5' 8‘ GM??? 66131 ' We sell and service the fabulous NIAGARA ' POOLS (Canada's Largest!) Above and inâ€"ground, I installed and in kits at the BEST PRICE†‘ I : (‘ALL TOWN POOLS AT 884-4083 .‘I‘I“7!“I-I7I“I“J i‘iu“-“““i“_‘.‘ E ‘3 It's Camp Time! E i ‘ ‘ : PARK ‘Y' E f 6 "fl: '5 : i FOR BOYS AND 1 ! At The Mill Pond - Richmond Hill i 2nd and 3rd Mortgages Arranged in the Convenience Of Your Home LOW cost. You can call to 10 pm. today for helpful courteous service. Prompt Investment Corp. Ltd., 330 Bay Street, Toronto. Call collect. 366-9586, Evgs. 231-8146 I 01 uuc canns Ill luau umu~ FEE: $12 FOR EACH TWO-WEEK SESSION W I 19:, i The present Woolworth's I Register now at the ‘Y’ â€" 25 Yonge St. N,, Richmond Hm I V 5 store was opened October I or phone 8844811 for Applicatmn Faun mumullululuuuumnmuum\mmuuuumIIIIIluuuuumuuuuu= 29, 1959_ It took the place Sponsored by: I BOYS AND GIRLS 0‘ the former Mansm'idge I THE PARKS BOARD AND RECREATION COMMITTEE 'Make regular pocket money onl ¥éfldnlffsï¬e;,lo:id85tigg OF RICHMOND HILL a Liberal paper route. Estabâ€" Mansbridge family home and THE RICHMOND HILL & DISTRICT Y.W.C.A. .I‘Sh‘iiuf,°“;f:ama§,'h::e and Iovely garden. In I ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ u ‘ ‘ n ‘ ‘ ‘ u ‘ dCirculation. 884-1105. WWMIMW Just North of Richmond Heights Centre Phone 884-8911 24 Hour Approvals JULY 'th t 161}! TWO SESSIONS mu ism ‘30 am 9:15 AM. TO 3:45 Pu“. â€" MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY Bring your lunch â€"- we provide the milk JACKPOT $500 CURRENT FEATURES: The first in a summer replacement show entitled MIDNIGHT RAMBLER starring KOOP HEILBRON with guest this week. DUFF ROMAN. PROGRAMME DIRECTOR. for RADIO STATION CKFH The lively arts with host LIONEL CLARKE of MARK- HAM who discusses art with various artists in the region. This week’s guest is TOM HARRISON of RICHMOND HILL. DIAL-A-DISC, a new phone-in programme. This week featuring BOB RICE from CKEY. TABLE TENNIS. the semi-finals featuring COUN- CILLOR DAVE SCHILLER of RICHMOND HILL who plays against COUNCILLOR JACK GILBERT from VAUGHAN. onIyI.25 FOR BOYS AND GIRLS, S to 13 YEARS 106 Centre St. East STARTING TIME â€" 8 PM. Early Birds 7.40 pm. 20 REGULAR GAMES â€" 3 SPECIAL GAMES Tn ke-out Service LIONS HALI. RICHMOND HILL LIONS CLUB BINGO MONDAY, JUNE 7 zigzag Strawberry Festival 5 - 7:30 pm, .St. Andrew’s Presbyterian ‘rChurch, Maple, at Maple Com- lmunity Hall, salad plate, home baking. strawberries. Adults $2.25, Children $1.00. clw49 'JUNE 9. WEDNESDAY -â€" JUNE 10, THURSDAY â€" 8 pm. Iris Show, Richmond Hill Hor- ticultural Society. olw49 JUNE 23 WEDNESDAY 5-8 pm â€"â€" Strawberry Supper, Temper- anceville United Church. Adults $2.50, children 12 and under $1.25. Admission by ticket only. c1w49 JUNE 5, SATURDAY â€"- 1.30 to 4 pm at 75 Dufferin Street. Bazaar, baking, afternoon tea.‘ JUNE 6. SUNDAY 10-6. An- tique show and sale, Lions’ Hall, 106 Centre Street East, Richmond Hill. Furniture, china, glass, silver, jewellry, brass, pictures. Bargains galore. Sale held first Sunday every month. Donation to Leukemia Fund 55 NUMBERS c1w49 c1w49 A recent graduate from the Royal Military College of Can- ada in Kingston was Officer Cadet David William Pollard, son of Mr. and Mrs. William Pollard of 242 Altamira Road, Richmond Hill. David Blount of 69 Martin! Street, King City, was treated at York Central Hospital for head lacerations received in a four-car collision on Highway 27 at the King-Vaughan Town- line at 1:25 pm May 27. Driv-‘ lers of the other cars involved were Margaret Rimer, RR 1, ‘Schomberg; Paul Olsen, RR 3, Schomberg, and Ralph McKen- zie, RR 4, Alliston. Daniage was estimated at $3,300. The in- cident was investigated by Pro- vincial Constable Steve McFad- den. After graduating from Thorn- hill Secondary School in Thornâ€" hill in 