Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 Jul 1971, p. 19

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" R CORRESPONDENT: E Stindai'. was registration day Monte Jackie Cook. R059m3rtfoi‘ Camp Kiei, the lfkrainian Barchuk. Jackie Peace. Chris Orthodox Camp. The first. ses- tine Taylor. Jeanette Petersen CILS Telephone 889-4405 MRS. SOPHIE LOGL'SH Steeles And Bayview Opposed By Ratepayers i OMB Passes HighRise eWant Sate Brush Killer Checked . Riclmond Hill. Ontario, 'Iliur When the Toun of Markham called for tenders for weed cut- ting two bids were submitted. and both for the same price. so counCil agreed at a meeting .lune. 2.0 to award contracts to dai. S. 1’17”! For Polluti 19 on ani' \ianted to kiimi how the chemicals ottei'ed rate With Pollution Probe He was sup. ported by Councillor Adams it ho pointed out that in usme de foliants. council should he sure. lsion is from July 4 to 18. the Michele Bower" 'lU'l." Balistreri hmh' (Vm‘dmg‘thp 1h? “01“ 35 ill" do ltot contain chemicals second session is from July 151L153 (“lie-SP". ‘lary Beaton. in aanVlnE ‘ hlEh-l‘l-‘P Mil“ HF [953. but pill“ quUVam 3‘ 90‘5le not approved by pollution conâ€" tn August. 1. Christine De \rije, Shei'i'y apartment development. at chaser-s in l968 and 1970 lenders "am" in from RN“ trol authorities. 1 ,rn Open this session RP“ Dmi Cook. the southeast corner of were not told that high sfolglgd: arid‘lfihihlgalsnihbohh Regional Councillor Harold _ .i i. V in.” F0“, of Oak Awnup of“ Soccer â€" < Captain Toby T’an Steeles and BayHew A\e~ density development. was ‘V - _ i . o. o Laiiiie pomtcd out that the De. : . - _ imamd in “W Shari “rm” in my. Gm: Arziie‘ BU“. irlozush mm; M i, h i (.i phi Bham hem: (onSidPi-edi felling t‘he heruces of a man pariment of Highways has been I ' iv imp Chapel. Grezohy Mpinuk and Ricky longstaff. Rory Framer, Chairman Aloysius. hend‘ The OMB decision an- aln‘ and “10“” f0! 5171;135:1[11E-lOl‘nifil‘r’than a month. . Bmv Ilngush “ere altar hmshhriah hpeihh Larry kinsm" nedi wained lawiets an pioies a modification of -w v a ' i ' an t 31““ Anthony Roman tie-- ' ‘\\'l’llllP the congregation sang the Jack Van 'l‘ol, Roland Sing. real estate agents to be the original plan for a l7 31“ ‘- lem‘lllm Rm “Ul- clarcd tnat spi'aiing must start, fl ‘hvmm Airiei. ihe‘ genie}, m.ei.‘._lShane Teed. i more helpful in informin: acre site ho rd 9 ll n g on dl'e‘f’ filmed that hOIh' Com» now. "or we will have to do ii ‘ ' H ‘ . I l Baseball tBluet (‘aptain potential purchasers about ravine land adjacent to the pame‘V “9 hired and “3rd 1 manuallV'» one went. out. on the lawn “heic: . , . . Counctllor Robert Adams asked M- A the Canadian Mapie Leaf and Brett Hinton. Mickey 13510th Zoning and development; east. branch of the Don M h V i a i y» I l. .dams countered that. I “I > By MARGARET HOUGHTON The Ukrajnian flag< were flown lAian Raipii‘ ppim. \an Horsseni‘l pi.nposais_ Riv?“ i tat t 6 \\ 01k be Spill. EVEN” there need not b? SCHOUS (19.. . i V d g h 16 “he Singing of O éanada in ihé;Gar_v Tripp, .ary cums. Mich_, At a hearing of the OMB Spokesmen lor Bayvieiv bex‘een them- I lai'l. "One phone call should do 014 Sqmrts Assured Bakers 5118511“ b‘rerilzme iUkrainian iahguage and the act ls'rause. Michael Ross. Alcxl on May _30 ratepayers from Glencrest Ratepayers in hr‘whclrlllllacl fm‘ a fUVPFCJil)‘ “fill. . “06 um e ' ‘ ‘Ukrainian anthem follow d Kostik. David Breedon, Salt North \ork and Markham Markham and for Steeles _ Mb ‘ er “35 appmlp (on' Collm‘ll accepted Ward 5 . DO‘m 7‘3 an” “‘0 mmngs'i . e ' lGraziano. Scott. Saunders, Ron‘ protested the proposed de- Heights Community lncor- id“‘°_“al]3'- 5:31" “V” ‘3qu “'9” COLlnCillO" Murray Henderson's ‘Baker‘s Sales made a good, Peter Rodak. preSident of St.