Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 10 Jun 1971, p. 11

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"TWO Wilowdale Youths Plead Guilty To $10,000 Thornhill Burgiary" Provincial Judge Robert Tay- lor told the young people he hoped Canada hadn’t become like the United States in having this kind of "mugging" and vio- lence. He Warned that these were Merious charges and were going to be treated seriously. Six young people, including an Oak Ridges foursome and a girl. were arrested by York egional Police on robbery charges last week. They faced charges in Richmond Hill Prov- incial Court Thursdav. Only the girl and a 17-year- old Oak Ridges youth were al- lowed free on personal bail, it being $200 and $1,000 respec- A Downsview youth was re- manded to jail without bail, while three Oak Ridges youths were held in custody of $1.000 cash or property. YORK CENTRAL HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION To the Members of York Central Hospital Association: We have examined the balance sheet of York Central Hospital Association as at December 31, 1970 and the statements of unappropriated equity, building fund reserve, income and expenses, operating expenses. income and expenses -â€" ancillary fund and source and application of funds -â€"â€" integrated fund for the year then ended. Our examination included a general review of the accounting procedures and such tests of accounting records and other supporting evidence as we considered necessary in the circumstances. In our opinion these financial statements present fairly the financial position of the Association as at December 31. 1970 and the results of its operations and the source and application of its funds â€" integrated fund for the year then ended, in accordance with generally aCcepted hospital accounting principles applied on a basis consistent with that of the preceding year. Richmond Hill. Ontario March 27. 1971 BALANCE AS AT JANUARY 1 Add BALANCE AS AT DECEMBER 31 to Statement 1 BALANCE AS AT JANUARY 1 Add BALANCE AS AT DECEMBER 31 to Statement 1 INTEGRATED FUND AS! CURRENT Cash on hand in bank Deposit Receipts and accrued interest Accounts receivable' Ontario Hospital Services Commission Sundry 1 Patients $89,296.57 Less allowance for doubtful accounts 14,042.43 ASSETS HELD FOR CAPITAL PURPOSES FIXED at cost Land Buildings OTHER Due from ancillary fund Hospital expansion costs ANClLLARY FUND CURRENT Cash in bank Prepaid expense FIXED at cost Building Deduct Transfer to Building Fund Reserve Excess of expenses over income - Statement 3 Deduct Transfer to unappropriated equity of amounts equal to funds expended on building Inventories at lower of cost or market Prepaid expenses Minor equipment (non-depreciable) Major equipment Less accumulated depreciation Private donations Interest earned Transfer from Building Fund Reserve Major equipment Less accumulated depreciation Minor equipment Less accumulated depreciation Transfer tron} Unappropriated Equity of amount equal to interest earned on investment of assets held for capital purposes and donations designated for building expansion Less designated for capital purposes Less accumulated depreciation Less accumulated depreciation STATEMENT OF UNAPPROPRIATED EQUITY For The Year Ended December 31, 1970 STATEMENT OF BUILDING FUND RESERVE For The Year Ended December 31, 1970 The two offences involved some new clothes taken from a Dufferin Street hitch-hiker Brian Edward Pembleton and a small amount of cash taken from Noel Boy of Richmond Hill. the court was told. It is alleged that the four Oak Ridges youths June 1 pick- ed up a hitch-hiker and drop- ped him off, after robbing him of a pink shirt and red-grey slacks by threatening to kill him, Crown Attorney Andre Dempsey told the court. Allowed to go home with his father was Edward Warden, 17, of Oak Ridges