Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 Aug 1971, p. 13

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Mrs. Ruth Allin: of Corpus Christi. Texas, who conducted the workshop. has been teach- ing for 50 years and during this time has developed what can} only be described as a magical‘ happroach to teaching beginners. Working in classes or individu- ally with songs. games, visual aids. etc. the children are so excited and eager to play that they never need to be forced to‘ practise. “Sweet Charity". companied by 11 Bishop, who was locate Sparta. n‘ where his grand Bishop once livec Since her return from New Jersey. Mrs. Markham has al- ready put this new approach in- to practice with great success. A friend of her daughter. sev- on - year - old Wendy Wilcock learned to play “Hot Cross Runs" in ten minutes. and since then has shown a definite pref- erence to playing the piano than playing with dolls! Four and five year olds play- lng the .piano with both hands all over the keyboard? Adults who have never studied before playing with ease and facility? ’lt sounds impossible, but after seeing demonstrations for three days last Week at a Piano Tea- chers‘ Workshop in New Bruns-> wick. New Jersey. on beginners of all ages. Estelle Markham, ARCT, RMT. of Richmond Hill, is convinced that this is the an- I swer for those people who go' in a piano teacher and say, “Look, I don’t want to be a concert pianist but just want to be able to play for my own pleasure.” Use one of these three con- venient ways: ‘ "THE LIBERAL" CLASSIFIED ADS Phone 884-1105 Classified Liberal To place a Action Ad Allllll\\lll\\ll\ll\l\\\lllllllmwlllllIll“l\“llflllllllllllllllllll“Illllllll Mr. and Mrs. David Higgins of Ruggles Avenue left on Sun~ day for Ottawa to visit their son-in-law and daughter, Lieut- enant Commander Julian Rang- e! and Mrs. Range! (Suzanne), grandsons. Gregory and Christ- opher and new granddaughter, Julianne, born last Thursday at Ottawa Civic Hospital. lullllllllll“l|llllllllllllll\llllllllllllllulllllllllllllllflllllllllllllllllllll“ She leaves on Monday for Kingfisher, 300 miles north of Sioux Lookout, where she is employed by the Dept. of )n- glian Affairs as a teacher. Miss Judy Purvis has spent the summer with her parents. Mr. and Mrs. William Purvis of Bridgeport Street. PHONE 884-1105. An Ad Taker will be pleased to assist you. "The Liberal". PO. Box 390. Richmond Hill, Ont. Friends are invited to join her for a birthday cel- ebration at an “At Home" being held on Friday next from 2 to 5 pm and 7 to 9 pm at the home of her dau- ghter. Mrs. Elwood Mc- Lean. at 453 Balkan Road. MAIL it to Classified Ads Bring it to “The Liberal“ office, 63 Yonge Street South, Richmond Hill. Ample Free Parking in the paved lot right beside our office. Mrs. Rollinson. a {it and spry nonagenarian. has sev- nral hobbies, including:~ sow- ing and knitting, and does socreiarial work for the women's group at Lang- staff Baptist Church. of which she is a member. Congratulations to Mrs. Elizabeth Rollinson of Gar- den Avenue who celebrates her 90th birthday on Sep- tember 3. Celebrates 90th Birthday, Sept. 3 The work of young Canadian Sculptor Royden Rabinowitch is included this year in New Med- ia Art, a collection of contemp- orary sculpture organized and installed by the Art Gallery of Ontario, and contained in a special gallery unit in the Bet- ter Living Centre at the CNE. New Media Art’ was chosen for AGO‘s exhibition by H. Dennis Young, curator of con- temporary art. and Anita Aar- ons, co-ordinator, with two del- iberate intentions: to make CNE visitors aware of the fact that Canadian sculptors (as well as hockey playersl frequently “in international acclaim. and that contemporary sculpture lo- gicallyr should be a product of t\\’entieth-century technology. There are about 40 works by 21 sculptors in the collection, with Royden’s exhibit being «re- ferred to