After a complaint of a fight In the Lake Wilcox area Octo- ,«ber 29 an arrest made by YRP at 1:45 am. ’Thornhill Injuries, Heavy Damage \l After a report of an incident at York Central Hospital YRP October 28 at 2:20 am arrested Robert Temple. 19, of 250 Rum- ble Avenue. Richmond Hill. Temple was charged Wwith causing wilful damage in ex- cess of $50. * At 11:45 pm YRP arrested on a burglary charge Dwight Du- hamel, 18, of 30 Benson Aven- ue, Richmond Hill. Arrested on a charge of being intoxicated in a public place was Eric Yakichuk, 19. of 160 At Town and Country Food Fair, 210 Markham Road in Richmond Hill on the night of October 28 an employee called police to say a burglar was caught inside the‘building. Richmond Hill Division YRP Constable Paul Craine is recovering from a broken hand he received as a result of an arrest made Saturday at 12:38 am on Church Street south of Centre Street. Colboumc Avenue; Richmond Hill. Dennis O’Brian, 24, of 24 Wil- cox Road, Richmond Hill, was charged with assault causing bodily harm. At the Richmond Heights Centre October 29 at 3:17 am Donald Cameron, 20, of 77 Elgin Mills Road West, Richmond Hill was arrested on a charge of being drunk in a public place. One York Regional Police constable suffered a broken hand last weekend as arrests Were made in Richmond Hill after a Lake Wilcox area fight, willful damage at York Central Hospital and a burglary. At Yonge and Richmond Streets in Richmond Hill October 31 at 1:55 am Rus- sell Dennis, 55, of 55 Inverlochy Boulevard, Thomhill, was ar- rested on charges of impaired driving and failing a breathaly- 291‘ test. Officer Breaks Hand Six Weekend Arrests Accidents took a heavy toll in Injury and damage last week in Thomhill and Western Mark- ham. A flve-year~old Baythorn Public School child on the way home had a narrow escape from serious injury when her head was hit by a car October 26 at In its program to im- prove the fire department, said Bonner, the fire com- mittee intends to build up the volunteer brigade. But local employers feel they are paying enough in taxes for fire protection. They are not prepared to let workers go to fight fires, he said. fire department will not have communications over- night, he said. :« :0: t 1: Chief Smith said the sen vice in the long run would not be as costly as it ap- peared to be. Every time the siren sounds in Unionville. 20 volunteers respond. With hClVIUC DC llthallfl‘U 8'. UN- ionville fire hall and that two additional men be hired. Council also agreed that Councillor Lawrie should ask the police commission to continUe its answering serâ€" vice in Markham until the new installation is comple- ted. i'it“llll“mm“mlillllliilillllllllilll“llllmlllllllilllllllllll\lllllllill“lil\1lmml“mulliii“lll“till“lili\\lll\\l“\l“l\\\\1\\|l1\\\\l\\l\\l\\ll\lil“WWlllllllllll\\\\\\\l\l\\\\l|\\\\li\li\\\\\i\lll\\l\l\\\\ll\\\\\l\\\lllllllllm4‘ Chief Smith agreed. “We will pay the same for a telephone anywhere. We are trying to improve the de- partment and will have to hire more firemen anyway.†Mkhm Central Fire is not built and volunteers are not yet available. We are going to have to hire addit- ional people to answer the phone, and whether it is in Thomhill, Unionville or Victoria Square doesn’t make a bit of difference.†Mayor Anthony Roman said, “The hall in Thomhill (Continued from Page 1) tried to hire a woman late~ 1y?†For years, doing the dishes has been one of iiie’s necessary evils. But now, because of automatic eieciric dishwashers. more and more people are tinding out it's an unnecessary evil. Consider some of the things an automatic electric dishwasher can save wives from. Things like: the dreary routine of washing and drying pots and dishes day after day; the worry of dishpan hands. the «V , .. dises W .