Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 8 Jul 1971, p. 6

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YORK ALUMINUM Free estimates Aluminum sid- ing windows, doors. awnings, also glass and screen repairs. Phone 884-4558. factory 832--1319 Maple. tfc28 Sales Service Rentals Authorized Dealer All popular makes for sale in cl u din g new and rebuilt standard portable and electric models. Special rental rates available to students. L. H. SIMS 88 Baker Ave. Richmond Hill WASHER. dryer and stove parts, gears. belts. wood bear- ings and wringer rollers etc. For all makes. Repairs to elec- tric lawnmowers and small ap- pliances. Math’s TV, 49 Indus- trial Road. 884-7903. tfc9 ALUMINUM Doors, windows. awnings, and railings. Ron Woods. 884-1514. tfc36 DRIVEWAY GRAVEL Crushed stone. sand. concrete gravel, etc.. delivered in small quantities. Call C. L. Knappett. 884-3089. ‘ tfc37 Living, dining and bedrooms, direct from importers ware- house. Open 1-9 pm. 454-1388 EINAR CLAUSEN LTD. Hwy. '7, just east of Fifth Line. {2 milks east of Dixie Road) Bramalea. tfclo c KNAPPETT FOR LOAM Loam â€"- manure â€"-â€" top soil -â€" mushroom compost â€"â€" peat moss, etc. C. L. Knappett Land- scaping and Supplies. 884-3089. tfc43 FENCE railing. 884-7565 Used sewing machines $14.95.‘fl,"‘ New sewing machines $59.951LARC and up. Bernina Sewing Centi‘e.1019tll- Richmond Heights Centre. $184-$113 8775. c4wllfg' A STRAWBERRIES, pick your“{1510 mm or order by phone, Mon. to €311}; Sat. 7 am to 12 noon and 5 pm ORE to 9 pm, Sun. 7 am to 11 am. 220v_ Starting June 26, heavy crop $450_ lasting about 3 weeks. Bring Strw your own 6 qt. basket or buy TWO them here. Clean weedless 889 2‘ patch. West side of Highway 47, __'7_ 1,2 mile north of Stouffville. HOT 640-2168 1-4 pm. Peter Man- 40 ga gione. c1w2 ijm 1â€"52 mile north of Siouffiville: HOT water tank. Good as new. 640-2163 1.4 pm. Peter Man- 40 gal. $35. 889-7598. c1w2 FOR lease. 3.000 - 6.090 sq. ft- gione. “wz fiRdEâ€"Cgla_coolglffigorâ€"mohgl Industnal space, Newklrk Road. â€"-~ ‘- _â€"»- A 7» Features dock level loadinv, LADY'S fhght bag 510. Also 4 for sale. Also refrigerator and b V . . H . 16'6" clear. immediate posses- drawer dresser, light green.$15.-‘p1cmc table. All meal 101- cot-‘sion‘ $110 net Lored Com 884-3107. *1\\'2tage. Make an offer. 884-3665;Stwction Ltd. 530.9500_ 5 nipma h:d1;0'0m suite 1sificlp‘aftel‘ 5:30 pm‘ Clwz. “C50 _â€"..___.___â€"__;____.â€"_ 5 piece bedroom suite (single bedl, in excellent condition]. 884- 8689. cl\\'2 303~SEMI-automatic rifle. 773- 4673. *l\\'2 machine with pump. $30 1443. M c C L A R Y Easy washing , .WANTED Haganu'zygegzyd "Sam: GIRL S plcycle, NP Sufi Selhnglcarpeting. Shags, twists, com-‘ gu‘l'i blcycle, 18 wheels, $§- mercia‘l. indoor - outdoor car- §84-°5_13- 7,”__ _ *__~ Cl“'jzhoets and drapery material priced MEN‘S starter 'left-handed golflfrom 77¢ to $7.99 per square clubs and case. Used only three'yard. 294-4440. U n d e r w o o (1 times. Asking $25 01' best affer.1B1‘oadloox11 Mills, opposite Mark- Phone anytime. 884-8594. lham Shopping Centre, Markham c1w2'0n'tario. Open W e d n e s d a y, SALEy"J'”_â€"â€"’_"-T ‘â€" Thursday, Friday, 10 to 10 pm inre du-nagulfinijgl: saturday 9 to 6 pr“- SALE, July 10, 9 am. Dishes] jars, drapery materials, (small) electrical appliances. boys skates. metal window frames, wire fencing, old hand plow. some antiques. many items all in good condition. 389 Easy Street. off Starlight. *1w2 RIDING mower, 7 ll.p.. needs repairs. Handyman's bar- gain at 8200. 889-1062. clw‘z ONE 30 gal. electric water heater. suitable for cotttage. 884-6459 after 5:30. c1w2 ANOTHER BIG SALE \Srteew At 34 Lancer Drive, Maple. \Pnge Garage is full again. Bargains PM“ 3 galore. Friday and Saturday only. Come or call, 832-2604. 