Happy birthday to Mr. and Mrs. Sam Doner, who celebrate their 84th birthdays this year on September 2 and 3. Mr. Doner is still a patient in Cent- enary Hospital, Scarboro. We also welcome Mr. and Mrs. Jeges of Aurora, who have moved into the farm they rec- ently purchased from Meredith‘ Ash. 1 Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Sudeyko moved to Timmins on Saturday. Mr. and Mrs. Henry Heise had a successful auction sale on Monday last. and have mov- ed to the apartment owned by Lewis Heise. Mrs. Jessie Coleman of To~ ronto has bought Henry Heise’s house, and will be moving in shortly. We welcome her to the community. a Friends will have the oppor- tunity of a last farewell visit with Mr. and Mrs. Desmond Meed and family on Saturday afternoon, June 12, from 3 pm to 5 pm in the United Church basement at Victoria Square. They leave the next day to be- gin their second tour of mis- sionary service in Ethiopia. Miss Faye Johnson and Don Wideman will be guests of hon- or at a miscellaneous shower on the evening of June 4 at Vic~ toria Square hall. Ambrbse Pullen left on June 1 for a holiday in England. Mrs. Clarence Weaver of Coboconk spent several days with her son-in-law and daugha ter, Mr. and Mrs. Eldon Brill~ ï¬nger. . During the past weekend, Mr. and Mrs. John Wideman and family attended Frontier Forest Camp near Bancroft as spon- sors for the Youth Camp. Mrs. Eby of Breslau showed pictures of Rev. Walter Kelly’s work in Nicaragua at Heise Hill Church Sunday night. Mrs. Eby visited her son-in-law and daughter while they were still in Costa Rica. Heise Hill Intermediate Sew- ing Circle met Monday night at the home of Mrs. Clifford Win- ger. These same ladies met all day Tuesday in the Fellowship Hall of the Missionary Church. A large crowd attended the auction on Saturday last of Mt. Pihgah United Church. Bidding was keen and prices were good as the furnishings of this cent- ury old church were distributed to various buyers. MarkhamMusicAlumni Garden Party Sunday The Markham Chapter of the Alumni Association of the Royal Conservatory of Music of To- ronto is having its annual gar- den party Sunday at the home of Mrs. Fred McCleary, Stouff- ville. Members are hoping for a good turnout o! alumni of the conservatory, including those who are not members of the branch. Mr. and Mrs. Ron Stutzman and infant son of Marian. Penn~ sylvania. spent the weekend with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Doner. Mrs. Charles Milsted and Charleen attended a miscellan- eous shower Friday night for her nephew, Ronald Gooding A number of the WMS ladies of the Missionary Church enter- tained on Wednesday afternoon for the residents of Parkview Home, Stouffville, several of whom had birthdays in May. Miss Hazel Johnson returned home last week after having spent several weeks in York gilrlltral Hospital, Richmond We wish a speedy recovery for Mrs. Russell Heise, who had surgery at York County Hos~ pital, Newmarket last week. Clarence Doner is also in York County Hospital, having var- ious tests and X~rays. Congratulations to Lawrence Bremner, who received honors standing in his second year at Western University of London. Mrs. Charles Milsted attend- ed the graduation exercises on Friday morning at York Uni- versity, when her nephew, Ron- ald Gooding of Richmond Hill, graduated. Mr. and Mrs. Edgar Brimi- combe and Ricky moved on Saturday from the mushroom farm to Nova Scotia. Mrfvaridv Mrs. Alvin Farmer had supper recently with Mrs. Jos. Cherry of Barrie._ Neighborhood Notgs‘ TOWN OF MARKHAM WATER POLLUTION CONTROL PLANT Quotations, sealed in the envelopes provided which shall be clearly marked as to contents, will be received by the Chief of Purchasing, 4th Floor, 135 St. Clair Ave. W., Toronto '7, Ontario, until 12 o'clock noon Toronto time on Monday, July 5, 1971. for the removal and disposal of liquid digested sludge from the Town of Markham W.P.C.P. located on Tuglar Lane, Markham. Ontario. Complete information and quotation forms may be obtained from the