>K.SAM COOK, Chairman However, the car driven by Andres Lopez, 36, of 423 Phar- macy Avenue, Apartment 1. Scarboro had damage estima- ted at $750, according to YRP. The trailer truck from Rich- vale Block Supply Company: 9137 Yonge Street was north- bound behind a car. The trail- er truck braked and screeched sideways, hitting the left side of the car with the middle trail- er. The big machine driven by Jahn Metcalfe, 38, of 10 Bond Avenue escaped serious dam- age. 4 Yonge St. South A Richmond Hill double trail- er truck driven by an Oak Rid- ges man was in a crash at Mark- ham Concession 5 and 19th Av- enue at 6:45 am October 28. Two Thornhill young people suffered slight injuries October 30 at 8:30 pm in a rear end collision on John Street just east of Dawnhill Trail. There was about $600 damage to one vehicle driven by Mal- colm Kitching, 16, of 32 Pheas- ant Road, Willowdale. police said. A passenger Zita Csak. 16. of 10 Johnson Street, Thornhill, was slightly injured. She was driver of a car that1 suffered about $1,000 damage‘ at 4:10 pm in a collision at Highland Park Boulevard and Dudley Avenue in Thornhill.‘ Her northbound car was in col- lision with one driven westerly by Jeffrey Langin, 20, of 33. Tobruk Crescent, Willowdale,‘ according to Markham Division‘ YRP. Langin was charged under the Highway Traffic Act with failâ€" ing to stop and had about $700 damage to his gar. police said. The other car was driven by Mrs. Mary Pindera, 38, of John Street, Thornhill. It had about $1,000 damage. police said. Her daughter Christiene Pindera. 11, was also slightly hurt. Examined at North York Gen- eral Hospital and released with nothing worse than badly bruis- ed legs was Mrs. Elizabeth Wag< staffe, 30, of 194 Royal Orchard Boulevard, Thomhill on October 28. A 16~year-old Thornhill youth was charged under the Highway Traffic Act after his car alleg- edly careened around a corner October 29 at 11:20 am at Kirk Drive and Royal Orchard Boule- Richmond Hill Hydro-Electric Commission Lynn Swan, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. W. Swain, 55 Inverlochy Boulevard suffered bruises to her chin but wasn’t hospitalized. The car was driven by Florence Wirth, 48, of 161 Royal Orchard Boulevard. 4pm at Royal Orchard and In- verlochy Boulevards. Bonner warned there is more to a dispatching service than a simple telephone inâ€" stallation. Even after 11 dec- ision has been taken, the fire department will not have communications over- night, he said. your hydro It was suggested the YRP might be willing to extend the police answering service at the Buttonville station for a month or two until Mark- ham could work out its dis- patching problems. Council- lor Roy Muldrew moved that Regional Councillor Harold Lawrie, a member of the re- gional police commission, find out if police would con- tinue to take calls in Mark- ham until satisfactory alterâ€" native arrangements were made. after-party aftermath; and the hours spent doing dishes that could be spent in a hundred happier ways. Consider this, mo. A lot of dirty dishes come with the joys of Christmas. So what could make a more timely gift than an automatic electric dishwasher? See your appliance dealer soon about the new automatic electric dishwashers. They’re not called The Wifesavers for nothing, you know. ‘ A Thornhill man was driVing a tractor trailer that jack-knifed into a three-vehicle crash Octo- ber 27 at 1pm at Main Street and Ramona Boulevard in Markâ€" ham. Danny Zappavigna, 36, of 128 Glencameron Road had an estimated $400 damage to his tractor trailer, according to Markham Division YRP. Basir Khan, 27, of 30 Clark Avenue Building C, Apartment 603 had an estimated $350 damage, police said. There was an estimated $200 damage to the other car driven by Jacques Goudreau, 24, of 7433 Yonge aggeet, Building A, Apartment There was about $200 dam- age to a parked car belonging to Tom Haverkort, 34 South- dale Drive, Markham. Also with about $200 damage was a car driven by Margit Paulson, 67, of Frater Avenue, Toronto. A passenger in the Paulson. 