by one critic as "the admirable arrogance of Royden Rabinowitch's greased cones". Royden is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Rabinom‘tch of Kerrybrook Drive. During their short stay in Richmond Hill they enjoyed a trip to Niagara Falls and with their hosts were dinner guests at the home M Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Lewis in Claremont Also spending seVeral days with Mr. and Mrs. Ross were Alexander Hughes and his sist~ er, Mrs. Ella Ervine, from Bal- lymena, Northern Ireland, who were on a three-week vacation visiting relatives in Ontario. They left for Ireland on Sat- urday evening from Toronto International Ail-pom. Recent visitors at the home of Isabel and Jack Ross on Yongehurst Road were their daughter and her husband. Hel- en and Jack McKinney of New- inzton, Connecticut. who spent a week here visiting friends in the area and Jack‘s relatives in ‘Metro Toronto. Returning with them for a holiday in the States was Jack's sister. Mrs. Betty Barman of Scarboro, and they all enjoyed a leisurely drive home calling at many places of interest, in- cluding Lake Placid. Guests included friends from Pleasantville School and two young cousins from Nemnarket and they. with her sisters, Kar- en, Stephanie and Katrina, en- joyed frolicking in the pool and the festive fare; highlighted by a large gain decorated birth- day cake with seven lighted candles. which were promptly extinguished by the guest of honor during a lusty rendition of “happy birthday". After tea all the young guests ‘assisted Fiona in opening her; many gifts and after a final swim, armed with balloons and; favors, left for home. ! Mrs. Daniel Douglas~Cramp- ton entertained on Friday at a party for her daughter. Fiona, who was celebrating her seven- th birthday. The service is free â€" ei- ther call the Social Editor Margot Crack at 884-1105/6 or drop a line to 63 Yonge Street South â€" we‘d be pleased to hear from you. Our readers like to read of your activities and your guests or hosts may enjoy seeing a write-up in the pa- per as a keepsake. If you have guests from out-of-town or abroad stay- ing with you. or have rec- ently returned from visit- ing friends or relatives in faraway places, why not let us know so we may include their names and news of Four travels in "Life in the Hill” columns? During” her stay she has \‘is- ited her twin brother and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Michael Bain and family and spent sev- eral days with friends in the cottage country. Her husband, Dr. Becker, ls arriving today lThursday) to spend a few days with his family and return with them to Florida on Tuesday next. Mrs. Earl Becker and her children. Hilary, Alison and Andrew from Coral Cables, Florida, has been spending the last few weeks with her par- ents, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Bain on Mill Street. Sympathy is extended to Spence McCullough of Ruggles Avenue on the death of his mother, Mrs. Gertrude McCul- lough of Toronto, who passed away on Sunday in Scarboro General Hospital. Donations may be left at the Richmond Hill United Church or a pickup arrang- ed by calling Joyce Linder- man at 889-0344. With school rc-opening in just over a week. teen- age boys' and girls' cloth- ing is urgently needed by Help Mate to assist several families in the .area with this ever pressing problem. nd her Rotary News 3“ and Atthe Augum lGlneefing of Cab1es, the Richmond Hill Rotary Club ling the‘held at the Summit Golf and 91- par.