Director of Plant Operations, 5th Floor, 40 St. Clair Ave. W., Toronto 7, or his agent Mr, I. Baron, Chief Operator, Town of Markham W.P.C.P. D. S. Caverly, General Manager The Commission reserves the right to reject any or all quotations and the lowest or any quotation will not necessarily be accepted. ONTARIO WATER RESOURCES COMMISSION QUOTATIONS FOR REMOVAL AND DISPOSAL OF SLUDGE CORRESPONDENT: MRS. CHAS. MILSTED Telephone 887-5445 nod Notes and his fiancee Miss Judith Mc- , Mrs. Edgar Brimi- Dowell, at the home of Mr. and .1 Ricky moved on Mrs. Robert McDowell in Ux- from the mushroom bridge. GORMLEY NEWS from Misses Blanche, Freda and Ruth Henderson attended the graduation exercises at the Un- iversity of Waterloo when their niece. Blanche Cassel of Pres- ton. graduated. Hon. John RD" barts was guest speaker. ' Mr. and Mrs. Howard Grim- bly of Birchcliff, Toronto, vis- ited Mrs. Fred Lewis on Wed- nesday. A community miscellaneous shower was held Friday last for Bill Gamble and his fiancee, Linda Armstrong. at Wesley United Church. They will be married at this church June 5. Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Dodd had as visitors for a week Mr. and Mrs. E. Chamey of Ste. Rose. Quebec. Congratulations to Rev. and Mrs. Andrew McNiven who were married 26 years on Sun- day, and to Mr. and Mrs. Har- ol-d Wideman. who were mar- ried 21 years. Church News Over 350 ladies attended thei annual WMS convention Tues-3 day at Gormley Missionary; Mrs. Russell Raymer of Willow-‘ dale was re-elected for another year as preSident. Guest speakers were Miss Margaret Brown, RN. Miss Annie Yeo of Nigeria, Africa, D e s m o n d Meed of Ethiopia, Africa, and the District Superintendent Rev. Grant Sloss. who present- ed the Home Mission project for the year. STOUFFVILLE â€"â€" Council has again reaffirmed its stand against rezoning the site of Stouffville Trailer Sales. The company is located on Highway 48 near Dickson’s Hill. Council decided to wait until the whole area is rezoned. It unanimously agreed not to issue a building permit for a 40 x 60 storage shed on the property. Mrs. Fred Lewis attended a bridal shower Friday night for granddaughter, Miss Bonnie Sugden of Bethesda. GEORGINA, ISLAND: The Georgina Indians hope to see large cottages dot presently vac- ant Fox Island in the near fu- ture. Plans are being prepared to develop the 48-acre island with 15 large cottages. The sites would be available on a long term lease. There are al- ready 200 cottages on nearby Snake Island also belonging to the Indians with room for more. Mr. and Mrs. Desmond Meed and family spent Sunday and Monday with friends in Wood- stock. Glen Orchard for a few days. John Donor and Miss June Nichols were guests of honor at a miscellaneous shower Fri- day night, May 21 at the Chris- tian and Missionary Church in Unionville. They were again honored May 28 at Victoria Square hall at a community miscellaneous shower. Max Hazel left May 28 to spend several months with rela- tives in Germany. Mrs. 1‘ guest of Glen ON David Hallman of Kitchener was a recent visitor with his grandparents, Rev. and Mrs. Harvey Hellman. Mrs. Beulah Jones spent Sev- eral days with her son and daughter-in-law, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Jones and family of Wind- sor. Congratulations to Miss Bren- da Ash, who came first and won a scholarship in the Intermed- iate Scholarship Recital held May 17 at Cedar Brae Golf and Country Club. The recital was given by Ontario Regis- tered Music Teachers’ Associa- tion. The adjudicator was Dr. Melville Cook. Mrs. Peggy Clarke of Markham is Brenda’s music teacher. music teacher. Miss Dorothy Dc chener spent the weekend with Mr. Fred Doust. John Campey was a holi- day guest of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Logan of Stouffville. _ Congratulations to Mn and Mrs. Larry Brewer, nee Brenda Armstrong, who were married May 29 in Richmond Hill Un- ited Church. Mr. and Mrs, Armstrong live in one of Miss Hazel Johnson‘s apartments. Miss Arvilla Forrester