Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 19 Aug 1971, p. 6

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C KNAPPETT FOR LOAM Loam â€"â€" manure â€"â€" top soil ~â€" mushroom compost â€" peat moss. ctc. C. L. Knappett Landâ€" scaping and Supplies. 88445089. tfc43 CARPET LIQUIDA'I‘IONEKLE By order of various carpet manufacturers and carpet clean- ing companies. we have been instructed to dispose of thous- ands of all types and sizes of carpeting. Shags, twists, com- mercial, indoor - outdoor car- pets and drapery material priced from 77¢ to $7.99 per square yard.294-4440. Underwood Broadloom Mills, opposite Mark- ham Shopping Centre, Markham Ontario. Open Wednesday, Thursday. Friday, 10 to 10 pm and Saturday 9 to 6 pm. Sale ends August 28. e5w5 7-PIECE dining room suite, up- right piano, all kinds of rock- ing chairs. We buy, sell, and trade. 7735448. c3\\'6 Living, dining and bedrdoms, direct from importers ware- house. Open 1-9 pm. 454-1388 EINAR CLAUSEN LTD. Hwy. 7, just east of Fifth Line. [2 miles east of Dixie Roadi Bramalea. tfclo WANTED Saleable articlgs for the Victoria Square and District Lions Club annual auction and rummage- sale to be held September 18,} 1971. For pickup, call John Mc- I Cague, 887-5409, Don Boynton,3 887-5348, John Lee, 884-6601. ' BIG SALE! Used sewing machines $14.95. New sewing machines $59.95 and up. Bernina Sewing Centre. Richmond Heights Centre. 884- 3775. 04w7 Household items and clothing 57 Lawnwood Court, Saturday August 2i, 10 am until 2 pm. 884-6309. 884-8225. «2th 884-6309, 884-8225. clw8 LOTUS go-cart, fastback bicy- cle. mini bike. all in excellent ceildition. 889-5233. - cle STOVE and refrigeratorfgood condition. 889-5233. cl\\'8 MOVING â€" for sale tent 9’ x DRIVEWAY GRAVEL Crushed stone, sand. concrete gravel, etc. delivered in small quantities. Call C. L. Knappett. 884-3089 {£037 12‘. girl’s bike 24", Guide uni- form and raincoat size 12, car- top carrier. 889-3519. c1w8 9 x 12 Oriental rug, fringed. used only 2 months. $75, lawn mower $20. little girl‘s clothing, shoes. various sizes $5. 884- 8979. MM? TYPEWRITERS ADDING MACHINES Sales Service Rentals Authorized Dealer All popular makes for sale including new and rebuilt standard portable and electric models‘ Special rental rates available to students. L. H. SIMS 88 Baker Ave. Richmond Hill NOW OPEN Thornhill Furniture 8.- Antiques 8236 Yonge St, Thornhill We buy and sell. Call ‘ 889-0716 YORK ALUMINUM Free estimates Aluminum sid- ing windows, doors. awnings, also glass and screen repairs. Phone 884-4558. factory 832-1319 1967 JEEP, four wheel drive with plow. Allis Chalmers two plow tractor. Ferguson tractor with from end loader. all in good condition. 889-8159. Maple ELEVATING roof - for \‘an, aluminum, sliding windows. best offer. 773-59“. clw8 i967 JEEP. four wheel (Hive BABY carriage $25, stroller $6. playpen $8. crib. spring mat- tress, extension rail $35. 884m 1919. cl\\'8 INGLIS gas dryer s75, Findlay gas stove $125. A-l condition. 8841-4571. cle UPRIGHT Gibson freezer, 5 shelves A-l condition, brown Kroehler platform rocker, Vogue electric combination toas~ ter and coffeemaker. new con- dition. 834-6212. ems; OTVE “ringer-washer with pump: in good condition $25. 8134-4205 cle dillâ€"lent. 516s; iciiai'd: "giooseroer-V ries and parsley. 884-6367. ELECTRIC raga / condition. Best offer. 884-6839. clws Apart from all the lovely things on sale in Wyn-Dot â€"â€" Zippers 152' each, metal â€" nylon 29;: and 39¢ each. Drop in at: WYN-DOT THE LADIES SHOP BAYVIEW PLAZA RICHMOND HILL. ONT. 884-2214 c3u‘7 ' ’ALUMINUM Doors. windows. awnings. and railings. Ron Woods. 884-1514. tchS 6 THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Aug. 19, 1971 Am} CASH RATES, lst insertion 10 words $1.00 and .8e per word thereafter. Minimum charge $1.00. Second and subsequent insertions if wording unchanged, 10 words for .90c and .8c per word thereafter. COMING EVENT NOTICE 10¢ per word; min. charge $1.50 BOX NUMBERS an extra charge per insertion of 50c CARDS 0F THANKS, IN MEMORIAMS, DEATHS. ENGAGEMENTS. MARRIAGES, BIRTHS per in- sertion $1.50 Classified advertisements should be in as early in the week as possible but not later than 6 pm on Tuesdays. Send ads by mail and enclose payment or telephone us at 884-1105 or 884-1983 and you will receive an invoice. FOR SALE GARAGE SALE :3 I} H .. ;_.:;:;:,.;:;-.;.:234;;...3»;;.;_..x:;.;r;,z;;:;,-.;:;g:;:;.;:;.,;:;.;._.,_--.;.,:;.;_;.;.;- V 7 0,83%, PHONE THE. RESULTS NUMBERS 884-"05-6 â€" 884-1983 THE FRIENDLIEST VOICES IN TOWN WILL HELP YOU TO PLACE YOUR “LIBERAL” WANT ADS TODAY TEAKWOOD 8844745 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING RATES room suite, up- kinds of rock- buy, sell, and c3w6 c10w3 tfc§7JGoonmxn OFFICE mun} RAILWAY TIES mi“:- Holland Park Garden Centre. ’3 ’ 51 Keele Street N.. Maple. 