THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday. July l. 197] Maple, Kleinburg Concord & Edgeley News 16 Klein burg K larion Nt‘igthI'hON-‘I N01“ llx'ai‘cn Snider. Lynne Lost~ Lindsay managed to walk away and Miss Jennifer Bird assisted Friends. new:hbors and bowl- chuck. Mary Donman â€"â€" Iii- ivith a second in shotput. OLll‘.’lIl€ minister in the service. ing teams wish a very special tormcdiatc Boys â€" John Locke. congratulations to all. ’Guets soloist Miss Cathv Cast- "The Liberal" is always willing to publish items regarding people and events contributed by its readers in Maple, Concord. Edgeley and KICIDburz. happy 80th birthday to Mrs. Tony Bentley, Jack Stcenliof â€" Church News Ialol‘. RR 1 Kleinburg aonner Maple. please phone Mrs. Louise Cooper, 33242408; in Edgeley and Concord, Mrs_ Carol Cole, 8894379; in Kleinburg, Mrs. Lucille Shaw 8934432. Lillian Balmer. hellam .\\enue.‘Senior Girls â€" Donna Snider. ' Sunday school graduation and member of the church. sail: ’ who celebrated June 20. ,Chris \censtra. Joanne lhom- fathers day service June :20 “open The Gates“ as the (mid. _ _ v _ . Birthday greetings to Faye as. 440 Yard Run â€" lntermcd- saw a good number in attend~ rcn came throuin a white gate V ..... . . , " ' †" " " ' " ’ ' ' ‘ ' Stanley. who turned 14. June iate Boys â€"Tom Moulton. .lacklance at Kleinburg United to get their diplomas. ' ‘ " 27. Steenliof. Randy ROss â€" Senior.‘Cliurch. Miss Cheryl Donneral Over 100 people were presâ€" \isiting with Mr. and Mrs. Boys v Mike Stcpan. Mama _ _ _ r 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 7 V _ cm at the dun-ch picnic hold Fred Bircliall. l Goldenspring Clicfero. Ross Nardilli. 880: . . “'7 June 22 at Kleinburg park m Road. are their grandcliildren.‘Yard Run wâ€" lx'aren Snider. NE“ MARKEJ: James Handle)" enjoy†supper. races and a baseâ€" cliairman of the town‘s parks Craigv and Susan Varley of \\'i1- Lynne Lostcliuck. lx'atliy Miles . ball game between the l'li-C iowdam _ hum-mediate [30Ls L Bob and recreation committee until members and the Church men 315m.“ teachers. friends and Cleroux. Jack Steenhof. 'l'om 1‘ “35 dl-‘SOIVOd ln'lam'al'53died‘ Rev William Reid was hon. former pupils gathered in tho Moulton â€" Senior Girls â€" 0f 3 I103“ aIlHCk June 31. 119 mod y“... 30 by members ofth. Junior public School June ‘23 to Donna Snider. Francine “ii-“"33 53- “C also served “‘1 we Kleinburg charge with a Gift. honor Mrs. Esther Miller who is liams. Chris \‘censtra â€"v Scn- 100'†PUbllC SCIIOOI board and He will he ooiï¬g to Tester: in retiring from the teaching pro. ior Boys â€" Ross Nardilli. Ray “’35 'd 1335I Pl‘esldc‘m or the Le’ Jim. 5 ,fession this year. She taught in Flear. Daiid Nicoll. Standing Sion and Rotary Club. He was ‘ â€"» - r r 7 this school for the )ast 10 years Broad Jump â€" IntCl‘mt‘diale “SSISU‘m “mu.†3‘ R3950“ r z s ‘and before that at Ilie Old Pine Girls â€" 6' ll" â€" Karen Snider. POIHCChnical Institute in ’I‘or- 1‘13 GL‘DALE ANIMAL Grove School. Norma \\'ccda. Mary Donovan 0'110- e The pupils of the junior â€" Senior Girls -» 7'2"â€"â€"â€"Fi‘an- â€" ‘ " ‘“ ‘ """‘ “W’i HObPlTAL ‘public school held their play CinC William-9 “film POOL TURN SPARE ROOM DR. CARL HEDER .day Juno 24 with econ-one Donna Snider. Running Jumpâ€"e INTO SPARE CASH 8.33 5101 ‘participating in field day comp- 12‘ â€" Mal’.‘ DOIIOVB". LHKIH' _ BY USING ' I I ctitions. which was a lot of funï¬lones. Karen Snider â€"- Inter- hIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS | l School will be dismissed at mediate Boys - 13' 11" â€". Tony . . . - _ ,,___M_. 