Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 Aug 1971, p. 9

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Tl-IE YORK COUNTY BOARD OF EDUCATION ADMINISTRATIVE AREA NO. 3 59 Yonge St. North, Richmond Hill, Ont. -â€" 88494411 All students resident for the first time in Area 3 and who have not already done so should register during the week of August 30th at the Elementary or Secondary School they will be attending. To identify the school serving your attendance area please telephone the Area Office. . TRANSPORTATION 1971 -72 SCHOOL YEAR Kleinburz Mackenzie Pine Grove Woodbrldge L-lA and B Lâ€"lA and B L-2C DBA L-ZA and B L-2A and B L-3B L-5A L-3C L-3C L-SA andB L-4A and B L-4A and B BUS L-l Route "A" â€" Commencing No. 49 and 10th Con. (7:55 am.) ~â€" W. and N. via No. 49 and 11th Con. to King-Vaughan Town Line â€"â€" W. and S. via T.L., 12th Con.. and No. 50 to Coleraine S.R. â€"-â€" E. and S. via Coleraine S.R. and Little 9th Con. to Elder Mills S.R. ZONE 1 â€"â€" Area bounded by King-Vaughan Town Line. Steele: Avenue. Highway 50. and Highway 400. ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS â€" E. and N. via Elder Mills SB. and No. 27 to Kleinburg and Mackenzie Schools (8:20 am). Route "B"â€"Commencing10th Con.. one mile N. of No. 49 18:30 am.) â€"â€" S. and E. via 10th Con. and No. 49 to Klelnburg and Mackenzie Schools (8:50 a.m.). BUS L«2 Route “A” â€"â€" Commencing No. 49 and 10th Con. (8:00am) ~~ S. and E. via IOth Con. and Woodbridge SE. to No. 27 â€" N. and E. via No. 27 and Elder Mills S.R. to Islington â€"â€" N. to Mackenzie and Klelnhurg Schools (8:20am). Route “B” â€" Commencing Islington and Kleinburg SR. 18:25 am.) â€"- E. and S. via Kleinburg SR. and 7th Con. to Major Mackenzie Drive â€"â€" W. and N. via Major Mackenzie Drive and Islington to Mackenzie and Kleinburg Schools (8:40 am). Route “C” â€" Commencing Kleinburg School (8:40 am.) â€" S. via Islington to Pine Grove School (8:50 am.) BUS Lâ€"5 Route “A” â€"â€" Commencing No. 7 and 7th Con. '(Pine Valley Road) (8:00 am.) â€"- E. and S. via No. 7 and 6th Con. to Steeles â€"â€" W. and N. via Steeles and 7th Con. to No. 7 â€"â€" W. via No. 7 to Woodbridge School (8:15 am.) â€"- N. and E. via Eighth, Pine, and Islington to Pine Grove School (8:20 am). Route "B" â€" Commencing Pine Valley Subdivision (8:25 a.m.\ â€" S. and E. via 7th Con. and Pine Grove S.R. to 6th Con. â€" SA and W. via 61h Con. and No. '7 to Sylvadene Subdivision â€" W. and N. via No. 7 and Islington to Pine Grove School (8:45 am). BUS L-3 Route “A” â€" Commencing No, 27 and Woodbridge SR. 18:00 am.) â€" S. and E. via Nos. 27 and 7 to Little 8th Con. â€" W. and S. via Nos. '7 and 27 to. Steeles â€"â€" W. and N. via Steeles. No. 50, and 10th C‘on. to Woodbridge SR. -â€"â€" E. and S. via Woodbrldge SR. and 8th Avenue to Woodbrldge School [8:20 a.m.>. Route "B" ~â€"- Commencing No. 7 and 7th Con. (Pine Valley Rd.) (8:25am) â€" N. and W. via 7th Con. and Pine Grove SE. to Pine Grove School (8:40 am). Route “C” â€"Commencing Pine Grove School (8:45am) (grades ’7 and 8 students and special. education) â€"-â€" N. via Islington lno pick-ups) to Mackenzie and Kleinburg Schools (8:55 am). BUS L-4 Route "A" â€"â€" Commencing 7th Con. 34 mile south of Major Mack- enzie Drive (7245 am.) â€" N. and E. via 7th Con. and Major Mack- enzie Drive to 61h Con. â€"â€" N. and W. via 6th Con. and King- Vaughan Town Line to 7th Con. â€" S. via 7th Con. 2 miles â€" N. and W. via 7th Con. and TL. to 8th Con. â€" S. and W. via 8th Con. and White School S.R. to No. 27 â€"-AS. via No. 27 and Isling’ton to‘ Klelnburg and Mackenzie Schools (8:30 