifie, 10 x 50 binocu- lars, excellent condition, best offer. 834-3600. c1w48 ship. one of Big 3. Must be ex- perienced. Apply in confidence to Box 51 "The Liberal.” and arm caps etc. 773â€"5755. I tfc-lbfl BUSINESS. production, office low Bayview - Markham Road intersection, 4th house past ra- cant field, east side. Phone only“ 889-5762 FREE ESTIMATES...HER-Di)f cmfilfiél.c{a1 RALPH E‘IIII’S'DEC'ORATINGE registered bulls. Jan Farms 3344, Angus room apartment, available in‘. tfcéycattle. 50 cows. 40 with calves..converted house, large lot. DRESSMAKING .73_. . r ‘ c11.48“TAILORING, dressmaking, aI. Iterations for all the family. 773- - . _ ELECTRIC stove 22" in good clw48 - - l - d - 1 b t - 2 PI‘ ' I ~1- an inter- Ltd Woodbridae. 851-2161. 1 . . 7 _ . I mun-e: 50m 7 _ h 7 I V manager- all administrative actI- an can be seen on y e \ieen amtlng. papei lanai g. _ ‘ ., c: .APARFHENT‘ 2 b e d I- 0 o m 5, 7 2 ' Sideroad, Iéfinissg‘gi't 3:73:25 condltlon' Phone 884'2943- WAITRESSES wanted. Good vities. Prefer fields of furniture and 3230 pm Friday, May 23. iOF and eXteriOF- Free eitlmates- CI‘MBI fridge. glove. at Yonge St” $135.l9§7â€"17Lâ€"â€"77-77- 3 Buy, sell and trade. 773.5448. ' 7 “1“”:3 Wages. B & M Restaurant. manufacturing / retail, printing, 884-1646. # <’<_#__â€"c1'w74§ Work guaranteed. 887â€"0610. l___â€"____â€"_‘avauab1e June 1_ Adults. 88+}DRESSMAK1NCI zgldk altCIaé MW“ 60 CC‘YAMAHA ’67. $125. Good Woodbine and Highway 7. 499- arch/engr., florist or a service 1967 M‘sâ€"Em} pal-mane 4 dl-..’ “C461 I4883. c1\\'4SIg°PS' ‘Reisginggag 1C “Eggs fo’bfiglmmfllâ€"é cinâ€"dltlon_ 884:;7173; c1w43 0666. r _ clw48 business. Adept at detail and V8, all power, immaculate-.I PAINTING :LARG'E ‘bedsittih’g 1.06m"'ligilt‘ 9 way“ - ' ’ ‘ 3 piece bedroom suite, gland; HAIRDRESSING orocedures and anxious to ac- $1350. 839-6303. filly-18 INTERIOR: EXTERIOR 7-7â€" ~tâ€"- ‘ private bathlf.â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" old, 2 sets balls. 884-9787. ‘New owner Betty Forsyth. Dgg‘housekeeplng. . : I " dditional knowledge“"â€"â€"'<*"-7" ' .7 â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"I . . â€" ,4 7n .l (71“..43 $55. 884-8408. c1w48 APPRENTICE WANTED quue a . 1965 Pontiac Parislenne, ceitI-I . . . - a__ oodles a spemany. Gentleman. 884-4600. -1\I4o 7-7-7_ . _, _ 7 777 â€"7 7 777-77‘ 777 . - . . Ithrou h el‘m no t III I . . PAINTIING Igloommc P . . 77 7.7 .777 7 777 7- .. M MEN’S clothing. size. 42-44. FRIDGEI 535 Pool table. $1007.I0“li‘, ‘rlgegififld 99150115 fig positiin 1211-63....“ .e‘ggongigiffif, fled-3&9; 884:1,3734- 4571MB __ __ _ _ __ _ __ _ _ _ Jill Goddard. 