832â€" pairs. ‘ -.1319Ԥ35.5_-_ _,, 7m A_~_ ,_ trc40 uczglFURNITURE AND ANTIQUES Top cash paid for good furn- iture. appliances, etc. Fast pick- up. 884-7254 or 773-5544. chr8fifil cl “’8 {103 '36 Yonge St. ‘ MILLINERS DRESSMAKERS SUPPLIES lOur new location: 93 Yonge St. 884-5894. c4wT oRGAN SAIIE - Home Models Summer clearance of floor mod- els, demonstrators, returned makes. Your chance to save now â€"- Hammond, Lowrey, Electro- home, Farfisa, Wurlitzer. If you’re planning to buy an organ anytime, see us now for big' savings. Budget terms. Organ lessons only 51. Free delivery within 150 miles. Toronto Organ 'Centre 5254 Yonge St., Willow- dale, 112 miles N. of 401, oppo- {slte Willow Theatre. Open daily,‘ 9 a.m. - 10 n.m., Saturdays to rentals, used organs. All famous. ment, $150. Adults. 'l‘wo bed- room apartment available Sep- tember 1, $165, one baby. Apply superintendent. 165 Colbourne. Richmond Hill. c‘Zw'I I & 2 BEDROOM APTS. Refrigerator and stove. Near Yonge Street. 884-4113. c2w7 LARGE furnished room. Cen- tral Richmond Hill, close to Yonge. 884â€"8312. c2w7 FURNISHED bed sitting room with washroom. suitable for young lady. 884-255]. c1w8 SELF-contained basement apart- ment with appliances and wale room. single person or couple only 773-5902 after 5 pm. c1\\'8 ;6 p.m. 222-6517 . 222-6701._ ailianri 1' SLENDERELLA exercise table $150. (3 motors) flushamatic toilet, 2 sinks $50, spray paint machine (commercial) with gun $100. 844-3113. c1w8 53’0’5 HONDA Super Hawk, very] good condition. $375. 884-7906. ‘ c1u'8 MOVING Baby furniture. 2 months old' crib. playpen. change table and stroller. Reasonable. 889â€"0101. c1\\'3 {4&1}?er 71007twin, good trial bike. $150. 884-7311. mm 2 WRINGER washing machines. also deep well pressure pump. all in good working condition, best offer, moving. 887-5614. fENT trailer 3300 01' best offer extras included. 884-2563. PIANO. Heintzman Upright. $150. 884-5435. c1w8 FRESH field tomatoes $1. 6 qt. basket. 884-5410. c1w3 TOOL box full of miscellaneous tools, l-Iarris tweed sports jac- ket. checked tweed topcoat. both size 38, winter Windbreaker with hood, size 40, electric. heating pad, men‘s bowling shoes with bag size 8, 832-1242. after 5 pm. 01va 1WOODS tent trailer. Sleeps 4 to 6 $200. 884-8408. c1w8 \ ,_ -V ,, , KITCHEN table and bird cage iwith stand, 884-7615. clw8 iMOFFA'I‘ stove S25. Chesterâ€" lfield. chairs. 884-9617. clw8 BEDROOM and dining suite Burma teak“ nod, 6 months old very reasonable. 241-5971. WATER CONDITIONERS Sales - Service. Rentals and Salt. Call anytime, 884-4016. tchO Pianos and used furniture. Call 884-1146. tfc24 BEETS. peppers. cucumbers dill leaf. su'iss chard. gooseber- ties and parsley. 884-6367. AVEDIS Zildjian ride cym‘ with stand. Excellent condi ADDING MACHINES ’I‘YPEWRITERS OFFICE FURNITURE 29 Yonge St. North 884-6524 FOR SALE Ron Woods Aluminum Prods MINI BIKES TRAIL BIKES SPORT BIKES ( Continued) WANTED Sales Service Rentals 884-1514 884-7098 tfc51 ‘r'.";~’Ta{r c2w7 c4\\'5 *1w8 c1w8 ciws Oldford. 889â€"9330. c1w8 6 qt. c1w8 ieous jac- )coat eaker ctric. whng ‘1242. c1\v8 :ps 4 c1w8 cage ONE bedroom basement apart- ment with swimming pool. September 1. Call after 4 pm. 884-7472. c1w8 2 BEDROOM basement apart- ment with full bath and Holly- wood kitchen. parking for one car, business couple, no children or pets. 884â€"8350. c1w8 FURNISHED room to rent. 884- 9427. c2w8 NICE furnished robin, TV, 8841 7615. c1w8 t[044 3133‘ COMFORTABLY f u 1‘ n i s h e d :ster- apartment. parking. Near bus, c1\\'8 board optional. Suit one or two. mm, 884-5461. cl\\‘8 tics _ 0133 WAITRESSES wanted. B a: M APARTMENTS AVAILABLE Restaurant. Woodbine and Hwy. Two bedroom suites. Rent in- 7. From 10 am to 6:30 Pm‘ 5 cludes heat, hydro, frig. and'days per week. also part time stove, near Richmond Heights for weekends. 