Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 1 Jul 1971, p. 20

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A) 5 Visitors to the annual meeting and open house at Blue Hills Academy for emotionally disturbed children on May ‘29 did not see the children. for they go home on weekends. But they did. see the bright and cheerfully furn- ished cottage style buildings and savored the train. quility of the gently rolling acres of grass and trees and flou'ers. relaxing at picliic tables on the lawn while they enjoyed the refreshments provided by the Blue Hills Auxiliary. Something of the activity at. Blue Hills. the counselling and living pattern, the work and play sessions was portrayed in a showing of slides taken and presented by Child ('are Worker David Waite. former reporter-photographer and UNICEF worker. “There should be 100 of these (centres like Blue Hills) across the country," observed Mr. Waite. In welcoming the guests.|man Mrs. Sandra Sillcox reâ€" Glenn Ferguson. president oflported on the auxiliary‘s first Blue Hills‘ volunteer board ofyear of development, directors. paid tribute to "help-l Several times adults and ing services" in the community teenagers have assisted with and a dedicated staff for acatering and entertaining successful first year of opera-loutside groups who have exâ€" tion. lpressed interest and visited The board is now awaitingiBlue Hills. approval from the legislature A volunteer program has also for the second phase of the been developed under the di-‘ building program â€"â€" construc-Tection of Chief Child Care tion of a family service build-‘Worker Norman Knapton and ing. This. said Mr. Ferguson. 20 teenagers are now involved would make it possible to moreon a regular basis. assisting adequately build in a program‘staff with the children in early of after-care, and would also evening activities. 1 free the building now used forl Adults with particular skills offices for its intended use as ahave volunteered their time and residence for 12 more children.‘are giving weekly art instruc-‘ Treasurer Arthur Johnson re-‘tion and driving children to and‘ ported that pre-opening and de-‘from outside activities. l velopment expenses for the twoi The first four children ar-l buildings now in use were Paldrived at Bllle Hills on May 1.‘ from donations received. Cap-11970, reported Mr. Bodcn. and Ital requirements during l970‘by November they were oper. were provided from donationssatjng at capacity with 12 child“ pro‘thml grams» an intereSt-iren in residence, although full‘ free 103" from the Uhll?d;staff compliment was not filled Church. and a short term bank‘umii March of this year. l oan. ; . 2 Capital receipts during 1970‘ DISCHARGE 21 “Him” The academy has received 44 were $209,868.45 and capital . I payment5_ including repavmenhref‘errals and has discharged 21‘ of a 55.000 loan provided in, ,helchlldren, with the average stayl York County Mental Health AS_I19 weeks. Seven children re- sociation. were 3204.93223 .ferredl were not, admitted fort. a variety of reasons. and four goal is to say that we design atant â€" not just the profession- THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. Thursday. July 1. 1971 amin Involvement Blue Hills Plan, ‘deallng with his frustrations liiunlty: politicians. press. staff and problems that will produce of York County and York Cen- positive rather than negativetral Hospitals. community returns for him. health nurses. etc. “This in part is accomplished M3113 56‘?ch Clubs and or- through constant reflection of Famzatmhs ha)" 3“?“ f‘hf‘hc‘ “hat his hrhavmr means total support. and have ln\ll(‘(l himself and to other poop]? and represcntatives of Blue Hills to m. me mm! accepianw of him talk to their groups. There have as a “0.1mm”? human hemg also been a number of \isits mm If his behavior is no, 3L from other professional groups “a” acceptable‘u “pained Mn that are interested in the pro- d . .