‘ V , win men. siaiin that en. maied in Norih york 0h_ received. Niagara Chemicals of motion that the low tend r . i A , . i , Best. Dale Banton. , D . R D i V. , V, 6‘ STANDINGS iconicâ€"hack. and won the game‘Vladimii s Cathedial. Totonto. Cosom Hockey (boys) _ .Cap“ (whips had heen mad? .iecied m the proxmiity Oi- Builington offered brush killer Niagara Chemicals be accepted P w L T Pl. ‘against. Oriole Lumber 16â€"12. spoke to the children on the min Alan Ralph~ Michaei Rnss.‘ before. “my had purchased ihi, high rise hiiiidihgs and in five gallon cans at $4.66 periprovlded the chemicals to he Junior Girls triple by Mike Havery of Bakerslvalue of camp life. where. fresh‘Rnn Best. Dale Ramon Mickey iheh. high prima Singie imm houseS in the existing gallon. and Maple Farm suppiymmemd are approved by ii“. Thornhill Mustc School . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 3 2. R in the third inning‘got. lht‘n‘l‘hll‘, good food. plenty of exei‘ciselTavim.' Pei“. van Hmisspn. i family homes. and they private homesV offered brilsh killer in five gal- Department of Highways and Thornhill Paint, . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . "ii i Z iinto ihe game. h7.ubllck'slthrct'yin tdht; fgrmhof i‘elllahationi ans; hoik dancing V V Tom, potierl‘ were assured by employees ln the. course of the hear- ilorivcagsxalc $4.80“?! RallOT-k /' or the. Metro Conservation Alley cats - ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ~ ' ' ' ' ‘ ' ' ‘ ' t ' ' - ‘ ' ' ‘ ' ' ' ‘ * ' "‘1'" mm" m l “ 35" '“nm'e’ “0 ea “‘5 ‘P “'1 9 “HO-"9 '3'” L h B ' ‘ . . of North York planning de« in”. the devclo er. Belmont; 31‘ ' Olin“ 0F fenl 'en' Alllllorit)’. or Pollution Probe ' t l y 0 us . onnie layloi. A p ' KEffer R931 ESlale - - - - i i - ~ - - - - - - - - ~ e 5 4 l l iput. Oriole ahead 12-10. but an by all. lAdeie ingMonie. Christine D93 partment that the zoning in Construction C o in pa n y. " ‘ A - .d 3 Intermediate Girls {amazing Six-run final inning F-lwhcn Barak. leader of Camp viii? Judy Baiesiwri‘ Mm.V Bea_ the area was for single agreed to move the three ‘ r r .- Thornlea Community . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ’ . . . . . . . 4 4 R won the game. Brian lzllsson‘hieli)‘. presented the coluhsejohszimn. Sherry Cook. Carniphimm.’ family houses. ‘ high ‘rise. buildings of ten Thornhill Pet. Shop . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 2 2 4 Ihfimewd. 519% Datum 311T 1‘." "i 03/5 59mm 90"."? 0V" 0 anraCIe Perron. Bonnie Curtis. ll “'35 hmughl‘ m l'ghl‘ and 1‘2 smre‘vs in a me 200 l Dottles' Copies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 l 3 2 ‘phen Barnes doubled. ' heie Peiepadtschenko. Junim' ceiin-.Jn_Anne peace‘ Donna Boyer‘ however, that a numbepot’ feet. south of Steeles Ave- i Shoppers‘ Drug Mart . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4 1 3 2 iivere other strong hitters in thcvselor. Peter Sandul: girls senior Marianne peiersen‘ Lmn Long_ applications for rezoning hue and 500 feet from exist- . Senior Girls igéame. MClive thaiihfreJrléillSSt. coupghg. 1€I\I/lrlԤS.Pl;/li:;ld§;‘:afggg Staff, Vera Camne‘ Anna Vah‘ hiid cringe go the bott‘loufih': singleflflamily homeslto . . . . . . . . . . 5 .1 2 6 “an 355°" ' ' 35515 " " . . Horsscn, Michael Krause, l) annlnr‘ 031‘ . an a e 9.35. . e company a so i §§$i01"'iiiectronics . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 3 2 6 iSingles- JOhn M3550“ dOUblEd Miss Vera _She\VPhUk1 Junior primary play Day: Ahimais_ others were pending. Re- agreed to abandon the | a Ardtea Floral Shop . . . . . . . . . . . ‘ . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2 3 4 ‘and Slngled- _ icounselor. Miss Nina_DanyliUk.‘ist Leopards __ Joe Bahstrerh zoning was considered as townhouse complex. 1 Vanguard Pharmacy . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2 3 4 .For Oriole. Chris LoiightoniRev. Dmltro Foty Will be the‘vpat Breyne‘ Susan Hohenem i .. . TOWN OF VAUGHAN v 4' ' 5 one an 06 'a “Veer *uppe ' ‘ ‘ e . ‘ " Rhonda Shaldoff. Terrv Maltby H d A h I W' J Car Sales. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...S 4 l 8 i. .,y , . . _ _ . . .. Eigiibne . . . . . .. .. .. .. 5 4 l 8 iSlnggleiirolgefiqu m d 9) iifgsvghu‘lfirio'ngzhLégnirm captain R013“? 5mg; (23nd fCOll-l C i The. Corporation of the Town of Vaughan has entered . .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2 .‘l 4 t “n ' " ' “ ‘ cars ~â€" /a cum ara ano, , , r y. i i _ _ , giiii’lre Liilriiiaer . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 5 0 l Kelson Plumbing 14 Saturday. June 25- the Uk' Penny-Lee. Halfpenny. Loretta ' i in,” ag'ecmems “uh the 'Tmomn Tums“ commissmn I Marshnuvs Shell 12 rainian wompn's Association of Lassen “hairy Anne NicoiosiviYork 3 i dated June 23rd, Apl‘ll 6th. and January . - "'"nmr 80'" ,5 .i i i 7 An exciting see-saw battle heâ€" the Knahunia tQucenl Olga'SILisa \Vaddington_ Lam-a Akpy'l I . r 1971. whereby the T.T.C. will operate. motor bus services 33533915]: 'lélhpeh"" ' ‘ ‘ ' ‘ ' ‘ ' ' ' ‘ ‘ ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ' ‘ ' ‘ 2 6 ,tiveen Kelson and Marshall‘s‘bralich of Si. Vladimir.S Ctall‘ffv' .loan Meggitt.Shane'l‘eed..Maria§ I H I i k d r H d 2 from Steeles Avenue northerly on lslington Avenue. Keele . ‘ k - - ' ‘ ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ' ‘ ' ' i ‘ ' . decided until the finalidrav held a garden party a t e.Beiii.am9 3rd Kangamm V_ n w anniia rac' an ie ,1 ei'son; 1.) Tony Bryan, Sand qi. i d Y q . . . i‘ Thornhill Budding . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 2 l 2 fi 0‘“. “n , - _~ , F. f, .i i , , - . i r _ A_ .i f Y k C ,1 , , ~ '99- an tinge - “PM respetllvely. Under The. Munic- . . i 5 ruining. Rclson scored two runs home of Mis. Menodota o.) 0| ‘Frahk Alaimo. Lindsay nan-91h mf‘t’. 0" ti ilea- o. 01‘ punisth. I i i , l I , V IV. kgfiinFiELuT:én%h-ibi ~ - ' - - - - ' - - ' - ' ‘ ' ‘ ' ' fi I] 3 'and Marshall's needed only two Oak Avenue. The ladies enioyediVici‘._V Kidd. Vicky Van Horssen'teast mommy“ 5.x schonis "a iniermediaip girls __ iii Chris ltll’allty "i iVletIODOIItan Tohonto Act. the. Town ma). thlh Clutchey's Sun Liieic””"'2 Z h . . ~ i ' V 5 1 3 1 3 ‘to tie the game. reading and listening to thciLihda Moorhead. Deanna MC, cently competed in a total of 54.Meddick, Bai-view Glen: Susani ‘9 apploml 0f the Ontario Mumcipal Board: create a“ k lint‘r. edi Kclson was ahead 6â€"2 in lhe‘works of our great authors and iiwaim,‘ Jennifer G 0 dsm an” events spread over six divisions Daniell, Baythorn; Ruth Schaif.‘ area arid (‘llal‘ge any deflt'll 01‘ credit any surplus agalnSt E 1. Cu” e m a ' ' a 5 in first, inning, with Tom lt’lione‘sipoets. A most. delicious lunchinomihy Gonzalez. 1determined by age and sex ofifer. Bayview Glen; Lesley Hir-i the i‘ateable property in the. area. Since. these will be Nng: gmhh 2 R 74 triple and Mike Davidson-s dou_iw35 serveii Birds __ Canmies is“ Lmiithe students competing. mann, Henderson. 