1___ GENDRON pool table. 4 x 8 with gold surface. Like new. Asking $100. 884-5615. OFFICE furniture floor sam- ples, secretarial swivel chair, reg. $45 for $3135. plus many more bargains. 884-1031. GARAGE SALE Bargains galore July 8 and 9. 10 am to 4 pm, nearly new clot-hing, babies wear, jewelry, shoes and hand bags, dishes knickâ€"knacks, toys, books, rec‘ ords‘ antiques, tools. pictures ,. Something for everyone at 1 M CASH RATES, lst insertion 10 words $1.00 and .81: per word thereafter. Minimum charge $1.00. Second and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged, 10 words for .90c and .80 per word thereafter. COMING EVENT NOTICE 10c per word; min. charge $1.50 BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of 50c CARDS 0F THANKS. lN MEMORIAMS. DEATHS. ENGAGEMENTS. MARRIAGES, BIRTHS per in- sertion $1.50 Classified advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than 6 pm on Tuesdays. Send ads by mail and enclose payment or telephone us at 884-1105 or 884-1983 and you will receive an invoice. yâ€"ITYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES FOR SALE THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, July 8, 197 :; WIM TEAKWOOD BIG SALE! 884-1745 Classified CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES 1hru l‘hornhill. Stop c4w tfc3 * 1W2 884‘ c1 \\‘ c1\\'2 clw‘z 52 CEYgTâ€"ALV chandelier. portable w TV. drapes, rugs. bridge table and chairs. 884-8054. c1w2 )5 _., A_flA __ '-_. gs‘LARGE quantity of fibreglasg L-e.\clot11. Different size pieces. Bar- ;4-‘gain. 832~8788. 01va [,7 _ . V _ W1_§18' ALUMINUM flat rung, ex- jHI-‘tension ladder. Like new, bar- m,gain. 884-1207. *1\\'2 WANTED Pianos and used furniture. Call 884-1146. tfc24 RAILWAY TIES Holland Park Garden Centre, 51 Keele Street N., Maple. 832- 2455. lfc40 FURNITURE AND ANTIQUES Top cash paid for good furn- iture. appliances, etc. Fast pick- up. 884-7254 or 773-5544. WATER CONDITIONERS Sales - Service. Rentals and Salt. Call anytime, 884-4016. tfc50 STRAWBERRIES, pick your own 3 quans for $1. Starting June 26, 8 am to 11 am daily Monday to Saturday. Evenings Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thurs~ 5:30 pm to 9 pm. No children under 12. Len Rush, Islington Avenue North. 1 mile south of No. 7 Highway, 851-0894. CHESTERFIELD sets coffee tables. rocker, condition. 889-9942. 'Alr‘VOP-soirlibgrgain, 57bushels $1 155 Yonge North. 884-75651 H BOAT trailer, up to 2000 cap. with shock absorbers and spare. $150. 884-7389. c3w1 EDIâ€"FURNITURE STRIPPING Finish removed for refinishing. 889-4422 .. FREE Just to remove quantity 04' wheat straw and oat straw mixed, loose. 887-5562, 889-1081. c1\\'2 afifiidune buggy. Reach! for completion. 884-2340. c1w2 POWER mower, 22" Lawnmas- ter. fine condition $30. Portable I‘angette. as new $15. 884-4948. clw2 ONE air conditioner, 22,500 BTU 220V. Used 3 summers, price $450. Phone 884-8733. 98 Yonge Street North. c1w2 TWO single beds for cottage. 889-2699. *lwz 4â€"670x15 WHITE wall tires on rims, reasonable. 889-3029. CARPET LIQUIDATION SALE; By order of various carpet‘ manufacturers and carpet clean- ing companies. we have been instructed to dispose of thous- ands of all types and sizes of carpeting. Shags, twists, com- mercial. indoor - outdoor car- pets and drapery material priced Pick your own, 35¢ quart in BANQUE‘T‘H'AIW‘ your containers. Picking in N d . quart boxes only. Picking times, ew‘.m° em’ avauable for an Monday 7 am to 12 noon, 5 pm occaslons (up to .230 People)" to 9 pm, Wednesday 7 am to 12151‘eppard and .Vlctmf‘a Park? noon. 5 pm to 9 pm, Fridav 7‘a.rea’ Fife parkmg‘ a” 90??!“ am to 12 noon' 5 pm to 9 in.“ ‘tioned. rull kitchen faculties Saturday 7 am to 12 “00111011 premises. Call 491-4301 for ‘Closed at all other times. Aduusi{Elm‘eLiPf?