[Country Club, a group discus- ald Bain’sion was held with the timely topic, President Nixon‘s new ec- has V15- onomic measures. and his Visitors at the meeting were Michael Bob Wilcox of the Black Creek em sev- Club, Don Middleton of Willow- the dale and Louis Hiltz of Strat- in ford. i As one of their many fund raising projects, members have been selling tickets for the Yorkdale Merchants Associat» ion‘s Fashion Show and these will be distributed at this meet- ing. A few are still available for two showingsâ€"the after- noon of September 16 and the evening of the Nthâ€"why not make up a party .and see the exciting fall fashions in Yorkâ€" dale? Tickets may be obtained by calling 884-3869. The Pleasantville Branch of the YCHA will hold its mem- bership meeting on September 8 at 1.30 pm at the home of Dorothy Turner, 330 Sugar Maâ€" ple'Lane. Dessert and coffee will be served. ’ Bake in moderate oven (350 degrees) 15-17 minutes depend- ing on size; Remove immed- iately from cookie sheet. Makes 6 dozen cookies. Miss M. L. Batstone. ll“ll“llllllllumlllllulllllllllllumulllllll\\|l\llll\lll\ll“lulllllllllllkl lé cup shortening 1,2 cup butter 2‘»; cups bmwn sugar 2 beaten eggs _ 21/2 cups sifted enriched flour 1/4 tsp. salt 1/2 tsp. soda 1 cup chopped pecans Thoroughly cream shortening, butter and sugar. Add eggs. beat well. Add flour, sifted with salt and soda. Add 'pecans. Drop by teaspoonfuls on greas- ed cookie sheet about 2 inches apart. Almost everyone has a special dish which family or friends enjoy â€" why not share the recipe with our readers, be it main course, dessert or snack? Each week one will be publish- ed in this column â€"â€" how about yours? Registration fees are $2 for Rehearsals started on Mon~ the year â€" why not plan to gmday for “The Women" by Clare along and make new friends or Booth Luce. Which Will 0190“ meet the old? the Curtain Club season on Ocâ€" |llllllllllIIlllllllIllllllllllIll|IllllllllIllllllllmllIIlIllllllllllllllllllllllm‘ telle} _ _, nux\uuulilmumuuumuumummuuummmuumuuumuuum What’s Cooking? This year meetings will bef 'I'Th‘? Red Barn" 3'1 JaCkSOWS‘ ‘held on Thursday nights from‘Pomt ‘5 Presenting “The Pctri‘ 7 to 9 pm and it is hoped thatifieCl Fons“ by R0139” Shel": Guides who were with the corn- “'OOdv as the final Play 0f 115; pany last year and any girls curreflt 59350“- wishing to join the group. will This barn theatre. the oldest attend the registration meeting in canadan “'35 take" over this being held on September 9 at year, for the month of August 7 pm. All mothers are re- only, by Huntley Productions? quested to attend as well. with a professional company 01“ Former Guides are asked to 22 “to” and “995595- 1 wear their uniforms. * " * i It's the beginning of a new season for the lst Richmond Hill Girl Guides who meet weekly at St. Mary’s Anglican Church. Members were invited 10 an open house at the Ontario Camp for the Deaf during La- bor Day weekend. September 4. 5 and 6. The camp is located ten miles south of Parry Sound. New members wishing 1 bowl this season a‘l'e asked 1 call Jack Sheahan at 884â€"7375 R. H. Senior Citizens Recent guests of Mr. and Mrs. Bowling will commence at 2 M. B. Wiseman Were her par- pm on Friday. September 3 at ems, Mr. and Mrs. H. S. Hel- Allencourt Alleys. lier from Corner Brook, New- New members wishing to foundland. T0 55 YONGE ST. N., RICHMOND HILL PECAN CRISPII‘N Is pleased to announce the re-location CHARTERED ACCOUNTANT BRIAN H. COWEN of his offices fiijarnival Receipts To 61" gf'iHospital Building Fund Stephen Harris, 8, and his brother Wayne, 5, of 303 Bois- dale Avenue and their friend, Kenneth Large, 8, of 287 Bois- dale had a neighborhood carn- ival and raised four dollars. Stephen and Wayne’s mother. Mrs. Jean Harris, accompanied them to the hospital where they turned over the money. York Central Hospital receiv- ed an unexpected donation to its building fund last week when three young men visited the office of Assistant Admini- strator Frank Bagatto. Season 01' individual tickets may be obtained by calling Ticâ€" ket Convenor Ann Cook at 884- 8664. Patrons of the Curtain Club can look forward to an inter- esting and varied season with “The Women”, “Joe Egg". dirâ€" ected by Tony Miller, “The Gi- aconda Smile” directed by Ger- ry Crack and “A Trilogy of One Act