Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 3 Jun 1971, p. 5

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l‘d A bargain ‘ in safety! At the conclusion of the din- ner, Mrs. Barron proposed a toast to the Queen. Janet Hnat- chuk made a toast to the church. and Rev. Hallett res- ponded. Kim Norman made a toast to the mothers, Mrs. Howard Whillans responding. The CGIT leaders and girls presented corsages to their mothers. Mrs. Barron gave a resume of the year’s activities. Janet Hnatchuk. on behalf of the girls. presented Mrs. Barron with a small gift to show their appreciation for all she has done during the year. Mrs. Barron and Mrs. Eileen Grad- een will be leaving the group but the girls hope they will come back to visit once in a while. Mrs. Barron showed slides of last year's weekend camp. Half the girls couldn’t picture them- selves that way last summer. On Sunday, May 16, the girls Mrs. Barron presented Presi- and leaders visited the African dent Janet Hnatchuk with a Lion Safari in Rockton, On- cheque to pay half of her tario. camp expenses. Janet was On May 19, we held our 1971 chosen to represent Richmond CGIT annual Mother andIHill United Church CGIT at Daughter banquet. Camp Council, Camp Norland, Mrs. Eve Barron welcomed in Verner. The camp runs for the guests, the mothers and 10 days. Next year she will their dnudhfprg, Guests were return as an assistant leader. After the slides came the mo- ment all the girls had been waiting for â€" the awards and presentations. V _V.o,__‘, Mrs. Eve Barron welcomed the guests, the mothers and their daughters. Guests were Rev. Robert Smith, Rev. Allen Hallett, Mrs. Hallett and wee baby and Mrs. Doris Sanderson. former superintendent of our CGIT group. ThevUCW set up a delicious buffet dinner. C G I 7' Doing: 72 HOUR KODAK PHOTO FINISHING SERVICE Direct pick-up service from our store to the Kodak plant for Kodachrome and Ektachromc movie and slide film processing. Kodacolor prints take a little longer. , ~â€" Ask for quality processing by Kodak â€"â€" 121 YONGE ST. N. RICHMOND HILL Richmond Heights Centre For as little as $5 a year you can have a Victoria and Grey safety deposit box to safeguard your valuable documents, jewellery and such. This time of year when you’re out at play, protect your assets at Victoria and Grey. WCTORMM GREY V1 U1 Ufllfl and Uflfll TRUST COMPANY SINCE 1889 PHOTO 3 t1 3 S SUPPLIES HMOND HILL 884-1107 Support the Flowers of Hope Campaign G. A. WAKELIN, MANAGER The senior Trust Company devoted entirely to serving the people of Ontario. u. I...v -_--- ,_7 President Janet Hnatchuk,‘ Vice - President Debbie Robw son, Secretary Karen Whillans,} Treasurer Heather Sheppard,‘ and Brenda Gardner, in charge‘ of hospital visiting were all} presented with “Good News For} Modern Man" books. It is a modern version of the New Testament. Shirley Brown, Brenda Gard- ner, Pat Gradeen, Andrea Goulding, Wendy Jones, and Heather Kennedy put on a skit about Dr. Casey and Dr. Kil- dare. Brenda Gardner, Pat ‘Gradeen, Andrea Goulding, Wendy Jones and Heather Kennedy‘put on a very hum- ‘erous skit about Maxwell’s ‘ silver hammer. Well done girls! Shirley Brown and Heather Brown were chosen to attend Camp Big Game for a week. Half of their expenses are be- ing paid for, from the profits of the Daffodil Tea. We had a sing-song led by CGIT members accompanied by guest guitarists from Henderson Avenue Public School. Musical entertainment was by Ken Birch and associate with accordion and drums. The evening closed with all joining in singing “Taps.” See all you CGIT members BY JANET HNATCHUK Richmond Hill United Church the fall! HOURS: Closed Monday Tues. - Thurs. 9-5 Fri. 9-7 Sat. 9-1 884-3221 Don’t know what this world Friday, June 18 â€"- Look out leaving my {011‘s limping and is coming to â€" accidents seem Ontario, here we come. Country lagging far behind me. (If mem- tO be taking their toll. We are and western music provided by ory serves me right our Mel happy to learn that our chief the maestro himself -â€" Donnie Collier was a growing lad then. steward is able to limp around. CeISie. 