7, ,_w,. _,.7â€_ 4__ _ , 2:30 June 30. the last day of Bentley. JOIN! Locke- Jack , I , school. iStecnhot’ â€"â€" Senior Girls * " ‘ Please. cirncrs. remember tong-10†*‘ DWI†Snldfâ€˜ï¬ 'IUIIE‘ watch out for children on ilichl'feli Fl‘alwim‘ William“ â€" T P . roads all summer and drive 591110" 30.“ 14'10†~â€" Dan- ‘ny Lindsay. (Jari l'louaid. Doug A large number or young Haines. Ugh dumb inter- svvimmers arc taking adyantage mediate Girls A 4' ~ Norma of the Kleinburg park H0“-_.\\'eeda, Kathy \liles. Ellen Hiiln ever. I wonld like to “am a“ iard tied \\'ilI‘ Mary Donovan â€"â€"‘ with caution. Re: Transportation Area 7 parents they are still liable “‘lermedlale BO†_ 4.6†_' to run into trouble like cut JOI‘“ LOCI‘E‘ T0117" 3W!â€- feet. so I advise parents to be PM?“ Co""‘«" “ senior 6"": " a.» on hand every time the children a 9‘ I - go to the park. Benson tied with Donna Snider C rel a Borikcr. Cathy The Corporation of the Town of Vaughan has entered ‘ v _ _ ‘ M . H Th 11.. _†s n-w agreements with the Toronto Transit Commission ‘CyL°Qï¬ljttgltagfns“‘ï¬â€™oAlf;ng1333503“?- o...aSPel_.vir Lgiï¬ dated June 23rd. 1969. April b'th. 1971. and January 3th. ‘ 1honors in grade 4 piano exam Imfl\>'91'. Ffiyxaitt Stark. Cord 1971. whereby the will operate motor bus services ' .81, the Toronto Cons’enamr), of Minn-c), ’Iriple Jump: â€" It‘ll?!“ from Steeles Avenue northerly on lslington Avenue. Keefe ' iMusic recentâ€: EEGï¬ale 11303's 3131a“ Street and Yonge Street respectively. Under The Munic< ' ‘. _Would you believe i had 26813235; fftéem‘ofeBgys‘ _~ 29:- ipality of Metropolitan Toronto Act the Town may, with iiriillblomtilis (1111. on Tuesday'!‘ 8., _“ Mam†Chefeln Ross the approval of the Ontario Municipal Board, create an A a") “in 5 to a“ “ho Plo'NardmL Dammâ€" Francescut. area and charge any deficit or credit any surplus against . vided bakin for the Guid nd‘ . .. . (Photo by Stuart's Studim Brownie LgA booth atea 'Shot Put ~â€" 26 3 Mary Retiring Principal Roy McW/iirter Taught 44 Years ' looked to be a Yen. successflllilKaren Snider for. the inter- day in every “av.†Results to mediate girls. Fonintermediate folio“. lam... †.boys with 21 5 with Bob Bonf- Retiring Principal Roy McWhirter, (right) shares his appreciation of his pupils’ sketches of him with President William \‘,"{ttleï¬d1“$ l“? Blew?“ and ï¬fillid SEES? g‘jgï¬ef‘eéflfli‘ï¬ni Munroe of the Ross Doan Home and School, Richvale, at a farewell reception held June 17 in Ross Doan School. Artists ma 6 “mules munlo" last'Giris 23'5"“w by Judy Hossack. were Jennifer Marko, Bonnie Dawson and Carolyn Egan. _ Expressing appreciation of Mr. McWhirter’s services as teacher and principal in this area at the two-hour reception, were Superintendent of Schools John Kippen, York County Area 3 Superintendent Douglas Adams, Trustee Warren Bailie. Special Education Consultant Mrs. lilarjorie Boggs, Superintendent of Schools Russell MacDonald of Area 4, Superintendent of the rateable property in the area. Since these will be purely local services. Council does not feel the deficit. if any. should be charged to the Municipality as a whole. It is anticipated that the lslington Avenue service will operate at a deficit which would require a levy in that area of 12 of a mill. the Keele Street service would require a levy in that area of 1:; of a mill and the Tango Street service would require a levy in that area of 1/25 of a mill. The Department of Municipal Affairs has requested