a.m.l. Route “B” -â€"â€" Commencing No. 27 and King-Vaughan Town Line (8:40 am.) â€"â€" S. via No. 27 and Islington to Kleinburg and Mack- enzie Schools (8:55 am). SECONDARY SCHOOLS Woodbrldge Thornhill L-6A L-BB L-7A L-7B Lâ€"8A L-l l B Lâ€"9A L-353 L-9A L-85B L-lOA L-llA Lâ€"35A BUS L-6 Route “A” â€" Commencing Nos. 49 and 27 (7:30 am.) â€" W. and N. via No. 49 and 11th Con. to King-Vaughan Town Line â€" W., and S., and E. via T.L.. 12th Con.. and Burlington S.R. to 10th Con.. â€"â€" S. and E. via 10th Con. and ’No. 7 toWoodbridge High (8:15 a.m.). Route “B” â€"- Comencing Woodbridge High (8:20 am.) â€"â€" E. via No. '1. 7A. (Centre Street). Yonge. Clark. and Dudley to Thornhill Secondary. (pick-up transfers for Thomhill Secondary from Bus L-16. Route "A" at comer of No. 7 and Jane Street (8:45 am.) Route “C” â€" See Zone 3 â€" Elementary Schools BUS L-‘I Route "A" â€" commencing No. 27 and King-Vaughan Town Line (7:30 am.) â€"â€" S. and E. via No. 27 and White School SE. to 8th Con. N. and E. via 8th Con. and TL. to 6th Con. â€"â€" S. and W. via 6th Con. and No. 7 to Woodbridge High (8:15 a.m.). Route “B” â€" Commencing Woodbridge High (8:20 am.) â€" E. via No. 7, 7A (Centre Street), Yonge, Clark, and Dudley to Thornhlll Secondary (8:45 a.m.). Route. “C” â€"â€" Commencing Thornhill Secondary (8:45 am) â€" W. and N. via Elgin. Yonge, No. 7A (Centre Street’. Bathurst. an Major Mackenzie Drive to Don Head Secondary (8:55 a.m.). BUS L-B Route "A" â€" Commencing Islingion and Major Mackenzie Drive 18:00am.) â€"â€" S. via Islington. Pine. 8th Avenue. and No. 7 to Woodbrldge High (no pick-ups on Islington south of St. Margaret Mary Church. See Route L-35A) (8:15 am). Route “B” â€" Commencing Woodbridge High (8:20 am.) â€"â€" E. via No. 7 to Keeie -â€" S., E., and N. via Keele. Rockview, and Baldwin to No. '7 â€" E. and N. via No. 7 (Bathurst Street) and Yonge to Garden â€" W. via Garden to Langstaff Secondary (8:40 a.m.). Route “C” -â€" Commencing Langstaff Secondary (8:40 am.) (pick- up students for Bayview Secondary) â€" E.. S.. and N. via Garden. Yonge. No. 7. and Bayview to Bayview Secondary School 18:55 am.) (no pick-ups). BUS L-lo Route “A” â€"- Commencing Bryson SR. and 7th Con. (7250 am.) â€"‘ S. and W. via 7th Con., and Kleinburg S.R. to Islington â€" S. and E. via Islington and No. 7 to Woodbridge High (no pick-ups on Islington south of St. Margaret Mary Church. (See Route L-35A) (8:15 a.m.). Raine “B” â€" Commencing Woodbridge High (8:20 am.) â€"â€" E. and N. via No. 7 and Dufferin to Langstaff S.R. â€" E and N. \‘ia Langstaff S.R.. No. 7. and Yonge to Garden â€" W. via Garden to Lnngstafl Secondary (8:40am). Route "C" â€"- Commencing Langstaff Secondary (8:40 am.‘ Ipick~np students for Don Head Secondary) E. and 5. via Garden and Fair- view to Langstaff S.R. â€" W. and N. via Langstaff S.R.. Bathurst, and Major Mackenzie Drive to Don Head Secondary (no pick-UPS’ (8:55 a.m.>. BUS L-9 Route “A” â€"â€" Commencing lslington and No. 27 (7:50 a.m.l â€" S. and E. via No. 27 and Elder Mills SE. to 8th Con. â€"-S. and E. Via 8th Con.. Pine. 8th AVe.. and No. 7 to Woodbridge High (8:15 a.m.b. Route "B" â€"- Commencing Woodbridge High (8:20 am.) ~ E. via No. 7 to Dufferin â€" N. and E. via Dufferin. King High. and Vaughan to ‘No. 7 â€"â€" E. and N. via No. 7 (Bathurst) and Yonge to Garden â€" W. via Garden to Langstafi Secondary (8:40 am.) BUS L-ll Route “A” â€"â€" Commencing Islington and Kleinng S.R. (7:50 am.) â€"â€"- N. via Islington to No. 27 â€" S. and E. via Nos. 27 and 7 to Woodbridge High School (8:15 am). Route “3" â€" Commencing Woodbridge High School (8:20am) E. via No. ’7, 7A (Centre Street), Yonge, Clark. and Dudley to Thornhill Secondary (8:40 am.) Route "C" â€"- See Zone 3 â€" Elementary Schools. Mackenzie Lâ€"l A and B L-ZA and B L-3C L-4A and B Langstnfl' L-BB L-QB L-lOB Pine Grove L-2C L-3B L-SA andB Don Head Bayview L-7C L-8C L- 1°C BUS L-35 Route “A” â€" Commencing No. 