Richmond Hill Public Library News Index

The Liberal, 26 Aug 1971, p. 16

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l 6 'I'HIC LIBERAL. Richmond Hill. Ontario. 'l‘hursday. August 26. 1.071 Maple, Kleinburg Concord & Edgeley News Gravel Trucks Anger Maple Residents (ii'awl and :arbage truck through the \illage sr.\ days That portion of the .\ct, Councillor Fred Arnistrnlli I operators driving through per week On many occasrorrs. Section 56.3. states that the obsemed wrvl." lhal "ll lhO.‘ "The Liberal" is always willing to publish items regarding people and events contributed by its readers in Maple. Concord. Edgeley and Kleinburg. Maple hare smel‘al citizens trunks lime Danced throuzh loads on all grawl trucks don't do any better in this Maple. please phone Mrs. Louise Cooper, 832-2408; in Edgeley and Concord. Mrs. Carol Cole. 889-4379; in Kleinburg. Margaret Lade. 884-1105. “PH” ail-ll]? _ “comm; we. wow 11ml“ "Hm b0 5am“, secured 50.“ “a” ma" wode in palm“: ire reasons and on the From time to to pre\ent gravel blowing young people in \\oodbrrdee Blowing gratel and srirel- time. there is an unbearable lronr the \ClllCll‘5. there won‘t be much action" ling garbage. odor of burning garbage Enter the complications. Mr. Armstrong noted that .-\ petition starred by set- quite late at meht. A letter from the DOT he had been forced to drive IN THE VILLAGE OF MAPLE etal Maple residents was re- "Oir Sunday €‘\(‘llll1f_‘.. .liriie said that "Since the trucking "'20 rods behind one of these viewed August 16 by \ arie- 20 specifically. it w as neces- companies continue to \iolate 2|‘1l\ c1 trucks on Kecle Strce‘ han ’l‘own (‘ouncir dcalrnv sary for \lithe re~idents to Section 36" of The Hidh“ay ; ~ . . v . . _ .. ~ v - > i 4â€" . rllld you eotildnt see for the prone to wart until council has cliener tor a most enioyable would urge our nicnrbels to Irn- In the 1.31M the Beaver»; huh the pungcm 5UmecL 1.01m, “moms “mm: (1001.; r1 lame Am despite “aim-nag blown“ “MIN” acted on matters. and then be- smorgasbord dinner. It was vrte a friend to come along with coolch the Tigers 1!? to l8 and manor and “mth 10 “cape rhh {mm the pnhceI more com Cougulhqnméd 1h,” lmmn 12m 10 complain aflfi‘l‘ dCL'l-Slons 31101" (llnnC‘l‘ \\ht‘n the only them for a week or two to get the (.iants edged thC EMPOIs 35 The l‘é‘sldt‘nlS are obrcctirr: smell. This was an extreme \incin: action should be diate action was necessary ill-“9 been made- Man-V peolfle Women“ Of “WI (“‘5‘ _i“‘°-*'L'- {“qlli‘mwd- , m l‘- “"5 Pllls 1h“ (“31115 to the "numerous gravel ly hot and sultry evening as taken. If your police depart- and decided that the matter al'e bllSSIUlh' unaware lhal "1051 “hen “‘9 l’ll5- 3”” “lung m 5t- An‘lrc‘l ‘ PrewytPF‘a“ “load “llh l4 DOW-IS. \\llh trucks passing throuzh the you \\lII remember, We feel merit needs any assistance. I should also he broufiht to the the hot sun. would not start. It The members ot the l’resby- seven wins. "‘ council and committee meetings lore open to a concerned public. ‘Since there are several issues of . v . wide concern to Maple residents (’ngvggsfimople have asked us at the present time. we felt it tcrian congregation joined their before Dri\er Frank Dale. had fellow church of St. Paul‘s Sun- everything under control and day morning. along \\ith severâ€" the air conditioning operating a1 members 01 St. Stephen‘s .