499-0666. Plaza. Adults only. Call 8841 clw8 3475' tfcz.WANTED experienced mechanic CEDAR Hill apartments inffor small engines, portable air Richmond Hill now renting. One‘compressors. etc. Steady job- and two bedroom. 889-1621 or,located at Highway 400 and No. IIARGE furnished room. Cen- tral Richmond Hiil, close to Yonge. 884~8312. c2w7 after 6 pm IiICHMOND HILL, basement apartment, 2 bedroom partly furnished, vacant. 223-3294. FURNISHED bed sitting room[ with washroom. suitable for young lady. 884-2551. clw8 SELF-contained basement apart- ment with appliances and wash- room. single person ox.‘ couple only 773-5902 after 5 pm. VACANT‘ one bedroom apartâ€" ment, $150. Adults. Two bed- room apartment available Sep- 50619157 in Maple. 832-2631 1 BEDROOM apartment for rent September 1. Close to Yonge and Centre. Call after 5. 884â€" 4224. tch 2500 sq. f1., overhead door, high "'W' N‘ “"u ””" ceiling. washroom, heated. $110 ._ _. s ,. -, , . and 550 volt wiring. 889-0603 in PART-time 4 pm - 7 pm or 5 business hours. c4w8 Pm - 3 Pm f01‘ “‘aSh-up 0f labor- , 7* ‘ . â€".-atory equipment. Female pre- COMPLETE f“”“5hed 393‘“ ferred. Phone 884-5739. ciwa ment with fully equipped kii- .. . _# -_..-_, ,, chen. Four piece bathroom. Bed REQUIRED» \VeldPFfIttEI‘, 8150 sitting room also complete. Pri- macmnlst- Experienced. blue; vate entrance. Suitable for one Pl‘mt l‘eading necessary. 421/2 ‘or two ladies. 334-3795_ hour week. Excellent benefits. “W3 Apply in person to Ramsey Rec. - ‘ 7 Ltd.. 1 Industr'y Street, Aurora. WOIVIAN. ‘0 “1‘2? "8“ 31"“? 727-3943, 889-9421. c1w8 .qu 1-, FURNISHED room, cooking lfacillties, 16 Lorne, lst house !cast of Bork's Jewellers at Yonge. tfc51 FURNISHED room. c o o kin g and parking facilities. Please phone 884-1194 for appointment. I tfc15 New, modern. available for all occasions (up to 230 people). Sheppard and Victoria Park area. Free parking. air condi- tioned. Full kitchen facilities on premises. Call 491-4301 for further information. tfc51 SEVERAL country homes for rent or sale. Call 488-4386. OFFICE space: also storage space. Goodwill Fabricating Company, 167 Centre Street East. 884-8981. tfc39 WOMAN to share new apart- ment with same Thornhill. Lynn PLANT and office space to! rent. 2,000 square ft. Goodwill: Fabricating Company, 167 Cen- tre Street East, Richmond Hill. 884-8981. tfc38[ FOR lease, 3,000 â€" 6,000 sq. ft. industrial space, Newkirk Road. Features dock level loading. 16’6" clear. immediate posses. sion. $110 net. Lored Conâ€" struction Ltd. 630â€"9500. Three bedroom and office, two bathrooms. large kitchen Over- looking finished family room Mth fireplace. living and dining room. two car garage. Will con- sider leaving some furniture. 895-6933. c1w8 ONE rigid electric vice, model 100, 36” pipe wrench, 24” left hand pipe wrench. 24" standard pipe wrench. ratchet stock and die, 1 lo 2". one pipe cutter. Phone 889-4430. *1w8 FURNISHED room and break- fast. $60. per month for a mid‘ dle aged lady. 889-5024. A SPACIOUS bachelor base- ment apartment. $115. Adult Shephard and Yonge. 486-8573 FURNISHED room, suitable f0 MODERN WAREHOUSE SPACE RICHMOND HILL BANQUET HALL FOR SALE TO RENT Continued clw8 N ear c2w7 Cen- e to c2w7 BOOKKEEPER .\ S ec r e t a 1' y required for local Real Estate Office. Part-time considered. Please write giving particulars. Box 85 “The Liberal”. c1w8 c1w8 c 1 W3 Ltreeti RETAIL SALESLADY th39 For better~grade family shoe- store. Of interest to mature lady I- 311 with retail selling experience ,ple), preferably in footwaar. Five day, Park.“ hour week. Shield’s Footwear nndi-}Ltd.. Richmond Hill. 884-5341. v; unu. Luuyn. __V- A a. E 11. ft. son‘ 884-2855 or 884-7062. u. u A» 14v; * Rqad. c1w8. FURNISHED room. p ri v a t 6 Com washroom and entrance, no cooking. 881â€"0448. ch8 “(~50‘BACHELOR apartment. Self .c'nntained. heat and hydro in- 5cluded. Suited for mature single c1\v8 to c13:11gentleman. 773-4423. IRA fni'm wadinâ€" HOMEMAKERS 85 SITTERS LIVE IN FULL 0R PART TIME URGENTLY REQUIRED FOR A BONDED AND LICENSED AGENCY CALL: WE SIT BETTER 889-3650 "(:4 “:2 n1 raid fn c1w8 tf_cz_}WANTED experienced mechanic inifor small engines, portable air One‘compressors. etc. Steady job. . 01‘ located at Highway 400 and No. tch 7. 