12) Lorraine, purely local services, Council does not feel the deficit. Biw‘timm Power . . I ' ' . . _ 5 2 3 4 ble. Marshall‘s tied it. up six Monday. June. 28, the. teach- Ann Gillespie. Umberto Gon- Winner of the meet was Hen- Butt 53nd JT-i Dana LlVinE'i if any, should be charged to the Municipality as a whole. Alida-son's E550 ._ . _ . V . _ , V _ . . I . _ V _ u __ 5 1 4 2 all. Ahead went Marshall‘s in ers. parents executive, Rev. zaiez. Nancy Nikolaus. Sandra derson Avenue puhiic school “One. Henderson- t3' Slephanle, . i ‘ Senior Boys the third and fourth. with the Dmitro Foty and Rev_ G, Fei~enâ€",Di Cesare, Eddie Stewart, Judy with only three points more Clark. 16th ' Avenue; 13am It is anticipated that the Islington Avenue service Plaza Pontiac . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 4 4 8 flrSt 0‘ Ken Eaton-S hOmeI‘S. ciw and other notable persons Tustin, Glen Tocholke. Penny than the nearest competitor. SthrCh‘S Bsyglew Emmi Wlll “Derale at a defiCit “’thh Would l"'3quil‘e a levy in Thornhill BP - ~ - - - - - v - - - ~ - ~ - - - - - - - - 4 l l 2 4 and.anomer by Alex Hay: Mike 0f 5" Vladimir: gave a surpl‘lse SChEH‘ Blue-layS‘ 2nd ’_ Filo' Bayview Glen. which was also “e-V' an 1“: Re y 0 awa“ that area of 1.2 of a mill. the Keele Street service would Iv, York Printing _ _ _ l i i _ i ' _ _ _ _ _ i i i u i i _ _ . I i _ _ 4 i 2 i 3 Davidson homered for helson. party for Mr. and Mrs. John mena OI‘SI. John Potter. Gordonihe host school. ‘Baylhom; Sandy KUShV‘W", Royal, require a imiy in that area of la of a min and the Yonge Jay_c Office Outfitters i i _ t _ _ i _ i i _ V i V V i __ 4 3 1 1 Rick Seeley doubled for Mar- Parson. Mr. Parson is the or- Kuettel, Diane Russell, Mark‘ 0th VV h i Whhh t dOrchard; Heather Baillie, Bay-i qt . , Id ‘ V I v i h h f / Is South Beginner Boys Shau's- A Second Mm?!“ by chestra leader. while Mrs. Parâ€" Lawrence, Lynn Bamford. Alex , V ,9]; scthOOVS R K lcgn‘qrhe ed view Glen; Julie Fal‘bel'. BaY-l ‘ Feet Sélvme W0” lemme a my "lit. at 3'93 1 2* Crawford Allied Industries 5 5 m Ken Eaton tied the, game. 12 all. son is a Sunday school teacher. Kostik. Paul Schell; Robins 3rdi?69€he‘Av:;/ue°;:a “3:2. Jtcsjrfd View Glen; Jill Galer, Hender-j of a mill. The. Department of Miimmpal Affairs hi.s Copper Kettle. .. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 5 a 2 a John ONcil doubled and, kel- Mrs. Menodoi-a Fot‘y was MC for;~â€" Sandy kidd. Paul Peace, AS1119”, we're many ties for theison- V H( . requested muhmpalities to haw as few area charges as House of Chiu . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . . 5 2 3 4 sort and Mike Tlmanos Single. this occaSion. Theie were many Scott Bieedon, John 'lhompson,‘. d. .d 1 ha . n hi due to Intermediate. boys ll Scott possible and in view of the. small amounts inv01ved and Saunders (of Toronto) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 5 0 5 0 Marshall's lost the game. speakers expressing their thanks Jeff Hohener, Robert. Wilson}? mkua C Irnnplgt‘sonps gecond HOWSOH. Bay\'i9W Glenfi Danleli ihe resultant savings ii.l administration cosis‘ the Council J lor Bov: Thornhill Building Supply 10 and appreciation for the 11 Michael Ross. 9‘ {39" C0 pe.‘ ' ' _Redman. Henderson: Mike Par- .. _ i . ' Heritage Carpets “n 'i 4 a l a Bill Best Tire Sales 10 vears of hard and valuable work Junior Tabloid Meet: thigda‘i’llaccsun’glg'ifsrs are “0‘ kinson, Henderson; Drew Broad- :5 oieti’derdat‘.’ S'eatéb ‘21": tiaflzpmta‘m" “93' The " ‘ ' ' ‘ ' ‘ ' ' ' ‘ ' v- i . ‘ ~ » . - -» - A - . en .. .~ i op e ae lS escrie s o ws: Stephenson Construction . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . 4 2 2 4 With Bill Best ahead 8-0 at of this couple. Miss Stella Oli- lst. kevm Ross, Stephanie Claik, V V I V . budge, Baythorn. ' Ehrlick Transport .... 4 l 2 l 3 the bottom of the second inn- nuk and Mrs. Klawdia Muku- Dale Banton. Bruce Reska. 