\n-‘ was only a short time. however. The Beavers ha\e‘ nine porrits \\ith forrr wins. two I0sses and a tie. The Expos have five points with two‘wins. four IOsscs and a 110. and the village without proper cover. resulting in the flyinz sand." At the same time. they are equally unhappy about garâ€" bage trucks passing through that. with the amount of re» siderrtial taxes paid in this ‘.llla;(‘. that we are entitch to representation which \\Ill attempt to correct these com have been assured that this 'will be available upon re- quest." Another letter from York Regional Police Chief Bruce attention of the York Re- gional Works Committee since Kecle Street was a re .L'ional road and one used steadily by such vehicles. . .. might Serve a purpose 10 8d\'lS€' once agillh- l’s’llcah. 'l‘lg‘el‘s ,iust ha\en't been able the village. ditions." Crawford followed declinin: “y' ‘ o . . to repeat “1% bpeual our readers that a committee Ame,- (hhher they headed {OH The congregations of the two to clock with 0 points The 'l‘o wit: It was noted in council any herp from the DOT. L the bidi‘flc‘gl laplgolzi for [Ihe CNEI [1335133 to a” meeting is scheduled for Aug-1he Ben Homestead rrl Bl~am_;\‘illage churches joined tor the semiâ€"finals were to be played “We wish to inforrrr you that copies of the petition It added that “the neces- tors such as uric" said \[i- unexpeaed “191336”? [p an ust 30 at 8 pm, a council nreet- f01~dI for a tour through the first two weeks of August and this Tuesday \\ith the Giants that the movement of gait had been sent to both the sary action will be taken by Armstrong: "If we don't For ems whose cu 19“ ale 0 ing September '1‘ at 3 pm and house and although a Stop at will be at St. Paul‘s azain next going against the Expos and hage throuin the Village of Department of ’l'ransport this force against any vehi- action from the potice Em age to be able to go to the Ex on their own. as well as to ad- ults who find that they can leave their cars at home. I another committee meeting scheduled for September 27 at 8 pm. A call to the township offices the Mohawk Chapel had been Suhdal' 31 11315 3m 3- SlCDhV planned. it was too warm, so a on s will have only their regular look from the bus had to suffice 8 3‘“ Wmlllunl‘l" 50"”(‘9‘ and until a later “.iPI v St. Andrews will be closed Lin- tlre Beavers Tigers. The intermediate boys teams have played to the following Maple constitutes to the resi- dents a public nuisance. “These trucks now taking on the lllO\ e and the York Re'zional Police requesting enforcement of the Highway Traffic Act. clos found in contravention of this. or any other section of The Highway Traffic Act." for taking it up at the Atâ€" torney-Generals le v el at, Queen‘s Park". For $1.70 return fare for ad-' ults and .90 for children. buses at 83222 81 (.a n L, on“ rm th e II Th 9 III st St 0p IIOII I I I e d a \I “ a S u [ Sept 0 m be 1. 5 I S [a n d 1' n g SI ri-ltllltllttllllllllllllllllltllllllttllllltlltlllllttllllllllllll\\lllllllllllllllllltllllllllllllllllllllllllllll' ltlllltltlltlttltlltlllllllltlltltllllltltltttttttlllttlttllttllttttttlllllttltlllltllllttlttllltltltllttlllllltlllllltltllllltlllllllllllllttlllllltlllltlltlllllttltllllllltttltlltllltlllllllltltttlllllllllllllllltttllllttlltltltllllll'3x - - ‘ ' . V » - .. 4 . - Baseball w L T Pt. . . . Ieave Maple at 8:22. 8:02. 9:17, dagthSOSEEIgtlélggegmefmgs' Confederation Park in llamrl~ T] I I I I I I. ‘ [are less notsy and more corn” I I - plehented I _ II - V It 19 Maple Sugars lld\€ been LIE'dlS 8 5 I6 Iforlable than [he 0|. DC_ (1125.157ainfolllrilgnilmlfflg :glIsun to council protesting the incon» “Igsgeéhe“£01k8n23‘10‘\:fii12awarded Ithcir 26-9 win over 'Erger ('ribs 2 5 1 15 e lB's. Plenty of room for six- Buses return to Maple from Yemence and downngm almoy' Driver Frank Dale, his wife Ef- IOIH‘NS' “lede'fI‘es‘ (lily on?” gaml‘f" ' 6 '4 I I footers. Mike had a great time the Exhibition at 7:30 pm and.ance 0f the heal-V garbage and fie. Leila Hynd and Eveline Illdsy elenI 15“ (me ‘ Flomv 1.6mm" 5 5 l 1? Michael Reesor‘ has Illsl re- '10 make the weather-part of sary to look lost and helpless to.and would like to thank the lst. 1100 pm. 13”“ tl'UCks “lat make the Kei'fer prepared the supper.