““‘a“°2: -, . 739?} and senior teens only. No resen FURNISHED room to rent. 88-}- vations. Whittamores Farm. 9427. c4\\'1 Steeles Avenue, 14 miles east‘ of SUBLET Thomhm'z'bedroom Yonge Sweat 15 years seumg available August 14. 1 month Did“ your 0““ Ifree rent. Pool. sauna indoor STRAWBERRIES __fi!parking. 889-8749. *lu'l ,1 DICTIONARIES WEBSTER Library size 1970 edition. brand new. still in box. Cost new 545,00. more (WILL SELL FOR 515» Deduct 10% on orders of 6 or MAIL TO NORTH AMERICANY LIQUIDATORS 58-158 2nd Ave. N. Dept. 0 - ~50 Saskatoon, Saskatchewan. C.O.D. orders enclose $1.00 per volume good will deposit. Pay balance plus C.O.D. shipping on delivery. Be satisfied on inspec- tion 01' return within 10 days for full refund. No dealers each volume specifically stamped not for resale. c4“ 2 FOR SALE STRAWBERRIES (Continued) easy home c4w52 end and excellent c1w2 c3w§2 tfc44 tfc48 c1w2 c2w2 c1\v2 i600 BAIJES of hay for horses 887â€"5515. clw12 BABY crib and mattress $10. 884-4514. c1w2 ONE Chesterfield suite, one bed-, Chesterfield. 884-5669. After 5 pm. c1w2 62 ENVOY for scrip: New motor and accessories. Phone 884-5303. *1w2 BEIGE upholsterered Scandana- vian chairs, very comfortable. 2 same 884-6171. c1w2 P001733 x 9'. Best offer. 884- 5923. *1w2 CHESTERFIELD and matching chair in good condition. $50. Thistle carriage $10. Rangette $12. 773-4619. c1w2 AU’ITOMATIC washer. dryer, and refrigerator; Excellent con- dition. 884-7197. c1w2 lContinuedt MINI BIKES TRAIL BIKES SPORT BIKES Ron Woods Aluminum Prods 96 Yonge St. N. ! Pooftéblé 4 x 3 Gendl'on with assesson’es. $100. 884-7263. fiDDING dress with veil. $50, bridesmaid dress $20., both size 11. 889-9972. c1w2 REBUILT 1963 Volkswagen engine in very good condition. Good used 40" Electric Range. 8787-5468. clw2 BOYS’ bicycle, 24” wheel, $26. 884-4836. clwz PENNSYLVANIA 6 hp. heavy duty rotory riding mower $250. 889-2446. clwz 14 FT‘ 2 dr. refrigerator freezer $75. 889-2916. c1w2 Pre-finished p‘lywoodV 4 x 7 sheets $3.19 each. 4 x 8 sheets $3.89 each. 2 x 4 studs 46¢ each. LOUGHLIN LUMBER PORTABLE grill, excellent for steaks and hot dogs. 884-3273. 283 engine parts, rebuilt heads, new pans, new gaskets, chrome fan, pistons. all necessary hard- ‘ware and more. 884-4538. ONE liairrgeibox trailer, suitable for camping and one kitchen tent. 884-5460. c1w2 A kitchen set, a school desk, frigerator, two continental beds. a single bed and a vacuum cleaner. 727-3844‘ c1w2 FURNISHED room, cooking facilities, 16 Lorne, lst house east of Bork’s Jewellers at Yonge.‘ tfc51 FURNISHED room, c o o k i n g and parking facilities. Please phone 884-1194 for appointment. tfc15 PLANT and office space to1 rent. 2,000 square ft. Goodwill Fabricating Company, 167 Cenâ€" tre Street East, Richmond Hill. 884-8981. ‘ tfc38 OFFICE space: also storage space. Goodwill Fabricating Company, 167 Centre Street ‘East. 884-8981. tfc39 STORAGE space, 1700 sq. ft. building. Private location. Very reasonable. 889-1899. tfc45 YONGE Street office to rent. 884-8981. " trcaalBASEMENT apartment, suit889-4931. clwz OFFICE space: also storage Older couple 0". two ladies‘ .884' NURSING home require; £1111 space. Goodwill Fabricating 6959‘ Phone atter 8 pm' mvz time kitchen help. day position Company, 167 Centre Street BASEMENT bachelor apart- available, Thornhill area. Mrs. East. 384-8981. tfc39 ment, close to Yonge Street. Scott. 889-4931. clwz STORAGE space, 1700 sq. ft.834'5552- _ _c1w2 EXPERIENCED waitress, pal-t building. Private location. Very FURNISHED room, $35 weekly. time, Galaxy Restaurant. 334- reasonable. 889-1899. tfc45 384-7564. *1w2|653l. c1w2 :fONGE Street office to rent, LARGE»: 1m arid garage on TELLEES carpeted, wood panelling. 1201Yonge SL, suitable for repairs The Bank of Montreal has open- ~~.