I““-‘ â€".. , \ H H ‘93.3, Douglas Nettleton 88, Bob D IiVincent 86.6, Marion Boyd 85.9, Margaret Harper 84. John Mit- ’ ichell 81. Nevine Elibrachy 80.1, / {Erika Gattinger so and Betty EWalsh 80 percent. There were eight at Wood- FOR BOYS AND GIRLS, s to 13 YEARS ‘lbridge High Schooh Karen Bar- ker 88.1, John Chevreau 38.1, o o u ,v ' ' At The MI†Pond - Richmond HI" Iffgggteï¬aiï¬fff’13:32 133?: I W IgyPatricia Leslie 80.4, Geoffrey ' JULY 19th to 30th Igglggzeï¬ï¬ and James Locke ~â€"â€"'a I“l\\\ll\lll[WWWl1\l|l\\\\\ll\l\lllll\l\l\\ll\l1\l\ll\\l\|lll mluuuummumlmm\mummuuuuululnumumuuuuummmmm\mmuuumuuuuuuumuumuumlmunmunuuuuumumuulumuuluumu FEE: $12 FOR EACH TWO-WEEK SESSION '1che]la 34.9, ’John' Jakob 86;}, I Register now at the 'Y' H 25 Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill IlGordon Del‘l')’ 80.3. Rosa IafI‘ate I or phone 884-4811 for Application Form ‘80 and Ronald Mock 80 percent. Sponsored by: I There were six Ontario Schol- I THE PARKS BOARD AND RECREATION COMMITTEE 91‘s at Richmond Hill High I 15011001: LOI'IS AdalTlSOn I I I ' - v . . and THE RICHMOND HILL & DISTRICT \‘.W.C.A. IIgig“hilaggmgmefï¬g I ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ I ‘ ‘ ‘ I ‘ 4'32-5, Cheryl Palmer 82.3 and JULY 5th t 16th TWO SESSIONS mu 19th ‘30 am 9:15 A.M. To 3:45 P.M. â€"- MONDAY THROUGH FRIDAY Bring your lunch â€" we provide the milk David Scott, 242 Monteil Road, Richmond Hill, was in top sprinting form June 26 when he accumulated $199.14 worth of merchandise in Loblaws in a four-minute shopping spree. ‘ This was the top prize in the Richmond Heights Centre Merchants’ Association’s “Father’s Day" promotion and Mr. Scott was present when his name was drawn on June 16 at 6:10 pm. The prize was a three-minute shopping spree, with the extra minute added because Mr. Scott was present at the draw. The lucky ticket was drawn by Mrs. Victor Colton, 326 North Taylor Mills, under the supervision of the association’s Directors Bruce King and Vicki Paige. In the above picture, taken at the end of the productive four-minute spree, Mr. Scott is seen (in the open-necked striped shirt) grinning happily over his “lootâ€. He is surrounded by members of the sponsoring association (from left to right): Frank McDougall of Braddock Optical, Paul Tourountzas of Agnew-Surpass, Bruce King of Kresge’s, John Christoff o; jlgioblagvlsli, Michael Kaufman of Michael’s Cards and Gifts, Vicki Paige of Richmond Hill Music Centre and Danie Kesselring o ata oes. For the women with better things to do than iron shirts Mon. to Fri. 7 mm. - 9 pm. ‘ Sat. 8 am. - 6 pm YONGE and LEVENDALE RICHMOND HILL 884-4411 Fast Footwork Brings Hill Father .5 I 99. I4 CLEANERS 2’71 BAY THORN DRIVE THORNHILL 889-0391 Open Thurs. and Fri. until 9 pm ' Mardi Tyndall 80.3. Kathy Ben- ‘oit 80, and Susan Hibbard 80. Langstaff Secondary has nine Ontario Scholars: Peter Reiss $93.3, Douglas Nettleton 88, Bob’ Thornlea Student Tops With 96.1% Bayview Secondary had seven winners: Karen Perry 92.7; Aina Liepins 92:4, John Min- chella 84.9, John Jakob 80.4, Gordon Derry 80.3, Rosa Iafrate 80 and Ronald Mock 80 percent. (Continued from Page 1) Douglas Bonnell 80.4 Stouffville District Secondary had nine winners: Charles Lynde 89, Jill McWhinnie 88.9, Gerard Egberts 86.4, Judith Reesor 83.9, Bridget Ramsey 81.8, Brian Baker 81.8, Allan Fuller 80.7. Wayne Morris 80.6 and Sally Schell 80 percent. At Dr. G. W. Williams Sec- ondary in Aurora there were also nine Ontario Scholars: Robert McRoberts 88.2, Scott Raymond 83.3, Lloyd Craig 85.4, Janice Binions 84.2, Catherine Barber 83.4, Marie Fitzpatrick 82.6, Susan Ralph 80.3, Lois Barnard 80.2, and Janet Hawley 80.1. King City Secondary had three Ontario Scholars: Paul Bolton 92, Anders Nielsen 87.9, ONCE-AeYEAR DRAPERY MILL CLEAROUT FIBREGLASS READY-MADE From: 45†- 63†long pleated hooks included â€" Ample Free Parking â€" DRAPES OPEN