839-3606. tic-if 4 ROOM apartment, my Yea. BOATS V- _» OTOBS Suns. slacks. shirts. Very I‘eas-‘boul 1“ good condition BBQ-lam?" ' 'â€"- ‘ ' 7 9-“ - and challenge. Call 889-0823 or 1963 Mercury ‘2-ton7 good 834-2433 yEXRToId’mélITLuhlndol-’rc-sonable. no children 884-1928-‘1 MERCURY outboard motor unable. Estate sale, 334.6323. _ A h 7 _ icbdelB-AYVIEW Country Club i'e-‘881_9335 days 0]. evenings. shape: 1969 Mustang _GT-V 351 7777LE0VA-RD71â€"BROTHERS 7 - New“ from Champion Smck’ C71“74§vtank’ 1 Johnson out-bfwm motm. ,____7_77 _ a“ Cl\\‘43.CHESTERFIELD with end and SERESsil‘ispimtbletf’erson 170 861; c2...” engine. 4 speed. 887-07667 C‘O‘VSTRUCTION free to good home. 387-5627. Roonjclose m ll-anspomlantank $15 each. 88-9-5130- “M3 - I I . . .' ' 777 7 -* ‘ - - __ E *' ,‘ , ‘ - ELECTRIC guitar. case and‘Corfee lablESI lalllPS. 839-9942. S cm 0 m engmeel‘llo, YEARS experience genera] (71.148 Concrete. Drain and General cl\\4l 884-942l. "4“43 SAILBOAI‘ ‘24 Comerted life- amp., like new. asking $300. or » bestmoger. 773-4134. c1w48 I EEIGE bathroom sihkilithâ€"atij W 7 r c2w48 CARPET LIQUIDATION SALE By order of Various carpet 1Rlechaliically inclined. Call 1\lr, IWallin. 889-4333. clw48 EXPERIENCED: Office routine‘ ‘66“ HondaSSOO Sports. l-cbuill mOtOI'. fast and economical. Lic. ’NO. N80209. York imports LId.. office duties. some typing. 8 years experience as receptionist. Write Box 50 “The Liberal“. Repairs. Patio, Stonework. Sidc- WANTED _ a good homer [of Milk. 'l‘l'enChlllg and Exca‘aung' Ii black. part Lab 3 years Old LlC. N0. D0033 spayed female (102. Excellent boat. 30 HP. Sleeps -l. $1,700. NICE furnished room. Suit busi- chi-43 ness girl. 884-7615. clw48l334-3709- 1 BEDROOM? apartmentiini a â€"â€"â€"_______â€"-=_â€"‘777â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"â€"‘ tached to“. 1:. _. manufa . . . fincluding bookkeeping and typ-I _ . 889-8830 - 88-1-8134. cl\\'48‘ 339.5223 tic-l4 U child .611 83442-0. _ p . e lacks' 884 2771: - a “we.” and. ca”)th Clean dug. suitable for felnale pleas“. 7, _ 7A, (“URIâ€"7 ‘77 7 - 7 ‘ .7777; ‘ m-â€"‘ 7 ‘ 7 777-.777. ' I . ‘\H 1 l ‘ 02W47 country home. stlit buSlI‘leSS: ._.__,77,,777 ' ‘51“48in‘1coingaliles’d.“e ha”; geenlanl SUI-rOL‘ndillo’s in RichmondIODD Jobs done with pickup CAR FOR THE “IFEW2. CARPENle “011M 'CCleatwn 7 7 . ,.,, L 7 couple_ 832-1288_ c1\\48 Fm. swruélâ€"(fieahiw Ins l-uce o ispose 0' un-‘ . M H a .Itmk V0. . .. .I I .7; ~68 \I'auxllall V1\'a Deluxe. '6.-‘l700ms' additions, renovations"CHINCHILLAS (56‘ cages and __V V777: I 7‘ ,7‘ W: __.7_ ,7. . ._ ‘ “E OI'EClS _Of all types and Sizes of mall‘ham Rfmd and Ne“'l453:)‘ 1y ledsond Me c1:\:8.000 miles. showroom condition.‘tile {1001-57 and ceilings, Fredequipmem. Phone 72256006. IBAIHL RSI-Steeles. to sublet. TOLRS, cruises. rail (alnll Repllr! Remodellin carpetmg' ShagsI twigs- Com- 11 area‘ can ML Patel 8388917 7777777 - 77-7-777â€" 7- *595. dep.. 312 weekly at banklestimates. T‘ Price. 