67, of 75 Frater Avenue, of 55 Harcourt Avenue, Toronto, suffered slight injuries. An unusual accident last week was one in an underground parking garage at Yonge Street and Clark Avenue in Thornhill October 23 at 5:25 pm. Involved were two cars and a pillar. NEWMARKET: Charges made recently by Georgina’s planning committee, that political pres- sure was stopping issuance of septic tank permits in Keswick, have been denied by York Re- gional Health Unit and Georg- ina Mayor George Burrows. It was claimed there is a secret design for that area and the health unit is being used to stop development. This was emphatically denied by the mayor and the health unit. The driver charged was Step- hen Patterson, 16. of 36 Shady Lane, Thomhiu. who 'had only a month’s driving experience. Charged with failing to yield half the roadway in an October 28, 7:05pm crash at Woodbine and 14th Avenues in Markham was Alfredo Avveduto, 36, of 718 Woodbine Avenue, Toronto. His car had an estimated $175 damage, police said. The other driver was John Sandilands, 29, of 19 Seaton Drive. Aurora. He had damage to the rear side of his car am- ounting to an estimated $600. police said. vard. The car was reported to have hit the curb on the east of Kirk Drive, then hit the curb on the west side. then travelling over lawns at 211 and 213 Kirk Drive. It came to rest with an estimated $400 damage back at the east curb, police said. Council also agreed that Councillor Lawrie should ask the police commission to continue its answering ser- vice in Markham until the new installation is comple- ted. At an open meeting the following night. council ap- proved the fire committee recommendation that a cen- tral emergency dispatching service be installed at Un- ionville fire hall and that two additional men be hired. Summing up, Mayor Ro- man said, “It is a sound idâ€" ea to set up an emergency answering service . . . Where- ever it is, we will have to have extra bodies and a new hookup.†Dispatch ILake Wilcox People Win A BattleI a dispatcher who could det- ermine the nature of the em- ergency before summoning firefighters, he said. it might be necessary to call out only two or three vol- unteers. “We will save money with a dispatcher." The wifesavers To Improve Puccini With Subsidy Or Not Richmond Hill Council Mou- day night accepted the recomâ€" mendation of its works com- mittee that the contract for work on Puccini Drive, Oak Ridges, be let to Gormley Sand and Gravel Co. Ltd. in the amount of $4,338. This is regard~ less of the outcome of further negotiations with the Depart- ment of Transport and Com- munications. The Gormley ten- ‘de'r was the lowest of three reâ€" ;ceived by council 3 week before. Owner Van Dorp told “The Liberal†the garage contained a quantity of truck parts. He said the lost property was part~ 1y insured. There weren’t any vehicles in the garage at the time. The 10:45 am fire was discov- ered by the owner’s brother-in~ law Nelson Gilroy of Lake Wil~ cox. Owner Van Dorp and his brother Jack of Egbert had just “It’s still a question whether the government will be paying a subsidy on this work,†said Regional Councillor Gordon Rowe who lives in Oak Ridges. “But this is a connecting link road which is vitally necessary for transportation and fire pro- tection." Normal subsidy would pick up 50% of the cost. The work on Roosevelt Drive has already received the de- partment’s approval and will be subsidized, Rowe told council. In that case also Gormley had the low bid of $5,856. Fire Chief Stung said the owner of the property believes the fire was started by a pro~ pane heater. The council also recommen- ded Roth be appointed on be- half of the Region of York. York Region Chairman Gar- field Wright and Richmond Hill Mayor Bill Lazenby would act as exâ€"officlo non - voting mem~ bers of the committee. The Richmond Hill resolu- tion was turned over to the York Regional Planning Com- mittee for consideration. $5,500 Damage As Fire Destroys Garage And Parts In Oak Ridges There was about $5,500 worth of damage when fire destroyed a private garage at the Gary Van Dorp residence, 3‘7 Map1e~ grove Avenue, Oak Ridges, on October 28, according to Rich- mond Hill Fire Chief Alfred Stong. McElhinney, along with Ross Farquharson. a former reeve of Whitchurch Township and Rich- mond Hill Councillor Stewart William Bell were named as appointees on behalf of the Town of Richmond Hill. It has asked the region to consider appointing Richmond Hill Regional Councillor Gor- don Rowe and Mayor Richard Illingworth of Aurora to com- plete the committee. Rev. Robert McElhinney and Robert Roth were among names recommended by town council to the region Thursday after- noon of last week. The names of two residents At an earlier meeting of the picked by the Richmond Hill Ward 5 Citizens’ Committee it Ward 5 Citizen’s Committee to was decided to go “over the sit on the Lake Wilcox area head†of town council with an special project committee have appeal to York Regional Chair- been submitted to York Reg- man Garfield Wright on the ional Council for its considera- appointments issue. tion. The committee will decide LOCAL FEAR on the terms of reference for a There seemed to be some f 31' proposed redevelopment study that Richmond Hm muse“ of the Lake WJICOX area. might not accept McEmmney Rev. Robert McElhmney and and Roth as two of the com Robert Roth were among names mittee members. _._._....._A_.! I... 1.-.... __..__n In Fight To Pick Representatives BRYDON ELLIS, Manager The vehicle's gasoline tank was punctured and the flam- able fuel spilled out over the lot. Firefighters were called to wash the gasoline away. Children are suspected of setting a fire in a garbage container October 31 behind the Bad Boy furniture store at 17 Yonge Street South in Rich- mond Hill, the fire chief said. m\ux1mmummuumuummuumuuumummmmnuuuummw A car fell off the jack while a tire was being changed 0c- tober 28 in the parking lot at the rear of the Richmond Hill United Church, Yonge and Centre Streets. mmumuluummum\umnumumuunuunnnun1\uu\um\u\nu Better Late Than Never left the garage a short time be- fore the blaze. The Ward 5 Citizens Commit- tee appealed to the region ask- ing “that the region support the community’s democratically el- ected representatives" and asked “for an early answer concern- ing this problem.†Children were blamed for starting a fire October 26 in a fork lift tractor on Sunnywood Crescent. a new street in Rich- vale off Westwood Lane. The machine had about $250 dam- age and was owned by a Will- owdale contractor. The mayor wrote it was the prerogative of the council to appoint two mem- bers residing in the community to the special committee on the Lake Wilcox project, He said the committee’s choice would be given serious contemplation but might not be accepted by town council. McElhinney is minister of St. Paul’s United in Lake Wil- cox and Roth is a local resident. The ratepayers acted after re ceiving a letter from Mayor Laz~ enby saying the two nominees selected by the citizens group would not necessarily be the council’s appointees to this special committee. In January when the Richmond Hill Police Force became part of the York Regional Police Force, town council decided to give each local policeman a desk and town crest tie bar. However several of the staff of the local force were already as- signed to posts elsewhere in the region and some Were not able to be present at the first presentation. So on Monday evening Sergeant Ted McBrien, De- tective William Hay and Constable Peter Bullivant received the desk set and tie bar from Mayor William Lazenby. The mayor also pinned a 20 year service medal on Sergeant McBrien, who is now stationed in Aurora. All three are still resi- dents of Richmond Hill. 884-4466 ‘ At first the motion read that the town of Richmond Hill sup- L ported the opposition. But it was iamended to express the per- ‘sonal feelings of the members only, when the opinion was given that