'Scuse Mel, that just slipped Ditto for Bud Chapman- We Saturday June 19 â€" For all‘out. Know you just couldn‘t be regret to report that our fav- the Dinty Moores that lurk in‘that old). orite accordionist is not up to the souls of us all. A corn beefi During the evening there par. It seems that George Cowie and cabbage dinner. This will were so many things to make WBSin someWhat Of 3“ “Cident- be followed by a dance with this unit proud; make others Machine comple'iely kayoed but music provided by the Hi Hats. envious that they were not Still a 80011 landing- It alWily-“’lTickets -â€" $2 a person â€" from members. What was it? The was When you lads Pranged a the bar stewards. Tickets for splendid agility of the gym kite and W81k9d away T51“ Riddance only at the door for slwsquad that kept us all gasping? Branch 213 vs Branch 375* annual competition, Tuesday evening, May 25, a group of members travelled to Branch 213 Weston â€" “Ranger” Branch â€"â€" for an evening of cribbage and shuffleboard. Regret to say that we are down a couple of games â€" a polite way of saying we blew it. Here's hoping we can recoup those losses and win a few more when Branch 375 plays host to Branch 213 Tues- day evening, June 8, at 2030 hours. Do sincerely hope some of them forget to take their nasty pills. Would you like to know what’s cooking at Branch 375 for the month of June? Notebooks at the ready: Friday June 4 â€" Friday night social. Music by the Vertones. Saturday June 5 â€"â€" We call this “Cross Canada Vets Dance". Music by the Canadaires. Ad- mission $3 couple -â€" tickets at the door. Friday, June 11 â€" Once again that popular duo â€" Ken Birch and George Cowie â€" provide the music that gets you going. Sunday June 13 â€" Come along to Legion Court by 0830 hours on June 13.There we will embark for the Creemore Drum- head Service. It will only cost you $2. Hear rumors of a pos- sible picnic lunch aboard. We will be sharing transpor- tion with the Newmarket Pipe Band. Church News Wm: 10:30 am there will be the Litany and at 7:30 pm a fire- side at St. Mark’s Chapel, Oak Ridges. Services at St. John’s An- glican Church on Sunday will be a celebration of the Holy Communion followed by a par- ish breakfast. Those intending to be pres- ent should please notify the rector at 884-6929 or Bob Say- ers at 773-5467 on Saturday. Then Men’s Club will be cater- mg. On Sunday, a family service was held with Gordon and Ian Adnams of Richmond Hill ac- companying the singing and presenting a concert of relig~ ious folk music at the close of the service. The sermonette was son From The Birds" parablenby the reg-tor. The flowers on fihe altar were placed in memory of Ruth Grace Goulding by her dauJ ghter Marg Browne and family. The Winchester group are planning a spring outing on June 9. It is intended to tour the Mc- Michael Gallery at Kleinburg. Details will be available next Sunday. all ladies of the parish are invited. w 'l‘lle annual parish picnic will be held on June 27 at Cedhr Glen. 7 The advisory board will meet June 10. Neighborhood Notes Congratulations to Bill and Fran Costoff on their silver wedding anniversary. A sur- prise party was held at their home on May 22. The grade 3 students at Jef- ferson School are swimming three days a week, Mondays, Tuesdays and Thursdays, for the next three weeks at Rich- mond Hill Centennial Pool. students of grades 1 and Your legion Reports Branch 375 Bows To Weston "A Les- 3 short | Saturday June 26 â€" All goodvWaS It 75 Scots should go for this _ a‘Sgt. W1 33’ weekend do with a Highland Decially 0‘ flavor. Bus leaving our Legion “HOIY ‘ Ch Court at 1300 hours for the preâ€" PreCiSiO Ch “minary bag Pipe competition at bands 1 55 Uxbridge. breath. __L-.. -. Following this we take off for the wide open competitions held in Belleville. For only $20.00 each you can enjoy both these competitions. Your fare as above means transportation, room and admission to the big dance in Belleville. Newmarket Pipe Band is competing in both events. Let's go along to give them moral support and show our ap- preciation for the many times they have played for us. If you wish to go â€" please contact genial Bob Dickson â€" either at 884-0086 or 884-4907 after 7 pm before June 15. Your reporter had the plea- sure of attending the 48th High- landers Tattoo May 28 at Maple Leaf Gardens. What a thrilling sight! What a marvel- lous display of skills and how tastefully arranged! No wonder this regiment is so good -â€" nothing is left to chance. Listening to the pipe band and the military band, I was taken back to the time when Sunday afternoon was my high spot of the week. Each Sunday afternoon I was taken to watch the 48th parade from University Avenue Armouries. Many a mile have I walked with them (al- ways on the sidewalk of course) Branch 875, Royal Canadian Legion By Chris Ratchford â€" 884-5260 om beef l .‘his will ice with Hi Hats. â€" from kets for r for $1.