‘ lele “CI-V .“Cm 0" Imv “3371mm 6 7 ll turned from Japan where heithc trip a complete sueces< have someone speak to them Concord Group Committee for ‘ it o it! it ‘hVCS or many I'CSldems lmheal'fiThe game was Supplied by Thlsuelo‘m 1" the P“ 5U 561‘- Wildcats 4 9 8 attended the 13th World Jam- there was an earthquake that and ghe directions. helping to make his trip posâ€" ies. Thistletown won by three The senior boys have been bot-ee for Boy Scouts. The five left a gaping hole in the run- l‘UhS after breaking a ninth in- playing against Noblcton. King scouts and 3 three leaders from way five minutes after takeoff ning tic. A game is sclicduledICity and Kleinburg. and areHumber‘ Seneca District â€" Dale for home. against West Dean at Ering‘ate scheduled to play on into Sep- Constable and Paul Williams They found the Japanese most Tuesday in the PWSU Series. tember in that league. At the from Kleinbura. Tom Johnson hospitable. ll “35 only neCC‘S- “"A’ ‘ ' ' moment there is a shortage in and Kpn Collins from Wood! ’ the coaching department. Allbridge and Leaders Dr. Peter Congratulations are in ordcriable at tlmes‘ for Florine and Reg Rouse who are grandparents for the first time. Catherine Lois Rouse was born to parents Andy and Joanl I in Wellcsley Hospital on the same day as Florine underwent No doubt the biggest thrill of.sible. all was flying home from \'ari- Happy birthday greetings in corn er in one of the new 747's. Liberal Carrier Michael Lacey 'l‘lrese enormous planes have torwho will be 16 years old on we “nderSla’ld>Travelw'ays Bus Lines and the that the garbage contract 18 prizes had been donated by soon to be up for renewal. and Frank and Effie DaleI A spun it would help our council ifIl-al prize “as awarded to F01._ they were aware of our feelingsnrest Oliver for being- the 01d_ Another matter of Concern islest on the outing. along with a‘ the proposed subdivision for the special hug and kiss from Ef- be seen to be believed. TheytAugust 25. Railway Street Double . .. - . . . _ ,. hell) Will be areath appr'eciJGr'ano'er' Bob Gamble and Jamie surgery at York Central Hos-hOIIlh‘N-‘Sl- and 1} “OIUld 13? a fie. A complete surprise to! . I ‘ ,I I I I IO II I I I It phalI However' motherv daugh_ serious blunder if this proJect your correspondent was a card S f T t t raisin 2Plzease “H Al Palm" ball” “M81100 to \anmu‘m b“ 191' and grandmother are athwas approved before an apart-signed by all 46 friends and a l” ace lea men 1:"; ’ 5 6.1 . .. .. .. , .-jtl'lll'll' ., p S , m dav in “ doing well. Heart-felt wishes forlheht complex for our seniol‘lbeautiful cake in honor of ourI Vaughan Town Council has} II N’I RIOU IDCH. IE . t t - .' '» ' u . - , ~. . ., n -. ’ . . Winnipeg. one in Edmonton and. a speedy recovery 101. 1~1orme.c1tizens. Those in their golden 20111 “eddmg dnnhelsauI 11115 {cce t d “ml ItendJ { $54_|I I l I I I, _ i from all her friends_ lIyeai‘sIshould not be shunted offIwas a real thrill. although \\‘ithlé75Igoeb‘. Burgh of {Argmo l'oIvaughan Fl re Chlef tlmilm ,Jaslml'hfililfflflellgauon * "‘ * * ‘l;°-dR‘C“'“°"di”‘” rt”- “’°°d' °“”' 2° behind Us W apprv do‘uble treatment - "at 4Zlfi‘fleltlrflt“airfield?t u i- v ‘ri eawav 'om irrcom-‘- » - I ~ ‘ "- ...s. - ‘ ‘ ‘ ‘ Happy: birthday 1.0"]813 Stan gt' II} d CI III Ilike rank amateurs along bcindIeIt0 Ram”) Sheet m Maple and Calgary Meeting unusuai experience of travelling BaJaJ. I\eele Street South. who mlth 3h 110“ 5 once A9) some of those seniors who have other wads this yeah .