'l and 7th Con. (Pine Valley Rd.) (7:50 am.) â€" N. via 7th Con. to Pine Valley SubdiVision â€"â€" S. and W. via Boyd Conservation Rd. to Islington Ave.. â€"- S. via Islington and No. 7 to Woodbridge High (8:15 am.) (pick-up points No. 7/7th Con‘. 7th Con/Pine Grove S.R., Pine Valley SubdiVision. St. Margaret Mary Church, Gamble and Davidson). Route “B” â€" Commencing Woodbridge High (8:20am) â€"- E. via No. 7 to Keele â€"- S.. E.. and N.. via Keele. Rockview. and Baldwin to No. 7. 7A (Centre Street), Yonge, Clark. and Dudley to Thornhill Secondary (8:40 a.m.). ZONE 2 â€"â€" Area bounded by King-Vaughan Town Line. Steelea Avenue. Highway 400 and Dufferin Street. ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS Gibson Bailey Concord Thornhill Roselawn Sand Jr. L-lA Lâ€"12A L-IZB L-14C L123 L-14C L-13A&B L-13A &B L-14A&B L-15B L-18B L-18B L-15A BUS L-lz Route “A” â€"â€" Cnmmencing Kaela and Kirby SR. £8100 aft!) -â€"- Route “A” â€"â€" Cnmmencing Keele and Kirby SR. t8:003.m.) -- W. and N. via Kirby SR. and Jane to King-Vaughan Town Line â€"- E. and S. via TL. and Keele to Major Mackenzie Drive - E. via Major Mackenzie Drive to Railway â€" W. to Gibson and Bailey Schools 18:20 a.m.) Route “B” â€" Conmmencing Sherwqod SR. a_m:l Dgffefip (8:30 am.) BUS L-13 Route “A” â€" Commencing Jane and Sherwood S.R. (8:00 am.) |N. and W. via Jane and Major Mackenzie Drive to 6th Con. â€"- N. and E. via 6th Con. and Kirby S.R. to Jane â€"- S. and E. via Jane and Major Mackenzie Drive to Gibson and Bailey Schools (8:20 am). Route “B” â€"- Commencing Keele ant}! Sheliwggd S_.R,_(_8:3‘0 am.) -â€"â€" S. via Dufferin 1311 grades) 10 Concord School (pick-up grades 7 and 8 from Bus Lâ€"14, Route “A” and Bus L-15, Route “A") â€"- S. and W. via Dufferin and No. 7 to Baldwin (grades 7 and 8) â€"~ S. and W. via Baldwin and Southview to Keele (pick-up points. eastern and western limits of Southview) â€"â€" N. and E. via Keele. Langstaff S.R., Bathurst and Can-Ville to Roselawn School (8:50 S. via Keele to Langstaff S.R. â€"- N. and W. via Keele and Sherwood S.R. to 6th Con. â€"7S: ivi‘a 6th C_on. t'o 596: Grove S.R‘ â€"â€" N. and E. via 6th Con. and Major Mackenzie Drive to Gibson and Bailey Schools (8:55 a.m.). BUS L-14 Route “B”â€"-Commencing Baldwin and No. '1 (8:25am) (all grades excepting grades 7 and 8; see Bus L-12. Route “B” -â€"- W. and S. and E. via Keele. No.7. and Dufferin to Concord School (8:20 am.) (Kindergarten and Thornhill Special Education transfer to Bus L-15, Route “B” -â€" Sand Jr. Special Education will travel on Bus Lâ€"14, Route “C") (grades 7 and 8 transfer to Bus L-12, Route Thornhill L-ZOB SECONDARY SCHOOLS BUS L-16 Route “A” â€"- Commencing Keele and King-Vaughan Town Lina (7:50a.m.> â€" S. via Keele to Major Mackenzie Drive (Don Head and Bayview Secondary students transfer to Bus Lâ€"17, Route “A”! W. via Major Mackenzie Drive to Maple Plaza â€" E. and S. via Major Mackenzie Drive and Keele to Sherwood S.R. -â€"- W. and S. via Sherwood S. R. and Jane to No. 7 (Thornhill Secondary students transfer to Bus L-6. Route ‘13") E. and N. via No. 7 and Keele to Langstaff S.R. -â€" E. via Langstaff SR. and No. 7 to Yonge â€" ‘N. via Yonge and Garden â€"- W. via Garden to Langstaff Secondary (8:40 a.m.). BUS L-l'l Route “A” â€" Commencing Dufferin and