The girls modelled outfits they had made in the home economics classes and received much applause for their efforts. In the above picture Diane Hodg- 5011 of grade 11 models her off-white and navy pant suit with matching accessmies. The Show with a' professional gloss was pro- duced and staged by the students. with about 50 girls participating with the settings, videotaping, table appointments and refreshments. Mrs. Patricia Robertson and Mrs. Faye Willis were the staff con- sultants. A fashion show presented by the grade 9 to 1] students of the home economics classes, Richmond Hill High School. received high praise from the 300 mothers and students in attendance†NOTICE TO CONTRACTORS TENDERS FOR ROAD AN STORM SEWER CONSTRUCTION Mr. R. Lynett Town Clerk Town of Richmond Hill Municipal Offices Richmond Hill, Ontario up to NOON, local time on: MONDAY,\JUNE 14. 1971 for the reconstruction of Yonge Street, Markham Road and Vaughan Street (Stage 3) in the Town of Richmond Hill. Ontario. The work includes grading. granular base. curb and gutter. asphalt paving. retaining walls, storm sewers, sidewalks and watermam. Plans and Contract Documents may be obtained from the Toronto Office of the Consulting Engin- eer. A charge of $25.00 will be made for each set of Plans and Documents. which will be refunded to Contractors submitting bona fide tenders to the Owner and who return Plans and D0cuments in good condition to the office of the Consulting Engineers within thirty (30) days of the closing of Tenders. Cheques shall he made payable to Proctor & Redfern. The Tenderer shall submit with his Tender a Bid Bond in an amount equal to ten (10) percent of the amount of the Tender. The lowest or any Tender need not necessarily be accepted. The Town of Proctor & Redfern Richmond Hill Consulting Engineers Mr. R. Lynett 75 Eglinton Avenue E. Town Clerk Toronto 315. Ontario Municipal Offices Richmond Hill, Ontario Project E0 66 20 THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario, Thursday. June Ana’ I Made It Myself! Sealed Tenders properly marked as to contents will be received by: 459 of The Municipal Act. R.S.O. 1960, C. 249. to stop up and close up a portion of Muirhead Cresâ€" cent, being the westerly ] foot (1') thereof as shown on Registered Plan 349 registered in the Registry Office for the Registry Division of York North. The Council Will hear on the 7th dav of June. TAKE NOTICE that the Council of the Corp- oration of the Town of Richmond Hill proposes to enact a By-law under the authority of Section The. Council will hear on the 7th day of June, 1971 in person or by his counsel, solicitor or agent any person who claims that his land will he prejudicially affected by the By-law and who applies to be heard. . William C. Lazenby, R. Lynett, MAYOR CLERK Town Town of Richmond Hill of Richmond Hill I cut?- Proctor & Redfern Consulting Engineers 75 Eglinton Avenue E. Toronto 315. Ontario Photo by Stuart‘s Studio) Places visited included the Centennial Science Centre. the historical restorations at Mid- land. a commercial dairy. Black Creek Pioneer Village. Mc- Laughlin Planetarium. Klein- burg Art Centre, the Royal On- ‘tario Museum, various conser- vation areas, music festivals, a sugar bush. various farms in York Region. local hospitals. Riverdale Zoo. Fort York. the Royal Winter Fair. Casa Loma, an atomic plant. a Jewish Syna- gogue. numerous historic sites. airports. parks, concerts. and other places too numerous to mention. Most trips â€" 225 of them â€"-â€" fell into the second category. excursions during a school day. For this type. funds were taken from the excursion budget to pay for bus transportation and any fees involved. Youngsters from kindergarten to grade 8 were involved, and in some cases parents were asked to supple- ment the cost. The grade 8 pupils of St. Robert's School in Tliornhill. through various independent. projects and with help from parents. paid the greater pan of the cost of their trip to Quebec City. and emphasis centered around the study of history, geography. language and music. There were just four over- night excursions: grade 7 and 8 pupils from St. Patrick‘s School in Markham and from St. Joseph's School in Richmond Hill spent a week at the Con- servation School at, Alhinn Hills. and grade 7 pupils from Notre Dame School in Newmarket spent three days in Algonquin Park. The programs centred around science and conserva. tion, and in the majority of cases the pupils raised most of the money for thé. trips. Others. 3 total of 246.- were itemized in a seven-page wri1- ten report. Trips described ranged from a five-day visit to Quebec cily lo walks in the noighhorhood: {to the fireball. a nearby store. 1or a neighboring field or stream ‘for nature study. 1 In its 1970 budget, Mr. Zup- ancic explained. the board agreed to set aside $1.50 per pupil for an estimated 4.500 children â€" a total of $6,750, In the report. outdoors educa- tion was classified under four headings: overnight excursions. excursions and field trips durâ€" ing, the school day. recreational activities, and local excursions or field trips. 