‘ int “I dawn m0“ of the wa‘. ' has her first birthday August mac“ the” Sehlol‘ 3935' 1091eb1‘aled lhEh' first ha” can‘t The reconstruction of Rail- Vaughan Town Council in Thgv af‘r‘ivred in Japan at 6 am" 26- t * l x * “13", , I way Street from Keele Street is;session August 16 approved the‘Ahg'ust 1_ After nine hours of‘ ‘t * * * I Mrs. Margaret Jackson and Me al‘l‘l\ ed home about 8 merequired due to the rapidly dewattendanoe from August 22 toIdawn they also dropped an en_5 We have been told that tlie‘davughtei- Betty enIIoIvâ€"ed tlieIall tired but happy withtheday. erlorating surface from theiAugust 27 of Fire Chief Jimjtire day!‘ Young Dimple who made the‘Icompany of Mrs. JacksonIs bro-rand bursting with pl‘Ialse for closing of Sirncoe Street as ac- Davidson at the Canadian Assoâ€" Tokvo is evew bit as crowded; 4 recent DICk-UD 0f l‘el'lallhable,thel‘ JOhh Burgess and “he Lll' those “‘ho had Ol‘ganlzed the cess onto Major Mackenzie ciation of Fire Chiefs’ Annual 35 jt jg reputed to be, The group garbage 1n Maple had 3 WW han from Dartmouth. NIova SCOâ€" trip. I .Drive. The deterioration of Conference in Calgary. Alberta. thought it must c1aim some successful evenlng, collecting‘tia last weekend. While here..I Tentative plans have beeiiIRailhay Street results from the In giving its approvaL comb kind of record as being the onhu 53,500 pounds of newsprint, $8.00 Mr. and Mrs. Burgess took armada for an evening trip to Orr-iconstam truck traffch {cu noted that “many hems onIplace “here thev jam six lane‘s. In bottles and a large number Side trip to rljoronto to shop andrtario Place. beptemberI15. This; 1n other business August ]5Ilthe agenda are of major hhp01-_Iof traffic on a ‘four lane road} of tin cans. Congratulationssee the big city. They are tray-.15 a Wednesday: evening. andICOhhci] passed a bylaw dh~ecthtance to fire chiefs such as Michael-S group got lost on. young people on a Job \v'ell‘elling by house trailer. the Canadian National Ballet‘ing the owner of premises in buiidmg code amendmentsI hazflthe subway Because they foundl done. I bemm‘ Clt-IZBIIS “‘1” l3? 3 Nature 31 the fOI'umIthe municipality to tear down ardous chemicals bothinindus-1it confusing to have a station' Jack and Lulu Leece enjoyed‘ on August 18, a bus load ofithat night. Those who wentItO and remove any buildings inltry and transportation. fire pres five stacks high with each sta-l - a LeecIc-Martrn Family Reunron‘senlor citizens and friends left Ontario Place before seemed in-I-«an unsafe condition and Ito‘lvention. arsonI detection. work tron going six directions, it; at Innrsfil Park August 15. andlhere at 8 am on the wrdely dlS- terested in a second trip. andtamhonze that, m default of Its shops and semmal-SI etc-I" makes the Yonge and NONI have had granddaughter Nancyrcussed mystery tour. With ev-tnames are being taken by PEI‘C‘V‘being done by such owner. the Fire Chief Davidson was aU-lStreet subways seem father 5 With them here at home for a eryone‘s curiOSity whetted to aiPuterbaugh at 832-1114. Costlremovai of the building and the thorized to attend the confer- tan]e_ y few days and now grandson Jef- keen edge the members \vere‘should be approximatelv $1.50 ‘charging of the cost laid against ence at a cost not; exceedinfit The cam “ " ‘ ‘ l es I I I I . I I e ,I . psrte was at the base fery is Visiting. Last w‘eekcndtasked to guess wilt/ere they \vereIwrth the bus leaving