--‘.-..°. __-....- _--..____a ,v reasonable. 889-1899. ' 6545 384-756;.“ ' ' *1ka2 635: 7' c1w2 __ V , ,_ | J YONGE Street office to rent, LARGE lot and gal-age on TELLERS carpeted, wood panelling, 120 Yonge St., suitable for repairs The Bank'of Montreal has open- sq. it, private, $50. 884-1117. Ishop or taxi station. 1 large ings for experienced tellers only tfc49'room and bedroom. $100 per on a part time basis 1n thfi T RE ’ 1200 . q'month. Call 884-2762, 783-6229, Richmond Hill area. [Please ca naEiiinnt manniq it“. 783-2762. “ch the Bank of Montreal, 884-41121; STORE basement, 1200 sq. ft, own entrance, parking for trucks. 6016 Yonge Street, Wil- lowdale RETAIL or office space, Yonge St. frontage. 889-9880. tfcl fURNISHED room. gentieman preferred. Th ornhiu district. 889-1540. c1\\'2 .3125 per month, 1 bedroom :basement apartment available ‘August 1. Bayview and Mark- |ham Road area. 884-2363. New, modern, available for all occasions (up to 230 people). Sheppard and Victoria Park area. Free parking, air condi- tioned. Full kitchen facilities on premises. Call 491-4301 for further information. tfc51 FURNISHED room to rent. 88-1- }9427. c4\\'1 FURNISHED room, kitchen facilities for clean reliable gentleman. $15 weekly â€" Maple 832-1113 after 7.30 pm. *lwl m 1 or 2 girls near Yonge, cooking facilities. 11'“ ' ‘4“ cum ___________‘_â€". 884â€"3709. TOURS, cruises, rail and buS|UNIVERSITY student required SUBLET large two bedroom, tickets. reservations and indivi-'to coach grade 6 maths for children. pool. sauna. gym, 8174. dual travel. Call A. H. Creighton'AugusL Thornhill area. Write Thomhill. 889-4179. c1\\21Tra\‘eI Agency. 889-5643. tfc47iBox 68. "The Liberal." cl\\‘2 Yonge and Scott Drive 889-1109 FOR SALE T0 RENT 884-1514 tfc51 Zii§2!2475 c1w2 cl\\'2 c1w2 clwz c4w51 clwl {I‘Dâ€"NGE Street, Aurora-1‘66â€" room apartment in converted house, large yard. 773-5544. - SUIT girl or mother and child. share house. 889-5404. tfcl FURNISHED room. gentleman preferred. 884-8323. c1\\'2 fiKfiMENT ‘WW _i apartment. self contained, private bath $125. 221-0107. c1w2 fififhfiNiéfiEbfifis‘it’éingKhA kitchen, stove and f1'id‘ge.Ca11 after 6 pm. 889-5597. *2w2 (Continued) 2 BEDROOM apartrrflérmfavaili- able immediately $150 with parking. 884-8083, 449-60091 l & 2 BEDROOM APTS. Large rooms, fully equipped, newly decorated. available im- mediately. Apply Superinten- dent, 60 Laverock Avenue. 884â€" 9840. c4w2 |HOUSE, 6 rooms. 2 storey. pri- vate drive. Neal Drive in Rich- mond Hill. Call Toronto after 6 pm â€" 766-8669. c1w2 APARTMENTS AVAILABLE Two bedroom suites. Rent in- cludes heat, hydro. frig, and stove, near Richmond; Heights Plaza. Adults only. Call 884- TB'EDROOVM apartment. heat and water supplied. 884-4724. SfifERAL country homes rent or sale. Call 488-4386 RICHMOND Hill, large older interesting four bedroom home on a large private lot. all ap- pliances. $350. 884-2807. TENT 9 x 15, table and chairs, stove, lamps and air mattresses. 884-4947. c2w2 APARTMENTS for rent. One bachelor and 1 and 2'bedrooms. A p p 1y superintendent, 402 Markham Road. c1w2 BASEMENT apartment, three large rooms, stove and fridge, 3- piece bath, adults only. Availâ€" able after July 15. 884-2812 after 5. , f BEDROOM, furnished, 884- 1638. clw2 2 BEDROOM apartments. Bal- cony, electric heat. Location at Mill Pond. Adults only. 884â€" 2655. c1w2 SPACIOUS two bedroom base- ment apartment. Equipped kit- chen. Baby welcome. 884-7435. OAK Ridges one bedroom apart- ment. New fridge and stove. 4: Broadloom. Separate entrance, â€" $150. per month. Phone 773- 5747. c1w2iP CEDAR Hill apartments in Richmond Hill now renting. One and two bedroom. 