889-1392. c1w8 [FULL time sales staff and part- time cooks for fast food take-out operation. Call Mr. McKay for ian interview at: Scotts Davey Jones Fish & Chips i189 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill. 884â€"9291. clwa PART-time help to work in dry cleaning plant. Apply Wimb- ridge cleaners Ltd” 9724 Yonge ‘St. c2w8 NIGET cleaners and dish- washers (full and part time) 297-3105 for appointment. Duties include secretarial work to Councillors, recording minutes of Committee meetings, etc., which would include some WANTED experienced mechanic‘ for small engines, portable air compressors. etc. Steady job. located at Highway 400 and No. . i , evening work. 7' 889-1392‘___..__ CNS Position requires good typing, MECHANICS. licensed or notwshorthand and dictating equip- experienced in heavy truck Te- ment skills. Municipal experiâ€" pail's, gOOd \Vagesv 339-7166. ence preferred. Salary range c1w8 l$6,000 to $7,000, excellent fringe LIGHT factory wor'k suitable for benefits. _ I V . . Women. Apply 65 Duncan Rd. .Beply In wntmg stating qua- Richmond Him clwglhhcatlons, experience, etc. by mm August 21th to: Personnel De~ ‘ . . partment, Town of Markham. 13393?“ 393%} Rx. No. 2, Gormley. ems MAN for office cleaning time evenings. 483â€"3808. SUPERINTENDENT required in f a new 90-suite apartment build- ing. Experience not necessary. . Cai] Mr. Pugh 889-9310 or 884- 3624. clw8 WANTED. contractor to dis- mantle 100’ x 50’ barn at Gorm- ley. Write Box 84 “The Liberal”. clw8. TYPIST-reaeptionist, must have shorthand, for Cable TV office. Phone Mr. Jeffery, 884-8111. GIRL . FRIDAY For small office. Typing and some knowledge of payrolls. Located Jane and Hwy. 7 disâ€" trict. 8.30 to 4.30 pm. 889-1868. c1w8 MRIVDONUT. 884-0368. c1w8 PART-time 4 pm - 7 pm or 5 pm â€" 8 pm for wash-up of labor- atory equipment. Female pre- ferred Phone 884-5789. clw8 fiEQUIRED, welderâ€"fitter, alsb BOOKKEPER - receptionist for medical office in Richmond Hill. Female preferred. Phone 889- 9397 for interview appointment. clw8 RECEPTIONIST required im- mediately, three nights a week, 4â€"9 pm in Richmond Hill. Must be mature and bondable. For in- terview call 225-4453. c1u‘8 operation. Call Mr. McKay for an interview at: Scotts Davey Jones Fish & Chips 189 Yonge St. N. Richmond Hill. 884â€"9291. PART-time help to \ dry cleaning plant. Apply Wimb- ridge cleaners Ltd, 9724 Yonge St. c2w8 NIGHT cleaners and dish- washers (full and part time) 297â€"3105 for appointment. ' 02w8 RECEPTIONIST required im- mediately, three nights a week, 4-9 pm in Richmond Hill. Must be mature and bendable. For in- terview call 225-4453. c1\\‘8 REQUIRE a stenographer and experienced bank teller. Phone 884-1138 days. 699-9568 even- ing. Ask for Mr. Good. (- l \i‘R clwa. lRichmond Heights Plaza. Drug 'store experience preferred, but some retail store experience es- sential. Salary commensurate with experience, plus excellent istaff benefits. Apply Personnel Department. G. Tampblyns Ltd., 84 Sheppard Avenue, East, Wil- >lowdale. 225-8811. c1w8 'PACKER-shipper required for meat packing plant. Permanent position. must be well groomed. 889-4816. c1\\'3 :SCHOOL bus drivers for Rich; mond Hill area. York County Separate School Board. 889- 9792. c1w8 SERVICE}: station attendant. Man mechanically inclined, honest. neat appearance. ambi- ltious. References required. An- Ply Texaco 7161 Yonge St. _Thornhill. See Mr. J. Gould. AVAILABLE September lst. Two bedroom apartment. $155. monthly. with parking. 884-8083 1 and 2 bedroom apartments. Available September 131.. 884- 2762. c2\\:'7 WANTED for small nursing home, RN for Director of Nurs- ing and RN for afternoon shift. Also experienced cleaning lady, 5 day week. 389-7090, c1\\'8 ACCOUN'TKfir‘dtm-e in R’i‘ch? mond Hiil requires the services of a full time girl. Duties to consist of typing and general bookkeeping. Experience re- quired, Apply Box 83 “The Liberal" » c2w8 GIRL FRIDAY lULAbb A mecnamc 101‘ u":qu Thornhill. Small manufacturing PPltt fleet- Work consists 0f 59“ firm has a Girl Friday position Vlcmg “Hits and light repairs available. General office duties 8344906 Clws includo bookkeeping, typing andvDRIVER with highway and reception from 9 am to 3 pmllocal driving experience. Must O\m transportation is