Shaw”, directed by Cicely Thomson. These include. Elizabeth Ri- ach, Dilys Rubow, Maron Gra- ham. Bonnie Sheppard, Marilyn Stone, Joan Harold, Gerry Div- er, Yvette Steel, Barbara Mc- Quire, Judy Swift, Helene Knight. Louise Whitney, Heath- er Smithurst. Rae Marie George, Sue Duffy, Louise Queen, Kim Colyer, Beryl Forestall and Debbie Bolger. ‘ The play was first produced? at the Ethel Barrymore Theat-l re. New York, in December) 1936, and Director Ron Sollo- way is setting this production in the same period. which has required many hours of reâ€" search by Kingsley Owen who is designing the 70 costumes for the all-\V'omen cast. “The Red Barn" at Jackson's Point is presenting “The Petri- fied Forest" by Robert Sher- wood, as the final play of its current season. Mr. and Mrs. Wiseman, who have lived in the Richmond Hill area for almost 20 years, are moving to their new farm home near Brighton. “here they plan to retire. Since moving to this ar- ea. she has done a great deal of freelance work. in- cluding Christmas cards of local residents‘ homes and art and design work for a local firm. Lumidial (Tan~ ada Limited. The new “Lifs‘ in the Hill" masthead which ap- pears this Week was design- ed by Artist Joan Harold of Lillian Street, Willowdale. Joan studied commercial art in England and on her arrival in Canada was em- ployed in the advertising layout department of the Walker Free Press in Paris. Frank Plaxton of Florida is currently a patient in York Central Hospital, where he un- derwent surgery on Wednesday. Mr. Plaxton and his wife, well known residents of Thorn: hill for many years before mov- ing to Stuart, Florida, returned from a trip to the Orient earl- ier this summer and were holi- ‘daying with their son and his wife, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Plax- ton of Sugar Maple Lane, be- fore going home. His many friends in the area wish him a satisfacfory conval- escence and a quick return to health. EADVERTISING GRADE 13 TEXTBOOKS 524m» 531% â€" PHOTOGRAPHY â€"â€" As blood can only be stored for 21 days, a cons- tant replenishment of stock is necessary to ensure that there is sufficient blood for operations and treatment of accident victims. Your blood may save a life â€" and that life may be your own. AT RIDICULOUSLY LOW PRICES BOOK ‘70, sponsored by Bayview‘s Student Council, is here again to offer grade 13 students their books at substantial discounts. At Bayview Secondary, in Room 111, we‘re open: Mon.. Aug. 16 to Fri., Aug. 20, from Noon to 4 11.111. Mon. Aug. 23 to Fri., Aug. 27, from 9 am. to 4 p.m. Mon.. Aug. 30 & Tue., Aug. 31. from 9 am. to 4 pm. Wed, Sept. 1 to Fri., Sent. 3. from Noon to 4 p.111. Your presence is urgent- ly requested at the Red Cross Blood Donors Clinic being held today (Thurs- day) from 2 to 4 pm and 6 to 9 pm at Richmond Hill Lions Hall, Centre Street East. 30A Yonge St. South Richmond Hill. Ont. 884-6741 The Registered Music Teachers Association of Ontario are sponsoring thirty-four half. horn" recitals in- the Music Building of the CNE beginning August 19. Pupils of the various music teachers from all over Ontario auditioned for these recitals and three pupils of the studio of Joan Hall Mélsness RCAD, RMT, in Richmond Hill were chosen. They are pictured above (left to right) Joan Plume, Margaret Ruinney and Maria Petrowanczuk, with Joan Hall at the piano. Joan Plume will be heard at 12.30 pm on September 1 and her program will consist of arias by Mozart, German lieder by Schumann, Hugo Wolf and Richard Strauss and folk songs arranged by Sir Ernest MacMillan. Maria Petrowanczuk will also be singing on September 1 at 7 pm and her recital will include songs by Arne and Roger Quilter and arias by Mozart, Gounod and Verdi. In May, Maria was awarded the highest marks that can be given in her audition for the RMT scholarship recitals and went ahead to win the vocal scholarship for North York. In November she