38973653. l “W47 one bedroom apartment. unlUl-Itickets, reseivations an In In ’ ‘ mercial. indoor-outdoor carpets. 9100 bemeen 9 am and a pln'1IvOUNG married “mm” “mud rate. Lic. No. N80210. York. - tfc3l V- ‘ - 7 77-- 7 -- Inislled. very reasonable. 889-‘du31 travel. Call A. H. Creightil}, v 551.6309 Days Prices from 25¢ per yard. $5.99‘ ________ r W ,_ cl“:48i‘lflke bdliy “a”; J03: Chllgl‘i‘ln Egg-3' Imports Ltd., 889-8830 - 884-lmâ€"‘AiifiliQfifi'H’fifE ighfiiggfigEalioldgil:matrix; 7343i CVenlngS 223'9324~ N48 Travel Agency' 389'5643‘ “L or any reasonable offer. At HAIRDRESSER. Experience era ' “n 91' 1"9- a 'I8134. c1w48'. ‘ ‘ .‘ EVTS . ‘ . v _ 7. ‘1 __77 7 ,__,,c777',,‘___’___â€"=â€"â€"_.___’â€"â€"-7â€"â€" EVCRIMS iVIOl'gan Hall' B’Iarkham ShOI)1preferred' bl” “0t necessar-‘V'i4110. Cl“l48;# Alcan lâ€"lâ€"“ngl‘lfluEOVCStl'OugllS‘gifgglilgOken' Paltly tlzlllll\efé lloonL privated c1“.48.ilnlg Cantre, Wednesday May 26,17Ca11 Nory or Victor, 832-2590.. ‘ Doors and°‘\vmdo“.s I 3,‘-_n-1,],1L7.-.d77777777 cooking; parking. Gentleman7I Summer ~~7â€"~â€"«â€"'7-77â€" -- â€" 7 Iur‘ al I ' 2. ‘-' I I‘ ' 'I . 7 , ,. 7 . L E 0" Slee) 0g n))ies.I _- - - I I - ggANgzé’sg Patio flagstones.l28. Shani -n93illll-7sallllll‘(¢ll?y lllgg'IEfPER‘lEECED 1’7 7131.338; and BOARDIEOL‘ hie flsnéafifiactodru 50m Regsteilgdilgihamliion b:€(§(illlg.jZfigfislgéiirfl*"' 1' (7 tâ€"Ugfi Accommodation ‘ ' C1\"48 29 9 am - 6 pm ‘ ‘ '. la” resserfl ‘Pido‘fiflfd-fi’fildg'lfir- n5: 0C. P t nd ‘how Newmarkct 895- b ‘ ‘ apal men ' 'I“ .s' ’ ’.”‘"*“’ ’.~ ‘ ‘ 777â€"â€"â€"7â€"â€"â€"7-- 77- I . _ E If 11 ~ - , ~ 77.7777_77__77 7 . I I an 0314- 1- “7 . HANS BUTT 389-4106 9} b I- “I -- â€" -â€" , \IUSKOhA, Port Calling 2 DINING room table. seats s,IFor Information call 294-2000. 8§9_6‘3‘41“m “me 9106 12233 MORTGAGE money available. pol‘tation to Richmond Hill. “C21 cool c1\\-Io.Chen' 83* 930' an“ 3 Pmclwm mes modem 2 bedrooms, 119‘“ 10 SUCliS l‘liubal‘b 25c.' c1w48 7â€" 7777'- 7 777-- 777â€"777 reasonable rates. Write Box 51832-1318. Cl\\’47.â€"â€"â€" 77 - 77*“ 7\EI;I:E_kittedaninre\'rand":\'hitc.‘. 77 7 7 77 7 - -7 777 boat ’334_5522. clw48 884-6367. cums _’:â€"7â€" ;-. â€"_~‘7 7â€"â€"7 CARETAKER required for of-I-~The Libel. III C1“43~ * c I WV * *" #4’ . FINLAY ELECTRIC ‘. ‘ _ 7 ' D 7.‘ 2 BEDROOM apartment in ' . â€"‘ TRAILER 4 8‘ In go°d con"fice buildin in Tlmrnhill AP-1 ' "'3": T T " ‘FURNISHED bedroom. neal OUlSide “gluing maintenance Inter manic-d. nee to gOOd triplev central adults Call‘â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" SLASTIC, plPe' COIeman lan‘dmon’ Closed 111' 884'8506' proximatelvb‘l-l hours per wEek ‘ IMMEDIATE FUNDS {buses Gemleman preferred equipped with ladder tl‘lle. All llom?;b;3§'f§?f” 77 ,(l71,‘\l718 384381} after 5’mn lclwqg ‘ nigthlildysv raght g9“: CIUbSI 2 ,7,,,,_,,_, A_ __ >_ _V Clw'l’g Ideal situalmn fol- retired man. Qty, om'm'townv “"3! Drop?