889-1621 01' 384-7098. th2 BASEMENT apartment. Couple with no children. Phone after 6, 884-2563. $118 monthly. Unfurâ€" nished. c1w2 FURNISHED bedsitting room. Quiet business person. Board optional. Central location. 884- 1215. c1w2 3 FURNISHED basement rooms, one or two mature gentlemen preferred. 884-4948. cle .TO sublet a two bedroom apart- ment in Thornhill. Available [September 1. Phone 889-6522. BASEMENT a p a rt m e n t for young business couple only. 884-6606. c1w2 2 BEDROOM apartment, avail- able immediately. Adults. Apply ‘Superintendent 441 Elmwood ‘Ave. c1w2 FURNISHED-{ohm p"a r k {n g. must be reliable Elgin Mills and ~Yonge. 889â€"6249. cle 3 FURNISHED 11561115, pi‘ivate entrance, carport. Adults only. 889â€"4690. c1w2 REWARITSmall grey male cat. Lost Bayview Avenue North and Nineteenth Avenue. Satur; dayr pm. 884-9020. c2\\‘1 MINAfifA cameraâ€"iii éase. June 29, Richmond Heights Centre or Canadian Tire. Reward. 884- LOST in Richmond Hill vicinity of Mill Pond. small black dog. white chest. If seen please call 884-1432 as soon as possible. TO RENT TRAVEL LOST c2w2 c1w2 c1w2 cl w2 c1w2 c1w2 c1w2 tfc2 for tfc2 clwz office personnel for permanent and temporary positions. â€" CALL â€" III-CORPS PERSONNEL 18 YONGE ST. N.. RICHMOND HILL, ONT. 884-6782 HAVE YOU REACHED YOUR FULL POTENTIAL IN YOUR‘ PRESENT JOB? WE HAVE FIVE OPENINGS FOR MEN OR WOMEN DUE TO EXPAN- SION: EXCELLENT WORK- ING CONDITIONS IN NEW MODERN AIR CONDITIONED OFFICE. EARN WHILE YOU LEARN WITH OUR EXCEL- LENT TRAINING PRO- GRAMMME. FOR INTER- VIEWS CALL MR. WHITE OR MR. CUFF AT NORM BLACK REALTY LTD., 889-6241. OFFICE clerk, 517': day week for general duties. Must be accurate, with pleasant telephone manner. References. Apply Box 62 “The Liberal”.- nc2w1 MANAGER for small shoe and clothing store (of interest to women). Apply Saveway Stores, tBayview Plaza, Richmond Hill. c2w2 TOP notch legal secretary for young dynamic organization. Must have at least two years legal experience. Luxurious air conditioned office. Salary open. Summer vacation can be arran- ged. Finch - Dufferin, 630-9290, ext. 246. c1w2 EXPERIENCED cleaning per- son, weekly, good salary, South Thornhill. near Young. 889- 1694. clwl COOKS, full and part time for children’s boarding home Yonge St. N., Richmond Hill. Alternate weekends, good salary, attrac- tive fringe benefits for mature person with experience. Call H. Klenkler. 929-0249. c1w2 AVON calling on TV. AVON calling in magazines. AVON cal- ling in your neighborhood? It can be you. Openings in Rich- mond Hill, Thornhill, Markham Township and Maple. Call 925- 4255. *1w2 aides [and practical nurses full time positions available, ex- perienced only. ’l‘homhill area. transportation provided north of Steeles and Yonge. Mrs. Scott. 889-4931. cle WANTED Part time teiler. Monday, Friâ€" day. Experience preferred. 884â€" 8126. c1w2 REGISTERED nuié'e' wanted immediately. 775-2305. c1w2 FEMALE with bookkeeping 9xâ€" iéfience wanted. Call 884-6524. tfc2 SECRETARY T0 CREDIT MANAGER Dicta typing. Interesting posi- tion for alert applicant. Salary $400. per month. HOMEMAKERS & SITTERS LIVE IN FULL 0R PART TIME URGENTLY REQUIRED FOR A BONDED AND NURSING home requires full time kitchen help. day position available, Thornhill area. Mrs. Scott. 889-4931. c1w2 HELP WANTED NURSING home requires nurse§ IF you are lonely and would like a comfortable home plus small remuneration in return for helping run small store and keeping living quarters clean, call 884-9543. clw2 PAINTER, tinyâ€"experienced. 773-5620 cl\\'2 773-5620. c1\\'z COOK for new restaurant in Jane, Steeles area. 2 years Can- adian experience required, plus ability to process orders quickly. For further information and in- terview call 481-5233, ext 25‘ LICENSED AGENCY CALL: WE SIT BETTER 889-3650 FEEL TRAPPED? EXPERIENCED WE NEED 635-2854 opportunity for ; in Richmond ges, King City usework 3 or 4 Preferably With clw52 tf052 tfc47 clw2 c1w2 c1w2 (Continued) MOTHER’S helper for summer: Live in. Two young children. 