King-Vaughan Town Line 17:55 a.m.i4. and W. via Dufferin and Major Mackenzie Drive to Keele (8:10 am.) lpick-up Don Head and Bayview Secondary students transferred from Buses Lâ€"16. Lâ€"18. L-19, and Lâ€"20. Routes “A”! E. via Major Mackenzie Drive to Don Head Second- ary 18:30 am.) â€"â€" E. via Major Mackenzie Drive and Markham Roads to Bayview Secondary (8:40 a.m.). BUS L-18 Route "A" â€"â€" Commencing Jane and King-Vaughan Town Line 17:40 am.) â€"- S. and E. via Jane and Major Mackenzie Drive to Keele (Don Head and Bayview Secondary students transfer to Bus L-1‘7, Route “A‘W â€"â€" E. and S. via Major Mackenzie Drive. Bathurst. Carrville, and Yonge to Garden â€" W. Via Garden to Langstaff Secondary (8:40 am.) Route “B” -â€" See Zone 2 â€" Elementary Schools. BUS L-l9 Route "A" â€" Commencing Jane and Major Mackenzie Drive 17:45 am.) â€" S. and E. via Jane and Sherwood SE. to get-ale Route “A” â€" Commencing Jane and Major Mackenzie Drive 17:45 am.) â€"- S. and E. via Jane and Sherwood S.R. to Keele â€"â€" S. via Keele to Langstaff S.R. â€" N. via Keele to Major Mackenzie Drive (Don Head and Bayview Secondaw students transfer to Bus L-17. Route “A”! â€"- E. and S. via Major Mackenzie Drive. Dufferin. Carrville. Avenue, Denham. and Roosevelt to Langstaft' Secondary (8:25 a.m.l. Route “B” â€"See Zone 3 - Elementaril Schools. Route “C” â€"- See Zone 3 â€"â€" Elementary Schools. BUS L-20 Route "A" â€" Commencing 6th Con. and Major Mackenzie Drive (8:00 am.) â€" E. via Major Mackenzie Drive to Keele (Don Head and Bayview Secondary students transfer to Bus L-l’l. Route "A") E. and S. via Major Mackenzie Drive, Bathurst. Camille, Denham and Roosevelt to Langstaff Secondary (8:25 am). Route “B” â€"- Commencing Vaughan and ‘No. '7 (8:30 a.m.\ -â€" N. and W. via Vaughan and King High to Dufferin â€" S. and E. Via Dufferin. No. 7. BaLhurst. Crestwood, Yonge. Clark, and Dudley to Thornhill Secondary I82503.m.l. Langstaff Don Head Bayview L-16A L-l’IA L-17A L-18A L-19A L-20A ommencing Baldwin fanAd No.‘_'1___18:253.m.) (all Concord L-lZB L-14A & B L-15A Schedule Of Routes and Sherwood S.R. (8:30 am.) - N. and W. via Keele and ZONE 3 -â€" Area hounded by King-Vaughan Town Line. Steele! Avenue. Dufferin and Yonge Streets. Roselawn Sand L-6C L-15C L-llC L-22A Lâ€"21A & B L‘22A & B ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS BUS L-6 Route “C” â€"â€" Commencing Thomhill School I81453.m.\ (grades '7 and 8) â€"â€" W. via Arnold to Bathurst (pick-up points Thornhill School. Clarke‘haven. and Campbell) â€" N. and E. via Bathurst and Carrville (no pick-ups) to Roselawn School (8:55 am). BUS L-ll Route “C” â€"â€" Commencing Langstaff Schqol (8245;13:11.) (Eradgg ...-.___-,v E'Vififi 8' RoselixI/ri' School andepecial Education Chas Hewitt School) â€" N. and W. via Yonge and McKay to Chas. Howitt School (8:50am) â€"â€" N. via Pearson, Edgar, and Avenue to Roselawn School (8:55 am). BUS L-15 Route "C" -â€" Commencing Yonge and Steeles (8:40 am.) (grades K-5. Thornhill and Sand Jr. Special Education) Igrades 6-8 see Bus L-22. Route "8") â€"- W. and N. via Steeles and Bathurst to Crestwood - E. via Crestwood to Yonge (pick-up points Crestwood/Franklin ‘and Crestwood/Powell) â€" N. and E. via Yonge and Grandview to Henderson â€" N. via Henderson to Sam! Jr. School â€" N. and W. via Hendemon and Elgin to Thomhill School (8:55 a.m.). BUS L-l9 Route “B” â€" Commencing Fair-view and Boyle (8:30a.m.) (grades 1 to 8 inclusive) â€"â€" E. and S. via Boyle and Yonge to Langstaff School (8:40 am.) (grades 7 and 8 transfer to Bus Lâ€"ll, Route Route “C” â€"â€" Commencing Yonge and Garden (8:45 