‘ 1' gram. ‘30 9” m h]; repm I Mr. Boden and othcrs assoc- ”This treal'mohl ‘pyffm‘l isiated with Blue Hills expect mal.made h" “90h” . conff‘r' the need for such services will ‘encmg and by consultation with increase. not just because Hwy tour ('qnqlllan.‘ m “m? rhferrmg are available. but because of a ps-‘Th‘al'i‘sm m “‘9. a'ea' lgrowing population and increas- d The dsecond I major lcfffm‘lills ing expectations placed by soc- irecte at tie Iota ami_v.'iety on individuals. with attention channelled toj Although it. had its face and .the particular needs of thc‘hands scrubbed for company. family of the child in residencfland its hair combed, Blue Hills â€"â€" his parents. brothers andhas a lived-in air. The child- sistcrs â€" and involves also theren‘s art work adorned bulletinl child. a social worker and aboards in dining hall and child care worker. It is an in- lounging areas. and the individ- volvcment that, is very intensciual bulletin boards at the head and demandin to all concern- of each bed in their two-bed cd. but is designed to improveland three-bed rooms displayed communications between memâ€"lthe treasures and interests of bers of the family. to lay beforelthe youngsters. I ; them what is actually going on‘ .Color Is the key in decor.! and to support the family to be- with bright I furnishings and come more helpful to its mem- draperies against pale \valls. hers. t PERSONAL INVOLVEMENT l “Another way of stating our. And the people are import-1 l l program which will developjal staff. but board members. happier families." declared Mr..volunteers. and workers who. Boden. ltake the children to their The third area of involvementlheans- They 9"?“ ha"? '3 grahd‘ father and a grandmother at is with the school. This can be i th casual weele contact Blue Hills- _ :rlit :2“ mean Spen‘dmg me Max Meharrie. who heads the. - » ' . ' teri dav in the classroom with the.rr‘e‘lht‘v’nah“e “a,” ‘5 a (“pen child This line of involve-'h-V trade~ hhl’ JaCk'Of'all'tradGS‘ mem “so can be Ye]... demand_‘at Blue Hills. With eight chil-. ‘ s ' . ' . mg if it is to be effective. d1.a“._ldlen and I5 igiandchildlen of‘ his own. he is a popular than . . H . . ‘ nd . mg m team?“ prmcmak a with the young and troubled . ' 7 K . 8' k f t h e ‘ h ' ' Slippmme WHICH n reSIdcnts. And so is his \K‘lfe.‘ schools in frequent conferencesmhs. Meharrie is the cook‘ but “Vlth Blue Hms Slaff' ‘she is more than that. With herl AFTER'CARE GROWING warm personality and motherly The fhurth area 9‘ m"01“9‘Iappearance she is the sort, of maht'afle“car9 _ 15 “he thallperson children are instinc- “'35 hot antidpated a year agnttively attracted to. Both were tPhoto by Stuart's Studio) Donations. gifts and pledges ' ' ' - . ~ ' - â€" fBlue Hills 9 ‘9 received in 1970 came to $104,..a‘”,e m the process 0f being ad-‘l" he 35 mg ,3 13““ 0 on hand for the annual meet- _ 757. of which 23. , ' jmltted, Mr. Boden continued.‘Dl‘021‘am 35 It has hemlhe- mg. g s 472 remams‘There are 12 children in resiâ€"l Most families are now pai‘t.l S a to be paid in 1971 and 1972. ' ' ' ' ldence. capacity for present fac- lClpatlng 1“ an after-081‘? DFO' INNISFIL: Estimates are be- The original capital to be... ' ‘ raised from sources other thanulitles. . ‘ gran: when thde child leaves trhee‘ing sougm for renovating a) t The program. said Mr. Boden reSI ence- an 50”“? a 9 "room in the old Stl'oud School provincial grants was 209.0 .I . . , 0f ThiS. 3110.000 has navy beggaihas beeh de‘flmmd along flour .m C(intad smce thefor use as a library. The pres Obtaine'd from private subscrip-lma-lor 11”“ .Flm is the f1"e‘ Chllds dlschaxge la.