and 1 Sibley Av- enue, Apartment 1, Toronto. tively. The youth had been liv- ing in Toronto, but promised to go home with his father, who was in court. v Th'e driver of the car was A1- lan Barraclough, 20, of Maple AUDITOR’S REPORT ASSE’ES ASSETS JOSCELYN, LAUGHLIN, HARPER, TORY 8: ASSOCIATES CHARTERED ACCOUNTANTS $ 138,100.83 22,096.00 1,825,151.87 321,900.00 882,217.93 408,969.67 75,254.14 20,568.78 16,455.00 2,385.35 2,463.52 2,463.52 BALANCE SHEET AS AT DECEMBER 31, 1970 YORK CENTRAL HOSPITAL ASSOCIATION (Incorporated Without Share Capital under the laws of Ontario) s 175,825.33 68,651.40 $ 45,645.16 43.69 The third youth charged was Melvin Keith Nolen, 20, of 72 Elmgrove Avenue. He was at present on probation after being convicted of break. enter and theft. the court was told. Grove Avenue, Oak Ridges All four are to appear again in court June 10 for trial, or to fix a trial date. The fourth youth was Ernest McCormack, 20, of 20 Schom- berg Road, also said to have a previous conviction for break, entry and theft. The two 18-year-olds char- ged in four robberies were Gregory Horton and Judy Johnston of 60 Cocksfield Av- enue, Downsview. The two were arrested last week but the alleged offence took place April 11 in Rich- mond Hill. They made no plea $ 25,927.02 10,329.24 94,813.56 1,503,251.87 11,250.44 2.894.26 484,257.59 22,136.88 106,821.09 473,248.26 75,809.81 164,743.81 220,049.95 77,639‘49 51,335.67 3,984.61 115,004.83 92,937.99 4,113.78 STATEMENT 2 s 2,633,837.11 $ 2,750,762.23 $ 105,700.00 FINANCIAL STATEMENTS S 22.136.88 $ 462,120.71 22,136.88 2,764,906.93 $ 165,807.46 $3,014,299.28 131,069.82 2,145,247.93 116,950.44 14,144.70 11,250.44 94,813.56 384,793.78 $45,688.85 120,118.61 and were remanded to I fu- ture date. A $10,000 Thornhill burglary and car theft had its sequel in Richmond Hill Provincial Court Thursday of last week when two young Willowdale men pleaded guilty. Remanded to jail one week for sentencing were Gordon Worrall, 23, of 3 Whittaker Crescent and Ted Rubinstein, 20, of 5 Maureen Drive. The offence took place at 10 pm February 19 at Lance Hill’s Tech Centre. 24 Harlech Court, Thomhill, Crown Attorney Dempsey said. Stolen were motor blocks and parts valued at over $9,000, plus a car to haul them away. The two men were arrested April 2 and most of the goods INTEGRATED FUND LIABI CURRENT Accounts payable and accrued liabilities Salaries and wages accrued Payroll deductions payable CAPITAL LIABILITIES - SHORT TERM Architects’ fees payable â€"â€" See note Building Fund Reserve -â€" Statement 2 UNAPPROPRIATED â€"â€" Statement 2 APPROPRIATED ANCILLARY FUND CURRENT Accounts payable OTHER Due to Integrated Fund BALANCE AS AT JANUARY 1. 1970 EXCESS OF INCOME OVER EXPENSES -â€" Statement 4 NOTE Estimated architects' fees payable for services to December 31. 1970 At the time of the amending agreement the estimated cost of the expansion was $13,000,000.00. The Ontario Hospital Services Commission will finance 2/3 of the cost, the balance to be financed by York County and the Yark Central Hospital Association. INCOME In-patients â€"â€" adults and children In-patients â€" newborn Out-patients Differential â€" private and semi-private Recoveries â€" dietary and telephone Other . Grants â€" Ontario Hospital Services Commission EXPENSES Patient Service Departments â€" salaries and wages $ 1,264,588.72 -â€" general supplies and expenses 113,590.19 Excess of Expenses over Income to Statement 2 Deduct: Provision for bad debts The agreement between the architect for the hospital expansion project and York Central Hospital was amended on May 25. 