am.) (grades 1 to 6 inclusive, grades 7 and 8, see Bus L-19. Route “B") â€" W. and N. via Garden and Pearson to Roosevelt â€"â€" E. and 5. via Roosevelt and Yonge to Langstaff School (8:55 am). BUS L-Zl Route “A” â€" Commencing Pemlberton Cr. and Bathurst (8:00 am. N. via Bathurst to Major Mackenzie Drive â€"â€" E. via Major Mack- enzie Drive 3/1. mile â€" W. and S. via Major Mackenzie Drive and Dufferin to Carrville â€"â€"- E. and S. via Carrville and ‘Bathurst to Disera Motel â€" N. and E. via Bathurst and Carrville to Roselawn School (8:30 am.) â€"- S. via Avenue, Edgar and Pearson to Chas. Howitt School (8:35 am.) â€"- N. via Pearson, Edgar, Avenue, Car- rville, Bathurst. and Weldrick to Ross Doan School (8:40 a.m.). Route “B” â€" Commencing Ross Doan School (8:40 am.) (pick-up grades '7 and 8) (grades 6, see Bus L-22, Route “A") â€"- E. and S. via Weldrick land Yonge to Carrville -â€" W. via Carr-ville to Roselawn School (8:50 am.) â€" S. via Avenue, Edgar, and Pearson to Chas. Howltt School (8:55a.m.). BUS L-ZZ uvu .. .. Route “A” â€"â€" Commencing Bathurs’r. and Pemberton (3:00 am.) (Thornhill and Sand Jr. Special Education, grade 6 Roselawn School) (grades 7 and 8 Roselawn School, see Bus L-21. Route “B”. â€"â€"E. and N. via Pemberton. Walmer and May to Kerseyâ€"S. and E. Via Kersey and Weldrick to 3055 Doan School (8:05 a.m.)â€"E.. Si. and W. via Weldrick. Yonge and Carriville to Roselawn School (8:10 am.) â€" S. via Avenue. Edgar, and Pearson. to Chas. Howitt School (8:15 am.) â€" S. and E. via Pearson, Boyle and Yonge to Thornhill School (8:25 a.m.)â€"~E. and S. via Elgin and Henderson to Sand Jr. School (8:30 am). ' Route “B” â€" Commencing Yonge and Crest-wood (8:35 am.) (grades 6. 7, and 8) (grades K-5 and Special Education, see Bus L-15, Route “C”)â€"W. via Crestwood to Bathurst (pick-up points Crestwood/Powell and Crestwood/Franklin) â€"- N. and E. via Bathurst and Carrville to Roselawn School (850 am.) (no pick-ups north of Disera Motel, see Bus L-Zl, Route “A"). SECONDARY SCHOOLS Thornhill Langstaff L-BZB L-32B L-32B L-BZB L-BZB ZONE 4 ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS â€"â€" The attendance areas of the follow- ing schools located in Markham Township. Bayview Glen Woodland Sr. Sand Jr. Sixteenth Thornhill L~23A Lâ€"23,B L-23'B LZSA L-26C Lâ€"24B L-24C L-24C Lâ€"29C L<34A L-25B L-ZSB L-34B L~26C L-26C BUS L-23 .uvv u’uu Route “A” â€" Commencing No. ’1 and Lunar (8:00 am.) â€"- W. and S. via No. 7 and Don Mills (Woodbine) to Steeles â€"- E. and 5. via Steeles and Pharmacy to Passmore -â€" ‘N. and W. via Pharmacy and Steeles to Bayview Golf and Country Club â€"â€" N. 34 mile â€"- S. and W. via Steeles to Laureleaf â€"â€" N. and W. Via Laureleaf and Limcombe to Bayview Glen School (8:30 am). Route “B” â€" Commencing Bayview Glen School (8:30 am.) â€"â€" 5. via Valloncliffe to Steeles -â€"â€" W. and N. via Steeles and Willow- dale to Grandview â€" E. and N. via Grandview and Henderson to Woodland Sr. and Sand Jr. Schools (8:45 am.) BUS L-24 Route “A” â€" See Zone 4 â€" Secondary Schools. Route “B” â€"- Commencing No. 7 and Leslie (8:10 am.) â€" S. and W. via Leslie and Green Lane to Bayview -â€" S. and E. via Bay- view, John, and German Mills to Steeles -â€" W. and N. via Steeles and Bayview to Doncrest â€" E. and S. via Doncrest. Daffodil, Laureleaf, and Limcombe to Bayview Glen School (8:35 am.) Route “C” â€" Commencing Bayvlew Glen School (8:40 am.) â€"- W. via Laureleaf, Daffodil, Doncrest. Bayview, Proctor, and Henderson to Woodland Sr. and Sand Jr. Schools (8:50 am.) (pick- up point Viburman Place and Daffodil). BUS L-25 Route “AL” â€"- Commencing Leslie and Sixteenth (8:00am) (all grades) â€"â€" S. via Leslie to No. 7. -â€" (grades ’7 and 8 only. grades K-6. see Bus L-29. Route “C") â€" W. and S. via No. 7 and Bay- view to Thornlea Secondary â€"â€" N. via Bayview to Bayview Sec- ondary â€" 5.. W.. and E. via Bayview. Hillsview. Yonge, and Sixteenth to Sixteenth Avenue School (8:25 am.) lall grades). Route “B” â€"- Commencing Sixteenth Avenue School (8:25 am.) 1 n-.. Route “B” â€" Commencing Sixteenth Avenue School (8:25 am) â€" W.. S., E., and S, via Sixteenth, Yonge. No. 7. and Bayview to John (grades 7 and 8 on1y> â€" W. and S. via John and Henderson to Woodland Sr. and Sand Jr. Schools (8.45 am.) BUS L-26 Route “C” â€" Commencing Roy-31 Orchard School (8:35 am.) (pick- up Special Education students) â€" W. and N. via Royal Orchard and Baythorn to Baythorn School (pick-up Special Education students) â€"â€"W. and S. via Baythom and Yonge to John (pick-up John/Yonge) â€"â€" E. and S. via John and Bayview to Proctor â€"â€" W. and N. Via Proctor and Henderson to Woodland Sr. and Sand Jr. Schools (8:50 am) â€" N. and W. via Henderson and Elgin to Thomhill School '8:55 a.m.). BUS L-29 Route "C" â€"â€" Commencing No Kâ€"6 only. grades 7and 8 sge_BI_1 BUS L-34 Route "A" â€" Commencing John and Bayview Fairways (8:20 am) -â€" W. and S. via John and Bayview to Laureleaf â€"â€" E4. 5.. and W. via Laureleazf to Limoombe to Bayview Glen School (3:30 a.m.). Route “B” -â€" Commencing No. 7 and Yonge I8240 am.) â€"â€" E.. N.. and W. via No. 7, Bayview. and Sixteenth to Sixteenth Avenue School I8:50 am) «grades K-6 only. resident on No. 7 between Yonge and Bayview â€" grades 7 and 8 see Bus b25, Route "8") (no pickoups on Bayview, see Bus L-29, Route “C"|. . via No. 55 am). Commencing Yonge and Gafdep 18:45 3.3111“ (gradfis Commencing No. 'l and Leslie 18:45 am.) Igrades Les 73nd 8 see Bus L-25. Route "A"! â€" W‘. N.. and Bayview and Sixteenth to Sixteenth Avenue School Thornhill Langstaff Chas. Hewitt Ross Donn L-15C L-19B and C Lâ€"l 1C L-21A L-ZZA L-21A and B L-ZZA L-22A Don' Head L-32.B Sixteenth Thornhiu L-25A L-ZGC L-Z9C ‘L-34B THE LIBERAL. Richmond Hill, Ontario. Thursday. 'August 2‘ 8:20 am) SECONDARY SCHOOLS: Administrative! Area No. 8 plus part of Administrative Area No. 4 comprising the attendance areas of the following schools located in Markham Township and the Town of Richmond Hill. 'l'hornlea Don Head Bnyviev Richmond Hill Thornhfll L-24A L-2'7C L-25A L-ZBA 1:328 Lâ€"25A Lâ€"2SC L-ZBB L-SOB Lam“ Lâ€"26A and B L-BOB L-29A D323 L-27A and B L-328 L-30A & B & C Lâ€"29B L-33A L-32A L-31A and B Lâ€"33A BUS L-24 Route “A” -â€" Commencing Yonge and 'No. '7 (7:50 am.) â€" I. and S. via No. 7 and Bayview to Thornlea Secondary (8:00 a.m.l (pick-up points No. 7/Rugg1es and No. 7/Essexl (Don Head Secondary students transfer to Bus L-27. Route “C”). Route “B” â€"â€" See Zone 4 -â€" Elementary Schools. Route “C” â€" See Zone 4 â€" Elementary Schools. Bun L-25 Route “A” -- Commencing Leslie and Sixteenth (6:00 am.) -- 3. via Leslie to No. 7 â€"- W. and S. via. No. '1 and BayView to Route "C" â€" See Zone 4 â€" Elementary Schools. Bun 1,-25 Route “A” â€"- Commencing Leslie and Sixteenth (3:00 am.) -â€" 8. via Leslie to No. 7 â€"â€"- W. and S. via. No. 7 and BayView to Thornlea Secondary (8:10 am.) (Don Head Secondary student: transfer to Bus L-27. Route "C") (pick-up students for Bayview Secondary) â€"â€" N. via Bayview to Bayview Secondary (8:15 am.) (balance of route. see Zone 4 â€"â€" Elementary Schools). Route “B” â€" See Zone 4 â€"- Elementary Schools. Route “C” â€" See Zone 4 â€"â€" Elementary Schools. BUS