TO THE PUBLIC WAREHOUSE HOURS: DAILY â€"- 10 AJI. TO 9 PAL SATURDAY â€" 9 A.M. T0 6 P)! and Frederick, Honey 83.4 There were three also at Markham District High School: John Manistre 84.9, Deborah Walker 80.7 and Marcia McLean 80.3. Newmarket High School: Bev- erley Hales 87.6, Barbara Wel- ler 86.4, Sally Riggs 80.6, Mar- ilyn Peet 80.3, and Bruce Smith 80.1. Huron Heights Secondary, Newmarket: Robert Cordery 91, William Doherty 89, Christine Bunn 823 and Maria Kluczin- sky 80.7. In the northern schools of the region there were 11 Ontario Scholars. Sutton District High School: Kay Tomlinson 83 and Regina Czudnochowski 82 percent. (Photo by Stua_rt’s Studio) per width ONLY Delay of some necessary in- formation was given by Munic- ipal Affairs Minister Dalton Bales as the reason for delay in the setting of tax rates for the municipalities in York Region in a letter read at Monday night's Richmond Hill Council meeting. Mr. Bales also indi- cated that work on the tax rates for municipalities in the five existing regions â€"- Niagara, Ot- tawa, Thunder Bay, York and Muskoka â€"â€" has revealed that an amendment is necessary to the Assessment Act. He assured council that this amendment would be introduced into the Legislature in the near future. (Ed. note: The Legislature has been prorogued for the summer and is not scheduled to meet again until September.) “I got nothing but a run- around from that department,†School, Office Damage Malicious In Richvale Seven reports of malicious damage to property were re- ceived last week at the Concord Station of York Region Police. Included was an estimated $400 damage to the Charles Howitt Public School on Pear- son Avenue in Richvale. Assessment Act Amendment Needed Before Tax Rates Can Be Set On Monday ‘windows were broken at the school and ink was thrown over the curtains in the gymnasium. in the gymnasium. “It's a blatant and obvious Not far away on Scott Drive example of what the govern- there was an estimated $350 ment did,†added Councillor damage June 30 'as windows Lois Hancey. “Many of us tried were smashed at Loughlin to point out these difficulties. Lumber and Prefab Limited. We asked them to let us know CRASH Transient Youth Hostel Gets 0K Will Use Only Hill Arena Banquet Hall CRASH is now off the ground. The revised proposal of a group of young people interested in providing and supervisiing a local rest and sleeping hostel for this summer’s transient use, received almost unanimous approval of Richmond Hill Council July 5, on its third time round. The approved hostel will be set up in the banquet room of the new arena, with access only from the east end and to the two washrooms which are an integral part of that room. Both males and females will be accommodated here with a partition dividing the 28 beds being pro- vided for males and the 12 beds being provided for girls, at a charge of 50c per night. Hours will be from 10 am to 10 pm with an hour allowed for preparation for sleeping. The staff of six ~â€"; Brad Playford, Janice Jones, Bob Duern. Vicki Turner, Mike Brown and Marlene Yoteff, all Richmond Hill residents â€"- will set programs, workload, rules and regula- tions. They will receive help and advice from the staff at YAC and an adult backup committee. Adult volunteers will also assist in supervision at the hostel. Every night one male staff member and one female staff member will be on duty from 9 pm to 11 am. ROUND STEAK . . . ROUND STEAK ROAST RUMP ROAST . . . SIRLOIN TIP ROAST . MINCED ROUND STEAK 24 oz. Loaf 4 Loaves for Philips Lighl‘ Bulbs 100, 60, 40 Watts 63¢ Value Pkg.of2 39¢ AYLMER Raspberry or Strawberry JAM 29 YONGE ST. SOUTH A†Flavours , , DELMONTE FRUIT COCKTAIL . We Reserve the Right to Limit Quantities HOME GROWN LETTUCE . FRESH STRAWBERRIES . FREE DELIVERY ON ALI. ORDERS $5.00 AND OVER WE TAKE TELEPHONE ORDERS ha Store Hours “Then I was Shuffled off to} another