‘ All good- his â€"- a Highland r Legion ‘ the pre- etition at :e off for ions held y $20.00 1th these fare as )ortation, ) the big awmarket _. :“ L_u_ there' During the evening were so many things to make this unit proud; make others envious that they were not members. What was it? Thel splendid agility of the gym; squad that kept us all gasping'fl Was it the beautiful voice of} Sgt. Whiteside singing â€"~ es- pecially his rendition of the “Holy City". The magic and precision of pipe and military bands that made us hold our breath. Was it the throbbing notes as the Last Post sounded. (Some buglers can be and often are cold things. On Friday night it was a living, throbbing instru- ment caressed by a master). No matter. No one can name it. My thought is: that this was and is the Spirit of the 48th touching us all. It is 80 years since the found- ing of this great regiment. May the 48th Highlanders of Canada continue for as many years again in glory as great as in the past. dbl" ‘ at a it 1 According to Premier Wil- Many happy returns of the “a”! DaViSv Speaking in_ We day to Mrs. Mabel Havilandl,Leg1,513t“‘re 135} week a Jufhc‘ and George Goddard when they 1al inquiry Will be held Into celebrate their birthdays this recent_ PUFChases 0f land along weekend. Havenvt heard of any the Nlagara Escarpment. Chief anniversaries for the present. If Jnge 0f the Cf’unty and Dis' there were _ may you an en_ trlct Courts Colin Bennett W111 joy many more happy years. hefd the if‘quiry- . 1,1 AI.A 1r-...._ LL‘L To those who are ill or feeling below par do hurry and get bet- ter. The weather is beautiful, the fish are biting and the golf buffs are having a ball (pardon that little pun). Very happy to repoxt that: Comrade Bryce is coming along nicely at St.‘ John’s Convalescent Hospital, Comrade Fred Burgess is recu- perating by taking it easy at home; Comrade Fred Birk is up and about again. Still has to ‘take it slow and easy. Sure is great to know you lads are on the mendâ€"you are all missed. ed to take this course of ac- tion," he stated. it t u: t For the past few years pres-1 sure on the government has grown to extend support to R0- man Catholic Separate Schools A new outdoor training pro- up to grade 13. My mail has gram for boys in provincial been heavy in the past fevs training schools will be estab- weeks in this respect as well lished at a forestry camp at as for government support of Portage Lake, 48 miles south of private Christian schools and Sudbury. according to Correc- Jewish schools. tional Services Minister Syl Mv nwn feeling is that there APPS- My own feeling is that there should be a thorough investiga- tion, either by a select commit- tee or a commission appointed to review educational grants in Ontario. During the past three weeks my mail has been increased by many letters seeking my sup- port of the hydro line through King Township. There are also a large number petitioning that the line not cross King. To date, the‘matter has not been decided. although an early de- cision is expected. ' Mr. Davis told the House that the media has been literally in- undated with conflicting and con- fusing allegations of improper transactions, inordinate profits. advantages to individuals and so on. “Government studies and reviews substantiate none of these allegations of wrong- doing, so the cabinet has decid- Roman Catholics Pressure Hodgson Increased Educational Grants WE'RE NOT T00 BIG Queen C: Perl! Report William Hodgson MLA. This program will utilize some of the methods of the “Outward Bound” school pro- gram initiated at Gordonstoun School in Scotland. The stud- ents will spend four to five‘ weeks in each of three phases‘ â€"- outdoor education to provide a better understanding of the natural environment, w o r k 5 projects to provide services to others and vigorous outdoor ad- ‘venture designed to increase self-confidence and self-respect and to teach co-operation. A new Ontario Police Col- lege building at Aylmer has been announced by Attorney- General Allan Lawrence. In eight years of operation the college has trained more than 10,000 policemen with a steady increase in numbers trained each year. The new facilities will meet present and future needs for police training in Ontario and ensure that qual- ity of policing will continue to improve. Some consideration was given to relocating the college but the final decision was that the Ayl- mer area was appropriate for the training program and the economy of the area. York North THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, June 3, 1971 VINYL SANDALS Beautiful custom made draperies direct from factory to you. VINYL TILE 39¢ EACH 5:332: 91 MAPLECRETE RD. ON SALE: JUNE 20304-5 LIDO LUMBER This Week’s Special 12”x12” - .080 Gauge CANADIAN SCHOOL OF DRAPERIES 100's of Fabrics from $1.98 yd. Expert Supervision â€" Guaranteed Work FREE ESTIMATES carry a complete line of lumber, flooring, fencing, masonry, hardware and paint All at bargain prices Reg. 99¢ Each PAY FOR MATERIALS ONLY NO LABOUR CHARGE (Formerly Jane-7 Lumber) 533-9454 PHONE 889-4000 $2.90 ft., reg. $4.25 ft. KITCHEN COUNTERTOPS (u 91 Maplecrete Hwy. N0. '7 CONCORD

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