some members could not speak for those citizens who might be in favor of the tests. The final vemion won unanin mous support. Council Opposes Amchitka Test BY FRED SIMPSON Richmond Hill Rams played with the Weston Dodgers Tues- day night most of the way as they bombed them 10-4 at the local arena. This made it the Rams’ ninth straight game with- out defeat in the 1971-72 Metro Junior “B†Hockey League. But it was all a mirage facing the former Rams’ coach as Wat- son’s boys faded badly. After that the Rams came on strong to tie the game and lead by 3-2 going into the second period. It was 8-3 going into the final 20 minutes. Rams’ Goalkeeper Gary Carr came up with some fine saves in the Richmond Hill net when- ever his teammates decided to Members of Richmond Hill Council unanimously went on record Monday night as support- ing the Government of Canada in opposing the nuclear test to be conducted by the United States of America on Amchitka :Island. High scoring Craig Terry led the goal parade with four as the Rams maintained their first place lead over Markham Seal- A-Wax with seven wins and two ties. Markham trails with 14 points but have played two games less. The same team will be battling it out with the Rams Tuesday night at the Richmond Hill Arena at 8pm. Both teams are un- defeated as of writing. Tuesday‘s game saw the Rams off to a slow beginning as the John “Scotty†Watson coached Dodgers moved into an early 2-0 lead. Richmond Hill outshot the visitors 51 to 45 but had by far the most dangerous shots. Besides the four Terry goals, others were contribu- ted by Neil Pattterson, Randy McDonald. Bob Lab~ elle, Steve Lyon, John Barnett and Alex Pirus. Dave Pickett led Weston with two goals. Bob Provost and Brad Winton each scored one. In proposing the motion Councillor Lois Hancey said, “This affects every one of our lives and the lives of all resi- dents of this country.†An eastbound car driven by way 7, half a mile west of High-5 James Nelson Fisher, 69, of 50 way 400. The westbound car was Princess Street, Markham, was driven by John Wilbert Yonge, involved October 27 at 11 am 40, of 98 Primula Crescent" in a two-car collision when aniWeston. He suffered facial oncoming westbound vehicle and leg injuries. ; swerved into the eastbound lane. Passengers from Weston in: The second car was driven by his vehicle. Edward Godman, 23-year-old Frederick Strang of 52, of 8 Cheltenham Avenue, 1133 Don Mills Road, Don Mills. James Sturgess, 48, of 7 Abell! Helen Fisher, a passenger in the first car, sustained cuts and bruises and Strang s- “wed abrasions. Provincial C vie Roy Nelson investigated. The accident occurred on Highway 7, a half mile east of Woodbine Avenue. Damage was estimated at $1,500. Craig Terry Scores Four Goals As Rams Rap Weston Dodgers 10-4 swerved into the eastbound lane. The second car was driven by 23-year-old Frederick Strang of 1133 Don Mills Road, Don Mills. The accident occurred on Highway 7, a half mile east of Woodbine Avenue. Damage was estimated at $1,500. Helen Fisher, a passenger in the first car, sustained cuts and bruises and Strang s- abrasions. Provincial C Roy Nelson investigated. Four people were i d when a car and a bus canned October 25 at 11:55 am on High- tie ' ‘ “red; Passengers from Weston in his vehicle. Edward Godman, 52, of 8 Cheltenham Avenue, James Sturgess, 48, of 7 Abell Avenue and Edward Clifford, 45, of 2966 Islington Avenue North, all suffered lacerations to their legs. The eastbound bus was driven by Robert Ernest Fleury, 36, of Nashville who made a left turn into Weston ’Road. Damage was estimated at $3,500. The accident was inves- ‘tigated by Provincial Constable Terry Hill. OAK RIDGES DETACHMENT Six Persons Injured In Area Crashes REPORT relax a little and let Weston come to them. The game was a relatively tranquil one with the only host- ilities being Daryl Rice’s handy fistic decision over Weston’s Graham Hall in the second per- iod. THE