“ 8§5‘7§03 “719,11? Pm' 77 , c1,\"_+§1conllnercial residential and in-.FREE â€"â€" 5 momh 01d blaCk Laâ€"l 77777 .ERIEVT *' * gtfi misnol 88*21658 “0° SI 3 “onsv bag-SPECIALI SPECIAL: SPECIAL! or couple. Phone Mrs. Rickfi‘WS' Mortgage .F““‘l"‘g’ 121ROOM and board for gentleman dusm'ai wiring. Free estimates-Ibrador Retriever. 832-1576. ,BASthL ‘83 45311;? 1 e - chfléh- 7 b1-7n7lfiy7h70nw7 ‘ “$1343 New cliestel‘fields $150 and up, 889-6204. clu~43.“‘°hm°“d S‘- “’-I T°F°m°~ ‘773-5770. ticjlfi Call any time. 884-3931. ’ 01“'48.m°“7737‘7 17757-7- 7-Iaésecfifez‘g3glgg'z chm; - - ‘ 7 7 helper Ilady or I - 7 . I. , 7 ‘ . 7 _ 7 7 I12 a_u pnces' Beglnnels lesson PM“; H7 â€" 777 7777 7â€"câ€"1â€"“fi gentiewmnn Please apply Scott‘s 01 “Ute. F , k G .‘ 6 pm 01‘ anytime \\ C(‘ké‘lKlS- 884‘ c, . .., . only 4 lakefront 1015 Starting letdln babel;th apalunerlt' 8400000 I lluudlng'f . %¥§T;;.g_ 4 murse' Have fun â€" §°§ “5! TO“PIA*\O‘ excellent .Condmon‘ EliickCIi Villa. 191 Yonée Sli'ecl F I v @7111 E ite~HI 7 s 8355- 93““ Complele home ma'lllenance at 3‘2 295 to 52.995. 20 miles east "\,d“l‘5' EKETZET; 77777776“)? slol‘e [13197 15 5d 01 d ‘ gintgvglfald Ienile' 32:4 Xyongf‘Tlllit'Eliged and repaired 3225‘ North. in per~on Olilva Cl\\48 [Sini'lghoensilpsmm _â€"__â€"â€"â€"-â€"â€"" and all home impro‘iemems and of Farm Sound on Huv 518. YONGE and Stcclcs area. base' glymg Dai' s u l. ‘ " “7 a e- 2 ml 95 nortll '30 - Cl\\'43 * 7 7 7 :7 '7' r 7777 1 ° ' ' alterations - l “'i - ' " '3) I ~tment rirate bathâ€" ' .7 . ‘ ' 7 . â€"7â€" â€"-~~7 7 l ' - _ A « I I 7 7 V 416-0031. c\cnlnos 410-4.)..9. merit all-11 - l3 > . V 7 . - ,.l audlt mm “.401 oppos‘te w‘uo“ Theatle- COMPLETE revulal' 8 movie PERSON {91 Rough?” Clean. "Imolâ€"a ‘ T JOHN E. QLINN 5 UNIT room and entrance. store and ARBOR)“ Lm’mud 7 ._ l. k 222'65177 222“6701- Open even- omfit- camera Dim-mey editor _mgI one 01 “‘0 (id-‘5 3 “99“ "3‘46‘1 A i Contractor 334-5176 7777 77 7 77 7 7 #771 fridw Mature adults on“ 889, clualons 0“ the t0“n_§ 300 S ings_ Shel-way Gardens Branch ‘_ _ .' ;_) ~ ‘ ‘ - for one month, napk- al‘ea‘ 9 am to 9 p.1ll.l)_\ appotniment 7 -â€"â€""â€"777 iil'7.r: ' ticgl MAPLE LAKE . f ' ‘ 'C'1w48 indicate a 1970 Operating sur- 621-1871. chum‘igllceh flhel' 884“‘97 3219:“: 832-8864. clw-lS tic-IS to}:Sigfdlifif‘éifilriiififiie 7770\7E7‘7EIO7gCHOOl7 0F 7 Parry Sound alga. lChalet1 lots. 2312:1171 I 7 7Th707mm711 plus at $18.485. council has â€"â€"-7 â€"â€"â€"7----- 77 __ _I - 7 7 77 7 I - L ‘ ~ -“ . . \ c 2 I _ r I - I ~ g 7‘ ' "‘ ' 1 use. ‘ . - . C KNAPPETT FOR LOAM ‘ ’BIG’S‘LF." "”’* FACTOI“ help wanted. heclc rail fencing. sandy lop sell and (PHOLSTERY Etléinnitmfigxlsgdc .3 bedroom?