889-4433. c1w2 RECEPTIONIST required for evening and Weekend duties at countiy club. Switchboard and typing experience. For oppoint- ment call Mrs. Peck. 889-4833. c1w2 REQUIREDâ€"woman for house- keeping position for one of the area motels. Part or full time. For appointment please call 889-7442. c1w2 SECRETARY required for coun- try club with typing, shorthand, switchboard and general office experience. For appointment call Mrs. Peck. 889-4833. GENERAL PLANT WORKER, ALSO ROUTE DELIVERY & GENERAL MAINTENANCE. APPLICANTS MUST BE MAT- URE AND NEAT IN APPEAR- ANCE, MUST HAVE SAFE DRIVING RECORD AND CHA- UFFEUR‘S LICENSE, SUPER- IOR PROPANE LTD.. 8470 KEELE ST., CONCORD, 889- 1145. clwz 1967 FORD Fairlane 500. hard tap, automatic, power brakes and steening. Best offer. 887- 5389. *1w2 1968 CORTINA. 1600 deluxe, 4 door, 4 speed transmission. radio, low mileage. Good con- dition. Phone 225-0202, after 6 pm. 884-6126, ask for John. E676 MUSTANG, 289 standard $1095. 1962 Galaxie Station Wagon. 390 Automatic. Ideal for cottage. 884-5693. clw2 1947 PONTIAC, five passenger coupe. 832-1063. c1w2 1966 MGB, wire wheels BRG, radio, body need some work. as is, best offer. 884-4538. c1w2 1965 CHEVROLET Biscayne, automatic 2 dr., $250. 889-4709. c1w2 1966 AMBASSADOR. automatic, 45,000 miles. Good shape. $500. 884-4970. c1w2 1969 TNTERNATIONAL 1100 half-ton pick-up, V8, like new. 884-3331. c1w2 1962 RXMBLER, new front end. Certified. Best offer. 889-4746. c1w2 1962 OLDSNIOBILE, 4-6. 0 0 I‘IPlastering Thornhill hardtop, _ rebuilt motor and R, CLARK transmisswn. Call after 5. 384â€" Plain and Decorative Plastering, 37537272}: 88-4-7645; CIWZ; Repairs 3 Speciality 1970 FIAT Sports Coupe. yellow.“ _ Free Estimates 12.600 miles, like new. Call 226-} 488-521 889-3185 0057. aux-2i __ _ My 7 tfc20 1969 Dofich'Hal-gér. high per- 15- W- PAYNE Drains, septic tanks. All types nnnnnnn 4-- “nu-lâ€" formance, best offer 889-9853. 1960 LINCOLN 4711: ht. Fully powered. Air conditioned. No rust. 884-8188. ’ c1w2 1971 RENAULT 12 Many extras. Greenwood Gar- age, Richmond Hill newest Ren- ault dealer. COMPACT 1965 Comet Caliente auto. ra- dio, new tires, good condition, $495. full price 1965 Corvair, auto. one owner, low mileage 3495. full price. 1961 Pontiac, one owner. low mileage, recent motor work, ideal second car, $275. full price. Greenwood Garage 884-8841 HELP WANTED 1965 EOE’Custom and 1964 Buick Convertible, certificates available. Reasonable. 884-3722: EETV'AUXHALL Viva‘ Lady’s car. 884-8014.. 1968 cfiEVELLE, big 6, radio, excellent condition, automatic must sell. 832-1453. Ask fog 1970 EPIC GT, radio, Ziebart, radials. 12,000 miles. Excellent condition. 884-7755 evenings. _ Mike 1969 Mini 1000 auto., new paint, looks and runs like new. 1968 Austin 1100, new tires, like new condition, low mileage $975 full price. 1965 Viva. looks and runs good, no plates 8135. full price. Greenwood Garage 884-8841 FAMILY, three children. need 3 bedroom rural or suburb Richmond Hill. August 1 or August 15. yearly lease. Call collect Area Code. 705-436-2207. c2w2 BUSINESS gentleman desires f u 1' n i s h e d accommodation (apartment) convenient to Sum- mit Golf and Country Club. Call chef, 884-8189. clw2 2 or 3 bedroom house, in Rich- mond Hill. 640-1389. Call col. lect. clwi USED CARS _FO’R’BIG BARGAINS CONSULT THE LIBERAL CLAssmzns WANTED TO RENT IMPORTS 884-8841 new paint THE FRIENDLIEST VOICES IN TOWN WILL HELP YOU TO PLACE YOUR “LIBERAL” WANT ADS TODAY c1w2 c1w2 c1 w2 clw2 c1w2 c1w2 $200. c1w2 :, likel ’ REID LAWNMOWER $975‘ SALES AND SERVICE {Complete lawnmower and snow- EOOd, mobile repairs and service. |0pen 3 am - 9 pm. 884-775.