10 Ask for this booklet from our representative, ‘Trucks, campus and you drive. at the full Dncé ol Zleba V In the picture above are some of (left to right) are Kathy Hartley (third prize) and Ellen Davis. Back row (left and Manager King. Hallowe'en came to Kresge's Star bers of the staff entered into the spirit costumes. They were motivated by an THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Nov. 4, 1971 With Ziebart Rust gooï¬ng, your truck won’t look Ii it should be put out to pasture before its time. \:%~ 59 NEWKIRK ROAD RICHMOND HILL They Had The Hello we 'en Spirit -â€"-â€"' Wm WWWmmmmmm D CAPERS , featuring {SHOP HARMONY with , mpter Sweet Adelines and nging by Hakainu :IGHTS AUDITORIUM, EWMARKET , NOV. 6, 1971. 3 PM. Children $1.00 oor or 884-3886 ~ nominal. Neighborhood Notes i If you like good music re- serve the night of Tuesday. 1l\’overnher 9 to hear the Jennie .Bouck Singers at Brown‘s Corn- iers Church at 8:30 pm. The singers are tops and their pro-. grant will be a varied one and ‘was presented this summer at Ontario Place. { Children are admitted free and the charge for adults is ‘ The senior choir is sponsoring this project. Pro- iceeds are for the purchase of lnew hymn books. Ann and Tom Cordina jnee Ann Sherman) are the proud wwwmarents of a daughter Steph- -A.\~ anie Ann who al‘rlYed -â€" an 7 pounds. 11 ounces of her â€" ’at York Central Hospital Oc- tober 20. Stephanie Ann is a new granddaughter for Mr. and Mrs. Elgin Sherman. The Elmore Hills returned home from an extended West- ‘ern visit with members of their ’family. Ken and Lois (Clark) Ben- nett's new son is doing nicely after recent surgery. Church News The Explorer g r o u p at Brown‘s Corners United has made a good start this season. On October 14 they met at the home of Mrs. William Best for - mm, 1‘7 air]: ..v-:..A.. «aunt 'DOSE ve to Kresge's Store in Richmond Heights Centre a little early, as mem- d into the spirit of the occasion and served the customers in fancy activated by an offer of prizes by Store Manager Bruce King. we are some of the costumes Worn for the festive occasion. Front row r Hartley (third prize). Hilda Nixon (first prize). Irene Andrews (second Back row (left to right) Reta Raymond, Mabel Marlatt, Mary Hawes be re If you require a term loan to start, modernize orexpand your business, we invite you to discuss your needs with our representative. TERM FINANCING FOR CANADIAN BUSINESSES Motel 884-1101 Office 638-0823 WINDUSERIAL DEVELOPMENT BANK Richmond Inn Motor Hotel on Thursday, November 4th, 1971 Mr. M. D. Edmondson who will be at Rustpmtwithflebart. .. .séaxsé 0! take your chances. 889-0260 773-4022 Button ville Community Happenings es are :uaranteed to he Insude, In the area CORRESPONDENT: MRS. F. H. LEAF -â€" :uslproofed ferlo years’no matter how many It kind of makes you sad to see a truck grpw old before its timev.‘ And if the truck is yours. it can make you pretty upset, too. Espe- cially when, you see your invest- ment slowly turning to rust, day after day. But there is a way you can help your truck last longer. Get it rustproofed by Ziebart. Because only Ziebart's unique sealing compound and special tools cover every square inch in every tight lrttle spot that could p0§sibly rg_st._ ... . r ,AA And that's especially important for trucks that carry fertilizer and other corrosive chemicals, or drive on country roads where calcium chloride. has been spread to keep the dust down. 'â€" gérén’ly Ziebart Rustproofmg can reallyAkgepyourtruqkï¬romrrysting‘ , ,,L-_L In fact. Zieban‘ Rustproofing Dro- tects so weâ€. we'll guarantee your truck against rust for five years or fifty thousand milesf ' , A,,-u_. $0 you can see why we're pretty confident about our process. After all, we've been in business for over 187years. I,“ lDENT: MRS. F. H. LEAF â€"- PHONE 499-0376 anie Ann who arrived -â€" all prelude and postlude and ac- 7 pounds, 11 ounces of her â€" companied a hymn. Mrs. Don- at York Central Haspital Oc-,ald Reesor accompanied the an- tober 20. Stephanie Ann is althem and sang a duet with Jack new granddaughter for Mr. and!Gough. Mrs. Marguerite Jones There was a duet Mrs. Elgin Sherman. sang a solo. The Elmore Hills returnediby Mrs. Alf Miller and Mrs. home from an extended West-lHarold Steffler. Miss Sharon ern visit with members of theirgBuchanan accompanied family. {choir in a song. A quartet Ken and Lois (Clark) Ben- composed of Sharon“ Darlene nett‘s new son is daing nicely Stevenson. Patty Cough and aHm' repent surzerY. Donna Stewart also.sang. the! attendants au carried oouques of