1967, Cadet Pollard ent- ered Royal Roads Military Colâ€" lege in British Columbia. Two years later he proceeded to RMC to complete the final two years of his four year course. While attending RMC, he parâ€" ticipated on the intra-mural rugger, soccer, volleyball, floor hockey and basketball teams and on the varsity rugger team. He held the positions of Cadet Wing Supply Manager and Cadet Squadron Training Of- ficer and was enrolled in the sea element ,of the Canadian Armed Forces. He has received his Bachelor of Arts degree in history and his, commission in the Canad- ian Armed Forces. Seven-year-old Marion Mc- Kee, Lot 17, Concession 8, Town of Vaughan, was fatally jinjured on Highway 27, north of Highway 7 May 28 at 8:25 am. Daughter of Mr. and Mrs. James McKee, RR- 3, Wood- bridge, was walking on the side of the road when hit by a car driven by Marjorie Wilkinson of RR 1, Schomberg. The in- vestigating officer was Provin- cial Constable Don Dawson. OAK RIDGES DETACHMENT Seven-Year-Old Girl Killed In Vaughan Angus Smith and Ann Smith} of Lot 40, Concession 3, East Gwillimbury. Queensville, were treated at York County Hos- pital, Newmarket, for head in- juries. Tlleir car was in col- lision with one driven by Ernie Joyce of 3847 Lawrence Avenue Receives Commission Three persons were injured in a two-car crash on Highway 48 at Virginia at 2:45 pm May 23. mummmmuluuuu1mmllmtu\mum1mm“n\\u\mmmuuuuuu Manager of all the gov- ernment restaurants at Ontario Place. the Queen's Park new showcase opened during the Victoria Holi- day Weekend at the water- front of the, CNE grounds, is a Kleiniurg boy, John MacEachern. Although born in Toron- to. Mr. MacEachern has lived in Kleinburg since 1950 and received his ele- mentary education in the old public school there. He attended Ridley College for his secondary education and then enrolled in an arts course at McGill University in Moxm'eal. During the summers of his student years he wor- ked in the CPR hotels at Banff and Lake Louise and it was this which roused the interest in the cater- ing business. He then attended the school of Hotel and Resort Administration at Cornell University in Ithaca, New York. Mr. MacEachern is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Gor- don MacEachern of Klein- hurg. His mother is one 01' the owners of “The Doc- tor‘s House." the new home of fine eating in that ham- let. Kleinburg Man Ontario Place OFFICER CADET DAVID POLLARD 2//:////// REPORT Pfopefty acquisition for this 3.8 miles of new road will cost an estimated $62,000. York Region plans a $4,045,- 000 roads construction and roads property purchase program this year. The biggest single item in the program is $1,210,000 for grading, gravelling and paving the King Sideroad for 3.8 miles from Keele Street to Highway 11 (Yonge Street). The whole project costs $1,566,000 this year. Region $4,045,000 Roads Budgetv Shows $1,566,000 For King Road Clearing, grubbing and fenc- ing for this project will cost an additional $24,000. In addition $270,000 will be spent providing a grade separa- tion at the railroad crossing in King City. These figures are contained in the region’s 1971 expenditure budget tabled in council last week. The region’s next largest proJ ject this year will be the two‘ miles of street in Newmarket,‘ where Eagle, Water and Gorham Streets are being reconstructed. Property purEhases for this project will amount to an esti- mated $19,000. Property will also be acquired for Bloomington Road a distance of 1.3 miles from Woodbine Avenue to Leslie Street, at a cost of $100,000. THORNHILL â€" MAPLE In the Thornhil’l area of Markham and at Maple several road construction expenditlu'es are planned. Another major project will be $594,000 for grading and gravel- ling the Bloomington Road from Woodbine Avenue (for- merly Don Mills Road) to