Maple tin-.the owner.” $500. blof Mount FujiamaI reputed to‘ t ‘ they enjoyed the company of‘headed. Although many gussedrited around suppertime. . Council also authorized the "W" ' ""“be the world's nrOSt perfect ‘ Mrs. DaveI Flewelling, the for- the second and third destina-l The first fall meeting of the purchase from National Cash Todd â€" Jefford I'mountain. and in former yearsl . melI' Winnie Pollack. also withItions. Mrs. Miriam Lepper had‘senior citizens is planned forIof Toronto of a new accounting '. - ‘â€"" Iconsidel.ed sacred by the; rus v’ their son Ed and his wife Laurarthe first correct gums and Mrs. September 13 at 1:30 pm. New machine at a cost of $12; Cousu‘s From Ma le In Japanese, Eighty-seven court-l who dropped in on their waytVelma Jennings had the secondIniernbei's are invited to come1080 which also includes proâ€"| p tries were represented and therel . - « 000 lulmied 1(1) Willowdale from a both saying Kitchener. w'here‘along and join in the fun. Thelgramming of the machincu.P t P w i\‘t'el‘e 350 representatives from‘ Capitalahd Reserve 533‘000‘ F ori a rolidav. ‘the folks toured the Farmer's cost is minimal with 10c for tea Annual service cost is $333 The‘ 0" err e "1 'Canada ‘ ‘ V ' ‘ " ‘ ‘ l ' I - - w x i . i - - r or Canada. Deposit insurance (,0 OI'dllOll Public ActionIheeded iMarket. ‘ .and cookies and 15c for thelINational quotation was the 10\\'- y I 9 Unfortunately the Scout caxnnl Membe [P . We are beginning to feel thatl From the market. they wentlgeneral fund each week, andtest of four quotations sub- A wedding 0f 10031 Intel‘eSitw‘as hit by a typhoon with 95l {Hilly Village residents are tootto the Evergreen's Motel in Kit-lthe benefits are many. Wermitted. .TOOh P1309 August 14 “'hen‘mi‘ie an hour winds. Most of: ' s s ' -- * m s H" ' “ ‘ Lawrence Todd. son ofIMr. and the boy's had to be evacuatedI 44 1'0qu 51‘, 3. 884-1188 Mrs. Hugh Todd of Whitby, for- and “eye assigned sleeping :mél‘ly OfI RiCht'alE, tOOlIiI as his‘quai‘ters in schools and temples ‘bl‘lIde MISS Llnda JEMOI‘d Oflctc.. Mike was in a school where. Elliot Lake. I lthey had 40 boys per room.1 The ceremony 111 the Anglic‘danhey lived on emergency rationsI Church Of the ASCEHSiOH, POl‘t‘of hard biscuits and water for 2 EPBI‘II'y, “'35 conducted by ReV-ldays then went back to camp 4 Reginald R0se With the gl‘Oom'Szto dig themselves out of the ., uncle. Rev. Dr. Alfred Forrest‘mud, ‘ assrsting. ! Although Mike was one of the ‘ Thl'ee 001151115 0f the g1'00m- all 50 Canadians chosen to climb of Maple. were in the wedding Mnum Fuji, the ty'jp “as can- ID'dl‘ly- Martin Yake acted aSIcelled because of poor weather“ groomsirran. Nancy Yake was a‘conditions. t l r bridesmaid and Calvin Yake‘ ‘ """ ‘ ""m "" ‘ "" ‘joined the bride‘s brother as To ANSWER % an usher: ADVERTISEMENTS r . » ' a The bride is a recent graduate S. . . . . 1 , t . of the University of Waterloo, “up” ,addless dim, 1e?) 10 . and the groom, who took his the bl“ numb“ .c’lVenfnutlet . early schooling in this area, is a adlyeftl§9mem le'g‘ Box 00 The; . i ' "' student. at Osgoode Hall Law £3391? andd 13.0111 P' 0' 30“} 8 to 10 colors to choose from â€" 4 XS Reg. “9.90 s School at York University. They _.,‘ .ifl‘mâ€"i_fl twill make their home in Uni- lversity City. Downsview. ‘ I Ih ft. l115â€"6 co ors - 5 - â€" i - . eng Fl â€" Your Chorce of Color Top 21" VANITY â€"â€" (‘OMPLE‘I‘ELY FINISHED . . . . . . . . . . . . struts ‘lr::0;:esl)0ndt;)nti s :30" VANITY â€" C0.\IPI..E'1‘ELY FINISHED ... . . . . . . . . .... . .. $310.95 . .. ances uric . , .,,. . u a - . 1 -- v 52“ Camille R0“ Phone 884-2552 ..