“ c1w2 c1w2 c1w2 BOOKKEEPING andia’cicfifrit? ing services for small businesses. 889-5683. tfc33 CLEANING WINDOIVS WALLS AND FLOORS DAY or NIGHT 884-2433 tfc23 eflfiMBIN’G & HEATING” Roger Proulx â€" Telephone â€"â€" 884â€"1650. tfc24 §EPTté Tifik‘s FUMPED Sewers cleaned C. Slunden Phone 884-1245 tfc2 _i\ioRTHEnNâ€"PAINT1NGâ€" Residential, commercial paint- ing, interior and exterior. Paper- hanging. 884â€"5697. tfc49 (Con‘ CHIMNEY Chimney sm 699-1076 Jerry ONTARIO UPH( Chesterfields covered like I] A LARGE 1 QUALIT ‘ AVA All \vori Pick up 1FREE ESTIM PLUM] A. MILLS MISCELLANEOUS BAKER’S BACKHOE EXCAVATING Trenching, sewer 8: water lines. footings. 889-3604. tfc2 PLUMBING & HEATING 221-7192 222-3706 tfc48 PAINTING aaa decorating, inl terior and exterior. Carpentry work, rec. rooms and altera- tions. No job too big or small. 884-5009. tfc40 HARRISONS CUSTOM CARPENTRY Custom built homes. renova- tions, additions, and repairs. Kitchens a speciality. Morris Harrison. 884-2838. tfc45 GENERAL contracting, altera- tions and additions, homes, of- fices, factories. Custom carpen- try of all descriptions. Les Several type faces to choose from â€"inc1uding Script. Block letters, Outline and signature â€"â€" fast service. Call “The Liberal" 884- 1105. RON MOORE PAINTING - PAPERHANGING Interior - Exterior. Free esti- mates. Call anytime. 889-8965. Webb. 889-2546 FINLAY ELECTRIC Outside lighting maintenance equipped with ladder truck. All commercial residential and in- dustrial wiring. Free estimates. Call any time. 884-3931. Drains, septic tanks. All types of concrete work. 889-5762 FREE ESTIMATES tfc31 RALPH ELMS DECORATING Painting, paperhanging, inter- ior and exterior. Free estimates. Work guaranteed. 887-5610. CHIMNEYS iChimneys and fireplaces built and repaired. Free estimates. Expert workmanship. 20 years experience. Phone 884-2882. . WALKER CONSTRUCTION I tfc50 CARPENTRY work, recreatinn rooms. additions, renovations, tile floors. and ceilings. Free estimates. T. Price. 889-3653. ALUMINUM HOME IMPROVEMENTS Alcan â€"- siding. Eavestroughs Doors and Windows For free estimates call your Local Contractor HANS BUTT 889-4106 BRICK AND STONE WORK Fireplaces â€" chimneys â€" cus- tom built â€"- patios, walls, flower boxes, garages, etc. Guar- anteed workmanship. For free estimate call M. H. Construction 884-3484. tfc44 counter PAINTING INTERIOR: EXTERIOR PAINTING & PAPERHANGING R. E. DUNN 727-3303 GENERAL CARPENTRY Les Swan Mechanical 24 Hour Service New Flagstone Patios & Walks - General Masonry Walker Construction 884-2882 EAVESTROUGHING Cleaned and repaired Aluminum siding Free estimates Call anytime 633-0039 RUBBER. STAMPS PAINTING R. TOBIEN 889-1922 ROOFING 884-2433 All types r tfc35 Thornhill {S [ ONTARIO SCHOOL OF ‘ UPHOLSTERY tfc23 Chesterfields and chairs re- FG‘â€" covered like new. ,9 ___A LARGE SELECTION OF “c241 QUALITY FABRICS Ian x AVAILABLE “('18 tfc50 tfc46 t£c21 tfc36 tfc18 tfc44 tfc3 tfc3 Chimney sweeping MISCELLANEOUS All work guaranteed Pick up and delivery FREE ESTIMATES 763-1194 tfc49 Rugs and chesterfields. Day 01 night. 884-2433. tchG Highly recommended even by friends :3 YEAR old Appaloosa gelding, white with a black blanket; also ‘4 year old Anglo-Arab stud. 1832-2636. Terms available. 22 Richmond St. grooming ~ poodles a specialty. Jill Goddard. 889-3606. tfc18 TWO hunting dogs, one Labraâ€" dor, one German short-haired, 6 months old; doghouse in- cluded. Call 226-0057. DOGS and cats boarded. In- spection invited. Chargex avail- able. Rivercourt Kennels Reg'd. West side of Yonge Street. 1%: miles South of Aurora. 727-5488. tfe50 shund, without papers $50 each. 884-8070. ' c2wl PUREBRED Wire'haired dach- 6 WILL: nun u: ¢uc nun...“ GERMAN Shepherd pups. weeks old, purebred unreg- _.