“ summer'ent facilities in the community tion. and an additional 360.000day week reSIdemm treatment Others. have be“) picked up hylhall are proving too small for had been approved by York 0f the Chhd im'Oh'ihg inlenswe [lemming agenClhs‘ amid Sim the number of users. ‘ I Regional council pending ap_ contact between the child. 0th9rs_are managing quite well: ,, . proval by the Department ofiother children and professmnalgon their 0W” l Municipa1 Affairs. staff. In this way the child is Mr. Boden referred to sup- loperatmg budgets are sub helped to develop methods of'port received from the comâ€" mitted to and approved by the Department of Health. whichl l funds the complete operation. .\ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ u ‘ ‘ “ ‘ “ ‘i DEVELOP NEW PROJECTS ' Two new projects developed‘ ‘ l during the year were describ- i I i" i i l Tranquil. deserted Langstaff Jail Farm off Highway 7 at Yonge Street was turned into a miniature version of World War 11 recently as a bevy of CBC film crew members arrived on the scene to film “Firing Squad." Well known actor Paul Bradley (inset) gets some last minute instructions from one of the crew members while below its action cameras as a tense scene involving a. World War II army truck prepares to get. underway. Other actors involved were Hollywood's Keith Dulleax and Lloyd Bochner. The movie will appear in the fall as part, of the CBC Anthology Hour. _ MOLW You’re milesAahead at: COMPLETE LINE OF SUPPLIES 0 Complete Counselling Service 0 Quality Ingredients 0 Reasonable Prices QUALITY 0 VALUE 0 :eegfiuve '82â€" ed by the chairman of Blue Hills‘ Professional Advisorvl Committee. York County Board of Education Psychologist Dr. ‘ Jason McCallum. I The committee was formed three years ago to work with the Director Fred Boden andl senior staff in formulating pol- icies and exploring community needs. ‘ As children move into. and out of Blue Hills. the after-care serv1ce became increasingly im- portant and another social worker was added to staff to provide continuous follow-up ~ of the child and the family. is". ” - ’ i r“ Two other projects were de- “in h A i M” 89A YONGE ST. S. - RICHMOND HILL - Phone 884-1300 OPEN DAILY 9 am. to 6 pm. Thurs. and Fri. 9 am. to 9 pm. â€"â€" Monday Closed 359” 1C ". PLEASE NOTE: , To Our Customers and Friends, our telephone number is now 8844188 ll GUARANTY TRUST COMPANY OF CANADA RICHMOND HILL “QR AAAAAAAAAMAAAAA . ’13.?â€" Cy‘ ‘ -. ‘ 9(â€" ‘1 - A- of SUMMER ITEMS (1 ONLY) 84:53.4 (4 ONLY) (3 ONLY) (2 ONLY) 18” TWIN BLADE 18" 18” 18” ELECTRIC ELECTRIC ELECTRIC GAS MOWER MOWER MOWER MOWER Adjustable wheels REEL TYPE $59.00 $63.00 $119.00 A \J/ Be. one s ' Tiaâ€"sac if..- 94.“ .9, ‘)-- O EQUIPPED WITH LOCK AND KEY No. 85TC â€" 24 Capacity Deluxe Stereo Tape Cartridge Carry-Cases scribed by Dr. McCallum. A O CONCRETE â€"â€" STEEL REINFORCED spec1al adolescent program was 0 FIBREGLASS These students came to Blue Hills twice a week for open discussmn of their feelings and I , _ 9'.» l The second development is THORNHILL’ OBT. 2‘0 “461 the proposed extension of the.“““““!!!““l ance from the Youth Opportun-‘ D I o Ity Fund administered by the federal government. It will be There Is a sizeable list of children waiting to attend camp. said Dr. McCallum. and established for “hard to teach" o VINYL LINER (in-ground or above ground) behavior. and their attendance children. This year the camp 0 STI'RDY WOODEN CONSTRUCTION 0 DURABLE, ATTRACTIVE ALLIGATOR VINYL EXTERIOR staffed by students from uni- a number of students have ap- students who had various prob- WHITECAP POOLS LTD. was perfect for these sessions, ~ will be held for four periods of .. o ATTRACTIVE RED PLUSH INTERIOR 0 EACH TAPE HAS ITS OWN INDIVIDUAL COMPARTMENT .verSItles. colleges and senior plied for positions as counsel- lems in relating to people. also for school. 312 HIGH‘VAY NO. 7 EAST two weeks with financial assist- secondary schools. ' lors. Portrait Of Bobby ... ........ . . . . . ...... Bobby Sherman Do It . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Neil Diamond 40 feet, f'o'cfiségs ......5799 EiiiEN HOSOELY 33,. Aluminum Frame. Saran Webbing DELUXE 3-PIECE BARBECUE TOOL SET PORTABLE BARBECUE ' (with hood) oi $369 GOLF CLUBS $62.00 ‘ Set features ‘2 woods and 5 irons BestOf.................... . . . . . . . . . . . . . \‘anMorrison SPALDING PACE SETTER $1.49 GOLF CLUBS $29.95 Set features 2 woods and 5 irons Throughout the Year child The Hawk . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . , . . . . Ronnie Hawkins care workers have kept in close touch with the child‘s home and school. and a follow-up questionnaire had been devised which is given to community health nurse. principal. teacher and parents. SCHOOLS (‘O-OPERATE Since children in residence continue to attend their home schools. the Ottawa behavior school check list is distributed to the child‘s teacher by the county board's psychological services department which works in the schools of the reg- Greatest Hits . . . . . > . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Lynn Anderson Leon Russel . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .Leon Russel Most Of All . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . B. J. Thomas Baby Batter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Harvey Mandel ~AAA,â€"\.â€"\ A M Very Dionne , . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dionne Warwick Alone Together . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Dave Masvn Best Of Nantuckett Sleighride . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Mountain . . . . . . . . . . . ChuckBerrr . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Boots Randolph .- l l l l ) l l l l l l l -I " l «Ar-A . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Ramsey Lewts Greatest Hits Boots With Brass Jack Nicklaus Road Atlas Ion both before and after the ' R i Child Is admmed to Blue HMS Orient EXpI‘ESS ,. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . Liz Damon ‘ ! This said Dr \I C ll ‘ I , "‘ ‘ . ‘ c .3 um’ More Of Orbison's Greatest Hits . , . . . . . . . . Roy Orbison {f‘V' .' ‘ provides ongoing evaluation of 5 fink-1"" "7 “iv/'7'?“ v . Sho‘ ls Funky Down Here . . . James Brown 1(a), I the treatment program. It has become very apparent. reported Dr. McCallum. that Golden Hits . . . . . . . . . . “'aikikis WEE & FEED them is. a growing “99d f” Best Of . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . A Iommy James more children and famin help 20 1b bag of “.ms 40 my bag of “MS as offered by Blue Hills. Rastus (Double Album) . . . . , . . . . . . . . . . . . . Rastus 20 1033 ’feflmzer 75;, fermle GET TEI§ DELUXE CARRYING CASE WHICH Q A ! ‘. REGI‘LARLY SELLS FOR $15.95 FOR ONLY S4299 WITH THE PURCHASE OF ANY 3 MUNTZ TAPES FROM THESE S‘LECTIONS Open July 1:: ' Other members of the profesâ€" sional advisorv committee arr .‘Irs. Caroll Davis. a psychol. oglst with the Institute of (‘hild Studies at the I'niversitv of To. ronto; Dr. Marv Douglas; York County Board of Education's Superintendent of Special SPY- vices Maynard Hallman: Dr Douglas Murdock. chief of staff at York County Hospital. New. market; Newmarket Psychia- trlst Dr Paul Perry. and Miss Verna Smyth, director of com- munity health nurses for York Richmond Hill V I 889=0260 ReililiilaiarliieaClOmmill 8e C h air- ? . f EVIIZ 6\'ll4 [hi1 Open a Firestone Budget Account 884-440] 59 Newkirk Rd. - ‘Fwestone STORES RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE. RICHMOND HILL Open Thursday & Friday Evenings ‘til 9 p.111. .or use your... STORE HOURS Mon" Tues.. Wed. Sat. =- 10 am. to 6 p.121. Thursday and Friday â€" 10 am. to 9 p.111. ‘ 'l flag-91;: 93' 5 /__L._L ...L L V;

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