LIBERAL, Richmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Nov. 4, 1971 Circulation - 884-1105 or 884-1983 You, too, can be a winner by shopping in the many well- stocked, friendly stores of Richmond Heights Centre. One of the well decorated windows of Kraemar Fashions which won the store first prize in a Hallowe’en Window Decorating Contest sponsored by the Richmond Heights Merchants’ Association. Second prize went to Seafood Corner and third prize to Hodgins Bros. Hardware. GUARANTEED HOME DELIVER Y SER VICE Your Liberal “Little Merchant†is anxious to serve you well. If by any chance you should not receive your copy or if you wish to pass instructions along to him please call Prompt, courteous delivery of a clean copy of The Liberal is guaranteed. In most areas deliveries are made Wednesday evening. Your copy will be delivered to any location you specify such as a rear entrance or your third floor apartment. “The Liberal†Several people were injured. cording to YRP. damage was heavy and several The other vehicle in the charges were laid by York crash was driven by Robert Regional Police in Richmond Small. 23, of 3390 Keele Street. Hill traffic accidents last week. Downsview, and it had about David Carder, 35, or 5 Liszt $700 damage, police said. Gate, Willowdale suffered frac- * * * * tures in a $2,000 collision Oc- Charged with failing to tober 20 at 11:05 pm at Bayâ€" after stopping in a collisit view Avenue and Markham tober 27 at 7:05 am at Ba Road. Street and Pemberton Cr ,ichmond Hill, Ontario, Thursday, Nov. 4, 1971 11 Charges, Injuries, Heavy Damage In Week's Richmond Hill Crashes Driver Carder was charged with impaired driving and fail- ing a breathalyzer test. His car had damage estimated at $1.000. according to Richmond Hill Division YRP. Also with about $1,000 dam- age to his vehicle was the other driver Raymond Blackett. 52. of Lot 33, Concesion 5. King Township. He su£fered cuts and bruises, as did a passenger in the crash. Linda Carder. 29. A Newmarket driver ‘escapediainst a red light in an October with minor cuts in a spectacu- 29 12:34 pm crash at Markham lar crash at a CN railroad crass- Road and Bayview Avenue in ing on the Gormley Sideroad Richmond Hill was Cheryl October 23 at 3:02 am. Heida, 18. of 11 Camarel Cres- Norman Maukonen. 60, of 93fcent, Scarboro. Her car had Lundy Lane lost control of his an estimated $700 damage, po- car at the crossing and it be- lice said. Norman Maukonen. 60. of 93 Lundy Lane lost control of his car at the crossing and it be- came a $3,000 wreck. There was an estimated $400 damage to a hydro pole and wires. plus about $600 damage to CN signs and signals, according to YRP. V * * * Thomas Dunleavy, 39. of RR Suffering minor injuries and 2, Gormley, a passenger in the charged with failing to yield Ascroft car, suffered cuts and the right-of-way from a private‘lacerations to the head. driveway October 27 at 8:43 am at Gormley Sideroad and Con- TURN SPARE ROOMS cession 3 was William Huzar, INTO SPARE CASH 26. of RR 2, Gormley. His car BY USING had about $1.500 damage. 30- LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS (Advertisement) Photo by Photique Charged with failing to yield after stopping in a collision Oc- tober 27 at 7:05 am at Bathurst Street and Pemberton Crescent was Arthur Sellick, 35. of 87 Pemberton Crescent. Riohvale. ,He had damage estimated at ‘$400. according to YRP. The other vehicle was driven by Paul Deslauries, 46. of '80 Beaverton Road South, Rich- mond Hill, and it had damage estimated at $300. police said.‘ A passenger Miss Diane Des- laurlers. 18. had a sore back and neck after the accident. Charged with proceeding ag- ainst a red light in an October 29 12:34 pm crash at Markham Road and Bayview Avenue in But there was about $1.500 damage to the vehicle driven by Harry Ascroft. 49, of ‘RR 1. Georgetown. Ascroft suffered cuts and bruises. TURN SPARE ROOMS INTO SPARE CASH BY USING LIBERAL CLASSIFIEDS Studio