has completed her treatments at Princess Margaret Hospital, To- ronto, and is now back at Park- view Home, Stouftville. W. S. Mao-Donnell, Commission Secretary Norman f Mrs. n Brown Allan I for a few and Mi: guests 01 Doust of * Victoria Mr. and 1 was Pope Kit- Day Gorgeous weekends we’ve been having this year, so far, Over the past one, I spent a couple of days at Balm Beach, up near Wasaga â€" beautiful. There is less and less wildlife of iwo deer which had leapt in in this area. with industry front on his car on Don Mills making shgl inroads south of Road near Miller Road. One of Neighborhood Notes Every input was chosen because it gives the best results in this areaâ€" and the best value for your money. You’ll find names you know and trust â€"â€"llke Chipman, and Shell pesticides; Ayerst, Tuco, Norwich and Sepko animal health products. Northrupâ€"King seed corn â€"Hyland Brand seed grain and our own ClL range of custom-blend fertil- izers and feed pre-mixes. What’s going on at the Agromart? Drop around and see for yourself. It’s turning into a one-stop farm service centre. Right now, you can get most any farm input you want. Whatever crop you’re growing. Whatever livestock you raise. Buttonvillez Community Happenings 1. Feed Complete line of feed pre- mixes for Hogs, Beef and Dairy Cat- tle. Starter feed for calves and pig- lets â€"lâ€" Minerals + Feed-processing equipment. Custom-designed feed programs for your livestock, to in- crease production, raise profits. 2. Animal Health Products for Hogs, Beef and Dairy Cattle. Antibiotics for all major diseases + Feed Medâ€" ication â€":~ Shell Brand insecticides for fly, louse and grub control + Growth promoters. Plus valuable on-farm advice on disease control. 3. Seed Seed-com, barley, wheat, oats and forage seeds, especially chosen for this area. Northrup King seed corn: single, double, 3-way, 4-way and special crosses: early and late maturing varieties. For grain and sileage corn. Hyland Brand cereal grains supplied by W. G. Thompson & Sons. Plus helpful information on crop- target planning. “Corn-Mate†pro- grams. Brand-names you can trust « Look what you can get at the Agromart ’Highway 7, so police and road men were more than surprised when two dead deer turned up recently. Two weeks ago today, Thursday, a motorist reported to police that he had struck one of two deer which had leapt in CORRESPONDENT: N You can get a lot more than; fertilizer from the CIL Agromart NOW, you’ll find over 90 farm inputs in stockâ€" and a new type of technical and business service MRS. F. H. LEAF â€"â€" PHONE 499-0376 6. General supplies ClLfarm paints, heavy duty plastic sheets, twine, tools and other hardware items. 7. How to do it booklets Useful in- formative booklets by Federal and Provincial Governments on all as- pects of farming. Plus special infor- mation leaflets on all our products and advice from CIL specialists. 5. Pesticides A complete range of top-quality brand name herbicides, insecticides,fungicidesforailcrops. Help is available in choosing the right pesticide, and advice on how to apply for best results. 4. Fertilizer Nitrogen fertilizers. Easy flowing dry fertilizer for all crops,_ bulk or bagged, custom- blended to suit soil needs + Corn starter fertilizers + Rental bulk spreading equipment â€"â€" when you want them. Delivery and custom application services. Soil-testing and plant tissue-testing to help you raise yields. Your Agromart Manager knows local farming very well. So, to help you and help the Agromart Manager, ClL has formed a special Adviser Service â€"â€" a team of specialists to give you down-to-earth advice on what’s new â€" and what works. You can get on-farm advice about Feed, Seed, Soil Management, Fertilizer, Animal Health, Nutrition, and Farm Man- agement â€"â€" simply by asking your Agro- mart manager to call the Advisers in. But there’s so much new information pouring out, no one man can keep on top of it. So, to help you and help the Agromart Manager, ClL has formed a special Adviser Service â€"â€" a