High- way 48, a distance of five miles. At the intersection of Bay- view Avenue and John Street East, Scarboro. A passenger in the latter car had stitches re- opened. Estimated damage was $1,400. Provincial Constable Bill McAlister was the investi- gator. Vandals \Threw Junk Down Well, Did $1,500 Damage In Vaughan Thornhill Home Ransacked An estimated $1,500 damage was done in Vaughan Town Saturday when vandals threw debris down a newly drilled well on a vacant lot on Can- cession 9. Someone broke into a house on Thornridge Drive in Thom- hill on Saturday and ransack- ed several rooms. York Regional Police at press time hadn’t been able to deter- mine the tot-al amount of house- hold goods stolen. On Sunday on Steeles Aven- ue West in Vaughan someone pried the lock off a garage and forced open a cash register that was inside. The; kitchen door had been forced. A pick-up truck parked on the property was stolen and later found abandoned on High- way 7. Also Sunday somebody broke into Roselavm Public School in Richvale, but nothing appeared stolen. There was about $80 damage to the school property. York Police Arrest 5 0n Arson Charges After $2,000,000 Blaze Two Toronto men appeared in Richmond Hill Provincial Court on Friday of last week charged with setting a $2,000,- 000 marina fire at Keswick Ap- ril 1. The pair were remanded in custody to Don Jail in Toronto on $50,000 cash or property bail each, to appear again in Newmarket Provincial Court this Friday. l\\\\\|\ll\ll“l!\ll\ll1\llll“\lll\l\l\\ll\\\ll\\\“l\l\Ill“ll\l\\\\ll\\\\\\l\\\\\llu A Woolworth’s Q" Is Closing Although the local Wool- worth's Store, located on Yonge Street South will be closing its doors towards the end of July, the building will not be vacant for long. It has been leased to Bad Boy Appliances starting August 1. “The Liberal†learned from Woolworth’s head office in Toronto this week. $110,000 will be spent on im provements. Property purchases for grade separation on Maple Road. Maple, at the CN crossing will amount to $50,000. Property acquisition along Woodbine Avenue from Steeles Avenue to Highway 7 will cost an estimated $187,000 along a length of $2.5 miles. Clearing, grubbing and fenc- ing along Maple Road from Yonge Street to Maple, a dis- tance of 3.6 miles, will cost $40,- 000. Property purchases at Maplc‘ and Woodbine for improvement purposes will total about $70,- 000. Along Bathurst Street from Elgin Mills Road to King Road, a distance of 3.8 miles, pro- perty purchases will total about $25,000. . On Lakeshore Road at Jack- son’s point, 3:; miles of grading, gravelling and paving will cost $145,000. Property purchase for this stretch will cost $29,000. region will spend $65,000 on the Holland Landing Brad- ford Street bridge. Property purchase for Wood- bine Avenue from Base Line to Lake Simcoe. a distance of 1.6 miles, will cost $34,000. Threatens Filibuster To Defeat RegiOn Budget Secrecy (Continued from Page 1) It will cost $58,200 to run the offices of the chairman and chief administrative officer for this year. The treasurer’s department will spend $155,650, including $74,400 for salaries and $27,- 600 to rent equipment. The au- dit of the region’s books is ex- pected to cost $25,000. h’i‘rh’e legal department will spend $61,200, including $46,â€" 100 for salaries. In addition, the region roads budget includes $160,000 for enâ€" gineering, $20,000 for soil test- ing, $25,000 for the roads needs study, and $14,000 for traffic counting â€"The rcrlerk’s department will spend an estimated $83,650 this year. It will cost an estimated $55,- 100 to operate and maintain the regional office building, with the regional farm costing $6,000. 