essentiai.ibe over 25 years old. App].v at Call 889-3381 for appointmentJCentI-al Van and Storage 360 c1w8 Newkirk Road. cI\\'8 HELP WANTED TO RENT Continued) part- c1w8 c1w7 c1w7 c1\\‘8 FEMALE CLERK Building supply firm in Rich- mond Hill area requires young woman for general office duties. Excellent working conditions Full benefits Five day week EMPLOYMENT TOWN OF MARKHAM Wanted â€" Confidential Secre tary to Council. and 727-4396 YORK BLOCK AND SALES help, experienced, chi1~ BUILDING SUPPLY dren’s wear, full time 01' part 9385 Yonge Street â€" 889-0253 time Young People's Fashions, c1\v8 Richmond Heights Centre, 884- mMpFnVMIEMT 2925. c1\\-'8 COLLECTOR, Mature male or female to work as a Collector in a Richmond Hill Collection office. ExperienCe in telephone. correspondence and litigation routine, a definite asset. Finance or credit experi- ence would also be helpful. This is a permanent position with a growing company. If you are presently com muting to Toronto. here is a real oppoxtunity. Phone Mr. Liddle at 884-4427. c1w8 EXPERIENCED w a i t r e s s e s HAVE YOU REACHED YOUR 1FULL POTENTIAL IN YOUR PRESENT JOB? WE HAVE FIVE OPENINGS FOR MEN 0R WOMEN DUE TO EXPAN- SION: EXCELLENT \VORK- ING CONDITIONS IN NEW MODERN AIR CONDITIONED OFFICE. EARN WHILE YOU LEARN WITH OUR EXCEL- LENT TRAINING PRO- GRAMMME. FOR INTER- VIEWS CALL MR. WHITE OR MR. CUFF A'I‘ NORM BLACK‘ REALTY LTD., 889-6241. CALL: W” 5” BETTE“ 1FULL and part-time help want- 889'3550 ed. Cul‘ hostesses part-time. , ,, _ n ._ weekend shifts only. Kitchen HAIRDRESSER w a n t e d for staff, full-time mature female for King City Beauty Salon, Trans- nights. Experienced preferred. portation from so bus supplied. but not essential. Must be able Good salary. Telephone 833-6313,t_0.5u13erv~ise> others. A & W wanted. Call Mr. R. Ca1'rier.I 884-8171. c2w7| LICENSED MECHANICS Large construction company in north Toronto requires experi- enced mechanic for truck shop and heavy equipment (diesel) shop. Interested parties call (truck mechanics) D. McCarnan 889â€"1191 (diesel mechanics) J. Sayers 889-3551. c1w3 EXPERIENCED bookkeeper. ac- curate typist and good in cor- respondence. Gamma Foundry Company Ltd. 75 Newkirk Rd. Richmond Hm. For appointment call. 889-5392. Mrs. Sarago. lauguan (.0 H: ucyucnuuu. v. “v. 7r _7 ___ R'x‘ ' - - ~ “all v callclfgsigagédixfi? ggffiymem {3352- c1“ 8} cnmxm's |ROOM and board for gentleman. . , “WK $Chimneys and fireplaces builti773-5170. tic48 "h "”‘"”_""- f’ QHd r6pail‘ed. Free estimatesâ€"“’J' . 7"â€"'_â€"'.b a dâ€"f‘ LOCAL Seed compam munes lExpert workmanship. 20 yea-sfgfiifné’é.r§a°fssi£§ o 1.14:er bookkeeping machine operator. HARDTOP TENT TRAILERS 'experience. Phone 884-2882, Apply m writing to Box 125~'Ott0, Lionel, Woods. Bag andt WALKER CONSTRUCTION ROOM 1° W“ m gentleman- chhmond Hill. 01w} Canvas. Triple E Travel Trailers‘ “Q50 8344947. c1w8 CLASS A mechanic for tran -‘ McKENZIE CAMPXNG ’_ GENE-EAL CARPEâ€"NTRY‘1ROOM available, parking (board ngt fleet. Work consists of ser-l TRAILERS LTD. Licence ioptional) private entrance. 889- vmng units and light repairs.'I-I1ghway ‘7 East _at Bayview. Rec. Rooms’ kitchens. floor me, 3270. c2w8 834-4906, 7 €1W3| Thornlull. “h”, counter tops, repair and re, # - ,A ._l - . .A r! , "n A mr‘ nlnmnna HELP WANTED POSITIONS AVAILABLE Good typist - junior position Experienced typist, corres- pondence etc. Gal Friday, typing, books, and payroll. Executive secretary (Willow~ dale) Gal Friday with traffic and export experience. â€" CALL â€"â€" HLCORPS PERSONNEL 18 YONGE ST. N. RICHMOND HILL, ONT. 884-6782 (Continued) FEELâ€"TRAPPED? SALES CLERK (:le tfc52 'c'z‘gfi'EXPERIENCED snack bar and banquet waitresses required for golf club in Aurora 727-5774,! n:_l_ c2\\‘8 tfc7 Drive-In Restaurant, Richmond 1-; Hill. Phone 884-8911. iBOOKKEEPER typist, experiâ€" ienced. Part time. Monday. Wed~ lnesday and Friday, 9-5. Female .0n1y. 889-8363. c1w8 auuuuaaugnu yldllh “an an opening in the maintenance deâ€" BAKERS BACKHOE partment. Write Box 580 Maple EXCAVATING stating qualifications and phone Trenching. sewer 8: water lines. number. c1w8 footings. 889-3604. tfc2 T'fiUCK driver ray rét'ah 1J1- PAINTING and déEax-Efingfihi ber. Phone 832-2271 G. Somer. terior and exterior. Carpentry clw8 work. rec. rooms and altera- 1fij ’ " _ - ‘ ;" _ tions. No job too big or small. N. LLpfi‘d 553.35 313333}. 