1h? Vlelowmg ale the Wmnels Senior boys â€"- ill Kevm} 1. The lands situate in ihe Town of Vaughan being Lois Rogol Electric 4 1 2 1 3 ing. a tied ending at the end miuk presented them with 3 Mandy Lawrence, Maria Bel- 11" dlvmons “ h _ Petersorg Baythogii; (2t3R1ajndyt 26 to 35 inclusive in Concession 1 of the Township Of , of four was a real surprise. A beautiful Ukrainian ceramic ti‘ame: Junior girls â€"â€"- ‘1) C ristlne Smith. ayVleW en: t l ave . . _ A 15-8 wm ovei- Markham has Wendy Rae. doubled to Afollow home run by Steve Lewis lead vase. 2nd Mary Beam“, Jennifencowan, Henderson: (2, Patti Poweii’ Henderson; ‘3) Robbie Vaughan or more particularly all the lands Within an “Fur” the Thornhlu OASA her 5mg“? m, “1.9 “St mmng' the tiremen. The Builders had Susan Muus of Duncan Road Godsman, David Breedon, Ron- Stankiewicz. Bayview Glen; (3) Smith. Henderson. _ . “93 bOUHdEd 0n the SW”! by the northerly limit Of ~ h L19“ Team 3 Mayo“ 5pm“ name. thlrd mnmg Susan gal" a better third inning. Robert celebrated her seventh birthday ald Best. Ricky Longstaff, Gary Mandy Lawrence. 16th Avenue Senior girls â€"â€" (ll Valerie Steeles Avenue, on the west by the easterly limit of Wu“ all the b?“ ,new 1° OASA tel ‘ Single? and lplaéed ydiell‘iGregOiy slammed in a homer. July 3. A lively birthday party Curtis, Christine Taylor: |and Susan Hicks, Royal Orchard. Briggs, Henderson: t2l~ Julie Bathurst Street, on the north by the southerly hound- ‘ DlaY. they We”? finally Playmg gnaw Wallenvi‘f‘lol’le P‘lllt‘hVa Three outs in a row for Bill was held in her honor and a 3rd Adele Di Monte. Billy Lo- Junior boys â€" (ll John Bell. Lei‘no. Baythorn: till Michelle. My of Kings Highway N0. 7 and on the east by the “s a team', and re§p°ndmg.m mine lun' , “g‘ma 3“ It Best in the last inning gave very good time was had by all gush, Michelle Bowers. Ronald Baythorn; 12) Jody Hurlbut. Meier. Sand Jr.:Brendh Bunstin. westerly limit of Yonge Street. Tm“ Bakers coaChmg'. A5515." 119’ Second 'Smgle‘ . _ , .the builders the chance they the pl‘etty young ladies Who at- Maheu. Lynn Bamford. Brian Bayview Glen: Scott. Jal'Vle. Bayview Glen; Leslle HOOd. “"5 comm “Stan If“?! said f can” Clalk homeled fo’ hef'lneeded, keeping them only 1 tended. Sister Thereasa will the Keeler. Baythorn; Paul Dewling. Henâ€" BayView Glen. 2 firstly; [hey played faumesily 'Ma] â€" 6!" 'T h-i - pomt Off firSl- place- celebrating her fifth b‘rthday ' " J‘ 7" 7 “i The. lands situate in the Fourth Concession of the. hzgogladofcilhe: If1t;)lll‘tl.llils lightlth hodl‘lelvlcailini; 17 numbey’s 5"" Life” 9 JUI‘V 14’ Happy birthday girlS! 9; Township of Vaughan being the easterly halves of Lots Lowe and backed by the whole A great last, inning decidedl daft}: Fish hail: Chips 1:; Amonda‘ii Signed 2hg‘ 1th}: loath: :1 6 to 9 inclusive. ,. ’ - ~ r - , i .. .h ._ '.uceys' e off vM.venue 11 10 1c 00 .111 e1- 0 ‘ . 33311- 9353 b‘i‘c‘imflie333313iii‘°ifaill“iéii?$§1SieiA‘ié‘yiiiaizl airaitaésln strains. .‘2;:s...::ia:::::.:a.: o ntro ucmg . . . t iii°liiis or ‘ team. John Isbister was great Cats 17 to 12. Michelle Ander- . . . ’ - ’ ‘ ‘i -‘ “J ‘ ' -_ i _ ‘ ‘ ‘V ‘ ‘ v - - - ~ ’ " w » letlng yd Q. Township of Vaughan being those parts of Lotle at third base. kelvm Gleen was son followed her SlSle‘ Nan s ‘en..wlldlsh Smgled NICC‘ Ma’l‘ Cu“ and StUdents on comp . exceptional at first base. Steve single with her firsi. 11011211“ LaVlgne homer“ {0" A&M- a Successml and happy year‘ ‘ and 11 bounded on the east by Keele Street and on Manzie was an outstanding Liza Davison's home run for'PaWdKPu'chi tripled and Sing‘ Mrs‘ Cunii. ‘5 :1 wgnfierful and . I & l the west by the westerly limit of the Canadian National catcher. Mike Lewis hit a the Alley Cats then made it 9d' 9““ GOble doubled and hard wor mg eac e1. .. 