1970. As a result of this amendment the estimated architects‘ fees payable have been adjusted in the accounts as follows: Estimated architects’ fees payable for services to December 31, 1969 Adjustment re amended agreement Other Expenses â€" depreciation of equipment â€" medical and surgical supplies â€" drugs and medicine Non-Allowable Expenses â€"â€" depreciation of buildings â€" other General Service Departments -â€" salaries and wages 266,714.67 â€" general supplies and expenses 508,550.89 TOTAL INCOME Paid during year Total Operating Expenses STATEMENT OF INCOME AND EXPENSES For The Year Ended December 31, 1970 NOTES TO FINANCIAL STATEMENTS As At December 31, 1970 was recovered. although some of it had been used. Both men elected immediate trial in the provincial court and pleaded guilty. Rubinstein was employed as a tool and die apprentice at Delco Tool and Die Company, 1 Harlech Court, next to the place burgled. Remanding the two in cust- ody so he could consider what sentence to give them, Judge Taylor noted the offence was very serious and could mean as much as 14 years in jail each. "This was premeditated and well planned. It involved a large amount of goods." noted the judge. A 27-year-old father of five small children whose job in- LIABILITIES LIABILITIES EQUITY DEFICIT 22,136.88 2,750,762.23 $ 84,968.22 44,238.00 29,285.51 $ (7,053.43) volves driving. lost his licence for driving for six months last week in Richmond Hill Provin- cial Court. He failed a breath test after an accident two days before Christmas at 8:05 pm on BayL view Avenue. about a mile south of Highway 7 East in Thornhill. Paul Bourque, 27. of 2519 Lakeshore Boulevard West. Ap- artment B-3, Toronto. pleaded guilty and was fined $175 or 15 days, with two weeks to pay. He was also charged under the Liquor Control Act for hav- ing eigh-t cans of ale in the back of his car. But this charge was withdrawn by the Crown. Bourque was southbound when he had the $700 head-on collision, Crown Attorney Dempsey said. 6,602.47 $ 210,000.00 39,158.00 $ 82,908.44 170,84200 87,933.56 STATEMENT 1 $ 158,491.73 $ 3,014,299.28 $ 165,807.46 STATEMENT 3 2,772,899.11 s 1,827,828.63 50,292.00 397,968.04 87,723.70 43,786.53 14,427.16 22,815.00 s 2,444,841.06 $ 2,436,932.85 164,743.81 s 2.439,827.11 82,908.44 1,514.61 1,378,178.91 (450.96) 775,265.56 65,983.58 91,063.90 83,535.16 45,700.00 7,908.21 2,894.26 100.00 lMen Worked Illegally At Trades lVaughan, Richmond Hill Projects Men without proper qualifi- metal duct for an apartment cations were caught working as building on Cedar Avenue, electrician and sheet metal Richmond Hill. worker on Vaughan and Rich- He was convicted and fined mond Hill construction projects $25 and costs. Molenaar told the in March. court Ulfsrud was employed by Two firms and two men faced charges in Richmond Hill Provincial Court on Thursday of last week under the Appren- ticeship and Trades Qualifica- tions Act. The charges were the result of visits by a Labor Department inspector March 8 and March 97. Owner Arie Molenaar of 8 Norman Avenue, Nobleton, pleaded guilty on behalf of Maple Sheet Metal Limited, King Sideroad, to employing uncertified tradesman Hans U1- xfsrud of 16 Keele Street North, Maple, in the drawing of a sheet EXPENSES Realty taxes Light, heat and power Water Miscellaneous Depreciation - building INCOME Rent Television Laundry Interest earned EXCESS OF INCOME OVER EXPENSES to Statement 1 SOURCE OF FUNDS Generated from operations Excess of expenses over income Add expenses not requiring an outlay of funds Depreciation of equipment Depreciation of building Loss on disposal of fixed assets Private donations Payments from ancillary fund Interest earned Adjustment to Hospital expansion costs â€"- see note APPLICATION OF FUNDS Construction of parking lot Acquisition of equipment Hospital expansion costs INCREASE IN WORKING CAPITAL WORKING CAPITAL AS AT JANUARY 1 -WORKING CAPITAL AS AT DECEMBER 31 REPRESENTED BY Current assets Assets held for capital purposes It is my pleasure to present the Annual Report of the York Central Hospital Association