884-5009. trc4o FOUR Arc welders required. must be able to pass Dept. of *Lanor welding test. Call Stan IThompson. 889-6211. :31va CLERK-typist. Includes some evening and Saturday work. Ap- ply Mrs. P. Hart, Chief Libra~ rian, Richmond Hill, Public Library. 884-3563. clwa GUARANTY TRUST C0. OF CANADA Has a position available for ex- perienced posting m a c h i n e operator. Please call accountant. 884-1188. clwa OPERATING suite assistant re- quired August 30 to transpon patients and cleaning activities. No experience necessary. Apply Director of Nursing, York Cen- tral Hospital. e2w7 INDUSTRIAL plant has an opening in the maintenance deâ€" partment. Write Box 580 Maple stating qualifications and phone number. c1w8 BOOKKEEPER’S assistant, ex- perienced, must have own trans- portation. 881-0811. Mrs. Harris. -,_L°‘“E¥‘e_d‘__g_m ,_ siiAMPoofifc. . FINANCIAL PLANNING SUMMER SPECIAL Careerâ€"minded salesman for Bugs and chesterfields. Day or direct selling. Major financial night. 8843433. tfcf" institution with qomplpte train- h‘ObKKEEfiNG'Gnd‘éééfihâ€"m; mg PFogl'amme mlites you to‘ing servicesforsmall businesses. c o n Sid e r permanent career 889-5533. tfc33 opportunity. For information. _â€"._74 _ *-_____._ Write Box '77 “The Liberal" l SEP'UC TANKS PUMPED 5x”; \rlklll u- [LuLULl-‘l nan-ull’x, 925-9418 Mr. Thomas. chvBngghly recommended even by _-_7â€"~7. frlends FTC-UR- Alic‘ welders 1'_equi1'ed: FERRLSTYLE (custom) Wanted, counter clerk for Building Department. Prefer- ence will be given to experience ih meeting the public. Applicant should be ambitious to further a career in Building Department and the studying of the Building Code and Muni- cipal by-lau's. Duties â€"â€"~ Receiving and assist- ing in processing of building permits, applications, pre- paring maps, general office work, typing and corresponding. Salary range -â€" $5,800 to $6,800 - usual fringe benefits. Please reply in writing before AugUSt 26th to Town of Mark- ham Personnel Department, Gormley, RR 2. Ontario. week. For details and personal inter- view ca‘ll 698-2591. 9 am - 5 pm Monday to Friday. cZ\\'8 MOTHERS helper required for rest of summer and weekends during school time. (Young teenager) Bayview and Steeles area. Live in. 889-2927. c1w8 PART time waitress requiredi for dining lounge. Also full time bus boy â€"â€" dishwasher. Apply in person. Richmond Inn Kit-P chen, Richmond Inn Hotel. 2 or 3 bedroom house, in Rich- mond Hill. 640-1389. Call col- lect. tfc3 BED sitting room \U'fh kitchen facilities in Richmond Hill. Maple area. 531-8521. c2w8 WANTED to rent for September 1 country home or farm. Res- ponsible professional adult. Lease. Immediately 294-4389 collect 3 BEDROOM cottage on lakeâ€" front; clean. comfortable. from August 28 to September 6. 884- 3262 c1\\'8 . 'I‘KALLISKB LID. _ [ Licence highway 7 hEasth. at BayweW-‘Rec. Rooms, kitchens, floor tile, T 0111 111- _ counter tops. repair and 1’9‘ tfcazlfinishing of furniture. Free CAMPER trailer 612' x 10"estimates. opening to 16‘. sleeps 6. Com-, R. TOBIEN pleter fibreglassed, hard 1op‘ .889-1922 1 834-1975. cl“8 {[044 HELP WANTED BECKER MILK COMPANY LTD. Requires STORE MANAGERS Complete training program Guaranteed income Hire your own help Cash bond required Stores open 9-11, 7 days EMPLOYMENT TOWN OF MARKHAM WANTED TO RENT c1w8 c3\\'6 c1w8l 1‘3“? GENERAL contracting, altera-'PUREBRED beagle, male, 5' at“; tions and additions, homes, ofâ€" months. Starting 1-0 hunt, 320‘l i13§fices factories. Custom carpen- 834-3259- A I Clws ,periâ€" try of all descriptions. Les FREE {0 goofiuml home for VVed'lwebbv 839-2546- “03’11/5; year old hound, all shots, male "fiUBBER STAMPS fuin trained, must leave city Elwa Several type faces to choose fromtol‘ be deSU‘OYEd- 923-8552: 964' ~including Script. Block 1etters.)8272. *IWB 1:532 BRICK AND STONE WORK ;chen|Fireplaces â€" chimneys â€"â€" cus- Hi11_'tom built â€"- patios, walls, czwglflower boxes, garages, etc. Guarâ€" mberganteed workmanship. For free ‘estimate call M. H. Construction {ESL-18848484. tfc44 c1w8 $335 ' '7 ' mam LAWNMOWER SALES AND SERVICE c2w8'Complele lawnmower and snow- lakeflmobile repairs and service frmnfiOpen 8 am - 9 pm. 884.77g}; BOOKKEEPING and account- ing services for small businesses. 