municipalities to Iiave as few area charges as Satui‘da‘ from Kl ' b r < l _ , _ M... an; Mrs Caflmsï¬gi “:rllglsecond Julie Ci'y‘er. third Lori Yvonne. Jeffrey. Wendy, Karenjsfpithers ‘ 5.0%?" B°~YS _ 335 and Keith Shaw. l4: â€"- Danny indsay. secon l GeL “.0†wishes to MFR Gail Peter Steliouwer. third Keri , i . .. . . . " ~ ' ~ - Sle‘fal‘t- os"bl and 'n v’ ' f tl 11 t ' I 1' York County Separate School Board Joseph Hodge. Presulent William Moore of the Ross Doan Home and School Association. kl'lcade'. “h†‘5 .pfese’ltll a- 1 t1 . . [' .1 L La a. p M, .8 l ,19“ .0 19.51713. amouné "1‘0 Wd an.“ 7 ‘. . . . . . . patient in the IOik Central, n I? 3'“ md 5 a no the resultant savings in administiation costs. the Counctl the host group, and PiinCipal Roy Robson of the George Bailey School in Maple. a former pupil. Each reminisced about Hospital, staff, heid June 17, the follow- has decided to create one transportation area The his association with Mr. McWhirter to the enjoyment of the guest of honor and all in attendance. Mr, and in; Jim Reid, ing entrants came home with ' ' Kleinburg} enjoyed three weeks ribbons. In the 100 yard dash proposed area is described as follows: iin Europe recently. and sawlfor intermediate boys; Tony their son Gilbert for ï¬ve daysBentley came third: for senior of the trip. lgirls. Cathy Benson came sec- School News lond. In the 220 yard dash. Track and field ofï¬cial resJJohn Locke got a first for inter- ults are as follows: 60 Yard.mediate boys. Tom Moulton lDash â€"Inte1-mediate Girls __1came third for intermediate lKaren Snider. Lynne Lost- boys in the 440- “m- ichuck, Kathy Miles â€"- Senior, Vivian Peel managed a third 1' Girls â€" Cathy Benson. Donna in senior girls standing broad A ' Snider. Faye Stanley. 100 Yardjump. 3 iDash â€"â€" Karen Snider, Lynne} Mr. McWhirter, who lives on Pemberton Avenue in Willowdale, graduated from North Bay Normal School in 1927. He came to York County in 1951 as the principal of the then two-room school at Concord. When he left there in 1964 to take over the principalship of the Ross Doan School. it had grown to six rooms. Before that he had taught for a year in North York and in Oshawa and Pickering and for two years in Markham Township. One of his grade 5 pupils at the Hagerrnan’s School in that township was Mr. Robson. Mrs. McWhirter taught in Richmond Hill for several years and retired a year ago. m6 . 1. The lands situate in the Town of Vaughan being Lots 26 to 35 inclusive in Concession 1 of the Township of Vaughan or more particularly all the lands within an area bounded on the south by the northerly limit of Steeles Avenue, on the west by the easterly limit of Bathurst Street. on the north by the southerly bound- ary of King‘s Highway No. 7 and on the east by the westerly limit 'of Yonge Street. , Firstly: The lands situate In the running jump. inter- in the Fourth Concession of the lhard with these girls, and is,ceived awards for faithful at-‘the evening was enjoyed by all. Sundays and holidays. IeavingLostchuck. Mary Donovan -â€" mediate girls, Mai-y Donovan Township of Vaughan being the easterly halves of Lots lti'ying to organize a small tendance. Before the children and the Maple at 10:17 am and return-Ilntermediate Boys â€" John received a second and in in- 6 to 9 inclusive league with other teams from In the grades 1 and 2 class.iyoung people began the pro- ing from Ontario Place at 7:30‘Locke. Tony Bentley. Jackjtermediate boys. Tony Bentley ‘ ' surrounding areas. Gary Forrest presented suitable gram of races and