1‘ Railway lands. three-run homer. Lowe. Scott 4-4. The Painters went ahead smglleNéllE ABruce SBgne'] tegghgraat 1:; i ‘ Thirdly' Howson.and Jeff Masson hit against on 4 singles. Homers RMEDIATE BOYS Venue. C 00, a e n e_' i ‘ V i , doubles. Neil Morely singled. by Nancy and Michelle Andeiv- (10 and 11) year this week, so happy blrth- l The lands Situate in the Fouith Concesswn of the i Come out and see the home son, a double by Susan Rodgers Engel's Gulf 18 day to you, 51r- Towne & Countrye Square , TOWNth 0f Vaughan being those Parts Of L015 12 and ’ games of this “all star" team at Put the Allev Cats UP to 10-7 Baythom Power 9 During the Dasl yea" OUT Stu' yo 0. q . q A " l3 and the south half of Lot. 14, bounded on the east ‘ . . ~ . . . . nae . treet. at tteebs . ve. . V _ _ Royal Orchard School on Tues- followe-d by a 4 run inning by _ Pulling ahead in first. place dents. of 16th Avenue have been i by a line parallel to the westerly limit of heeie Street is: iiii‘si,3.223531223112033 Eliciiéi‘l‘ffinié‘g‘lt:.“133n“iii’é‘Liafé‘fiiiiiiin“lliiifil 35:22am liéyililé‘gi‘iéh§;€.§§3é Featuring: 9“ Hill. game for the Thornhill Paint Baythorn Power 18-9. Pitcher in a little time for sports ac- A very large 5919310“ 0f - - ' westerly “m” °f the Canadla“ Na‘wnal Rall‘vay lands- THORNHILL COPPER girls. Carole Wilshire hit her Jamie Fasan allowed nnly 10 tthies. The home and school . ' Fourthly: KETTLE oasa MIDGETS second homer in that inning. hits and was backed by great associationVbought the awards ' , o The lands situate in the Third Concession of the Wednesday, July 14 the INTERMEDIATE GIRLS __.:all round fielding. I for the winners and on June .’ . O Township of Vaughan being those parts of Lots 7 to 10 I‘llgl‘nhlll $091390? 59:}; OASA-no gamgégizgeélimds ' T113330 13939;”? angled-h dJoe iiesggfziidememcfiflffie Sffi‘fg? . : inclusive bounded on the west by Keele Street. on the i gcs ay a" 1 gas on ' an oan rac ou- - -;. . . their owiiJ diamond at Grand- Ardtea Floral Shop 13 bled. Walter Ritchie tripled ing: _ 81 . north by the “Wherly “mItVOf LV°l 10~ 9" “1612333,” o view Park â€"â€" July 15 is at Saynor Electronics 12 the bases twice for Baythorn Softball (girls) -- Adele Di ‘ the westerly limit of the Canadian Natlona Vailiiay Goodwood at 7:00 pm. An exciting game, between Power. Joey Benoit. tripled. Monte. Jackie Peace. Rosemary . V Hours: 10 aim-10 pm- Mon-- Sal. i right-ofâ€"way and on the south by the south limit of NEW SOUTH SOFTBALL Ardtea Floral Shop and Say- Anderson’s E550 27 Bal‘Chuk. Jackie, COOK. JUdy , V V , V " Telephone 225-8682 Lot 7, DOWNS NORTH nor Electronics was not decided N. s. Smith 14 ?311tsttelgli Micheii: Bogifs, W thly, In a gesture of co-operation, until the fourth inning as Ard- For Anderson‘s Esso's first eane e 9 use“, If”, 1 e' ' , . . . t T wn_ the top teams from the newly tea edged saynor 13-12_ The win, they trounced N_ S_ Smith Spie, Mai-y Beaton Christine De - ~ The lands Situate inthe Third Concession of the 0 formed south section of the teams were tied 5-all in the 27-14. Ugo Fusco Larry Har. Vl‘lje. Christine Taylor, Sherry ‘ - . ship of Vaughan being that part of Lot 6 lying to the Thornhill Softball League met first two innings, with home rison, Bruce Blanchard and COOk' _ - , _ " if} Vi ' " - west of the Canadian National Railway right-of-way the. top teams in the beginner runs by Judy McLean and Jean Brian Quance all hit home runs_ .COSOm HOCkEY_(g11'lSlâ€"Adele .