1 i‘I‘her region expects to spend $35,000 on a category listed as information. Construction safety inspec- tion will cost $17,000 and plum- bing inspection $72,000. The emergency measures or- ganization will get $16,700 and Eight-track stereo tape decks valued each at $80 were stolen from parked Richmond Hill cars last weekend. Joseph Willmott parked his car in the driveway at 112 Hall Street Sunday night and the tape deck was gone from the .dash in the morning. On Saturday York Regional Police from Vaughan Division charged an Etobicoke youth with stealing a car from the Acme Paper Products Company Limited parking lot at Keele Street and Highway 7. The office of Dr. Harvey So- col, 294 Bayview Plaza, Rich- mond Hill. was broken into a- gain last Sunday night. This is the third such break- in -at this doctor’s office in re- cent weeks. Nothing was stol- en this time. Jerry Wade reported 3 Titan tape deck stolen from the car left in his driveway at midnight Saturday at 78 Mill Street. York Regional Police last week also said a Keswick cou- ple, James Holmes, 40, and his wife, Shirley, 24, of 535 Lake Drive. have been arrested for conspiracy to commit arson. The two Toronto men have both been charged with arson, and conspiracy to commit ar- son. They are Charles Roberts, 26, of Billings Avenue and Otto Mallory, 39, of Glenholme Av- enue. The Keswick couple were re- leased on bail of $1,000 each, and are also to appear in New- market Court this Friday. The investigation is continu- ing under the direction of YPR Detective Inspector Wally Harkness, aided by Richmond Hill Division Detective Bill Hay, Georgina Division Acting Patrol Sergeant William Smyth and Markham Division Detect- ive Clifford Cox. More arrests are expected. The April 1 fire at the F. S. Crate and Sons Marina at 2:45 am destroyed 34 boats valued between $15,000 and $55,000 each. One man suffered ser- ious injuries when he was blown through a wall of the building in an exp105ion. He was treated at the Toronto East General Hospital- Police said ed to set off gasoline was us- the explosion. temé will cost an estimated $701,000 while $896,100 will be spent on sewage systems.†$800 will be spent on wolf bounties. The region will spend $1,274,â€" 000 on road maintenance and $4,045,000 for roadway con- struction. The roadways depart- ment administration will cost $331,300, with other roadway costs adding $654,000 more. The tot-a1 budget for road- ways in 1971 is $6,304,445. Board of Health expenditures will total $851,200, with $48,730 being spent on the Newmarket Crisis Intervention Centre. It will cost an estimated $49,- 370 to operate the Richmond Hill Youth Aid Centre. Renovations to the health un- it building will cost about $15,- 000. The region plans to spend‘ $53,400 on a limited dental care program, $40,000 for hos- pital fees and premiums, $250,- 410 in grants to public hospit- als. along with $3,000 on am- bulance service, $60,000 on un- specified grants and provide a $30,000 health board conting- ency fund. Total expenditures under the heading of conservation of health will be $1,401,110. Ninety - nine burglary charges have been laid in Richmond Hill Provincial Court after York Regional Police from Markham Div- ision smashed an eight- member local gang of break-in artists last week. Involved are 17 break- Involved are 17 break- ins in Southern York Re- gion between April 13 and May 9. Most of the crimes were committed in the towns of Vaughan, Markham and Richmond Hill, with some in King Township and Met- ro. A11 17 break-ins were at factories and commercial establishments. Operation of water-works sys- So far about $3‘000 wor- th of stolen goods haVe ‘been recovered, and one man has been charged with receiving stolen goods. An- other person is believed to have purchased stolen goods without knowing it. The investigation was carried out by Detectives Douglas Tribbling, assisted by Detective Bruce Findlay and Constable Terry Hill. The Markham constables also had assistance from Metro Police 32 Division in the investigation. Smash Local Gang, 99 Burglar Charges Robert Giles, 21 of the , . _ Food Value A Days Start ........ Here .' TE I MKETERIA 29 YONGE ST. SOUTH Rziigï¬ï¬ï¬imm ROAST 89:: MINCED BEEF. . . . Canada No. l Fancy MCInIOSh 3 lb. Pkg. 32¢ LEAN - Sliced or by the Piece PEAMEAL BACK BACON 79¢ 'b Philips lighl‘ Bulbs 40,60 orioo Watts - 63¢ Value - Pkg.on 39¢ K. Y. Australian PEACH HALVES . 414 oz. tins $1.00 PREM LUNCHEON MEAT . . . . . 49¢ GREEN GIANT NIBLE'I'S , , , . , z 12 oz. tins 49¢ HEINZ VEGETABLE or TOMATO SOUP 810 oz. tins $1.00 Duffel-mate BREAD . . 4 24 oz. loaves 99¢ Medium Loose , , , _ _ a g . 30,1001. VINE RIPE TOMATOES . . . . . lETTUCELargeHead. ,. . . . . . . 25¢Each LEAN We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities FREE DELIVERY ON ALL ORDERS $5.00 AND OVER WE TAKE TELEPHONE ORDERS AND HAVE CARRY-OUT SERVICE York Police Triumph Community planning willll cost $240,000, with financial} expenses, including $300,000. for interest, totalling $365,000. Store Hours: 9 a.m. WELFARE $1,679,200 General welfare assistance costs will be $1,679,200, in- cluding $20,000 for homemak- ers, $5,000 to the Victorian Order of Nurses, $380,000 for shelter, $350,000 for nursing homes, $20,000 for household supplies, $35,000 for utilities. $42,000 for fuel. $9,000 for foster children, $9,000 for sup- plementary drugs and $24,000 for special drugs. Wélfare adrï¬inistration this year is expected to cost $134,- 550, while assistance to aged persons will cost $1,005,929. Assistance to c hi 1d 1' e n through the Children’s Aid Soc- iety will cost $219,547. plus $9,000 to outside wards. Operation of the Richmond Hill day nursery will cost $63,- 000. There is provision for pay- ment of $60,000 for day nurs- eries in Newmarket and Aurora. 030,000. Spending on reforestation will total $85,000. The South Lake Simcoe Conservation Au- thority will get $76,000, while the Metro Conservation Au- ority will get $137,000. The YOER Simcoe County Board of Education will get $1,- Oak Ridges area of Rich- mond Hill and Howard Howell, 38. of 22 Bumette Avenue, Willowdale, al- ready faced a large number of break-in charges last week when police on Fri- day became convinced of the extent of the gang op- eration. An additional 72 char- ges were laid against six others on Tuesday of this week. Facing eight break-in charges is Lynda Porter, 16, of 60 Laverock Avenue. Apartment 306, Richmond Hill. Brian Ablett, 17. of 45 Boyle Drive. Thornhill, faces five breakâ€"in charges. Richard Orton, 21, of ’72 Searle Avenue. Toronto, faces 14 break-in charges. Edward Harris, 18, of RR 1, Milliken, faces 15 break- in charges. David Kenneth Martin, 21 of 17 Clarke Avenue, Thornhill, faces 12 break- in charges. George Newman, 20, of 22 Burnette Avenue, Wil- lowdale, faces 12 break-in and theft charges. Some of the offences in- volved as many as six gang members at a time, police said. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, June 3, 1971 (Formerly Morley's Foodland) â€" RICHMOND Hlll. to 9 pm. Monday to Saturday 45" MILL CLEAR OUT of . . . . . 45" ACETATE JERSEYS Smart new Spring designs and colors. Regular $2.98 yérd. In bright Summer colors. Dozens of beautiful designs to choose from. Reg. $2.79 yd. 45" A great favorite this season in this washable dainty-look- ing material. Reg. $2.69 yd. 69 Yonge St. 8., Richmond Hill OPEN TO THE PUBLIC JAMES R. AMBROSE AND COMPANY FEATURING IN THE ROUND TABLE ROOM TOPLESS A GO-GO ATIPrices Effective June 3rd to June WAREHOUSE HOURS: DAILY â€" 10 A.M. T0 9 EM. SATURDAY â€" 9 A.M. T0 6 P.M. Ample Free Parking â€"â€" American Perma-Press Prints AVRIL & COTTON POLYESTER & COTTON FLOCKED DOT “Fully Licensed†WITH lb. for MILL OUTLET PRICE MILL OUTLET PRICE PHONE 884-26" MILL OUTLET PRICE $1.89 .99 .99 Yd. 5th