L-26 Route “A” â€"â€" Commencing No. '7 â€"-â€" 3,4 mile east of Don Mills (Woodbine) (7:50 am.) â€"- W. via No. '7 to Don Mills (pick-up point No. '7 and Lunar) â€" S. and W. via Don Mills and Steeles to Bav- view Golf and Country Club â€" N. to parking lot â€"- S. to Stegles â€"â€" W. and N. via Steeles and Bayview to Thornleo Secondary (8:15 am.) (Don Head Secondary students transfer to Bus L-27. Route “C“). Route “B” â€"- Commencing Limcombe and Valloncliffe (8:20 am.) â€"â€" (Students resident south of Doncrest projected east to C.N.R. tracks with the exception of those resident on Laureleaf and Hammock. see Bus L-29. Route “B“) â€"â€" S. and W. via Valloncliffe and Steeles to Bayview â€"â€"- N. to Thomlea Secondary 18:30 am.) (Don Head Secondary students transfer to Bus L-27, Rout. “C"). Route “C” â€" See Zone 4 â€"â€" Elementary Schools. BUS L-27 Route “A” ~â€"- Commencing Don Mills (Woodbine) and Seventeenth (7:50am) N. via Don Mills to Eighteenth â€" W. and S. via Eighteenth and Third Line (Leslie Street) to Green Lane -â€" W. and N. via Green Lane and Bayview to Thornlea Secondary (8:15 am.) (Don Head Secondary students transfer to Bus L-27, Route Route “3" -â€" Commencing Bayview and Laureleaf (8:20:31) â€" E. and S. via Laureleaf to Daffodil â€"-â€" W. and N. via Daffodil and Poinsetta to Laureleaf (Students resident on Laureleaf, Wildrose, and Daffodil, other students see Bus L-29, Route "B") â€"â€" W. and N. via Laureleaf and Bayview to Thornlea Secondary (8:35 a.m.). Route “C” -â€" Commencing Thomlea Secondary (8:35 am.) (pick-up transfers for Don Head Secondary from Bus L-24. Route "A" Bus L-26, Route "A" and “B”; Bus L27, Route "A": Bus L-29. Route “B” and Bus L-31. Route “A”) â€"â€" N. and W. via Bayview, Markham Road, and Major Mackenzie Drive to Don Head Second- ary (8:45 am.) (pick-up Bayview/Briggs). BUS L-28 Route “A” â€" Commencing Bathurst and Gamble Road (8:00 am.) N. and E. via Bathurst and Jefferson SE. to Yonge â€" N. Via Yonge to King-Vaughan Town Line â€"- S. and W. via Yonge and Wright to Richmond Hill High (8:20 am). Route “B” â€" Commencing Richmond Hill High (8:20 am.) -â€" S. and E. to Bayview Secondary (8:30 am.) (no pick-ups). Route “C” â€" Commencing Bayview Secondary (8:30 am.) (pick-up transfers for Don Head Secondary from Bus Lâ€"29. Route “A") -â€" W. via Markham and Major Mackenzie Drive to Don Head Second- ary (8:45 a.m.). ' BUS L-29 Route “A” â€" Co encing Don Mills (Woodbine) and Eighteenth (7:50 am.) â€"- N. t Markham-Whitchurch Town Line â€"â€" W. and S. via TL. and Third Line (Leslie Street) to Eighteenth â€"- W. and S. via Eighteenth and Bayview to Bayview Secondary (8:00a.m.) (Don Head Secondary students transfer to Bus L-28, Route “C"). Route “B” â€"â€" Commencing Bayview Secondary (8:05 am.) -- S. via Bayview to Thornlea Secondary (8:20 am.) (pick-up points Hills- view and Duncan) (Don Head Secondary students transfer to Bus Lâ€"27, Route "0”) â€" S. via Bayview to Laureleaf â€"â€" E. and S. via Laureleaf to Steeies (Students resident on Ladysiipper. Poinsetta, Multiflora, and Thomlea Secondary School students resident on Laureleaf, and Hammock, south of Doncrest projected east to C.N.R. tracks. other Thornlea Secondary School students see Bus L-26 and Bus Lâ€"27, Route "B") â€" W. and N. Via Steeies and Bayview to Thorulea School (8:40am) (Don Head Secondary students travel on Bus L-26, Route "3"). BUS L-30 Route “A” -â€" Commencing Leslie (Third Line) and Seventeenth (8:00 a.m.) â€"- W. via Seventeenth to Bayview Secondary (8:05 am). Route “B” -â€" Commencing Bayview Secondary (8:05 am.) â€"- N. and W. via Bayview and Elgin Mills to Neal ~â€"â€"- S. and W. Via Neal, Crosby. Yonge. and Wright to Richmond Hill High (8:20 am.) â€"â€" S. and W. via Hall. Richmond and Trench to Don Head Sec- ondary (8:25 am.) E. via Major Mackenzie Drive and Markham Road to Bayview Secondary (no pick-ups) (8:30 am). Route “C” -â€" Commencing Richmond Hill High (81353111.) â€"- E. and S. to Bayview Secondary (no pick-ups) (8:40 2.111.). BUS L-3l Route “A” â€" Commencing Cachet Rarkyay. (7250331.) â€"- W and . 