sings for the all Metro scholarships. Margaret Rumney’s recital takes place at 2 pm on September 6. She will be singing songs by Roger Quilter and Rob- ert Franz, an aria by Puccini and folk songs arranged by Healey Willan. l _ Joan‘Hall is a graduate of the Faculty of Music of the University of Toronto and was a member of the Canadlan Opera Company. In September she begins her second term on the executive of the RMTA. NEW and USED BAYVIEW STUDENT COUNCIL 4292 1943 Aug. 23 Aug. 30 Sept. 1 Beck ’70 are waiting for you ~l Room 111, we're open: Aug. 20, from Noon to 4 pm. Aug. 27, from 9 am. to 4 pm. Aug. 31. from 9 am. to 4 pm. Sept. 3. from Noon to 4 11.111. to 9 p.m. | Mr. Rintoul is the manager' Iof the Yonge Street branch of the Cafladian Imperial Bank of Commerce. Mr. and Mrs. Ken Rintoul of Kerrybi‘ook Drive returned last week from holidaying at their cottage in Parry Sound. Visiting them during their stay were their daughter and her husband, Heather and Don Galloway of Hamilton. Togetherâ€"POLYMIL and HARDLITE hard resin lenses provide cosmetic beauty, safety and comfort BRADDOCK y\“‘w,, OPTICAL r : Richmond Heights > 5 Centre umn Richmond Hill 884-6881 Those most annoying marks made by the' pressure of your glasses. This never happens with POLYMIL frames with HARDLITE hard resin lenses â€"they're lightâ€"really light. Is it any wonder women (and men, too) prefer them. You can do without! The “B‘eauty Spotsfl’v’~ local Vocalists To Perform At C NE Teachers Association of Ontario are sponsoring thirty-four half houl" recitals in- the Music ng August 19. Pupils of the various music teachers from all over Ontario auditioned for these he studio of Joan Hall Mélsne§s RMT, in Richmond were chosen. They are pictured n...“ “In.-.__‘--L 1 Dated this 19th day of Au- gust, 1971. BUTTON 8: ARMSTRONG PARKIN, deceased All persons having claims against the Estate of the above deceased, late of the Town of Richmond Hill. in the Regional Municipality of York (formerly of the Township of Etobicoke, County of Yorkl. who died on or about the 16th day of Jan- uary, 1971, are required to file proof thereof with the under- signed on or before the 15th day of September, 1971, after which date the estate will be distributed without regard to claims not then filed. as a junior forest ranger with the Department of Lands and Forests. Antony Harold, son of Mr. and Mrs. John Harold of Lillian Street, returned on Tuesday from Kapuskasing, where he has spent the summer months NOTICE TO CREDITORS AND OTHERS In the Estate of JOHN COOKED HAM MINCED BEEF Ib.45¢ 3 lbs. $1.29 BUTT PORK CHOPS Ib.49¢ Box 220, Stouffville, Ontario, Solicitors for the Executors. Choice CHUCK STEAKS lb. 19¢ lOOSE WIENERS LEYENDALE ROAD Smoked PICNIC HAMS lb. 49¢ JL'ST GIVE US A TRY. YOU‘LL BE MORE THAN SATISFIED. YOU'LL ALSO BE SURPRISED AT THE MONEY YOU SAVE! For Your Home Freezer COME TO LEVENDALE MEAT MARKET! For the BEST in LEVENDALE MEAfi THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario. Thursday, August (Custom cut Front Quarters of Beef . . . . . . . . ll SidesofBeef 1t Hind Quarters of Beef . . . . . . . . ll Sides of Pork . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1h . wrapped and fast frozen for your convenience) O RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE Telephone 884-580] ITCHING TO PLAY THE PIANO? Open Mon. to Wed. 9 am - 6 pm - Thurs. & Fri. 9 am - 9 pm PRESCRIPTION OPTICIAst ‘ GLASSES 3’ ' CONTACT LENSES “FITTED TO YOUR EYE DOCTOR'S PRESCRIPTION" Come for a free demonstration lesson and learn a new magical approach to this absorbing hobby. coda“ 3. $0M ESTELLE MARKHAM ARCT RMT 884-3787 Preâ€"school and adult classes a specialty 34 YONGE ST. s. RICHMOND HILL 884-1955 Roger Quilter and Rob- by Arne and Roger (Photo by Stuart's Studio) lb.59c lb. 65c .... lb. 79c .... lb. 49c lb. $1.09 the Canadian 26, 1971

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