“ “1.9:. room. 5233 leamed . I l. s ‘ Loam -- manure â€" top soil â€" [56d sewins midchl'l'les $1493 and lllgll‘W-Y 7- EXP91‘l9llce in . 7 '“Usm‘oom compo“ B-‘llhella‘ld CliE‘rlCl'leldS and chairs I'câ€" I ' ' ' DI tic-l7 Inommt Jim 1 possession. 8894\IEIHHRKE‘I‘; 'I‘nun count-II mushroomceompost 777 Deal New sewing machines .8591l73lalummum “Endg‘: [Flew] 8‘1? “ m’ load. Free estimates. ‘Elsf; ('0\(>I'C‘(l like new __.â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€" 8474. hi i c1w43 has inherited a headache “011‘ moss. etc. .L. Knappetl Land- and u . 7. . 7. - "‘ not eSst‘lllla. a .0m. o.- , - 6333 .7 P“. FOR ‘HTFRHLS 0“ Y 7 ' H .17 hI “7m.” . S l‘ p. Belnilla Sewing Lentre. 7‘ , H .7 - A ~ A e I - j V ‘ g ALuLABLE \tllltchuich OMIS 19- K Scam“ “"1 Sul’l’hes- 884-3089. Richmond I-Icighls Contic. 884- "940 ‘71“4“ T70 RLTT LANDSCAPING NO ADDITIONAL CHARCE FRAILERS _)AP"“>T:‘IE\7rT 7. fl . Ihey took over amicch land tfc43.3775. c3\\48 JANl'l‘ORIAl. \\'Ol'is;. part time NEEDED at Maple -pl~cl'cl~uhl:. LA... )lainicnunce FOR LABOR TO RENT -_ 7399,100’“. “‘“E- . “‘dé‘t‘h January I Ith- also tOOk mcr 777_,.,_i_ TOP} .l’b .67 ‘.'b f'f’ 1' memngs. exponent-c pi'clci‘l'cd. chle Street North June 11. Free EElimatgs All work guaranteed 7 L L i L .. $199â€"yb95110‘l'“ “‘an ’_ ' a plggCI-I; and a lot of pollu- WEAT PRICE CAR ARE I135 £8; eakgilslll‘ aggrigg; S ' Option of buying business. Single room fOr man. 3+1, or Yearly Basis Pick up and deliver} 'l'E.\"1‘ trailer lor rem. sleeps all» :1 RCCPOOI‘U FY”: llnddlil mm problems. Complaints ah- - l . . g . ‘ , -I , 7 , . . _ 7 - . . . _ - 7 '7 Q . 2 ~ - 3 A ---v_11 4 6. “9.5260, c2ll-l'l' 0013 8 i “‘11 “1C U 95 “3' I I 'I o ors are l - YOU LOOKING FOR‘.‘ I \ cIIIlR “‘fifglVaTlo ‘gg‘fg‘; “’0’” and b°‘“d‘ 88911OS'L.1\..4S Pomonfl‘jgggcdpl“ FREE EST] “TBS minis 37%MBLEâ€"fgrdge-3f5’o hydro. sol't hall-II. Near Rich- Hafiz?“ d ’e __7A7,4___i!_ 7_,. , . . ‘10- i ‘ ' . " ~ _ _ . - ‘ I 7 7 _ V, . ‘ .. ‘ . 7 77L 7 _.7.. _ 777-77 Pâ€"_ ‘ â€" 7 77 7 77 777 ‘ ‘ ‘ . . . 1 P Adullrl a it. it ~ LOW, .mlddle’ high? You,“‘IERAI'OR. baby caill- leeial . and enclose ‘phone 3 ADULTS and .2 Children are rfl <li:f<.'l~3 REID LAWNMOWER week DerlOdS from May , Sep. Elgilllgrorhlcgggtsw12:14.2“; s ‘ i ‘ I .- 1 V cm. 1" ."en' Price range ad-laglcrfiol‘ P113 “mien “an?” numb“ 0“ IMO“ 8°4‘4‘b84' . looking for a 4 bedroom “ell GENERlâ€"iflundécépe. trees and SALES AND SERVICE Iembcr. 