- - ' " ' i " and to the north at Provincial Highway No. 7. and junior boys sections of the Gourlay for Saynor, steady’Sam Billich doubled 3 times, D1 Monle' Jacme 0,00%“ Rose‘ . ‘ . ' Sixth”. North. on Dominion Day at. the hitting from Ardtea. Saynor singled and walked. mal'y BarQhuCk‘ Chrlstme Tay' Th "t I 2400. nf Lo“ 2 .i 4 Ii and 6 in the Thornhill Village Festival. then went ahead with five runs Dave Skinner hit the realtors' 101" Gran ,Perron’ Jeanette ~ I . v v .i, , h i i, e eas cry I . . . i f v h What the south lacked in ex. in the third to Ardtea‘s iwowoniy homei._ Mark Riden Sim Petersen. Michele Bowers. -. _ , ' , . _ Fourth Concession of the. Township oi aug an perience they made up in deter- Kathy Hanley and Cathy Lomax gled twice. Sherry COOR- . ' V ' ' - ' bounded on the south by the Canadian National Rail- mination. and won by both both hit home runs. A great The SENIOR BOYS did not can Ball lgms) â€"‘ Adele D1 ’ ' V \vay right-of-way and on the north by Provmcxal High- gamf‘s- Marty Lipton's unbeat- fourth inning {01‘ Al'dtea “'ltll Play this week because of the r " I~ ‘ way No.7. Cl' ' rd lli ' six run includ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ - , ' ‘ :lrriivnefinlgi‘uceA Till-indie: home rim won 21:51:? Hinds 13:33:; ggGgglihdgg' STOUFFVILLE‘ new $3'm11' . , - ' ' v- V , ,V Seventh”: ' tune 27-18. in the beginner Vanguard Pharmacy 11, PSA 9 Crawford Allied 1135013 lion gll‘aielhcruijtmg and \iéasth- . ,. i i i . ' ‘ ‘ The westerly 950’ of Lots 2 and 3 in the Third Con. boys. In the junior boys Neil Vanguard Pharmacy downed Saunders n glfnsfifig tedasSaggn aggenéraveli - 5’ - ' V V ' cession of the Township of Vaughan bounded on the ,4 Craig's Heritfige Carpets took P'SA'11-9 to put all four teams Crawford Allied remain on. Limited 3011 a 1 270-acre site - south by the Canadian National Railway fight-Of-Way Elsi: 9P°tters 3111 BeSt Tm? 3:11:21: one game 0f one 33' beategi 1as they held off Saund- near here. This is one of the and on the north by the north limit 0f said Let 3' - ‘ ers i â€" 1. - . , , ~1fo Liplon was hit by a very Jackie Webster homered for T1 - - largest m capada' A fimau lak-e 3. The lands situate in the Town of Vaughan being Lots , . , ie pair of Michael Moore which supplies water that IS . . . . fast. ball. but recovered \vith the drugglsts. Pat heifer and Paul Perrow sparked the recycled through the plant was 1 to 10 mclustve, Concession 7 of the Township of Crawford‘s only. home run. lFlplEd 811d flOUbled- Comm? infield. Moore once again made stocked with rainbow trout: as Vaughan and lnCludlng all Of the former “113%? T“ Mlghaeld Moor}? 1“: tWO triples 01?“:01‘thi’rltnpiw andhsmgled- an unassisted triple play. Pat- a part of the firm's conserva- l Woodbridge or more particularly, all the lands Within an ma 9 a gleat fy catch. Cail .aine .iom lnson omered “Ck Johnson and Cari Zappar_ hon and restoration program an area bounded on the south by the southerly hmlt Zappailgna. Pail] Perrow. Eric {0| P59» Kathy leely tI‘llitlEd- igna made 0 d ' ' I Barker. John Hastings .lav Rose Wendir Riden doubled anle ff L' i 5 me goo. Gatehes'i * * ‘ * V of Lot. 1, Concesston 7. on the west by the easterly and Patrick Johnson all scored singled. “(em hofigzdan%i:atrllfik_ ,Jghn'NEWMARKET ~‘ Pal-“None”. limit of the road allowance between Concessions 7 and three times each for Crawford. BEGINNER BOYS t6 and '7) ihied twice Jim Daiids‘gfig ‘g Cry?)st $0333.”) 