<__~__-_,,,,,W_v m..-“ istered. 297-2585 or 447-9183. BALERVAcomlging. bin'der. New owner Betty Forsyth. Dog FEMALE Irish Setter. one year old, spayed and registered. Good watch dog, $50. 889-7900. c1w2 dor, one German short-haired, ‘HARDTOP TENT Tfimgfls 6 months 01d; doghouse in’ Otto, Lionel, Woods, Bag and Chlded- can 225'0057- Canvas. TripleETravel Trailers “1‘” McKENZlE CAMPING GERMAN Shepherd pups, vac- TnAlLERs LTD. cinated and medically sound. Highway ’7 East at. Bayview, 884:9628. c2w1 Thornhill. FREE kitten to good home. 11 “932 weeks old. 225-9054. clw2!'1'(§v_fijTAT1â€"0N, Excellent con- Buckhorn Saddlery at Bondl Head, just west of Bradford, have a new line of buckâ€"stitched saddles, bridles, western hats, Texas boots, as well as Parionni. Steuben, Rossi Caruso jumping saddles at most reasonable prices. Open 7 days till 9 pm or Phone 775-6241. *4\v51_ HORSE Sale u Stouffville. Livestock sales every Saturday at 1 pm, Registered and grade‘ horses and ponies. Many barâ€" gains in the saddle and tackl sale before horses. Consign-F ments accepted to 12 noon. [TWP trailer, sleeps 4, mat- tresses $110. 884-4030. c1w2 # TRAILERS' TO RENT fENT thIiiér’for' iTe'ntTSIéebs‘s‘. 884-6315. # h 'l‘VEN’l‘itriailer for rent, sleeps 4 c2\\l to 6. 884-2152. TEM’GmTfiQEL’ sleeps four to six. 884-3887. clwz # DRESSMAKING _ MASTER PLUMBER Residential â€" Industrial E. M. Greer â€"- 884-9598 A. MILLS 8.: SON LTD. 884-2201 PETS FOR SALE CHIMNEY CLEANING STRONG‘S DEMOLITION EXPERTS FREE ESTIMATES CALL â€" 727-8502 PERRI-STYLE (custom) Upholstering HI-CORPS TRAVEL guns Book Now â€"â€" CALL 884-6970 Toronto International Airport with SHAMPOOING SPRING SPECIAL LIVESTOCK FOR SALE PLUMBING 747 JUMBO JET (Continued) FREE TO MEMBERS $2 To Non-Members Bus leaves Yonge & Richmond Sts., Richmond Hill at 6:30 pm. July 13th 8.: HEATING anytime. *1w2 884-6885 tfc30 clOw47 (All Welcome) TOUR COST “048 tfc50 ,y or! ’ tfc46 tchO LAWN CUTTING and add 56sz Student workers. 884-7843. TRAVEL CLUB *4w51 c1w2 clwzliav'amfiimana _{dition. Sleeps 5. $995. or 11‘ offer. 889-7780. HafiSE trailer, sleeps fiv; condition. Phone 884-2202. c1w2 XVEUHPS W O R K I N G mother requires Night Care in your home for 11. 2 years boy in Crosby - Bayview area. 884-9685. . c1\\'2 the LOVING day care. $15. per week. Church St. area. 884~ 8408. c1w2 DAY,’ care for child. My Home; Yonge St., Richmond Hill. 884- AVAILABLE in my home for parents who work, or on vaca- tion. 773-4589. clwz‘. WILL mind children any age in my own home, 24 hour sewice. also emergencies. Phone 884- ‘5303. *l\\‘2 MAN with truck. Will haul any- ‘thing, also landscaping and rolo‘ killing. 884-7311. c2w1 3323 FURNITURE Slipcovers, cut and fitted in your home, workman- ship guaranteed. also cushions and arm caps etc. 773-5755. AUDIO visual technician, exâ€" perienced in all areas of teach- ing aid methods, including CCTV and VTR, seeks part time employment in this field. lwme Box 64 “The Liberal.” Carpenter work wanted. Garage. recreation rooms, kitchens and remodelling. Call 727-8788. RESPONSIBLE married couple. no children, would like part time apartment superintendent job. Experienced. 884-3116 after 6 pm. clw2 DIAL-A-STUDENT Amateur landscaping organiza- tion, willing to do all types of work, run by students them- selve's. Call 889-8066 CTDvajEBS done with pick-up truck. 773-4589. c1w2 BALER combine, binder, har- rows, tiller, double disc, culti- vator. mounted planter. mount- ed scuffler. packer, wagon, rol- ler. 221-8617. c1w2 bREssfiAKING and altera- tions. Reasonable. Pick-up and delivery. 884-8485. c4w52 DRESSMAKING and aiteI-aL tions. Reasonable. 884-9572._ EMPLOYMENT WANTED DAY CARE TRAILERS nt con- nearest c1w2 clwz *4w1 c1w2 c2w2 c1w2 c lw2

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