15‘ travel trailer. liltcii ‘ I {ma BOLION: Innh< chinciccs vel‘tised In “The Liberal" Usedf0C qgߤ?;84373999‘.. .ci‘HS 77 , , 7 7 7 1 “RM,” kept house 111 cood area. close bushes supplied and planted. Complete lawnmower and snO\\'â€" and mirrors supplied. slecps 6. ‘ I 7' 7 7 ‘ H have lost then .106. a Icsun, Cal‘s Column: See for i’ourselLTELEVlSION. Electroliomc. 19" E X P E R I F. _\ C E D hairdrcs- to shopping. schools and trans- lawns seeded and slim} ed. PrO- mobile repairs and SEI‘VICE- R959”? no“ dmfl be mid." I‘L‘I‘ELHTE‘P 7mm”. bu’lmbb (if 7‘”: I “Salli: 17:11:”: 02 Inâ€" today. Theres plenty to choose portable. 8100. Excellent condi- scr. female pl't‘iCl'lt‘d 702-3708 Imitation Jul) 1 ill' .\u7:u:t l fessional glide-no: 834-7933 Open 8 am - 9 pm. 884-7716. pomtcd for summer 389-3van :Irl olA-IluO alto] h pm ‘1‘.” full-“('W‘I‘I‘um“5,... pinml mn' an {NHL tlon. 889-9390. CHI-18 al'tel 8 ii” pm. cl ‘43 lm~~csslnn 694-393”. (’llilS til 47. tl’r‘lR c, I In I I r a - . EOY’S bicycle. good conditiOII.I Bed Chestelfields $140 and 111" SERVICEâ€"statiOIiflattcndant or" Mr. Balick â€"- 363-3422 Barrie 705-726-0981 ROOORITOaL'Rileiblc: V’pril‘gte en- _ tfc36 # 7 Fâ€"O’INISHED room. Telcvisio and parking. Gentleman prc-‘___,_, 7.,.,,....7. _ 334-6317aft81‘6 pm clwés‘ILazv bOv cl‘airs etc Come - " 7' z ‘ 7' ' I" 7 7‘ 7__ 4: w; 17. ' .l . - i~ - trainee with mechanical ability! . trance. pal-kind. 889-3210. I BRICK A.\D STORE \‘l ORK v H 1 V V _. 7 ORG-ANS â€"- brand new eleC-!,“,h.ele.the bail-gall“ “9' Con“ neat appearance. friendly. Re- . : :' . 7 * flfia D “1“‘43 Firepl‘wc‘s _ “mm?” " ilInIICdl I-LIOIQ'LOl mEaliifotiiag-lggg AURORA: Exca‘ali‘m “Wk "0" tronics, 2keyboard plus 13 note DO”: 1%.?) pélcés' “loll buy at.ferences required. Apply ’l‘ex-‘ FH‘ST “ECO-RD ROOMia’ndiboard. adultihdnie, tom bum 'â€" WHOSI “.3115: CHOICE cottage lots. lll exclu- 1°”“d‘ ‘ ‘ ’ “W46; gan last week on the big Met- Pedal board Including matching .a 1 5:95 c e“ and Lbed Em" aco. 7151 yonge Street, Thom. MORTGAGLb ARBAOG’ED demleman [nu-erred comm-,1. on flower boxes-garagesvetC-(‘l‘ar' give Lake Simcoe area. 884- 7 7 7 77 - 77 777â€".1‘01201113n Store m the ,iul'md bench _. only $319. Ne“. and nlture. \onge Street and Given 11111.9 am _ 6 pm' clw4s‘Reasonable rates. Existing moIIt- BUS line c1036 ‘0 CO bus, N0 ameed “orkmémship. F01. free 2273‘ “C47 HOUSE for raw 3 bedroomsuplazal E. s. Mam” of lownm used Hammonds and Lowreysi Rd., Oak Ridges, 773-5544. 77777 77 7.7â€" _7 GENERAL 7 gages. purchased for cash. C'll d shift workers. Please call after ' . .. 3 . . . ‘ . ‘ __ , _ . 7 L 7 # estimate tall I ll Construction LOWER nuns LAKE ' heated. $150. month. Owner to‘ is the general contractor on the

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