games, a pm and arriving home at 8:08 Steenhof â€"â€" Senior Girls â€"igot a first. In high jump. John secondly: v Senior Citizens awards to Blair Ivens and Mark gift was presented to Linda 111- pm. icathy Benson, Chris VeenstmflLocke. intermediate boys got a The lands situate in the Fourth Concession ol‘ the Monday. June 28, was the last Fortin for good attendance. gram and her fiancee Paul Mc- For further information onlMarion Boyce â€" Senior Boyslsecond. Jack Steenhof got a Township of Vaughan being those parts of Lots 10 regular meeting of the current season for the Maple Seniors. ‘ Meetings will begin again in In the last two years that we SePtembeI‘. the first Monday Guire, from the congregation. Linda and Paul were happy with their new cuckoo clock for their new home. bus schedules and routes as.â€"â€" Martin Chefero. Danny Lin- third in triple jump. Martin well as charges, our readers.dsay. Mike Stepan. 220 Yard Chefero, senior boys. got a should feel free to call 920-0020. Dash â€"â€" Intermediate Girls â€"ithird in triple jump. Danny Rosemary Brice presented the awards to her grade 3 youngâ€" sters. Valerie Stephenson re- ceived a gold pin and wreath and 11 bounded on the east by Keele Street and on the west by the westerly limit of the Canadian National Railway lands. have been writing this column IOIIOWing the Labor Day holi- for two years perfect attend- a s * >Ir v : - ‘- . ‘ .- ‘ ' Lug- ' '.. Thirdly: we have grealitly enjoyed the dag S‘cptellnbel‘ 13. I ance and a 6 ygardbar folr als sundav June 20 M... and The lands situate in the Fourth Concession of the contact with a 1 members of our uring tie summer, iowever. many years at un ay sc 100. , . " ., ' . Town h. f Va han hem thoxe arts of Lots 12 and community. but there havejtwo outings, by bus, are being Kellie Hudson and Gordoans‘ red smalt 0f JaCI‘son 5 1p 0 “g g p l3 and the south half of Lot 14, bounded on the east by a line parallel to the westerly limit of Keele Street and 800’ westerly therefrom and on the west by the westerly limit of the Canadian National Railway lands. _ .. . Street were honored at a sur- coopel Iecel‘ed gold pms and.prise 40th anniversary party atI wreaths for five years attendâ€"L , H “ ance. David Plunkett receivéd‘thelr cottage at cedar arbm A Lake Simcoe. Thirty friends ' ‘ ' ‘ old in and on _ iifeai‘liofcidewogyearsp perfect gathered to help Lil and Ted attendance celebrate their anniversary. Scott Wi‘ight received a sec- on Sunday their nephew, BOP 0nd year gold pin for missing Smart entertained them at a no more than 2 Sundays. family party on McNicholl Av- Jamie Carter, Lindsay Cl.eigh_ enue in Toronto. Congratulat- ton and David Grosse received Ions to them bOth! second year silver pins for mis- * * * * sing no more than four Sun- We have received the new days. Michelle Fortin and Kim‘GO bus schedules and would McCallum received awards forllike to pass on to our readers Bill 0‘ Tman 311d dauglllm‘.9mb°" 20 and provide enter-faithful attendance. ‘the information we found there. Nancy. MI‘S. Chris Button. also lainment for that day, and mu Mrs. Linda Hudson presented as well as the fact that the new living in Toronto. gl‘OUP has accepted. Flll'l'llel' Neal Langeman of the grade‘bus service here has been well. “"5- Kerriaan plans for this visit will appear four class with his gold pin and received. and is being used by five year wreath. Brenda Grosâ€" many commuters as well as a been times of deep sadness too.