department, where I was told that all that was need-l ed was a ministerial order which? would be available in a week," continued Mr. Chateauvert.; “Nothing came of that." i “I then contacted the deputy- minister (Municipal Affairs) ‘who told me that the act re- quired some revisions in order to come up with the figures. I think the government was mis- led in setting up York Region without considering the magni- tude of reassessment," stated the councillor; "It was very unrealistic to set up an act without providing for all event- ualities. We are stagnated be- cause someone did not visual- ize assessment being challeng- ed. Before the province de- cides to give any further reg- ionalization they must take a good look at the Department of Municipal Affairs and give it a ‘thorough going over." stated Councillor Andre Chat- eauvei‘t, chairman of council’s finance committee. “First I was told the figures would be avail- able Friday (June 25). On that day I was told they were avail- able but were not being re- leased. Then I was told that they could not base a tax rate on an uncertified assessment and the blame was placed on Richmond Hill and Vaughan for appealing the entire assess- ment roll." THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, July 8, 1971 (Formerly Marley's Foodland) - RICHMOND HILL to 9 pm. Monday to Saturday the implications so \xe could work them out before regional-i ization. The former minister: told pepole it had been re-‘ searched thoroughly. It's per- fectly obvious, from the prob-1 lems we‘ve had, it was not re- searched properly. The solu- tion now lies with the province." “I’m on record as being opposed to regional govern- ment because there was not sufficient study of the fin- ancial impact.†said Reg- ional Councillor Gordon Rowe. “Now that I am a part of the regional govern- ment I am determined to do my best to make it work. In the next six months if it doesn’t go we’re in trouble." “Premier Davis should be ad- Mayor William Lazenby asked the young; staff members who were all present at the meet- ing. to be very vigilant about the level of noise from the hostel. “The people of Roseview have suffered from noise on several occasions from events taking place in the past and we owe it to them to see that their rest is not disturbed,†he stated. The federal government will fund the project and provide beds and clean bedding. The staff members will be responsible for laundry. Use of the fire hall as the male hostel was not considered when it was pointed out that in the event of a fire call in the middle of the night the adult supervision of the transients would not be available. A 50c charge will be required for a cold breakfast and the maximum stay is limited to one night. There will be no drugs or alcohol on the premises and no smoking in the sleeping area. Minimum age is 16 years and youth living within a radius of 45 miles will not be admitted. The CRASH budget, totalling $5,600 includes an item for rent of $300 to the arena board, and $4,500 for salaries. 69 Yonge St. 8., Richmond Hill All Prices Effective July 8th - July 10th FEATURING NIGHTLY IN THE ROUND TABLE ROOM Fabulous MATT LUCAS WITH DANCING TOPLESS A GO-GO $1.99 CASE (24 Cans) 3 I9 02. tins $1.00 24 oz. .lar 49¢ “Fully Licensed†vised as to exactly what has transpired.“ suggested Mrs. Hancey. “The initial mistake was in the Department of Municipal Affairs in expecting municipal- ities to submit hard budgets," declared Regional Councillor Donald Plaxton. Mayor William Lazenby then pointed out that the depart- ment’s request to have budgets submitted by April 5 was dated March 16 and emphasized that a finalized budget was not ex- pected. “I think they have forgotten it is a tentative budget they are dealing with and are frightened about the enormity of the fig- ures,†Mr. Plaxton suggested. “This council hasn't done any paring yet.†PHONE 884-26"