which has the responsibility of providing hospital facilities and care through our York Central Hospital. The last year. once again, was increasingly busy and the workload on the senior staff made even heavier by the fact that we are now getting close to starting our building program. The building program of the hospital has been divided into three phases. Phase I will provide 12,000 additional square feet to the East of our present hospital and will be used temporarily to give the additional space that is so desperately needed in order that our service departments can operate. Later on, it will become our Psychiatric Unit for out-patients on the main floorand our locker rooms on the basement floor. Phase II is actually a new active treatment hospital of approximately 850 beds which will be built to the north of the present hospital, and it is hoped that construction on this building will start in early 1972. Phase III will be the remodelling of our present hospital which will be used as an Obstetrical Department. 3 Psychiatric area and a Nursing Unit. It is anticipated that our program will be finished in late 1975 or early 1976. Once again, We owe credit to the hospital employees, and the medical staff for the high quality of care that has been given to the local residents. I would like to give a special thanks to the other members of the Board who have worked very hard this year and to the hospital Auxiliary who are always on duty and doing a fine job. STATEMENT 4 STATEMENT OF INCOME AND EXPENSES - ANCILLARY FUND THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, June 10, 1971 11 Current liabilities Capital liabilities - short term STATEMENT OF SOURCE AND APPLICATION OF FUNDS INTEGRATED FUND For The Year Ended December 31, 1970 Many thanks Adult and Children Admissions Newborn Admissions Adult and Children ,rPatient Days Newborn Days Laboratory Units of Work Radiology Examinations Physiotherapy Visits Emergency Visits Deliveries Operations Psychiatric Treatments SERVICES PROVIDED BY YOUR HOSPITAL IN 1970 - major equipment For The Year Ended December 31, 1970 He was convicted and fined $25 and costs. Molenaar told the court Ulfsrud was employed by the firm for some time as laborer. and had been preparing duct holes at the apartment building. He had only been helping a certified tradesman in his sparetime, said owner Mole- naar. Molenaar said Ulfsrud was no longer employed by the firm. The workman didn't appear in court to face a charge of work- ing as a tradesman without cer- tification. This charge was adjourned so witnesses could be brought to court to try Ulfsrud in absentia. Another man, Gino Luisetto AS AT DECEMBER 31, 1970 PRESIDENT’S REPORT $ 5,524.00 4,113.75 5,938 719 40.530 4,572 1,717,044 20,374 17,305 15,980 726 3.875 461 24. o! 186 Nairn Avenue, To- ronto admitted working as an electrician without certificate at a new factory on Rivermede Road in Vaughan March 9. He was fined $10 and costs, or three days. His employer, Centennial Electric Company of 92 Marlee Avenue, Toronto, hadn't been served with a summons. so this charge was adjourned. The prosecutor for the Labor Department told Judge Robert Taylor that Luisetto has since become a registered apprentice. 3 22.587.58 1,086.01 $ 462,120.71 22,136.88 $ (2,894.26) J. A. Griffin. President. RAIN or SHINE 8 8 9 - 4 8 4 6 MORGAN DAVIS SIGNS TRUCK LETTERING 158,491.73 82,908.44 65,983.58 45,700.00 8,557.06 3,578.00 48,430.61 6,880.00 SAME DAY 4.65235 3,217.43 630.60 520.58 9,637.75 92.10 1.495.49 % Increase or (Decrease) over 1969 7.81 7.47 STATEMENT 5 $ 484,257.59 $ 241,400.17 .59 5.30 13.24 .66 (12.72) 11.03 7.72 12.51 $ 242,857.42 $ 25,261.18 $ 117,346.38 25,927.02 1,934.34 10,329.24 39,158.00 135,806.37 107,051.05 242.857.42 194,694.98 18,658.71 58,888.61 6,602.47

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