‘DIann€d- The first JULY 20. “111 when we have extended the be a day at Ontario Place. In condolences of our residents to Spite of all the criticism level- tliose who have lost a loved‘led at the new project, we feel one. that there is a great deal to in- Tliis week we wish to express tel‘est seniors. and that they deep and sincere sympathy to will enjoy their visit. Watch the friends and the family of this column for further details. Mrs. Kenneth Kerrigan, recentlyi The SCCOnd trip 0f the sum- of Naylon Street,Maple. who hasimer is planned for August and been living in Willowdale for Will likely be Niagara Falls- the. past two years. Margaret The Golden Age Group of Al- Anne passed away last Thurs-iliston has invited the mem- day after a lengthy illness. Sheibers of the local club who en- leaves her husband. Ken. son‘tertain, to visit them on Sept- on Fourtlily: The lands situate in the Third Concession of the Township of Vaughan being those parts of Lots 7 to 10 inclusive bounded on the west by Keele Street, on the north by the northerly limit of Lot 10. on the east by the westerly limit of the Canadian National Railway right-of-way and on the south by the south limit of Lot 7. Fifthly: The lands situate in the Third Concession of the Town- ship of Vaughan being that part of Lot 6 lying to the. west of the Canadian National Railway right-ofâ€"way and to the north of Provincial Highway No. 7. ORITE .95 Reg. $19.95 lengths per â€" Your Choice of Color Top RMICA 8. ARB 8 to 10 colors to choose from â€" 4’x8’ rested at the Jerrett Funeral Parlor in in this column as well. “éillowdale. with the service at On June 21_and 22 of this se and Blair Sutherland withjgi‘eat many casual travellers. ‘ 24“ VANITY __ COMPLETELY FINISHED i I . . . I . _ . o . ‘ . . . _ H $31.95 Sixthâ€: 1- pm June 26,‘i_nterntent in themontli 476 SE‘IIIDI‘S.‘ Mrs. Leilaiznd year silverpms'and RonnieY Although most of out" readers‘ 3 ., VANITY _ COMPLETELY FINISHED I i I . . I ‘ . . . . . I _ I . $39.95 The easterly 24M. or L0†2. 3' 4' 5 and 6 in 1h? Maple Cemeteiy. Hynd RN. and youi coirespond-iand Dougie Hay with awaidswl-e aware that we liaye buses M v ' V H y ‘ I (_ F ‘11 C sion of the Township 0, Human “ * * ' ‘ent. thoroughly enjoyed an for good attendance. lacing in [o'foronto at 7;12. 7:57 36 \‘ANII‘Y â€"â€" COMPLEIELX FINISHED . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . SMJ.) 0â€â€ onces ' C d_ \anona am. ‘ ., _ , . .. . _ . 1° . _____________._.__â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"-â€"‘--â€" l 5' we must apologize for themyernight tiip to Gananoque. Mrs. Louise Coopers grade and 9:37 am and 2:37 pm \veekâ€" bounded on the soum by the “3.1.8†.. ‘ .{ 5h blievny of the “.3919 Thou,sam.i Islands: Ifive class was presented with‘days. we wonder how many are way I‘lgllt-OI-“ay and On Ule "Grill 05' Plo‘m’mï¬ 3 1: ' “"5 ‘I'eek- bl“ “uh the 191?. W? feel (“me “’5â€de 1" re“their pins with Cheryl Cooper aware that the daily 9:37 am 1 H , ~ , ~ " _ way No. 7. ghone 9st“ of order “llhenf g"; WE‘tmé’all‘f‘ eta?“ :I‘d iv“: glneland Lisa Hudson receiving five bus stops at the door of Kl‘esâ€"l, . RAIURAL ENOTTY BIRCH, 4 SS . . . . . . . . . .. Shim â€" Reg. $10.90 Seventhâ€: 'as wri on as a resu 0 r1- en oye ie ri ian's o te. . - ' ~ ‘ ' w ' P -l . s - v . ' » . nv.’ day‘s electrical storm. vour-idgal weather the smooth wayiEï¬ieflï¬ce??§15“;esggghd satag.95mi‘tdigenfgliiï¬infnofn BURNISHED BIRCH. 4’83, . - - . . - . - - - - . > - . . - - . . 