(Reminds No family relation to the‘in Great Britain. Provincial Leader Stephen; Party Leader Stephen Lewis Lewis, Whitchurch - Stouff-‘was the main speaker at the ville's Bob Lewis says the On- nomination meeting. tario NDP has passed the stages Candidate Bob Lewis only re- of being an inward looking‘cently became a member of the club of idealists. He says the‘NDP. but. says he has long sup- party is well on the way toward ported the party at the polls. becoming an outward lookingi Lewis says he has found the political force capable of power. NDP policies run closely along 'Lewis now lives in Blooming-{the lines he has been working He advocates moderation and reasonableness in the imple- mentation of New Democratic social policy. He describes himself as a quiet rightist new, New Demo- crat, non-Waffle. in the ster of Manitoba‘s NDP Premier Ed- ward Schreyer. split people‘s eardrums until a speaker blew up. Then Steven Davies of the Waco Puddings, who are, by the way, being considered for a recording con- tract and stardom by Warner Brothers, played an- other short set, doing some old tunes from way back when, and mostly original things while displaying his wonderful (yes, isn’t'he wonderful!) Neil YOung type voice. He was better, though. than Zacharia. As for the latter band, I would suggest they should sit down an’ practice a bit more. The show was poorly run, very sloppy, and two hours late. Both acts really had nothing prepared and the Whole show was more like a small party or private rehearsal. In fact, the crowd fluctuated from 9 to 15 during the afternoon. Hopes are high, of course. that any further concerts will be better attended and of higher musical standards. So the reason for this introduction is the men- tion of the Youth Kiosk and Cable TV. both being groups of people trying to do good things for people during the summer. Whether both attempts are working is still to be seen. BY HAL BLAJNE Robert (Bob) Lewis. 43. â€" computer “whiz†son of a Winnipeg steam fitter. former Whitchurch - Stouffville counâ€" cillor, Royal Canadian Air Force recruit at the age of 15 during World War II â€" is the New Democratic Party's candi- date for York North in the provincial election expected this fall. say now thou: cert with Zac Canada kiosk but it ain't sc Pant-In, and 1 Now, it ain't t but well . . . The first split people's Then Steven I The kiosk on Yonge St. North of Highway 7 and just south of 16th Avenue. is actually a large brown tent paid for by the government and run by the OMNI OBLIers. The idea of a tent for people is actually very'good, but it is not a good location. So far, in the first 14 days of operation, only six people have stopped there. During the day all that's happening there is a few OMNI OBLI people and orange garbage cans. The tent has recently met with misfortune, though. The plastic underpart of the tent was burned. windows were broken on the trailer and beer bottles were left lying around. Obviously some very drunk fools pulled this excurs- ion off. Now. the hopes are that the tent will become more used, therefore justifying its existence, and that the power gets put in. (Sunday's power was supplied by a secret source.) Meantime. the boys at Cable TV have been cookin’ up some hot stuff. The first thing that appeared early in the year was “Nous Five". a “teen†talk and information show, with short interviews on what’s going on. Next, it was "Rush", a musical show that introduced some very good bands. includ- ing Buck Creek, Goldrush. and House Band. who came in second in the Davenport Folk festival. Rush was quite a good show. and acoustic bands were quite listenable. The next attempt. “Midnight Ram- bler" was a talk and music show and had guests like Richard Needham. Peter Goddard. and Bruce Bissel of Warner Brothers who “discovered†“Waco Pudd- ing" on the show. The present development on T’\' 10 is, of course. the live radio-television show on Friday and Satur- day nights. The format is largely AM-style pro- gramming, in «which you can phone in your hot re- quests. and the rest is a form of FM radio. Slowly. the programming has become better produced and smoother. so that the “Trouble is Temporary" sign hardly makes its appearance very frequently any- more. It‘s getting so that you can actually enjoy the show The “request time“ part of the action makes this radio. a sort of a “people's†radio, and you can even talk to a famous television celebrity! Hot dog! Tommy. at 16. had already been taking guitar lessons for six years (he could still remember the first one‘ he learned how to play House of the Rising Sun) and had recently urged and succeeded in get- ting his guitar teacher. downtown. to teach him some blues riffs. Now, in the last two months. he has learned all the riffs from the “Wheels of Fire" album. and even some "Hendrix". With his fantastic style, thought Tommy (now. if I could only get that wa-wa pedal), once his music teacher thought Tommy f‘had the blues", he was ready for the big-time. “Man I could become as big as the Funk. eh ‘3" First. to talk to the phys. ed. teacher to see if he could be part of the basketball night the next Friday. (hold yer breath). Next week. tune in as Tommy reveals, “I’ve got the blues in my shoes." 