8 lying to the north and south of the former Village The 'Crawford infield play was Japan Car Sales 36. Bvertune Zl‘iing is greatly improved. LScott pjrisitlcpriegtlc Faflilgrle waiteeliu of Woodbridge and the westerly limit of the former brilliant. i lMavuig into a tie for first peters homered mice for SaUhJFOFgach at a 'picnic on the oc_ ; Village of Woodbridge. on the north by the northerly illiirigitthlgixdifige119335 3:: g‘fecii'uniagggh Cfilst Sigigsofgfiie gers- Miles Pm trim)“ the casion of his 40th anniversary in limit of Lot 10, Concession 7, and on the cast by the . . ' ' ‘ e ases. the priesthood. Father Forgach ’ westerly limit of the road allowance between Con- 3335; Hilggciyckpiiigilsglggig iiigsi'liremii t\evaell1l15 x“??? ml copper Kettle 9 19“ mm the picnic to web a cessions 6 and 7 '- .' . i ‘ ' n “99' House of Chiu 8 plane at Malton. He was re- . ' hing oul at second. base' and Z” iggttflgldgng by J3?“ car high' No JUNIOR BOYS game this turning to his native Hungary “1th the The total assessment of the rateable property in the tiree Singles. Mike Hall ma. e 1.31 e .V a trlple Play by week because of the Dominionifor a vacation the first time urchase of a - 1 51 201.00 and it has been estim. two catches and hit three sin- Dave Terry. D h - - . p propo.ed area is $ 3 , 94, gies‘ as did John Bonnie. Greg Evertune had a night with 51‘ 3" Ol‘day- he has been back "1 43 years- One Hot Dog you ated that the system will, under present; conditions, oper- Pacek made an exciting force home runs_ but Japan did even receive Another One ate at a deficit and that the portion charged to tho Toi‘i'n out at second base and a good’better with nine. Topping all? . Absoiuiei Free Will be approximately 33175000 P8!“ 5931? Thls “"111 fly catch. Steve Daurio hit for theh night was John Camer- Brlng back your . . . y » . mean that the owner of a property in the area asseSSEd two singles. on wit an amazing three hom- . . i M $20 000 00 would be ch“ 1 V- w O i h .- . . c ged $4.70 per annum. n ie Although less experienced ers. and a Single. Peter Webb R ‘ . > ' I 9 of anticipated development in these areas. the revenue. Should. be increased substantially within the next. tow years which would reduce or eliminate the levy. Heritage carpet has some olderifollowed closely with two home players and were able to edge‘runs and two singles. Ron Bill Best 13 to 9. Reinders. Jason Ni'kor. Cal'er . - Ross Henry and Dave Max-.Miller and Greg \l'ileman all well tripled for Heritage. .leff,tripped the bases. Roddy Fea-. ANSCQCHROME Martin and Mark Miltsliire dou-_therstone singled four times. 35 mm Slide Film 35 mm Slide Film bled for Bill Best. Andrew Cross and Murray 153- A JUNIOR GIRLS (8 and SH ton had three singles each. Jan‘ Exp. - Exp. - ‘ 36 Exp. - $4.29 36 Exp. - $5.69 Thornhill Music School 13 Tierno singled twice. tIncludes Processingl (Includes Processingt JULY 8 =9 only Eot,drinkndbemerry! This Offer Good at Both Locations YONGE ST. YONGE ST. NORTH SOUTH RICHMOND HILL AURORA KODACHROME Take notice that in the event you wish to obiert to the approval by the Ontario Municipal Board of the pro- posed area. you should mail or deliver a notice in writing i to the Clerk at. the Municipal Offices in Maple prior to July 23rd, 1971. Dated at. the Town of Vaughan this 28th day of June. 1371. Keffer Real Estate 5 Greg Pacek homered twice Thornhill Music School troun-‘for Evertune. Grant Davidson ced chfcr Real Estate 13-5 to homered. doubled and singled. hang onto their slim hold on‘Botli Pacek and Davidson made 38431-005 i 79:80:31 F G, Jackman. first place. Bev Bennett wal~ good fielding plays. Jamie ‘ " ‘ Clerk loped a grand slam home run Griese slammed in two doubles TON, of \aiighan‘ in the first inning to go ahead and a single. Steve Daurio Mani? Omar”) 4-0 in the second inning. tripled Arno Sternitzskv don. Richmond Heights Centre w 884-3221 ‘ ~ " ' Tarnvna Hughes homered. and bled and singled. i

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