bronze, gold and yellow mums. Robert Osbourne was grooms- ‘man and the ushers were Arthur ‘Boyd and Hughe Gagnon. The bride‘s young nephew Jammy Boyd carried the rings. ,‘ The reception was held at the {Royal Fountaine Bleu at Shep- ‘pard Avenue East. Willowdale. Out-of-town guests were the bride's uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Mills of Aylmer. Ontario. Ken and Lois (Clark) Ben- nett‘s new son is doing 1110er after recent surgery. Church News The Explorer group at Brown‘s Corners United has made a good start this season. On October 14 they met at the home of Mrs. William Best for a weiner roast, with 17 girls present. Monday night of last week there were 23 present for the Halloween Party. MCGIT girls have been paint- ing the nursery at the church as a project. U11. 511.19 Anni» us...“ ,â€"_.___. ing the nursery at the church Among those assisting Mrs.1 as a project. Dorothy Reesor and Mrs. Marg- On Friday evening of last uerite Jones with the program week Rev. Allen Hallett and were Sharon Buchanan and the Brown‘s Corners United Paul Steffler playing a piano Choir were at Union Villa for and flute duo. Gordon Brown the weekly chapel service. Mr. played guitar and sang. Don Hallett spoke briefly and the Reesor showed some beautiful choir sang. autumn scenes of the country- Mrs. Jim Wolfe played the side. Vaughan Township History Book To Be Released On November ll Vaughan Township Historical Society held its annual dinner at Vellore Hall on October 27. Every seat at the dinner table was occupied, 90 persons alto- gether. Vellore WI served a turkey dinner with all the trimmings. There were truly magnificent pies \n‘th a second piece for those who wished them . . . or (Photo by Photique Studio) Mrs. Ted ROss. Mrs. Marv Wilson. Mrs. Allan Breedon. Mrs. Stewart Thomson. Mrs. Byrle Thomson. Mrs. Frank Meggitt. Mrs. Arthur Longstaff. Mrs. Rosa Bryne and several other kind ladies helped out during the evening. Principal George McKelvey and Teacher Bruce Bone made this event possible. 16th Avenue Public School 'Wednesday. On October 29 the home and The name. size and price mus school held a Hallowe'en Party. be on the skates. For furthe'. There was a good turnout of information please call 889 children and parents. . A 4405. The ghosts. goblins. beautiful. ly dressed young ladies. queens. brides. ctc. really made up the Hallowe'en atmospnere. Trustee Mrs. Deena Simpson judged the costumes and the following were the winners: Lisa Gillespie dressed as a fairy. Jesse Waddington a beautiful young lady. Scott Breedon a tree or bird whichever way your eyes saw him. Leo Waddington dress- ed as Superman. Dough Thom- son dressed as a spaceman. On Saturday the home and school is holding a skate ex- change m the school gym from 10 am to 12 noon. Anyone who has skates which they would like to exchange please bring them to the School no later than One person who will not for- get this may for sometime is Frank Brass who put the finish- ing touches to the school after everyone left. Last week‘s smorgasbord at Brown‘s Corners was a memor- able evening. The cooks outdid themselves. Adele Carruthers‘ decorations were gorgeous as always. The entertainment was intriguing and the diners were appreciative. Add to that the beautiful weather and the pic- ture was complete. had been wise enough to re- serve space! President George Snider was chairman. He announced the book “History of Vaughan} Township†would be intro-j duced to the public November 11 at a special meeting to be held for that purpose. The author is Dr. G. Elmore Reaâ€" man. He died before it was quite ready for the publisher and the Historical Society took it up as its first project. Mrs. Norn Garriock, accomp- anied by her son Kirk, sang a medley of old songs. Archie Cameron Senior introduced ev- ening speaker Russell Cooper. administrator of historic sites for the Metro Parks Commis- WAlvinA Wood of Woodbridge thanked the ladies. Cooper showed the society a collection of canes that were made with a dual purpose. The second purpose was hidden in what appeared to be an ordin-l ary walking stick. There was a prod, sword stick. an air gun, fishing rod for poachers, even a narrow bottle and a glass! These aroused great interest. He then showed a series of short films on activities in the Village. covering everyday life before Confederation. farmingt craftsmanship. etc. An added interest was the fact that local people were involved as the characters. sion His special responsibility 151 Pioneer Village which was in Vaughan Township until the boundaries of