16 York North New Democrats Pin Hapes On Robert Lewis A fine how th with 2 fine opening to w thousands of ith Zacharia an L kiosk on Sund‘ ain't so. The s THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill. Ontario, Thursday, July 2 ‘ine opening to this wee ' thousands of people m h Zacharia and Steven kiosk on Sunday. Alas in't so. The show put and Cosmo Music, was ain't that the sound sys e. He was 1e latter ban an’ practice Show was p4 irst act, le's eardx an Davies .y, being stardom Me By ‘drums until es of the Wa g considered 1 by Warner >ing some old V original th s, isn't'he m ras better. t7 KOOP 0f. Zacharia I would bit more 'ly run, v ria played loud t until a speaker e Waco Puddings HEILBRON l Midnight ; week's entry ole missed a fan ;even Davey at Alas. snakes in ' put on by Cat ', was in a wor d system was at [ton with his wife of 21 ‘She is the former Leda ‘tocky of Winnipeg. and met in Toronto. He defeated Roy Dowling of Newmarket for the candidacy in a 42 to 31 secret ballot vote at the riding nomination meet- ing held in Aurora. Dowling is a former Aurora resident. a labor ors;nizer both here and in Great Britain. Party Leader Stephen Lewis was the main speaker at the nomination meeting. ‘ed for a recording con- ner Brothers, played an- old tunes from way back things while displaying wonderful!) Neil Young , though. than Zacharia. ould suggest they should Lewis was nominated as York North candidate by Merlyn Baker. a former fellow Whit- church Township Councillor and in the 1967 general elec- tion carried the NDP banner in York North. They have three aged 17, David 15, 13. ,ry would be L fantastic 0 r at the You as in the gra Cable TV, 1 word, horriE n'd, horrible so bad, jack enough blew ;. who 5 Dream) sons and ic con- Youth grass. h to up. are, con- the years to Ted Greg Industry should develop north of York Region so com- muters would be travelling both north and south. he says. in- stead of the whole world mov- ing south through the riding every morning and north every night. He says green belt established have teeth. toward alone, and in municipal politics. And he feels now he would rather join in working with like-minded people, rather than going it alone. He generally supports the concept of the Toronto-Centred Plan advanced by the province. but he describes the plan as toothless. 29, 1971 there should be a north of Toronto. under controls that BOX OF 48 FEMININE NAPKINS COMPLETE PROTECTION SUPERSA VING MFG. SUGG. LIST 2.29 MODESS 141m? «Maia» meme bridge group. Lewis has taken a major in terest in sewage disposal prob‘ lems and pollution in the past His wife is active in an Uxt This just isn't economic com- mon sense and no suitable sol- ution to the sewage dispOSal problem has yet been advanced for Century City. he says. He is opposed to the big: He was chairman of the mag. and controversial Century City‘sive Preserve Our Water (POW) proposal for a satellite tovm Committee meeting last year east of Stouffville. saying it that successfully forced the means too many people in the closing of a big open pit liquid “Tong place. industrial waste disposal opera- Establishing a large town on “011 Off Highway 48 near the a high ridge of land. as propo-fs'tOUffVine Water SUPPLY- sed in Century City. creates a} Candidate Lewis was born in serious sewage disposal prob-IWinnipeg and attended public lem. Lewis maintains. . \school there. ‘55:- 1.601 NOXZEMA SKIN CREAM MFG. SUGG. LIST 2.69 SUPERSA VIIIG pollution prevention GREASE-LESS JOHNSON’S Bob Lewis then joined the company where he is presently employed as a systems analyst. He then switched to the Radio College of Canada at Toronto. later taking a job- for a short time with Philco. After leaving the air force in 1946 he went back to school and attended the University of Manitoba for a time. COLGATE DENTAL CREAM SUPERSA VINE GT. TUBE MFG. SUGG. LIST 79c WITH MFP HAIR SPRAY MFG. SL’GG. LIST 1.09 53% LADY PATRICIA 10 OZ._ CONT. SUPERSA VIIIG ONE SIZE FITS ALL BOB LEWIS Airman At Age 15 In the period from 1967 mi T 1970 he also owned and opera- Co, ted a cottage resort at Buck-ILeg horn. which made additional‘mls demands on his time. |.:.. He tried for a seat on Stouff- ville Council in 1964, but mis- sed by 38 votes. Successful in the 1966 village election. he served two years on the coun- cil. rea: International Business Machinrville mnSmen Club, of which es. lhe is a founding member. The: Lewis Lived 1'11 Stouffville for club elected him man of the 11 years and moved to Bloom-{year in 1970. Lewis Lived 1'11 Stouffville for 11 years and moved to Bloom- ington in 1967. ‘ewis is RICHMOND HTS. SHOPPING CENTRE 250 YONGE 511, N. 1†ma.“ auumonal‘has been nominated to runiag- ' his “me. ain in the riding. The Liberals active In the Stouff- are yet to name a candidate. WED. JULY 28th. at 9am. OPENS The incumbent Progressive Conservative Member of the Legislature William Hodgson He also belongs to the Stouff- \1'lle branch of the Canadian Legion. He has been active in Scouts and Cubs and also ser- ved on the Stouffn‘lle parks board. The provmcial riding of York North includes the for- mer Village of Stouffville and most of the area of York Re- gion north of the Gormley Side- road line, such as Nobleton, King City. Oak Ridges. New- market and Aurora. It includes the former Township of East Gwillimbury. but not the for- mer North Gwillimbury and Georgina area. Traybom Dr. TUESDAY. AUGUST 3. 1971 for the removal of trees in the Town of Richmond Hill. All bidders must use the tender documents supplied by the Town which are available on application in the Engineering Department. Lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted. Russell Lynett, Clerk Sealed tenders, clearly marked as to contents. will be recelved TREE REMQVAL the undersigned. until Noon TENDER 56 Yonge St. N.. Richmond Hill.