team of specialists to give you down-to-earth advice on what’s new â€" and what works. You can get on-farm advice about Feed, Seed, Soil Management, Fertilizer, Animal Health, Nutrition, and Farm Man- agement â€" simply by asking your Agro- mart manager to call the Advisers in. Agromart Farmers’ Meetings keep you up to date When we talked to farmers about this VI DU“ 80 this year the Agromart will run a series of Farmers’ Meetings on what’s happening in'tarming. Nothing formal. Just coffee and donuts. An agricultural specialist or one of our supplier’s experts will talk a while, then answer questions. We’ll announce the meetings in the paper. Plan to come along. You never know what you‘ll learn. What else can the Agromart do for you? The biggest problem a farmer faces is the battle to keep profits up. it’s not a new problem. But ClL have some new answers. ClL Agromart Managers, Advisers and the animals was killed, but night, June 4, when the auxili- ihere was no other damage. Then my will sponsor a Polynesian Tuesday of the following week. buffet barbecue and dance. You the York roads crew spotted won't want to miss this if you another gOOd Sized fawn in the remember last year‘s Hawaiian ditch near the same spot. It had luau. The time is 8:30 pm, and been killed also, tickets are available from Mrs. There is going___to be a gala Ryan, 297-2848. affair at UniogiiVilla tomor'row‘ 'Thére was a swinging fashion Special Adviser Service new service, a lot of them said “I've got to know what the new farm ideas are before I can get advice on them.†Fair enough. ClL Agromart . Maple Farm Supply Limited PO. Box 256, Maple, Ontario 832-1561 show held at the Villa Hospital Church Women will wind uplAndrew Glenny on Bathurst Street Wednesday their current season with a pot Unionville. last. Residents and community luck luncheon and get-together Fr. d will members got into the act with at the home of Mrs. Alf l leghst Mrs verve and imagination. Some of Miller. The time is 12:30 pm and earn 1" d ‘ the dresses were gracious all the ladies of the congrega- was lies?†) gowns of earlier days, and tion are invited. The guest giggly If bwee others Were fun things. speaker will be Mrs. Stewart F I: swe $93? Members of the Markham Rumble. In case of inclement a ' e m Little Theatre group modelled weather, the group will meet at lBrother office their version of the "Hot Pants†the church. gional Police h Members of the Markham Little Theatre group modelled their version of the "Hot Pants" craze, and one lady sported a "Tea" gown â€"â€" a creation decked with tea bags. craze. and one lady sported a Friday, June 11, York Central "Tea" .gown â€" a creation Hospital auxiliary members decked with tea bags. lButtonville branch) will hold Wednesday, June 9, the their end of season pot luck Brown's Corners United luncheon at the home of Mrs. Maple King Side Rd. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, June 3, 1971 lids Rd. CIL Agromflt ‘King City 'Maplo economic specialists have been con- ducting months of research into crop- planning, livestock production and farm economics. Now you know a little more about the Agromart, why not drop in and meet the Agromart Manager? He’s got a pot of coffee on the stove, and he’s ready to talk. Now, solid farm management plans are being drawn up. The first is called “Planned Profit Farming". its aim? To help you develop a long-term program for your farm business, using and adapting new and proven products and systems. ' You can put “Planned Profit Farming†to work on yourfarm operation rightnow. Ask your Agromart Manager for more. information. Agromart et at Brother officers of York Re- gional Police honored Former ntral Chief Harvey Cox at a party [hers held at the North Thornhill hold Community Centre May 20. He luck will be greatly missed in the Mrs. ranks of the local division. Friends will be happy to learn that Mm. George Kelly was released from hospital early last week a day or so after she became ill at Fenelon Falls. We think of her. ‘, 16th Avenue.