1 The last mentioned are not generally recorded by adminis- tration because no cost is in- volved and the excursion is local in nature, Mr. Zupancic told the trustees. Is there a hole in your homeowner insurance big enough to drive a car through? A Safeco Homeowner Policy covers the gaps and eliminates overlaps. FRANK A. TUCKER 889 = 2000 VVorry Outdoor activities, excursions‘geared and field trips are playing aniscience ever-increasing role in the pro- studies grams of the schools in the Rcâ€" music, gion of York. and at a recent: The] meeting of York County RomanimP I Catholic School Board, Assis-lcatego] tant Superintendent John Zu- involve pancic reported on the extent of educat; the program of education in “anal; 1970. iewimm Catholic Schools On The Move In Great Vanety held Trlps i oard , uca Ion At its renllar meetinz Educational experiences were SWIMMING POOLS WELLS & CISTERNS FILLED Roy Harrison Water Supply 884-2728 aAFEGQ INSURANCE 1971 He warned trustees that. ef- fective January 1, 1971. provin- cial regulations will not permil a budget carry-over. and will effect, budget planning for the program for the current year, geared to the occasion including lscience. history. religion. social ,studies, language. conservation, music, and art. There were few trips listed in the “recreational activities" category â€" just 17 â€" for they involved combining physical education with some recrea- tional pursuit such as skating or swimming, and were generally arranged locally and financed by the parents. Total cost of the program to the board was $7.400. said Mr. Zupancic. explaining that the $650 spent in excess of the 1970 budget allowance represents the net unspent amount carried for- ward from 1969. ""MJZK U U INSTALLED. WHITEWALLS only $3 more I . anddm’lԠ_ You‘re mulesAahead With RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE. RICHMOND HILL STORES nunuumuumuumulIlkuunmmmunmummumnuumnmuuv amlnummuuu“mumummuuuummmuunuuuuuuummum Meetinzs will take place on June 7. June 21. July 5. August 16 and August 30. with any additional meet- ings called at the discretion of the chairman if press- in: business crops up that has to be dealt with in public session. At its regular meeting May 25. the York County Board of Education approv- ed a schedule for summer meetings. The Doara normally meMs on the second and fourth Mondays of each month at the administration building. rora Church Street. in Au- : Why Firestone? : Born in London, England. Mrs. Anderson came to’ Canada with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Boggis, at the age of seven and the family settled at Bracondale, now a part of Tor- onto. There her father operated the general store with its ac- companying post: office and his daughter often was found len- ding a helping hand in carrying and delivering the mail. She also was organist for the Zion Methodist Church. which later became St. Clair United Church. On her marriage to Thomas Henry Anderson in 190]. she One of Richmond Hill's 01d- est. residents, 94-year-old Mrs. Emily Anderson, 165 Richmond Street. passed away at. the Villa Hospital May 23. She had been a resident of this town since 1929. 94â€"Year-Old Resident Passes Came To Richmond Hill In I929 Emily Elizabeth Anderson WHITEWALLS only $3 more Stores OPEN THURS. 8: FRI. EV'ENINGS ’TIL 9 RM. 884-4401 moved to a farm in the Fair- banks area. where she con- tinued to live until coming'to Richmond Hill in 1929. A member of Richmond Hill United Church. she was a val- ued member of the church or- ganizations. The funeral service was held Wednesday afternoon at the Marshall Funeral Home. with Rev. Charles Higginson officia- ting. Interment. followed in Richmond‘ Hill Cemetery with {our nephews Cliff Anderson. Earl Anderson. Harw Devana, Sid Broadbelt and Norm Mc- Predeceased by her husband. Mrs. Anderson is survived by a son. Norman of Willowdale and daughters Irene and Lillian at home. Lead and Jack Molyneaux ser ving as pallbearers. INSTALLED I Open a Firestone ‘ Budget Account MI PLYMOUTH CURDNET MNTEG SKYlARK I I. 9 95 ~ ‘ INSTAl WEED CONTROL LAWN FERTILIZING TITSHALL'S GREENHOUSE 88 MAY AVE. a. 884-4983 QUALITY BEDDING PLANTS by DELESCO ' S 225-1881 Right now is the right time to replace those worn out tires. Belcause right now you'll really start piling on the maes. On hot highways. Busy highways. Deserted sideroads. If a tire fails it can be mighty inconvenient. Or you may not be that lucky. So bring your car in today to Firestone for a free tire safety inspection. Here’s another reason why right now is the right time to put your car on sale new tires. Tne deals are really SunSational at Firestone. Especially on our Double Belted Strata-Streak. But we’ve got all kinds of deals on all kinds of tires for all kinds cl cars. Right now. WHITEWALLS only $3 more NOW READY To fit many models of Whyml or use your. . . FORD CHEV. Satisfaction Guaranteed 0 Quality Workmanship 0 Good Service INSTALLED