11:"- _..J uuwc In â€" vuuu..\. ...... -..-..-- S. via Personna and Don Mills to No. 7 (pick-up Don Mills and Lunar) â€"â€" S. and W. via Don Mills and Steeles to German Mills (no pick-ups. see Bus L-26, Route "A") â€"- N. and W. via German Mills and John to Bayview â€" N. via Bayview to Thornlea Second- ary l8:15a.m.) (Don Head Secondary students transfer to Bu! Lâ€"27, Route ”C"). Route “B” â€"- Commencing Bayview and Sixteenth (8:20 am.) â€"â€" W. via Sixteenth and Carrville to Avenue (pick-up points. Six- teenth/Maple. and Carrville/Avenue) â€"â€" S. and E. via Avenue. Denham. Westwood, Pearson, and Boyle to Yonge (pick-up points Avenue/Denham, Westwood/Pearson. and Boyle/Yongeview) â€" S. and E. via Yonge. No. 7 and Bayview to Thomlea Secondar! 48:40 am.) (no pick-ups, see Bus Lâ€"24. Route "A"). BUS L-32 Route “A” â€"- Commencing‘Nineleenth‘and Anglin Dr. (81003111.) n-._1-_ E__â€"...I___ w E. and S. via Nineteenth and Bayvtew to navaw Decuuunry (8:10 am.) (Don Head Secondary students transfer to Bus Lâ€"28. Route “C"I. Route "B" â€"- Commencing May and Yonge (8:15 am.) â€"â€" 5. via Yonge to Clark (pick-up points May, Weldrick. Carrville. Garden, and Helen) â€" E. and N. via Clark and Dudley to Thornhill Sec- ondary (8:35 am.) â€"â€" N. and W. via Dudley, Elgin and Yonge to Garden â€" W. via Garden to Langstaff Secondary (8:40 am.) (pick-up points Royal Orchard and Garden) â€"â€" E., N.. and W. via Garden, Yonge. and Major Mackenzie Drive to Don Head Secondary (8:50 am.) (pick-up points Sixteenth and Hillsvie'w). BUS L-33 Route "A" â€"â€" Commencing Elgin Mills and Bathurst (8:00am) - E. via Elgin Mills to Yonge â€"â€" E. and S, via Eighteenth and Bayview to Bayview Secondary 18:05 am.) â€" W. and S. via Mark- ham Road and Yonge to May â€"- W. via May, Walmer. and Pember- ton to Bathurst Ipick-up points May / Yonge. Walmer/ Pemberton and Pemberton/Bathurs’o -â€" N. via Bathurst and Major Mackenzie Drive to Don Head Secondary 48:15 am.» â€"â€" E. via Major Mackenzie Drive and Markham Road to Bayview Secondary 18:20 am.) mo pick-upst. Route "B" â€" Area 4 â€"â€" Elementary Schools. It is noted that the routes as outlined above are subject to revision. Kindergarten children for whom transportation is pro- vided will be transported at noon. As the times indicated are approximate parents are asked to have the students at the pick-up - - u - . _ u,, a; _ 4 _ . . . A I. "W... kiln“ nay-ill he GPFIUAIIIIGLC yalcnnlo a“, -u..-_. h, __w points in good time during the firs}; Week. The buses will be identified by numbers posted in the window immediately behind the door in each bus. A. E. STARR S. L. G. CHAPMAN CHAIRMAN DIRECTOR OF EDUCATION â€"â€" Commencing Nineteenth and Anglin Dr. (81003311.) S. via Nineteenth and Bayyiew t_o Bayvieyv Secondary Bayview L-25A L-ZBB L-29A L-aoA & B a; C L-32A L-3v3A {in Mills and Bathurst (8:00am) â€"â€" E. and S. via Eighteenth and {8:05 am.) â€" W. and S. via Mark- W. via May, Walmer. and Pember- Joints May / Yonge. Walmer/ {athurs’tt -â€" N. via Bathurst Richmond Hill Thorn!!!“ L-28A L323 L-BOB Lama“ 1,323 1971

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