â€" l The L'CW will meet. at ‘the‘ “ --‘ ;" I . . -‘ i " s ' ‘ '-’ ...7â€" .. ..7 Lianne or Mary Read on August [3 A FRiENDLy (,oan-RLD AN l‘IQUE LLM, 4 XS :29; iIiIeg s v- Y“ ‘ t‘v’ .. .= Remember the chicken bar- ;1 X8 . . ., . . . . . I . . . . . . . . . . v ) ' neg 3 ) becue at the church on Sop-1' The new neighbors WI“ be SUMMER I\NO'I']\ (,LDAR. 4x8 (while they last) 53.90 Itember 1. l - .. , . v v . J‘- - ’ i A community bridal shower“ gljfigt’tg‘sfgiymfhnggfiefllf 12 x1.” \IML ASBESTOS FLIOOR TILE . . . . . . 11',” Lach livas givetnI frIrIr Margga‘rlet PWiII-I late“ Right now they need to Different Colorsl l rams at re Ohio 0 Lay 81‘ ~ something moreâ€"â€"a list of - .' ' i” - 9" IMany of her friends and neigh- schools and churches, util- SOLID \ [XXL 12 A 1" . ‘bors attended to wish Margaret lty companies' telephone and Howard good wishes for numbers.malllhelnloflha' Each ’ -. f . e h ,-_ tron one needs on arrivrng their uture tobet c -I . .1 Th _ L t MPSI Isabel LmZ from Mag gn abstranIge erg/.I d III A Reg. 91L “ hie e) as araâ€"On-The-Lake spent the past 0 e a “7” 'n 95 - . .7 I weekend with Stan Wood and Vj/filcoTerI‘Ial‘w“ “05m” BORAAAA SALE ALL CEDAR visited with many of her friends V” II”' T" Your rim?“ to Ill and cousins here. agrlde a ml; an 8' ‘5 3‘ Frath Purves would like to Make you, welcome warm" II I I I I II I P I c N I C S .00 thank his inatin II frIrends for when haw nelghbors a,r,v._ I EAR â€"-\\AL1\L F â€"â€" OAItheir concern wire re was in Ca“ welcome Wagon “ .. I n . . -- I York Central Hospital. Frank I “I I 8 .\-J P1. $1.9.) each is recovering quite well and 13- . “1:.” 21316311.. 10“ x4 Ft. . . . . . $2.20 each I I kins good care of the 1559: “mm ' ' ‘ 1w V 3 pt 33 20 each Prefab or Assembled BROUGHAM: Ivan Boo.‘r of . “"5' 0“?!“ “2251690 Brougham. a 25-year employee Richmond H” I 8 ' ~ .90, of the Township of Pickering. ‘ 10 .\_ . . . . .. o00 , has been honored by members III . II) , I ,3" of council. Deputy-reeve Geo- I l- _» .\Jl ‘5 ' I 1‘29 Ashe presented Mr. Booth 0% 7‘ ‘ H , ” with an engrm ed gold watch at LESS IHA)‘ a recent meeting of the town- no. "Photo b.\' Stuart‘s Studio: Smgfiouggl .- K I H E N B I N 1 . , , , . .- . . , 2 l I o e e c 8 \0l R (HON I: Ol‘ (OLOR TOI Sl8~l.t)tl P I SEE [IS FOR ALI. YOL‘R NEEDS IN HOME IMPROVEMENTS ANI) (‘O'I‘TAGE MATERIALS Now is the time to put a nice cedar fence around your property BUILDING PRODUCTS CO. PHONE 832-2271 KEELE ST“ MAPLE 3 LU or r “Bl'llles~ lltllllt’si G\‘€1‘.\'\\‘llel‘e and not a hop to drink". could be the tlrcrrre wire of these halllmm'l‘lhg l'Ollllt’g‘; People of Maple. Helping to tight the pollution of our ernirorrrrrent h." refuse. a dozen or so teenagers collected tons of newspapers. old l)Oltl('.\ and empty tin vans in the village August 11 and transported them to the nearest recycling plants. But this was not all of their task. They had to sort the class and tins and lemme all labels, squashing the tins to save space before taking them to the depots. _ In the abme picture at the rear tleft to right) Laura Hansen and (arm Fiat-her are seen sortlllg lIOttIeS. Ill the foreground. also left to right. are Nani-v Tailor. Gail James. Astlrley I‘lllilh- ll‘r‘llg' Ali‘t'anrnron and Site t'vlass who found that retrimiita labels from hot‘lr-s is no east as '. CORRESPONDENT "The Liberal“ requires a person to caver the Must know the For local news in the Kleinburg area. further \‘or-t;t of \laplc Noeroao on lx'cele :1 8w ant to .3 pin area and enjoy community life. 3ng a m in "71“ a "n ‘o 9 but » \ol lli‘ut': details please call Sam Cook at 88-1-1103.

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