889-5683. tfc33 SEPTIC TANKS PUMPED Sewers cleaned C. Stunden Phone 884-1245 tch NORTHERN PAINTING Residential, commercial paint- ing. interior and exterior. Paper- hanging. 884.5697. tfc49 RUBBER STAMPS Several type faces to choose from ~inc1uding Script. Block letters, Outline and signature -â€" fast service. Call “The Liberal” 884- 1105. ‘ Upholstering 22 Richmond St. NORTHERN CONTRACTING Excavating, Trenching. Footings and Concrete Work 884-7008 MISCELLANEOUS Custom built homes. renova- tions, additions, and repairs. Kitchens a speciality. Morris Harrison. 884-2838. tfc45 RON MOORE PAINTING - PAPERHANGING Interior - Exterior. Free esti- mates. Ca‘ll anytime. 889-8965. CARPENTRY work, recreation rooms. additions, renovations, tile floors. and ceilings. Free estimates. T. Price. 889-3653. Outside lighting maintenance equipped with ladder truck. All commercial residential and in- dustrial wiring. Free estimates. Call any time. 884-3931. R. CLARK Plain and Decorative Plastering, Repairs a Speciality Free Estimates E. W. PAYNE [DAY care for pre-schoolers 3 Drains, septic tanks. All typesjyears and older. Also hot of concrete work. lunches and after-school care 889-5762 FREE ESTIMATES for students attending Waiter ‘ tfc31 Scott School. 884-7455. c1w8 RALPH ELMS DECORATING DAY care available. excellent Painting, paperhanging, inter- references. Maple Sideroad and im‘ and exterior. Free estimates. 6th Concession. 832-1474. Work guaranteed. 887-5610.. c3w3 .n. -. Plastering Alcan 01‘ A. MILLS & SON LTD. 884-2201 PAINTING INTERIOR: EXTERIOR 488-7521 PAINTING & PAPERHANGING R. E. DUNN 727-3303 'HAR’RISONS CUSTOM CARPENTRY ALUMINUM HOME IMPROVEMENTS n â€" siding. Eavestroughs Doors and Windows free estimates call your Local Contractor HANS BUTT 889-4106 New Flagstone Patios & Walks General Masonry Walker Construction 884-2882 'FINL'AY’ ELECTRIC PLUMBING PAINTING 884-2433 & HEATING 889-3185 Trhomhm 884-6885 tfc30 'mates'fiâ€"IOOM‘ or roofn and board for years? gentleman. 884-6360. *1w8 I82. P_â€"_â€"â€" ______._ TION ROOM to rent for gentleman. “C50 834â€"4947. clw8 Evâ€"‘PROOM available, parking (Imam - {5 MONTHS old black Lab, free good home. 884-8208. c1w8 tfcl8 "048 tfc35 tfc46 tfc21 tfc36 tfc20 tfc18 {[044 4104 tfc3 “c4 tfc3 GERMAN shepherd pups, '7 wks, 5 female, 1 male, selling cheap. 889-5233. . c1w8 {RELIABLE woman with Red ICross experience Wishes to 0391466615. used‘ mum speed road- ,dé-V care for Dre-School age‘racing bicycle. Phone 832-2398. chxldren in Bayview and Taylor c1w3 .Mills Drive area. 884-6243. dition.’ 339-1934.' ' c1\_\’8 PAINTING and Decorating, in- terior and exterior. Free estiâ€" mates. 884-5410. thB Roger Proulx â€"- Telephone â€"â€" 884â€"1650. tfc24 CLEANING WINDOWS WALLS AND FLOORS DAY or NIGHT 884-2433 NEEDING carpet installed? Write Concord Flooring, Box 183. Thomhill, or phone 889- 3136. c1w8 RICHMOND HILL ROOFING Shingles, flats, eavestrough. Free estimates. All work guaranteed. 884-8719. c7w8 LOVELY puppies â€"â€" Collies, Shepherd good natured for children. To good homes for only $10 each. Maple 832-1471 anytime. c1w8 2 CUTE puppies, 3 wks, 884- 5084. c1w8 sonable. Evenings and week- ends. 833-5633. 02w7 DAY care to child 2 or over. Large 3am. Hot lunch. Keele and Maple Sideroad. 832-2627. c1w8 3105 884-1 FURNITURE STRIPPING 1963 Finish removed for easy home celle refinishing tifie4 Refinishing products and in~ 0705 struction available. [fin-i; 3m Godfiard.‘ 889-3606. ‘ 'tfcl'a 1967 MGB. good condition, new â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"â€"~ tires. radio. snows and tonneau, DOGS and Cats b‘mded' In'51200. full price. 884-386]. spection invited. Chargex availâ€" ~ , able. Rivercourt Kennels Reg'd. Pvflligiffigey'm w- :1“? west side of Yonge Street 11/2 BESI‘ offer. 1962 Falcon wagon, miles South of Aurora. 727-5488.:1‘ad10y Hul‘St Shlftefl '71_P13Vt05. “eminew bearings. need adjusting. CUTEfp'u'Ingdâ€"Sifiese k'ijAppI'y 160 Colbourne Avenue er 884-6263. c1“ 8 tons. Apply 56 Clarke, offi r-.~_r- 7-7- w- _._ _...___., Yonge. South Thornhill. *lw7 TRUCK camper. WI“ ht 1'? 1°“ -' --:,â€"â€"-_â€"â€"-â€"â€" truck, sleep 6, must sell. Home- GERMAN Shepherd pups' Rea" made. Asking $800 or best offer. son_able. Evenings and _ - DRESSMAKING and altera- tions, reasonable. pick up and delivery. 