35-00 â€" Reg, 3.4») The “ester†950 of Lots 2 and 3 m ,he “Hid Con. . v a . . . i . , . _ - ‘ - , g. - v- i. i , In ' COB‘OSDtOIIdGIIIt ils like a wagon in which all our plans and mummy†pin and Heather Lamont eithelv‘ that a G0 bus goes to‘ SUMMER KNOTTY CEDAR, 4 XS’ (while they Iabl) $0.95 ccssion of the I‘Owgsmp\0fbval;gia‘1 “'1 1°“ ' ““ee‘ lganimtio" “‘°rked‘°““ 1° theIan award for Good attendance.‘0ntario Place on Saturdays, . , v v . , 7 _ South by the Cana lam 1‘3 10le ï¬am‘li‘ "a" ' "" 3’ it a a t .vaelways bus drivel: Frank David Langgman presented} t 12â€x12" V llVYL ASBESTOS FLOOR TILE . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mtge Lach and an the norm by me north Lima.†of said Lot 3. «5 Different COIOI'SI 12" x 12†Hearty get well wishes to alltDale. whose help and adviceman.y Cooper with a gold pint ‘ ' those in Maple who are ill. in-iwas invaluable, and last butyand Six wax. award. Robbieiâ€"â€"â€" 3. the lands situate in the Town of Vaughan bclzig Lots SOLID VINYL cluding the maiiy'cliildi‘en who'not least to the impromptu en-lHudson with a gold pin and! i i to in inclusive, Concession 7 of the Tapasâ€"'11? of have been very Sick with good‘tertainment committee. “'Mrsxfi‘.e year a“Md Chm Hunk ‘ R 1' I L E Vaughan and including a†0" the form†“M33? 9‘ ï¬xatigoned‘ Emsâ€? “ ebun‘yei’l‘lle‘gn 3"? Iglfndsf‘ t1 ett with a gold pin and wreath Eath Woodbridg‘e or more particularly, all the lands martin ‘ ‘3 “We ‘3"? 991“ - mug 0†~"' “ ° ‘9 for second vear perfect attend-1 -. ' ' - - ' '2 south by the southerly nu ill as many as 15 children in some group were actually Maple-lIance and D‘avid Sutherland red Reg- 9“ “ hlle The} Last an areafoflndedï¬w “,6 In t†2‘93. by the easte“|y school grades away with this members. their friends from ceived his second veal. silver‘ Of L01 “ boncecslon L o“ l \ ' i i SPRING SPECIAL limit of the road allowance betreen Concessions 7 and ALL CEDAR illness. We would also like to extend get well wishes to R055 Robson of Richmond Street. who has been confined with pneumonia. There has been a type of flu making the rounds as well. cat- ching tip with many. including Mrs. Bruce Thurston and the family of your correspondent. We do hope that all the illness- es will be cleared away by now. and that all our readers will enjoy a happy. healthy and safe holiday. t n t a: We, somehow. got credit tor the name attached to the junior girls baseball team. the Maple Mighty Mites. in last week's column. Although the name suits and will likely stick. we must confess that it came from the pen of Al Taylor The girls. last Thursday e\cnin:. went to Oak Ridges for a return game with the team they had beaten the week before. The score was reversed. liowevcr_ with Oak Ridges coming out on top for‘ various reasons. Bruce Thurs- ton was particularly oroud of his girls. though. as tIl(‘_\ took a thorough trouncma. but came away SI’IIIIlnE Bruce is \‘Ol‘klllg King City. Kleinburg, ,Richmond Hill and Toronto joined in the fun and proved to be most congenial. Presbyterian Church On June 16. the ladies of St. Andrew‘s WA-WMS met at the home of Mrs. Jean Miller. Keele Street Nonh. Unfortun- ately very few members were present. due mostly to sickness, Sunday. June 20. members of the Sunday school joined the congregation for their annual award Sunday. \Vith Superintendent Mrs. Louise Cooper. the teachers of‘ each class presented pins and awards to their children. In the nursery and kinder- garten class. Gail Cooper and Sandra Sutherland presented a gold pin and a ‘lnd year w reatli to Melody Shears for two years perfect attendance. Scott Elson and Artin received gold pins for years with no more than Sundays missing. Bruce Plunkett receiyed his ’JOId pin for first year perfect atterdance Leslie Grosse and Much Cl‘OlEIltOn received sce- oiid year silier pins and Kirk liens and \ndrew Carter re- Baiaj two two Laskay.