North York were' extended. A small piece of the farm is still in Vaughan. and many residents'of the townshipI are very much involved in the activities in the village. Guest Speaker Cooper said a large Indian encampment dat-I ing back before white immigra-‘ tion has been found in the Val-i ley below the village. It is expected that it will take fifty years to excavate. and this is included in the future plans. Pioneer Village had more than ‘two million visitors so far. and of these 70,000 have been school children visiting as classes. There needs to be continuous changes and improvements to hold the interest. he said. 77At the end of the evening Mrs. Garriock and Kirk played a piano duet PEFFERLAW: Councillor Hughï¬ 1e Lyons told Georgina Council recently the South Lake Simcoe Conservation Authority signed an option to buy the Holbum property. The site in question comprises five-and-aâ€"hali acres of the Willow Beach lakeshore property. EAST RICHVALE SOCIALS CORRESPONDENT: MRS. SOPHIE LOGL‘SH Telephone 889-4405 November 11 is Remembr- ance Day and the children will have a holiday from school. RAE - HANSEN Evangelistic Centre at York Mills Road. Willowdaie. was beautifully decorated with mums on October 16 when Gayle Hansen, daughter of Ruth and Earl HanSen of Six- teenth Avenue. Richvale. he- came the bride of Arthur-Rae son of Lila and the late George Rae of Toronto. The traditional ceremony was performed by Rev. Ronald Ste- vens of Brampton and Rev. Lloyd Mosley of Willowdale‘ Mrs. Hazel Sproule of West Hill played the organ while Mrs. Hazel Preeble of Markham and Mrs. Betty McNealy of Toronto sang the hymns. Given in marriage by her father. the bride wore a magni- ficient white gown of polyester satin with lace appliqued top and sleeves with a long tram which was fashioned by her mother. She carried a bouquet of red roses. Mrs. Patricia Boyd was her sister's maid of honor and wore a dark green velvet gown. The bridesmaids were Lynda Simon and Donna Hansen. They were clad in gold velvet, gowns. The attendants all carried bouquets of bronze, gold and yellow mums. Out-of-town guests were the bride's uncle and aunt Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Mills of Aylmer. Ontario. The happy couple left for honeymoon in California. WHAT IS A 12 YEAR. OLD FINANCE CO. WITH 2 LEGS? Answer: Your local Liberal Carrier on Collection Day. Are you preparing to ask him for a loan? Please pay your Carrier Promptly When He Calls To Collect. HAVING CARDS Pusth cocked anomun’ 'riiv; Til“ “TN tom I'm.’ “TENSION (0RD » - - unva c llCANFOII. mums». “u U: Wedding RICHMOND HEIGHTS CENTRE 88‘ 88‘ 88‘ T 953mm“ mums-388‘ mu. Dumbcald' gm 10 n; With Dmnbolrfl! II!!!" I SHOEHOII SET 8“ D0“ Ill 10!!! DH." 0"“ AND 51â€" PAD 88‘ I40 T barn/Jill Children At First Program 88‘ 88‘ 38‘ ¢ “OIISU comm How do you squeeze 140 eager children into a room built to accommodate .50 comfortably? This was the problem faced by Thornhill Library at its first Saturday morning program for boys and girls, October 23. 4I‘here was no easy solution and despite the fact that the program was presented twice, many children were disappointed. The Saturday morning programs will be held in the Royal Orchard Public School Gymnasium, as space in the library itself is being used to capacity. This first program featured lifesize puppets manipulated by 14-year-old Nora Zylstra. Nora has been making and doing her own show for three years after reading about puppets in a library book. She is seen at the left in the picture above, assisted by her mother (on the right). Mrs. Tina Zylstra of 33 Gilroy Drive, Scarboro. The children really enjoyed the show, particularly since there was considerable audience partigipation. The puppets were wonderful, colorful, humorous and good fun, IS the report. FUR DOG PINCUSHION ammo ' rourumc nuvï¬c'omn w 33m)“ "AMINO! IAN!!!“ w 3.188 88‘ 83‘ I. SHIIITIOUSII RANCH?" ’fl 10V HIP!!!“ I" mum-ml ("mun ms GALLERY MIM- IY-NUMIIR Sl'l m,- In“ ruuus urn-um gluon ml KITCHENGARIAGI “55‘. , ..., -. (OVIIID IO 5“ r, _.y 'n ‘ 1 3!?!S'ï¬fféï¬fm88‘ 88‘ FAITH" Sllelch N'tor‘ 8 8‘ 88‘ 88‘ 88‘ mm "05! umx' mm WIS! lam-4' wmou mm m nun DUTY I001 MY RUINIIIVINT-TY 88¢ voumon mm M nusuum ‘10 Till wlmnu I am Sill". comm $332... 88 88¢ HIM v.9. gm: (PIâ€"M m 88‘ m 33¢ 3mm 3388‘ unmet: 2 c IMHO vâ€"au- um: wun Mum pmâ€"«m and m ii'u'iu t u'b'mu OPEN DAILY 'TIL 6 RM. THURS. 8: FRI. ’TIL 9 RM. “""°'88‘ {$325.35 “388‘ v 4 ‘ mm “was†"mullsz cw-dJ-rviz" (Photo by Photique Studio) 2 t m 88‘ "M"! I“ Inmll' H'IW. iéfss'bu TOY mmnuu (“MPH-71"" l’l’: 88‘ 88‘