884-8485. c4w5 DEESSMAKING and altera- tions. 387 Bent Crescent, Rich- mond H111. 884-4514. c1w8 MISCELLANEOUS grooming â€"- poodles a specialty. Jill Goddard. 889-3606. tfc18 rdel'ences' Maple Sidemad and WELL Equipment. A’déazit‘ell 6m Concessmn- 332'1474- working head with or without: C3‘V3 motor, end tank, in good con- New owner Betty Forsyth. Dog PROFESSIONAL POODLE CLIPPING Long established. For appoint- ment 727-6669. Top quality pup- pies, Merrylegs. Poodles reg. RELIABLE woman will babysit in her home by day or week. Also in September. Will supply hot lunches and look after kin- dergarten children (McKillop School). 884-5303. c4w5 DAY care, 387 Bent Crescent Richmond Hill, 884-4514. DAY CARE available. 884~6889. c2w7 DAY care available. Markham and Bayview area. 884-6660. TRAILER for rent, to stay in pit. Very reasonable. Apply Guglietti & Constantino Pit on Dufferin St. *1w7 Phone 884-6503 ROOM and BOARD KUULH d.\ dudulc, ya: tuna -uuu.u optional) private entrance. 889-IDo you have a drinking prob; 3270‘ c2w8ilem. If so AA can help. Write -# Box 84' RiChmond 0r can Mg ,. . mm unmnfinlmmsam. tfc17 Uuu'x. “'W‘MAN, 57. overweight and get. PROFESSIONAL ting lazy wishes position as , POODIRE CLIPPING _ shipper or assistant or fork lift Long estabhshed. For appomt-loperator‘ gas or electric Mike ment 727-6669. TOP quality pup-138L069; *lwg . . 5‘ I. _ ,M_____.__.__‘_,~., _ Dles,Me1r31eBS Poodles efifCBEXPERI‘ENCED‘ German w0_ . man seeks day work house EU” 15:th needs 800d h°}“e,;‘cleaning. 9 to 4. Call 884-4866 CANOE. 174‘ Peterboro alum num 59.5, c w paddles‘ new 83‘ EOATS a MOTORS PETS FOR SALE DRESSMAKING PLUMBING & HEATiRG' DAY CARE TRAILERS T0 RENT (Continued) 889-4422 c4\\' 8 clw8 me 1964 WILDCAT, good condition. clws Phone 88943630. c1\\'8 9’ 5,1369 TRIUMPH Bonneville} 2(1:650, 8500 miles. excellent shape. 01‘Y8i884.634o. cm; c3w7 *1 W8 c1w8 1955 FORD and parts. Best’orl fer. 881-0738. cl\\'8 1965 PONTIAC Parisienne 6. cylinder, automatic, radio. new tires, excellent condition: $595 full price. Greenwood Garage. 884-8841. clu'B T963‘VXLIANT convertible. Ex; cellent running condition. Cor- finned, $350 or best. offer. 339- DEAD or crippled farm animals picked up promptly. For direct line call Long Distance and ask for Zenith 32800. Call anytime. Ed Peconi & Son, Woodville, Ont. Licence No. 324C - 66. iFURNlTURE AND ANTIQUES jTop cash paid for good furni- ture. appliances, etc. Fast pick- [up. 884-7254 01‘ 773-5544, “€44 ;WANTED, TV tower. Will disâ€" imantle if necessary. 884-5305. cZ\\'7 1964- FORD Galaxie convertible, 352 V~8, needs minor repairs. Perfect body. Swap for best small car or sell. 884- 5113. MM! 1964 FORD Galaxie X-L. two door hardtop, 390, four speed. good rubber. $600 cash. Call. Bart. 884-4703 after 5:30. MG Midget. in mint’cmfiitm'n'. Must see to appreciate. 889-5233. c1\\'8 SEE THE ALL NEW "72" REN- AULT 12. GREENWOOD GAR. AGE. RICHMOND HILL‘S AU- THORIZED RENAULT DEA- LER. 884-8841. c3w8 Employment wanted. bonk- keeping or typing. 884-6236. tic-7 WEED CONTROL LAWN FERTILIZING DELESCO (de Lestard Bros.) 255-1881 fully licenced and insured Re- sidential-Commercial. Quality workmanship and good service. GENERAL landscape, trees and bushes supplied and planted, lawns seeded and sprayed. Pro- fessional gardener. 884-7953. 6:30. 884-4093. Ask for Hal 1963 FORD Fairlane 500 sale or for parts. 884-6388. ALL types of landscaping. Stone work, railroad tie wall building. rail fencing, sandy top soil and mushroom compost. By the yard or load. Free estimates. 889- 6338. tfc44 2 2 YR. old ponies $40 each or best offer. 773-4243. 1961 VALIANT. 28 Malal‘en Road, Maple, 832-2526. cl\\'8 NURSE RNA would like industrial work full or part time. Call after 5. 889-8625. c1w8 junior boarder (4|. Gormley. Private stable with indoor arena, hunt course. jump ring, $60. English riding and jumping in- struction. Evening Toronto 920- 5700. c2w8 1967 CHEVELLE convertible. 327. four speed. between 5 and evenings Do you have a dfilfing prob- lem, If so AA can heip. Write Box 37. King City, or call 833- Box 6803 ACCEPTfiéi’nmited number EMPLOYMENT WANTED GARDENING USED CARS LIVESTOCK FOR SALE PERSONAL WANTED cle cl “'3 c1w8 cl “'8 cle tfc39 .1“ 8 for

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