‘ Donald Stephenson. who was away with the Scouts. had earn- ied his gold pin, wreath and lseven year bar. t Brian Bromfield. Brian Hay} Karen Evens and flick McCal- lum were given awards for‘ good attendance. Special Awards were gnen to three of the children in the nursery and kindergarten for- memory work. Melody Shearsl Arun Bajaj and Scott Elson each received Bibles. Cheryl Cooper earned the merit pin for bringing guests to Sunday school. > Mrs. Cooper extended sincere thanks to all who had helped during the year in the Sunday school. including the teachers and tliOse who had acted a~ supply teaclieis. and Rev. B. F. Andrew added his thanks on behalf of the parents and con- gregation to those who work with the young people and child- rcn in the church. On June 24. the congregation. and children of the Sunday school gathered at Boyd Park for the annual congregational picnic. With ideal weather and a good turnout as cell as the usual deliCious pot luck picnic I97] TRUCK TENDER Sealed tenders, clearly mark- V ed as to contents, will be receiv- ed by the unuerstgned until; 1 M 1‘! NOON. JULY 12, 1971, for the supply of: 1 pick-up, 9' box. Stepside 1 pick-up, 8' box. Sweptside l pick-tip. 612' box. Sweptline. l 4â€"ton truck. complete with. . 1 box. plow frame and tailgate sander 1 «Hon truck. cab and CIIaSSIS only '\\llll 3 Trade-ins Specifications and forms are available at the En- gineering Department. Munici- pal Offices in Maple. Lowest or any tender not nec- , ‘- essaril.v accepted, , R H KRAFT. Fling. ' Town Engineer Town of Vaughan \laple Ontario _â€"_â€"â€"â€"â€"_ r tender‘ . PAINT PREFAB 8 30 am PITTSBURGH$ .95 v picmc Interior or Exterior (Can be tinted. extra 50c) GARAGES $332183 FACTORY CLEARANCES . . Kitchen Cabinet 6: Wall Cupboards SEE IS FOR ALI. ‘YOL'R NEEDS IN HOME IMPROVEMENTS Now is the time to put a nice cedar fence around your property CADILLAC to 5.30 p m Gal White Only TABLES $2I'95 Prefab or Assembled LUXURIOUS 1/2 Price AN 1) COTTAGE MATERIALS BUILDING PRODUCTS CO. PHONE 832-22271 . KEELE ST.. MAPLE North of Maple Sideroad on Keele St 8.30 am to 9 pm. - Sat 330 am to 5 pm â€" Friday 8 lying to the north and south of the former Village of Woodbridge and the westerly limit of the former Village of Woodbi'idge. on the north by the northerly limit of Lot 10, Concession 7. and on the east by the westerly limit of. the road allowance between Con- cessions 6 and T. The total assessment of tile i‘ateabie property in the proposed area is 3135.19420100 and it has been estim- ated that the system will. under present conditions. oper- ate at a deficit and that the portion charged to the Town will be approximately 331.750.00 per year. This will mean that the owner of a property in the area assessed at 320.000.00 would be charged $4.70 per annum. In view of anticipated development in these areas. the reienue should be increased substantially within the next few years which would reduce or eliminate the levy. Take notice that in the e\ent you wish to obiect to the approyal by the Ontario Municipal Board of the pro» posed area. you should mail or deliver a notice in writing to the Clerk at the Municipal Offices in Maple prior to July 23rd. 1971. Dated at the Tovn of \aughan this 28th day of June. 1971 F. G. Jackman Clerk Town of Vaughan Maple OD'A"0